Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 2 pt. 20]

Akorya stood there in the dungeon with a blindfold on and waiting for the fun to start. Before any fun could start, though, I had to be sure that she was comfortable with this.

“Do you want to see the monster I’m going to use?” I asked.

Akorya’s ears twitched as if they were trying to figure out exactly where I was from my voice. It must have worked, too, since Akorya managed to look straight in my direction without being able to see. “It’s fine, Master!”

“But what if it’s something you wouldn’t want to fuck?”

“Then you’ll get to do it once while I don’t know and never again after I do!”

“I’ll at least tell you what kind it is, alright?”

“Mmm… sure!”

“It’s an insectoid type monster.”

“Ooh. That’s pretty gross, but if I can’t see it, and I know you’re the one inside of it, then I think I’ll be fine if I can’t see it.”

“You’re already way more chill about this than I could have hoped for.”

“Nyehehe. Well, it’s you, Master. I know that if anything happens or if I change my mind or something, like, you’re going to stop right away. That’s the kind of man that you are… Master. I know you’ll put me first even if you don’t need to.”

That honestly made me blush a little. “I do need to put you first. That’s how being a dom works.”

“Nyehe. I don’t care about you being a dom or anything. I only care about you being you.”

And again, blushing.

“Need me to do anything?” she asked.

“Just stay how you are and I’ll do all the work. Let me know at any time if you’re uncomfortable, alright? And try kicking your legs if you want me to stop. I’ll be gentle enough with them that you’ll be able to kick them if you need to.”

“Aye aye!”

It was time to become a monster again. After using my favorite cash-shop item, my consciousness was transferred from my usual avatar into the body of my newest monster.

Now, Akorya was down for getting fucked by monsters, but she also liked things to be gentle and nice. She wasn’t the kind of girl who was into getting pinned down and brutally ravaged by something with a dick bigger than her body, for example.

That was something else I needed to do. I needed to find a monster with a dick bigger than most characters’ bodies.

Back to the point, Akorya not being into that – that was why I was careful with her. For starters, she’d basically only feel what felt like tentacles slowly squirming around her wrists and ankles.

“Nyehe… I should have known there’d be tentacles,” Akorya said. “I remember my first time seeing tentacle porn. I thought it was pretty gross… but then I saw some consensual ones a few years later and thought it was kinda nice.”

“Consentacles are the bestacles, after all,” I said. “But they are pretty great. For example, tentacles can be used for all sorts of things other than just fucking. Like cuddling, massaging, doing multiple chores at the same time, serving as jump ropes for kids at a playground—”

“You might want to keep tentacles away from playgrounds, Master. I don’t know if that’ll work out for you, even if your intentions are pure…””

“That’s a good point. Alright, no jump rope tentacles.”

“Hey, I only said keep them away from playgrounds! Adults like jump rope, too! Ooh!”


“That’s a good idea, right? Nyehehe. What if you have a tentacle jump rope competition? Wait… woah. There are a lot of things you could do with this. What if it’s like… if somebody can last a hundred jumps, they get a special service in the dungeon? And if they don’t last, they get a special punishment?”

“Akorya… I’m hiring you as the head of my creative department.”

“Nyehe. It would be lots of fun. But umm… the one thing you mentioned earlier – cuddling. That’s… that’s what I saw in the porn I saw, and I’ve never gotten to try it, so…”

In other words, Akorya wanted to try tentacle cuddling.

And that was exactly what I already had in mind for her.

Technically, the limbs I had wrapping around her body were legs rather than tentacles and I only had a limited amount of them. Even so, I was able to wrap them up around her and it only took four of the twenty-four to bind her wrists and ankles. I extended the rest of the legs toward her after that. They might have been legs rather than tentacles, but they were still soft and warm with just enough firmness to provide her with a pleasurable sensation as their lengths slid all over her figure.

She wasn’t going to be able to stay standing forever, though. That was why I tactically wrapped a couple of the legs around her knees and some more around her arms before pushing her down onto the ground. The legs served as soft pads for her to press down against rather than forcing her to use the rocky floor for comfort.

I realized I should probably get some special floor mats or something for each room in the dungeon since not everybody wanted to get fucked with a stone floor as a bed.

“Ma-Master, isn’t that uncomfortable?” Akorya asked. If I needed any more proof that she was far sweeter than she looked, that was all I needed. She was thinking about my comfort even though I was in another’s body and only using “tentacles” to protect her from the floor. She really was sweet.

“I’m fine,” I answered. “How about you? Are you comfortable?”

Akorya nodded and gave me a thumbs-up with her left hand, turning her head back to face the direction of my voice. “I’m getting more and more curious about what you must look like… but it’s kind of exciting to not know. Not knowing also stops me from getting grossed out and losing the mood, nyehe.”

“I will admit, there’s a chance of that happening once you see what I’m using. Are you sure you don’t want to see?”

She nodded her head with a smile. “Leave it a surprise. Plus I’m really horny and want to feel good. Ruining the mood by seeing is the opposite of feeling good.”

“Unless you’re into that sort of thing. Mood denial instead or orgasm denial.”

“Nyehe. Too bad I’m not into that.”

While she might not have been into mood denial, she was still into everything else that I was doing.

And now it was time to take things up to the next level.

All of the spare legs that I had moved to coil around her body. Her thighs, arms, breasts – if there was somewhere that the legs could wrap around, they twisted around her. Now, normally, when something with tentacles or limbs like tentacles wrapped all around a woman’s body, it was to do horribly lewd things to her. They violated her, covered her skin in slimy substances, leaked cum all over her, tried to fuck every single part of her body – that sort of stuff. The tentacles were basically just a bunch of extra cocks desperately rubbing against every single inch of skin that she had while using a few to keep her restrained without escape.

But that wasn’t my intention. Similar to how I had only the purest of intentions when it came to tentacle jump rope for children at a playground, I only had pure intentions with these two dozen legs. Even the ones that coiled around Akorya’s breasts were there for more of a comforting sensation rather than a lewd one. If I wanted to be lewd with them, they’d be fucking her tits by thrusting back and forth between them. These legs, however, only took them into a couple of gentle squeezes similar to how the rest of the legs squeezed all over her body.

In other words, it was more comparable to a giant hug rather than anything perverse. The legs hugged as much of her body as she could, gently holding her within their bind while a single one even moved up toward her head to rub up against her cheek. Now, normally, I would have been rubbing a cum-leaking tentacle against a girl’s cheek in order to: one, assert dominance in a playful way; and two, give her the hint that she has some cleaning and/or sucking to do. But once again, that wasn’t my intention. When I rubbed the end of the leg up against her cheek, it was done in a way more similar to playful nuzzling. It was more like a cat rubbing its head up against somebody’s leg and she reciprocated by doing the same right back to it.

“This… this is nice,” Akorya mewled before turning her head just enough to give the leg a gentle kiss. Of course, as soon as she kissed it, I really wished that it was a tentacle instead of a leg. There wasn’t any physical pleasure from having the leg kissed. If anything, I could barely even feel it. I probably wouldn’t have even known that she kissed it if I wasn’t watching when it happened. “Hey, Master… is it alright if I say something cheesy? It – it might ruin the mood, I don’t know, but… I really feel the urge to say it.”

“You can tell me anything you want, Akorya,” I answered.

“Nyehe… say my name again first.”


She giggled even more, her tail swishing around in the air behind her. “I love hearing you say my name. But umm… what I wanted to say is that, I guess… I wanted to let you know that I really appreciate you. Like, I – I don’t know. Being with you makes me really happy, and when you treat me like this… it really makes me feel like you care.”

“Akorya.” My tone was much more serious that time.


“If you keep saying things like that, I won’t be able to hold myself back. That’s the kind of thing you tell a man when you want him to fuck you so hard that you can’t live without him anymore.”

“Nyehehe, that sounds like something out of a porn plot. But… if that’s how it works, I – I don’t think I’d mind if you made me unable to live without you.” I felt like an arrow just shot straight through my heart. Only, the tip of the arrow had Akorya’s head on it and the arrow was probably fired by Lily’s bow seeing as how I knew she’d approve of this situation. “You… you can be rough if you promise to keep holding me like this. I don’t mind when it’s rough as long as you make me feel… like, secure and stuff.”

That settled it.

It was time to move on to the main show.

All of the legs being extendable like tentacles had a purpose other than being great for wrapping somebody up. They also served as grappling hooks of sorts. Using the legs, I was able to reel myself in and easily place myself down on top of her back. The body of the creature I was controlling was the perfect size to take up most of her back from the base of her tail up to the back of her neck. She probably wouldn’t have been too excited if she saw how close the dangerous mandibles of the creature were since they were right over her neck.

Now, while my first instinct was to take the phallic tail of the creature to fuck her pussy with it, that would have been a waste when there was something far more sensitive that she owned.

And that would be her own tail.

Using all of the legs to keep me anchored against her back, I positioned the tip of my tail right over where her tail’s open tip was. The skin around my tail peeled back to reveal a think, pink tool with a fat and flared tip already leaking cum. The tip was thicker than the entrance to her tail was, but that was where being a bit squishy came into play. There was also the fact that her tail could always be spread out.

Since Akorya said that I could be rough and challenged me to fuck her to the point where she wouldn’t be able to live without me, that meant that it was time to go full on hentai protagonist.

And that meant jumping straight into it at full force. Straight into her, rather.

Straight into her tail to be the most specific.

I thrust the tail’s cock into her own tail’s entrance with all of the force available to me, pushing a surprised moan out of Akorya’s throat as she lifted her head up and back. Given that my own tail was pretty long, I was able to continue pushing it deeper and deeper into Akorya’s tail. It made it about halfway through her tail, which was more than a couple of feet, before I finally ran out of length to push with.

The good news was that it was more than enough. After the initial penetration, every single inch deeper I pushed into her caused her body to ripple with pleasure. Once there was about a foot and a half of the cock stuffing her tail, she began reacting like somebody being literally mindfucked. Her tongue ended up hanging out from her mouth to go with the occasional twitches as incoherent noises escaped her lips. The noises might have been incoherent, but they were clearly positive ones.

If it wasn’t for her wearing the blindfold, I probably would have seen massive hearts in her eyes.

I was left with a single question after seeing her reaction.

Was going that deep into her tail really that much of a weakness to her, or was she so interested in getting “broken” by me that she was subconsciously making herself more sensitive to satisfy her desire?

I didn’t know which it was, but I did know that if she reacted like that just from me slipping into her tail, I was excited to see how she’d react to actually fucking her.

And I wasn’t even close to done with her yet.

The legs might not have been able to feel pleasure nor cum, but they were still pretty phallic in a tentacle way. Not to mention that they basically were tentacles in function. So, even if it was just a tentacle-like leg, they could still be used to fuck her.

That was exactly what I did. Since my tail was busy with her own tail, I slipped one of the legs into her pussy so that it slid in while my tail slid out.

Akorya’s lower lip already had some drool running down it. I wiped at the drool with the leg that was previously nuzzling her cheek before stuffing it into her mouth, stopping any more drool from escaping as the pseudo-tentacle pushed into her throat.

It wouldn’t be fair to only fuck a single one of her holes when she was expecting tentacles, after all.

  And that wasn’t all. While I already had a pretty incredible reaction from her by fucking three of her holes, especially by going so deep into her tail, there was something else that I had to do.

She also gave me consent before heading back to the dungeon, so long as I was gentle with them.

That’s right. It was time for…

Her ears.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have a tongue to use. What I did have, however, were a couple of legs that I was able to free from her arms to instead move up toward her ears. She had no idea what to expect since she was already so overwhelmed with pleasure. The tips of the legs came closer and closer to her ears until I lined them up for the ultimate attack: rubbing the inner, smooth sections of her ears. Given that they were basically giant feline ears sticking up from the top of her head, there was more than enough room for the legs to rub against the inner sections.

There might not have been that much of a difference when I began fucking her mouth and pussy, but when I stroked against her inner ears? That caused a reaction. Akorya’s entire body jolted and she would have bucked me off of her if it wasn’t for all of my legs wrapped around her. I was already pretty sure that she came a few times since I began, but there was not a single doubt that she climaxed from the sudden touch. Between feeling her clamp down on my tail and legs, how much her body convulsed, and how many moans of pleasure that got muffled by the leg in her throat, it was undeniable.

The twitchy state that the pleasure left her in was a tiny bit concerning, though. It made me think she got brain damage somehow. I didn’t actually mindbreak her, did I?

Giving her a chance to rest sounded like a good idea. Even though I was close to cumming, I slowed down and stopped penetrating her so deeply so that she had some recovery time. I also took the leg out from her throat so that she’d be able to breathe normally.

“How are you feeling?” I asked, only slowly pumping the tail and leg left in her pussy.

“Nye… nyeheh… tha-tha—too… muh,” Akorya answered. She couldn’t even speak properly. Apparently, going that deep into her tail combined with touching her ears was the ultimate combo to turn her brain and body alike into pure putty.

“I’ll take it easy on you for the rest, alright?”

Akorya shook her head and managed to mumble out, “I… wan you hew… cu-cum too. You… ‘an do it ‘ike thaaaat, until you… done.”

She sounded like she was drunk.

Drunk on sex.

The best kind of drunk.

“When you act this precious and tell me to continue what I was doing, you’re going to make me want to be even rougher,” I said as I pet the top of her head between her ears with one of the legs.

I didn’t even notice that her blindfold came loose and allowed her to look at me until it was too late, not that it mattered. Akorya looked at me with half-lidded eyes as she opened up her mouth right in front of the leg that was previously fucking her throat, letting her tongue lazily hang out as if the message already wasn’t clear enough.

She was asking for it and I wasn’t going to reject her request.

I thrust the leg back into her throat while going full force with the rest of my limbs again. Even the legs that I had coiled around her breasts squeezed a bit harder, now taking it into lewd territory, as I thrust that tail-cock as fast and as hard as I could into her tail. Every thrust pounded into the deepest depths of her tail that was designed for milking any cock that entered it. Apparently, though, once something managed to penetrate that deep into her tail, the usual milking functions of it ceased to operate properly. There was no sucking nor vibrating sensations like before. Even her tail itself was too overwhelmed to do what it had evolved to do. All it could do was serve as a passage too eager and overwhelmed for the cock molding it into its shape.

While Akorya went limp on the ground, her lower half only held up in position because of my legs, I reached the verge of my climax again and had no need to hold it back this time. The legs weren’t able to do anything fun, but Akorya would surely get to feel as the tail’s cock pulsed and unleashed a powerful surge of cum directly into her vulnerable tail.

There was so much cum that the base of her tail actually began to balloon up a little bit. It must have felt pretty incredible, too, seeing as how she grabbed onto two of the legs with enough force that I almost thought she was going to crush them.

After a few final thrusts to make sure that I got as much cum as possible out, I pulled my tail and legs out from her holes and created a bed of coiled legs to roll her onto.

Heavy breath after heavy breath escaped her lips as she twitched a little from residual pleasure, but she did open up her eyes to look at me once again. “Nye…nyehe… Master, you’re… kinda cute like this.”

I really wasn’t expecting Akorya to look at an insectoid monster that was anything but cute and call it cute.

But, because she did, it was about time that I started to call her perfect, too.

Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G.

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