Eternal Love

Chapter 61

Chapter 13 : Tie the knot (3)

Chapter Thirteen: The tie (3)

Ziheng’s mouth curled up and stood up: “Yes, I’m stupid. I have always loved a certain wayward lady stupidly, so stupid as to do anything for her, even the name can’t even be—”

Ziheng’s awakening makes Yinyin feel happy and shy

Leaning over and kissing Yinyin’s forehead: “Sorry, I shouldn’t have recognized you earlier, shouldn’t be suspicious of you, I believe you are my Shuer, I will never let you go again, never again Won’t let you go away from me!”

“Hmm !”

Yinyin nodded happily, tears of happiness slipped from her face involuntarily…

“Don’t cry, you won’t be beautiful if you cry. Today is our wedding day, so we shouldn’t cry!”

Kiss away the tears from Yinyin’s eyes, tenderly pampering…

“I’m sorry, because I was so happy, so I didn’t know it—”

Desperately wiped away the tears of happiness, but it seemed that he couldn’t stop it. Hearing Yinyin’s narration, Ziheng’s heart suddenly shook, pulling away Yinyin’s hands, and the tearful Yinyin’s eyes contained. A look of infinite happiness, tears of joy in her eyes endlessly…

I can’t help but feel shy and leaned over to kiss Yinyin’s lips.

Her breath, her fragrance made him forget me

Ziheng’s kiss and Ziheng’s breath flowed into Yinyin’s body, closing her eyes to enjoy the happiness that Ziheng brings to her, and closing her eyes to enjoy the first pleasure since birth! !

Ziheng placed Yinyin on the bed, hands began to walk on her body, kissing could not stop, greedily sucking the fragrance of every part of her body, from her lips, her neck and her white breast…

For them, their night is still very long

Their happiness has just begun, but it is also the beginning of disillusion…

The guests outside the cabin don’t know when they have left

The strong wind blows up the fallen leaves and blows to the edge of the cliff not far away to the sea

The thin moonlight seeps faintly from the clouds

A faint, happy moan came from the house

Across time and space

meet again after separation

A pair of lovers finally got married

Will they always be happy?


【Yancheng】The underground prison of the official residence

A prisoner was tied to a pillar, covered in blood and welts. The person who was beaten was already awake…

“Wake him up!”

Familiar voice, cold tone, even the air will be frozen by his cold tone…

“Yes Yes–”

The servants trembled with fear, and a servant lifted a bucket of water and poured it on the unconscious person…


After a comatose person was broken by the water on his body, the burning pain in his body immediately made him awake. It is conceivable that the water just poured by the government is salt water!

“Do you remember it?”

Zhou Yan sat in front of the prisoner, majestic and cold, staring at the prisoner like ice; what happened that caused Zhou Yan to go to the cell for interrogation? Those sharp eyes seemed to stew the slices of people alive…

“I, I really, really forgot–”

The frightened and weak voice of the prisoner cannot see any falsehood

But the prisoner’s words did not give Zhou Yan a satisfactory answer. He lightly raised his hand, and a government officer came forward with a whip, and then the harsh whip and screams echoed in the cold, dark cell. The other prisoners shrank in fear, and the servants trembled. Only the entourage who came with Zhou Yan stood blankly and nonchalantly…

Just a few minutes passed

The prisoner fainted again due to severe pain

“Continue to pour to wake him up!”

“Yes Yes–”

Every time a prisoner is beaten and unconscious, he will wake up with salt water, and when he wakes up, he will be beaten with a whip soaked in chili water. The process of repeated cycles leaves the prisoner’s body without any integrity. The time of waking up is getting shorter and shorter. How long will such torture last? The prisoner even wanted to use death to get rid of it, but he didn’t have that ability at all, he didn’t have the physical strength, even the physical strength to bite his tongue…

The prisoner was awakened by pain again, weak and weak: “Kill, kill, I—”

He didn’t even want to ask for mercy. The torture that life is not as good as death made him just want to die!

“Do you want to die? This king wants you to live, and to live and taste the taste of life is not as good as death—”

Zhou Yan’s words undoubtedly made the prisoners feel extremely sad and desperate

“As long as you remember where and from whom this was stolen, this king will not only allow you to enjoy a life of drunkenness, life and death, but also meet any of your requirements!”

Seductive benefits, but it doesn’t sound a bit of truthfulness, and some just continue to suffer the torture of life better than death; Zhou Yan’s expression is cold and chilling, and the jade pendant in his hand is shaking in front of his eyes. This jade pendant looks at first glance. It was so familiar. In retrospect, it turned out to be one of the accessories that Yinyin gave to Xiuying to sell, but how could the sold things fall into the hands of others? How did Zhou Yan discover it?

“Should I say, I, all, said, at that time, the sky is so dark, I am true, don’t, know, who is—”

“Keep playing!”


The answer was still the same again, which made Zhou Yan’s anger burn again, and the screams and whiplashes resounded in the cell again…

While Zhou Yan was waiting for the answer, a rush of footsteps gradually approached, and an attendant quickly arrived beside Zhou Yan and whispered in his ear…


After a stern rebuke, Zhou Yan got up from the seat and left. The attendants quickly followed after him. What was it? Why did Zhou Yan react so much after the attendant who came to report? The answer will be revealed soon!

Not long after, in a room of the mansion, Cheng Shou and his son knelt on the ground, facing Zhou Yan!

“What the **** is going on? Master Zhang Chengshou? Can you give me an exact explanation?”

“I really hug, I’m sorry, the villain did not know before and did not know, I hope the king will learn from him!!”

Zhou Yan’s icy tone made Cheng Shou shiver with fright and did not dare to look up, and the people behind him trembled with fright, and did not even dare to breathe loudly.

“Hmph, you are so brave. Knowing that this king is looking for someone who has contact with this thing, you dare to shield your own son from reporting to this king. What sin should you do?”

“Little, little people, really, really don’t know beforehand–”

“Shut up, don’t you want to just perfuse your boss like this?”

“Small, the villain dare not, I beg the prince to show favor——”

“Come on, drag the castle guard and his son out to play a hundred boards each!”


Zhou Yan’s entourage act immediately upon receiving the order

“Wang Ye’s kindness–”

The entourage set up the castle guard and his sons

“If you are still alive after hitting a hundred boards again, this king will give you mercy!”

“Ah, prince——”

“Don’t drag it down yet!”


No matter how the city guards interceded, Zhou Yan had no intention of giving favor!

While being tortured in the city guard, Zhou Yan waited in the house, waiting for his subordinates to bring back good news…

“Stop, no entry!”

“Get out of the way, let me see the prince!!”

While Zhou Yan was waiting, an attendant arguing with a woman came from outside the house!

“What’s so noisy outside?”

Zhou Yan asked disdainfully

“Master, it’s—”

“Step aside!!”

Before the attendant could answer, a woman broke into the house, and the guard attendant hurriedly chased and opened the woman…

“Are you the prince?”

Looking at this woman’s length, although she is not outstanding, she also seems to be elegant and smart. Zhou Yan waved his hand, and the two attendants who were holding the woman let go…

“Who are you? Don’t you know that disturbing this king is a felony?”

The woman knelt down on her knees: “The little girl’s surname is Zhang Mingying is the daughter of Zhang Chengshou!”

“…Then what is Miss Zhang looking for?”

also had the same surname as Zhang, and the first name was very similar, which surprised Zhou Yan!

“Please let the prince please let go of my father. My father is too old to withstand severe punishment. The 100th board will kill him. Moreover, my father has been loyal to his duties for many years and has not done anything to harm the people and himself. Why did the prince punish him?”

“Hmph, your father sheltered your brother and said nothing for himself. What’s the explanation for this?”

“…The little girl didn’t know about this, but if the lord, you are willing to let your father go, the little girl would be punished on his behalf–”

Zhou Yan sneered, only for this kind of things, and didn’t feel anything anymore.

“Can you make a hundred boards that a woman can bear?”

“Whether she bears it or not, the little girl is willing to be punished for her father—”

“This is his own self-sufficiency, because his selfishness has delayed this king a lot of time, and he has not been executed for a long time. What kind of favor do you want this king to do?”

“You punished him with a big penalty. Isn’t this killing him? The little girl believes that her father never acts favoritism, and if he knows that her brother’s affairs will never be shielded because it is her own child! ”

“The facts are in front of you, what else do you want to say?”

Zhou Yan’s repeated cold eyes made Zhang Ying’s heart tense

Suddenly raised his head and glared at Zhou Yan: “Even if my father is wrong, he is not guilty of death. Isn’t a life so worthless to you? Although my father has no merit, he has toiled. He has been loyal to his duties for more than 20 years, but in the end he will be so. You have been severely punished. I heard that the prince was a cruel man. First, the captured thief was flogged, and now the innocent person was severely punished. At first sight today, it really deserves your name. The prince’s cruelty is really outrageous!!!”

This attitude and tone made Zhou Yan deeply nostalgic. Yinyin seemed to have said the same things in the past…

“You woman, don’t be rude to the prince!!”

The first two attendants immediately stopped Zhang Ying

“Huh! Don’t you like to listen? Now I don’t know how many people are accusing the prince of cruelty and inhumanity behind his back. I am just one of them. Even if the prince kills me today, there will be rumors that you killed a hundred. But they can’t kill all the people in the world, even if they dare not say in front of you, your brutality will be spread by the world—”


With a loud noise, Zhou Yan held a teacup in his hand and hit the coffee table. The teacup and the coffee table broke and collapsed almost at the same time. This made everyone present shudder, including Zhang Ying, who was too scared to say anything by the sudden rise of Han Li!

Zhou Yan’s right hand ran with blood, got up and walked forward, and came to Zhang Ying. The two attendants were frightened and unstable. Zhou Yan squatted down and squeezed Zhang Ying’s chin with the injured right hand…

When facing Zhou Yan’s expressionless face and the cold and sharp eyes, even if she is not afraid, her heart is shuddering, and her whole body is trembling…

“Unexpectedly, someone will blatantly say such things in front of the king, your stubborn expression is really the same as her—”

she was? Zhang Ying was a little surprised by the “she” in Zhou Yan’s mouth. Could there be other people who said such things in front of him like her?

“You said this king is cruel and inhumane? Then this king will show you–”

Zhou Yan shook Zhang Ying’s chin and stood up and said, “Tell the people outside to stop, don’t let the old guy die too early. When tomorrow morning, we will summon all the people in the city. This king will put him in front of everyone. He was killed, and he had to be watched by his filial daughter. After he was killed, he would crush his body and feed the dog, so that everyone could see the brutal style of the king in the mouth of Lord Cheng Shou’s daughter—”

“Yes !”

An entourage was ordered to leave soon

“no, do not want–”

Zhou Yan’s words made Zhang Ying’s entire face pale instantly

Zhou Yan looked down and stared at Zhang Ying with the gleaming cold eyes: “Didn’t you say that this king is cruel? Just killing him in front of a few people is not too detrimental to this king’s brutal name? This king is just taking you. What about doing it? Or is it dissatisfied that only people from the whole city watch it?”

The desperate words made Zhang Ying regret what she said before. She did not expect that her impulsive words would change the whole thing…

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