Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 37 — Telling sorry



Once the punishment ended, their mother let them rest on a bed to recover. It's been an hour since then, yet siblings still lay next to each other, staring blankly at the ceiling with dull expressions and empty minds. Still naked from head to toe, they hadn't bothered to put on any clothes yet.

Nivalis, wearing the same outfit from her hunt, sat alone in the kitchen area, cooking something incredible. But the smell of food did not reach the kid's noses, and the noises of comforting cracking fire did not register in their ears. The pain from the spanking almost faded already, leaving them with a light throbbing sensation on their little bums, but it was the emotional aspect that hurt the most. They both felt awful and regretted what they did.

— "Hey, Silvia, are you feeling alright?" Aster whispered, breaking the silence and glancing at his sister.

Silvia nodded, still staring at the ceiling. "Yeah... I'm okay. How about you?" she replied quietly, turning her head slightly, her silver hair spread around her face.

— "I'm alright. Just... I feel bad for Mom. I hate to see her upset like that." He sighed, his eyes fixed on his sister's. "Have you seen her face after she finished punishing us? She almost cried."

"I did..." Silvia paused, "We should not have played outside, especially without her around," she added, her voice sounding sad and guilty. "I feel like a jerk. I didn't think it would be a big deal," she added, looking away.

Aster sighed and had nothing else to add to his sister's words. The room fell silent again. They lay there for a few minutes, neither of them saying anything.

Finally, Aster spoke up.— "Silvia," his voice barely a whisper. "I still owe you a rub, remember? Come on, I'll give you a nice and relaxing foot rub." He turned to his side, propped himself on his elbow, looking down at her with a soft smile. "What do you say?" he offered, his tone cheerful and inviting.

Silvia turned her head, facing him, her golden eyes gazing at his. "Mhm. I remember." Her lips curled into a small smile. "Thank you, brother. But... Could you... rub my bottom instead? My butt is still a bit sore." she asked, giving him puppy dog eyes. "Pretty please?"

— "Uhh, are you sure? Won't it hurt even more?" Aster asked with a frown, not really wanting to cause his sister any pain.

Silvia shook her head, her smile widening. "It will be fine. Just don't press too hard, okay? Be gentle on my poor bottom," she said, giggling lightly.

— "Sure," Aster replied, nodding. "Lie on your stomach, and let me take care of you."

She did as he instructed, turning to her side and lying on her stomach, exposing her naked round buttocks, the pale skin still reddened from the spanking. Aster reached out and touched her skin lightly, feeling its warmth against his fingers. He then began to slowly rub her butt cheeks, moving his hands in circles. His palms gently pressed against the soft flesh of his sister's ass, massaging it gently.

"Mmm... Ahh, yes," Silvia sighed contently, her eyelids fluttering shut, her lips curling into a blissful smile. "This feels wonderful."

Aster smiled, seeing her reaction. He was happy to make her feel better.— "How about this? Is this better?" Aster asked, his fingers sliding along her hips, rubbing her sides tenderly.

"Mhm," Silvia mumbled, nodding.

He continued his massage, his palms running over her thighs and legs, moving upward and back towards her little bum, rubbing and kneading her buttocks, trying to ease the pain. His fingertips touched every part of her round, soft cheeks. She began to relax under his touch, her breathing deep and steady, enjoying the feeling of her brother's hands doing their magic. He kept rubbing her butt, occasionally squeezing it lightly, making her toes curl from pleasure.

"You're very good at this, Asty," Silvia mumbled under her breath, her eyes still closed. "We should do it more often."

Aster chuckled. Being good at rubbing your sister's ass was not something to brag about, but he enjoyed her praise nonetheless.— "I'm glad you like it, sis," he whispered, giving her a playful squeeze on her little bottom, making her squeal lightly. "And yeah, we should."

She giggled, her eyes opening slightly, her golden orbs peeking through her long lashes. She turned her head and stared at her brother. Her long silver hair was sprawled on the blankets, her porcelain face peaceful, her pink, pouty lips slightly open. "I was thinking..." Silvia finally whispered, "Maybe we should apologize to Mom and do something nice for her as a way of saying sorry?" She asked her brother, her expression turning thoughtful.

Aster looked at her face, his hands never stopping.— "Yes, that would be nice. I feel awful about making her worry," he replied, gently spreading his sister's butt cheeks apart, exposing what was hidden between them to the chill of the cave. Aster didn't even glance at the sight, and his eyes were still focused on her eyes.

"How should we do it?" Silvia asked, closing her eyes and letting him massage her.

— "I'm not sure," Aster admitted, giving a light shake to her soft flesh under his palms. After a short moment of wondering, he finally spoke, "How about we surprise her with hugs and kisses until she forgives us?" with a cute smile, he made a suggestion. He understood that his mother loved her children more than anything in the world and that spanking them was emotionally painful for her as well, if not more. He thought a simple gesture of love might do the trick. To show her that her children still love her.

Silvia giggled, amused by his childlike idea. "That's cute. It might work." She agreed, giving him a playful look. "But first, finish rubbing my bum," she added, wiggling her ass slightly.

— "Alright, alright," Aster chuckled and focused on her little buttocks again, gently pushing his fingertips into the soft, squishy flesh of her butt. Silvia let out a content sigh, enjoying the sensation. She wiggled her butt again, rubbing it against her brother's palms, making him massage her even more intensely.

Aster's palms slid across her skin, rubbing her soft thighs, lower back, hips, and waist. Every part of his sister's behind was thoroughly treated with care. After a while, he finally spoke up.— "I think your butt is nice and relaxed now," he said, giving her a few last gentle squeezes.

"Mhm, thank you, Asty. I feel much better now," Silvia answered, her lips forming into a bright smile.

— "Let's go, then," he said, removing his hands from her buttocks and getting off the bed. He extended his hand and helped her stand up.

"Okay," Silvia replied once on her legs. They walked out of bed, and together, they went towards the kitchen area, where their mother was still cooking their food. "Just repeat whatever I do, okay?" She told her brother in a hushed voice, making sure their mother didn't hear them.

Aster nodded, and they both took a deep breath.



[Nivalis Silverfrost]

Nivalis sat there, mindlessly stirring the pot. There was no reason for her to cook since they had quite a lot of food left from the morning meal she had prepared, but she had to occupy herself with at least something. Her blue eyes stared blankly at the bubbling rabbit stew, her expression emotionless, and her hands trembling slightly. She felt terrible, guilty, sad, and angry all at the same time.

She felt terrible for having to spank her babies, but she had to. It was the only way to make them understand how dangerous it is to wander outside without her permission. She had repeatedly told them not to do it, yet they disobeyed her. She couldn't let them go unpunished. Otherwise, they would do it again and worse. But despite understanding the necessity of the punishment, it was still painful for her to do it. And her heart broke as soon as she laid her hands on them, hearing them cry.

— 'Is this what kind of a mother you want to be?' such thoughts circled inside her head, haunting her. 'What if they don't forgive you for it? What if they start hating you? What if they'll become traumatized and will be scared of you?' a thousand questions flooded her mind, her thoughts becoming darker and darker, threatening to drown her.

Her blue eyes began filling with tears, threatening to spill over. Her vision blurred, and her breathing became ragged.

Suddenly, soft, warm hands wrapped around her, pulling her into a tight hug. The familiar scent of her children invaded her nostrils, and the warmth of their bodies engulfed her.— "What..." she stammered, looking over her shoulder. She saw two pairs of innocent, golden eyes looking back at her, full of guilt.

"We're sorry, Mommy," her kids apologized simultaneously. Their voices were soft, almost a whisper, and their gentle lips brushed against her cheeks, giving her sweet little kisses, one after another. They held her tightly from both sides, refusing to let go. "Please, don't cry, Mommy," Silvia whispered, noticing her mother's wet eyes. "We will kiss you until you forgive us." The little girl said with a smile, planting a loving peck on her cheek.

"Yeah, please don't cry, Mom," Aster pleaded, his lips brushing against her other cheek. "We love you so much, and we are really, really sorry. Please forgive us," he added, his voice breaking a little.

Her children continued to hold her tightly, whispering sweet words into her ears. Silvia's soft lips continued kissing her cheek, and Aster followed his sister's example. Their soft, moist lips peppered her face with tender kisses, their warm breaths tickling her skin.

It was the sweetest, most loving gesture she had ever experienced in her entire life. She felt like her heart was going to burst. "Oh, my darlings," she sobbed, closing her eyes and enjoying the affection, her worries washing away.— "It's me who should..." Nivalis mumbled, not being able to finish the sentence, her voice shaky.

Nivalis couldn't hold it any longer. Her tears started streaming down her cheeks. The dam broke. She couldn't stop it, no matter how hard she tried. So, she stopped trying, letting her emotions flow freely. Her tears were not tears of sadness or anger. They were tears of joy, of relief, of gratitude. Tears of pure love for her children.

Her children didn't stop their affectionate assault. They kept showering her with love, and their gentle lips buried her face with countless little kisses, leaving no spot uncovered. It made Nivalis laugh, the sound of her giggles mixed with sobs.

Silvia was the first to give a peck directly on her mother's lips, which only lasted a fraction of a second as if it didn't happen at all. But Aster saw it... and repeated Silvia's actions, as he was told to. He kissed his mother's lips the same way his sister did, just a tiny peck, a butterfly kiss. Then, one came from her daughter's lips again, followed by a peck from her son's. Again and again, one kiss after another, like it was just another silly game between siblings.

But for Nivalis, it was different. These little, innocent kisses from her beloved children were like a salve on her wounded soul.

She embraced her children tightly, burying their faces into her chest. Her fingers tangled into their hair, and her nose nuzzled against their scalps. She inhaled deeply, breathing in her kids' sweet scent, tears streaming down her cheeks. She held them as tightly, as close to her heart as possible.

— "My babies... I'm so sorry. Please forgive your mommy. I love you both so much," Nivalis finally managed to whisper.

"There is nothing to forgive, Mom. We were at fault, not you. You were right to punish us, and we deserved it," Aster replied, his voice muffled by his mother's chest.

"Mhm," Silvia tried to nod in agreement, her face buried in her mother's soft bosom.

— "Oh, honey..." Nivalis muttered, her voice heavy with emotion. She gently kissed the tops of their heads, followed by a loving, long, tender kiss on their foreheads. "I love you so much," Nivalis murmured, her voice still shaky.

"We love you, too, Mommy," the siblings answered.

The three of them stayed like this for a little while, simply hugging each other. The world around them seemed to disappear, and the only thing that existed was the warmth and comfort of their embrace.

"Now, what is this delicious smell? ," Aster asked, breaking the silence, his stomach growling, ruining the atmosphere.

Nivalis laughed.— "Yes, my darling, let's eat," she said, her lips curled into a smile, her cheeks still slightly wet with tears.



The rest of the day, the Silverfrost family spent cuddling and playing together. They enjoyed a delicious meal, and Nivalis told them a fairy tale about a brave knight saving his sister from the dragon's evil clutches. Silvia was fascinated by the story and begged Aster to play the game where they copied the characters from the story. Nivalis smiled at their cuteness and watched them play together.

Eventually, the two tired themselves and went to bed a bit earlier than usual. Nivalis covered their tiny bodies with a thick blanket and sat beside them, admiring their adorable golden eyes looking back at her. They are so similar that sometimes she forgets that they are not twins. She caressed their cheeks and was about to kiss the little girl's forehead when Silvia intentionally shifted her head, and Nivalis planted her kiss on her daughter's lips instead.

The girl giggled softly and turned to Aster, "I won," she declared proudly, teasingly sticking her pink tongue out at him. "I kissed Mommy more than you."

Nivalis couldn't help but smile at her daughter's silly behavior.

"Hey! That's not fair. You tricked Mom," Aster pouted and crossed his arms, looking at his sister and pretending to be angry.

"What can I say, little brother? I'm just being clever, that's all," Silvia replied smugly, and Aster rolled his eyes. He looked at Nivalis and pouted, his lower lip sticking out.

"Mommy, I want a kiss, too," he complained, his eyes filled with fake sadness.

— "My, my, you are so adorable. I just can't say no to you," Nivalis smiled lovingly, and the Aster's eyes immediately lit up.

The boy sat up and eagerly moved closer to her. His golden eyes looked into her blue ones, and a wide grin spread across his face. Silvia also sat up, trying to get in a way and get yet another peck. Seeing this, Nivalis couldn't resist the urge to pull both of her babies close to her chest and pepper their cute little faces with numerous tiny kisses, confusing them about who got the most. Their giggles echoed throughout the cave as the kids playfully squirmed, trying to escape her grip, as her lips tickled their skin.




Hey everyone!👋

Starting from now on, I have decided to publish only one chapter per week instead of two. I realized that two chapters a week were too much for me to handle, making me stressed whenever I was behind schedule. Writing is something I enjoy doing, and I want to continue to do so in a healthy way. I apologize if this change causes any inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding!


See you next time!🫡

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