Eternal Calamity: From Naruto

Chapter 133: The Mind of All Beings

A boundless dark space, Geyue walks in it, does not know where to step, it seems that there is no concept of time and space here.

But it's not completely dead here. Although you still can't see anything, you can't hear any sound, people seem to have died.

But in this environment, the existence of the soul can be experienced more clearly. Countless thoughts came from all directions and imprinted into Ge Yue's mind, which were the wishes and desires of all kinds of people in the world.

These are not sounds or images, but all kinds of ideas that are directly refracted into the mind, including people's fear of death, inquiries about the world of the undead, pleas for staying in the world, and expressions of unfulfilled wishes. Regret and resentment...blah blah blah.


The corners of Geyue's eyes twitched slightly. At this moment, she understood the essence of these voices. They were people's prayers and supplications to the Holy Light, or to Him.

These were all kinds of thoughts that came to mind directly, just like Geyue's own thoughts, he was also aroused by various desires, and his mind was turbulent.

But the thoughts refracted into the mind are not one or two, but the intertwined prayers and supplications of thousands of people, which has a huge impact on the mind and consciousness. It is impossible to distinguish who is thinking what, and even self-awareness submerged in it.

It is necessary to maintain a state of absolute sobriety and be clear about the existence of self-awareness so as not to get lost in it.

"Consciousness, unconsciousness, so this is your ultimate move against me!"

Geyue whispered, an unprecedented seriousness appeared on her face.

The power of the Eighth Herrscher is to manipulate consciousness, and this space is naturally a space composed of consciousness, and it is connected to all human beings—a space of collective unconsciousness!

A person's mental life consists of two main parts: the conscious part and the unconscious part.

Man is driven by blind, almost imperceptible inner forces, including the instinct for self-preservation or reproduction, which is the 'unconscious'.

Someone once divided the human unconsciousness into two parts, the individual level and the collective level of the human unconsciousness.

The individual unconscious reaches only as far as the infant's earliest memories and is composed of impulses, wishes, vague perceptions, and experiences.

The latter includes the entire time before the actual start of the baby, that is, the remnants of ancestral life. Its content can be found in the hearts of all people and is universal, so it is called "collective unconsciousness".

The mental structure of man is like an iceberg on the sea. The uppermost layer floating on the water is human independent consciousness, which only accounts for a small part of the iceberg; the lower layer of the iceberg accounts for the majority of the iceberg, which is the unconscious.

The countless icebergs above the sea seem to be independent of each other, but the underwater part is actually connected to each other, regardless of you and me.

The parts of the unconscious that merge with each other, that is, the collective unconscious.

Collective unconsciousness should exist in philosophy and conjecture, and cannot exist in the real world, but under the omnipotence of the law of knowledge, collective unconsciousness was truly born in this world.

Geyue, the backhand of the Herrscher of Knowing, pulled his consciousness into the space where the collective unconsciousness exists.

But this is not a good thing, it can even be said to be a shocking killer move enough to make Ge Yue die!

Regardless of whether Geyue took the initiative or not, the moment his consciousness entered this space, he was connected with the collective unconsciousness of the entire human being.

And because a large part of the collective unconsciousness is believers whose minds and consciousness have been distorted by Aponia, under the traction of the power of faith, this connection will become unbreakable!

In this case, all human memories, distracting thoughts, emotions, desires and other sentient beings hidden in the collective unconscious will all flow into Geyue's consciousness along with this invisible connection.

Under the impact of this huge mass of billions of consciousnesses, no matter how tough Geyue's consciousness is, it will be like a white paper that has fallen into the sea of ​​ink, completely lost and dissolved in it, and thus lost. The ego becomes the carrier of the collective unconscious.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!!!"

Geyue cursed angrily and corruptly. He was afraid of being polluted by the power of faith in the purity of his consciousness before dividing the divinity and creating an incarnation of divinity to absorb the power of faith.

But the Herrscher of Knowledge directly pulled his consciousness into the collective unconsciousness of human beings, and super doubled him to connect with all human beings in addition to beliefs, as well as various desires, emotions, and memories.

Under the baptism of this huge idea of ​​sentient beings, not to mention that he has not ascended to the gods, even the remaining gods who have already stepped into the ordinary world will be washed away and lose all self, becoming a puppet dominated by the thoughts of sentient beings.

"If you are put together, you will be cruel!"

Ge Yue cursed angrily, and swayed a large piece of holy light, breaking through this space of consciousness, and returning to the real world.


The moment she returned to reality, Geyue groaned.

Massive thoughts of sentient beings surged from the dark, and countless information was stuffed into his soul.

At this moment, he only felt that his brain seemed to be split open abruptly, and then filled with information thousands of times or tens of thousands of times larger than its capacity.

Severe pain spread from his brain to all parts of his body, a feeling of exploding from the beginning to the end, which made him want to kill himself.

The brain seems to be stuffed with countless mixed and chaotic ideas, good intentions, malice, desires, curses, blessings, begging, knowledge.

Compared with these countless thoughts, no matter how tenacious Ge Yue's will is, under the scouring of this torrent of information, she is like a lone boat of the Gale Wind and Raging Wave Sect, which can capsize at any time.


The blue veins on the forehead protruded and spread all over the body, traces of golden blood overflowed from the pores, and the snow-white teeth also burst into cracks due to the tight bite.

Under the impact of the continuous torrent of knowledge of sentient beings' ideas, his pure and clear will gradually began to blur, gradually stained with a layer of turbidity and chaos.

"Damn it, think of a way!"

In severe pain, Geyue grasped the core of the Herrscher of Consciousness, tried her best to sublimate her consciousness and soul, and temporarily kept her consciousness clear with the help of high-dimensional power.

Immediately afterwards, Geyue communicated with the sea of ​​holy light, and with the help of the infinite power of holy light, activated her own origin [Eden] power.


Dazzling and pure, the light of Eden that purifies everything and shatters all filth bursts out of Geyue's body, cleansing Geyue from the inside out, and then turns into a mighty torrent of light and rushes into Geyue. In the consciousness of the month.

Chi Chi Chi!

In the next moment, the thoughts of sentient beings that are endlessly used from the collective unconsciousness of human beings are like barbecue meat on a grill, sizzling on fire, and all the negative, dark emotions, desires, and curses in it , memories are purified under the light of the holy Eden.

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