Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 9 — I opened my eyes


[ Alex, Aster ]

In the beginning, when Alex journeyed through the vastness of space, his old body slowly disappeared, like a shadow fading into the night. All that remained was the tiny, shimmering energy that was his soul. It glowed with a soft, pulsating light, a faint echo of his former self. As he drifted through the cosmic expanse, his soul felt deeply connected to the universe around him.

Words couldn't describe all the feelings and things happening to him. It was like a big whirlwind of emotions, strange feelings, and something he couldn't explain. He felt like he could see sounds and hear light, and that was just the beginning of the craziness.

The stars and galaxies became his companions, their celestial dances revealing secrets only he could grasp. He sensed the energy and movement of the universe like an intricate dance of cosmic ballet. The galaxies twirled gracefully, and the stars shimmered in their rhythm.

Every moment, he seemed to flow together into an endless river of time and space. It was as if he had been caught in the gentle flow of eternity, making him lose track of who he was and where he was headed. His thoughts were fuzzy, and even his memories started to fade. All he could think about was the vast universe he was floating in.

Then, in just a moment, everything changed. His old memories came rushing back, replacing everything he just experienced, and before he could understand what was happening, he found himself at his destination. It was like waking from a dream, and the world around him shifted, forming a new reality.

In an instant, he had been part of something much more significant than himself, like his very essence had become woven into the fabric of the world itself. But just as suddenly, he was torn away from it all, thrust into the confinement of a new, unfamiliar body.

His initial reaction was a tangled mess of confusion, dizziness, and disarray. The sensation of being thrown into a new body was beyond anything Alex could have imagined. It was like being a prisoner, trapped in a cage made of flesh and bone, with no escape. His tiny lungs had no air; his chest rose and fell, but it didn't give him any results. It was a painful experience, as if he were trapped underwater, desperately gasping for air. Every fiber of his being seemed to be on fire.

After a few moments, Alex felt a strange pressure in his chest. Something was pushing him from the inside, trying to force his way out. With a sudden jerk, the pressure released, and his chest expanded, filling with cool air. His body trembled with the effort of taking his first breath.

Overwhelmed by this sudden shift, he couldn't help but let out a scream of pain and terror, his tiny hands and feet flailing wildly. All he wanted was to escape from it all, to return to what he had known. Everything was so overwhelming, and he felt utterly powerless to stop it. His journey through the cosmos had brought him to this new, bewildering existence, and he had no choice but to face it, even if it felt like a nightmare from which there was no waking.

Then, he heard a sound, at first distant and muffled but gradually growing clearer. It was a woman's voice, a gentle and soothing one, and it was like a lifeline for him. Alex struggled to focus on it. His brain was still spinning from the abrupt change.

The voice began to speak in a low, melodic tone, and he felt himself relaxing as he listened. Her words seemed to wrap around him like a warm blanket, and he felt a sense of calmness washing over him.

As he focused on her voice, his breathing began to slow, and his body started to feel lighter. The panic that had gripped him seemed to fade away, replaced by a sense of peacefulness and safety.

Slowly, he tried to open his eyes, his vision a blurry canvas of colors and shapes. As he blinked and squinted, attempting to make sense of the world around him, he could barely discern the contours of the woman's face. It was as if he were gazing through a foggy window, with only vague hints of her features emerging. He tried his best to focus on her, and when he finally succeeded, he beheld the woman's face, a mask of worry and concern.

Her blue eyes glistened with tears, her hair the color of moonlight cascading around her fair and flawless skin. She was a slender woman, her long silver hair clinging to her alabaster skin from the dampness. Her eyes were as deep and infinite as the ocean, and though Alex couldn't understand her words, her voice was like the gentle whisper of the wind.

Tears streaked her cheeks, her skin glistened with sweat, her hair tangled, and her lips parched. Her face appeared worn, marked by exhaustion, her movements slow and sluggish.

But what truly captured Alex's attention were her ears — long and pointy, resembling the ears of an elf.

"She's an elf!" he thought to himself, his mind racing with disbelief. He couldn't believe his eyes, being face to face with a mythical creature.

As the shock of his revelation slowly settled in his mind, Alex found himself in a new, mind-bending reality. He had come to comprehend the woman before him as an elf, a creature of myth and legend. It was as if he had stepped into the pages of a fantasy storybook. His heart raced with a mix of excitement and disbelief.

But as his gaze shifted from her face, he finally realized that he was not in his own body. With great struggle, he glanced down, and the sight that met his eyes left him trembling. He was now in a tiny, fragile body. His limbs felt weak and stubby, just like everything else in his body. He tried to move his fingers, but they only twitched in response.

The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. He was no longer the person he once was. His thoughts were no longer driven by complex adult concerns but were reduced to simple, primal instincts. Hunger and the yearning for Mother's comfort dominated his every thought, replacing even the sadness he felt from leaving his previous world and the love of his life behind.

He was an infant, helpless and entirely dependent on the care of others. Panic welled inside him, and it seemed like the elven woman noticed it, a smile coloring her face. She gently cradled him in her arms. Her soothing touch in this sea of uncertainty felt comforting.

As her tender fingers brushed across his fragile form, a strange sensation coursed through him. He couldn't quite comprehend it, but it felt like an invisible rope connecting him to her, a connection that transcended the boundaries of words—a bond between mother and son.

"This must be my mother..." he wondered, his infant mind racing with thoughts. "Wait, if she is my mother, then am I an elf, too?" The pieces of this strange puzzle were falling into place.

There was no denying the truth of his situation. The evidence was right before his eyes.

Being an elf didn't seem like a bad thing to him. In fact, he was quite happy about it. On Earth, elves were creatures of legends, beings of magic and mystery. And now, he had become one of them! 'This is amazing!' he thought, his heart racing with excitement. However, little did he know that he was actually a half-elf, not that it mattered at the moment.

She held him close, her voice soft and soothing, like a lullaby. Although Alex couldn't comprehend her words, the message was crystal clear — she reassured him, letting him know that everything would be okay, that she was there for him, and that he was safe in her arms.

As she held him, her arms wrapped tightly around him, Alex snuggled closer, his little body instinctively seeking the warmth and comfort of her embrace. It was as though he had found a sanctuary in her arms, a haven of protection amidst the mysteries of this new world.

Her heartbeat, steady and robust, resonated in his tiny chest. Despite her exhaustion and the state she was in, her natural scent lingered — a blend of a mountain meadow kissed by morning dew, tinged with notes of lavender. It was a soothing aroma, like a fragrant embrace, enveloping him in its calming presence.

Gradually, his breathing slowed, and the strange sensation washed over him again, a feeling of belonging and safety. It was as if nothing in the world could harm him as long as he was in her embrace. It was a profound comfort, a reassurance he desperately needed in this unfamiliar place.

"No electricity here," Alex noted, his awareness growing. It was a peculiar observation that added another layer to the mystery surrounding him.

Although he couldn't move his head, he managed to glimpse the wooden door, ceiling, and window. There were no traces of modern technology, not a single sign. The absence of electric lights confirmed that this place was unlike the world he had known before.

The room was small and sparse, with little furniture or decoration. The walls were made of rough wood, a stark contrast to the polished surfaces of the hospital he was used to. The only light source was a single candle on a windowsill, which cast flickering shadows across the walls. But even that much light was too much for his eyes to bear.

The room remained silent except for the woman's gentle breathing and her steady heartbeat. Occasionally, her soft words continued to comfort and reassure him.

As the initial shock and bewilderment gradually subsided, Alex began to piece together his surroundings. He knew he was an elf, and he knew he was in a medieval world. The woman's ears, the rugged walls, and the absence of electricity all confirmed his intuition.

With his eyes growing heavy, Alex closed them, surrendering himself to the comforting embrace of the beautiful elf. The warmth of her arms was like a protective cocoon, and he could feel his fears melting away. The softness of her touch and the soothing rhythm of her breathing wrapped around him like a gentle, magical spell.

His breathing steadied, and his tiny heart finally found peace. The world, for the moment, seemed far away. It was a moment of peace that he had not known in this strange new existence.

"Now... I want to sleep for a bit. Just a little while," he thought, his infant mind expressing a simple desire for rest. The fatigue of his sudden transformation weighed heavily on him. He yearned for the blissful embrace of sleep.

As he relaxed, he felt a soft hand on his head, and then he was gently moved. He tried to resist, but the result was a weak squeak from his mouth. When he blinked his eyes open, he was greeted by another beautiful elf — an elven girl, probably five or six years old.

This young elf shared the same silver hair, resembling a miniature version of her mother, with the only difference being her smaller ears and golden eyes that seemed to peer deep into his soul. Her gaze was filled with curiosity, innocence, and a spark of recognition as if she could sense a connection beyond ordinary understanding.

"It must be my sister! I have a sister!" he realized, feeling a surge of happiness. The recognition filled his heart with warmth and a newfound connection to this world. He may have been an infant, but he already felt a sense of belonging in this elven family.

She momentarily turned away, likely communicating with their mother using words Alex couldn't comprehend. It was a conversation of a language he had yet to learn, a reminder of the vastness of the knowledge he would need to acquire in this enchanting world.

"Myma, weril dethra leja onthu belod?" she said to her mother.

"A... Elvaka drau? Qethel to youl lovaq, tyl halom?" Mother answered.

After a quiet pause, she fixed her gaze on him again, "Vek, Aster?" uttering unfamiliar words. Her eyes held a mix of wonder and curiosity as they met his.

His mother repeated the word "Aster" a few times when she looked at him, her voice filled with warmth and tenderness.

"Aster? Is that my name now?" he wondered. It was a strange, beautiful word, and he repeated it to himself. "Aster."

"It sounds good," he thought, a sense of acceptance washing over him. "Yeah, it feels alright."

Even though he struggled to do it, he reached out, gripping his sister's finger with his tiny hands. It was the only way he could respond, and he could see the joy it brought to her. It was a silent, heartwarming connection they shared, one that transcended the barrier of words.

A gentle smile played on her lips as she responded to his touch, her eyes twinkling with delight.

He saw his mother extend her hand as well, calling him by his new name once again. Aster also reached out and grasped her finger, ensuring she didn't feel left out. It was a gesture that made him feel like he was already part of this loving family.

A peaceful atmosphere enveloped the small family, a moment of tenderness and harmony.

With his eyes closing once more, Aster drifted into a peaceful slumber. They continued to talk with each other about something, but little Aster was too tired to pay any attention.

Aster's mother and sister's voices can be described as gentle and comforting. They are a source of warmth and comfort for him. Their presence alone is enough to make him feel safe and secure.

When little Aster was about to be gently moved from his sister's arms, he couldn't help but whimper. He had just started to get comfortable here!

"Noooooo," Aster cried out, but his tiny voice was just an indistinguishable squeak.

His protests went unheeded, and he was soon lifted into the air and brought into his mother's arms. She was warm and soft, and Aster felt safe and secure in her embrace.

As his eyes fluttered open, his golden gaze met his mother's. She looked clean and refreshed, and her hair had been combed. She looked a lot better now. He could feel her heart beating against his chest, a soothing and steady rhythm.

"Silvie, crogna ereva lezae, qethel?" mother said to her daughter

And then she smiled down at him, her expression warm and loving. She stroked his head, her touch gentle and reassuring. Aster's sister stood at the side, her gaze fixed upon him. Her eyes were wide with wonder and curiosity, an expression of amazement.

Then, as a conversation between his mother and sister ended, she lifted her shirt and showed the most fantastic pair of breasts.

It was perfect. Perfect. Everything. Down to the last-minute details.

They were soft and round, with two pink nipples adorning the tips. These waves... those mountain peaks he longed to climb. His eyes captured their every move. The mere sight of them was enough to make his mouth water.

"Holy cow, those are some boobies," was his thought. Clearly, facing such perfection reduced his intellectual abilities to the very bottom.

Aster couldn't help but feel a sudden urge to reach out and touch them, to feel the soft, supple flesh beneath his fingertips.

Aster stared at them. They were absolutely gorgeous, so firm and full, a perfect pair. They were a sight to behold, and he couldn't tear his gaze away. They jumped from any slight movement. His infant's eyes were drawn to their graceful contours and the gentle rise and fall as they breathed.

The nipples were the cherry on top, perfectly pink and puffy, and he wanted nothing more than to take one of them into his mouth and suckle like a newborn babe. It was a primitive instinct, a desire for nourishment and comfort that was deeply ingrained in his tiny, vulnerable body of an infant. Or maybe this was just his hidden perverted side that we don't know about yet...

The mere thought of it sent a shiver down his spine. His heart was racing, and his breath quickened as he watched her every move.

She leaned forward, her breasts dangling inches from his face. He could smell her sweet, intoxicating scent. It was a scent that was both delicate and powerful, a scent that was uniquely her.

But they were too far from his reach. He had no choice but to let them continue their slow, sensual dance. He was helpless to do anything but watch and desire.

He was desperate for a taste. He wanted to bury his face in her chest and drink his fill, to feel her nipples brushing against his cheeks. He longed to wrap his lips around one of her sweet buds and suckle. It must be his newborn's instincts kicked in again, surely.

She lifted her breast and squeezed, causing a stream of milk to flow from her nipple. As the sweet, creamy liquid splashed onto his mother's hand, Aster watched, transfixed.

The sight was mesmerizing, and Aster couldn't look away. A drop of saliva escaped his lips.

She turned to her daughter, who was standing by, her face filled with wonder. They talked about something, but little Aster was too distracted to listen.

Aster's gaze was fixed on her breasts, his desire building with each passing second. He had never felt this way before, not in his entire life. His heart was racing, and his breath quickened as he watched their every move.

She leaned forward, her breasts dangling inches from his face. Aster could feel the heat radiating off her skin, an intense and intoxicating sensation. He wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around her and bury his face in her chest.

As she moved closer, he could feel the tips of her breasts grazing his cheeks. It was a sensation that sent a shiver down his spine, a sense that was both tender and intense. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, and his breathing grew ragged as his desire for her intensified.

Such a tease. The sight was mesmerizing, and Aster couldn't look away.

He stared, transfixed, as the sweet, creamy liquid splashed onto her hand.

"Is this what heaven feels like?" he wondered his thoughts a tangled mess.

His desire was almost overwhelming, and he could barely contain himself. He needed a taste, and he needed it now.

Her breasts were so firm, full, and smooth. They were a sight to behold, a pair of works of art, a testament to the wonders of nature.

Then, after an eternity of anticipation, it happened. She placed her nipple at the edge of his lips, a tempting offering. His instinct kicked in. His mother's nipple slipped into his mouth, his tiny lips wrapping around the tender flesh.

As his lips brushed against her nipple, Aster felt a tingle of pleasure ripple through him. He couldn't believe how soft and delicate her breast was, how her skin was so smooth and warm. It was like a dream, a fantasy come to life.

He began to suckle. His tiny tongue began to flick and swirl, and the sweet, creamy liquid flowed freely from her breast. As the first drops of milk entered his mouth, Aster felt an explosion of flavor and sensation. It was a sensation unlike any other, a taste so sweet and rich that it defied description. It tasted heavenly, and Aster couldn't get enough of it. Maybe it tastes so good because she is an elf? He wasn't sure.

He sucked hard and hungrily, his lips pressed against her breast.

The warm, sweet liquid was unlike anything he had ever tasted, and it was enough to reel his senses.

With each gulp, Aster felt his strength returning. His hunger and thirst, which he didn't know about, disappeared. His body was replenished and energized as if he were being nourished with a potent elixir.

As he drank deeply, the world around him faded into the background, and all he could focus on was the taste, the sensation, and the warmth. It was a moment of bliss, a moment of pure ecstasy.

It was a delicious and nourishing drink, and Aster couldn't help but relish every drop.

"It's awesome!" he thought, his tiny hands gripping her breasts, "I am in heaven! This is the best thing I have ever tasted!" he thought, his eyes closing in satisfaction.

The taste of her breast milk, her warm nipple against his lips, and her heartbeat were all intoxicating. He felt as if he could stay there forever.

But then... Something happened, something that can only be described as betrayal.

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