Eternity Starts From His Seed

Chapter 81: Formation Apprentice

Book Pavilion. Mortal Techniques Room.

Bubai sat at a table, immersed in the text held in his hand.

Unlike the books he delved into before, this time, he was actually reading the text pertaining to mortal martial arts!

As an added bonus, he was reading it for absolutely free!

The reason? Well, this was his current task.

Transcribing techniques in the mortal techniques room was an assignment he occasionally received. This development was only natural.

As Bubai continued to demonstrate his value to Granny Shu, his tasks transcended the confines of just a couple of rooms, his net of responsibilities casting wider and wider.

Naturally, each entry into a new room presented a fresh opportunity to him.

Even though he couldn't read the books when entering a new room for a task, during his book search, he could still scout the room, browsing the names of the various other books within!

This allowed him to glimpse the possibilities, mentally noting down books of interest for future reference when he amassed enough contribution points.

This was the reason why he knew about the insect-rearing technique without ever paying to enter the mortal techniques room before.

Of course, the main benefit still remained the fact that he could read for free.

While the mortal techniques room was relatively inexpensive to visit, engaging in a copying task was a more practical option because it allowed him, technically, unlimited time to explore each book thoroughly.

Why is this extra time important? Well, sometimes the naked eye tends to overlook important factors.

For example, at first glance, the mortal technique room actually appeared to lack any internal power manuals.

However, one may never know when there were cryptic secrets hidden in books, especially in a world of cultivation.

A coincidental example was the one currently in Bubai's hands – a monk's diary from a small temple detailing mundane tasks like daily chores, routine activities, and spiritual practices such as washing under a waterfall, sweeping the temple, and reciting mantras.

The entries portrayed an ordinary mortal life until... the very end.

In the concluding passages, the monk mentioned successfully fending off intruders before expressing his final words: to return to dharma.

While it might seem like a typical death, the hidden message suggested the monk was more than he appeared to be. After all, a regular monk wouldn't be capable of repelling intruders.

Had it not been for the meticulous copying task, he might have overlooked this revelation.

Intrigued by this discovery, he revisited the text on a whim. Like a normal person, he was initially induced to pay heed to the waterfall and mantra sections… but no.

After rereading the diary multiple times, he eventually discovered the true clue laid within the monk's detailed descriptions of his own daily sweeping!

The abnormality in the details sparked his suspicion, and upon closer inspection, he detected a certain pattern to it...

He might just be overthinking… but there should be a concealed breathing method for internal power hidden within the text!

However, his mind was certainly not “enlightened” enough to try it. Nonetheless, he still kept this method in his mind.

After all, the alternate energy source of this world was most likely not as simple as depicted in books. Otherwise, there was no need for a deliberate suppression by cultivators.

Having neatly organized the freshly copied volume, Bubai turned his attention to the completed formation node resting on the table.

Its lower hemisphere emanated a subdued golden glow, courtesy of the activated runes, while its upper hemisphere emitted a sharp light from a specific set of symbols within the circuit.

The basic light formation node was completed.

With a smile, Bubai reached for the wooden formation ball, observing as the light gradually dimmed after he deactivated the node's battery. “The proof is ready. Time to go take on some tasks.”

West District. Registration Pavilion.

Entering the hall from the Task Pavilion, Bubai immediately noticed Manager Qiao at his counter, lecturing a thin, unfamiliar man, his pale, powdery face hinting at his role.

“… You have to lead the new members through those places and explain all these points clear, but remember, say less, do less…”

Manager Qiao's words trailed off as he caught sight of Bubai approaching, prompting a smile to grace his face, “Oh, well, if it isn’t Brother Mo!”

“Manager Qiao.” Bubai saluted courteously before shifting his attention toward the pale-faced eunuch on the side, “New worker?”

“Aye.” Manager Qiao nodded, letting out a sigh of resignation, “Hey, it was a bit sudden, but Xiao Panzi got on the bad side of the new member of the inner sect and had to return to the servant’s quarters to avoid the wind for a while. So, I could only find a replacement.”

Bubai raised a brow. It seems… the poor man won’t be coming back.

But, this wasn’t something he could meddle with.

“I see,” Bubai nodded, placing his task sheet on the counter.

“Here to take another task?” Manager Qiao, rubbing his hand, smiled as he directed his attention to the task sheet.

A startled expression flickered across his face, and he almost immediately looked up at Bubai. “...”

After a brief moment of silence, the man raised his hand, saluting towards Bubai, “Congratulations Young Master Mo! Your road will definitely be broad and long!”

Bubai subtly shook his head with a wry smile, “Hey, who can predict the future? A formation apprentice is not a ticket to avoid the wind and waves.”

“There is no need to be so humble. Mark my words. Young Master Mo will definitely… rise.”

Manager Qiao returned a smile before he lowered his head, silently making a record, a touch more taciturn than usual.

When he lifted his head once more, Manager Qiao managed to squeeze out a smile as he handed the task sheet back to Bubai, “Young Master Mo, I wish you a future that is filled with abundance and fulfillment.”

Walking out from the Registration Pavilion, Bubai finally sensed the discomforting gaze that had lingered on his back being removed.

Bubai cast his gaze upwards, observing the sun breaking through the cloudy mists. He couldn’t help but inwardly sigh.

Some individuals were quick to sever ties at the slightest hint of a change in status.

His inner disciple status might still be at risk, but things changed after becoming a formation apprentice. He now harbored untapped potential waiting to be unearthed.

Even if he were to fall from the inner sect, he could rely on his trade to ascend once more.

Now, unless he commits a major transgression that would make him an eyesore to those in higher echelons, the male servant quarters had nothing to do with him.

This was the true value of a cultivator profession within a sect.

South District.

Walking down the street, Bubai noticed traces of soot staining parts of the pavement.

Believe it or not, this was actually not residue from the crematorium.

The crematorium might reside in the South District, but it was only a small part of the area, and it was inactive most of the time.

Instead, the predominant source of soot came from the towering pavilions that spread across the district.

These grand structures served as high-end workshops for the sect, capable of accommodating large teams of cultivators specializing in various professions. Equipped with production tools such as forges and pill tripods, these pavilions were essential to the sect's productivity.

Naturally, another essential structure contributed to this productivity.

On both sides of every street, smaller white jade buildings of uniform sizes were spaced out.

Some featured invitingly open doors, offering glimpses of the heated scene within, while others remained closed, the light leaking through gaps providing a subtle hint of their occupancy.

These smaller workshops were rented to wealthier disciples, typically individual craftsmen, pill refiners, and formation masters of adept-rank or above.

It was individual workshops like these that opened up the disciples’ freedom to innovate, completing the final puzzle piece of the South District, also known as the Production District.

This district housed the true heartbeat of the sect's production, and it was also the hub where various manufacturing tasks originated.

Suddenly, Bubai's senses tingled, causing him to pause mid-step and take a step back...

Boom! Not far in front of him, the door of a workshop blasted outwards, flames gushing out from within!

Shortly afterward, a soot-covered man stumbled out, coughing. “No. How could I be wrong? I was sure I was right- Yes, it must be because I didn’t bring Hua’er today. I need her to help me temper my fire…”

Glancing back at the now fire-ravaged workshop, the man swiftly formed a couple of seals with his hands, summoning a strong wind that snuffed out the remaining flames. “Just great! I need to pay the repair fee... again.”

Retrieving the charred door, he dragged it back to the workshop and reinserted it into place, shutting himself inside once more...

Assured that there was no more imminent danger, Bubai continued walking forward.

Explosions like the one he witnessed were not uncommon, especially in professions such as pill refinement and forging.

Similar incidents could also occur when dealing with formations and artifacts, particularly when experimenting with certain destructive aspects of these fields.

This is why these workshops were important.

It is already unacceptable for an individual to blow up their own tower, and it became an even larger issue when their tower comes crashing down, extending the damage to surrounding buildings.

Repair fees for such damages were hefty, a price most normal inner sect and outer disciples couldn't afford even if they worked a lifetime.

Of course, towers don’t collapse so easily.

However, most disciples typically owned one of the smaller residences scattered across various districts.

These residences were usually nestled between other dwellings or important sect buildings.

No one wished to be held responsible for blowing up sect infrastructure, nor does anyone want to have a neighbor playing with fire...

This led to the allocation of a designated district for production.

The purpose was to prevent damage to other structures and to minimize the adverse effects from the production processes.

The strange effects of the contaminated air from vaporized pills, out-of-control artifacts, accidentally activated killing formations… the list goes on.

Plus, to avoid causing harm to the sect, it was best that certain crazies had a place to vent their… creativity.

Eventually, Bubai's journey brought him in front of a small workshop.

The workshop's wall displayed fancy lanterns, each with a peculiar design on its exterior.

The frames crisscrossed in a seemingly chaotic manner, creating gaps of unknown patterns and shapes that allowed light to filter out.

“Well, this should be the place.”

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