Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 165

Chapter 65 Steve Trevor

Ethan lighted up a few small props in his hand. Logan and Laura watched around Ethan, even Xiao Ou was on top of Laura’s head and pointed towards the things in Ethan’s hand. Keep looking around.

“Don’t see anything special?”

Logan stretched out his hand and took one in his hand. He observed it over and over again and again, but he didn’t see anything special about this item. From his point of view, it seemed to be sold at a roadside stall. Small accessories, even if he buys one for one dollar, he feels a bit of a loss.

“how to use?”

Not being famous does not mean that Logan does not trust Ethan’s ability. He knows that in this respect, he will not be able to compare with the professional on the other side after a hundred years of study and research. What he cares more about is whether this thing is troublesome to use? The belt before that can irritate him.

“It’s very simple, just wear it on your body.”

Like this kind of amulet, it basically works when you wear it on the body. The amulet he made is the same, but it is limited to the materials at hand and its own technical factors. This thing is a consumable.

“Based on some interference and attacks I have suffered before, each amulet can support us in the most central area of ​​the island for five hours.”

“You mean, this thing doesn’t always protect us?” Logan glanced at the other amulets in Logan’s hand. He now understands why Ethan has made so many at once: “No wonder these amulets look It’s so rough, you haven’t polished your appearance specially, have you?”

“After all, I made this thing for practical reasons. This thing is only a transitional product for emergency use. In the future, I will consider this aspect and make special protective props. At that time, I will consider the appearance.”

The appearance of these amulets in his hand is really not very eye-catching. It’s not that Ethan can’t do better, but that is not necessary.

“The remaining materials in my hand are enough to continue making some amulets. I plan to make all the materials I bring into amulets, and our goal will be achieved.”

The most troublesome research and prototype production work is completed. As long as there is enough time left, Ethan can transform the material into this amulet, but it takes a lot of time.

This is also the reason why he went to Paradise Island deliberately. If he made amulets outside the island and wasted time, no one can guarantee what happened during this period?

A new adventurer came to the island? More powerful adventurers participate in the competition and even want to destroy themselves? Unknowable changes occurred on the island. For example, the mental disturbance on the island became stronger, or worse, wasted a long time making amulets. As a result, the island sank and was a waste of time.

Using the shuttle magic circle to do these tasks in other worlds, you can perfectly avoid all these problems.

By the way, I can also visit Diana, while looking forward to the original story of Wonder Woman.

He didn’t wait too long, and it could even be said that things finally happened when he most wanted to happen.

Just after Ethan was busy and consumed the raw materials he brought, and made a lot of amulets, Ethan sat in the sun on the wooden chair outside the hut and watched an old-fashioned plane pass by. After crossing the barrier of Paradise Island, he swayed towards the surface of the sea.

“The story has begun.”

He thought he would have to wait for a while, but he didn’t expect that as soon as he was finished, Steve Trevor drove the plane into the Paradise Island and opened the prelude to the Wonder Woman story.

Diana, who was also basking in the sun, stood up directly. Ethan’s small wooden house happened to be on the edge of a mountain and could overlook the entire beach. He built a house in this place and lived here. He really didn’t expect it. One day we can witness the beginning of this’story’.

But it doesn’t matter anymore, because of my own entanglement, even if the story of Wonder Woman generally follows the original plot, the specific details will definitely be greatly different.

Ethan is not going to mess up the plot this time, he just wants to quietly watch how Diana beats Ares.

As Diana broke through the air and flew directly to where the plane fell into the water, Logan, who was chopping wood nearby, also walked over and looked at the sea in the distance.

“Any outsider came in?”

“It looks like he should be a fighter pilot. I don’t know which side it is.”

Logan had participated in the First World War, but he was chopping firewood when the plane came in just now. When he walked over, the plane had fallen into the sea, otherwise he could clearly determine which plane it was and which camp it belonged to.

“The First World War.”

I was missing a few stories from the past. Diana, who had been in the water for a while, resurfaced and dragged another person. It was obvious that this was Steve Trevor.

“Let’s go over and take a look.”

A short walk to the side from this hut in Ethan, there is a **** that can descend to the beach below the cliff, but it takes a while to walk to the beach where Diana came ashore, so when Logan and Yi When Sen came here, the pilot had already woke up and was looking at Diana in front of him in a daze.


Logan distinguished the opponent’s camp as soon as he saw the suit on the opponent’s body. But Ethan knew that this guy was actually a member of the American Expeditionary Force, currently serving for the United Kingdom, sneaking into the German camp to collect intelligence, that’s why he was dressed like this.

Steve Trevor was still in a daze. He suddenly heard someone coming over and pointed out that he was a German. He immediately jumped up from the beach and asked Logan, “Where is this? Who are you?”

In his eyes, the few people in front of him are weird.

A young woman does not look like a ‘modern person’ in her dress. The other two men’s dresses are also a bit strange, but they are much more normal than that of the woman.

“This is Paradise Island.”

Ethan and Logan were too lazy to talk to this guy. Ethan knew the details of this guy, and Logan was a German who fought in both wars. How could he be so close to a man who was suspected of being a German army? But he noticed that this person was actually speaking English, which was interesting.

“Paradise Island? What is that place?”

Before he had time to ask more about it, an’invader’ appeared on the distant sea again. This time it was a warship that was hit hard and was sinking slowly. Several lifeboats were approaching in this direction of the beach. Every small boat was filled with heavily armed soldiers.

“German.” Steve kept greeting the people in front of him: “We have to get out of here.”

His reaction made Logan very interesting. The identity of this person does not seem to be simple: “Aren’t you with them?”

Logan is not Diana in the original plot, and he is completely confused about the situation. Stephen did not use “I am a good guy, they are bad guys” to fool this strong man like in the original plot. The other party can recognize that he is a German army. , Obviously knows the situation outside, it doesn’t seem to be a place isolated from the world here.

“The situation is a bit complicated. Now is not the time to talk about this. We have to leave here, otherwise we won’t have a good end if we are caught by those guys.”

“So, those people are evil?”

Listening to the conversation between Logan and this stranger, Diana only understood one thing: this person and the group of people on the sea are not in the same group, even if they wear the same clothes. At the same time, the group of people behind seems to be evil? Logan, who is already familiar, seemed to dislike this group of people.

“Yes, those people are evil.”

Diana frowned and wanted to get the answer from Ethan. What she didn’t expect was someone who could always give her own answer. This time she opened her hands and said that she would not help: “In the next period of time, you will I will decide everything by myself, and I will not give any advice… Diana, this is your best opportunity to learn how to truly adapt to this world.”

This will be Diana’s last learning journey She will gradually mature during this journey, transforming the many knowledge in her mind into things that can be applied in practice, understanding the theory and reality Gap, and understand the complexity of human beings.

Only after this journey, Diana will truly become the Wonder Woman—now she may have reached the full level in combat effectiveness, but there are still many places that are immature. Ethan can improve her combat effectiveness, but not Maybe in these aspects, she has become a full-level.

So in this plot, in addition to watching Diana violently beat Ares, you can also witness the true birth of Wonder Woman.

“Can’t you change the place to discuss what you are studying? They are about to go ashore… be careful!”

Steve looked at these people talking leisurely, remembering that there was sweat on their heads, and didn’t understand what they were talking about? No matter what you study, you can’t change to a safe place? At this time, he noticed that the soldiers on the sea began to raise their guns and shoot, and immediately reminded several people to be careful.

Only he shouted, and there was a scene in front of him that he couldn’t believe.

Diana just opened her body slightly, and then gently raised her arm. A spark exploded on the shiny wristband, and then some sand splashed on the sand—that was a bullet that had been ejected.


Just when he wondered if the bullet happened to hit the wristband, the woman had already turned to face the German soldiers on the sea, and then kept waving her hands and flew the bullets one after another. Aside.

If this is nothing, then the young man waved his hand gently, and a white light enveloped the scene of several people including himself, making him wonder if he was dreaming?

“Where did I go?”

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