Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation

Vol 5/ Chapter 151: Starting the Mission

For sure, that person wasn't Cyra or Cyrae, and definitely not Feliciana Number 14.

It was a ghost! I got so shocked, I kept backing up until I hit the bed. Luckily that it didn't follow me. I managed to calm down a bit.

Suddenly I remembered something. "Wait, I've seen you before..."

Yeah, it was that mysterious Cyra I bumped into at the canteen! Same blank look, appearing and disappearing from nowhere. If Nicola Number 14 was right, this must be the Cyra Number 18 she talked about!

But then Feliciana Number 14 told me Nicola was talking nonsense. I didn't know who to believe.

"Hey there... Cyra!"

I decided to say hi first, even though she was just standing there not moving.

"Cy...ra?" she looked confused, like she never heard that name before. Then she just stared at me blankly.

Super weird! I started to wonder if she was right in the head. Both times I saw her, she acted really strange. Maybe she hit her head in her world?

"So why did you come find me?" I tried talking to her again. At the same time, I sent a weak magic signal to the room next door.

"I don't know... but you have... a feeling... similar to me..."

She finally answered, but real slow and choppy. At least she said a full sentence. Did she mean we're both angels?

There were still lots of angels left at the base, even after most visitors went to World 27.

I didn't think she'd come just for that. But when she slowly reached out her hand, I suddenly had an idea!

"Water element?"

Not many people could control water. I held her hand tight.

Now it was super clear! I could feel tons of water element coming from her body, almost hiding her light element. It was even stronger than Feliciana Number 14!

"No way!"

I was so shocked. She's a Cyra! Never heard of a Cyra who could use water element.

With Cyrae coming from such a far world, could a messed up portal caused by a dead vampire really connect to such a different parallel world?

I realized my guess might be totally wrong! Actually, I'm not the best at water element among all the Felicianas. If the mysterious Cyra was looking for that, she should've gone to Feliciana Number 14 first, right?

"Feliciana, you sleeping?"

Suddenly there was knocking - it was Adrian. Looks like my magic signal worked!

"Perfect timing! I know a water element expert, let's have her take a look at you!"

Feliciana Number 14 would know what's going on for sure! So I answered Adrian and started pulling the mysterious Cyra to the door.

But after just a few steps, my hand felt empty.

I turned around and the mysterious Cyra was gone! Everything in the room looked the same as before she came. It was like I imagined the whole thing.


I stared at my hand, stunned for a long time.

This disappearing act was just like Feliciana Number 14's, but even better! No trace of water element left at all. Maybe this is what you call perfectly erasing yourself from reality?

"Did something happen?"

I had to open the door. Adrian came in looking confused. He looked at me, then around the room, even out the dark window. His face was full of question marks.

Of course there was nobody there now. Who knows where that Cyra went. If this was just random, maybe there won't even be a next time!

"What if I said I saw a super weird Cyra, different from any world's Cyra we've seen before, who can teleport and control water element like me, but I have no idea where she came from..."

I felt bad not telling Adrian anything, since he looked so worried. But what happened was so crazy, I had zero proof. So I asked nervously:

"Would you believe me?"

"Of course I believe you! So what exactly happened?"

Guess only Adrian would answer like that without hesitating. I smiled and started telling him everything that happened.

Next morning, time to start the mission.

"Didn't those two humans from world 18 go to world 27 already? Even if that Cyra you talked about is from world 18, why didn't she go with them?"

When I told Feliciana Number 14 about last night, She still said the rumor about Cyra Number 18 was made up by Nicola Number 14.

"But this Cyra seemed really slow to react. I think she might have some mental problems..."

For some reason, I felt like Feliciana Number 14 was hiding something from me. Her eyes kept darting around. I tried to argue a bit, but it made someone else unhappy.

"Who are you saying has mental problems?"

Of course our world's Cyra had to complain. I was too lazy to explain to her again, so I just brushed it off.


"Finally, I hope this mission will solve the portal problem and get everyone home safely!"

Standing in the base square, General Lee finished his speech, then nodded to the Reeds. "I believe you have no problem dealing with M-country vampires, but still, have a safe trip!"

As soon as he finished, the few Reeds left all pulled out a bunch of scrolls - teleport scrolls.

Yeah, it's not a short trip from H-country to M-country. Even the fastest plane takes hours, not to mention all these people going to different places.

Since speed is key in battle, the fastest way to travel now, while avoiding enemy detection, is using magic to teleport!

"See you in M-country!"

No need to worry about Reed's teleport circles. But when it was Cyra's rescue team's turn, she put her arm around a "human mage's" shoulder and waved to me.

This brings up a little surprise this morning. A human mage from another world asked to join Cyra's team.

Usually weak fighters like human mages aren't expected to help much. But since she volunteered and passed the strength check, they approved it to increase the chances of winning.

But this so-called "human mage" is actually Cyrae!

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