Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 162

Chapter 62 Get away successfully

determined his current’actual’ situation, Ethan began to gradually expand the scope of investigation.

This requires the mental power to be released. As long as the mental power is strong enough, this kind of exploration method will not be disturbed, and it will bring back enough correct information to oneself.

But the question is how strong is it?

Ethan’s current mental power is definitely strong enough compared to ordinary people, but compared with many powerful beings, the current strength is nothing at all.

What he is not sure about is the intensity of this mysterious power? After all, there is no information in his hands now.

“It seems that I have no other choice.”

Fight it? Or is it quietly at the mercy of others? This is almost a matter of no suspense.

Release his mental power a little bit. Ethan’s’action’ is very careful and very cautious. Once the situation is not right, he will immediately recover his mental power. Fortunately, he has always extended the’scanning’ range of mental power to his side. When it was rice, it did not cause any abnormal phenomena.

I don’t know if the mysterious power was not discovered, or if I didn’t care at all, Ethan successfully mastered himself and the situation around him.

“It is also possible that this power does not have a clear consciousness, but has some instincts?”

Ethan moved his hand gently, and the grass wrapped around it was immediately torn off by Ethan, and the other parts were the same. These grasses were just like ordinary weeds and could not force Ethan’s actions to be restricted.

sat up gently, and did not stand up directly, Ethan was just half-kneeling like this, slowly expanding his exploration range.

“The grass is everywhere, and there is no Logan and Laura.”

From the height of the grass, Ethan can probably judge that the place where he fell was not where he found the ‘spring water’, but he didn’t know how he separated from Logan and Laura?

“Where is the spring water dug out? No, there are amulets distributed there. Even if this place can affect all the senses, it can create the illusion that the other party is in front of me, but the amulet that I sent out will not be teleported away?”

Perhaps the amulet given by me actually fell somewhere, and Logan and Laura did not get it; or they got it. After the amulet was divided, several people were gradually dispersed under the influence of various perceptual interference. It’s open.

Of course, the worst possible thing is that they have fallen into a ‘illusion’ from the beginning, but in this case, this force must release very strong fluctuations from the beginning, which will definitely arouse Ethan’s vigilance.

“I look like a blind man now.”

Ethan did not dare to expand his mental power too far. Although he would have a better visual range, it also meant that his mental power was ‘diluted’, and he might not be able to resist it when he encountered an attack, and would suffer severe damage.

So he carefully controlled the scanning range until he was sure that there was no danger around him, sorted out the equipment on his body, and soared directly into the sky.

Ethan didn’t care about the mess, because he suddenly thought of a problem.

“Why do I search around stupidly? No matter how strong the mysterious power of this island is, there is a range of influence. This range is certainly not endless. Then I can avoid this effect by keeping a certain distance from the island.”

The way to get a distance from the island is of course not only the way to return to the sea. Rising to a high altitude can also get a sufficient distance from the island.

Ethan could feel that when he used his flame wings to soar into the sky, he immediately had strong fluctuations rushing from all directions to him. If he spreads his mental power too broadly, he will suffer very much at this time. A fierce blow will inevitably affect your own’take off’.

Now that the scope of mental power has been expanded just right, Ethan is able to gather his mental power in time to form a strong enough ‘shield’ to protect himself from being injured by mental attacks before flying to a high enough height.

flew straight to the sky for a while, Ethan suddenly felt light all over his body, and the mental attack that kept pressing on him finally disappeared. Ethan knew that he was out of the range of influence of the island, and only then did he open his eyes again.

The first thing that catches the eye is the pair of glasses still hanging on the eyes, and the red ‘Alien Energy Invasion Warning’ is constantly flashing on the screen.

I didn’t have the time to spit out this warning that I couldn’t see it with Ben in the state just now. I immediately switched the search mode to find the location of Logan and Laura.

Then use the ‘telescope’ function on the glasses to check the current situation of the two people. Just like him before, he lay there quietly, his hands and feet wrapped in long grass.

“The situation is not too bad.”

Ethan used the glasses to calculate a suitable’rescue route’, and gave himself a’route mark’ on the glasses, then took out the amulet he hoarded from the space, and used it all at once. With the help of the amulet Energy casts a multiple spiritual protection spell on himself.

“Look at how you affect me!”

Be prepared for everything, Ethan did not dive down directly, but kept accelerating at a relatively safe height in the air, and then suddenly descended according to the route given on the glasses, and rushed towards Logan’s location. past.

At the moment when the altitude dropped, Ethan felt that his magic shield was attacked, and as his altitude became lower and lower, the pressure on the magic shield became higher and higher. When he rushed to Logan , That power almost reached a state of madness, constantly attacking Ethan.

At this time, there is no interference anymore. The almost condensed mental power attacks Ethan’s magic shield like a heavy hammer. If Ethan hadn’t released the shield of the Book of Inheritance, he would have been squeezed into it. Mashed meat.

Before arriving at Logan, he violently released the shield energy of the Book of Inheritance, and squeezed the mental attacks around him for a while, and bought himself a little time to take advantage of the opportunity of just a few seconds. , Grabbed Logan and reopened the shield, and then continued to approach Laura.

The sprint at this speed can cause great harm to the human body without any protection. Fortunately, Logan and Laura are rescued by Ethan. The two self-healing abilities can ensure that they will not be rescued by Ethan. What’s too much damage to the behavior.

Of course, it is inevitable to suffer a bit.

“Fak, Ethan! Are you saving me or are you trying to kill me?”

The moment I was caught and dragged into the flight by Ethan, Logan’s mental interference was broken, but this violent cracking method was not suitable for other people.

“If I can think of it, I’ll change to a better method next time. That’s all for now.” Ethan followed the route marked on the glasses and quickly came to Laura’s location: “Look at it. Chance, take Laura!”

He was flying very fast. He was not sure whether Logan could grasp the few seconds when he turned off the shield to rescue Laura, but now he had no other choice, whether to succeed or not to succeed Logan.

Fortunately, Logan’s reaction was very quick, he picked up Laura very accurately and in time, and then Ethan flew straight towards his Goddess of Dawn with two people, one large and one small.

It seems that a long time has passed. In fact, Ethan used that pair of high-tech glasses to calculate the best rescue and evacuation route. It took only a short time from Ethan to dive to the deck of the Aurora. It’s just that what happened in this short period of time is too exciting, and it seems that a long time has passed since I was concentrated.

“I almost suffered a big loss this time.”

Sitting on the deck for a while, Logan, who was slowly recovering, turned his head and looked at Laura. After asking about her situation, he turned to Ethan after making sure that she was all right: “Thank you for coming to save me. ”

“It should be.” Ethan did not feel that this was worthy of thanks. Since Logan became his own crew member, he, the captain, needs to be responsible for their lives. Rescue of the crew is just right.

Logan nodded and did not continue to say any words of thanks. It seemed too hypocritical, UU reading www. After, they will have time to get along, and he believes that in the future there will be opportunities to prove how correct Ethan’s behavior is this time.

As for he would thank him because Logan knew that no matter how strange the island was, he couldn’t really trap Ethan. Because Ethan has the ability to travel through time and space, in a real crisis, he can launch the time and space shuttle magic circle to go to other worlds, and then make some props to ensure his safety before returning.

In that case, it’s hard to say what he and Laura will be like-Logan didn’t know that Ethan left and came back, almost back to the moment he left before.

After a rest, Logan looked at the island again, which was still a green grassland. Standing here and looking over, he couldn’t imagine that there was such a terrible ‘trap’ on this island.

He gradually realized that the “suicide route” that Ethan said before was not an exaggeration. If the islands on this route are so weird and dangerous, it is not a strange thing that not many people can reach the end.

“Do you want to continue exploring this island?”

Ethan was standing at the height of the stern tower and looking at the island. Hearing Logan’s words, he barely hesitated and gave his answer: “Of course I want to continue exploring. I am very curious about the power on this island. What is the body of “?”

He doesn’t know what materials are on this island. This is because he suspects that the source of this energy is magic stones, but it is difficult to judge the specific attributes.

“Is it a pure psychic magic stone? I have never heard of this kind.”

No matter what it is, Ethan needs ample preparation to get it in his hands. The equipment on his body is sufficient to cope with the current situation, and he needs to carry out more targeted props.

“It needs more time.”

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