Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 2 pt. 7]

And so, we made it to the perverted forest zone – the zone that Lily and I were supposed to meet Lizamoo at. The zone had an actual name other than the plethora of nicknames that players gave it, but the actual name was so convoluted and difficult to pronounce that nobody bothered trying. It was as if the developers of the game tried to give it the most stereotypical fantasy name they could, added in a bunch of unnecessary apostrophes, put an E after every A, and then tried to put three different sexual puns into the name.

Personally, I had my own preference for what to call the forest.

“Mon – mon maître… how does anybody pronounce this name? It is ridiculous!” Lily said, tugging at my arm.

“Nobody does. I doubt whoever came up with the name can pronounce it,” I answered.

“Then… what do I call it?”

“What you do is copy me like a cute girlfriend and call it ‘The Morning Woods.’ Get it?”

Lily tilted her head. “I am not sure… it sounds like a joke but I do not get the joke.”

“It’s – maybe it’s called something else over in France, but guys call their morning erections ‘morning wood.’ So, morning wood, and this is a forest full of trees, and trees are made of wood – get it? The Morning Woods?” I didn’t notice right away, but Lily was looking at me with a wide smile as soon as I started to explain. It was a knowing kind of smile – a teasing smile. “You… understood the joke and made me explain it just to tease me, didn’t you?”

“I would never, mon maître! I am an innocent girl who would—”

“Guess I don’t have to fuck you anymore since I wouldn’t want to taint your innocence.”

“A-ah, did I say innocent? Silly me! I meant to say I am a very corrupted girl, mon maître, so—”

“Well, if you’re that corrupted, I guess I don’t need to fuck you anymore since you don’t need any extra corruption.”

Lily whined and tugged on my arm. “Mon maître is such a brute…”

“Well, brutes make for the best monsters, don’t they? The kind of monsters that pick up a girl with massive, muscular hands, and who just go to town using her like a literal toy for jacking off before pumping her so full of cum that she looks pregnant with quintuplets.”

“If you say such a thing… we are going to get distracted and not get anything done.”

“What? Are you saying that you liked the sound of that?”

“Of – of course I did!”

“Hey, Lily.”

“What? Is something wrong? You sound so serious all of a sudden…”

“Yeah. Something is wrong. I forget if I’ve told you if you’re perfect yet today.”

Lily’s smile widened before she broke into giggles. “Too many times to count! But… still not enough.”

“Then I guess I’ll have to call you perfect again. You’re perfect. Perfect times infinity.”

“If I am – perfect times infinity… mon maître is perfect times infinity plus one!”

“If that’s how you want to play it, then you’re perfect times infinity plus two.”

“Then you are—”

“And people think that roleplaying is cringe,” a familiar voice said, causing both Lily and I to blush from our lovey-dovey—and admittedly cringy—banter being interrupted.

When we looked to see who the voice came from, it was from none other than the one we were supposed to meet.

“He-hey, Lizamoo,” I said.

Lily, with a pure red face, could only stand by my side with a nervous smile.

“You know this is an eighteen-plus game, right?” Lizamoo asked with her hands on her hips. “Teenage lovebirds aren’t supposed to be playing this game.”

I had an idea. That was why I wrapped one arm around Lily and pulled her against my side before saying, “I have an excuse.”

“And what would that be?”

“My excuse is that she’s too perfect to not revert to cheesy flirting. Exhibit A.” I waved my hands over Lily’s entire body.

Lizamoo placed her face in her palm and sighed. “I’m having a hard time believing that the guy who runs a sex dungeon with monsters has such a lame side. I know you messaged me saying you were bringing your girlfriend along, but this… this is something else. But hey, it makes you interesting. I don’t know if that’s interesting in a good way or not, but you are interesting.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment. Anyways, this is Lily. Lily, this is Lizamoo.”

“L-name gang.”

“E-eh?” Lily stuttered out, finally able to say something.

“You know. Because our names both start with L. L-name gang.”

“A-ah! Yes! L-name… gang!”

“English not your first language?”

Lily shook her head and tucked herself against my side a bit more.

“No problem. I’ll try to keep that in mind.”

It had been a while since I hung out with Lizamoo. She visited the dungeon once or twice more after her first visit, but she never stuck around for long. And all the times she came, she came for sex. I forgot that she had a pretty chill and laidback side to her. Her being a shortstack into getting milked kind of dominated my thoughts whenever I thought about her.

“So, ready to go get some seeds?” Lizamoo asked us.

“I am,” I answered. “Ready, Lily?”

“I – I am ready!” Lily answered.

“Stay close to me. This zone is above your level, so you’ll probably pull aggro and – wait. What’s your aphrodisiac toggle set to?”

“Ah! I – I had it on, in case you ever wanted to do play with that.”

“You might want to toggle it off. In a place like this, it’s not rare for people to get separated only to end up in some sort of underground tunnel full of plant tentacles where they’re too pleasured to think of logging out.”

The aphrodisiac toggle was a convenient setting. When toggled on, it allowed aphrodisiacs to actually affect the minds of players. They could potentially take somebody from feeling completely normal to extremely aroused in a matter of seconds. It depended on how strong the aphrodisiac was and whether or not the player affected had any resistances to it.

Naturally, something like that could be seen as not exactly consensual. Players were allowed to disable that option, though, so that they would instead take an unfairly huge hit to their overall stats whenever affected by an aphrodisiac. Either way, the game forced players to consent to being aroused by aphrodisiacs or it forced them to consent to being severely weakened instead. The choices weren’t fair and the developers were obviously trying to get people to leave it toggled on, but there was still a choice.

Not that it mattered much. It was done to avoid controversy, but all it did was cause even more controversy if anything. And, to be fair, I always understood the drama. I even agreed with it a little. The main complaint was that people lost the ability to revoke consent once affected by an aphrodisiac, meaning that it was rape. Giving consent beforehand wasn’t enough.

And that was right. It wasn’t enough. The ability to revoke consent at any time was and always will be of the utmost importance.

However… the people complaining generally weren’t the kind to ever play the game in the first place, and I knew plenty of players who only cared about consenting beforehand. It was a dangerous kink that was technically rape and always would be so long as an aphrodisiac was involved and actually effective. It was along the lines of consensual mind control. Some people just really, really wanted every last ounce of control taken away from them. They found the idea of it relaxing – the idea of being able to not have to make any decisions, only able to do what somebody else decided for them. But that was technically, and legally, rape.

Trying to discuss those kinks in my videos led to almost getting canceled a few times, but most people were pretty fair, thankfully. I never would have lasted if the internet was as obsessed with outrage culture and canceling people as it was a few decades ago.

“I turned it off,” Lily said. “I – I’m ready to go!”

“That reminds me. Hang on,” Lizamoo said. A few seconds later, after scrolling through her menus, a gas mask that looked a bit too modern for a fantasy setting appeared over the lower half of her face. “There.” Her voice still sounded the same even with the mask in the way. “Now I don’t have to deal with the debuff from the toggle, but I’m immune to aphrodisiacs. I’d let whatever happen to me if I was here for pleasure… but I guess I’m here for business this time.”

The option was toggled on for me as well. Though, all I had to do to avoid it was change my active stance. The “Virtuous Defender” skill I had was a stance skill – a passive skill that could be toggled on and off. It increased my defense and health, and it even made me immune to all sex-related debuffs, but it also prevented me from using any sexual skills in addition to featuring a massive drop in attack. The decrease in attack was less than it would have been from toggling the aphrodisiac effects off, though, plus it had buffs to balance it out.

Lily was the only one of us without a skill that or piece of equipment to protect her from aphrodisiacs, so she would have to suffer from the debuff if one actually reached her.

The idea of Lily getting uncontrollably aroused by some sort of aphrodisiac was hot, but only in a controlled setting. I didn’t want her getting lost and taken advantage of, especially because she was my girlfriend now. If we were going to have aphrodisiac play, it would be between us and in a safe environment.

“Alright. Let’s get going,” I said. “Lizamoo, you’re the one who knows where these plants grow, so take the lead.”

“Party invite?” Lizamoo asked.

“Right. My bad.” I sent her an invite to the party that Lily and I were in already.

“Thanks. Okay. Stay close behind me. This place gets pretty confusing the deeper in we go.”

Lily and I nodded, prompting Lizamoo to begin our adventure into the forest with her taking the lead. I had no idea where she wanted to take us, so her leadership was the only option. After all, I barely explored any of the zone before despite it being a breeding ground for all sorts of degeneracy. There were hardly any quests in the zone, making it the least-used area in the entire world. There were no points deeper into the zone to fast travel to, causing players to walk on foot if they wanted to explore since mounts weren’t allowed in the zone, either. There was some lore reason like the mounts being afraid about what lurked within the forest.

So, it was a high-level zone with no decent points to fast travel to and mounted travel disabled, and there weren’t even any worthwhile quests to make things – well, worthwhile. From a design perspective, it was an absolutely horribly designed region.

But it did have some positive things to say about it. For example, once we made decent progress into the forest… everything around us began to turn lewd.

Flowers developed dick-like shapes. Berries hanging from bushes were shaped like pairs of balls rather than normal berries. Trees that were particularly phallic in shape had their bases surrounded by dense bushes.

And then there were the monsters.

Every monster in the region was essentially under a constant state of extreme arousal. Even the ones that weren’t legally allowed to do anything perverse with players hosted erect cocks leaking cum all over the place, not that anything could actually be done with their cocks nor their cum. As for the monsters that actually could be used for fun, they were all lewd in both nature and appearance.

And that made me realize something. If I wanted more monsters for my dungeon, this was the perfect area to get them!

One particular creature was especially cute despite how lewd its body was. It was a small, fluffy monster that flew around with a pair of wings that looked too small to actually support its body in the air, and it had a draconic-like look to it despite being covered in fluff instead of scales. More importantly… it swung around a massive dick. These creatures literally had dicks that were three to four times longer than the rest of their bodies were. Small, fluffy, flying creatures with ridiculously oversized cocks looking for any hole to stuff them into it. The creatures usually ended up shoving their dicks into holes in trees or using the various  plants of the forest for their pleasure.

Either way, I wanted one.

I wanted to turn into a small, fluffy monster that gets pampered on top of Lily’s lap while shoving my dick up between her tits.

That sounded like the life.

Unfortunately, though, it would have to wait for another day. We were here for a very specific goal and acquiring more monsters was not the goal in question.

“Mon maître… I want one as a pet,” Lily said, looking at the fluffy creature that I unfortunately had to kill since it was trying to attack Lily.

“I want to get one for the dungeon that I can turn into,” I replied.

“Then – then mon maître can be my pet?”

“Yes, please.”

“Their dicks are way too big,” Lizamoo chimed in. “It’s like… they’re just weird. Not even hot.”

“Not a fan of hyper cocks?” I asked.

“Not really. I like dicks that actually look proportional. For these guys, it’s like the develops just cranked the cock size all the way up for a joke.”

“Fair enough. I like them, but I’m not going to hold it against anybody if they don’t. There’s just something appealing to me about a small body with a massive dick.”

“To each their own. I’m an absolute degenerate for anything involving milking, so I can’t judge.”

We might have disagreed on some kinks, but Lizamoo was still the best kind of pervert.

The tolerant kind of pervert.


After about thirty minutes of walking through the increasingly dense forest, having to be more careful the deeper we went in due to Lily attracting every monster within sight due to her low level, we finally made it to a small clearing where Lizamoo stopped us at.

All throughout the clearing were plants that reached up to my knees with thick foliage coming from their bases. More important than that was the fact that each of these plants had sets of tentacles slowly sliding through the air around them, emitting a light, pink mist from their tips that filled the air of the clearing.

And that wasn’t all the plants had to offer. In addition to everything else, each plant had what looked like a pair of especially thick tentacles with suction cup-like tips at their ends. Each “cup” was large enough to completely surround a large tit inside of it, Lily’s and Lizamoo’s breasts excluded since they were larger than large in that department.

Speaking of Lizamoo, she had to repeat to herself, “I’m not here for playing. I’m not here for playing. Don’t take the mask off and do leave the shirt on. I can do this.”

“The seeds come from when they breed, right?” I asked.


“And we need the seeds for our plan.”


“Then, don’t you think it’s alright if you go have some fun with these plants since coming here was pointless if you don’t?”

“Oh. Right. Yeah. That’s a good point. The only problem is that uh… even without the aphrodisiac, I’m probably going to need forcibly pulled away once I let those babies latch on.”

“You really love these plants, don’t you?”

“Best plants in the entire game. Heck, best anything sexual in the entire game.”

“Well, in that case, feel free to get started. We’ll pull you away if we have—”

When I looked over at Lizamoo, she already had herself stripped down so that all she had on was her mask and some underwear as she approached the nearest plant.

She didn’t want to waste any time.


Patreon Harem Members: Kyoma, Emojiman, Alex R., Batty, Caleb, Casey L., Eric B., Isaac H., Jeremy D., Koors, Matt, Meatshield, Monk, Nacho, Red Viking, Somedude, William, Zach W., XCIX, Bill, Sean C., Jared A., Philip W., Seraph, Solian, Senelcar, Jopejoe1, Connor, DocOZ, Geariah, Awdyr S., AcleoDams, Cody G., Chambered44, BlackFire13th, IndigoXIII, Asakura, T.W., Derek G.

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