Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 166

Chapter 66 Diana’s mission

“Paradise Island, an island ruled by the Amazons.”

Inside Ethan’s magic shield, Steve Trevor’s muttered words didn’t avoid his ears, and now he has nothing to do, so he’s just going to be with the man who should have become Diana’s first love. Have a chat casually.

“The Amazons?”

Ethan pointed behind Steve. The man looked in the direction Ethan was pointing, and a lot of people appeared on the cliff not far away-all wearing very old-style armor with swords, bows and arrows. Woman riding on horse.

Steve is not stupid. As an excellent spy, his mind is very flexible. He turned his head and looked at the dresses of Ethan and Logan and immediately came to the conclusion: These two men are not on this island. The aborigines seem to come from the outside world.

“So what about you?”

“I’m just passing by, staying here for a while.”

Steve’s expression is obviously unbelieving. How many people are surrounded by that kind of white energy shield. Is this an ability that ordinary people can display? But the other party didn’t want to answer him, there was no way, he could only turn his head and look at the only woman who was not “trapped” by the shield.

Before, he was worried that the young woman would be injured by endless rifle attacks. As a result, he found that he was thinking too much. The woman jumped to the surface of the sea a hundred meters away with a single kick, and then kicked one of them. The German soldier kicked, even if he was far away, he could see that the guy who was kicked would definitely not survive.

Then the woman stood on the boat and kept cutting and slashing. The magical thing was that he didn’t see a weapon in her hand at all, but with her movements, soldiers would always be chopped down. It seemed vaguely Blood spattered out.

There was a shock all over his body. He couldn’t figure out what weird situation was. Looking at the two standing beside him, Steve couldn’t help taking two steps out, which would make him feel safer.

The battle on the sea ended very quickly. This group of ordinary soldiers could not cause any damage to Diana at all, and they were all destroyed by Diana in just a few minutes.

They never set foot on the shore of Paradise Island until they died, and Antiop, who was supposed to have died in this encounter, was sitting on a high-headed horse leisurely and admiring Diana’s heroic fighting posture.

Hippolyte also looked at Diana fighting on the sea with a smile at this time. She felt that the most correct decision she had made was not to insist that Diana be an ordinary girl. The facts also proved that Diana was not ordinary at all and could Leaping a hundred meters away gently, the best fighters on the entire paradise island couldn’t hurt her at all. With that powerful divine power, such Diana was destined to fight Ares.

“Is this a sign?”

After all, the Amazons are a race created by the Olympian gods. Hippolyte also lived for a long time. Even if he did not have any special abilities, he saw an inexplicable enemy suddenly break into the realm of Paradise Island. When I was inside, I also had a foreboding that the peaceful life seemed to have ended, and the barrier that had not had problems since the age of the gods was gradually losing its due role.

“Maybe…” Antiop glanced at the “outsiders” on the beach. There seemed to be more and more outsiders on the paradise island. The Amazons would never be able to return to the peaceful, comfortable and isolated from the world in the past. Life: “Diana is likely to be leaving.”

She will usher in her own destiny, but she doesn’t know what kind of changes will happen to Paradise Island. Regardless of whether it is Antiop or Hippolyte, she has no bottom.

Maybe the mysterious Ethan knew something, but neither of them wanted to ask.

With the end of the battle on the sea, the paradise island seems to be calm again.

The finishing work is naturally done by Amazon warriors. They will clean up the sea and restore it to the previous state. Hippolyte brought a few people to Steve and removed the magic guard at Ethan. After shielding, immediately surrounded and controlled it.

Now all the problems are focused on the guy Steve Trevor, and Steve also realized that his situation seems to be bad, and he raised his hands honestly to indicate that he would not resist, even in his eyes. , The weapons of the Amazons on the opposite side are very backward and primitive.

“Show your identity, strange outsider.”

“Uh…I can’t say.” Steve is a spy, and he cannot reveal his identity according to the regulations, although the group of people in front of him should have nothing to do with Germany. But the rules are dead, and as a soldier he can only obey them honestly.

“If I’m not mistaken, this should be a spy from the UK.” Logan was more aware of this kind of thing, and directly exposed Steve’s identity: “I don’t know what you did, it attracted so much. Hunted by the Germans.”

Although his identity has been exposed, Steve still shook his head and said that he couldn’t speak.

Seeing him like this, Hippolyte was very dissatisfied, while Ethan looked indifferent to watching the show. Although Steve’s persistence is worthy of admiration, it is a pity that it is meaningless, because there is one thing on Paradise Island that is particularly suitable for use. ask questions.

That thing was supposed to be kept by Hippolyte, and was only taken out when needed. However, as Diana’s abilities become stronger and stronger, it becomes more and more difficult to find a weapon at hand. This mantra lanyard has long been handed over to Diana, but now Dai who is more accustomed to using the battle cross Anna doesn’t use it often.

At this time, it was the best occasion for the mantra lanyard to come in handy. Diana was not polite. She took off the lasso from her waist and gently waved her wrist. The mantra lanyard entangled Si firmly. Tiff, and emit a golden light.

“What’s this?” Maybe it’s because there are too many weird things that I have seen today. Steve looked a little panicked when he saw that he was entangled in a rope that released golden light. He also found that he couldn’t control his mouth a little, almost Just say what you think of: “It’s hot! You guys don’t want to bake me and eat it?”

No one answered him, Diana tugged the noose in her hand to make it tighter to avoid being broken away by the other party.

“What is your name? Who is it?”

Steve, who was still looking nervously at the rope in front of him, said his identity without hesitation for half a second.

“My name is Steve Trevor, a captain of the American Expeditionary Force, a pilot, and a soldier with the number 8141921. I am responsible for providing intelligence support to the United Kingdom…I shouldn’t say all of these things. What the **** is this?”

Steve, who didn’t realize his situation until halfway through the conversation, was a little panicked. As soon as he stopped himself, he felt that the rope entwining him became hotter.

Logan laughed directly after seeing Steve’s embarrassment: “I said, this guy is a spy.”

The next interrogation let everyone know about Steve’s mission and what he did in the Ottoman Empire. Why did it attract so many Germans to hunt down.

It turned out that this Steve received intelligence that Doctor Poison was studying a new type of chemical weapon in the Ottoman Empire, so he rushed over to investigate the details, and took the opportunity to steal Dr. Poison’s notes, and then snatched an airplane and exploded it. To the other party’s workshop.

While rushing back to send information to the British side, the plane crashed and landed on the Paradise Island, and the German army following him was wiped out by Diana, and then he was interrogated by the Amazons on the paradise island on the beach.

Steve explained almost everything clearly and did not show frustration. After clarifying the matter, he hoped that the group of people in front of him could let himself go, so that he could go back and send the information back in time to avoid Britain. There has been a huge loss in this regard.

“If I can pass the intelligence to the British side so that the British side can avoid huge losses, then this war will be over soon. If not, the German army is likely to defeat us with this kind of weapon. This kind of weapon will produce very Huge casualties, not only soldiers, but also countless civilians…”

I have to admit that Steve’s thinking and eloquence are good. After realizing that he could not resist this strange power, he simply followed and put himself on the side of justice Perhaps it is possible to tell this group of so-called Amazonians to let themselves go.

In fact, he did achieve his goal in the original plot, and this time it also attracted Diana’s attention.

After hearing about the huge scale of the war, Diana has realized something, but she is different from the naive original plot. She thinks of another aspect. Once again, he habitually looked at Ethan. Although he still did not give any clear hints, Diana still understood something and made her own decision.

Steve, who had regained his freedom, let out a long sigh. The feeling of being bound by the mantra lanyard is not so comfortable, and there will be a sense of collapse afterwards, which makes him have to sit on the sand and look up. The lassoed young woman walked up to the leader who looked like this group of women.

“I want to go to the battlefield.”

Diana didn’t ask Hippolyte whether she could leave, but was very determined to tell her mother that she was going to fulfill her mission.

Hippolyte realized this when Steve spoke of the huge scale of this war. There must be a shadow of Ares behind this scale of war.

Like Diana, she would not naively think that the war was provoked by Ares, and that the war would be eliminated by eliminating Ares. But she knew that such a large-scale war would definitely attract the attention of the God of War, and even appear in a certain place on the battlefield in person.

The fate of Diana is to destroy the **** of war.

So when her daughter came in front of her, she was not surprised at all, but looked at the grown-up Diana with complicated eyes.

“Bring all the equipment, don’t forget the armor you’ve always liked.”

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