Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 69 — A flame in your heart



Aster's golden eyes fluttered open, noticing a faint glow on the other side of their cave. The fireplace held a few dying embers, casting a soft orange light that reflected off his sister's pale skin. She curled up against their mother, her head resting on the curve of her shoulder; a soft, almost inaudible snore escaped her pink lips.

Aster stirred, feeling his mother's bare chest beneath him, the rhythmic rise and fall of her ribcage, her heart beating a steady lullaby against his half-elven ear. He buried his face between two impossibly soft mounds, her breasts, pressing them together around his head with his tiny hands as he inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with his mother's unique, sweetest scent.

Six weeks have passed since they found the beehive in the forest, a time filled with gathering food from dawn to dusk. While the days were monotonous and boring, their mornings and evenings were anything but. The best part of his day always was and always will be waking up between his mother's soft boobs, like now.

'What a life,' Aster sighed contentedly, a small smile tugging at his lips. The morning light was still an hour or so away, judging by the lack of illumination from the small hole in the cave ceiling. He wanted nothing more than to drift back into slumber but knew it would be impossible now that he was awake, his mind buzzing with the day ahead.

Instead, he chose to stay like this, enjoying the warmth of his mother's body, waiting patiently for dawn.

His tiny hands continued to gently caress and squeeze her soft breasts, fingers sinking into the plush flesh. Occasionally, Aster shook them a little, watching in fascination as small waves rippled across her pale skin. But nothing compared to circling his finger around one of her pink nipples, mesmerized by how it slowly hardened under his touch, leaving goosebumps all around it.

Focusing on the small pink nipple that rose and fell with each breath his mother took, Aster reached out with two of his tiny fingers, gently pinching the bud between them, holding it steady as her breast continued to move beneath his touch. 'Hmm, maybe I woke up early because I'm hungry,' he mused, releasing her nipple and watching it bounce back into place.

Careful not to disturb his mother or sister, Aster wriggled out from under the blankets, his naked body sliding onto the cool stone floor. He stood up, stretching his arms high above his head, a yawn escaping him as he arched his back. His long, silvery hair cascaded down his back, reaching all the way to the base of his spine. 'I should make them a breakfast. It's been a while since I did that,' he decided with a smile.

The boy shivered slightly as the cold of the stone floor seeped into his bare feet. 'It's much colder than usual,' Aster thought, glancing at the fireplace. He walked towards it, feeling the temperature rise with each step until the warmth of the hot spring embraced him. Kneeling before the fire, Aster gathered some twigs and branches, placing them gently onto the embers. Leaning forward, he blew softly, coaxing the flames back to life.

As the fire crackled and grew, Aster realized he could have simply used his magic to reignite it instead of getting his head spinning. He chuckled silently at his forgetfulness, slapping his cheeks lightly to shake off the remaining sleepiness.

Grabbing a handful of heating stones, he tossed them into the flames before settling down to watch the dancing flames for a moment and enjoy their heat; the flickering orange light danced on his skinny, naked, and completely hairless body.

A few moments later, Aster stood up, taking their biggest wooden bowl. He turned towards the hot spring, eager to prepare a warm and tasty breakfast for his family, almost jumping with every step. The water reflected the growing firelight, shimmering beautifully as the steam rose lazily from its surface.



The water in the wooden bowl bubbled and hissed as Aster stirred the contents with a worn, hand-carved spoon, occasionally swapping out heating stones to maintain the boil. The smell of mushrooms and herbs filled the cave, teasing his nostrils and making his mouth water. He had been seated here for about an hour, yet the sun still had not risen.

'I'm going to be sleepy all day...' Aster sighed, scooping a steaming spoonful of stew towards his lips. He blew gently on it, creating little ripples in the liquid as he tried to cool it down enough for a taste. But just as the spoon reached his mouth, a soft pair of hands gently wrapped around his chest, and a tender kiss was placed on his left shoulder.

Aster jumped slightly, barely managing to keep the soup in the spoon from spilling. "Morning, sweetie," Nivalis's sleepy voice whispered into his ear. Her warm breath tickled his skin as her arms tightened around him, and her large, soft breasts pressed against his back.

— "Good morning, Mom," Aster smiled, tilting his head to the side and offering her the spoonful of food instead of tasting it himself.

Nivalis hummed eagerly, wrapping her soft, puffy lips around the wooden utensil. She closed her eyes as she savored the meal, her cheeks slightly puffing up before she swallowed. "Mmm... that's quite good, honey. But maybe a little more herbs?" she suggested, smacking her lips next to the boy's ear.

Her hips swayed from side to side as she pressed herself against him, being on all fours right behind him. The curve of her back arched gracefully, making her milky-pale, smooth buttcheeks rise slightly up. Her long, silver hair fell down her slender shoulders and back. Her large, soft, and perfectly shaped breasts hung below her chest, swaying softly in rhythm with her movements, brushing against the skinny back of her son.

"Alright," Aster nodded, pinching some additional dried herbs into the bowl and stirring them in thoroughly with the spoon before scooping up another bite for her. He blew on it gently before lifting it to her lips. Nivalis eagerly parted them and swallowed the steaming stew, her delicate throat moving up and down. "Delicious, my little chef," she whispered, kissing his cheek softly.

— "It's a bit cold this morning, isn't it?" Aster murmured, his golden irises reflecting the dancing flames.

"Mmmhmm," Nivalis hummed, her chin resting on his bony shoulder. Her delicate hands slid up and down his torso, tracing his ribcage lightly. "Why so early, darling? You'll be tired all day," she whispered, her silver locks blending with her son's identical ones as they cascaded down their shoulders.

— "I wanted to make you breakfast in bed," Aster confessed, slightly turning his head to look at her. His nose gently brushed against her cheek.

Nivalis chuckled softly, her blue eyes sparkling in the firelight. "Is that so? What a sweet boy I have," she cooed, hugging him tighter than ever and squishing her breasts against him. "I can go back and pretend I'm still asleep so you can surprise me. Would you like that?"

Aster smiled sweetly, nodding his head. "Yeah," he whispered.

"Alrighty. I'll be waiting in bed," Nivalis replied, about to kiss her son's cheek again. But Aster turned his head at the last moment, and their lips met instead, just a tiny peck between mother and son. Aster mischievously grinned as they pulled apart, his eyes glinting playfully. "Naughty boy," Nivalis smiled, gently pinching his belly, making him giggle and squirm in her arms.



"It was delicious, Asty," Silvia whispered, looking at Aster sitting beside her on the bed, her lips glistening with remnants of mushroom stew. It made her mother lean forward, lick her finger, and gently wipe her girl's lips. "It's still dark outside, though. Did you get any sleep?" Silvia mumbled as she got cleaned up, her face scrunching with every little movement of her mother's finger. 

Aster smiled back at them, setting down the wooden bowl they had all eaten from. "Yeah, I did. I'm not tired at all," he assured, standing up from the bed, his soft, little member slapping his pale thigh lightly, making the girls smile at each other. "But I've gotta pee like crazy now," he admitted, reaching for his pants.

"Alright, let's go outside then," Silvia replied, stretching her arms and yawning widely. She stood up from the bed, her skinny body shivering slightly in the cool morning air as she dressed. "Mom?" she asked, balancing on one foot while trying to slip the other into her pants.

"Yes, I'm coming too," Nivalis replied, holding a hand toward Aster. "Sweetie, could you pass me my pants?"

— "Mhm," Aster hummed, picking up her clothing from the ground. But instead of simply handing them over, Aster knelt before his mother and gently slipped each of her feet into the pant legs, slowly pulling them up over her smooth thighs, his tiny hands brushing against her soft, hairless skin as he went. When he reached her hips, Nivalis leaned forward and pressed a quick, warm kiss to his lips. "Thank you, my little gentleman," she smiled.

Aster grinned back at her, and in return, Nivalis helped him into his tunic, her warm hands smoothing the fabric over his skinny frame.

Once fully clothed, the family walked through the dark cave together until they reached the vine-covered entrance. As they stepped out, the bright sunlight hit them squarely in the face, making all three squint and shield their eyes with their hands.

"Whoa..." Aster whispered as his vision finally adjusted to the harsh brightness. In just one night, the once familiar green forest had fully transformed, a thick layer of snow covering everything around, making the branches of trees droop. Aster looked down, watching snowflakes dance around him, feeling the cold wind biting his cheeks and nose, turning them pink.

They all stood there momentarily, their eyes darting around, unsure how to react to this sudden change. Trees creaked and swayed with the wind. The sound of crunching beneath their boots filled the silence, the snow so thick that their feet sank into it, reaching their ankles. Nivalis broke the silence, her voice barely above the whisper as she said, "Early this year."

Nivalis pulled both children closer to her, wrapping them in her embrace. Aster and Silvia shivered against her warmth, seeking comfort from their mother's touch. "We talked it through. If we stick to our plan, everything will be okay," Nivalis whispered, looking down at them.

Silvia looked up, her eyes filled with worry. "One meal a day, right?" she asked quietly. "So... we already ate today's one?" her eyes darted between her little brother and mother.

"I'm afraid so," Nivalis answered, squeezing the two closer, feeling their petite bodies trembling against hers. "And the portions will be smaller, too," she added, rubbing their backs gently to warm them up.

Aster nodded, looking at the ground, seeing gentle puffs of steam escaping his lips with each breath; his golden eyes reflected the white snow around them. He was silent for a moment before replying, "Okay."

The family huddled together for a moment longer, their bodies pressed close for warmth as they watched the thick snowflakes whirl around them. The sun was high in the sky, and Aster realized it must be well past noon already. No wonder they had slept through the morning; the heavy snowfall must have blocked the hole in the ceiling.

"It's okay, my angels. We'll manage," Nivalis said softly, smiling at her children despite the situation, her hands still rubbing their backs to keep them warm. "We were preparing for this very moment. Let's not be sad," she reassured them. Aster and Silvia nodded, their faces still pressed against their mother's sides.

Nivalis leaned and kissed their foreheads before releasing them from the embrace. "Who wants to go first?" she asked, their silver hair dancing in the wind.

"I will," Silvia said quickly, taking a few steps forward. Her brother and mother followed close behind, the snow crunching beneath their boots. The girl stopped beside the nearest tree, turning around to face them. Without saying a word, she started to untie the strings holding her pants in place, her tiny fingers struggling with the knots in the cold.

Aster moved closer, taking the strings from her hands. "Here, let me," he whispered, kneeling before her. Silvia nodded, watching her little brother's nimble fingers untie her pants. A few moments later, Aster pulled them down slowly until they fell around her ankles, revealing her thin, hairless thighs, almost as pale as the snow around her.

"Stay like this. I'll be quick," Silvia chirped, gripping her little brother's shoulders for support as she lowered herself. However, she did so too quickly; her bare bottom accidentally touched the freezing snow. A gasp escaped her parted pink lips, her petite body shuddering and springing from the sudden cold.

— "Why am I doing this? Remind me," Aster mumbled, feeling her fingers digging into his shoulders, his breath forming tiny white clouds. "You can pee by yourself, you know," he grumbled, watching his sister's annoyed expression as she frantically tried to brush the snow off her little behind with her hand. He could hear a soft chuckle from their mother behind him but chose to ignore it.

Silvia sighed once she cleaned her behind, tucking a strand of silver hair behind her ear. Her cheeks were flushed pink from the cold, matching his. Silvia's golden eyes locked onto her brother. She gave him an expression that said, "Don't complain." It's truly impressive how she can communicate so many things with just her facial features.

When she saw that he was about to say something, she silenced him, "Shh... shh..." while closing her eyes and trying to pee. But she clearly struggled to start, and the more she struggled, the more her cheeks puffed, her face contorting with effort.

After a long, uncomfortable moment, Aster finally heard the soft trickle of her warm urine hitting the snow. Her body visibly relaxed, and she let out a sigh of relief. "Finally," she whispered, a small smile playing on her lips.

Aster glanced down, watching the tiny stream flow from between his sister's trembling thighs, disappearing into the thick blanket of white. The scent of her piss filled their nostrils, slightly sweet and warm amidst the cold air.

Silvia flicked his forehead almost immediately, squinting her eyes at him. His golden gaze lingered on her exposed, hairless parts for a moment longer before he looked into her eyes, unsure of what he had done wrong.

"Don't stare," she muttered, even as the trickle continued to flow from her. Aster shook his head slightly, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. He patiently waited for her to finish, his eyes darting around their snow-covered surroundings until the last drop fell.

Aster silently watched as she took some snow in her tiny hand and gently wiped herself before pulling up her pants. Aster tied the strings back for her, making a cute bow to secure them around her skinny waist.

"Alright, finally! My turn," he muttered, quickly getting to his feet. He untied the strings of his pants and pulled them down in one swift motion, startling Silvia enough that she barely managed to step out of the way from his sudden stream of urine, making her yelp in surprise. "Ohh..." Aster sighed in relief, closing his eyes as the snow continued to hiss.



— "Sooo, what are we going to do all day?" Aster asked, stretching out on the bed, his golden eyes fixed on the ceiling above. His sister's bare feet pressed against his face, her tiny toes poking at him playfully now and then, occasionally brushing against his lips or nose. But he didn't react in any way, feeling too lazy to bother.

"Dunno," Silvia replied, mirroring her brother's way of lying on the bed. Her long silver hair cascading down over her chest hid her pink nipples, and the warm glow of the fire nearby bathed her pale, smooth skin.

They had to drag their bed closer to the heat to keep themselves warm as the cold crept into their cave home; their clothes lay forgotten all around it. "We can practice spears if you want," she offered, wiggling her toes again, trying to pinch his nose with them.

— "Hmm..." Aster hummed, ignoring his sister's playful toes on his face, every little pad brushing against his cheek or nose as they moved, sliding up and down. His forehead scrunched slightly in thought.

Nivalis sat nearby, her hands busy knitting with a wooden hook, the threads almost flying through her skilled fingers. Her blue eyes were focused intently on her work, and her lips moved occasionally, silently repeating the lyrics of a song she was singing in her mind.

She stopped when her mind finally caught up with her daughter's words, making her raise her head. Her voice was soft as she said, "You'll get hungry if you do that, sweetie. Maybe think of something less... physical, hmm?" Her gaze flickered between her children momentarily before returning to her work.

"Oh yeah, you're right," Silvia replied before the silence returned, filled with nothing but the sound of the crackling fire. The girl continued to playfully poke at Aster's face with her toes for a while longer, occasionally letting them brush against his lips, trying to make him react in any way, but he didn't.

One little toe found its way into Aster's mouth, parting his soft lips as it slid between them. Aster let it explore the inside of his warm mouth for a moment before gently biting down on it, giving her a playful warning. Silvia giggled and pulled her foot back, her little toe glistening with his saliva. She went back to poking at Aster's cheek instead, rubbing the wetness away, making him sigh softly.

"How about I teach you how to knit, honey?" Nivalis suddenly said, glancing at Aster. Her soft, plump breasts slightly jiggled as she moved her hands, drawing the boy's attention to them briefly before he looked up into her blue eyes. "You've been so busy gathering food for us that you never had a chance to learn. Would you like that?" she asked, her delicate fingers working with the threads effortlessly.

Aster nodded, his golden irises reflecting the warmth of the fire. "Sure, Mom," he agreed.

Nivalis's face lit up with a soft smile. "Alright, sweetie. Come here, I'll show you how it works," she said, patting the space on their bed beside her.

Aster tickled his sister's feet, earning a surprised yelp from the girl, causing her legs to jerk away from him. She pressed her legs against her chest, glaring down at Aster with a pout as he chuckled softly. Then, the boy rolled onto his stomach and crawled towards his mother.

But instead of sitting beside her as Nivalis suggested, Aster parted her legs and slipped between them, resting his back against her belly. His head was now perfectly positioned right between her large, soft breasts, the warmth enveloping him as she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close against her chest.

"Are you even comfortable like this?" Nivalis giggled, affectionately patting his head. Her gentle heartbeat and breathing filled his ears.

— "Mhm," Aster whispered, tilting his head up to look at her from between her breasts, only to get rewarded with a tender smile from his mother. Her silver locks fell over her shoulders and chest, some strands cascading down onto him as she held him close, her unique, sweet smell filling his nostrils.

"Okay, watch closely now," Nivalis breathed, unwrapping her arms from around her son to hold the thread and hook in front of him. She began to knit, her fingers expertly handling the thread, twisting and knotting them around the wooden hook to create a new piece of clothing.

Aster's golden eyes squinted as he tried to follow his mother's hands, but his mother's large, soft breasts kept getting in the way, pressing against his face from both sides, sliding up and down with each movement of her arms. It felt like he got into a pillow fight.

To get a better view, he had no choice but to part them with his slender arms, but they kept pressing together around him, causing Nivalis to giggle and Aster to sigh in frustration. 'Alright, maybe I picked a bad place to sit,' he thought.

Determined not to give up, Aster lifted each of his mother's plump, soft breasts with his hands, holding them gently. The tender flesh sank between his fingers, and he could feel their warmth radiating against his palms. "Why are they so heavy?" he muttered, tilting his head back to see his mother's blue eyes sparkling with amusement.

"That's just how they are, honey," Nivalis chuckled, continuing to knit, her son's fingers sinking deeper into her pale, soft breastflesh, struggling to hold them. "It actually feels nice on my back when you hold them like this. Keep going," she encouraged, smiling down at her boy.

— "Show me that thing you do with your finger in the end. I didn't see it," Aster asked, his eyes finally able to follow the movements of her hands. His golden eyes squinted as he tried to understand how it all worked. His arms began to shake, the weight of her breasts becoming a bit too much for his strength.

"This?" Nivalis whispered, showing him how she twisted the last thread around the hook, tying a knot. "You have to move the hook down and through the loop," she explained, repeating the same motion. "Then, pull it tight. See? It forms a row."

— "Oh, okay," Aster nodded. His mother's breasts bounced slightly as the boy adjusted his grip. "How do you go on to the next line?..."

Mother and son spent the next fifteen minutes together, with Aster doing his best to learn the basics of knitting while sitting between her legs, her thighs hugging his sides. During this time, no matter how hard it was for him to hold his mother's breasts, Aster didn't once let them fall. It was simply a matter of honor for the young boy. A man must never abandon a boob in need.

Finally, when Aster had seen enough and decided it was time for him to try, Nivalis lifted her little boy onto her lap, turning him sideways so he could sit without the weight of her breasts on his arms. The moment he let go of them, a sigh of relief escaped his lips.

"Ohh... my back hurts," Aster sighed, his muscles protesting from holding the heavy mounds for so long. His little bottom sank into her tender thigs, wiggling around slightly before settling down.

Nivalis chuckled softly when his back cracked a few times, making Aster wince. "Poor thing," she cooed, leaning closer and kissing his cheek.

The proud expression on Aster's face, as if he had just accomplished something incredible, made Silvia roll her golden eyes. Lying on her belly nearby, she silently watched as her brother carefully grabbed the thread and hook, beginning to work under their mother's gentle guidance, her fingers helping his. It was a slow, clumsy process, with the wooden hook occasionally tangling and creating a mess.

As he worked, Nivalis began humming a melody, her chest vibrating with each note, her sweet voice filling his ears.

It wasn't exactly the same, but the humming reminded Aster of a song he knew from back on Earth. He joined in, changing the humming slightly to match the song in his head. There were not many things he missed from his previous life, but that old vinyl collection was one of them, that's for sure.

Aster closed his eyes, feeling his mother's hand gently patting his head as they hummed together. He tried to remember and translate the lyrics into this world's language while keeping the meaning and rhymes intact. The thread and wooden hook stopped moving in his hands; his focus was now entirely on the words trying to form in his mind.

It was not easy, given the fundamental structural differences between the two languages. It didn't help that Aster had not spoken a single word of English since his death. But somehow, the right words came to him before he realized he needed them, almost as if someone were giving him hints.

After a few minutes of silence, Aster's soft, high-pitched voice echoed throughout the cave, replacing his humming with actual lyrics, the words tumbling out of him without any hesitation or stuttering. "I don't want to set the world... on... fi-i-ire," Aster began, making Silvia exchange a confused look with her mother. "I just want... to start a flame in your heart."

The two girls exchanged confused glances once again, silently mouthing questions at each other while Aster continued to sing, his eyes remaining closed. "In my heart, I have but one... desi-i-ire," he sang softly, "And that one is you... No other will do."

Aster didn't continue with the song because he simply couldn't remember the rest of it. He was satisfied with what he had managed to recall and translate, so he returned to knitting, his tiny fingers struggling with the thread and hook again. Every time he blinked, his sister's curious face kept moving closer in his peripheral vision, as if from some horror movie, until her nose finally touched his, her golden eyes squinting at him.

"W-what?" Aster stammered, stopping knitting mid-movement.

Silvia remained silent for a moment, her eyes scanning his face. Aster glanced up at their mother, seeking help, but she also stared at him with a just as surprised look, though she grinned from ear to ear. He looked back at Silvia, smiling awkwardly and whispering, "Um... hi."

"What was that?" Silvia whispered, not pulling away, her nose still touching his.

"Erm... what was what?" Aster mumbled, scratching his chin. "Oh, the song? Mom hummed something, and I liked it, so I changed it slightly and added words, that's all."

"That's all, huh?" Silvia breathed, repeating his words. She blinked a few times, her long eyelashes fluttering, golden eyes darting between his.

Nivalis finally broke the silence, her soft voice filled with wonder. "That was... beautiful, honey. I've never heard anything like this before."

"EXACTLY," Silvia agreed, her sudden loud voice causing Aster to flinch. "You can't just drop the most romantic lines I've ever heard and then act like nothing happened," she added, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him.

— "It was?" Aster asked, his head moving back and forth.

"Duh! Flame in your... butt! Tell me. How did you do it? Tell me," Silvia demanded, continuing to shake her brother.

Aster raised his arms, surrendering, a helpless smile on his face. Nivalis chuckled and hugged them, pressing their cheeks against each other's and making them squirm in her embrace. She whispered a happy "My babies are so talented!" and repeatedly kissed the top of their heads, rocking them both from side to side.

Meanwhile, Silvia was not ready to let this go without answers, so she had no choice but to tickle Aster's sides, causing him to squirm and laugh even more.

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