Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 11 — After his father


[Nivalis Silverfrost]

It had only been a few hours since Nivalis drifted off to sleep. The gentle rays peeked through the curtains, casting a warm, golden glow into the room. It should have been a peaceful moment, but something was terribly wrong. The smell in the room was beyond awful, and it rudely awakened her from her peaceful sleep. It was a smell she recognized all too well, the unmistakable aroma of a dirty diaper from her newborn baby.

She groaned and turned in bed, her eyes fluttering open. A wave of nausea washed over her as she felt her stomach churn, a feeling that was all too familiar, something she had experienced countless times since giving birth to Silvia.

Struggling, she sat up, her body feeling as heavy as a boulder. She rubbed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to clear the fog from her mind. She looked down at her son, who lay peacefully beside her, unaware of the mess he'd created. His innocent face, with closed eyelids and soft, steady breathing, starkly contrasted the source of the unpleasant smell.

Silvia, her precious little snowflake, was still snoozing away. A tiny puddle of drool was forming beneath her round, rosy cheeks. She had always been a deep sleeper, as if the world's noise couldn't rouse her from her dreams.

Nivalis let out a sigh and pushed herself up, her muscles aching and her joints creaking. Her body felt uncooperative and weighed down like it had turned to stone. Determined, she took another deep breath, preparing herself for the task ahead.

Reluctantly, Nivalis turned her attention to her son. The foul smell from his soiled diaper was no longer just an unpleasant odor. It had transformed into a growing, noxious cloud of pure evil, threatening to engulf them both.

Nivalis wrinkled her nose and reached for the little guy, her hands shaking as she lifted him gently from the bed. He squirmed a bit, letting out a soft, complaining sound. She whispered soothing words, telling him everything would be alright as she held him close, being extra cautious not to let the dirty diaper touch her skin.

— "It's okay, my love," she whispered, her voice thick with exhaustion."Mommy's here. We'll clean you up, and then you can return to your sweet sister."

Nivalis carefully carries her son over to the table, her steps now light and confident, her movements practiced and precise, filled with gentle determination. She gently places him on the table's surface, ensuring he's comfortable. The morning sun's rays spill into the room, casting a warm glow over the scene.

With delicate precision, she removes the soiled diaper, revealing the extent of the mess her son has made. It's a stunning sight, a testament to the power of a newborn's digestive system, an unstoppable force that no parent can hope to contain. The room's air grows thicker and more foul with each passing second, but Nivalis must resist the urge to gag.

Reaching for the clean cloth and a bowl of water that was left from before, Nivalis begins wiping her son clean. Her hands move deftly and swiftly, a testament to her experience as a mother. She works with care and tenderness.

The foul stench hits her full force, causing her stomach to lurch. She swallows hard, her eyes watering as she fights the urge to vomit. It's a moment every parent dreads, but Nivalis knows she must soldier on. She turns her head away and takes a deep breath to calm herself, her hands still working.

She grabs the discarded cloth and skillfully folds and ties it, using the fabric to create a makeshift diaper. She gently slides it beneath her son and then wraps him with it, ensuring his comfort.

With a sigh of relief, Nivalis lifts her son and carries him back to the bed, cradling him against her shoulder. She lays him down, and he lets out a contented sigh, his tiny eyelids fluttering open. He stares at her with his bright, golden gaze, his eyes filled with wonder.

Smiling down at him, Nivalis's eyes radiate warmth and adoration. She reaches out to softly stroke his forehead, her touch tender and soothing. — "There, there, little one," she whispers. "All clean and fresh, ready to continue your peaceful sleep."

The baby boy closes his eyes and releases a sleepy yawn as if understanding her words. His tiny fists curl, and he rubs his face, his cheeks still plump and rosy. He was, after all, a newborn, having arrived less than a day ago.

Nivalis then turns her attention to her daughter, Silvia, who is still sound asleep. Leaning over, she gently adjusts the blanket, tucking it securely around her precious child. A stray lock of hair brushes against Silvia's face, and Nivalis tenderly tucks it behind her ear. She places a soft kiss on her daughter's forehead.

Silvia mumbles something unintelligible in her slumber but remains wrapped in blissful dreams. It's a heartwarming moment for Nivalis, a reminder of her profound love for her two precious children.

She can't help but smile. The sight before her is one that fills her heart with happiness.

Though the stench still lingers in the air, Nivalis knows there's no need to worry. She opens the window slightly, allowing a cool breeze to flow into the room. She doesn't leave it open for too long, as she's mindful not to make the room uncomfortably cold. The fresh air sweeps away the lingering odors from the diaper change, bringing a breath of relief to Nivalis.

A wave of calmness washed over her, easing the tension that had been building in her body. The view before her was indeed a sight to behold as she stood by the window. The morning sun had fully risen, casting a warm, golden glow across the valley below. She took a deep breath and allowed herself to get lost in the moment.

As she observed the world awakening around her, a sense of awe and wonder overtook her. The trees swayed gently in the breeze, their leaves rustling softly in a harmonious dance. Birds chirped cheerfully, filling the air with their melodic songs.

Her stomach rumbled and gurgled, reminding her of its empty state. Nivalis, still gazing at the beauty outside, couldn't ignore the gnawing hunger in her stomach. She hadn't eaten anything since yesterday evening, and the lack of food was beginning to take its toll. 

— "Well, I guess I better go make some simple soup for all of us. My stomach won't settle until I have something to eat." she mused, her mouth watering at the thought.

A quick glance at the bed tells her that her son and daughter are still sleeping peacefully.

With one last look at the breathtaking view, she closes the window. Quietly and very slowly, Nivalis exits the bedroom and makes her way downstairs. The wooden floor creaked beneath her feet, and the stone fireplace caught her eye. She started a fire to ward off the morning chill and to boil some water in a pot. Gathering some dry twigs and a few logs, she ignited the kindling, and soon, a warm, crackling fire filled the hearth. The flickering flames danced and cast shadows on the walls, creating a cozy atmosphere.

Rummaging through the pantry, she searched for the ingredients necessary to satisfy her growing hunger. — "Soup, soup, soup," she muttered under her breath, scanning the shelves with determination. After a few minutes of searching, her eyes landed on the treasures she sought – a large bag of dried vegetables and a handful of carrots.

With the fire burning bright and the ingredients ready, Nivalis picked up an iron pot and started the process of creating a nourishing meal. The sound of her knife slicing through vegetables resonated through the kitchen. Her nimble fingers worked with precision, chopping and dicing with a practiced ease. The vegetables tumbled into the pot of now boiling water with a satisfying hiss. She added a pinch of dried herbs from the small jars on the shelf, infusing the stew with a rich, earthy aroma.

After a while, when the vegetables had softened, the savory fragrance of the meal filled the room, embracing her in its warm and inviting scent. She poured the steaming contents into a rustic wooden bowl, the aroma wafting up to her senses, making her stomach growl in anticipation. Carrying the bowl, she made her way over to the dining table.

She couldn't help but let out a long, tired yawn, stretching her arms as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She had barely slept, her exhaustion starting to catch up with her.

Then, out of nowhere, the heavy wooden door to the house suddenly creaked open, sending a shiver of dread down her spine. The hinges groaned in protest, and the door swung back with an eerie creak. Nivalis found herself frozen in place, her heart pounding loudly in her chest.

It was Haldor, entering the house from the outside, covered from head to toe in a thick layer of mud and filth. His clothes bore the dark marks of bloodstains that were certainly not his own. There was no telling what had happened to him.

With muddied boots, he took slow, squelching steps inside the kitchen, leaving a trail of mess behind. The air was thick with the scent of death and decay, an overwhelming presence that crashed over her like a dark wave, making it hard to breathe.

Nivalis watched in silence as Haldor wordlessly pulled a chair up to the kitchen table and took a seat. The questions that swirled in her mind were numerous, but the eerie and unsettling atmosphere that clung to him kept her quiet for the time being.

Haldor, however, didn't offer any explanation. He didn't say a word, instead going straight for the bowl of food that Nivalis had prepared for herself. There was a ravenous hunger in his eyes as he devoured the meal with apparent enjoyment. He even ate all that was left in the pot, leaving Nivalis with nothing.

As Haldor finished the last bite of his meal, Nivalis found it increasingly difficult to contain her frustration. The weight of the silence was unbearable, and finally, her patience wore thin. — "That was my breakfast! That was all the food I had prepared for myself and Silvia," Nivalis snapped, her voice quivering with a mixture of anger and desperation. Her words sliced through the room, their echo lingering in the tense air, making it palpable and heavy.

Haldor, in contrast, responded with an unsettling calm. "Oh? Is that so?" He spoke, his voice carrying an unconcerned tone. His piercing gaze shifted towards Nivalis, locking onto her with an intensity that felt as if it could see right through her. His golden, glowing eyes seemed to penetrate her very soul, leaving her speechless.

Haldor snorted, and then, his observant eyes noticed something different about Nivalis. Her belly wasn't as large as usual. "Did you...?" he began to ask, his voice taking on a softer tone.

Nivalis sighed, her shoulders slumping in resignation. — "Yes, It happened. Just a few hours ago," she admitted.

Haldor, for a moment, remained silent, the silence full of tension, and then, a wicked grin slowly crept across his face. His teeth, yellowed with time and neglect, gave his smile an eerie quality that sent a chill down Nivalis's spine.

Nivalis's heart sank as she recognized that smile and what it carried. She knew all too well what would come next.

Haldor pushed his chair back and rose from the table, a hungry look in his eyes, driven by lust and desire. His steps were deliberate as he approached Nivalis, his gaze locked on her with an unwavering intensity. He reached out, his meaty hand gripping her chin and forcing her to meet his unsettling gaze.

Haldor's following words sent a shiver of fear down Nivalis's spine. "Then, my sweet wife, I've waited way too long... why don't you and I finally have a bit of fun," he growled, his breath heavy with the scent of ale, a foul odor that clung to the air.

Nivalis, her eyes filled with exhaustion, made a heartfelt plea. — "I'm so tired, Haldor. I can barely stand. I just gave birth," she whispered, her voice tinged with desperation as she tried to avoid his intense, demanding gaze.

However, Haldor remained unyielding. His sinister grin only grew, and his eyes bore into her with a hunger that sent chills down her spine. "Oh, you'll have plenty of time to rest after I'm done with you," he said, his words laced with a cruel desire.

Desperation and fear took hold of Nivalis. She repeated her plea, even quieter this time. — "Please, not today." Her voice was faint, her strength depleted.

Haldor's grip on her tightened, his fingers digging into her skin, and his eyes blazed with rage. "Now, don't be like that, my love. You know how much I enjoy our time together," he growled, his voice dark and menacing.

— "But, I..." Nivalis attempted to protest once more, but her words were cut short by Haldor's unwavering determination. "Don't worry, my sweet, you'll have fun, too. I promise," he chuckled, his hands moving over her body, creating a sensation of violation that made her want to escape.

Nivalis closed her eyes, her body tensing up, desperately thinking of a way out.

Desperation turned to her last option. With a trembling voice, Nivalis tried a different tactic. — "Don't you want to see your child? Your son?" She clung to the hope that his paternal instincts might save her.

Haldor paused for a moment, seemingly considering the idea. "A boy?" He seemed to mull it over, and for a fleeting moment, Nivalis thought she might have touched a chord within him. "Alright, show me the brat."

Nivalis's heart pounded painfully in her chest as Haldor released his grip on her. Her body trembling like a leaf caught in a relentless storm. She led the way to the bedroom upstairs, her steps faltering and hesitant, her eyes darting nervously between Haldor and the door.

Reaching the bedroom door, Nivalis turned to face Haldor, her trembling hand gripping the doorknob. Her gaze remained locked on him, a whirlwind of emotions rushing through her, uncertainty shrouding her as she prepared to open the door and reveal the precious child. She opened the door with a trembling hand and gestured for him to enter.

As Nivalis and Haldor entered the room, a scene of peaceful slumber greeted them. Silvia lay in bed, her small chest rising and falling in a rhythmic pattern of deep sleep, her silver hair splayed across the pillow, creating a delicate appearance. Aster, their newborn son, lay just beside her, his tiny chest also rising and falling with the innocence of an infant lost in dreams.

"M-Mommy?" Silvia murmured, her eyes fluttering open, a hint of confusion in her gaze.

Nivalis couldn't help but smile gently at her daughter, her heart filled with a complex mix of love and worry. — "Go to your room, sweetie. Your dad is here."

"Dad?" Silvia repeated, her brows furrowing with a hint of uncertainty.

Nivalis gently caressed her daughter's cheek, her touch a soothing presence. — "Go on, honey. Don't worry, everything will be alright."

"Okay, Mommy," Silvia said, granting a small, sleepy smile before slowly making her way out of the room, leaving the grown-up world behind.

Haldor, who had silently watched this exchange, made his way over to the bed, his heavy footsteps echoing on the wooden floor. He seemed to pay no attention to Silvia's departure, his focus unwavering on the tiny form of his son.

"Not bad," he commented, his voice a low rumble, his fingers tracing the curve of Aster's delicate cheek.

"A boy," he chuckled, his voice tinged with a cruel smirk. "Shame he's too elvish for my liking, but I'll mold him into a warrior."

Haldor reached down and picked up the baby, cradling him in his massive arms. Aster, now woken up from his sleep, blinked at him with his curious, golden eyes.

"I'll give you a good, human name," Haldor declared, his voice filled with a sense of ownership as if determining his son's destiny.

Nivalis's heart sank, her body growing cold as she watched Haldor hold their child with such possessiveness.

— "I have... already named him, Haldor," Nivalis whispered, her voice trembling under the weight of his imposing presence, her eyes lowered in submission.

Haldor's reaction was swift and filled with fury. "Without me?" he snarled, his eyes narrowing. "What did you call him?"

— "A-Aster," Nivalis replied, her voice barely audible, her heart burdened with anxiety.

Haldor's contempt for the name was palpable. "Hah, what a stupid, weak-sounding name. He'll need a better one, a proper, manly name."

— "Aster is a good name. It means-" Nivalis tried to explain, but Haldor ruthlessly silenced her.

"I don't care what it means," he growled, his tone sharp and menacing. "My firstborn son will be named Thoran, after my father."

Nivalis's shoulders slumped further, her gaze dropping to the floor in a gesture of submission. The weight of her powerlessness pressed down upon her, and her voice was hollow as she had no choice but to submit to his will.

— "Y-yes, Thoran is a good name," Nivalis replied, her tone lacking its usual warmth, her spirit deflated.

Haldor sneered, his attention returning to the baby in his arms. He chuckled as Aster whimpered and reached up, his tiny hands grasping Haldor's face.

"Hah, you've got quite a grip," Haldor chuckled, clearly amused by the baby's feeble attempts to interact with him.

In the silence that followed, Nivalis observed the man who claimed to be her husband holding her precious child with a sinking feeling of dread that seemed to grow with every passing moment.

"You'll make a fine warrior, Thoran," Haldor declared with sinister glee, his voice thick with an ominous promise. "I'll train you myself."

Nivalis bit her lower lip, her heart pounding, torn between her maternal instinct and the overpowering presence of Haldor, who held her child in his arms. She desperately wanted to snatch her baby away from Haldor, to shield him from the looming darkness.

— "Let me hold him. It is time to feed him," she whispered, her eyes locked on her child. Her voice was a soft plea, laden with a mother's instinct to protect her son at all costs.

"Feed him?" Haldor snorted, a cruel amusement dancing in his eyes as he toyed with her vulnerability.

Nivalis clung to her maternal power, her determination unwavering. — "Yes, he must be hungry," she replied, her eyes never leaving the baby in Haldor's arms, her focus fixed on the well-being of her child.

Haldor grunted reluctantly, his grip on the infant loosening as he handed the baby over to Nivalis. Nivalis cradled the baby in her trembling arms, a mix of relief and fear washing over her. With practiced care, she swiftly loosened her blouse and pulled it down, revealing her breasts, preparing to nourish her child.

Haldor, now seemingly dismissive of their presence, declared his intentions. "I'm going out. I need to celebrate the arrival of my firstborn son." With a casual and unsettling tone, he added, "Enjoy your time with the brat."

Haldor's words barely registered in her ears as he spoke of leaving to celebrate. Nivalis was lost in the moment. In that fragile moment, her entire world revolved around the tiny life she cradled in her arms. The baby suckled gently, his little fingers curling around Nivalis's finger, forming a connection that felt unbreakable. She held Aster close. His small lips latched onto her breast, greedily seeking nourishment.

She stroked his head with tenderness, her fingers running through his silky, silver hair. But despite the sweetness of the moment, Nivalis couldn't stop the tears that streamed down her cheeks, her body wracked with sobs.

— "Don't worry, my sweet little Aster," she whispered, her voice breaking with emotion. "Soon, I promise, I'll keep you safe, no matter what."

— "I just need to wait 20 more minutes before we can start acting on my plan," she murmured under her breath.

Her determination grew stronger as she counted down the minutes, a flame of resolve burning deep within her.

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