Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 36 — Our little adventure



It is the beginning of spring, and the weather has finally got warmer, leaving the winter months behind. The sun peeked through the trees, casting a golden glow over the forest floor. Birds were chirping happily, and a cool breeze blew through the air, carrying the scent of flowers and freshly grown grass. It is a beautiful morning, and it looks like today will be lovely.

The first thing Aster notices when waking up is that his mother is not beside him. The familiar softness and the warmth of his mother's naked body were absent, something he had already gotten used to feeling every morning, something he could no longer start his day without.

— 'Where is she?' he wondered, and without even opening his eyes, he moved his arms around, trying to find her.

Until finally, he did feel her warm, smooth, and naked skin under his fingertips. He immediately pulled himself towards her, climbing on top of her and hugging her tightly around her waist. He pressed his face against her bare, flat chest, taking a deep breath and filling his lungs with her sweet scent. She instinctively wrapped her tiny hands around him in response, making him feel safe and protected.

— 'Wait, flat? Tiny? Something is not right...' Aster's eyebrows twitched in confusion. 'Since when are her breasts flat?' He slowly opened his eyes and looked up to see Silvia sleeping, not his mother. His sister's long, silver hair was sprawled on the blankets, and her beautiful, porcelain face was peaceful, her pink, pouty lips slightly open. Her bare chest rose and fell rhythmically, and her arms were wrapped around him, pulling his naked body tightly against hers.

It's not the first time something like this has happened, as all three of them always sleep naked in the same bed, so it's nothing new or unusual. It didn't feel wrong or inappropriate and was just a part of their daily life. He slowly raised his head and looked around the cave, trying to spot his mother. The sun shone brightly through the slightly opened door, illuminating the cave and letting the fresh air enter.

His eyes fell upon a familiar figure as he glanced around. She is sitting in the kitchen area, cooking. Her back is turned towards him, and she hums softly to herself. Her gorgeous, silver hair cascaded down her back, reaching to her wide hips. Aster breathed a small sigh of relief and thought,— "Ah, there she is." He slowly untangled his sister's arms from his body and sat up, being careful not to wake her up.

Then he stood up and stretched his arms, his slender body arching backward as he yawned. He looked at his mother and smiled. She was still humming to herself, oblivious to his presence. Her posture was flawless; her rear swayed slightly as she stirred the pot, highlighting her thin waist.

Sometimes, Aster couldn't help but admire her natural beauty. The way her hair shines from even the dimmest light, her flawless skin, the way she moves, the way she smiles in a certain way, how her voice could steal his breath... Aster loves everything about his mother's appearance, from the tips of her long ears to the curvatures of her perfect toes.

He could spend the entire morning just watching her, and it would still be more enjoyable than any movie or TV show. However, at the moment, Aster feels like his morning is incomplete because he hasn't given his mother a good morning hug. So, without making any noise, he moved closer, wrapped his arms around her, and held her close, feeling the warmth of her body. Nivalis flinched at the sudden touch and let out a small yelp of surprise but quickly relaxed when she realized it was her son hugging her. "Aster?" she said softly.

— "Good morning, Mom," Aster replied, burying his face into her silky hair. "What are you doing?"

"Good morning, my little sunshine. I'm preparing breakfast," she said, stirring the pot.

— "What are you making?" he asked curiously.

"Just a simple stew with mushrooms and some herbs," she replied, scooping a small piece out with a wooden spoon and blowing on it to cool it off. She then shifted her body a bit to the side and lifted the spoon to her son's mouth, "Taste it."

And before he knew it, his mouth was already filled with her cooking. It tasted delicious, the warm, savory flavors dancing across his tongue.

"Do you like it?" Nivalis inquired with a warm smile.

— "It's delicious," Aster answered, licking his lips.

"Thank you, honey," she quickly planted a peck on his cheek.

They stayed in that position for a while, with Aster hugging his mother from behind and breathing in the sweet scent of her hair while she cooked, humming softly to herself.— "Do you need any help, Mom?" he asked eventually.

"Hmm... Well, if you want, you can stir the stew for me," she answered.

—"Okay," he agreed, removing his hands from her and moving beside her.

"Thank you, sweetie. Here, hold this," she said, handing him the spoon.

He took it from her and began stirring the pot, watching the bubbles rise to the surface and pop. He looked at his mother and smiled at her.

She smiled back, her blue eyes shining brightly. Something is on her mind. "So, what are your plans for Silvia's birthday, my love?" she said, confirming his suspicion.

— "Huh?" Aster frowned. "Oh, of course, her birthday. Uhh, I was planning something... A gift, yeah," he replied awkwardly, scratching his head.

"Something, huh?" she giggled, shaking her head. "Don't tell me you forgot."

— "No! Of course not!" he exclaimed defensively. "I have it all figured out. You'll see," he added with fake confidence.

"Mhm. If you say so," she smiled teasingly.

— "What are you planning to give her?" he asked, looking at her curiously. "So we don't give her the same gift, you know..." His voice sounded higher than usual, leaving no doubt that he had forgotten entirely about the birthday.

Nivalis chuckled softly, finding it adorable. "I've made a dress for her. She will look absolutely gorgeous in it," she whispered, beaming excitedly. "I had to use one of my own clothes for the fabric, but it was worth it," she added while tucking a strand of her son's hair behind his ear. "We can give it as a gift from both of us if you would like?"

— "Oh, that's a great idea!" Aster smiled excitedly, but his expression became serious once he realized his cover was blown. "Ugh, I mean... My gift is great and all, but your plan is way better."

Nivalis couldn't help but laugh at her son's reaction. "It's alright, honey. I understand," she assured, stroking his hair gently. "But, it's her tenth birthday. It's an important day. We have to make it special," she said, looking at him with a warm, motherly smile. "So, no teasing and no silly jokes, okay?"

— "Mhm," Aster nodded.

"Good boy," Nivalis leaned closer and kissed his cheek. Then her gaze drifted to the fire, smiling. "I plan to get us to the hot spring in the morning, spend the day there, and then have a nice dinner back home. Maybe give her a nice rub or two..." she paused, "How does that sound?" she asked, looking at him.

— "She'll love it. That sounds perfect." He nodded, smiling.

"Good, then," she replied, turning her head to see if Silvia was still asleep. "Now, go get dressed and wake up your sister. I need to go hunting today, so I need you both to fill your bellies before I'm out, okay?" she ordered, giving him a gentle slap on his bare bottom and taking the spoon from his hands.

— "Got it," he answered, and his stomach growled as if agreeing with his mother's words.



A few hours have passed.

— "Silvia, I'm about to pee on the floor if you don't hurry up and get dressed. You are taking too long," warned Aster, who was on the verge of losing control of his bladder.

"I'm coming, coming! Hold your horses," his sister replied, hastily pulling up her pants and putting on her boots. "There, done." Aster breathed a sigh of relief, "Finally! Why did you even take your clothes off in the first place?" he asked, frowning.

"Uhh, it's more comfortable to lay on the bed. And I didn't want to wait until the end of the day to do it," Silvia said as she tied the knot and tucked her shirt into her pants. "Besides, Mom isn't here to see it, so no big deal," she added, brushing the strand of hair away from her face.

Aster couldn't argue with that. Their mother was out hunting and won't be back until sundown. So, since she isn't here, the kids can do whatever they want.— "Fair enough. Let's go. I'm going to piss myself."

"Let's go," Silvia nodded, heading for the exit. They approached the cave entrance, and Silvia pushed the door with all her strength, trying to open it. But the door wouldn't budge. The heavy door was not connected to the walls but simply leaned against the entrance, as it was enough to prevent any wild animals from coming inside. "Ugh, damn it. Help me, will you?" she grumbled, her face reddening as she struggled.

Aster joined her, and together, they pushed the door open enough to create an opening for them to crawl through. As soon as they got outside, the warm rays of sunlight hit their faces, and the fresh breeze brushed against their cheeks. They inhaled deeply, filling their lungs with fresh, invigorating air. It felt so good.

Silvia sighed happily and stretched her arms, enjoying the feeling. The birds chirped cheerfully, and the grass rustled beneath her feet. A butterfly flew by, its colorful wings fluttering in the wind. Everything was alive, and the world seemed so peaceful. But her happy expression was destined to be ruined by her brother's loud pee stream hitting the ground.

— "Ohh, this feels amazing," he moaned, relieving himself against a tree.

"Ugh, really, Aster?" Silvia sighed, rolling her eyes.

— "What?" Aster said innocently.

"Why did you have to do that right here, close to the entrance? You could've gone further away," she complained, looking at the tree and the growing puddle underneath it.

— "Sorry, I couldn't wait. It was going to burst," he apologized, shrugging.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," she muttered, crossing her arms.

After a while, he was finished. Aster tucked his member back into his pants and walked over to his sister.— "Your turn," he said with a content expression.

"Okay," she sighed, turned around, and started to walk to the nearby bushes. "Are you coming? You know the rule," she asked, looking over her shoulder.

— "Yeah, always stay close to each other when outdoors, I know," Aster said, following her.

When they were both behind the bushes, Silvia pulled her pants down and squatted, ready to pee. The golden urine shot out of her body and landed in the dirt, forming a small puddle beneath her. She sighed contently, enjoying the feeling of relieving herself. As her pee continued to stream, she looked up and noticed her brother staring at her, his eyes fixated on her eyes. An awkward silence fell upon them, broken by the splashing sounds of his sister's urine hitting the ground as they stared at each other.

"Weirdo," she finally snapped, "Why do you have to look directly into my eyes while I'm peeing?" she added, frowning.

Aster shrugged and replied,— "I dunno. It's kinda funny to watch your face," he admitted with a smile. "You make this weird expression whenever you pee."

Silvia rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath as she glanced away, focusing on finishing her business. The silence returned once again.

— "How much have you got in there?" Aster commented shortly after, eyeing the puddle that was getting bigger.

"Shut up, Aster," Silvia muttered, her cheeks slightly flushed.

After a few moments, the stream finally ended, and the last few drops fell into the dirt. Silvia stood up, pulling her pants up and tightening the knot. She looked at her brother and crossed her arms, a frown on her face. "Can we please go now?"

— "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you mad..." he said awkwardly, his voice soft and apologetic.

"Ugh, whatever... I'm not mad," she grumbled, walking past him.

— "Are you sure?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes, I'm sure," she replied, her voice sounding annoyed.

Aster didn't seem convinced. He followed Silvia, and after a few steps, he caught up to her. Aster then moved past her and stared at her face, trying to see if she was mad or not.— "Are you suuuure? It does not seem so," he questioned, tilting his head slightly.

Silvia stopped walking and sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Ugh, why do you have to be so annoying about it?" she muttered, closing her eyes and trying to calm down. "You can stop now. I'm fine," Silvia opened her eyes, her tone a bit more cheerful than before.

Aster smiled.— "Alright, then," he said, reaching for her hand. "I'll rub your feet if you want?"

A wide grin appeared on her face. Silvia accepted his gesture and interlocked her fingers with his, holding hands. "Deal."

— "Well, that was easy." Aster chuckled, swinging their arms back and forth.

Silvia giggled as well. "Shut up, you dork," she said, lightly pinching his cheek with her other hand. "Come on. Let's go."

They slowly walked back to the cave entrance, their feet crunching on fallen twigs, the sunlight filtering through the trees. The air was warm and fresh, filled with the smell of flowers and the sweet scent of pine trees. Suddenly, Aster stopped when he spotted a squirrel perched on a tree branch, chewing on some unfamiliar nut.— "Look, Silvia," he whispered, pointing at the animal. "Isn't it cute?"

Silvia looked up and saw the tiny creature munching on its food. Its ears twitched, and its nose moved slightly as it sniffed the air. Silvia's face lit up, and a smile formed on her lips. "It is," she replied quietly, not wanting to scare it away.

— "Want to come closer and see it better?" Aster asked quietly, looking at his sister.

"Yeah, sure," Silvia answered, nodding.

Aster crouched, pulling her down with him, and crept forward, trying to get a closer look at the squirrel. They slowly approached the tree, careful not to make sudden movements or sounds. The squirrel's head turned in their direction, its ears perked up, and its eyes stared at them suspiciously. They froze, and the little creature remained motionless for a moment.

Then, suddenly, the squirrel jumped from the tree and scurried off into the bushes, its tail swaying behind it.

"Aw, it ran away," Silvia said sadly, pouting her lips.

— "Yeah... Well, at least we got to see it," Aster replied, standing up and brushing the dirt from his knees.

"Hey, have you seen the nut it was eating?" Silvia asked, looking at her brother.

— "Huh? Oh, yeah. Why?" Aster asked, looking at her curiously.

"Well, it looked pretty tasty, and I'd like to try it," she said, shrugging. "And maybe if I give it to squirrel, it will let us come closer. Could you imagine having a squirrel as a pet!?" Silvia's voice filled with excitement as she imagined herself walking with a squirrel on her shoulders.

He laughed, amused by her idea.— "Sure, I guess we can try," Aster said, scanning around for a non-pine tree that might have the nut Silvia was talking about, and surprisingly, found such tree in the distance. Then Aster, still holding hands with his sister, quietly walked towards the tree and searched the ground around it, looking for fallen nuts. After a few minutes of searching, he finally found what he sought.

— "Ah! Found one," he exclaimed happily, picking up the nut.

Silvia clapped her hands excitedly, her eyes shining brightly. "Nice," she said, smiling. "Now, let's try to feed it to the squirrel. Do you remember where did it go?" she asked her brother.

Aster nodded, and they walked towards the bushes where the squirrel ran into. They looked around, trying to find the critter, but it was nowhere to be found. After a few minutes of wandering around, they found it sitting on the grass, caring for its fluffy fur.

The little animal's ears twitched, and its nose moved as it sniffed the air.

Silvia held the nut in her hand, making sure not to make any movements or sounds, simply holding it up for the squirrel. The little critter eyed the nut for a second and then slowly approached her, pausing its movement occasionally, sniffing the air cautiously.

Soon enough, it was close enough to take the nut. Silvia waited patiently, her heart pounding in her chest. She even forgot to breathe from being so excited. The squirrel looked at her, then at the nut, then at her again.

Finally, the animal snatched the nut from her hand and ran off, disappearing into yet another bush.

Silvia's let out a small squeal of delight. "We did it!" she exclaimed happily, pumping her fist in the air.

— "Yep, we did," Aster replied, smiling warmly at her reaction.

Silvia was ecstatic. She couldn't believe that they had actually succeeded in feeding the wild animal.

"Let's keep searching for more," she suggested, jumping to her feet and grabbing his hand. "Maybe we can have a pet squirrel after all."

Aster chuckled.— "Alright, let's try."



[Nivalis Silverfrost]

Meanwhile, Nivalis had an incredibly lucky hunting. She killed three rabbits in a span of just a few hours, which usually takes her an entire day to do. She also found a huge patch of mushrooms, filling her backpack full with them. And the weather is incredible, sunny, and so warm. She is in an excellent mood.

— "Today is such a nice day," she mumbled, adjusting her backpack. "I should return and spend the rest of the day with my babies. I'm sure they'll love to play outside. Especially with such perfect weather," she smiled at the thought.

She walked towards the cave, the backpack heavy on her back, which only made her happier. However, her smile disappeared as soon as she entered the cave. Her kids were nowhere to be found.

The cave was empty, and everything was silent. Panic filled her mind as she searched every corner, calling their names repeatedly. No response. She was terrified, not knowing where her children were, her hands shaking. She immediately rushed out and looked around frantically. They were nowhere in sight, her heart racing with fear.

— 'Please, please, be okay...' she prayed silently, scanning her surroundings. She spent the next ten minutes searching for them until finally, she heard their voices. She rushed towards the sound, and soon enough, she saw them chasing after a squirrel.

"Sis, it's running away again!" Aster said quietly, pointing ahead.

"Of course it does. You scared it, Aster!" Silvia complained. "Hurry up, don't just stand!" She was about to run but stopped when she noticed a weird rustling of bushes behind her.

— "What, in the love of gods, you two doing!?" Nivalis's sharp and angry voice rang, making both kids flinch and turn around, their eyes widening at the sight of their furious mother.

"Oh, hey, Mom," Silvia waved, a nervous smile on her face.

"M-Mom?" Aster stuttered, swallowing hard and looking at the sweating face of his sister.

— "I have been worried sick about you, and here you are, playing with a squirrel?!" Nivalis snarled, her voice echoing off the trees, startling the birds. "What did I tell you about playing outside without my permission?! It's dangerous! Do you have any idea how scared I was?!" her voice shaking, her eyes full of unshed tears.

"S-sorry, Mom," Aster said, his head lowered.

"We're sorry, Mommy," Silvia apologized, bowing her head as well. "We won't do it again."

— "Of course, you won't. I never thought I would have to do it, but I'll make sure you remember it," she said with contrasted calmness. Her blue eyes stared at them sternly, her arms crossed, and her expression serious. "Both of you, follow me inside. Now," she commanded.

Seeing their mother's expression made the siblings exchange a look. They quickly walked towards her, their heads lowered. They knew they were in trouble and didn't dare to disobey and make it worse. Nivalis grabbed each of their hands and led them back to the cave. As soon as they were inside, she sat on the bed, her eyes staring daggers at her children.

— "You two are in big trouble," she said, taking a deep breath, trying to calm herself.

"W-we're sorry, Mom. We just went out to pee," Silvia explained, her eyes cast downward, afraid to look at her mother. "But then we saw a squirrel, and it was so cute... So we tried to get close and feed it," she continued, her voice trembling. "It kept running away, so we chased it and... We lost track of time."

— "And you, Aster? Anything to add?" Nivalis asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sorry... It is my fault," he replied, his voice low and guilty. "I suggested Silvia to try to feed the squirrel. If it weren't for me, this wouldn't have happened," he added, trying to take the blame.

Silvia's eyes widened, clearly remembering it was her idea. She immediately shook her head, her lips parted. "No, no, it's my fault. I was the one who suggested feeding the squirrel," Silvia argued, looking at her brother.

"No, it's mine," Aster insisted. "Don't take the blame, Sis."

"Aster..." Silvia's eyes became watery.

"Enough," Nivalis interrupted. "Both of you are at fault. I have told you repeatedly not to wander outside without my permission, no matter what. It's okay to go if you need to pee, but it has to be quick and quiet." she paused, looking at her children, who had their heads lowered, feeling guilty, "And yet, you two decided to chase a squirrel through the entire forest? Do you know how scared I was, not finding you anywhere and thinking you had gotten lost or something worse had happened to you?"

The siblings looked at each other. Their expressions showed remorse.

"Mom, I'm really sorry..." Silvia mumbled, her voice breaking.

"You're right, Mom. I'm sorry..." Aster apologized, his voice barely a whisper.

— "You can't just apologize and expect everything to be fine. You need to learn from your mistakes. Otherwise, you'll just do it again," she said, shaking her head. Nivalis sighed heavily, looking at her children's guilt-ridden faces, but it has to be done for their own sake. "I can't let this slide. I have to punish you both," Nivalis paused, not wanting to continue, but forced herself, "Now, strip," she ordered, her tone stern and unwavering.

"Huh?" both blinked in confusion, exchanging a glance.

— "Strip. Both of you. Now," she repeated.

"What?" Aster asked, raising his eyebrow.

— "Do I have to repeat myself? Take off your clothes. You're going to be spanked," Nivalis answered, her voice cold.

"Oh, come on," Aster whined.

— "No arguing, young man. Now strip. Both of you," she commanded, her gaze fixed on her children. "Do you want to argue with me further?" Nivalis asked while looking at Aster, her eyes narrowing dangerously.

"N-no, Mom. Sorry," he mumbled, his head lowered. Silvia pouted but didn't say anything and reluctantly began undressing. A few moments later, both of them were standing naked in front of their mother, their clothes in a messy pile on the floor.

— "Silvia, you first, come and lay over my lap," Nivalis said, patting her thighs.

Silvia looked at her brother for a moment and hesitantly approached her, lying on her lap. Her butt cheeks were already trembling slightly. She bit her lip and braced herself for the first slap. Nivalis caressed her buttocks gently at first but then raised her hand and slapped her left cheek firmly. She did not use all her strength, of course.

The loud smack echoed off the cave walls, and Silvia winced, a tiny whimper escaping her lips. "Ow," she muttered, closing her eyes tightly.

— "Count, honey," Nivalis said softly.

"O-one..." she counted, her voice barely audible. Nivalis then raised her hand again and slapped her other butt cheek, leaving a handprint. "T-two..."

— "Louder," Nivalis demanded, her voice firm. She slapped her bottom once again, the sound of her palm hitting the soft flesh ringing throughout the cave.

"Three..." Silvia cried out, a tear rolling down her cheek.

Nivalis raised her hand once more and brought it down again, spanking her daughter's rear end. "Ah... Mmm... Ow..." Silvia moaned, her toes curling. "Four..." Silvia choked, her voice cracking.

Meanwhile, Aster stood there, looking away, unable to watch his sister being punished. However, Nivalis noticed it.

—"Look at her, Aster. Watch your sister," Nivalis commanded. "I need you to remember what happens when you don't listen."

Aster gritted his teeth and turned to face his mother, his eyes filled with guilt and shame. Her ass now reddened, shaking under her mother's touch, and she sobbed quietly, her face hidden in her arms. He tried to look away again, but Nivalis quickly spoke up.

— "Don't look away, young man," Nivalis said sternly, slapping Silvia's butt again. Her legs were moving uncontrollably, spreading apart from time to time as she tried to escape her mother's hands, but to no avail.

"Ah!" Silvia moaned, her butt twitching and another tear rolling down her cheek. "N-nine..."

Nivalis continued slapping her buttocks up until twenty, alternating between left and right, making sure not to leave any spot untouched. Soon, Silvia's entire backside was red, her ass jiggling with every slap.

— "Now, Silvia, sit," Nivalis said, gently helping her to her feet.

Silvia whimpered and rubbed her sore buttocks, trying to soothe the burning sensation. Her face was covered in tears, her eyes red and puffy. She looked at her brother briefly, then turned her gaze downwards, avoiding his eyes. She sat down, putting her feet under her bottom to not put any pressure on her naked butt cheeks. Her hands continued to rub her behind gently.

— "Aster, now your turn. Come here," Nivalis called as she patted her thighs, her blue eyes glaring at him.

Aster gulped and hesitantly walked towards his mother, feeling nervous as he lay on her lap and closed his eyes tightly, preparing for the worst.




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