Ero Dungeon Online

[Vol. 2 pt. 8]

It didn’t take long for Lizamoo to offer herself to the plant. As soon as she was close enough to it, she dropped down onto her knees and pulled her breasts out from her bra. Several of the tentacles spraying that mist hovered around her face in a deliberate attempt to get the aphrodisiac into her system, but the gas mask she wore prevented the mist from having any sort of effect.

“Sorry, I’ve got other things I need to do, so no aphrodisiac this time,” Lizamoo said, bringing her hands up to the tentacles around her face to wrap her fingers around them. They might not have been able to successfully use their aphrodisiacal mist on her, but they were more than happy to thrust through the holes that she made by curling her fingers around their lengths.

Then came the next two tentacles – the main show as far as Lizamoo was concerned. The two tentacles with those suction cup-like tips approached her breasts and poked against them a few times. They looked like they wanted to make sure their cups were perfectly lined up with her nipples before they thrust forward and latched onto her breasts. Well, they didn’t quite “latch” onto her. It was more like each tip of the tentacles pushed their cups around her breasts as much as they could. They were able to get half of each of her tits inside before running out of space, leaving the rest of her breasts outside of the cups. Not that it mattered to the plant. It was about to demonstrate why Lizamoo loved it so much.

The cups squeezed tightly around her breasts as the tentacles pulsated with each suck. Since the cups were translucent, we were able to watch just how hard her breasts were pulled on from the force of the suction. Honestly, it looked painful. Everything within the cups got stretched as far as they could, especially her nipples. It was like somebody was pinching onto them and pulling as hard as possible on them. Yet, Lizamoo looked anything other than in pain. Instead, she looked like she was in a state of pure bliss. We were only able to see her eyes since her nose and mouth were covered by the mask, but her eyes were practically rolling back in pleasure despite the sucking having only just begun. And even though we couldn’t see her mouth, we were still able to hear all of the moans coming out from it.

“That… looks nice, mon maître,” Lily said, standing next to me with her thighs shifting against each other.

“Want to try it?” I asked.

“E-eh? But – I… only want you.”

“It’s no different than using the toy. The plants aren’t even classified as monsters or NPCs or anything. And besides, we can leave the seed gathering to Lizamoo. There’s no harm in letting a plant work your chest while I work you down below, is there?”

“Like… toys?”

“Like toys. I mean, imagine if we had some sort of table with a bunch of robotic tentacles that came out of it to fuck you, and I strapped you down against it to leave you for a few hours. That wouldn’t be like cheating or anything, right?”

Lily shook her head.

“Then neither is this. It’s the same thing but with a plant instead of a robot, and all it’s going to do is play with your chest some. But, if you don’t want to, that’s alright. We can just watch and—”

“I – I want to! It is like a toy… but only mon maître can have the rest of me.”

“Oh? And what do you mean by that?” I knew exactly what she meant, but her vague statement made me want to tease her over it.

“I mean… I do not even want – toys, to have the rest of me.”

“But what’s the rest of you that you’re talking about?”

Lily looked up at me with a pout. She figured out exactly what I was doing. “You know!”

“You mean not even a toy can have any fun with your pussy?”

Lily blushed and nodded while looking away.

“What if I’m the one holding the toy? Are you saying that I couldn’t even use a dildo or something on you?”

“Why… why use a toy if you can use yourself?”

“Lily, have I ever mentioned how you’re perfect and somehow always manage to say the most perfect thing that you could possibly say at any given moment?”

Just as Lily was going to answer, a pleasured “fuck” left Lizamoo’s mouth that was loud enough to grab our attention. Her entire body shuddered as he leaned over the tentacles sucking on her breasts. Furthermore, she seemed to really be producing an obscene amount of milk seeing as how we were able to see it sloshing around within the translucent cups.

“Want to have some of our own fun now?” I asked.

Lily looked up at me and nodded, her cheeks red but not from being teased this time. Instead, she was excited. Perhaps a bit nervous, but mostly excited.

So, we went to the nearest plant that wasn’t already occupied by Lizamoo. I helped Lily down onto her knees in front of the plant and I sat down right behind her. The plant was quick to spray that mist around her face. Without a mask to protect her, she was quick to fall under its effects. But, because of her having that setting disabled, all she suffered was a major stat debuff instead of actually getting affected by the aphrodisiac.

As for the cupped tentacles, they approached her chest and pressed against her breasts, but they pulled away once they realized that her clothes were in the way. That was when a couple of new tentacles we hadn’t seen before came out that were thin but much more solid looking than the rest, and they didn’t waste any time in slipping down her dress from the top to wrap around her breasts and tug them upward and out from her gear. With her breasts now bared, the thin tentacles pulled away from them as the cupped tentacles approached once more.

“I – I’m nervous, mon maître. I am… used to you being in control,” Lily said.

“Don’t worry. All you have to do is tell me that you want it to stop and I’ll chop it to pieces,” I said, rubbing Lily’s side with one hand as my other hand slid down between her thighs.

Lily was able to give me half of a nod before jumping a little from the cupped tentacles securing themselves around her breasts. The tentacles confirmed that hers were even bigger than Lizamoo’s in sheer size since the cups could fit even less of her breasts into them before being full, but Lizamoo’s still looked bigger since they were massive but on a much smaller overall frame.

Then once the tentacles began to suck on her breasts, a pleasured gasp forced its way out of Lily.

“Feel good?” I asked, whispering against her ear.

Lily nodded her head and reached one arm behind her to rest a hand against me. “I – I do not think it feels as good as she must, but… it – it’s nice.”

“And how about this?” I slid my hand underneath her clothes, pressing directly against her crotch to slide a couple of fingers between her folds.

She leaned her head back against my shoulder as a much more pleasured sigh than before left her mouth. “Even – even better, mon maître.”

If my ego wasn’t inflated before that, she definitely managed to inflate it by saying that. There I was, only rubbing my fingers against her pussy – not even focusing on her clit or penetrating her yet or anything, and she thought that what I was doing felt even better than the tentacles that were sucking on her breasts far more effectively than I ever could have.

Looking back over at Lizamoo, I looked just in time to see one particularly large tentacle sliding across the ground toward her legs. It went right between her legs before smacking its oversized tip against her crotch. And it was seriously oversized. I expected it to be about the same size as the other tentacles when it came to girth but, instead, it was about as thick as my arm was.

Lizamoo looked like she didn’t even notice it. She was so addicted to the tentacles sucking on her breasts that it was all she could focus on. Even her hands, which were previously pumping the other two tentacles, now rested on the tentacles working her breasts. She almost looked like she was trying to push them even harder onto her if anything.

Even when the tentacle thrust its way into her pussy, spreading her passage out around its length that had vein-like vines running along it, she only paid any attention to the tentacles pleasuring her breasts. Personally, I thought that the tentacle going inside of her would have felt far greater. It almost made me want to switch over to my female character so that I could see if the hype around the suckers was really all that amazing.

That gave me an idea.

Getting onto my female character and doing lewd things with Lily. Then again, I wouldn’t have been anywhere near as good enjoyable as I was normally. Sure, when it came to men, I knew what to do when using a woman’s body. But pleasuring a woman as a woman? I still knew what to do, but it was something I had next to no experience with and wasn’t all that interested in.

What I was interested in, however, was dressing up to be cute with her and then maybe making out. Take a walk around town as a couple of girls dressed up all cutely and make people jealous of us. Now that sounded fun. After all, let’s face it. Even the most cis-gendered and heterosexual of men still enjoyed playing female avatars in games and dressing them up. If anything, most of the cutest outfits I saw on female avatars were usually figured out by men in real life.

Being a cute girl and dressing up with Lily was definitely something I was going to have to do.

Then, while thinking about that, I felt a certain something press up against the back of my hand. When I looked down, it was none other than our plant’s primary tentacle trying to make its way into Lily’s womb. Unfortunately for it, my hand was in the way and blocked it from actually entering her.

I had another idea.

Since it wasn’t allowed to have her pussy, but her breasts were fair game – I grabbed the tentacle and aimed it so that it slid up between her breasts rather than into any of her holes. That seemed to be enough for it since the tentacle happily slid itself up and down between her breasts. Well, I assumed that it was happy. No precum leaked out or anything, so all I had to go off of was the fact that it was between her tits. How could anything be between her tits and not be happy? Then again, it was a plant. It wasn’t even a monster or anything – just a plant. Plants weren’t exactly known for feeling happy. I probably could have stuck the tentacle into a hole in a tree and it would have been just as “happy.”

And because the tentacle wasn’t allowed to make use of her lower hole – well, somebody had to, right?

I slid a couple of fingers into Lily’s entrance, curling them upwards like always to rub against the roof of her passage as I moved them back and forth.

“N-nngh… mon – mon maître,” Lily moaned, turning her head so that she could look at my face as she rested against my shoulder.

That meant her lips were turned toward me.

And there was no way that I could resist kissing her if that was the case.

So, while the plant sucked on her breasts and titfucked her, I fingered her and kissed her. I might not have been receiving any physical pleasure seeing as how my dick was still locked away within my pants and untouched, but that didn’t matter. I got more than enough fun simply from pleasuring Lily and by getting to enjoy her reactions.

Then, over at the other plant, I heard Lizamoo suddenly make much more noise than before. The motivation behind her increased noises was most likely those giant lumps bulging against the tentacle traveling up along its length directly into her womb. If those were seeds… they were massive. I didn’t expect the seeds to basically look like giant eggs, but I was assuming that was what they must have looked like if they were bulging the tentacle out so greatly. Not to mention the fact that I was able to watch as Lizamoo’s abdomen grew larger with every single one of those seeds that completed its journey into her womb. One after another, her abdomen grew larger and larger. Rather than look evenly inflated like with cum inflation, though, the individual seeds could be seen bulging against her skin.

As for the tentacle between Lily’s tits – well, it didn’t do anything. While it might have been happy to thrust between her breasts thinking that it found the right hole, no actual seeds came out. Probably a gameplay limitation, I figured. The plant had nothing to offer aside from the pleasurable sucking for as long as its tentacle wasn’t allowed any real entry.

“Mon maître!” Lily moaned, her voice much louder than before as her body quivered against mine.

The tentacles pleasuring her breasts definitely had to have some effect in making her cum seeing as how I wasn’t exactly doing anything special and figured that it should have taken her longer than that to cum. Either that, or she just really enjoyed my fingers that much.

I decided to go with the latter to inflate my ego a little bit more. It wouldn’t have been fair to make Lizamoo be the only one inflating.

“I – I think that is enough, mon maître,” Lily said, her voice wavering as she came off of her orgasmic high.

“Already done?” I asked.

“It is nice, but… I had an idea and I – want to try it!”

“I’m definitely curious if it’s your idea.” With that, I pushed the primary tentacle away from her before pulling each of the sucking tentacles off of her. They were a bit harder to get off from her, but squeezing their lengths right behind the cups forced them to release her. Then all I had to do was pull her out of their range so that they couldn’t get back on. “So, what’s that idea of yours?”

“I think something like this… would feel better for you than me! Can – can I?” she asked, her hands already reaching for my crotch.

“If I’m thinking what you’re thinking… that’s a good idea. And one that’s definitely worth trying.”

Lily smiled and got to work with her plan, pushing my pants down just enough to get my cock out. It was already fully erect from how aroused I was during pleasuring her. With my cock out, Lily got behind me to use me as a shield from the plant before pushing me up toward it. She really didn’t need to push me as I had an idea of what she wanted to try, but her pushing against my back was too cute to interrupt.

Then, as soon as I stood in front of the plant, those tentacles lifted back into the air in search for me – or rather, my breasts. Which I didn’t have.

But I didn’t need breasts for Lily’s plan.

Lily grabbed onto the closest, cupped tentacle that she could reach and pulled it right around my cock. The tentacle didn’t react at all until it felt the tip of my cock poke against the entrance to its actual length, at which point the cup snapped shut around my cock. Instinctively, it began sucking, and that was when I realized that Lizamoo wasn’t bullshitting about how great these things were.

“Holy – this is – fuck,” was all that I could say as the tentacle sucked on my length far more strongly than anything else ever did in my entire life. Even toys that were specifically designed for simulating blowjobs couldn’t compete. Even a vacuum cleaner probably had less suction power.

It wasn’t long before a bit of precum leaked out from my cock to get sucked into the tentacle.

As soon as the tentacle got a taste of my precum, though… it immediately stopped what it was doing. It released my cock and retracted all of its tentacles back into itself as if it was trying to hide from me.

“How – how dare it!” Lily shouted from behind me.

“I’m… so disappointed. I just got rejected by a plant, and that felt really fucking good while it lasted,” I sighed, my cock still desperately throbbing in the air, wishing for the plant to come back with that sucking tentacle.

“Hmph! If it will not, then… then I will!” Lily said, grabbing onto my sides to try and turn me around. Letting her try to move my body around so much was way more enjoyable than I ever could have expected it to be.

While Lily got to work on my cock, sucking on it when the plant refused to, I looked over at Lizamoo who now had an abdomen obscenely bulging out with an excessive amount of seeds in it. “You doing alright over there?” I asked her.

Lizamoo lifted up a single hand to give me a thumbs-up. “Just – just five more minutes, alright?”

I looked down at Lily who seemed happy to pay me back for the pleasure that I gave her before answering, “Let’s make that at least ten more.”


If only I could think of proper chapter names for dat clickbait. Heck, even just putting (18+) in the titles would help out with that and probably boost views. It would also make finding these spicy chapters easier for you degenerates and your rereading of them.

You ain't sneaky. We all know why these smut chapters get the most views.

You filthy little degenerates.

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