Escape From Konoha

Chapter 238: 233: Treasure

Just realized I posted the wrong chapter (323) earlier.


Two Years Later.

Konaha, Year 51. June, Summer.

The eight-year-long Third Ninja War officially ended with Konoha and Kumo shaking hands.

Since the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato died three years ago, Kumo had launched another attack on the Land of Fire, engaging in fierce battle along the eastern border of the Land of Fire and the Land of Tea.

Despite Kumo's fierce attacks, due to Konoha's strong counterattack and Root's surprise attack strategy, the losses were considerable.

Combined with the failure of breaching through Konoha's defense line for three consecutive years, the voices of the truce faction in Kumo grew louder.

So, at the end of May, Kumo sent envoys to Konoha to meet with the Third Hokage, expressing their willingness to sign an armistice agreement, bringing the Third Ninja War to a complete end.

Regarding the signing location of the armistice agreement, the two sides disagreed and argued for a long time. Finally, under Kumo's relatively stubborn attitude, they agreed to formally sign the armistice agreement in Konoha in July, so as to notify the other countries in the world.

This marked the first time in Konoha's history that an armistice agreement was signed with an outside village within their own village. Observers could already discern that Konoha's stance toward the outside world was weakening, and their strength had reached a historic low point.


In the dead of night, when everything was still.

A figure in the dark began moving. They crouched in a bush near the corner of a courtyard. The figure had an oil-painted mask, they were currently focused on the corridor of the courtyard

Soon, they saw the target for their movement.

The target was a black-haired girl in a twelve-piece dress, exuding a demure and elegant aura which revealed her status as a noble.

Behind her, two guards followed closely. Judging from their attire and the sword on them, they were both experienced warriors skilled in Kenjutsu

The noble girl strolled along the corridor heading towards her room. The vigilant guards remained silent, they looked vilgilant with their sharp eyes as they scanned the surroundings to prevent any mishaps.

After all, the princess before them was a valuable 'item' their country regarded as a treasure. If any accident happened during their protection period would lead to merciless execution by their daimyo, implicating their families.

The girl gently opened the door to her room. As she was about to enter, the atmosphere inside the courtyard suddenly changed.

The expressions of the two guards changed.

"Ojou-sama, please be careful, an enemy is about to attack!"

After one of the guards gave his warning, he unsheathed the sword from his waist without hesitation, slashing the gorgeous and cold blade through the dark night towards the approaching attacker.

The other guard also drew out his blade, but he didn't act without authorization, instead shortened the distance between himself and the girl, shielding her with his own body.

The sudden change naturally terrified the girl, causing her to step back in fear.

The attacker, facing the guard, sneered. He easily evaded the sword light from the sword's swing with a swift body movement.


An ordinary person could never be able to dodge such a sword slash. The attack in front of him was no ordinary thief. But the guard realized this too late.

The attacker swiftly produced a kunai, slashing it across the guard's throat faster than he could draw his sword.

Blood spurted, and the guard fell unwillingly, turning into into a cold corpe.

In the courtyard, the girl's terrified screams were soon heard, breaking the peace of the luxurious mansion in the middle of the night.



The Land Of Bears daimyo, adorned in a fancy dress, angrily hurled a jade to the ground, smashing it to pieces.

The guards, kneeling on the floor, sensed the unprecedented fury from the daimyo, and their bodies trembled in panic.

"That is a treasure I've cultivated carefully for more than ten years. How dare you let her be taken from the yard?"

Regarding the fact that his daughter was taken away, he, as the Bear daimyo, was naturally furious. Compared with a father's pain and anger when his daughter had been kidnapped, his emotions were actually negligible.

The true reason for his anger was the implications of his daughter being a princess, she could be 'sold' for a good price, bringing him enough profit.

Therefore, his daughter was a "treasure" in his eyes, treated as an object, as only objects were deemed eligible of becoming his treasures.

However, with the deed already done, even executing all the guards in charge of princess's courtyard wouldn't change the situation. Daimyo Xiong Zhiguo, in pain, randomly called out a name:

"Red Shadow."

After his voice fell, a young figure appeared in the room. Kneeling on the ground with one knee, head bowed deeply, the ninja, called Red Shadow, respectfully awaited the orders of the Daimyo.

"I'll leave this matter to you. You must save the princess no matter what.'


After responding, Red Shadow disappeared from the room. From start to finish, his presence seemed to be thin, slipping away unnoticed.

"Be gone, but make another mistake, and your heads will visit me."

The Bear Daimyo snorted coldly, waved his hand, dismissing the incompetent guards.


The guards breathed a sigh of relief, obediently leaving the room quickly.


In the street, in the dead of night, a black shadow swiftly moved.

The masked attacker carried the girl with her mouth sealed on their shoulder, running swiftly along the deserted road. The guards from the daimyo's mansion in the Land Of Bears were far behind, unable to catch up.

"Haha, i finally got it. One of the treasures of the Land Of Bears, now, I'm making a fortune!"

Even though there was a mask concealing his face, hiding his specific facial expressions, the attacker's joy was evident.

The girl blinked her bright eyes, showing a mix of confusion and fear.

"Don't think about escaping or committing suicide, Ojou-sama. You're my most valuable asset."

For a bounty hunter like him, money was far more important over life.

As the saying goes, people die for money, and birds die for food, accurately portraying bounty hunters.

There's an ancient truth in the underground black market 'in hell, money is the only language spoken'.

This saying originated from a certain legendary bounty hunter. Although that certain legendary bounty hunter seems to have washed his hands off and turned to other industries to make his fortune, but his truths about money were still passed on in the underground black market.

One day, the attacker also hoped to become such a legendary bounty hunter. Letting every bounty hunter remember his words of truth about money in the underground black market.

Kidnapping the princess of the Land Of Bear was undoubtedly the most rewarding and dangerous bounty mission in his career

However, the mission was this time was rather strange.  The wealthy employer wanted the princess alive, not dead.

In the underground black market, generally speaking, all that was needed was to bring back the corpse for confirmation.

Yet, this employer insisted that if the Bear's princess was dead, the bounty hunter who took on the mission would not only receive no payment but also be hunted down relentlessly.

Considering this, the attacker also feared that something unexpected might happen to the princess halfway through. After all, there was just one difference between the living and the dead.

While on the way, he found it truly troublesome to take care of her food and accommodation.

The requirements of these wealthy employers were always weird. Yet, because the target was a living person, it increased the difficulty of the task, so the offered bounty will be extremely generous. This was the reason behind accepting such a bounty task.

The price was in place and all the requirements of the employer were met, which was the only conduct of all bounty hunters.

Just as the attacker imagined what he would do with the huge bounty, at the street's turning point, a relatively slender figure suddenly appeared.

Dressed in black attire, with a young face, likely not more than twenty years old, it was the ninja guard, Red Shadow, sent by the Bear Daimyo.


The attacker stopped in his tracks, he naturally understood that a daimyo's mansion in a country must be guarded not only by samurais but also powerful ninjas.

Immediately afterwards, a somewhat slightly ferocious smile appeared on his hidden face. Judging by the other party's age, he was likely a novice in the field.

Different from bounty hunters like him who have been in the underground black market for a long time, they felt confident in crushing the newcomer in both strength and experience.

Setting down the girl on his shoulders, the attacker took out a Kunai, intending to quickly end the battle. He didn't know how many ninjas were still behind, but he knew that once he was surrounded it would be tricky to deal with even with his strength.

"Consider it just your bad luck, brat."

The attacker emanated a sharp aura, transforming into a streak of black lightning, hurtling towards Red Shadow who stood in front of him.

Before the Kunai could make contact with Red Shadow, the attacker's eyes widened suddenly, and he involuntarily stepped back. Instinctively sensing danger, hid body reacted faster than their mind.

Red Shadow frowned slightly. The attacker seemed to be quite strong, and he wanted to finish the battle quickly.

"No, you little brat seem a bit troublesome..."

The attacker's voice was low. Although he wondered why.Red Shadow's murderous aura was faint, it didn't hinder his intuition for danger. The opponent was strong, perhaps he might be the strongest opponent he had encountered in his bounty missions.

Red Shadow's expression remained unchanged as he advanced, rushing towards the attacker head-on.

"He moves so fast!"

The attacker was shocked by Red Shadow's elusive speed and quickly retreated.

"Wind Release  - Beast Wave Slash!"

A gust of wind, resembling a blade, cut through the air, slashing toward Red Shadow.

While the wind blade approached, Red Shadow, unfazed, increased his speed instead of evading.

"Is this kid suicidal?"

The attacker couldn't understand Red Shadow's behavior and forgot his next move.

As the wind blade neared, a strange gleam flickered in Red Shadow's eyes.

The powerful wind blade, capable of causing severe injuries, miraculously passed Red Shadow's body and moving towards the wall behind him, leaving a beast-like claw mark.

Witnessing this, the attacker's complexion changed drastically, but it was too late. Red Shadow's impassive face appeared before him, and a Kunai accurately pierced his heart, ending the battle instantly.

"Your.. ninjutsu... is.... kekkei... genkai..."

The attacker managed a wry smile, understanding the source of Red Shadow's ability.

It was a Kekkei Genkai.

Kekker Genkai was accessible only to a select few in the ninja world. Everyone in range kf thegroup, in their maturation, became a terrifying force.

Regrettably, he had yet to attain the status as a legendary bounty hunter, dying here in an ordinary way. With this regret, the attacker's vision dimmed, his body growing heavier until he collapsed powerlessly to the ground, lifeless.

Red Shadow looked at the fallen attacker with indifferent eyes before turning to the apprehensive girl seated on the ground.


Red Shadow looked away from the girl's delicate face, turned, and prepared to return to the daimyo's mansion.

" foot seems to be sprained..."

The girl, head lowered, her voice weak, as she stroked her sore ankle.

Red Shadow turned to glance at the princess, younger than himself, with a slightly impatient expression.

"Women... troublesome.."



"You did a good job, Red Shadow, you have lived up to my trust in you. You are indeed the most perfect ninja."

Despite the Bear Daimyo's praise and approval, Red Shadow remained expressionless, as if the commendation wasn't directed at him.

The Bear Daimyo was accustomed to this, and he was indifferent to it. He maintained a level of tolerance towards capable ninjas who were loyal to him.

He looked the girl, his daughter who was rescued by Red Shadow. The treasured princess of the Land Of Bear.

"Daughter, it's great that you're fine. When you were taken away by the thief, I grieved for you for a long time as a father."

With tears of joy, the Daimyo took the princess's hand kindly, expressing his concern for her wellbeing.

The Princess managed to squeeze a grateful smile.

"Thank you for your concern, Father. Your daughter is fine."

She knew her father's affection was non-existent. The attention she received was solely due to being the most beautiful among the Land Of Bear's princesses. Her greedy and ambitious father sought to sell her for a good price, without the genuine love a father should have for his child.

"But how could this happen? This incident has alarmed father greatly. As the treasure of the Land Of Bear, you're been targeted by thieves. So, father plans to increase the protective measures by your side. After all, you're the most beautiful gem in father's hand's."

A look of deep concern appeared in the Daimyo's eyes.

"The decision rests with the father."

The princess understood she had no authority to refuse and could only ober her father's arrangement.

The Daimyo was satisfied with his daughter's obedient attitude. He looked at the reserved Red Shadow, hesitated, and said, "Red Shadow, from today onwards, you will be Shukichi's personal bodyguard."

A loyal and obedient ninja, was undoubtedly the ideal candidate to protect his daughter. He didn't want his precious gem to fall into the hands of others, or he'd be depressed for a long time.


Red Shadow had a slight dissatisfaction but concealed it.

Knowing what Red Shadow would say, the Daimyo folded his fan and declared, "That settles it. For a father who loves his daughter, her safety is the most important thing."

'Idiot!' Red Shadow internally evaluated the Bear Daimyo.

But even so, he had to fulfill his duty. Showing hesitation or dissatisfaction at this time would jeopardize all previous efforts.

'Forget it, I'll let Shiraishi-sama to decide this matter.' Red Shadow thought helplessly.

Sure enough, a woman was a sign of trouble, hindering him from carrying out his mission.

His mission was connected to the Land of Demon' expansion plan, he couldn't afford to be careless, any unplanned accidents had to be eliminated as soon as possible.


Shiraishi read the information from the Land Of Snow. After two years of continuous development, the country's roads had been interconnected, and vital facilities such as schools and hospitals were part of the ongoing popularization plan. These developments would be completed by the end of the next year or the year after.

After all, the Land Of Snow's progress relied on the economic influence of the Land Of Demons, effecting such significant change within two years.

Next, they only needed to carry out the plan step by step to its end.

Speaking of it, it was thanks to Doto Koyuki has been able to consolidate her status of daimyo, during his reign be purged a large number of the nobles.

And when they intervened, it was too late for the noble forces to counterattack.

Thinking about it now, Shiraishi recognizing Koyumi as his adopted daughter a politically wise move.

"Basically, there's nothing to worry about in the Land Of Snow. I heard that many unidentified people have stealthily entered the country through normal channels. Is there any truth to this?"

Shiraishi set aside the Land Of Snow documents and asked the staff from the Intelligence Department about the problem.

"Yes, since November last year, there has been a sudden increase in the number of foreign operatives lurking in the country one after another. They all entered without going through formal channels."

"Is that so? It seems the situation is more urgent than expected."

Shiraishi didn't need to ask; he knew the identity of these foreign operatives infiltrating the country.

Ninjas from the Five Great Countries.

The Land of Demons initially developed, leveraging the cover of the Third Ninja World War, gradually growing stronger in this stable environment.

Purple Rose Company emerged based on this backdrop, becoming the largest giant in the medical industry.

With Purple Rose Company at the forefront, the Land of Demon's medical industry spread all over the ninja world. In recent years, the profits earned annually rivaled those of countries the size of the five major nations.

In addition, other changes in the country had also attracted the attention of various countries.

Now, the five major countries were growing impatient.

They're trying to probe the core secrets within the country, determining whether the unexplained changes would lead to severe conflicts with their existing interest classes.

Shiraishi certainly knew that the Land of Demon's rise would undoubtedly cause an unimaginable destructive power to existing vested interests.

An event like this was beyond the prediction of the ruling class in the five major countries.

They were accustomed to their high status, so they naturally wouldn't be able foresee any threat posed to them, like dust beneath their feet.

The intelligence information gap between the two sides was a critical point.

Their inquiries about the Land of Demons were driven more by curiosity.

So, for a short period, because of the Land of Demon's status as a neutral country, the five major countries wouldn't act recklessly. Since they were unlikely to take immediate action, the expansion plan couldn't be halted.

"It's enough to monitor them, don't alert them."

After contemplating for a moment, Shiraishi issued his order.

Decent countermeasures against the five major powers were still premature. For now, they would turn a blind eye to these ninjas lurking in the country.

Wait until the opportune moment, then clean them all up in one go.


"Any news from other places?"

"There's important news from the Land of Bear."


The Land of Bears marked a crucial step in the Labd of Demons' expansion plan and was a country that needed to be conquered. Naturally, Shiraishi cannot afford to be careless at this point.

With the truce between Konoha and Kumo, soon to be formalized, in the future ninja world was poised for a period of relatively peaceful development. Before that, everything must be planned.

"The recent kidnapping of the Land of Bears Daimyo's daughter of the  has stirred considerable unrest in the country."

"Is it Shukichi-hime, known as the treasure of the country by her father?"

The Land Of Bears Daimyo has twenty-three wives and concubines, seventeen sons, and thirteen daughters.

Among his thirteen daughters, Shukichi stood out for her exceptional beauty. She was famous for her beauty and currently being regarded as a jewel in her father's palm.

The Daimyo's provisions for Shukichi rivaled even those of his eldest son, which showed just how much he attached his importance to her.

From another perspective, a beautiful daughter with the potential for a high price tag naturally garnered more attention.

"It is indeed that Shukichi-hime. While her beauty attracts admirers, the current situation is more severe."

"Does this conflict with our plan to deploy in the country?"

Shiraishi showed his concern about this matter.

"Regarding the situation, in order to ensure Shukichi-hime's safety, the Daimyo has transferred Red Shadow from his side and arranged him for her protection."

The staff sighed helplessly.

Red Shadow, an essential spy placed next to the of the Land of Bears Daimyo. He possesses a unique Kekei Genkai, excelling in assassination and concealment. It's precisely with Red Shadow's assistance that the military spies from the Land of Demons have quickly infiltrated every aspect of the Land of Bears.

The Bear Country's populace were being influenced by the wandering Miko trained by their military, making the people have a favorable impression of the Land Of Demons.

The Land of Bears government use Red Shadow and the other spies placed for infiltration, with the spies subtly influencing the officials and the Daimyo's associates, quietly meddling in their affairs.

"It seems like this Daimyo truly values money as much as his life." Shiraishi laughed with great interest.

The Land Of Bear's Daimyo seemed like an ambitious and greedy person.

In recent years, he had utilized Red Shadow to discreetly eliminate political opponents who opposed him, allowing him to monopolose power in his country. Thanks to the ambitions of the Daimyo, the spies quickly secured a significant foothold within the country.

Ultimately, Shiraishi was grateful to the Daimyo for his ambition that surpassed his own strength. If it wasn't for him, it wouldn't be so easy for them to infiltrate every aspect of his country.

"Let Red Shadow stand by, make sure no clues are revealed at this moment. Others will handle the Daimyo. At this stage of the plan, no accidents are allowed."

Shiraishi had full confidence in Red Shadow's abilities. While he may be slower in his emotions and interpersonal communication, he proved to be an outstanding subordinate dedicated to his duties.

Shiraishi now thought about what rewards would be fitting for Red Shadow if they successfully conquer the Land of Bears. Merely offering money and ninjutsu seems somewhat vulgar for such a monumental achievement.

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