Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 10 — This is normal here, right!?

Hey everyone, the author here.😎 I just wanted to clarify that this chapter was created purely for fun and does not reflect the true character of the MC. Think of it as his baby instincts kicked in or something. All I wanted was to write something funny enough to decompress you from all the depressing stuff we had earlier. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Thank you!👋

But then... Something happened, something that can only be described as betrayal.


Yes, he has pulled away from that holy nipple, a completely barbaric act! A surge of panic washed over him. His instinct was to let out a cry, to protest against this unfair separation, and to demand the return of that sweet, comforting nourishment. If there's a baby police in this new world, it should already intervene and protect his rights!

But as it turned out, it wasn't betrayal at all. His mother had simply shifted him to the other breast.

"Okay, phew," he sighed in relief, realizing his mistake, a weight lifting from his tiny shoulders.

He felt his anxiety melt away, and his body relaxed. His thoughts were clear, and his mind was focused.

This was the true meaning of paradise. He was utterly and hopelessly addicted.

He didn't want to stop. He couldn't stop. It was a feeling he had never experienced, a craving so strong and primal that it was almost overwhelming. It was a hunger, a thirst, and a need. A deep and all-consuming desire that was impossible to resist.

His mother's nipple was a masterpiece, an actual work of art. Its shape was impeccable, perfectly contoured to fit his lips as if they were made for each other. The texture was incredibly soft, a gentle caress against his tender skin. As he suckled, the rhythmic beat of his mother's heart pulsated beneath the delicate skin, creating an intimate connection, a comforting lullaby that filled him with peace. And the milk... oh, the milk was like nectar from the heavens.

The second breast had its charms, although they were slightly different. Her right breast was a bit fuller, a slight difference that wasn't easy to notice. But this little guy, being an expert on his mommy's breasts, immediately spotted the change.

Nivalis's breasts, official art. (v2, public). Patreon preview image.

Overflowing with excitement, he eagerly latched onto the other breast, eagerly awaiting the taste of the milk it had to offer. The moment that first precious drop touched his tiny tongue, a profound sense of satisfaction overcame him, prompting him to emit a soft, contented moan.

"Mmm, so good!" he thought, his mind filled with pure delight. His tiny hands instinctively reached out, gently grasping onto his mommy's breasts as if to express his gratitude for the nourishment they provided. "It's different from the left one but just as delicious."

While the milk from the left breast was sweet, like a spoonful of honey, the milk from the right breast had a more savory, creamy taste.

"Oh man, it's like eating the most delicious ice cream in the whole wide world," he thought to himself. The flavors danced on his taste buds, creating a symphony of sensations that made him feel like the luckiest baby in existence.

Aster didn't mind this change in flavors. It was like comparing a juicy burger to a tender steak. Both were delicious in their own unique ways, and it was only natural for him to want to try both.

"Maybe I can have both breasts one day," he mused, his eyes shining at the thought. He had never been a greedy person. He didn't need both burger and steak at the same time. Just one was fine for him. But when it came to his mother's breasts, it was a different story. He wanted to experience the pleasure of both, to drink from them and savor every drop, no matter how much he had.

While happily nursing, Aster couldn't help but notice something strange happening on the left side. His curious gaze shifted to the side, and his eyes met his sister's. She, too, had climbed onto their mother's lap and had her own tiny lips wrapped around their mother's nipple. Her cheeks were flushed with a rosy hue as she greedily sucked on it, mirroring Aster's own actions.

"W-What are you doing!?" his mind shouted in surprise, his innocent thoughts momentarily interrupted by the unexpected sight. It was the strangest and most amazing thing he had ever seen. His dear sister was also enjoying the nourishment from their mother's breast, just like him.

Aster couldn't believe his eyes. Was this normal for elves? Were they supposed to share their mother's breasts? Confusion swirled in his mind, but as he watched her, he couldn't help but admire her technique. Her cheeks were rosy, her eyes half-closed in ecstasy, and her body trembled with delight. She was clearly enjoying herself.

He blinked a few times to make sure he was not imagining things. The scene before him was surreal, a vision straight out of a dream. He had never seen anything like it, yet somehow, it seemed fitting. There was something so natural and beautiful about it, like two halves of a whole coming together.

"I have no idea about their culture, so I guess it's normal here,'" he thought, his infant's mind struggling to process the sight before him. It was a strange and stunning revelation.

But as Aster's eyes met his sister's, she didn't flinch or pull away. Instead, she smiled at him, her eyes twinkling mischievously. He knew right away what this meant.

A competitor. A breastfeeding rival.

There was no doubt about it. This was a challenge, a declaration of war. He could sense the burning passion behind her golden eyes, and he knew there would be no holding back.

She was thirsty for milk and would stop at nothing to claim victory. She had tasted the sweet nectar of her mother's breast and was hungry for more.

But Aster was no pushover, either. He would not go down without a fight. He would do whatever it took to secure his own share of their mommy's breasts.

In a blink of an eye, Aster's expression changed. No longer was he an innocent, ignorant newborn. He was now a fierce competitor, his eyes gleaming with determination.

"You're not going to take this from me!" his infant mind roared, a fire igniting within him.

Aster's tiny hands squeezed his mother's breast as if he were trying to coax more milk from it. He wasn't about to let his dear sister steal the spotlight, not without a fight.

He doubled his efforts, suckling even more hungrily, his tiny tongue flicking and swirling.

"This town is too small for both of us!" Aster thought, his mind filled with a mix of determination and frustration.

As he struggled to keep up with his sister, he couldn't help but feel a hint of jealousy. Her technique was impressive, and she was clearly an experienced breastfeeder. But Aster wasn't going to give up, not without a fight.

He wouldn't back down. He wouldn't lose.

The two siblings locked eyes, a silent challenge passing between them. Neither was willing to relent, and neither would accept defeat. Their mother had two breasts, and both were equally delicious. They wouldn't let anyone or anything get in their way.

"This is my milk. It's mine, and no one else's!" Aster thought, his determination growing stronger with each passing moment.

His tiny hands tightened their grip on his mother's breast, and his lips latched onto her nipple with even greater intensity. He was determined to show his sister that he was the rightful heir to this nourishing treasure.

His sister's response was immediate. She matched his intensity, her eyes narrowing with a hint of frustration and determination. The competition had begun, and they were both fully committed to claiming their share of their mother's milk.

The two siblings were locked in a fierce battle for dominance, their determination unwavering. Whoever could extract the most milk from their mother's breast would be crowned the ultimate victor. It was a showdown of epic proportions, a clash of tiny titans.

Aster's face was turning red from the effort, his golden eyes shining with a fierce intensity.

Neither Aster nor his sister were willing to back down, their tiny bodies fueled by an unyielding desire to claim their rightful share of nourishment. They sucked with all their might, their little mouths working tirelessly to extract every precious drop of milk.

The room was filled with the sound of slurping, sucking, and gulping as they battled for supremacy. It was a symphony of suckling, an orchestral arrangement of breastfeeding, and a concert of feeding that would have put even the greatest symphony to shame.

The contest was fierce, with neither sibling willing to give an inch.

But as the minutes passed, Aster's determination started to falter. He was getting tired, his tiny body exhausted from the intense competition. His eyes began to droop, and his head bobbed as he struggled to maintain his grip on his mother's breast.

Aster's sister noticed this and sensed her opportunity. With renewed vigor, she redoubled her efforts, her lips and tongue moving with a speed and agility that could only be described as supernatural.

With a final burst of effort, she pushed past Aster, her tiny lips sealing themselves around the nipple, and her mouth began to suckle even more intensely. She was no longer simply competing. She was now attempting to claim her victory.

"No! I won't let you win!" Aster's infant mind protested, his eyes narrowing with renewed determination.

With his last ounce of energy, Aster pushed forward, his lips clamping onto his mother's nipple and his mouth working furiously to reclaim its territory.

But it was a futile attempt. His sister was relentless, her mouth like a vacuum seal.

As the minutes ticked by, Aster's treacherously weak body began to betray him. The sheer amount of milk was overwhelming for his delicate frame. It was as if he was trying to drink from a firehose, the liquid rushing in too fast for him to handle.

His tiny lips struggled to keep up with the flow, and his efforts became increasingly futile. The milk slipped through his grasp, ruining his desperate attempts to capture it all. Despite his efforts, he could feel the drops of milk slipping away like sand through his fingers.

All too soon, it was over. Aster's strength finally gave out, and his tiny body slumped in his mother's arms, defeated. He felt his mother's nipple slipping from his lips. It was a cruel, sudden ending to the most blissful experience of his short life. His little body was spent, his mind and body exhausted. He had fought bravely, but in the end, his sister had emerged as the victor of this particular battle.

His sister's lips remained sealed around the nipple, claiming her victory.

"I... I've lost," Aster's mind cried out in anguish, the realization crushing his spirit.

It was a bitter defeat. He had given his all, but it wasn't enough. He was bested by his dear sister, a warrior far superior to him.

It was a devastating blow to his pride. He had fought with every fiber of his being, yet it wasn't enough. He had been defeated.

"She may have won today's battle," Aster thought, his mind filled with determination, "but the war is not over yet." He knew there would be more opportunities to claim his share of their mommy's milk. There would be other battles to be fought, and he was determined to emerge victorious in the end.

He would train, he would grow stronger, and he would not yield until he had claimed his rightful place as the sole owner of their mother's milk.

"One day, I will have them all to myself," he thought, his infant's mind filled with a renewed sense of purpose.

Lying there, a contented smile gracing his face, a small trickle of milk escaped from the corner of Aster's mouth. He couldn't help but chuckle softly, a sound of pure joy escaping his tiny lips. This, he thought, was unquestionably the best day of his young life.

He was happy. The intense battle he had just experienced and the struggle of wills with his sister taught him valuable lessons. It was more than just a competition for milk, no. It was a test of his determination, resilience, and ability to adapt. And from this battle, he had gleaned invaluable knowledge.

He knew now that he would have to fight smarter if he wanted to win the war. He would have to devise new strategies, tactics, and techniques. He would have to use his wits and cunning, rather than raw power, to claim victory.

It was a lesson that would serve him well throughout his life.

His determination burned brighter than ever as he set his sights on discovering the ultimate breast-sucking technique, applying the principles of the scientific method with unwavering commitment. He would experiment, observe, and analyze, leaving no stone unturned and no nipple unsucked in his pursuit of the perfect technique. He knew that once he discovered it, he would devote the coming months to mastering this newfound wisdom...

"Thank you, Mother, Sister," he whispered within the depths of his thoughts, his gratitude overflowing. "It was truly a wonderful experience." He felt a deep sense of appreciation for the nourishment he had and for the love and care they had shown him.

And so, with a heart full of gratitude and a mind brimming with determination, Aster drifted into a peaceful slumber. His dreams were filled with visions of his mother's nurturing breasts and the endless possibilities that lay ahead.

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