Eternal Love

Chapter 62

Chapter 14 : The Holocaust (1)

Chapter Fourteen: The Holocaust (1)

Zhang Ying regretted it, but she was afraid it was too late, and she hugged Zhou Yan’s feet in her hands and begged…

“Please, no, don’t kill my father—”

“Why ask this king? Aren’t you very stubborn? Don’t you want to be a filial daughter?”


“I was wrong, I was really wrong, please let my father go!! Please! If you want to kill, kill me!!”

“Kill you? Why do you want to kill you? You are the first person to speak so boldly in front of this king. It is too late for this king to cherish it. Why do you want to kill you?”

Sardonic words make people even more desperate

“I didn’t mean it! I’m just talking nonsense! Please don’t take it seriously!!! My father is innocent!!!”

The cry of crying pleading, the original delicate face has long been replaced by tears, will Zhou Yan change his mind for this?



When Zhou Yan hesitated and had some thoughts in his mind, the mournful pleadings echoed in the room, and even Zhou Yan’s followers were shaken and pity upon hearing it…

“…Do you want this king to change his mind?”

After the pleading, Zhang Ying finally responded, and Zhang Ying immediately raised her head and tearfully commented on Zhou Yan who was looking down at her…

“Then find a way to please this king!”

A sentence like a bolt from the blue struck Zhang Ying’s heart

What    did to please, should she dedicate her life to him? Zhou Yan’s conditions made Zhang Ying stunned for an instant…

Seeing Zhang Ying stunned, Zhou Yan seemed to guess so: “Why? Can’t it be done?”

——Half loud——

“…Does this really spare my father?”

Zhang Ying lowered her head weakly, and asked weakly!

“Since this king promises, we will do it. As long as you have a way to please this king, not only your father, but your brother, I will also forgive you!”

Zhou Yan seems to have premeditated to continue talking

In order to save her father, does she have any choice?

While waiting for Zhang Ying’s answer, the attendants in the house consciously left one by one, closing the door, Zhang Ying slowly raised her hand, pulled down the ribbon on her waist, and then slowly stood up. The belt was already long. Loosely fell to the ground, expressionless and ashen-hearted, doing his own hands to make the clothes fall off his shoulders, and the white and flawless chest appeared in front of Zhou Yan’s eyes…

As I watched the reflection of myself in Zhou Yan’s icy eyes, tears overflowed silently from the dead eyes, and slowly stretched out his hands towards Zhou Yan…

At the moment when both hands are about to touch Zhou Yan

“Are you fooling this king?”

The sudden words made Zhang Ying stop.

Zhou Yan coldly pulled Zhang Ying’s hand away, turned his back to Zhang Ying and said, “Put on the clothes—”

Zhou Yan’s words surprised Zhang Ying inexplicably. Didn’t he ask himself to please him? Why do you want to refuse until now? Is it withdrawing your mind? Zhang Ying is puzzled and anxious…

“What the king said about’please’ is not for you to do this kind of thing. There is only one woman this king wants from beginning to end. Don’t guess what the king means!”

The topic mentioned by Zhou Yan accidentally shakes Zhang Ying’s heart

So what is it if pleasing is not devotion? ?


The sky is getting brighter

Clear and beautiful piano sounds in the mansion

In the wing, Zhou Yan held his hands and closed his eyes as if he was resting

Zhang Ying had already put on her clothes and was playing the piano. It turned out that such a beautiful piano sound was passed down from her hands. Seeing Zhou Yan’s soothing expression on the face seemed to be hypnotized by the piano sound, indulged in the pleasant sound of the piano…

The rapid pace disturbed the sweet and crisp piano sound

Zhou Yan opened her eyes, Zhang Ying still focused on Fuqin…

“Tell the prince, the villain has something important to report!”

A voice came from outside the house, and Zhang Ying stopped her movements and looked at Zhou Yan. It turned out that he had already woke up as if he had known it a long time ago?

“Come in!”

After the cold voice, the door was pushed open, and an attendant quickly stepped inside, kneeling in front of Zhou Yan and presenting a brocade box with both hands, saying: “This is the item we got from the treasurer of the jewelry store we found, please look at it. !”

Zhou Yan raised his hand to take the brocade box, opened it, and suddenly Zhou Yan’s expression changed drastically, and he sat up straight and said, “Where did it come from?”

All the items in the brocade box are the jewellery that Yinyin handed over to Xiuying to sell

“According to the shopkeeper, these three days ago, a woman took them to their store and sold them. According to the clues provided by the shopkeeper, Mr. Zuo has already started investigating the identity and location of this woman, although according to the description of the shopkeeper, it seems This woman is not the concubine herself, but I believe she can’t get rid of the concubine, so Lord Zuo sent the villain to report to the prince first!”

“Very good, as expected to be the most respected person in this king, go and tell Zuo Yu to find someone as quickly as possible, and this king needs to know the whereabouts of Concubine Yuanyuan as soon as possible!”


The attendant retreats and leaves

Zhang Ying was very surprised. It turned out that Zhou Yan worked hard and moved the crowd, and was worried about a woman? Looking at the extremely happy expression on his face at this time, I know that he has clues to the talents he has been looking for so far. It is inevitable that he will be so happy. For some reason, Zhou Yan’s infatuation makes Zhang Ying feel a little warm?

The crisp sound of the piano sounded again, and I could feel joy and happiness from the sound of the piano, and Zhou Yan was also very satisfied…


Wooden house in the hills of Fish Island

Sunlight shines into the house from the windows

The person in bed seems to have reacted to the brightness of the sun, and gradually wakes up…


It was Ziheng who woke up first and wanted to get up, but the pain in his right arm made him a little bit painful. He changed his left hand to support and sat up and rubbed his temples, looked at the sky outside, and turned to look at the person who was still sleeping next to him. Yinyin, she slept so sweetly, pulled the hair on her forehead, kissed gently, and looked at Yinyin’s sleeping face, Ziheng prepared to get out of bed contentedly.

Sitting next to the bed, Ziheng found that the condition of his right hand seemed not optimistic, so he took apart the cloth strip. The blood stains on the cloth strip became obvious when the cloth strip was almost finished. Until all the cloth strips were completely removed, the wound on the right arm was not only Is not healed but still bleeding? The redness and swelling of the arm is serious again…

The sky was bright and dazzling, Yinyin slowly opened her eyes, and saw Ziheng’s figure in front of the bed in a dim blur. She was originally smiling happily. When she saw the redness and wounds clearly visible on Ziheng’s arms, she suddenly became completely awake. He sat up and said, “A Jun, your hand?”

Frightened by Yinyin’s voice, Ziheng hurriedly grabbed the wound and looked at Yinyin’s side: “Are you awake?”

Yinyin ignored Ziheng’s greetings, and directly pulled Ziheng’s wounded hand away, holding the injured arm in both hands, and said in shock: “How could this happen!!”

The severity of the injury caused Yinyin’s heart to throb. Although she noticed when she was lingering last night, she didn’t have the time to care…

“It’s okay, it’s okay after a while!!!”

Looking at Yinyin under her eyes, Ziheng’s eyes were extremely gentle!

“It hurts, right?”

Looking at the shocking injury, Yinyin was heartbroken, and she looked at Ziheng with tears in her eyes…

Yinyin’s vivid expression makes Ziheng’s heart turbulent

Raised her left hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of Yinyin’s eyes, infinitely gentle: “Don’t worry, it’s just a small injury!!!”

There is an unspeakable pain in my heart, but I just look at Ziheng, look at this person she loves, look at him, tears will flow out…

When you see Yinyin’s tears, Ziheng will be lost and hold Yinyin in his arms: “It’s just a small injury, why are you so sad? What should I do to make you not worry so much?”

Snuggling in Ziheng’s arms, tears flowed silently, I don’t know why this happened, but when I see the person I love hurt, I always feel uneasy and my heart hurts, especially when facing this. People who don’t know how to utter the pain…

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