Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 62 — Feel my warmth (1/2)


Hey everyone! Can you believe it? We've reached 200,000 views! 🎉

Honestly, I never expected my long chapters to be this popular! 😅 Your support has been amazing, and I'm so grateful for each and every one of you. Every comment, heart, and review you have left over this time has made my days so much brighter. You have no idea.

I'm making public the first NSFW art from chapter 10 to celebrate! I hope you like it 😉

Nivalis's breasts, official art. (v2, public). Patreon preview image.

Thank you all for being awesome readers! Enjoy the new chapter, and I'll see you next week!



The evening sun shone through the thick foliage of the dense pine forest. Its orange light pierced the gaps between the green needles and swaying branches, casting many small, flickering shadows on the ground. Birds sang songs, insects chirped and buzzed, and the wind rustled the treetops.

A lonely, silver-haired boy walked through the forest, stepping carefully and trying not to make a single sound. His boots have twigs and leaves tied to the bottom to create a soft cushion for his steps, his attempt to make the tracks he leaves behind in the soil less noticeable. The disguise cloak fluttered in the wind lightly, covering the paleness of his skin and long, silver hair.

With every step, his head darted left and right, his golden eyes scanning his surroundings for potential dangers. His pointed ears listened for any strange sounds or movements. He held a crude wooden spear tightly in his left hand while the straps of his backpack bit into his shoulders, weighed down by the mushrooms, berries, and nuts he had carefully collected today. After a long, tiresome day, he silently walked back home.

'It becomes much harder to find mushrooms as it gets hotter,' Aster sighed, but it was unavoidable. The summer heat slowly but surely began to take its toll, drying up everything around. His eyes spotted the familiar tree that usually had nuts scattered around it, so he approached it—a few minutes of kneeling on the ground made his backpack heavier with six nuts. Not much, but every little bit counts.

'After we pack the honey from yesterday, I need to start looking for another hive,' Aster reminded himself as he finally approached the entrance of their cave. Moving the vines away, he whispered, "I'm home," expecting to see his mother waiting for him, just like she always does. But not this time, however. Instead of her gentle smile and welcoming arms, he was met with darkness.

"Mom?" the boy whispered, stepping into the cave. His steps echoed as he walked through the tight, winding tunnel, which seemed unusually quiet. Only when he approached the main chamber of their home did he hear his mother's faint whispers. "Mom? I'm back," Aster announced, placing the backpack on the floor and glancing at his mother sitting on the bed.

"Is everything okay?!" Aster rushed closer, noticing tears on his mother's face. Those were tears of joy, but he didn't know that. He instantly concluded that what he did this morning with their mana had caused his sister serious harm. Nivalis couldn't even utter a word in response as he dropped his spear on the ground and fell to his knees before the bed.

But what he saw wasn't the unconscious, pale, motionless little girl he was used to seeing. Instead, he saw his sister slowly blink, her beautiful, teary, golden eyes looking up at him. The corner of her lips twitched, attempting to form a weak smile. "S-Silvia?" he stuttered, his golden eyes widening, unable to believe what was happening.

"She's finally awake, honey," Nivalis sniffed happily, unable to stop smiling. She gently brushed her daughter's cheek with her fingertips.

"Hi, sleepy," Aster chuckled happily, leaning closer, his eyes locked with his sister's. "You're finally awake... How are you feeling?" he whispered, gently touching her forehead. Her lips parted to form a word, but no sound came out.

"Shh, don't strain yourself, sweetie," Nivalis said, squeezing the little girl's hand. "She's very weak and can't move her or speak. She's barely able to keep her eyes open," she explained, looking at her son.

"I see," Aster nodded, his palm still stroking his sister's silver hair. Don't worry, Silvia. We will take care of you. Everything will be fine," he whispered down at her, a big, bright smile on his lips. "Do you think my morning spell woke her?" he asked his mother, not stopping the patting.

"It's possible," Nivalis whispered, nodding. "Did you do something new?"

"Mhm, I used more mana than usual and... twirled it. It was a lot harder to control, but I managed to create a small breach, and probably a couple of drops of my mana slipped through," Aster said, looking down and seeing his sister's surprised eyes. "Oh, right! You don't know yet!" he laughed. "I woke my magic a few days after you made that badass ice wall! I got fire affinity, can you believe it?!" he beamed, proudly grinning.

"I tried to come up with a spell that can help you to get warm, and it looks like it worked... A little bit," Aster explained, wiggling his fingers to mimic the fire. "Let me try again, okay? You'll get better in no time," he said, placing his palm on her naked, flat chest.

"Wait, wait. We don't know for sure if it was you, honey," Nivalis suddenly stopped him, taking his hand into hers. "It might be just a coincidence. Let's not risk doing spells we don't know much about and just wait a few days to see if she improves. If not, you can try your thing again," she said, looking at her daughter's face. "My love, it's been a while since you woke up... Try to sleep, okay? We'll watch over you," she whispered, adjusting the blanket to cover her naked chest.

"Yeah... you're right," Aster nodded, leaning closer to kiss the little girl's cheek. I'll tell you everything later, okay? Try to rest. Your brother will protect you, don't worry," he whispered against her skin. Silvia looked at him for a few seconds and slowly closed her golden eyes, letting exhaustion take her with a soft exhale. Nivalis and Aster sat silently for over ten minutes, watching the little girl fall asleep.

Nivalis turned to her son, a worried look on her face. "She wakes up every two hours, looks at me for fifteen minutes, and then falls asleep again. Cries a lot, too," she whispered, using Aster's shoulder to help herself stand up. "Come, let's prepare a dinner. Something light for her to eat when she wakes up again. Maybe with you around, she'll eat a bit more," she said, heading to the kitchen.

Aster silently followed his mother, taking off his boots along the way. "I've got some mushrooms, nuts, and berries," he whispered, taking the backpack and carrying it over to the fire.



[Nivalis Silverfrost]

Three days have passed since Silvia woke up. The daily routine remained unchanged. Aster spent most of his time in the forest, doing his best to feed this small family, while Nivalis kept herself busy around the cave, doing chores and keeping a close eye on her daughter.

But her little girl didn't seem to get any better. She was still just as weak, unable to talk or move; only soft, barely heard whimpers left her trembling lips.

The cave was filled with sunlight, covering the walls with a warm, golden glow as the flickering light came in through the hole high in the ceiling. The sun was at its peak in the sky, meaning Aster wouldn't return from the forest for a while.

Nivalis let out a sigh, holding her daughter's limp hand. "Honey, would you like to take a bath together? Relax in the water for a bit," She gently rubbed her daughter's cold skin with her thumbs. Silvia slowly blinked twice, signaling her approval.

"Wonderful," Nivalis smiled. She grabbed the bottom of her tunic and quickly pulled it off, revealing her large, pale breasts, which jiggled slightly with every little movement she made. The warm sun rays kissed her smooth, milky skin. She carefully removed the blanket covering her daughter's naked body, leaning closer, her bare thighs brushed against each other. "Hold on, honey," she whispered, wrapping her arms around her frail body and lifting the girl.

Nivalis struggled to carry Silvia, her weak leg shaking from the effort but continued to limp forward. Slowly and carefully, she carried her daughter toward the bubbling water of the hot spring. "Carefully..." she mumbled to herself, gently pressing Silvia's head against the softness of her chest, carefully lowering them both into the warm water.

"There you go, sweetie," Nivalis sighed, sitting on the underwater rock. She gently cupped the little girl's soft ass cheeks, small enough to fit into her palm, making sure her head stayed above the surface. Their long, silver hair floated around them, shining in the sunlight. "This feels nice, doesn't it?" she asked, noticing her daughter's soft smile as she rested on her soft breasts.

Silvia's tired eyes fluttered open, and she looked up at her mother. She responded with two slow blinks, her golden irises sparkling, reflecting the dancing light rays.

"I am thinking of letting Asty do his thing today," Nivalis whispered, gently running her fingers through her daughter's long, silver hair, slowly washing her. "You haven't gotten better yet... And it's been three days since you woke up. Do you think we should allow him to try his magic again?" she asked, cupping her cheek.

Without much thinking, her golden eyes blinked twice, giving her approval.

Nivalis sighed as she watched the sun's reflection dance on the water. "I can't say I am not nervous about it... Magic is such an unknown force. However, your brother seems quite confident and promised to start slow. But, if you want, we can wait a week or two to see if you get better naturally..." she mumbled, glancing down at her daughter.

Silvia blinked three times, rejecting her offer.

"Alright... Then we'll try," Nivalis smiled, kissing her head, returning to washing the little girl's hair. Nivalis started humming the quiet lullaby to her, gently rocking her body up and down, her palm squeezing her soft bottom as she did so. "We will get through this, my love. I know it," she whispered, smiling fondly at her daughter's rosy cheeks. Silvia just smiled, closing her eyes.

After twenty minutes of bathing and relaxing, Nivalis decided it was time to get out. In such a weak state, being in the hot water for too long could do more harm than good. "Alright, sweetie. It's time to get out. We've been here long enough," she said, picking the little girl up and stepping out of the hot spring. She gently placed it there on the rocky shore, went to bed to grab the tunic she wore, and then returned.

The sun's rays warmed their soft, silky skin as Nivalis patted them both dry. She will have to walk naked for the rest of the day, but that was nothing new. There was no one else around but three of them, after all. "Would you like to eat something, my love? I can roast you a few mushrooms," she whispered, her long, wet hair waving over her shoulders as she looked down at her daughter.

Silvia blinked three times, weakly looking up at her.

"No? Alright... How about a bit of honey, then?" Nivalis offered, smiling softly, knowing how much Silvia enjoyed the sweet treat.

Two slow blinks and a sweet smile were her responses.

"Haha, alright. Let's get you back to the bed," Nivalis chuckled, cradling the little girl in her arms, carrying her like a princess. She limped back towards the bed, gently laying her down on the fluffy blankets.

"I'll be right back," Nivalis whispered, giving her daughter a gentle kiss on the forehead. She then walked towards the corner where they kept all their supplies, near the entrance, as it was much cooler there than near the warm water. It looked like just a big pile of charcoal and ash, but inside, it was full of food, protected from the moisture. Nivalis quickly fished a small portion of honey tightly wrapped in leaves, just enough for a quick snack.

Returning to the bed, Nivalis sat down and carefully placed her daughter on her knees, with legs to the side, nestling her deep between her large and incredibly soft breasts, big enough to completely engulf her torso. The coldness of her daughter's skin made her nipples instantly harden. "Comfy?" Nivalis whispered, looking down at her, gently wrapping arms around her small, incredibly skinny body.

Her head rested on her mother's left breast, tilted back and slightly to the side. Her golden eyes stared up at Nivalis, giving two slow blinks in response.

Nivalis placed the package on her daughter's naked legs and unwrapped it, revealing a small chunk of honeycomb inside. The sweet aroma quickly filled the air, twitching Silvia's little nose.

Smiling, Nivalis dipped her finger into the honey and brought a tiny amount to her daughter's mouth, gently parting her lips and letting her suck on her finger. "Here you go, my love," she whispered, feeling the soft movements of her tongue against her fingertip.

"It's good, right?" Nivalis asked, pulling her wet finger out of her daughter's mouth to scoop another drop of honey. Her daughter slowly blinked twice, smiling up softly. Her golden eyes fluttered shut when her mother's finger entered her mouth again for her to suck on, her little tongue happily swirling around it.

After repeating the process several times, Nivalis scooped a bit for herself, using the same wet finger. The taste of honey and her daughter's saliva blended in her mouth as she let out a soft, delighted moan. "Mmm," Nivalis hummed, smacking her lips happily as she glanced down at her daughter.

The corner of Silvia's lips curled up as she saw the next scoop approaching her lips. Her mother's finger penetrated her tiny mouth once more; the little tongue instantly greeted the intruder. Silvia sucked on her finger with the remaining strength she had, her cheeks slightly hollowed. "Did I tell you about how Aster came home covered in honey?" Nivalis asked, her free hand patting her daughter's hip.

After receiving three slow blinks, she chuckled and began her much-exaggerated tale about what happened that day, how Aster fought off an entire swarm of bees and battled their giant bee queen to get honey for his sleeping sister. The smile on the little girl's face grew brighter the more she listened to her mother, all while continuing to suck her mother's honey-covered finger like a pacifier.

Of course, Nivalis avoided mentioning what else had happened that day.




"I'm home," Aster said softly, entering the home. His mother smiled from the bed where she sat, his sister's head resting on her bare thighs. Both girls were completely naked, only Silvia's legs hidden under a single blanket.

"Welcome back, dear," Nivalis said, gently running her fingers through her daughter's hair. The flickering light of the fire reflected off their smooth, pale skin. His mother's breasts hung heavily over Silvia's head. "How was your day?" she asked, watching Aster walk towards the bed and drop his backpack and half-filled sack nearby.

"Good, actually," Aster said, removing his cloak and throwing it aside. "Thanks to yesterday's rain, there were more mushrooms than usual. I didn't find a beehive, though," he added, removing his boots and sitting on the bed beside them. Nivalis tilted her daughter's head towards him so that she could see him.

— "Hey, sis," Aster whispered, leaning down to cup her cheeks, meeting her golden eyes. "Feeling any better?" he asked, smiling down at her. She slowly blinked three times, signaling a no. "I see..." Aster muttered, kissing her forehead and looking up at his mother. "Are we trying?"

"Yeah," Nivalis nodded, resting her palm on her daughter's flat stomach. "But please, take it easy and start slowly... as slow as you can," she said, gently scratching her tummy. "No risks, okay? If something feels not right, you stop. Got it?"

— "Of course, Mom. Don't worry, I'll be careful. One moment," Aster stood up and pulled down his pants to get a bit more comfortable, careful not to flash his raging erection to the girls, leaving nothing but his tunic to cover himself. Three days of painful, constant throbbing, and there was still no sign of it calming down.

"Let's have dinner first. You must be hungry," Nivalis offered, gently putting her daughter's head on the bed and pushing herself up.

"Mhm," Aster mumbled, staring at her hairless pussy as his mother got up from the bed. The dancing flames of the fire illuminated the perfect curves of her swaying hips as she walked to the fire, the way her long, silver hair reached her lower back, trying to hide her perfect, heart-shaped butt, yet failing to do so.

And how her large, soft breasts jiggled left and right with every little movement she made around the kitchen. The pain in his crotch was unbearable, his cock twitching uncontrollably under the tunic at the sight. 'Ugh... How did I never notice before how the pain gets worse when Mom is naked?' he frowned, looking away.

Trying his best to ignore the pain, he looked at his sister. She had trouble seeing him properly, with her head facing the ceiling. Aster lay down on his stomach, cupping her cheek to turn her face towards him. "Hey," he whispered, gently brushing away a strand of hair from her face. "Everything will be okay, I promise. So don't worry, okay?" he assured her, his thumb rubbing her soft skin.

Silvia's golden eyes looked at him, her puffy, chapped lips forming a barely noticeable smile.

"Would you like a massage?" Aster asked, gently patting her chest up and down, her pink nipples occasionally brushing against his palm. "Mom is making us..." he glanced at the kitchen to check, "...fried mushrooms for dinner, so we have time," he mumbled, turning his attention back to his sister.

She slowly blinked twice, the corners of her lips curling upwards even more.

"Alrighty, then," Aster smiled at her, sitting up. "Let me roll you over first," he said, holding onto her naked hips. He turned her body until she was lying on her stomach and adjusted her head to face him. "Comfortable?" he asked, covering her petite butt with the blanket, leaving only her bare, skinny back for him to work with.

After receiving a confirmation, Aster placed his palms on her cold, pale skin, his thumbs gently pressing against her shoulder blades. He slowly dragged his hands down her spine, going slightly under the blanket to reach her tailbone. Then, he slid his hands to the sides, massaging her waist.

Returning, Aster used his fingers to trace her spine up to the base of her neck, gently tracing her frail shoulders and working his way down her back again, trying to be extra careful not to use too much pressure. "You are too skinny, sis. You need to eat more," Aster mumbled, feeling the bones beneath her soft, delicate skin.

A long, satisfied sigh escaped her lips as her brother pressed the right spot.

"I've got some nuts in my backpack. Do you want some?" Aster offered, massaging the area above her little butt. Her hips swayed left and right as he worked, causing the blanket to slide down and reveal her buttocks, but Aster didn't pay any attention to it.

She blinked twice.

"Hang on, let me get it," Aster said, leaning towards the backpack near the bed. He rummaged through it, pulling out the nuts he had gathered earlier today. "Here," he whispered, sitting beside her again. He took one nut and brought it to her mouth, gently spreading her lips to push it inside. Her wet tongue brushed her brother's finger as she took the nut. Aster returned his hands to her shoulders, continuing the massage.

But the hard nut was too much for the little girl to handle, so after a few minutes of trying to chew it, she just pushed the spit-covered nut out of her mouth. Being so weak that she couldn't even crack a nut made her eyes fill with tears.

When Aster saw her tearful, frustrated expression, he stopped the massage and cupped her cheeks. "Hey, hey, it's okay," Aster whispered, using his thumbs to wipe away the tears rolling down her cheeks. "It's alright, sis. I'll feed you," he said, lying down to put her head on his shoulder, touching her chin to make her look up. "Don't cry, okay?" he whispered, gently stroking her long, silver hair.

"There you go," Aster smiled at her, picking up the wet nut from the bed. He placed it in his mouth and chewed it thoroughly, turning it into a soft mush. The taste of his sister's saliva didn't bother him at all. The teary smile she gave him in response as gratitude was more than worth the effort.

Holding her head firmly with one hand, he leaned in and pressed his lips against his sister's, their lips spreading open. His sister's saliva blended with his as the boy pushed the chewed-up food into her mouth, her lips instinctively sucking on his tongue to get everything she could.

The little girl swallowed the paste her brother had made for her, smiling when he pulled his lips away. "Good?" Aster asked, wiping her lips with his thumb and getting two slow blinks as a reply. Her teary eyes sparkled as she looked up at him. "Want another one?" he asked, his hand reaching for the nuts.

She blinked twice, her golden eyes following his hand.

Aster repeated the process, putting a few nuts into his mouth. After thoroughly chewing it, he leaned closer, pushing his lips against hers. Her mouth opened, welcoming her brother back inside. Her wet tongue started slowly twirling around his, catching every last bit of chewed-up paste.

It continued for a while, and just as Aster finished feeding her the rest of the nuts, he heard his mother's footsteps approaching the bed. "Dinner is ready," Nivalis called out, bringing the two wooden plates of fried mushrooms. "Here you go, sweeties," she said, smiling softly at her kids cuddling together. Her breasts shook so gently as she placed the plates on the bed.



After a tasty dinner, the sun finally set behind the horizon, leaving the fire as the only light source in the cave. All three of them lay on the bed, covered by a single blanket that hid their naked bodies. Silvia, this fragile little girl, was sandwiched between her mother and brother. She faced Aster, buried deep in his neck, breathing softly against his skin.

"Honey, are you ready?" Nivalis whispered from behind Silvia, gently running her fingers through his hair.

"Y-yeah. Just a moment," Aster whispered, adjusting his throbbing penis that was hidden between his thighs, making sure it wouldn't poke his sister. After a moment, he sighed softly, saying, "Okay, I'm ready," he mumbled, pulling the little girl closer and placing his palm on her flat chest, feeling her soft, delicate nipple moving up and down as she breathed.

Aster moved his head so his mouth was just near her ear. "I'll start with the smallest amount of my mana. We don't know how different it will be with you awake. If it starts to hurt too much, blow against my neck, and I'll stop immediately, okay?" he explained, whispering.

She blew two puffs of air against his skin, signaling she understood.

The sound of the crackling fire filled the silence as Aster took a deep breath and closed his eyes. A warm feeling in his chest appeared as his heart started to produce ignited mana. Starting with just a single drop, he guided it toward his palm, imagining how it would leave him to warm her cold body and lick her insides.

Aster was met with immediate resistance. Silvia's icy mana quickly fought against his attempt, almost instantly freezing his warmth. It wasn't unexpected, as Aster had anticipated such a response. After all, he started with a small amount over again to see if there was any difference with Silvia awake and to ensure that it wouldn't hurt his sister. "Are you okay?" he whispered, his warm breathing blowing hot air into her ear.

Two soft, quiet puffs against his neck.

"Did it hurt?" Aster asked, feeling three short puffs of air in response. "Alright, I'm going to try again. This time with twice the amount," he whispered, closing his eyes again. Once more, his mana traveled through his veins down to his palm. The moment it left his skin, his sister's cold mana attacked it with an overwhelming force as if evaporating all warmth.

After asking his sister again and confirming that she was alright, Aster increased the amount to four times the initial dose. However, a small gasp escaped her lips when his mana touched her skin, making Aster pull his hand away. "Did it hurt?" he asked worriedly, receiving two reluctant puffs against his skin. "Was it bad?" he asked, caressing her bare hip.

Three slow puffs against his neck, signaling him to continue the spell.

"It's... it's not even close to the amount I've used when you were unconscious. If it hurts now, it's only going to get-" Aster whispered but was cut off by feeling three quick, desperate puffs of air. "Are you sure you want to continue?" he asked, feeling her lips gently kissing his neck. "O-okay..." he sighed, closing his eyes.

He focused on his mana, doubling the amount once more. The clash between their mana was slightly more noticeable this time, although it all ended in a fraction of a second. Silvia's lips remained on her brother's skin as she tried to endure the pain. "As I increase the amount, you will start to feel how our mana fights each other. Once you do, try to stop yours somehow, okay?" he explained, feeling her lips moving on his skin, kissing him twice.

He took a deep breath, focusing on the feeling in his chest once again. The heat in his heart slowly ignited the raw mana in his veins, and once he had enough, he directed it all towards his palm, which was pressed tightly against his sister's naked, flat chest, cupping her pink nipple.

This process continued for a while; Aster slowly and carefully increased the mana flowing into his sister's body. The fight between ice and fire lasted for over a second now, and this second was nothing but agony for the little girl. More than anything, Aster wanted to stop this torture, to think of any other solution, but Silvia refused to give up. She continued to kiss his neck, begging her brother to continue pushing inside her.

Nivalis could not hold back the tears, silently rolling down her cheeks. Seeing her daughter suffer like this was heartbreaking.

"Alright... If you're sure, I'll try using the same amount I did that made you wake up... It'll be a bit different than what we just did because I need to swirl my mana. That's how I managed to get deeper through," Aster whispered into her ear. He felt the wetness of her tears on his neck, her lips trembling as they pressed against his skin.

Two gentle kisses on his neck were the only answer he got.

Taking a deep, calming breath, he focused on the burning sensation inside him. His heart fiercely pumped all the remains of his raw mana, filling his entire chest with unstable, ignited mana. Then, it all flowed down his arm and into his palm.

The moment the warmth of her brother touched her skin, her ice mana violently fought back. The pain the little girl experienced was instant and unimaginable as if someone had poured boiling oil directly onto her skin. Her body began to tremble, her throat refusing to scream, only soft, raspy whimpers escaping her lips.

Aster wanted to stop it all, to take his hand away, but he didn't. Silvia could signal him to stop anytime, but she chose not to. So, Aster continued the spell, ignoring the painful moans his sister produced against his neck. Without wasting a second, he made his mana swirl against her chest, worsening the pain.

However, the spell was much harder for Aster to handle this time. The control required to swirl his mana and fight the opposing force simultaneously was too tricky for him. For some reason, it wasn't the case back then; he easily went through this step... But now? His mana already felt unstable. On top of it all, he needs to do the third and final step right after he gets through her mana, warming her insides. It felt impossible to do.

Instead of continuing the already-lost fight, he decided to stop the spell. As soon as the flow of Aster's mana was cut off, Silvia stopped shaking, and the pained moans turned into quiet, ragged breathing. 'How in the world did I manage to do this back then?' he wondered, frowning.

"Did it work?" Nivalis immediately asked with hope in her voice, wiping away her tears.

"No... Sorry," Aster sighed, stroking his sister's hair and feeling her hot breath against his neck, tears flowing down his skin. "It... it was too difficult. I couldn't keep everything under control. So I stopped the spell halfway through," he explained, lifting his sister's head from his neck, her wet, golden eyes looking up at him. "I'm sorry, sis," he whispered, using his thumbs to wipe the tears from her cheeks. "Are you alright?"

Tears kept rolling down her cheeks as she looked up at her brother, her lips trembling. Two weak, fluttering blinks were her answer.

"Shhh, don't cry. It's fine. You'll get better soon," he assured her, pulling her closer and wrapping his arms around her small, cold body, holding her tightly in his embrace. "It's okay. It's okay..." he whispered, feeling his mother hug them both, sandwiching the little girl tightly between them. "I just need a bit of practice, alright? If it worked once, it will work again. So don't worry," he assured her, burying her face back into his neck.

The only sounds in the room were the crackling of the fire and Silvia's quiet, whimpering breaths as she sobbed, the occasional hiccup escaping her trembling lips.

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