Eternal Calamity: From Naruto

Chapter 134 Scouring


Ge Yue let out a muffled snort, and as the negative consciousness in the thought of sentient beings was purified, his face regained a little color.

The light of Eden can only purify the filth, uncleanness and darkness in the minds of all beings, but let the pure, bright and beautiful sides flow freely and let them integrate into one's own consciousness.

"No, this is just a slight relief. Even if I get picked out of the dark side, the huge and complicated thoughts are enough to dissolve my consciousness. I have to find another way!"

Geyue thought for a moment, and a fierce look flashed in her eyes. With the power of creation, she fully urged the power of truth in the void, and completed the reproduction and analysis of the power of the Herrscher of Consciousness in an instant.


Afterwards, he smashed the core of the Herrscher of Knowledge to his forehead forcefully, causing it to penetrate deeply into his flesh and bones amidst the splashing golden blood.

"Burn me!"

With a low growl, Ge Yue mobilized Yu Duchen's power and ignited a domineering fire that burned all consciousness.


The scarlet flames that seemed to be real rose up from his body, and then bursts of colorful, illusory mist that gathered all the colors of time spewed out of his body. I saw hideous and stern faces, as well as mixed thoughts that converged together.

As the thoughts of sentient beings pouring into her consciousness were burned away, Ge Yue's heart couldn't help but relax, and the will that had been washed away by the sentient beings' thoughts became clear again.

But then, deep anxiety appeared on Ge Yue's face again, and he felt that his 'existence' was being lost along with the thoughts of sentient beings being burned.

Although it is very weak, it is indeed being lost bit by bit, or in other words, it is being burned by the power of the law of knowledge along with the thoughts of all living beings.

Even if Geyue's will is tenacious, but the total life span is only a few decades. In front of those billions of people who add up to hundreds of billions of years, it is just a drop in the ocean, so small that it cannot be measured.

I'm afraid his 'existence' will be burned up first before all sentient beings are burned up.

In this crisis that was about to overturn, Geyue abandoned all distracting thoughts, her heart was like ice and snow, revealing the deepest calmness and tenacity!

"All beings think about all beings, collective unconsciousness!"

Finally, at the most critical moment, Geyue had a flash of inspiration and thought of a way to solve the erosion of sentient beings.

Since I can't bear the impact of the collective unconsciousness of sentient beings composed of billions of human beings, how about a few more!

Thinking of this, Geyue immediately used the power of the Law of Consciousness to divide her own soul essence, and created a blank second personality to accept the washing of sentient beings.

Sure enough, this method was very effective. In the tens of seconds before the blank personality was soaked, he was able to regain consciousness under the scouring of sentient beings.

"Very well, since two are not enough, then ten, one hundred, one thousand."

A look of excitement appeared on Geyue's face, and in an instant, a thousand blank personalities were divided to form a line of consciousness defense, and then the power of the Herrscher of Knowledge to burn consciousness was put away.


Without the many consciousnesses burning and pouring in from the power of the Lawer of Consciousness, the torrent of thoughts of sentient beings surged instantly, and the defense line composed of a thousand blank personalities suddenly suffered an unimaginable impact and became precarious.

Ge Yue frowned slightly, and immediately began to divide the essence of the soul again, creating a thousand blank personalities, then another thousand, two thousand, three thousand. But in an instant, a hundred thousand were created.

With these 100,000 blank personality shunts, the surging thoughts of sentient beings suddenly became less violent, and reached the threshold that Ge Yue could bear.

"It seems to be resolved."

Ge Yue breathed a sigh of relief, he felt the surge of sentient beings' thoughts, and his face suddenly changed.

The growth rate of sentient beings is too fast, especially a large number of negative emotions, the seven desires of arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, and lust, which represent the original sin of human beings, are like seven giant dragons. The wave of thoughts of sentient beings is stronger than a wave, and it seems to grow without end.

Even the burning power of the Herrscher of Knowledge and the purifying power of the Light of Eden could hardly contain it.

If this momentum continues, his blank personality line of defense will soon reach the threshold, and then be torn apart by the impact.

"Human nature is inherently evil. Compared with the divine side of human beings, the animal nature, which has no taboos and acts according to desires and instincts, is obviously better than the other side."

Ge Yue whispered coldly, gathered her mind, and started to create a blank personality again.

And with the creation of his blank personality, the idea of ​​sentient beings also skyrocketed with a very unreasonable intensity. Ge Yue went from coping with it easily, to going all out, to being chased and suppressed.

Up to now, the essence of the soul is in a precarious collapse due to too many divisions, and the speed at which the blank personality is faintly created is far behind the speed of the erosion of sentient beings.

This change made Geyue's expression slightly distorted, and her heart was filled with fear.

Fortunately, it was only just connected to the collective unconsciousness of human beings before, and the connection between the two is not as deep as it is now. Fortunately, he decisively used the power of the law of knowledge to burn excess "impurities" and the power of Eden to deal with uncleanness and filth. purification.

If he had hesitated a little more at that time, he might have been eroded and melted by sentient beings before he could think of a way to create a diversion of blank personalities.

"The desires of billions of people are really too strong."

Geyue let out a sinister grin, and suddenly a hint of ruthlessness rose in her heart, and she opened the system mall.

Since the third Honkai, he has experienced 6 times, beheaded 6 Herrschers, and obtained a total of 300,000 points.

Among them, 50,000 points were used to purchase the World Tree Seed, 30,000 points were used to purchase Ten-Tails Chakra, and 20,000 points were used to purchase the Essence of the Covenant Destiny Gun. Now he still has a huge sum of 200,000 points left.

But now, with a wave of his hand, he directly spent 90,000 points to buy 30 large life essence essences, and then swallowed them into his mouth.


A massive source of life erupted in Geyue's body, setting off a violent wave of life in an instant, stretching Geyue's body in a circle while rushing through Geyue's body, like a bird full of air. Figure balloon.

Immediately afterwards, he mobilized the sea of ​​holy light through the stigmata, arousing the boundless holy light to inject into his soul.

The pure and radiant light shines from Geyue's soul essence, reflecting him like a god.

This radiance is extremely warm, extremely thin, soft like a spring breeze, lingering around Geyue's soul essence with the ability to heal all pain.

With the supplement of life source and the double blessing of the power of holy light, Geyue's soul essence that was about to fall was filled and stabilized immediately.


With a low snort, he activated the power of the Herrscher of Consciousness, split his soul essence like Ling Chi, and created a 10W blank personality in one breath.

Unbearable pain struck, the veins on Ge Yue's forehead bulged and spread all over her body, traces of blood overflowed from the pores, and her snow-white jade teeth also burst into cracks due to the tight bite.

The soul essence that had just been replenished and refilled was violently turbulent in an instant. If it were not for the endless supply of holy light and massive life source quality, it would have almost collapsed on the spot.

However, even with the addition of 100,000 blank personalities, the total amount has reached the 40W blank personality defense line, it still cannot completely erode the thoughts of sentient beings, but only creates a moment of respite for him.

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