Escape From Konoha

Chapter 239: 234: Red Shadow

In the still hot afternoon, Shiraishi made his way towards his home. All matters related to work had been dealt with for the day. Thanks to his many smart and capable subordinates, his workload had significantly reduced in recent years, allowing him to avoid his usual night shifts.

For Shiraishi, not shedding responsibilities would only prove the incompetence of his subordinates. As a leader, it was necessary to nurture talented subordinates to share the burden..Regardless of an individual's power, there is a limit. The country was like a large, complex and sophisticated machine, it required professionals from various fields to keep the machine running smoothly.

Arriving home, Ruri and Ayane were absent, they had gone out for a mission. Considering the Land of Bears as their next target in the expansion plan, they both needed to make adequate preparation.

"Father, welcome back."

A soft and somewhat unclear voice sounded from the entrance.

Shiraishi recognized the voice, his youngest son— Cai.

Chiba Cai, born three years ago to him and Ayane. He has inherited half of the blood of the Hyuga clan, giving him a chance to awaken the clan's Kekkei Genkai— The Byakugan.

However, Shiraishi didn't particularly concern himself with it, whether his youngest son awakened the Byakugan or not. While the Byakugan was excellent, there were now several number of ways to get stronger without relying on the Byakugan.

He didn't want to impose too much mental pressure on his children, including his attitude toward his eldest son Asuka. After all, a 'freak' like Kazuhime might only appear once in a century.

"Well, I'm back..."

Shiraishi raised his head, and upon seeing Cai, his expression immediately froze and became extremely strange.

Before him stood a child with a neutral appearance, wearing in a fitted white skirt with bare feet.


Shiraishi was uncertain if the 'girl' before him was his son..... Why was he wearing a skirt?

Shiraishi's brain paused momentarily. Did Cai have some unusual preference?

Considering this, Shiraishi felt he needed to correct Cai's values. No matter how much freedom he allowed, certain strange habits shouldn't be tolerated in his children's activities.

"What's wrong, Father?"

Cai looked at Shiraishi suspiciously.

"No, it's nothing... Well, what's with your clothes?"

Shiraishi gestured toward the skirt Cai was wearing.

While the issues at work had been resolved, the issue of his children's education seemed to demand immediate attention.

"Cloth?" Cai tugged at the skirt's hem to cover his feet and said, "Kazu-nee showed me."


"Yes, she said it would look cute. Father, do I look cute?" Cai looked expectantly at Shiraishi.

Shiraishi had even more headaches. Though wearing a skirt might be cute due to his face, but if Ayane saw such an appearance, she would undoubtedly incur her wrath on him.

'That troublesome girl, what sort of strange things had she told Cai?' Shiraishi shook his head helplessly.

Not only Asuka but even her youngest brother was subjected to such abuse, it left Shiraishi at a loss for words.

"Cai, change your clothes."

"Huh? Why?"

"There are many reasons. Do you think it's okay for you to dress this way?" Shiraishi sighed.

"I find comfortable, but it feels a bit weird."

Cai twisted his body slightly, and his skin blushed.

Shiraishi's expression darkened. It seemed necessary to educate Kazuhime on her return from school on how to be a responsible older sister, rather than whimsically tormenting her brothers.


A team of 200 people set out from the border between the Land of Demons and the Land of Bears.

They deliberately chose the less conspicuous smaller road over the easily observed high way.

At the forefront leading the team was a woman who appeared to be in her twenties. In reality, her age was closer to thirty, but proper care made her look much younger.

Clad in white ninja attire, she wore fingerless gloves of an unknown material, and her pure white pupils emitted a sharp, sword-like gleam.

"Ayane-sama, there are still ten minutes until the next stronghold." A ninja in the team caught up and informed the woman.

"Proceed there and take a break for a while. Also, ensure the collaboration with Hoshigakure is done well." Ayane instructed, showing no haste in their march.

While Hoshigakure in the Land of Bears will soon be within their reach, going through the official process with the Land of Bears was necessary to avoid complications in the future.

According to the expansion plan provided by the Land of Demon's military, the Land of Bears was their first target.for the plan.

If they wanted to subdue the Land of Bears, it required dealing with Hoshigakure located within it. Subduing this village would pave the way for a gradual encroachment on the country.

Hoshigakure has a total of over 670 ninjas. Among the small countries, they can be regarded as a fairly strong ninja village.

Many smaller countries lacked a ninja village or even the ninja profession altogether, and their territories were too small to appear on the world map.

Everytime a war broke out, these small countries are most likely to face the threat of extinction.

For instance, during the Second Ninja World War, the Land of Sky declared war on the Five Great Nations, their territory being a huge flying fortress. Their war declaration stemmed from ambitious aspirations from being looked down upon.

The Land of Bears differed slightly. Among the small countries, they had a relatively large territory and the capability to establish their own ninja village, which shows they have a solid foundation.

Furthermore, Hoshigakure possessed their very own unique secret jutsu, making them stand out in the ninja world.

To discreetly take down a place like Hoshigakure, it required not only a powerful force but also pressure exerted from the official level of the Land of Bears.

The current ambitious Bear daimyo was their chosen candidate.

"The liaison in charge has already gone ahead, so there's no need to worry too much over there. Compared to thst, the daimyo's mansion is the key."

In the plan to encroach on Hoshigakure, the official cover from the Land of Bears played a crucial role.

As early as two months ago, the Land of Demon's army had dispatched a hundred ninjas to lurk in the bear territory to set up arrangements.

This time, Ayane personally led a team of 200 ninjas, totaling 300 people, constituting the attacking force for Hoshigakure.

"Do your job properly first, don't worry about the Daimyo. There will be others in charge of the operation there."

Ayane was well aware of the extensive preparations the military had made in advance to encroach on the country. This plan has been secretly in the works for three years. The manpower and resources invested are enormous to ensure the successful capture of Hoshigakure, followed by the gradual conquest of the entire the country.

This time, there was no room for error in the plan. Everything was ready, with only the final task of collecting the net remaining.


In the hot summer courtyard, the sound of cicadas singing sounded one after another.

Shukichi looked at the beautiful scenery in the courtyard with a smile.

Soon, the smile on her face disappeared, turning into deep sadness, and she sighed softly. In her memories ever since she had an understanding of the world, her world seemed to be only as big as this courtyard.

Looking at the tall city walls around the courtyard, it was an exquisite cage sealing her off.

And she wasn't even seen as a human but a beautiful vase deliberately decorated by her father, the Daimyo.

One day, her father was going sell her as a "commodity" to a noble from another country. The recent kidnapping incident a few days ago undoubtedly proved this point. Her father wasn't concerned about the safety of his daughter at all, but rather whether his 'commodity' showed any signs of damage.

Even so, she was ready to die for it. This was probably the unavoidable fate of women in nobility..

Her thoughts drifted back to the incident, and she couldn't help but think about the ninja clad in black who had rescued her from her kidnap.

"Ninja-sama, are you there?"

The room was enveloped in silence, allowing the princess's soft voice to echo clearly throughout its corners.

The moment her voice faded, a shadow appeared out of thin air, kneeling before the princess in a gesture of respect.

"What are your orders, Ojou-sama?" Red Shadow maintained his usual indifferent attitude, addressing her.

According to the orders of the Daimyo, he was now the princess's personal guard. Although he had deep dissatisfaction with such an order, he had to maintain an image of being devoted to his duties by obeying the order of Daimyo to become Princess's guard.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just wanted to see if you were here."

Shukichi waved her hands in a flustered manner. She had merely called out on a whim, not expecting Red Shadow to appear before her. She regarded him with a bewildered expression.

'To check if he was present? By calling out his name? Who does that?' Red Shadow inwardly labeled the as mentally unstable.

Despite Red Shadow's unreadable expression and the absence of any hint of displeasure in his eyes, Shukichi sensed his simmering anger.

'Ninja-sama is really strange.' She thought to herself.

"If there is nothing further, I shall take my leave."

While Shukichi's appearance was undeniably attractive, for a spy operating in a foreign land, completing his mission was more important. Women will only affect his efficiency in completing his mission.

"Wait a moment, please.""

The princess stopped Red Shadow from leaving.

"What else may I assist you with, Ojou-sama?"

Red Shadow adopted a respectful demeanor, trying to soften his tone as much as possible. Thoughts like chopping off her head only needed to be hidden in his heart.

"Can you get me a glass of water? I'm a little thirsty." Shukichi pointed to the hot weather outside, with fine sweats appearing on her face.


Without hesitation, he meticulously executed the order he had received. This was precisely the reason he had been sent here.

"So fast!"

Shukichi marveled at the speed with which Red Shadow delivered the water. It only took a few breaths.

Red Shadow handed her the glass of water much faster than the maid who served her before.

"Can you also bring me some ice?"

A dedicated icehouse existed within the mansion, as per Shukichi's request. In such hot weather, quenching her thirst with cold water would alleviate the dryness.

Red Shadow quickly fetched the ice.

"Is there anything else?"

"Uh, no more."

"Then I shall take my leave."

Red Shadow disappeared from the room, keeping a discreet watch over the Princess, ensuring her safety.

Then he thought about the things he did just now. Wasn't that supposed to be the work of a maid? To let him, a trained guard, do such trivial things maids usually do, the princess really did have mental problem.


"Red Shadow, you've worked diligently to protect Shukichi over the past few days."

The Bear Daimyo expressed his gratitude, after summoning Red Shadow into a room.

However, Red Shadow was well aware that this gratitude was merely a façade put on by the daimyo. He had followed the daimyo for three years now and was intimately familiar with his ruthless and cunning nature.

To the Daimyo, there was a clear distinction between those who were useful and those who were not. Those who fell into the latter category faced a miserable end.

"However, there is no guarantee that these gang of thieves will give up their plans to kidnap Shukichi. So, your responsibility for her safety remains important. Only if you personally undertake this task can I be rest assured."

"Yes." Red Shadow responded curtly.

During his time in this country, he had carefully crafted his persona as a man of few words, solely focused on performing his duties. Questioning the daimyo's decisions wasn't a behavior that aligned with this persona. Such an act would inevitably raise suspicion.

Only by fulfilling the role of a tool, without personal opinions or concerns, had he managed to ascend to the position of the daimyo's right-hand man in a mere three years. Otherwise, It was impossible for a daimyo as suspicious, power-hungry, and ambitious as the Bear Daimyo to place unconditional trust in someone.

The daimyo's trust was bestowed to Red Shadow as a tool, not as a person. People had thoughts. Tools, in contrast, remained without emotions and opinions.

Red Shadow was keenly aware of the daimyo's volatile temperament.

"If only the rest of the guards could copy your dedication and competence."

The daimyo sighed, fanning himself with his folding fan as he complained.

Even the daimyo new the unrealistic nature of expecting such unwavering loyalty from all his guards. Obtaining a tool as exceptional as Red Shadow was a rare chance.

Red Shadow remained silent, acknowledging the daimyo's words but offering no further comment.

"Very well, you may go now. Remember, Shukichi's safety is your utmost priority."

Red Shadow nodded and turned to leave. Just as he was about to leave, the Daimyo asked an unexpected question, unrelated to the matter at hand:

"If you were givien the mission to assassinate the Third Hoshikage, how confident would you be in your success?"

Red Shadow was shocked. 'Is it finally starting?'

He knew that the daimyo wouldn't ask such a question without reason. Someone must have whispered in the daimyo's ear, urging him to take action.

Once the Bear Daimyo officially moved against Hoshigakure, half of the Land of Demons grand plan for the Land of Bears would be complete.

After conquering the Hoshigakure, the entire Land of Bear would be next.

Hence, Red Shadow responded without hesitation, "Ninety percent."

Having been serving under the daimyo, Red Shadow had naturally seen the Third Hoshikage at Hoshigakure, so it wasn't difficult to provide an answer.

Red Shadow's answer without any hesitation pleased the Daimyo even more .He was particularly impressed with the lack of uncertainty in Red Shadow's eyes despite the his intention to assassinate the Third Hoshikage.

And Red Shadow didn't even ask about the motives, which undoubtedly proved his excellent ability as a ninja. Such a ninja, without independent thought, was indeed a perfect tool. Like his daughter, Shukichi, Red Shadow was a unique treasure in the his possession.

"What if there's an internal response?"

The Daimyo narrowed his eyes and asked in a low voice, but there was a sly smile playing on the corner of his lips.

As the daimyo of a country, it was naturally impossible to give absolute trust to the ninja village within the country.

Placing his own spies within the ninja village was a prudent measure..In order to ensure that his status as the daimyo wasn't infringed, preventing other nobles from undermining his authority, and maintaining his hold on power.

"Ten percent." Red Shadow provided another precise answer.

"I understand. Sure enough, Red Shadow, you are an excellent ninja. However, I was merely joking. Pay no heed to my words. Alright, I'm a little tired. You may retire now."

The daimyo yawned softly, the muscles on his face slackening, he felt sleepy.


Red Shadow bowed respectfully, a sharp, sword-like glint flashing in his lowered eyes. Was it finally time to begin?


For Shukichi, her world was only as big as the courtyard.

The chances of going outside was a rare luxury; and she only stepped beyond the confines of the courtyard only a few times a year.

There were guards vigilantly guarding both the front and back entrances of the courtyard. Since the recent kidnapping incident, the numbers of the guards had increased.

It was even more impossible for her to go outside during these current period.

Her father confined her to her courtyard in the guise of doing so for her protection until the day she was about to get married.

Walking towards the pond within the courtyard, she gently scattered food into the water, causing the fishes to compete for the food.

"Ninja-sama, do you think I'm selfish?"

Shukichi asked an unseen front of her.

But she knew that ninja-sama must be somewhere in the dark, silently protecting her.

This feeling of being protected by someone warmed her heart a little. Even though she knew ninja-sama was only protecting her because of her father's request.

But just that was enough for her to feel contended.

Hearing the princess talking to herself, Red Shadow found the woman really boring..

'Why exactly is she out? Well, I'll prepare cild water for her later.'

As expected of a poor princess from a small country, she couldn't even enjoy ice cream they do enjoy summer.

"These fishes here, are just like how father has raised me... What does freedom truly feel like?"

As a princess, freedom was a luxury she had never experienced, seen merely as a commodity in her father's eyes.

One day, under her father's arrangement, she would marry a powerful man, just moving from one cage to another

She didn't feel resentment, anger or any negative emotions. Whether she resisted or obeyed, they both led to the same result. But she knew if she obeyed, it may at least bring her happiness.

She knew the silent ninja-sama wouldn't respond to her wandering questions. But pouring out the distress within heart was the only way for her to vent.

After each venting session, she felt remarkably better.

"Next, let's learn how to arrange flowers."

Shukichi said, showing a faint smile before heading back to her room.

However, as she turned around, something unexpected occurred. Her foot slipped, and she tumbled towards the pond.

Seeing that she was about to fall into the water, Shukichi, out of fear instinctive shut her eyes tight.


Not swallowed by the water as she anticipated, Shukichi slowly reopened her eyes. What met her gaze was Red Shadow, standing beside her with an indifferent expression, positioned on a wall. She found herself suspended in the air.

Seemingly sensing Red Shadow's growing impatience, Shukichi softly whispered, "Ninja-sama?"

Sure enough, ninja-sama was watching over her and wouldn't let her faced any harm.

"Please be careful, Ojou-sama." Red Shadow tried to sound less frustrated.

"It's... um... can you put me down?" Shukichi's face blushed.

Their posture was undeniably embarrassing. Why couldn't Ninja-sama catch her more gracefully? Perhaps like the heroes in storybooks who save the princesses?

Thinking of storybooks, Shukichi couldn't help but think of the common storylines in the books. A certain noble's daughter and her family's guard sharing a secret life, but finally they were discovered by her father who then decides to sell her to a noble. For the sake of love, the princess is left with no choice but to elope with the guard, escaping from the house to a paradise where they would start a family...

Shukichi suddenly felt her face burning hot.

Looking at the princess's face, Red Shadow felt tired for a while.

Indeed, there must be something wrong with her head. How careless does one have to be to slip in that situation?

Yet, from another point of view, if something happened to the princess, the daimyo would undoubtedly question his competence, which would affect the Land of Demon's overall strategy in the Land of Bears.

Why did this woman have to interfere with his mission? Could she have noticed Shiraishi-sama's plans? Was her seemingly foolish behavior intentional hindrance?

Red Shadow narrowed his eyes and intentionally or unintentionally cast another glance at Shukichi. Regardless, anyone obstructing Shiraishi-sama's plans must be dealt with, leaving no loose ends. Only Shiraishi-sama's will must be carried through to the end.

Shukichi involuntarily shivered, sensing Red Shadow's eyes turning ominously intense, as if he were about to devour her ferociously.


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