Eternity Starts From His Seed

Chapter 82: Formation Task

Bubai cautiously pushed open the creaky door of the small workshop, its hinges squealing in protest as if they were reluctant to allow entry.

As the rhythmic tapping of tools against metal echoed in his ears, he stepped inside and a warm glow enveloped him, emanating from the multitude of lanterns that hung on the walls.

Some were crafted with stained glass, casting vibrant array of colors on the aesthetically appealing, white jade surfaces. Others were made of brass and copper, reflecting the flickering flames within.

The workshop felt like a treasure trove of ornamental artifacts – abnormally out-of-place in an immortal cultivation world. Had Bubai not known better, he would have thought he transmigrated to a bygone era.

At a cluttered worktable in the corner, an old man hunched over his craft, surrounded by tools and scraps of metal, his hands moving with the practiced precision of a seasoned artisan.

The details from the task sheet surfaced in Bubai’s mind.

“Complete basic light node. Commissioner: Shen Fu. Payment: 10 contribution points per completed product.”

This should be the task commissioner.

The old man didn't look up, absorbed in his work as if oblivious to the Bubai's presence. So, Bubai waited patiently.

As he stood in silence, his gaze wandered across the wall of lanterns.

Among the various designs, one particular lantern soon caught his eye – its white jade frame crafted with an ornate flame design, and a reddish glass pane that altered the light radiating from the core within. It was the style of the Sun Furnace Sect’s lanterns.

Yet, this particular lantern was just one among many. He certainly didn’t recall seeing similar lanterns being used elsewhere, even in the Cloud Sword Sect territories.

So, Bubai couldn't fathom the purpose behind the myriad others, each with its own distinct designs.

“Fascinating, isn’t it?”

Bubai’s attention was drawn towards the voice.

The old man had finally looked up from his work. With a wispy beard framing his weathered face, a glint of wisdom sparkled in his eyes as he stared at the lanterns with a thoughtful expression, “Light, a gift of the world. It’s filled with mysteries yet to be understood till this day...”

“Mankind could only harness it through their rudimentary methods… until lanterns came along.”

Setting down the trinket in his hand, the old man gestured toward the multitude of lanterns, “These lanterns are not just about providing light. Each design has its own tale, its own purpose."

He pointed towards a lantern with delicate floral patterns and continued, "This one, for instance, was commissioned by the sect to commemorate a joyous occasion. The flowers symbolize the blooming happiness of the saintess’s ascent.”

Pointing to another lantern carved with a humanoid figure embraced by star symbols, he explained, "And this one? Crafted for a group of star-crossed lovers from the South who sought enlightenment under the stars. It's a guiding light for those who seek love and companions..."

The old man then pointed towards the sect’s lantern and grinned knowingly. "And, the lantern of the sect is a different beast altogether. It's not just about illumination. It's a symbol of unity, a beacon that connects the sect's members with lost lambs every night. The light within represents the collective spirit. The flame, each member’s burning passion toward cultivation."

The old priest looked toward him with an amicable smile. "You see, young one, light serves different purposes for different people. These lanterns are not just objects. They are reflections of the human experience, capturing moments, emotions, and aspirations. So..."

“Will you be interested in following the light to seek the truth?”

Uh… no. He honestly only came to work, not for some philosophy lesson.

However, this old man was a prominent figure in the sect's lighting industry and a Master artifact craftsman! Given his status, Bubai opted to play along.

“Ahem... Darkness brews chaos, but with light comes the dawn of wisdom.”

Oh lord of cringe, that sounded so cheesy he wanted to-

“Excellent! Excellent! A young man with fine tastes!” the old man chuckled and extended his wrinkly hand toward him, “But words alone can’t get you anywhere. Bring it here. Let old Shen here have a look.”

Okay. Back to square one.

Bubai took out his formation node from his storage pouch and handed it over.

Old Shen then took a monocle on a stick from the table and raised it up to his eye.

Bubai's eyes narrowed slightly as he recognized it to be a quizzer, a device with a design seemingly out of place for the current era and world!

Thanks to his enhanced, buffed state, he could even faintly see some abnormal black mist wafting out from it...

Mistaking his focused gaze for curiosity, Old Shen introduced, “A looking glass, a small trinket acquired from a secret realm, accompanied by the original formula for crafting these artifacts of light.”

Secret realm? Bubai still didn’t know much, but this revelation hinted that secret realms weren’t as simple as just another isolated space.

Unfortunately, Old Shen didn't provide any further explanation nor did he seem to notice the black mist.

His focus remained wholly on scrutinizing Bubai's work, seemingly oblivious to the black mist seeping into his eyes as he peered through the lens. “Hmm… These disorganized strokes and thick lines- Beginner?”

“Yes…” Bubai stole a glance at the inner disciple token hanging on the old man's desk. “Senior Shen.”

Foundation Establishment? Could the old man truly not perceive the black Qi? Maybe, he was just overthinking it.

“Hmm…” Old Shen set down his looking glass and threw Bubai a rather indifferent look. “Another who came to practice…”

“So be it. But, I don’t accept this quality here.” Shaking his head, he casually tossed the formation ball toward Bubai, “Catch.”

Bubai's hand shot forward, catching the ball in mid-air.

“The materials are in that corner.” Old Shen waved dismissively, indicating toward one of the many organized boxes. “See for yourself. I only accept products meeting similar criteria.”

After this, Old Shen picked up the trinket, resuming his tinkering, his hands moving with practiced skill.

“Feel free to find a seat anywhere. Mistakes under my light can be owed... Or if you prefer working at your own pace, you can take one back. But, if you can’t return with a successful product or the specified compensation, there’s no need to come back.”

Storing away his now redundant formation ball, Bubai walked over to the box.

Tacked on the lid was a piece of worn paper - its faded ink displaying the familiar connector symbol and a note.

“Connect to Basic Qi formation, leave carved area empty…”

Lifting the lid, Bubai immediately saw a box full of formation balls inside. So rich!

A further inspection allowed Bubai to notice the differences in these balls.

Unlike the plain ones available in the shop, each ball already had a round groove etched onto its wooden surface.

Leading out from this groove, a familiar yet altered connector symbol was already imprinted, occupying a small portion of space on the ball.

Bubai wasn't entirely certain about the function of the groove, but he realized it would complicate his task significantly. There was less available space to work with.

He picked up one of the balls and rotated it around for a bit, confirming the output point for the connector symbol.

Well, it seems he’ll have to bring this back and do some careful planning before he started.

Plan on paper. Then, use ink to paint a similar groove on his own formation balls for practice first.

The carved groove actually reduces the price of the task ball, but the specified compensation actually surpassed the cost of a regular formation ball in the shops.

The old man seemed to have factored in other costs, such as the possibility of individuals never returning.

However, the old man’s willingness to still provide such an opportunity deserved respect.

Formation balls might be of low value in the eyes of the wealthy and experienced formation masters, but for penniless beginners, they held significant weight.

Even for Bubai, who received a timely small fortune, this was still an unprecedented opportunity.

If he wants to sustain this educational opportunity, he needs to minimize his wasteful behaviors. So, he will practice on the task ball only when he felt adequately prepared.

After stowing the ball in his storage pouch, Bubai offered the old man a bow, casting a final glance at the monocle on the table before departing the workshop.

Stepping back onto the street, Bubai let out a sigh of relief, “Fortunately I made a trip early…”

Without the additional allocated space for the groove, finding a commissioner willing to accept his formation balls might prove challenging. There was even a possibility that different commissioners might have varying requirements.

Had he exhausted all his formation balls, they would now be rendered useless and likely only sellable on the public market.

This blunder stemmed from his insufficient knowledge, not just in formations but also in artifact crafting.

The blending of two professions introduced many unknown changes in the middle. This was a challenge that couldn't be avoided, especially further along down the line

Books had hinted about powerful high-level treasures, beyond the high-grade, which required in-depth knowledge in multiple or all professions to craft!

Alas, this was not something he could touch upon, as he lacked even the names of these unknown treasures.

“Well, one step at a time.” It’s not like he was ready to take on a second occupation anytime soon.

Bubai then made his way back toward the Book Pavilion.

Though he had embarked on his journey to earn extra income, the pursuit of knowledge must never end.

Perhaps, with sufficient knowledge, he could even unveil the mystery of that black mist he had encountered earlier.

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