Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 7 — Porcelain doll



Silvia's small hand clung tightly to her mother's arm, her wide eyes filled with fear, reflecting the icy grip that held her heart. The room seemed to grow even colder, and the air became heavy with an unspoken dread that settled over them like a thick, oppressive fog.

— "Mommy, what's wrong?" Silvia asked, her voice trembling like a leaf swaying in the wind.

Nivalis, her mother, didn't answer immediately. She couldn't tear her gaze away from her newborn son, who lay still and lifeless in her trembling arms, resembling a delicate porcelain doll.

— "Mommy, please, is everything alright?" Silvia's voice was barely more than a whisper, as if she feared that speaking too loudly might ruin the silence that enveloped the room like a blanket.

Time seemed to stretch endlessly, seconds turning into an agonizing eternity.

Five seconds passed. Then ten. And fifteen.

Silvia's fear deepened as the moments dragged on, her mind racing. She couldn't understand what was happening, why her mother wouldn't answer. It felt like a nightmare she couldn't wake up from.

Then, like a sudden bolt of lightning, the realization struck Silvia, and it hit hard. It was as if a dark cloud had lifted from her mind, revealing the grim truth that she had been unwilling to accept until now. Panic coursed through her veins like wildfire, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"He's not breathing," Nivalis choked out, her body trembling uncontrollably, her hands clutching the infant tightly.

Her baby brother, so fragile, was not breathing.

Silvia's world crumbled before her eyes. She watched in helpless horror as her mother, whom she had always seen as an unshakable pillar of strength, was reduced to a sobbing, desperate figure, fighting desperately to revive her son, her screams of anguish reverberating through the room.

Silvia could only stand there, rooted to the spot, as if she was paralyzed, her entire body numb. Her mind couldn't comprehend what was happening, couldn't grasp the reality of the situation.

The little boy's lips were tinged blue, and his skin was pale and clammy. The room was silent except for the sound of Nivalis's sobs.

"No, no, no!" Nivalis cried out, her anguish echoing through the room as if her voice could command life back into the tiny body she held. Her voice trembled with an urgency born of a mother's deepest love.

Silvia remained frozen in place, unable to move or speak. She had never witnessed her mother so utterly distraught. It was as if their roles had reversed, and Silvia, the child, now needed to provide the strength that her mother had always given her.

"My baby, my sweet baby," Nivalis whispered, her voice filled with an unbearable weight of grief. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, and her eyes were blurry. She clung to her son with a mother's fierce determination, her hands clasped tightly together, and her eyes closed, but the tears didn't stop. Her lips moved, whispering prayers on ancient elven speech that Silvia had never heard before.

Silvia could see the full depth of desperation on her mother's face, and it broke her heart. She didn't know what to do, so she just stood there, her tears streaming down her cheeks, a silent testimony to her helplessness and sorrow. She wished with all her heart that she could do something to make it better, to bring back the warmth of life to her baby brother.

Nivalis cradled her son, her embrace tender and trembling. She rocked him gently in her arms, her tears falling like rain, each drop a plea to the heavens for mercy. She had never felt so helpless, so afraid in her life. Her heart ached with a fear that seemed to suffocate her.

In the room's hushed silence, there came a faint, barely noticeable movement — a subtle, delicate flicker of life that might have been mistaken for a mere trick of the light for anyone who could have seen it. The baby's minuscule fingers twitched, and his chest rose ever so slightly as if it hadn't happened at all. And then, it happened — a baby's cry.

The cry rang out, clear and strong, shattering the oppressive silence that had gripped the room like a vice. It was a sound that resonated with life and hope, like a beacon in the darkest of nights.

Silvia, her heart in her throat, released a breath she hadn't even realized she'd been holding, a wash of relief flooding over her. She watched as her mother's tears of despair transformed into tears of joy, mixing with the sweat on Nivalis's face as she cradled her now-crying son.

Her brother is alive.

— "Mommy! He is alive," Silvia cried, her voice filled with joy and wonder. She couldn't believe her ears, couldn't believe that her brother was breathing and crying. The room seemed to brighten as if a storm had passed, leaving behind a radiant rainbow of hope.

Nivalis looked up, her eyes a mixture of shock, joy, and disbelief.

"He is alive," she murmured, her voice trembling with overwhelming emotion.

The infant's tiny face scrunched up, his lungs filling with air as he let out another piercing cry.

"Hush, my little one, hush," Nivalis whispered, her voice tender and calming, as she cradled her son close to her heart.

The baby responded to her comforting touch, his cries gradually subsiding, replaced by soft, contented coos, and Nivalis couldn't help but laugh, a sound filled with pure, unbridled joy and relief.

Nivalis, still cradling her son, turned to Silvia, her eyes sparkling with tears of happiness.

"He is okay, my little snowflake. He is okay," Nivalis said softly, smiling.

Silvia could see the immense relief and happiness etched across her mother's face, and it warmed her heart.

— "He is. Everything is going to be okay," Silvia replied, her voice breaking slightly as tears threatened to fall once more.

"Thank the gods," Nivalis said, her eyes closed as she leaned her forehead against her son's, a prayer of gratitude falling from her lips.

Silvia's heart brimmed with happiness and hope. Her mother's prayers had been answered.

Silvia's mind raced with the thought that perhaps there were forces watching over them, listening to their heartfelt pleas.

What if... just maybe... her own prayers had been heard as well?



[Nivalis Silverfrost]

It was nothing short of a miracle — a breathtaking moment that Nivalis couldn't quite believe.

Tears of joy flowed freely from her eyes as she held her son close, her heart swelling with an overwhelming love that seemed to transcend the boundaries of her very elven existence. She marveled at his tiny fingers and toes, the softness of his skin, and the innocence in his wide, curious eyes. Golden eyes.

This child, this precious soul, was her key to freedom, the answer to her deepest prayers. His heartbeat, strong and steady, spoke of life and vitality, a promise of a future filled with hope.

The relief that washed over her was almost overwhelming. Her son was alive, and he would live. All the pain she went through during his birth, the agony of almost losing him, and now, in this moment, it all felt worth it.

"Mommy, we should clean him up," Silvia suggested, a look of concern on her young face.

Nivalis nodded, her thoughts returning to the present, to the bloodied, exhausted state they were all in.

— "Silvia, please bring me some water from over there," Nivalis requested, her voice remarkably calm despite the emotional storm that had absorbed her. She knew that there were still tasks to be done and that the care of her newborn son required her immediate attention.

Silvia hurried to fulfill her mother's request, her steps light and filled with purpose. She returned with a small bowl of water and a clean cloth, handing them to Nivalis with a gentle smile.

Nivalis's hands were gentle and deliberate as she tenderly wiped away the traces of blood and amniotic fluid from her son's fragile form. His skin was as soft as moonlight, and his hair formed a tangled halo of silver curls. She marveled at the perfection of his tiny body, the miracle of his existence. Each touch was a testament to the love and devotion she felt as a mother.

As Nivalis continued to care for her newborn son, she couldn't help but think about all that had brought them to this moment. The trials and tribulations, the uncertainty and fear — all of it had led to this beautiful, miraculous moment. She knew that there would be challenges ahead, but in that moment, she was filled with a profound sense of gratitude and hope.

Nivalis's gaze shifted to Silvia, who stood nearby, her smile radiant, her eyes sparkling with happiness. The tears had not yet dried on her face, but she was no longer crying. Her cheeks were stained with a mixture of tears of sorrow and tears of joy, a testament to the emotional rollercoaster of the past moments.

— "Silvia, come closer," Nivalis beckoned, her voice calm and warm, still filled with deep emotions. She extended her arms, inviting her daughter into this precious moment.

Silvia approached, her heart racing with excitement and love. Her mother gently placed her hand on the newborn's head, guiding Silvia's small hand to join hers.

— "This is your little brother, Silvia. You're a big sister now," Nivalis whispered, her voice a tender murmur that carried the weight of a thousand emotions.

Silvia's heart swelled with pride and wonder. She felt a sense of responsibility settling over her like a soft, protective cloak. She looked down at her newborn brother, his tiny features so delicate and pure, and a warm feeling flowed through her. He was so small and helpless, his eyes as golden as hers as they wandered around the room. In that moment, she knew with unwavering certainty that it was her duty to protect this tiny life, to be the best big sister she could be.

Leaning down, Silvia pressed a gentle kiss to the crown of her brother's head, her lips brushing against his silken curls.

"Hello, little brother. Welcome to the family," she whispered, her words carrying the weight of a lifetime of sisterly devotion.

Nivalis's eyes brimmed with tears as she watched this heartwarming scene unfold before her. Her children were her greatest treasures, and she felt blessed beyond measure to have them in her life.

Silvia, her heart filled with awe and wonder, watched her mother cradle the baby. Her eyes sparkled with happiness, and she couldn't contain her excitement. The room seemed to be bathed in a warm, golden light, as if the very air around them was celebrating this new life.

"Mommy, can I hold him too?" Silvia asked, her voice tinged with anticipation, her arms outstretched.

— "Of course, dear. But be very gentle," Nivalis replied, carefully transferring her son into Silvia's arms. She knew that this moment was not just about holding a baby; it was about forging a bond between siblings that would last a lifetime.

The baby stirred, letting out a soft whine, but settled once he was nestled against his sister's chest. Silvia held him with utmost care, as if he were the most fragile treasure in the world.

"Little brother," Silvia said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm your big sister, and I'll always take care of you." Her words were filled with love and a promise that would resonate through the years.

The baby gurgled, a sound filled with innocence and joy, and Silvia's heart melted.

"That's right. We're going to have so much fun together," Silvia continued, her eyes sparkling with happiness.

She felt as if her heart would burst with love and pride.

Nivalis looked on with tears in her eyes, her heart overflowing with emotion. This moment, this scene, was more precious than anything she could have imagined. She felt blessed beyond measure to have these little souls in her life.

Silvia continued to hold her brother, her expression one of utter adoration. The baby looked up at her with his golden eyes. She felt a wave of gratitude towards the goddess, who had answered her mother's prayers and saved her brother's life. She made a mental note to pray more often to express her thanks for this miracle.

Nivalis couldn't help but chuckle. She had known that Silvia was going to be a wonderful big sister, but seeing it play out before her eyes was even more heartwarming than she could have expected.

As Silvia gazed at her baby brother, her eyes shining with love and devotion, she couldn't help but notice the similarities between them.

"Look, Mom, he has ears just like mine," Silvia exclaimed, a sense of pride blooming within her. She gently touched her own pointed ear, then her brother's, marveling at the resemblance.

— "Of course he does," Nivalis confirmed, gently running her fingers over the tiny points. It was a small but significant connection, a reminder of their shared heritage.

"And his hair is just like mine, too," Silvia added, marveling at the silver curls that crowned her baby brother's head. The family resemblance was unmistakable.

— "You're right, my dear. It seems your brother inherited our elven traits," Nivalis said, a faint smile playing on her lips. She couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in passing on their heritage to the next generation.

"Mommy, what is his name going to be?" Silvia asked, her eyes wide with curiosity, her mind already brimming with possibilities.

— "I... Don't know? What do you think, my dear?" Nivalis said, inviting Silvia to be a part of this important decision.

Silvia pondered for a moment, her gaze fixed on her baby brother's peaceful face, and then a bright smile lit up her features.

"Maybe, Aster," she suggested, the name carrying a weight of significance that went far beyond the mere sounds of the letters.

Aster. It meant star. A symbol of hope, light, and purity. A sign of the divine's protection.

— "Aster. I love it. It's perfect," Nivalis replied, her voice heavy with emotion. She reached out, her fingers gently caressing her son's cheek.

"Hello, Aster. Welcome to the family," Silvia whispered, her heart overflowing with love and pride.

"Can I call him Asty for short?" Silvia asked, her face bright with enthusiasm, already forming a nickname for her brother.

— "Sure, my dear. It sounds cute," Nivalis replied, her smile mirroring Silvia's. She appreciated her daughter's warmth and eagerness to embrace her new role as a big sister.

The baby, Aster, gurgled, his golden eyes wide with wonder as he gazed at his new family. It was as if he already understood the love and happiness that surrounded him.


Nivalis reached her hand over to her son, gently intertwining her fingers with his tiny ones. — "Welcome to the family, Aster, my son," Nivalis whispered, her voice filled with love and devotion. She knew that their journey ahead would be filled with challenges, but she was determined to give him a life filled with love, freedom, and happiness.

The newborn's tiny hand curled around Nivalis's finger, a gesture that spoke volumes, and Nivalis couldn't help but smile with watery eyes. It was a silent promise between mother and son, a bond that would only grow stronger with time. She would move heaven and earth to protect him, to ensure he lived a life far different from her own, regardless of the challenges ahead.

Aster would not endure the suffering that they had. He would not be raised within the confines of a prison. He would love and be loved back, surrounded by a family who cherished him.

Aster's eyelids fluttered open, his golden eyes gazing up at Silvia with a look of complete trust and love. He also reached out for her, his tiny hand grasping her finger, forming a circle of love and connection.

With this scene in front of her, Nivalis's eyes hardened with resolve, her determination unshakable. She knew that their path to freedom would not be easy, but she was willing to face any challenge to ensure a better life for her children.

The flame of hope burned brighter than ever in her soul, and she would do whatever it took to protect her family and secure their future.

With her son's first breaths, she had silently made a vow — one that echoed through the chambers of her heart.

They would escape, or she would embrace the darkness trying.

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