Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 8 — First breastfeeding


[Nivalis Silverfrost]

After the long and exhausting process of giving birth, Nivalis's whole body felt like it had been through a storm. She was sore and weak, every muscle aching, but despite the physical discomfort, a radiant smile painted her face. The mere thought of her son, Aster, being born healthy and alive overwhelmed her with an indescribable sense of joy and happiness.

Nivalis took a moment to clean herself and change her clothes, her hands trembling with exhaustion while her newborn son lay peacefully in her daughter Silvia's arms. Silvia, with eyes shining in awe and wonder, cradled her baby brother with gentle care.

As the minutes passed and the room remained silent, Nivalis realized it was the perfect time to feed her son. She didn't want to wait until he started to grow restless. With a tender smile, she addressed Silvia, her voice filled with love and warmth.

— "Silvia, my darling, let Mommy have him for a little while," she softly requested, knowing that her daughter was reluctant to part with the little bundle of joy in her arms.

Silvia gently transferred Aster into Nivalis's outstretched arms, careful not to disturb the baby. As soon as the newborn was safely nestled in his mother's embrace, Silvia let out a sigh of contentment. She was pleased to have helped out and was glad to see her brother safe and healthy.

— "Don't worry, sweetheart. You can have him back after mommy feeds him," Nivalis reassured her daughter, her words accompanied by a soft and warm smile.

With her precious son safely cradled in her arms, Nivalis settled herself onto the softness of the bed, ready to nurse him for the first time. Sensing her own comfort needs, she softly spoke up, her voice whispering with a gentle request.

— "Silvia, my love, would you mind getting a pillow for me, please?" Nivalis asked, her voice tender, recognizing that her daughter longed to be involved in any way she could.

Silvia was quick to respond to her mother's request. She fetched a fluffy pillow from the nearby chair and carefully placed it behind Nivalis's back, ensuring utmost comfort for her weary body. Silvia's eyes, glistening with innocence and tenderness, lit up with a sense of accomplishment at being able to assist her mother.

"Mommy, I don't think he can eat regular food yet," Silvia expressed, her tiny voice laced with concern, her eyes fixed on her baby brother with a mixture of protectiveness and interest. She couldn't help but worry about her brother's well-being.

Nivalis smiled warmly, appreciating her daughter's thoughtfulness. She understood that Silvia was embracing her role as a protective big sister.

— "No, my sweet girl. Babies like your brother need to drink milk for a long time before they can eat any other food," she explained, her voice filled with gentle reassurance, aiming to ease her daughter's worries.

"Really? I never knew that," Silvia responded, her wide eyes sparkling, eager to absorb every piece of information. Her young mind was like a sponge, soaking up new knowledge.

— "Yes, it's true," Nivalis confirmed. Her love for her children was evident in every word as she caressed Aster's velvety soft head with her free hand. The little one made soft, contented sounds as he lay nestled against his mother's chest, completely oblivious to the world around him.

"Mommy, where will we get enough milk for him?" Silvia inquired, her curiosity thriving, her young mind eager to understand the intricacies of caring for her baby brother.

A soft chuckle slipped from Nivalis's lips as she understood what her daughter was talking about, and she marveled at how innocent and pure Silvia's face looked.

— "My sweet Silvia, the milk comes from me," Nivalis responded, her voice laced with a blend of maternal tenderness and quiet amusement, delighting in the unfiltered curiosity of childhood. She could see Silvia's eyes widen with surprise and fascination.

"Really? But I thought cows have it," Silvia voiced, her confusion knitting her brows together, her mind searching for connections between the seemingly incompatible concepts.

Nivalis couldn't help but laugh a little as she looked at her precious daughter. Silvia gazed up at her with her innocent, golden eyes, eager for more explanations.

— "Yes, cows have it, and so do we. And drinking it is really important for babies to grow big and strong," Nivalis explained, her tone informative and soothing as she kept an eye on the newborn baby in her arms.

"But how, Mommy?" Silvia questioned, her eyes shining with fascination and anticipation.

— "It's actually really easy," Nivalis said, smiling at her daughter's childlike enthusiasm.

— "When a woman becomes a mother, her body goes through certain changes, and her breasts get bigger and start producing milk. It's just a part of being a mother and taking care of her babies," Nivalis explained, her voice gentle and soothing, trying to make the process simple for her daughter to understand.

"So, the milk is actually in your breasts?" Silvia asked, letting traces of wonder and amazement fill her voice, her wide eyes fixed on Mother's shape.

— "Yes, that's right," Nivalis affirmed, a serene smile adorning her lips, her heart swelling with maternal pride, grateful for the opportunity to share this intimate knowledge with her child.

Silvia, still stunned by this newfound knowledge, continued to gaze at her mother's breasts with curiosity and fascination in her eyes. The concept of her mother's body providing milk for her baby brother was like a magical secret she had just discovered. She had so many questions about her baby brother and how to take care of him.

Nivalis, appreciating her daughter's inquisitiveness, knew that a visual demonstration would help Silvia understand even better. With a gentle smile, she said, — "Silvia, would you like me to show you how it works?"

Silvia's eyes widened, her little heart racing with excitement. She nodded eagerly, "Yes, Mommy!"

— "Here," With those words, Nivalis delicately lifted her shirt. As the fabric moved, it revealed her breasts, a pair of plump, soft, and round breasts that were now completely full of nourishing milk. A slight squeeze of her breast was enough for milk to pour out like a river, to demonstrate to Silvia how milk could be expressed.

Silvia's eyes widened in astonishment as she watched milk trickle out, a moment of awe and revelation washing over her.

"Mommy, there's milk coming out!" Silvia exclaimed, a mixture of surprise and curiosity evident in her voice.

— "Yes, my love. This is how it works," Nivalis replied, her voice filled with warmth and reassurance.

Silvia leaned closer, her gaze fixated on the miracle unfolding before her.

Feeling a sense of pride and connection, Nivalis continued to express a small amount of milk, demonstrating the process for Silvia's eager eyes.

— "See, sweetheart, this is the milk that nourishes your brother," Nivalis explained, her voice brimming with love and tenderness.

Silvia's eyes widened, her little heart filled with wonder as she absorbed every detail, eager to understand and learn.

Silvia's gaze followed the rivulet of milk as it slowly dripped from Nivalis's nipple, down her skin, and finally pooled in the hollow of her palm, forming a tiny white puddle.

"May I touch it?" Silvia asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty as if she was afraid to ask such a question.

"Of course, sweetie," Nivalis replied, a gentle smile lighting up her features.

With careful movements, Silvia extended her hand, her fingers reaching out to touch the puddle of milk that had formed in her mother's palm. The moment her fingertips grazed the milky surface, she felt an indescribable sense of reverence.

Silvia's eyes lit up, her expression one of childlike wonder as she felt the warm and creamy texture of the milk.

"Mommy, it's so warm," Silvia uttered, her voice brimming with awe and amazement.

Nivalis couldn't help but chuckle softly as she gazed upon her beautiful daughter, the love she felt for Silvia blossoming like a flower in spring.

"That's so amazing," Silvia uttered, her voice filled with amazement as she leaned even closer, her eyes catching every possible detail of the process. Even the reflections in her mother's milk couldn't escape her watchful gaze.

— "Yes, my darling. It's truly a remarkable thing," Nivalis replied, her voice gentle and affectionate. "A mother's body is designed to provide nourishment and love to her little ones."

Nivalis, a sense of warmth spreading through her, smiled down at her daughter.

Silvia's gaze remained fixated on her mother's breast, her eyes filled with a newfound appreciation for the miracle of life. Nivalis carefully wiped away any traces of milk, ensuring both cleanliness and comfort.

Feeling a surge of maternal instincts, Nivalis gently cradled Aster once more, bringing him to her breast.

At first, Aster seemed hesitant, uncertain of what to do, but as he tasted the warm milk that flowed from Nivalis's breast, an eagerness enveloped him, and his tongue started flicking against her nipple. His suckling became more rhythmic, his golden eyes half-closed in contentment.

 The sensation was familiar but long time forgotten since times when she had to breastfeed Silvia. Nivalis smiled, a wave of contentment washing over her as her baby began to nurse.

Nivalis glanced at Silvia, who was observing the intimate moment with a sense of awe and wonder.

"He is eating!" Silvia exclaimed, her eyes shimmering with excitement.

— "He is," Nivalis affirmed, her voice filled with a sense of joy and fulfillment.

Aster's eyes fluttered closed as he suckled contentedly, his tiny hands grasping her skin. Nivalis, her heart overflowing with love, stroked his soft cheek. Silvia, her heart full of adoration and protectiveness, couldn't help but lean closer, her face filled with a smile of pure bliss.

Nivalis's eyes softened as she gazed at her son, his little body nestled in her arms. She couldn't believe how small and fragile he was. She could feel his heartbeat through his chest and his warm skin against hers.

Leaning back, Nivalis allowed herself to savor the moment, cherishing the profound connection she shared with her son. The weight of the world seemed to fade away as she focused solely on the nurturing bond between mother and child. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt so relaxed.

Silvia's gaze was filled with a mixture of curiosity, fascination, and awe as she watched her mother and newborn brother. It was an image she would never forget, one that would stay with her for the rest of her life.

"Mommy," Silvia softly whispered, capturing Nivalis's attention.

Nivalis opened her eyes, meeting her daughter's gaze with love and warmth. — "Yes, my love? What is it?"

"How does it feel? Does it hurt?" Silvia inquired, her tone innocent and curious.

Nivalis smiled, appreciating her daughter's genuine concern. — "No, darling. It doesn't hurt. It feels... natural and right," she replied, choosing her words carefully to allay any worries Silvia might have.

"Really? So, you don't mind feeding Asty like this?" Silvia continued to inquire, her voice filled with a mix of wonder and acceptance.

— "Of course not. I wouldn't have it any other way," Nivalis responded, her tone warm and reassuring.

Nivalis's smile broadened as she observed Silvia's expression, witnessing the range of emotions playing across her daughter's face. The child's eyes sparkled with wonder, her innocence embracing the intricacies of life's miracles.

"Is this how I ate when I was a baby?" Silvia questioned, her mind filled with thoughts of her own experience, wondering what it had been like to be held and nurtured by her mother in this way.

— "Yes, sweetie. It's the same way you fed, too," Nivalis affirmed, her voice soft and comforting.

"I wish I could remember that," Silvia whispered, her voice filled with a subtle note of melancholy.

Nivalis let out a soft laugh.

— "Although I must admit, you were quite a bit fussier than your brother," she teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

"Hey, I was not!" Silvia protested, her cheeks flushing with playful embarrassment.

— "Oh, but you were," Nivalis countered, her tone filled with affectionate teasing. — "You kept me on my toes, my little snowflake".

Silvia shifted from one foot to the other, her cheeks still tinged with a rosy hue. "I... I wasn't that bad, was I?"

Nivalis chuckled softly, reaching out to stroke Silvia's hair. — "No, my love. You were perfect in every way. It was simply a reflection of your strong spirit."

A moment of silence hung in the room. Silvia continued to shift from one foot to the other, her cheeks burning red with embarrassment.

"Can I... Can I try some, too?" Silvia suddenly mustered the courage to ask, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes full of anticipation.

Nivalis's eyes widened in surprise, her gaze shifting to her daughter's blushing face. She hesitated for a moment, contemplating the request.

— "I don't know. I don't think you will like the taste," Nivalis replied, uncertain of how Silvia would react to experiencing her mother's breast milk.

"Please, Mommy, I want to try," Silvia pleaded, her voice filled with determination and curiosity.

Unable to resist her daughter's earnestness, Nivalis relented, a smile blooming on her lips. — "Alright. You can have a small taste, but just remember, it might not be to your liking," she agreed, her voice filled with gentleness.

Silvia nodded, her eyes filled with anticipation, her young heart racing with excitement.

"Thank you!" Silvia exclaimed, her face lighting up with excitement and gratitude. She jumped on a bed next to her mother, eager to join her brother in enjoying their mother's milk.

As soon as she was close enough, Nivalis guided her daughter towards her, helping her settle comfortably.

Nivalis gently removed her son from her breast with a soft pop sound, causing him to fuss slightly.

— "I know, sweetheart, I know," she whispered soothingly.

Instead, she brought him to her left breast. Aster's tiny lips latched onto her nipple, and he continued to drink hungrily, his golden eyes half-closed in contentment.

Silvia was excited to give it a try. Nivalis's breast was soft and plump, like a pillow made of velvet. The skin was smooth and creamy, and the nipple was pink and slightly puffy from Aster's nursing. She reached out and gently squeezed Nivalis's breast to make the milk flow for her to try. Her tiny hands touched the plump flesh, her fingers feeling its texture as a small stream of milk escaped the nipple and ran down the underside.

However, as she squeezed, Silvia felt her mother flinch a little and heard her softly gasp. Concern and guilt washed over Silvia's face. "Did I do something wrong, Mommy?" she asked, her voice trembling with worry.

Nivalis reassured her daughter with a tender smile.— "No, my dear. It's just that it can be a little sensitive for Mommy. It's okay, and you didn't do anything wrong."

Silvia looked relieved and apologized, "I'm sorry, Mommy. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Nivalis brushed a gentle hand through Silvia's hair, her love shining in her eyes. "It's alright, sweetheart. You didn't know. Now, let me show you how to get the milk without causing any discomfort."

Silvia watched with fascination as Nivalis gently demonstrated how to express the milk without squeezing too hard. "See, you just need to be gentle, like this," Nivalis explained, her voice soothing.

Silvia watched her mother's careful demonstration, but when she tried to mimic the gentle squeeze, her tiny fingers lacked the dexterity to do it just right. Nivalis flinched once again.

Silvia sighed in frustration, her young face scrunching up in concentration.

Nivalis could see her daughter's struggle, and she gently said, "It's okay, my sweet. It can be a bit tricky at first."

"Maybe it's too hard for me, Mommy," Silvia admitted, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

Nivalis understood her daughter's frustration and said, "There's another way you can have some, Silvia. Would you like to try it?"

Silvia's curiosity piqued as she asked, "What other way, Mommy?"

Nivalis offered a gentle smile.— "You can try sucking gently, just like your brother. It's a more natural way for babies."

Silvia's eyes widened with interest, "Really, Mommy? Can I?"

Nivalis nodded, "Of course, my love." She adjusted her position, making sure Silvia was comfortable. Silvia's eyes were filled with anticipation as she leaned in, her lips hovering just above Nivalis's breast.

— "Be careful. Remember to use your tongue and lips to lick the milk, not your teeth," Nivalis murmured, her voice laced with tenderness and affection.

"I know, Mommy. I'll be gentle, I promise," Silvia vowed, her voice filled with conviction.

With a gentle nod, she encouraged Silvia to take a sip, ensuring her support and acceptance.

Silvia's lips made contact with Nivalis's puffy nipple, her tiny mouth creating a gentle suction, trying her best to get the milk out of it.

Nivalis stroked Silvia's hair lovingly, and a serene smile graced her lips.—  "That's it, Silvia. You're doing great. Just take it slow, and it will come naturally."

Silvia was met with the warm, creamy taste of her mother's milk. A moment of silence enveloped the room. Silvia's eyes widened in surprise as the warm, sweet liquid touched her tongue. She savored the taste, a look of delight spreading across her face.

"Mommy, it tastes so good!" Silvia exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine delight and wonder.

Nivalis couldn't help but let out a soft laugh, her heart brimming with joy. — "I'm glad you like it, my love. It's nature's way of providing nourishment and comfort to children."

As Silvia's eyes fell upon her mother's exposed nipple, a sense of awe and wonder washed over her. The soft, rounded curve of her mother's breast was a sight to behold, and the tiny bump at the center was so delicate and vulnerable that it seemed almost fragile.

As Nivalis saw her daughter's gaze, a sense of tenderness and pride welled up inside her. She knew that Silvia was curious and innocent, and she knew exactly what she was thinking about.

— "You can have more if you like, Silvia. Be gentle and try not to pull or suck too hard," Nivalis whispered.

Silvia eagerly nodded, her excitement growing. She leaned forward, taking another sip from her mother's nipple. As the warm, sweet liquid slid down her throat once again, she felt a sense of comfort and satisfaction that she had never experienced before. Silvia's eyes sparkled with accomplishment as she continued to nurse, just like her baby brother. She felt a special connection with him, knowing they were both nourished by their mother's love and care.

Nivalis patted Silvia's head gently, and she couldn't stop smiling. She could see the amazement and wonder in her daughter's eyes when she looked from below at Nivalis, with her big and golden eyes, all while Silvia sucked on her breast.

— "Do you like it so much, sweetie?" Nivalis asked, her voice a gentle whisper.

Sylvia released her nipple with a distinctive “pop” sound. "It is so yummy," Silvia whispered back, her voice filled with excitement and reverence.

Nivalis laughed softly, her heart overflowing with affection for her daughter. — "I'm glad you like it. It makes me happy to know that you're enjoying it so much," she said, her voice filled with maternal love.

Silvia looked up at her mother, her eyes wide and bright. "Thank you, Mommy," she whispered, her voice filled with a child's sincerity.

— "You're welcome, my love," Nivalis replied, gently stroking Silvia's hair as she started sucking on her breast once again.

Nivalis's breasts ached as they continued to provide nourishment for her two children. Her nipples were swollen and sensitive, but she didn't mind. It was, without a doubt, an unconventional scene, but one that exemplified the beauty and naturalness of motherhood.

The pain of childbirth was soon forgotten as she was surrounded by the comforting presence of her family. The very room seemed to be filled with love and joy.

This was the happiest moment of her life, and she would forever treasure it.

As Aster finally finished his meal, he released her nipple, a small dribble of milk escaping and running down his chin. Nivalis gently wiped it away with a soft cloth, a loving smile on her face.

"Mommy, can I have some more?" Silvia asked, her eyes sparkling with hope, still craving her mother's milk.

— "Maybe later, Silvia. We need to rest, and I need to clean myself a bit more," Nivalis replied, her voice filled with maternal warmth.

"Okay," Silvia said, reluctantly accepting her mother's response. She pulls away, her lips smacking slightly.

Nivalis's heart warmed as she observed her children's peaceful faces, her soul filled with gratitude for the blessing of motherhood. She couldn't help but admire how much they looked like her two little ones.

Both Silvia and Aster had their mother's fair complexion and soft features, with hair the color of moonlight.

— "You can sleep here, next to me and your brother, if you want," Nivalis offered, her voice gentle and comforting.

"Really?" Silvia asked, her voice brimming with excitement.

— "Yes, honey. And it looks like he fell asleep already, so make sure you don't wake him," Nivalis cautioned.

"I won't," Silvia said, scooting next to her sleeping brother.

Nivalis watched as Silvia curled up next to her brother, her small hand gently reaching out to touch his tiny fingers. A smile played on her lips, a smile filled with love. This was a scene that she would never tire of.

As Nivalis rose from the bed, a wave of discomfort washed over her. Her breasts felt heavy and swollen, and her nipples remained engorged from the nursing session.

Heading to the nearby room, Nivalis undressed with care, being mindful not to expose her tender nipples to the cool air. She gently cleaned her breasts and nipples with warm water, taking precautions to prevent any scratching or irritation.

As her hand accidentally ran over her nipple, a tingling sensation coursed through her, eliciting a soft gasp of pleasure. Her nipples responded to the touch, growing erect, and her breath quickened with a mix of sensations.

She felt her nipples become fully erect, and her breathing became labored. Nivalis couldn't resist giving her nipples a slight squeeze, and a gentle moan escaped her lips.

Her nipples had become sensitive and responsive, and every touch, even the slightest, sent shivers of pleasure through her.

Nivalis stood there, with her nipples pointy and sharp, looking at herself in the mirror. She took a deep breath, and soon Nivalis regained her composure. She was a mother, and she couldn't indulge in such pleasures.

She put on a fresh shirt, ensuring her comfort, before making her way back to her children.

As she approached the bedroom, she could hear Silvia's hushed and conspiratorial voice, filled with excitement.

"Shhh, Asty, pretend you are asleep, or Mommy will be mad at me," Silvia whispered, her voice barely audible.

As Nivalis entered the room, she couldn't help but smile at the sight before her. Silvia was lying on the bed, pretending to be asleep with her eyes closed, while her brother, Aster, was looking at Nivalis with his golden eyes wide open, his lips pursed.

Nivalis chuckled, her heartwarming at the innocence of the scene.

Nivalis approached the bed with a soft step, careful not to disturb the "slumbering" duo. With gentle grace, she lowered herself onto the bed, settling beside Silvia. As she lay next to her daughter, she couldn't help but smile at the scene before her.

As the sun starts to cast its gentle rays through the window, Nivalis closes her eyes, finding solace in the symphony of her children's breathing. She surrendered herself to the warmth and serenity that radiated from within, knowing that these precious moments would be treasured in her heart for a lifetime.

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