Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 163

Chapter 63 Show off

How to get time? This problem was solved very well. It was at this time that Logan knew that when Ethan traveled to other worlds, the time in this world was almost in a static state-or Ethan’s time-space magic circle locked the time when he left. Point, as a time marker, and then send him back to this position when he returns.

“Even if you couldn’t get rid of the entanglement of that island just now, you can teleport to other worlds to solve the problem of sensory interference, and then come back to rescue us?”

“Is such that.”

Considering the special physiques of himself and Laura, even if there is a slight delay, it is not dangerous, so the dangerous situation just now does not actually pose any threat to them.

“It’s just that there is some trouble.”

This is also the fundamental reason why Ethan will continue to explore the island-it’s just a little troublesome, and it can’t really threaten any of them.

“Well, then you are going to go to other worlds to buy some time to make some special tools?”

Logan asked more about the situation and gained a more detailed understanding of Ethan’s journey. He knew that he could lock and shuttle between two worlds now; a semi-locked world, that is, the world where Arthur was, although he had The time and space magic circle is not locked there, but it can be contacted by Merlin through a special method. Merlin can set a coordinate in the distance, and Ethan can pass.

“The plan is like this.”

“Where are you going?”

If you want to make something to do some preparatory work, random transmission is not appropriate. He needs a relatively familiar and stable environment to do these tasks.

From the point of view of raw materials, it seems that the Marvel world is more suitable. Tony Stark, as a good friend of his current relationship, has some ‘cooperative’ relationships between the two parties, and can provide himself with enough materials.

However, after careful calculations, he found that he should not need additional materials for the time being. A few gaps can also be obtained from Paradise Island. In addition, he had promised to visit Paradise Island before, so he decided to go to Paradise Island.

“If my calculation is correct, the story of Wonder Woman should begin?”

According to the setting in the comics, Wonder Woman Diana is a thousand-year-old existence, and when she left Paradise Island, she was already a mature woman in her mind and body. The movie version did not choose this setting, but let her grow up like an ordinary person like the demigods in the Greek story, and leave the paradise island when she is just an adult, and slowly grow and mature in the outside world. Got up.

Now I have pointed out a new way for Diana. She is now much stronger than in the plot. He is very curious about what Diana like this will make the ‘story’ look like?

“Even just to see the excitement, I have to go there.”

The planted seeds are about to grow fruits, so I can’t miss it anyway. Even if there is no such thing as this island, he is planning to go to Paradise Island recently, and the space-time energy collected in his hand has not been used for this reason.

glanced at Logan, who was still waiting for his own answer. Ethan told him that his destination this time was one of the two worlds he had locked, and he could also drop by to visit his friends there.

“Paradise Island? It sounds like a very nice place.”

“It is indeed a nice place.”

Talking about the situation of Paradise Island with Logan, this consciously knowledgeable man was a little dizzy.

The Amazons created by the Greek gods? Zeus? Ares the God of War? Is that place a mythical world?

“Don’t feel strange, there are many so-called gods, some of which have only mastered a higher level of civilization, or raised their life forms to a higher level than human beings.”

Ethan pointed to Logan and Laura: “In a way, you and Laura are also walking along this road. Think about your mutant companions. Do the powerful ones look like gods? ?”

Apart from anything else, it is not difficult for Magneto and Stormgirl to pretend to be gods. In the comic world, after Magneto has developed his abilities to the extreme, even his life forms have reached a new level. As long as there is still magnetism in the universe, his life will not end. With a wave of hands, volcanic eruptions and crustal changes can be made. , Magneto in this state is a **** to ordinary people.

“Your statement made me feel a lot more comfortable.”

said that, Ethan could still feel that Logan was a little awkward. After all, he might see a real **** this time, and even if he wasn’t nervous, he didn’t know how to face this kind of existence.

Ethan doesn’t worry about this, because Logan’s character, this awkwardness will soon be thrown aside by him.

“Pack up, get ready to go.”

He needs to pick up some things from his workshop. He hasn’t forgotten that the main purpose of this trip is to make some props, so the preparation for this departure wasted a little time. There are a lot of things that he is a little confused about or not to bring. With it, in the end, I couldn’t be sure, I packed two more bags, and Logan had to pick one for himself before picking it up.

“What if there are more items and I can’t get them back?”

“No, if everything goes well, many of these things will be worn out or even scrapped when making props. When we come back, there will be no more things, unless we find some new treasures over there.”

This time Xiao Ou did not stay. When Ethan was shuttled, Xiao Ou might not hide there to sleep. Now Laura plays with him all day, so this time he was taken along with him.

After confirming the left and right, everyone nodded to indicate that they were ready. Ethan activated the magic circle. When they saw the sight before them again, the beautiful scenery of Paradise Island immediately attracted Laura and Logan’s. attention.

Ethan first put the things on hand into his room. Yes, he still returned to his wooden house on Paradise Island, and he could see that his wooden house was not only cleaned, but it also seemed to have undergone a certain degree of reinforcement and transformation. Some places that were rather foolish. They have all been reinforced and even remodeled again.

“Is this your residence?”

“It’s my foothold on Paradise Island.” Ethan pointed to the center of the island. The Amazons live on a mountain in the center of the island. Various buildings are scattered from the middle of the mountain to the top of the mountain: ” There is an Amazonian city, and I rarely go there.”


Ethan only briefly introduced the world to Logan before, so he knew that this world was roughly in the early twentieth century, and there were Olympus gods, and the Amazons were a race created by the Olympus gods. He has a long life and lives on an isolated paradise island. Besides, he doesn’t know what kind of race the Amazons are.

“Because the Amazons have no men.”

Wolverine was stunned, and then he understood why Ethan lived in such an outer part of the island. If he were to change it, he might not be able to stand in a city full of women.

“It turned out to be like this.” Whether it is a man or a woman, it is uncomfortable to be a cherished breed and being watched by people. Logan directly asked another question: “Should we go and say hello to the host here?”

“No, I believe someone has already told Her Majesty the Amazon about our arrival. We will just wait here.” He knew that there would be Amazon warriors staring at his place for a long time, as long as he appeared, Hippolyte The message will be received immediately.

It didn’t take long for a few people to appear on the far side of the path—a stone path was paved in front of the hut, extending far away and connecting the main road to the Amazonian city.

“I didn’t notice it just now, and built a small road specially.”

The people on the opposite side gradually approached One of the tall and slender figures rushed out and gave Ethan a strong hug.

boom! boom! boom!

If it wasn’t for Logan to see the other person’s face and it didn’t look like a pretended joy, he even wondered if Ethan did something before, so the woman wanted to kill him here as soon as she saw him.

“Diana, if you continue to shoot, I will either be directly killed by you, or you will be severely injured and die because of delayed rescue.”

Diana smiled and let go, and then squeezed Ethan’s shoulders and upper arms: “I just want to see if you have become stronger… Tsk tsk, why is there only so much meat? Looks like you The problem is still unresolved.”

She has a very precise grasp of her own power. Since receiving Ethan’s teaching, she has paid special attention to the control of her own power. It is absolutely impossible for her to make a heavy hand. The few shots she just took sounded very scary. In fact, they were all controlled within a range that Ethan could bear. Before the two played against each other every day, she knew exactly how much power Ethan could bear.

“This problem is not so easy to solve.” Diana’s eyes made Ethan feel weird, and the pinching hands on his body made him feel like he was the fat on the chopping board waiting to be selected. After knocking off Diana’s hand, Ethan greeted Hippolyte and Antiop who had walked in front of him, and introduced Logan and Laura to several people.

After greeting each other for a while, getting to know what’s going on and knowing Ethan’s purpose this time, Antiop and Hippolyte left.

Diana stayed for granted, proudly showing the results of her practice: She turned over the battle cross that she didn’t know where it was hiding in her hand, and slashed towards Ethan.

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