Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 35 — Growing up


Wolf's meat allowed their family to last just enough to survive the storm. The weather started to get warmer, the sun peeked through the clouds more often, and the wind no longer howled with the same ferocity. It was such a relief, and they celebrated the blizzard's end with a small feast, eating freshly caught fish and filling their bellies to the full.

As the weeks passed by, the storm became nothing but a memory, and life slowly returned to normal. Nivalis resumed her daily routine and happily fell into a rhythm of survival, focusing on providing for her family while Silvia and Aster played together, keeping each other company.

The rest of the winter had passed without any more trouble. Nivalis had spent most of her time hunting and fishing to refill their supplies, barely getting enough rest.

It took some time for their bodies to recover and fully return to a healthy state. Their cheeks were still a bit hollow, and their bodies were slightly thinner, but it wasn't anything to be too concerned about. They had survived and made it to the spring.

As spring arrived, the snow began to melt, and the weather got much warmer, which made Nivalis even more occupied, preparing for the following winter. First thing first, Nivalis decided to build a wooden door for the entrance of their cave. The project took her quite a while, but the result was worth the effort.

Its design was simplistic. Several large branches were tied together and leaned against the cave's entrance. The door was heavy, difficult to open and close, and had small gaps on the sides, but it served its purpose and provided them with a much-needed sense of security. It allowed them to sleep without worrying that wild beasts would appear suddenly and kill them all.

The next concern was food, and they needed more of it, much more. The blizzard they experienced was a close call, and they couldn't risk running out of food ever again. Nivalis had only a few months of warm weather and needed to prepare accordingly.

She planned to hunt and gather as much as possible and stock up on preserved food so they could go through the winter without having to go outside. She would leave their cave early in the morning when the sun was still low on the horizon and return before sunset, spending most of her time outdoors.

However, her daughter Silvia didn't like it in the slightest. After such a traumatic experience this little girl experienced, she was scared to be left alone with Aster in the cave, even during the day. The mere thought of her mother disappearing and never returning terrified her beyond belief. But the worst part was that Nivalis couldn't stay inside their cave, no matter how much she wanted. It wasn't possible.

Nivalis tried to take Silvia with her whenever possible, even if Silvia did nothing but carry her brother around and quietly watched Nivalis work. However, they were still far too young and fragile to accompany her every time. It was also dangerous, and there was no way Nivalis would allow her to be exposed to unnecessary risks.

So, instead, Silvia had been spending most of her days in the cave alone with Aster, trying to occupy her mind with anything possible and not worrying whether her mother would return.

The next few months were difficult for all of them. Nivalis barely found time to sleep. All her time was spent hunting, fishing, collecting herbs and mushrooms, and drying meat. She would have loved to take more time for herself and spend more time with her kids. However, survival was more important than anything else. They were already so lucky to have survived the winter and had to be prepared for whatever the future would bring.

Silvia felt down due to her mother being outside all the time, leaving her alone in the cave with her little brother. Although she loved Aster very much, he was still a toddler and didn't provide her with much entertainment. The lack of attention made her feel sad and lonely.

As for Aster, he felt a deep sense of sadness and helplessness as he watched his sister and mother struggle so much. He wanted to help them, but he couldn't do anything. He is still just a child, and there is not much he can do other than stay with his sister, trying his best to lift her mood and be there for her.

Only when winter came, everything changed back to normal. Nivalis started spending her time mostly inside the cave, caring for her children and simply relaxing. She no longer had to worry about the food and finally had the opportunity to rest and spend time with her loved ones. 

As frosty winds howled beyond the cave's entrance, for the first time in a while, they had nothing to worry about. After everything they went through, after so much suffering, they were finally able to relax and live a peaceful, simple life. They didn't need anything else other than each other.

Days blurred into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Another summer season arrived and passed, marked by the same busy routine of hunting, fishing, collecting food, and doing their utmost to survive yet another approaching winter. Were those times uneventful? No, not at all. They were far from it. Those were the most fulfilling and exciting moments in their lives, the times when they were genuinely happy.

The times when Aster started to grow, learn new words, explore more about the world around him, and just enjoy his time with his beloved mother and sister. The times when Nivalis was able to raise her children and show them how much she loved them. The times when Silvia was no longer afraid or in despair. She didn't have to face the terrifying monsters that lurked in the shadows, nor did she worry about the worst monsters of all - humans. Instead, she could enjoy the childhood that the little girl had always deserved, surrounded by her loving family.

Over the next three years, Aster's and Silvia's relationship grew even stronger. Despite still being children, their love for each other is as deep and unbreakable as it could possibly be. They are inseparable, rarely leaving each other's side. Together, they sleep, play, explore, and learn about the world around them. Aster loves his big sister deeply and would do anything to make her happy. Silvia also loves her little brother equally and always tries to be the best older sister she can only be, always putting his needs above hers.

And seeing all this makes Nivalis the happiest mother in the whole world. She is no longer the broken, desperate woman who struggles to survive. She had found her true purpose in life - her children. Her heart is full, and her soul is at peace.

Everything she went through to get to this point was worth the effort. Seeing her children grow and enjoy their time together was something that made her wish she could stop time. Unfortunately, time doesn't stop for anyone.




The weather was cold and dreary, with dark gray clouds hanging low over the treetops. It had been snowing heavily the past few days, and the snow had reached nearly waist-high. The wind howled and moaned, and the air was thick with the scent of pine needles and freshly fallen snow.

Inside the cave, it was warm and cozy. There's a fire burning brightly, casting a soft orange glow onto the walls and ceiling. Nivalis is sitting on a nest of blankets, with her long silver hair cascading down her shoulders. She patiently watches as her daughter struggles to read a simple sentence off a piece of bark that has letters drawn on it with charcoal.

Aster is lying on his stomach beside her, resting his head on his mother's soft thighs and silently watching Silvia practice her reading, his legs lazily kicking the air behind him.

His silver hair is as long as his sister's and mother's, reaching all the way to his lower back. He once asked his mother if it is normal for boys to have such long hair, and she explained that elven men and women have the same hair length, and it's considered beautiful and attractive if you take care of it properly. So, since he didn't mind the long hair and enjoyed having his mother and sister take care of it for him, Aster let it grow, and it looked good on him, too.

It would be hard to tell the difference between him and Silvia if it's not for the height. Even their facial features were almost identical, with only minor differences. After all, they got their looks from their beautiful mother, except for the eyes. Aster and Silvia have golden irises inherited from their father. And the fact that he has to wear her old hand-me-downs due to the lack of other options didn't help it either. He could probably pass as her twin if they weren't separated by five years of age.

An oily painting of Aster

Watching his sister made him smile. Being able to lie here in the quietness of their cozy cave, listening to the crackling sounds of the fire, and hearing his sister's sweet, high-pitched voice made it such a perfect and relaxing moment. He loves these kinds of moments.

Aster rolled over onto his back and gazed up at his mother's face. He stared absentmindedly at the dancing light on her flawless, porcelain skin, which made her look as beautiful as ever. His mother noticed his gaze, smiled at him lovingly, and gently stroked his hair with her fingers. She then shifted her attention back to her daughter, but the smile remained.

It had been more than four years since he died and was reborn as a son of Nivalis Silverfrost. And in all those years in this cave, he couldn't think of a single time when he felt sad or depressed. His life is filled with love, laughter, and joy. 

After all these years, it feels now like his life in his previous world belongs to someone else. Those are the memories of someone else's past. All that matters to him is here, right now. He wouldn't trade this life for anything else. He couldn't even imagine living in a world without his mother and sister anymore. They are his entire universe, and he loves them more than anything. He is happier than he could ever have imagined possible. He could spend his whole life in this small cave, living a simple life, and he would be happy.

Of course, living in a cave is not without its difficulties. Their lifestyle isn't perfect, far from it. There's no electricity, no TV to watch, internet to browse, or video games to play. There are no books or magazines, no music or movies. No cars, no buses, no trains, no planes, no shopping malls or supermarkets. Even for medieval norms, their life is simple. As simple it can only be. But this is the exact reason why their family is so close, and their bond is so strong. They have nothing but each other. Besides, over time, he had gotten used to the cave's rough living conditions and didn't really mind the lack of amenities.

Learning the language took him a while, probably much longer than any normal kid. The language is quite complicated, has zero similarities to any Earth language, and is incredibly hard to understand. There are hundreds of unique rules you need to follow and countless words with a variety of meanings depending on the context. He had to learn the language in bits and pieces but eventually got the hang of it. And once he did, the world suddenly became a whole lot more interesting.

His curiosity was insatiable, and he would often bombard his mother, Nivalis, with a never-ending stream of questions about their world. Despite the relentless questioning, Nivalis patiently answered each query to the best of her ability, always encouraging Aster's thirst for knowledge.

Elves, orcs, dwarves, beastmen, also known as Faunarians, and many other races and sub-species exist. However, humans are by far the most common. In fact, most of this continent is occupied by various human kingdoms and empires. Only the outskirts are inhabited by non-human kingdoms.

There are even other continents, but due to the lack of safe and secure routes and the dangers of the ocean, most information about them is limited if not made up. So, crossing the ocean is often a one-way ticket.

Magic exists, and technology is primitive despite how ancient this civilization is. They use bows and arrows, swords and shields, armor, and all sorts of other things. There are castles, kings, and knights. There are cities, towns, and villages. There are wars and, of course, slavery. Humans love slavery. They consider the non-humans as lesser beings, and the whole continent suffers because of this.

They are a bit more tolerant of elves, but that doesn't mean they don't enslave them, either. Nivalis doesn't like to talk about kingdoms or politics or anything related to humans, for that matter.

But from what Aster understood, a long time ago, the whole continent was inhabited by elves and other non-humans. But then the humans came and drove them out, one by one. Now, the non-humans are confined to a few remote corners of the continent, constantly fighting for their survival against the invaders and sometimes even between each other. Luckily, Aster and his family don't have to deal with any of this mess.

As for magic, although it exists, most people can't use it. Most folks are just ordinary people working hard and trying to make ends meet. The only ones capable of using magic freely are the mages with funds to attend special schools, adventurers who have to earn the knowledge the hard way, and whoever is rich enough to buy blessing stones, mostly nobles who lack the affinities or successful adventurers who want to become even stronger.

To join the adventurer's path requires affinity. It can be fire, water, earth, wind, light, or darkness; no matter how weak it is, you need to have it to count as one. The strength of your affinity determines the amount of "mana" you possess, whatever this thing is. Whether or not Aster has an affinity is unknown to him. He tried to sense anything unusual in his body to determine if he had any affinity, but Nivalis told him that it occurs naturally, and you just know if you have it.

However, since neither his mother nor his sister has an affinity, it is highly unlikely that he will get one in the future.— 'Would be nice, though.' He sighed and closed his eyes, allowing his thoughts to wander again.

He wondered if his father had an affinity. This family has an unspoken rule that the father is not to be talked about. The topic is a no-no. His mother never mentioned him, nor did Silvia, as if he never existed. Aster can't blame them for it; they simply want to leave that part of their lives behind, and Aster respects their feelings. This is why he never asked about his father and probably never will. The opposite of love is not hate but indifference, and the man fully deserves it.

— 'What else...' Aster continued to think. 'Oh, right. Home-schooling.'

At the start of winter, Aster suggested to his mother that they be homeschooled, and she really liked the idea. Since then, Nivalis has been teaching her children daily, sharing her knowledge, and ensuring that they receive a good education. It is a slow process, though. She has to make sure that both of them understand what she explains before moving forward. This often results in Aster learning everything way too quickly, thanks to him being reincarnated and all. But he doesn't mind it being slow. He enjoys his time with the girls.

Aster opened his eyes and lifted his head, looking at his mother's face again, watching her lips move as she spoke. Her voice was gentle, melodic, and soothing. Her blue eyes shone brightly, reflecting the flickering flames.

"Silvia, try again," she gently urged, trying not to let her own frustration show.

The young girl bit her lip and squinted at the letters, her brow furrowed with concentration. She was determined to succeed, but the sentence remained a mystery no matter how hard she tried.

"Ugh, this is impossible!" Silvia cried out, tossing the piece of bark aside in frustration. "I don't understand this! Aster, help me! And why do we need to read anyway?!"

— "Because we're supposed to learn how to read," her little brother answered immediately. "Everyone does."

"Yeah, but why? What good will it do us? We're living in a forest! Reading isn't necessary," Silvia replied, crossing her arms over her chest and pouting.

"You don't know that, Silvia. One day, we might find ourselves among other people, and you'd need it," Nivalis intervened, smiling faintly.

Silvia rolled her eyes, letting out a dramatic sigh. "But Mom, it's too hard!" she whined again. "I'm just not good at this stuff. Aster will read everything for me!"

Nivalis shook her head in disapproval. "No excuses, young lady. You're smart and can do anything if you set your mind to it. Now, pick that up and try again," she commanded sternly.

Silvia reluctantly obeyed, grumbling under her breath as she retrieved the discarded piece of bark. "Aster, how did you understand it so fast?" she asked, eyeing her brother enviously.

Aster shrugged and answered,— "I dunno. I guess I'm very smart or something," he said, tilting his head over his mother's thighs and flashing a confident smile.

"Yeah, right," Silvia scoffed, rolling her eyes again. "Yesterday, you couldn't even untie your pants and almost peed yourself," she reminded, making her brother blush in embarrassment.

— "It was because the knot was too tight! And it has nothing to do with being smart..." Aster muttered defensively, looking away.

"Mhm. I bet," Silvia replied, unconvinced.

Nivalis couldn't help but giggle, "Stop teasing each other, you two," she said, trying to suppress her laughter. "Now, Silvia, focus on reading. Remember what we practiced. You have to sound out the words," she instructed while stroking Aster's hair.

"Ugh, fine," Silvia sighed, returning her attention to the piece of bark in her hand. She stared intently at the strange symbols, struggling to understand them.

Aster watched his sister, patiently waiting for her to start. When she didn't, he stood up, sat beside her, and began assisting her, slowly sounding out the word she was struggling with.— "B-i-r-d, bird," he explained, pointing to the corresponding letters. "It's a bird."

"Oh, I see," Silvia replied, nodding understandingly. She then proceeded to attempt to read the word. "B-i-r-d," she mumbled, repeating the word under her breath, trying to memorize each letter.

— "Now, the next one, Silvia. You can do it!" Aster encouraged, slightly rubbing her back. "If you read the whole thing, I'm sure Mommy will give you her milk," he paused and looked at Nivalis with a pleading look, begging her to agree, "Right, Mom?"

"Yes, sweetheart. That's correct," Nivalis answered, smiling at her son lovingly. Her children didn't outgrow the habit of drinking her milk. They still preferred the taste of their mother's milk to anything else, and Nivalis didn't have the heart to refuse them. Besides, she enjoyed feeding her children. She simply likes how it feels and how close they all become during those intimate feeding sessions. Additionally, it is the best way to motivate the kids, especially when it comes to their lessons or chores.

The only concerning thing was that Aster had developed a strange fascination with her breasts, massaging and playing with them whenever he had the opportunity. She knew it wasn't normal and probably just a phase, but she didn't have the guts to stop or punish him for it.

He just loves her so much, and she loves him back just as much. And since it was not hurting anyone, and sooner or later, he would grow out of it, she didn't mind him playing with her breasts a bit.

Aster's suggestion worked wonders for his sister. Seeing the possibility of a reward, her motivation soared to unprecedented levels. "You will?!" Silvia exclaimed, her eyes widening with excitement.

"Mhm. But only if you can read the whole thing. If not, you have to try again," Nivalis replied.

"Alright! Let's do this!" Silvia declared, her face brightening up with determination. She then focused her attention on the piece of bark once more and, after a moment, began speaking, "The b-i-r-d... is f-l-y-i-n-g... The b-i-r-d. F-l-y-i-n-g." She took her time and made sure to pronounce every word correctly, avoiding making any mistakes. As she spoke, her confidence grew, and her voice became louder.

"The bird is flying high in the sky, looking for friends to play with!" Silvia finished proudly, grinning widely.

"You did it, Silvia! Great job, honey!" Nivalis cheered, clapping her hands happily. "I'm so proud of you."

— "Good job, Sis!" Aster praised, throwing his arms around her in a tight hug. "You're amazing!"

Silvia beamed happily at her mother and brother. Her cheeks flushed, and she giggled, unable to contain her joy. She felt immensely proud of herself. "Yay! I did it!"

"I knew you could do it!" Aster said, his cheek pressed against his sister's and his arms resting on her hip. "Now, time for a reward," he added, his golden eyes shining eagerly, looking at his mother.

Silvia's gaze drifted to her mother's breasts, and she licked her lips hungrily. "Mommy, please, give us your milk," she pleaded, gazing up at Nivalis with puppy-dog eyes. Aster mirrored her expression perfectly, still being pressed cheek to cheek with his sister, causing Nivalis to chuckle at the sight.

"Alright, alright. Come here, my little ones," Nivalis gave in and started to remove her upper clothes, exposing her milky breasts to her kids. "Don't make me wait."

Both siblings' faces lit up in unison, and they rushed toward their mother, sitting on either side of her. Nivalis arched her back, offering her breasts to her children. Her nipples were already hard, and small droplets of milk formed on their tips, begging to be sucked.

"Let's not waste any time," Nivalis said, gently pulling her daughter's head against her left breast and her son's head against her right breast. Her slender fingers ran through their silky hair, gently stroking their half-elven ears as she held their faces against her plump breasts. "Enjoy it."

"Thanks, Mommy," they mumbled in unison, their lips eagerly attaching themselves to her nipples. Aster wasted no time, sucking on her right breast, his tongue swirling around the erect nipple, coaxing her milk out.

As the milk began flowing into his mouth, his eyes fluttered shut, and a content sigh escaped his lips. The sweet, creamy liquid poured down his throat, sending shivers of pleasure throughout his body, and he enjoyed every second of it.

Nivalis let out a quiet moan as her son and daughter eagerly sucked the milk out of her, their soft lips wrapped tightly around her swollen nipples, their little tongues dancing around her sensitive areolas.

She couldn't help but smile at the sight, her heart swelling with warmth and love. She wrapped her arms around her kids and hugged them tightly, pulling their bodies even closer. "My precious little babies," she whispered softly, caressing their hair gently. "So beautiful and perfect. I love you so much."

Aster and Silvia were lost in their own little world, enjoying the taste of their mother's milk and basking in her affection. The only sounds that could be heard inside the cave were the slurping noises of their mouths as they greedily drank Nivalis's warm milk and their occasional soft exhale.

After a few minutes, Aster lifted his head and released his mother's breast from his lips with a loud "pop" sound, a strand of saliva still connecting his mouth to her nipple.

— "Silvia, wanna switch?" he asked, looking at his sister's face. She was still greedily sucking their mother's milk, her eyes closed, and her cheeks slightly flushed. A few seconds later, her brain finally registered his words, and she opened her golden eyes. She released her mother's nipple from her mouth and nodded eagerly. A trace of milk dribbled down her chin, glistening in the firelight.

"Sure," she replied, her lips curving upward into a cute smile.

They then switched places, Silvia sitting on her right side and Aster on the left. Aster looked at his mother's swollen nipple, covered in his sister's saliva. He licked his lips and eagerly attached his mouth to his mother's left breast, his tongue licking her nipple, cleaning off Silvia's spit before gently wrapping his lips around the hard nub.

But then his teeth lightly grazed the sensitive skin, causing Nivalis to let out a small whimper, and seeing such a sweet reaction made him grin mischievously.

"Aster, not so rough," Nivalis complained.

— "Sorry, Mom," Aster mumbled apologetically and kissed his mother's tender nipple a few times in an attempt to ease the pain he had caused.

Nivalis's toes curled, and she sighed with satisfaction as Aster gave sweet little kisses to her aroused nipple, her fingers still playing with their hair, gently caressing their ears. "That's better, my dear."

Her son and daughter drank her milk until her breasts were completely drained. Nivalis smiled lovingly at them as they released their mouths from her nipples and started to wipe their chins clean. "Did you enjoy your treat?"

"Mhm. Thank you, Mommy," Silvia answered, licking her lips and smiling sweetly.

— "It was the best," Aster added, a contented expression on his face.

Nivalis chuckled and patted their heads gently. "You're welcome, my babies."

Aster and Silvia laid their heads on their mother's soft, warm thighs. Their breathing slowed, and their eyes fluttered shut, relaxing and simply enjoying the moment. Their minds were clear and calm, free from worries and stress. A comfortable silence fell upon them. Only the crackling fire could be heard inside the cozy cave. They lay there peacefully, enjoying each other's company and basking in the warmth of the flames. It was a wonderful evening.

As Nivalis stared into the dancing flames, she noticed the familiar soreness in her breasts. She gently cupped her breasts, squeezing them softly, and let out a sigh of relief. Massaging her breasts always helps to ease the pain. She began rubbing herself, squeezing and kneading them gently, applying pressure on the areas that hurt the most, hoping to get rid of the pain.

— "Mom, let me help you," Aster suggested, noticing his mother's movements.

"I'm fine, dear," she replied, smiling reassuringly at him. "I'm used to this."

— "But it's better if you let me help," he insisted as he slowly got up and sat beside his mother. "Please?"

"Oh, alright. If you insist," she relented, letting go of her breasts and allowing her son to take over.

— "Thank you, Mom," Aster smiled, his hands reaching for her right breast. His tiny hands allowed him to massage only one breast at a time. He tried his best, gently pressing his palms against her milky white skin, rubbing in circles and trying to ease the pain. He looked down at Silvia, who was still resting on their mother's lap, her eyes closed. The girl is asleep.

"Ah... that felt nice, honey," Nivalis sighed contentedly, leaning back, supporting herself on her arms. "Do that thing again..."

Aster did as he was told, repeating the motion, his hands rubbing her breast and his palms pressed against her nipple — a trickle of milk leaked from his mother, running down her belly.— "Oops, it looks like there's some left," Aster quickly wiped it off with his finger and brought his hand up to his mouth.

Then he proceeded with the massage, his fingers pressing down harder, massaging the area around her nipples. Then he made sure to focus on the sides of her breasts, rubbing them in circles, trying to relieve the pain. Nivalis couldn't help but let out a soft moan.

— "Does it feel good, Mom?" he asked in response, looking at her with an innocent smile.

"Mhm... yes, darling. That's perfect," she replied, closing her eyes.

Aster's smile widened as he continued massaging her breast, making sure to hit all the right spots.— "How's this?" he asked, applying pressure on the lower part of her breast, squeezing and releasing to make sure every part of her got massaged.

Nivalis could only sigh softly, enjoying her son's treatment.

Aster enjoyed the feeling of her smooth, milky flesh under his fingers. It was soft and warm, and he loved touching his mother's perfect breasts. And it wasn't even sexual for him in the slightest. Maybe after puberty, that would change, but for now, it was simply an act of affection, and his mother didn't mind him doing it. He simply enjoyed it, like listening to your favorite music and watching a sunset, but instead of music, you hear your mother's moans, and instead of a sunset, you see her breasts.

Nothing sexual, a platonic and innocent form of entertainment.

His hands continued to move as if on their own, exploring his mother's breast, rubbing her hard nipple, making her breathe deeply and enjoy the massage. Then, he moved to her other side and sat beside his sleeping sister. He glanced at her and noticed a trickle of drool escaping from the corner of her mouth, staining their mother's pants.

Moving his gaze away and focusing on Nivalis again, he started the same process for her other breast, massaging it, trying to make her feel as good as possible. Ten minutes or so later, Aster stopped his hands, and Nivalis opened her eyes. He smiled at her and wiped the sweat off his forehead. It was a nice kind of sweat.— "All done," he said proudly.

Nivalis smiled at him lovingly and caressed his cheek. "Thank you, sweetheart. That felt amazing," she praised, kissing his forehead.

— "I'm glad you liked it, Mom," he replied, returning her smile.

Nivalis stretched her arms, causing her naked breasts to bounce up and down, and then yawned loudly. "Well, I think we should go to sleep now," she announced, her eyelids starting to get heavy. "What do you think, my love?"

— "Sounds good," Aster answered, yawning as well.

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