Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 63 — Feel my warmth (2/2)



The fire cast flickering shadows on the cave ceiling, and the only sound breaking the silence was the occasional snap of burning wood. That night, Aster lay wide awake while the girls slept, staring at the shadows dancing above, unable to close his eyes even for a moment. Silvia's soft breaths tickled his chest as she clung to his side, his hand lazily drawing circles on her naked back, feeling the bones of her spine.

— "Ugh... this damn spell," Aster muttered under his breath, his mind racing as he tried to figure out what he'd done wrong. 'It worked before. I was able to control my mana without any issues. So why not now? Why couldn't I do it tonight?' he wondered, his brows furrowing.

'Maybe it's because Silvia was awake this time?' Aster thought, glancing down at her. He saw the back of her head resting against his chest; her soft cheek pressed to his skin. Her long, silver hair sprawled all around, serving as a second blanket for her brother. 'No... Her mana felt the same...' he sighed, gently running his fingers through Silvia's silky hair.

— "I just don't get it," he sighed, shifting slightly to ease the discomfort of his throbbing penis trapped between his thighs, hidden away from the girls. The pain was making it hard to think.

'Wait, could it be... the reason?' Aster wondered, carefully pulling the blanket down and slowly parting his legs; his little guy nearly sprang free from the confinement of his pale thighs. 'Yeah... that must be it,' he realized, looking at his penis over his sister's head, seeing it pointed directly at her sleeping face, throbbing painfully and pulsating in rhythm with each beat of his heart.

'This explains it. That's why I couldn't control the spell. The pain was too distracting. Ugh,' Aster grunted, rubbing his forehead in frustration. 'Alright... I just need to figure out how Mom did it... It should be simple, right? She did it so easily,' he thought, taking a deep, calming breath. He cautiously gripped his penis with his fingers, feeling the pulsating veins, and closed his eyes. His right hand remained tangled in Silvia's hair.

'Now I just need to remember what Mom did... I'm just going to... move it like this, I guess...' he thought, slowly stroking himself. His sister's head stayed on his chest, slightly bobbing with each movement of his hand. 'Yeah, okay, it feels good... I think.'

The image of his mother's flushed face appeared in his mind, looking down at him, soft breasts gently swaying with the rhythm of her hand movements. 'Oh, those movements were something else...' Aster smiled at the thought.

One minute became two, then five, ten. Aster continued to stroke his hard penis, but nothing happened. His hand throbbed painfully, and it didn't feel as good as when his mother helped him. His other hand gently patted his sister's head, fingers running through her locks.

'Ugh... What the hell am I doing wrong?' Aster sighed, releasing the grip and looking at his mother.

She slept beside them, her hand resting on Silvia's waist. 'Should I wake her up and ask for advice?' he thought, watching her sleeping face. Her lips were parted slightly, allowing quiet breaths to escape. Her eyelashes twitched occasionally, and her eyes moved left and right underneath the eyelids, probably from having a dream. 'Well... There's nothing wrong with just asking, I guess. Maybe I'm doing something wrong and just don't know it.'

After carefully lifting his sister's head from his chest, Aster quietly moved around the bed, softly tapping his mother's shoulder to wake her. "Mom," he whispered, waiting patiently. No response. He placed his hand on her bare shoulder, gently shaking her. "Mom," he said again.

"Hmm?" Nivalis groaned quietly, her eyes slowly fluttering her long eyelashes, revealing her blue, tired eyes. "What is it, sweetie?" she mumbled, covering her face with her hand.

Aster moved closer to her ear, trying to be quieter. "Mom, I think I know why the spell was harder to control this time..." he whispered, his warm breath brushing against her earlobe.

Nivalis, still foggy from sleep, pulled her hand away from her face but kept her eyes shut. "Why's that, sweetheart?" she asked, whispering just as quietly.

— "Well... Do you remember... " he muttered, looking at the fire in the distance. "What we're not supposed to remember?" he added, hoping his mother would get the hint.

It took Nivalis a moment to understand what he meant, but when she did, her eyes flew open, her heart missing a beat. She cleared her throat and swallowed hard, "You mean when I... uh, helped you with your... pain?" she asked, her eyes meeting her son's, his face close to her.

— "Y-yeah..." Aster muttered, his eyes darting around the room. "I think I can't focus right because of it," he mumbled, glancing at her blue eyes, seeing how they darted nervously between his golden ones.

Nivalis blinked, processing his words. "So, you're saying the problem is... your thingy?" she whispered, trying to take a glance at his penis, but his position prevented her from doing so. "Is it in pain again?" Nivalis asked him right away, a worried expression appearing on her face.

— "It's been hurting for three days now," Aster explained, watching her blue eyes widen in surprise.

"Three days?!" Nivalis exclaimed, her voice too loud.

— "Shh," Aster hushed her, glancing at his sister.

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Nivalis whispered, trying to remain calm. She sat up, the blanket covering her slid down, revealing her big, naked breasts and soft, pink nipples. "I told you it's not healthy to keep it like that for too long," she sighed, frowning down at him.

— "I didn't want you to worry about it. Not after what happened..." Aster mumbled, looking back at his mother, unable to move his eyes higher past her big, pale breasts. "And I thought it might go away on its own. But it did not."

"Show it to me," Nivalis commanded, motioning for him to get up.

Aster hesitated but complied, getting on his knees and putting his hands behind his back. "Uh, I tried to do it myself while you two were sleeping... But it's not working. It just hurts more. So, yeah," he explained, awkwardly presenting his penis to his mother. "Is there any other way to do it?" he asked, his voice barely audible.

Nivalis looked at her son's small penis. It twitched and pulsed as if begging for her touch to soothe the pain. The firelight danced off the smooth, pink head that peeked out from his foreskin. His completely smooth, cute little balls shifted with every breath he took, looking incredibly fragile. "Alright... Like I said, I can't help you like I did last time. It's just horrible, honey. We can't do it," Nivalis sighed, shaking her head.

— "I know... I know. I am not asking for you to do anything. But there has to be some other way. I need to know how to deal with it by myself so that it doesn't distract me like today," Aster said, looking at his sister. "We can't ignore this... Not when I can hurt her accidentally because of something stupid like this," he mumbled, his gaze returning to his mother.

Nivalis sighed, taking a moment to think, then continued. "Yes, you're right... We can't ignore it. This is bad news if it affects your magic... You are the only one who can protect us, honey," she mumbled, touching her forehead momentarily. "Not to mention how unhealthy it is to keep your thingy this way for days! You might have problems with it as you grow up," she added, looking down at the angry-looking little penis and then back at her son's face. "You need to tell me right away when it happens from now on. Alright?"

Aster nodded, "Okay, Mom. I will," he promised.

"Okay, I have an idea. Show me what you did," Nivalis ordered, nodding towards his penis. "I'll try to tell you what you're doing wrong, and maybe we'll be able to find a solution together, okay?" she smiled, trying to look more confident than she felt, watching her son's fingers wrap around his penis and begin to stroke himself slowly.

— "Like this," Aster mumbled, moving his hand up and down.

"Hmm... And you said it doesn't feel good?" Nivalis asked, watching his every stroke. "I don't see anything wrong."

— "Only a little. It hurts more than it feels good... Especially when I pull it down," he explained, continuing to stroke, his gaze darting between her face and her large breasts.

"Really? Try a little bit faster," Nivalis suggested, tilting her head.

— "O-okay," Aster replied, speeding up his hand.

"And try squeezing harder," Nivalis said, frowning as she leaned closer to get a better look. But even after more than ten minutes, nothing seemed to change. Aster's expression remained the same, devoid of any pleasure, the pain clear as day.

"Ugh, this is ridiculous. Why isn't it working?" Nivalis frowned, watching her son's hand move on his small penis. The smell of his sweat filled the air. "Alright, stop," she sighed, gesturing for him.

Aster let go, and his small penis stood erect, throbbing angrily at his mother. "Did I do something wrong?" he asked, panting softly.

"No, no. It's not your fault, sweetie. I guess it's just how your body works," Nivalis reassured him, looking around the cave. "We'll figure it out, don't worry," she whispered, her gaze returning to her son's painful erection. It was hard to believe such a small, innocent-looking penis could cause so much trouble.

"Let's try humping again, alright? Just like the other day, maybe it will help this time," Nivalis suggested, using part of the blanket she was covered with to make a soft pile for him to rub against. The other half of the blanket still covered the sleeping girl.

— "Alright," Aster nodded, crawling over, his throbbing penis touching the fabric. He started to move his hips, facing his mother as he did so.

"Move your hips faster," Nivalis said, her blue eyes locked on the pink tip of his penis that showed with every thrust of her boy, just a step away from his sister. Again and again, he repeated the movement, panting and sweating, maintaining eye contact with his mother. His little guy painfully throbbed with pain with each push, sending sharp jolts through him. The fabric was low quality and wasn't very soft to the touch.

"Hmm, try changing the angle a bit," Nivalis suggested, trying to find a way to make it work.

— "Like this?" Aster asked, shifting his hips a little, keeping the same speed.

"Yes... Do you feel anything?" Nivalis asked, watching the tip of his penis appear and disappear with each push.

"No, not really," Aster panted, still moving his hips. "Just pain."

"Ugh, damn it. It's not working," Nivalis frowned, nibbling on her fingernail. "I don't understand... What are we doing wrong?" she wondered, eyes darting between his crotch and his face.

— "I have no idea..." Aster mumbled, slowing down. "What else can we do?" he asked, looking up at his mother, sweat rolling down his forehead. He continued to sit on the pile, panting, his tiny penis sticking straight up, pulsating wildly.

"Well... Hmm..." Nivalis mumbled, considering every possible option. She couldn't stroke her son again. She just couldn't. It is not an option. No way.

After a moment of quiet, Nivalis broke the silence, "There's something... I think. I'm not sure if it'll help, though. It's still wrong, sweetheart... But not as wrong as... me stroking it," she muttered, avoiding his gaze. "Here, try to... hump my leg..." she said, shifting her leg closer to him.

— "Your leg?" Aster asked, confused.

"Just try, okay?" Nivalis whispered, waiting for him to straddle her leg.

"Alright..." Aster sighed, placing his legs on either side of her leg, his small bottom resting on her foot. He gripped her knee for balance. "Like this?" he asked, his small balls pressing against her smooth skin.

"Yes, just move your hips like before," Nivalis said, looking away, her cheeks burned with embarrassment. Her heart raced in her chest from the feeling of her son's penis touching her skin, a feeling no mother should experience.

"Ugh... this is a bit better, I think..." Aster mumbled, pushing his hips against his mother's leg. His penis slid up and down while the foreskin remained in place. It felt different, indeed. The texture of her skin was soft, warm, and much smoother than the rough blanket. It felt good, but the pain was still there.

"Is it helping?" Nivalis asked, glancing at him. Her son was too focused on his movements to respond, his eyes fixed on her pale thigh. "Honey?" she asked again, getting his attention.

"Ugh... I'm trying..." Aster answered, wrapping his legs and arms around her leg, pressing his small body tightly against her. The boy quickened his movements; his hips moved rapidly, thrusting his little penis against her, his face buried in her soft thigh. The hint of pleasure was there, but he couldn't quite reach it, not with the intense pain the grinding caused.

Nivalis' heartbeat increased, her breaths becoming shallower. It felt wrong. Incredibly wrong. She saw how his little butt moved up and down, felt how his small testicles slapped against her skin, how his little head pulsated against her. Like an animal in heat, he desperately humped her leg again and again, panting and groaning. Nivalis closed her eyes, taking a deep, calming breath as her son kept doing his best.

The smell of sweat was everywhere, and not only Aster's but hers as well, from all her embarrassment and guilt. One minute, two, five... the sounds of his groans and the sound of his little balls slapping against her skin, the feeling of his nails digging into her thigh... "Are you... close, honey?" Nivalis asked, forcing her eyes open, trying to calm her racing heart.

Aster just glanced up, meeting her blue eyes. The painful look in his golden eyes was the only answer she got. All her instincts screamed at her to stop this madness, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Her boy was in pain, and it was her job as a mother to take care of her child. No matter how embarrassing it was. Maybe he just needs a bit of encouragement to make it work.

She moved her leg slightly, matching her son's rhythm, increasing the friction. "You can do it. You can make it, sweetie."

His nails dug deeper, making her wince, his hot, wet breath blowing on her skin. His thrusts grew more rapid, erratic, and desperate. "Good, good... Come on, just a bit more..." she encouraged him, looking down at him, unable to hide the pity and sadness in her eyes. "It's almost over..."

— "M-mom... it hurts..." Aster groaned, squeezing his eyes shut. His hands clutched her thigh tighter, his hips thrusting on their own.

"I know, honey, I know. Just a bit more," Nivalis whispered, biting her lower lip. Her fingers gripped the blanket she lay on, watching her son hump her leg, sweat shining on his pale bottom.

— "I can't..." Aster mumbled, pressing his forehead against her leg, panting. He stopped moving, but his hard penis continued to throb painfully against her skin. "I can't, Mom... It hurts too much. Let's just go to sleep," he mumbled, sounding defeated, looking up at her with tears in his golden eyes. He loosened the grip, his legs still wrapped around her, his little balls resting on her foot.

"Just a bit more, okay? Please, sweetheart, just a bit," Nivalis pleaded, reaching down to wipe away the tears. Her palm was cupped against his cheek, and her thumb gently brushed the soft skin, feeling the warmth of his face.

Aster hesitated, but when he met his mother's blue eyes, he couldn't help but comply. Taking a shaky breath, he resumed the movements, slowly thrusting his hips against her smooth leg, his cheeks remaining in her hands. "You can do it, sweetie. Just a bit more," Nivalis encouraged him, giving him a soft, loving smile.

A few minutes later, her son's movements were back to the same desperate pace. His hot, ragged breaths brushed against her skin, his golden eyes fixed on hers, and tears flowed freely down his cheeks. Nivalis kept encouraging him, whispering soft words of encouragement, hoping that even despite the pain, he would make it work.

But he couldn't do it no matter how long he continued or how hard he tried.

"Alright... stop, stop... stop, honey. It's enough," Nivalis finally whispered, gently brushing his hair from his flushed face. He immediately obeyed, stopping his hips. "I-I... I will... Ugh..." she stuttered, swallowing her saliva. Her motherly instincts screamed at her to do something to help him. And there is something she could do about it. She just doesn't want to.

But what else is she supposed to do? How can she leave him in such a state?

After a few long, silent moments, she took a deep breath and mumbled, "A-alright, honey," Nivalis looked up, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks, her long eyelashes sticking together from saying something as awful. "L-let's do it... l-like b-before..." her lips trembled. She felt how her son carefully crawled up, his penis brushing against her skin, slowly so. But instead of sitting on her lap, he tightly hugged her, wrapping his little arms around her neck.

— "Mom... No," Aster whispered, nuzzling his face into her neck. "I'd rather have pain for the rest of my life than have you doing something you don't want to," he whispered against her skin. "Please, don't cry... Let's just think about what else we can do. It won't be necessary, I promise. We will find another way, something that won't hurt."

"Oh, sweetie..." Nivalis whispered, wrapping her arms around him, pressing his naked, skinny body against her large breasts. The crackling of the fire and the sound of their quiet breaths were the only things that could be heard inside the cave. Nivalis closed her eyes, letting tears fall on her son's shoulder.

"It's just... It's not only wrong, but I am also afraid you will hate me when you grow up, sweetie... And that thought scares me more than anything. I-I can't lose you... I can't," she whispered, pulling him even closer. His little penis poked her stomach, sending pulsating waves against her skin.

— "Mom... I can promise you that I will never, ever, ever hate you," Aster said, pulling away. Their gazes locked, their eyes shining with tears. "This I'm certain of like I am certain that the sun will rise tomorrow. Never," he whispered, using his little thumbs to wipe her tears.

"Asty..." Nivalis sobbed, looking at her son. "Promise me that, no matter what, we will always be together, okay?" she sniffed, cupping his cheeks.

— "Always, Mom," he assured her, smiling softly. "I'll just marry you and Silvia, problem solved. And then we'll live happily ever after," he giggled, his mother's smile brightening the room. 'This phrase always makes her smile,' he thought, grinning warmly back.

"That's a deal, then," Nivalis giggled, leaning forward to kiss her son. Her hands gently cupped his little butt, pulling him closer to her face, accidentally making his penis slide up against her skin. Their lips touched, the taste of their tears mixed as they kissed. It lasted only for a moment, the wet, salty, teary kiss. But it was probably the best kiss Aster ever had.

"Now, let me think of something to make the pain disappear, alright?" Nivalis whispered against his lips, smiling softly. Resting her forehead against his, she closed her eyes to think of what they could do. There has to be something other than her stroking his penis. Any idea will be better than that.

A minute turned into five, and his little shaft continued to send pulsating waves into her soft belly, giving her an idea. "It... might work..." Nivalis suddenly mumbled to herself, opening her blue eyes. She gently guided his butt up until he was standing on his feet. She didn't pay much attention to his little, now completely red penis twitching in front of her face; she simply leaned back on the bed.

After getting herself comfortable, she looked up at him, her glistening from sweat body shining in the firelight, her long, silver hair sprawled around her. Even the smooth, puffy lips of her pussy glistened in the flickering flames, her pink nipples standing erect.

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The whole sight made the boy gulp loudly. "Come here, honey," she said quietly, gesturing for him to lie down on her.

She tightly wrapped her arms around her son, hugging him as he lay down on her soft body. Her big breasts squished against his skinny chest, her boy taking a moment to get comfortable in between them. Their wet bodies rubbed against each other, sticking together from all the sweat.

He looked curiously at his mother, waiting patiently for her to say something, and she did. "Alright... soo..." Nivalis mumbled, glancing down at her son's flushed face, "...try to hump my tummy, okay? Maybe you just need something softer," she whispered, placing her palms on his small hips.

— "Your stomach?" Aster asked, confused.

"Y-yes... I'm not sure if it will work, but we can at least try," Nivalis whispered, her heart beating wildly, loudly enough for the little boy to notice. "Stay like this, and just move your hips against me. Like you did before," she added, tucking a strand of silver hair behind his ear.

— "Okay..." Aster whispered back, wrapping his hands around her head and nuzzling his face into her neck. After a moment of hesitation, he began pushing his butt forward, thrusting his penis against the soft, warm skin of his mother.

"Mhm, like this. You're doing great," Nivalis whispered, feeling her son's cock sliding up and down her soft stomach. She started moving his hips with her hands, helping him a bit. "Is it feeling better now?" she asked, feeling his warm breaths against her neck.

— "I think so... It's not hurting as much as before," Aster mumbled, hugging her tighter. "It's soft... I like it."

"Alright, let's keep going, then," Nivalis said, continuing to move his hips with her hands, making his little yet incredibly warm penis slide up and down against her soft skin, his delicate, smooth balls doing the same.

The boy continued to hump her, feeling with his little penis every curve, every little goosebump on his mother's beautiful, glistening, pale body. The smell of her sweaty skin was incredible. Aster's mouth watered, his tongue sticking out without him noticing, tasting the salty flavor of her skin.

— "Hmmm..." Aster hummed, breathing heavily against her neck. His movements grew faster, his skinny hips desperately grinding against her. The sound of his body slapping against her echoed around the cave.

It continued for a few minutes, Nivalis gently guiding her son's hips, feeling him hump her faster and faster, panting, whimpering. Every moan, every groan made her feel guilty. She knew what she was doing was wrong. Incredibly wrong. Horrible. But her son needed it, needed his mother. "Just like that, honey. Like that," she whispered, closing her eyes, ignoring her racing heart, ignoring the little penis rubbing against her, ignoring how wrong it felt.

— "Oh..." Aster gasped when the tip of his penis accidentally slid inside his mother's belly button. As if it was made for him, the size was perfect for the little boy's tiny shaft, like a piece of the puzzle fitting perfectly together.

It made Nivalis open her eyes in an instant, pushing the little boy down and making him slip outside her navel. "No..." he moaned, grabbing his mother's shoulders and pushing himself higher, trying to find the little hole again; his face got close to her ear as he did so.

"Honey, don't..." Nivalis sighed, feeling the tip of his penis sliding back inside her belly button. Her hands pushed his lower half away, keeping his hips separated from her.

— "Mom... let me back in..." Aster whispered into her ear, his voice trembling. He tried to push his hips forward again, but her hands held him firmly in place. "It's so soft and warm there... Please, Mom... It felt good," he pleaded, his fingers digging into her shoulders.

"Honey..." Nivalis sighed, her fingers slightly loosening their grip as his hips wiggled forward.

— "Just a bit... Please..." Aster begged, his warm breath tickling her long, elven ear. "It's just a navel..."

She closed her eyes and took a deep, calming breath, her hands slowly releasing his hips, allowing him to move. "Okay."

And move he did. The little boy didn't waste any time and immediately thrust his hips forward, burying his penis deep inside his mother; her belly button once again allowing his pink head inside. Nivalis felt his tip hitting the deepest part of her. At first, he didn't move, staying like this for a while, breathing hot air into her ear. The boy enjoyed the feeling of being inside her, how tight she felt.

Then, after a moment, his hips began moving incredibly slowly, sliding his shaft out, only to thrust back inside again, his little balls gently hitting the skin below her navel.

Nivalis shut her eyes tight, her heart beating like crazy in her chest. Her son started to fuck her belly button, his warm, little cock sliding in and out of her tiny hole, pounding his mother... It was so wrong. But Nivalis couldn't make herself stop him, knowing perfectly that the alternative is much, much worse.

"D-does it feel good, sweetie?" she whispered, receiving in response only his soft moans into her ear, his warm breath tickling her sensitive earlobe. She tried to move her head away, but her son followed her, wanting to be close to her.

Nivalis swallowed, her mouth dry. Instead of telling him to stop, she moved her hands back to his hips, helping him to move his hips faster to make it end as soon as possible. "A-are you c-close, honey?" she stuttered, her face burning red.

— "Ahh... Yes..." Aster moaned into her ear, his eyes closed shut as he felt his mother's hands helping him. At some point, he relaxed his hips completely, letting his mother do all the work.

Nivalis continued to help her son, moving his small, soft butt back and forth, in and out of her. After a few minutes of hard work, her hands started to hurt, "Sweetie, do you think you can continue yourself?" she asked, and without him responding, she felt his hips moving back and forth on their own, his little testicles gently slapping her.

Her hands remained on her son's buttocks, slowly squeezing his soft cheeks with her fingers, encouraging him to continue. "Good, honey. Keep going," Nivalis whispered, feeling his tip hammering the back wall of her belly button with all his little might.

— "Uuhh..." Aster moaned, his breaths turning into quiet whimpers. The fire's flickering light danced on their sweaty, naked bodies. "M-mom..." he whispered, feeling the familiar tingling in his crotch. "It's... It's coming," he moaned into her ear, speeding up his movements.

"I-it's fine, honey. It's alright. Do it," Nivalis mumbled, starting to help him move his hips again. They both worked hard, their naked bodies rubbing against each other, her soft breasts bouncing up and down. "For mommy, sweetie," Nivalis whispered, moving him as fast as her arms allowed. "For mommy," she repeated, moving her hips up and down to match his rhythm.

— "A-ahhh... M-mommy... I-it's... Ohh!" Aster moaned, his entire body tensing up, his hips stopping for a moment just when his penis reached the deepest part of her navel. His little testicles tensed up, and his cock began throbbing violently right inside her tight hole.

The fierce contracting of his balls followed right after as they desperately tried to fill his mother's with something that wasn't there yet. Again and again, the dry orgasm shook his entire body, his toes curling up, fingers digging deep into her shoulders, leaving marks on her delicate skin.

"That's a good boy..." Nivalis whispered, her heart pounding in her chest, her mind racing as she felt her son's violent throbbing inside her navel.

— "Ahh... O-ohh, Mom... Ughh," Aster groaned, his hips doing slight movements on their own with each wave of pleasure, his tiny body trembling. Nivalis helped him, trying to keep his little cock inside her, prolonging his orgasm. "Ahhh... Ahh, oh, mommy..." Aster moaned, his hips slowing down. The boy sighed heavily ten seconds later, his body finally relaxing.

"Are you alright, honey?" Nivalis asked, removing her hands from his butt. She pulled the boy away from her ear, making him look at her, gently caressing his hot, flushed cheeks.

— "Y-yes..." Aster panted, looking into her beautiful blue eyes. The sad expression on his mother's face quickly brought him back to reality. "Did I do something wrong?" he immediately asked, worried.

"No, no, sweetie. It's not you. I-it's just..." Nivalis mumbled, avoiding his gaze. She didn't continue, her hands still caressing his face.

Aster pulled himself a bit higher, his limp, flaccid penis popping out of her belly button like a cork. Without saying a word, he pressed his soft lips against her cheek, making smooching sounds, slowly wrapping his arms around her neck. Again and again, he desperately kissed her, trying to calm her.

"What are you doing?" Nivalis whispered, closing her trembling eyelids and allowing her son to continue.

— "I need to show you how much I love you, don't I?" Aster whispered between kisses, slowly moving towards her lips. "Someone has this stupid idea that I would ever hate her, even though I promised never to. I have to prove you wrong."

"Honey... I..." Nivalis mumbled, opening her blue, sad eyes. And when she did, her son gently kissed her lips. The taste of her tears blended into the kiss, and her long, silky eyelashes brushed against his cheeks.

— "Mom," Aster whispered, pulling his head away just enough to look her in the eyes. "I will keep kissing you until you realize how much I love you. So many times, it will be the only thing you remember about today. Understood?" he said, and as soon as she silently nodded, he leaned closer to shower her face with gentle, loving kisses.

It continued for a long while. Nivalis simply lay there, allowing her son to do whatever he wanted, kissing her tears away. He kissed her lips, cheeks, eyebrows, and nose. He even nibbled on her earlobe a bit. There was nowhere he didn't kiss. It was like her son was trying to kiss away all her worries and guilt, and it was working.

The feeling of wrongness lingered in her mind, whispering the horrible truths. She had just done something unspeakable once again. Maybe it wasn't as horrific as giving her boy a handjob like the other day, but it didn't stop her mind from repeating the words 'incest' and 'sinner' over and over, haunting her. But all that seemed to disappear, slowly fading away, replaced by her son's kisses.

Aster kept kissing his mother, afraid that her tears would appear again. More than an hour later, only when he was sure she had fallen asleep did he stop, exhausted. It was such a long day.

Still lying on top of her, he buried his face into her neck, breathing in the sweet scent of her sweaty body. It didn't take Aster long to fall into a deep sleep, his limp member resting against her soft, pale skin.

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