Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation

Vol 5/ Chapter 150: Haunted

This time, the scouting team wasn't completely wiped out. Although there were some casualties, most of the team members were captured. Among the captives were Wayne Peng and Chan Layne, which immediately put the entire plan at risk of being exposed!

Fortunately, the scouting team had left early and wasn't fully aware of the specific arrangements on H-country's side. So even if the vampires learned that we might take action against M-country, it didn't affect the overall situation!

However, the attack also showed that we couldn't delay any longer. The information about the angels cooperating with H-country had already leaked. We needed to resolve this crisis quickly before the vampire Ancestor could come up with a countermeasure!

Another bit of luck was that later, two members of the team managed to escape during the attack!

According to one of the surviving scouts, he saw a monster with bat wings spread out, hovering in the sky. Raydwin, filled with anger, tried to attack it, but he was no match. The monster grabbed Raydwin by the neck and dragged him away!

Hearing this, it's easy to see why the enemy didn't kill Raydwin on the spot. They must have noticed something special about him. Such a strong human is rare on Earth. The vampire Ancestor must have seen his potential. Maybe he kept Raydwin for his own use. Although we don't know where Raydwin is now, it's likely he was taken to the vampire lair, which the presidential office probably turned into.

"This person is a rare talent. Please make sure to rescue him!"

General Lee, a key member responsible for attacking the "Blue Palace," earnestly requested this of me and Adrian. It became an additional objective.

Even if General Lee hadn't asked, I would have tried my best to help Raydwin. However, Cyra's strong insistence on joining was surprising.

"It's really unfortunate! Even though Feliciana from World 14 took care of most targets, we still don't have enough manpower. Many teams have to handle several nearby bases, so we can only assign you to another rescue team."

Considering the bigger picture, General Lee refused her request.

The two scouts who escaped used their excellent tracking skills to locate the captives, even without vampire radar. They found out that the prisoners were turned into the enemy's camp, and sent to an abandoned military base east of M-country's capital.

"This base isn't within any known nuclear base we have intel on. But we saw a nuclear submarine heading this way earlier, so it might have been turned into a temporary docking spot."

An H-country intelligence officer explained while pointing at a large map. This meant that even if the captives weren't taken there, we still had to target that location. Cyra, being one of the few angels capable of purification, was an essential part of the rescue mission.

"Alright! Make sure to rescue him. Just as long as he's alive, it's fine!"

After I and Adrian reassured her, Cyra reluctantly agreed. Maybe she felt her earlier behavior could cause misunderstandings, so she added, "After all, that guy saved me and let me stay for so long without paying rent. If I can't repay him, it would feel terrible!"

When we decided to leave earlier, why didn't you mention the debt?

I couldn't help but mutter under my breath. After Cyra left, another Cyra from World 12 approached me and asked indirectly:

"Have you watched the attack's recorded video?"

"I've seen a bit. Why?"

This Cyra from World 12 was the one who helped Feliciana from World 12 trap Feliciana from World 7. I was wary but still responded, somewhat confused.

The full footage of the M-country scouting team's being attacked was sent to everyone. However, since the cameras weren't fully destroyed, the video was very long. Most of it was just blank screens, and halfway through, I got too lazy to watch.

"Do you know that in the second half of the video, Raydwin is seen picking up a camera and leaving a message? Unfortunately, he only said, 'I will survive and come back to you,' and nothing else. It was vague and didn't mention who he was talking to. Others might be confused, but if Cyra from your world saw it, it would be different… You know her best. What do you think she would do? Does she really not care at all?"

I didn't know about these tricks in the second half of the video. Hearing it from Cyra from World 12 felt strange, so I complained:

"Even if Raydwin said those words, they weren't meant for you! How would I know what Cyra is thinking? You should worry more about Feliciana from your own world!"

To make up for the lack of manpower, both World 11 and World 12 were sent to assist in the mission. Now, people from both worlds were in the same room.

World 12 was fine, but Feliciana from World 11 kept staring at Feliciana from World 12. It was clear she still held a grudge and wanted revenge.

"After all, she's another version of me from a different world. Isn't it normal to keep an eye on her? Or have you seen another you being unfaithful and not felt anything?"

Cyra from World 12 wasn't happy to hear this. She gave me a dirty look and retorted but eventually returned to her position.

Aside from that, Feliciana from World 7 died unjustly, and it had bothered me several times. But I'm always forgiving and didn't want to argue with Cyra from World 12! Unexpectedly, when I turned around, I saw Feliciana from World 14 having a private conversation with Cyrae.

They were in an unnoticeable corner. It seemed Cyrae approached her first. When I tried to get closer, I could barely understand Feliciana from World 14's response:

"Your world is too far from here. Even Galadra herself might find it hard to send you back successfully. It seems you were sent to this Earth because of some powerful force's intervention! I can't be sure what that force is, but there must be a hidden purpose behind it. You'll have to uncover the truth yourself. As for your surviving companions from your world, don't worry too much! They have their own missions to complete, and leaving you doesn't mean they can't survive. I'm sorry, but I can't help you with that…"

What a surprising twist! Does this mean Cyrae's hope to return is completely lost?

But looking at it another way, it's not such a bad thing! Besides not being able to send her husband's soul back to Eldoria Continent, she's already lived on Earth for so long. Staying here peacefully might be a good place for her.

Looking at Cyrae's attitude, she didn't show much disappointment. Instead, she looked thoughtful. I didn't know what she was thinking, and their conversation seemed to end there.

With the situation changing quickly, the Ancestor vampire might have learned some of our plans from Wayne Peng. We needed to start our mission in M-country immediately and secure all targets before the enemy could change their strategy!

The mission was set for the night in M-country, which was the next day in H-country.

As for the free time tonight, it was meant for everyone to rest well before the battle.

After saying goodbye to Adrian, we each went back to our rooms. I opened the window and took a deep breath of the clear suburban night air, ready to wash up and go to bed. But suddenly, I felt a faint water element aura around me…

I remembered that I had encountered this strange situation more than once before. Most of the time, it happened when Feliciana from World 14 was acting mysteriously!

"So why look for me again?"

I wasn't sure why Feliciana from World 14 was visiting me late at night, but based on past experiences, I naturally thought it was this case. I turned around and asked.

But things weren't as I expected. When I looked behind me, a huge version of Cyra's face suddenly appeared just a few centimeters away.

It was a lifeless face with no expression. The worst part was that Cyra just stood there staring at me like a dead person, making the atmosphere extremely eerie.

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