Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 70 — Sleepless girl



The night was cold, dark, and eerie. A blizzard raged outside, its wind howling like a pack of wolves. Snow flew thick and fast, blocking the full moon's light and turning the trees into ghostly figures swaying from side to side. The cave entrance was buried under a pile of snow, forcing the Silverfrost family to dig through it twice a day to let fresh air in, only to be engulfed again by the relentless storm shortly after.

In their cozy nest of blankets, Aster, Silvia, and Nivalis were huddled together for warmth, wrapped in everything they only owned. The fire beside them was small, its flickering light barely illuminating their faces, leaving their surroundings mostly in darkness. The amount of wood they had was limited, and venturing out to collect more was just too exhausting, so they rationed what they had. Fortunately, the hot spring nearby kept the cave from becoming unbearably cold, except during long, brutal nights like this one.

Aster slept deeply, his tiny body curled into a tight ball deep under the blankets, lying on top of his mother. Her warmth and scent always comforted him, giving him those perfect, dreamless nights. It is his favorite way to sleep.

In his sleep, Aster wiggled around, seeking that ideal position and somehow managing to turn upside down without waking up. As a result, his head ended up resting on her lower abdomen, his tiny nose pressed against the soft, warm skin just above her pubic bone, slightly twitching as he breathed in her familiar scent, which seemed even sweeter than usual.

His tiny, delicate toes curled gently against Nivalis's chin, moving every so often. She was on her back, her long silver hair spread across the bed, intertwined with Silvia's identical locks, as the little girl lay nearby, snuggled against her mother's side.

Nivalis rested her hand on her son's tiny bottom, giving Aster a gentle rub as she slept. Her fingers traced the smooth, soft skin of his buttcheeks, feeling their plump roundness and how they fit perfectly in her palm. His delicate, round, and completely hairless balls brushed softly against her fingers and palm every time her hand moved, their incredible softness making her subconsciously smile in her sleep.

Aster mumbled something unintelligible, his lips moving against Nivalis's skin as he dreamt. He unconsciously spread his legs a little wider, giving his mother better access to his most private area, patiently waiting for her to fondle his little sack.

The sound of blankets rustling reached Aster's sleepy mind, making him moan when he felt his mother shifting beneath him, her hand moving away from his pale bottom. He frowned, arching his back slightly as he tried to follow it, wanting that sweet touch back on his skin, but couldn't find her hand.

Then the rustling of blankets returned, this time much closer, followed by the sudden absence of one covering his face. The cold air hit Aster's warm skin, making him shiver and pout in protest. He mumbled a tiny, unintelligible complaint, keeping his eyes shut tightly, moving his lips against his mother's soft, hairless skin of her pubic mound, his mouth opening and closing lazily as if he was sucking something in his sleep.

"Hey, Asty," a familiar high-pitched voice whispered right next to his half-elven ear, "Wake up."

Aster ignored the voice, pulling the blanket back over his head, hoping it would disappear. But it didn't. Instead, he felt tiny fingers tugging at the blanket, trying to pull it down again.

"Psst, wake up," Silvia whispered, poking her brother's bare shoulder, "I can't sleep."

— "Mhm..." Aster mumbled, trying to fall back asleep, his eyes stubbornly shut. He didn't want to wake up yet; it was too cold outside the blankets, and his mother was so warm.

"Why are you sleeping like this? I almost woke up Mom when I tried to find your face," Silvia whispered, trying hard not to giggle at the sight of her brother's face pressed against their mother's crotch, his cheek all squished against her.

— "Mhm..." Aster repeated, grumbling something incoherent.

Silvia pouted, looking down at her little brother. "Come on, get up," she whispered, gently brushing away his messy hair and tucking a strand behind his ear, "Please."

Aster finally opened one eye, peeking at her through his lashes. A glance at her pleading expression was all it took for him to give in. "Ugh... fine, fine," he mumbled, reluctantly rolling off his mother's body onto the cold bed. However, it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. His head ended up on Silvia's bare thighs, making the girl giggle softly at his cute, happy expression the moment he felt his sister's softness.

— "So... what's wrong?" Aster asked, still half-asleep, rubbing his eyes with one tiny fist while yawning widely. He looked at his sister's tired face, seeing reflections of the dying fire's light in her golden irises, noticing the dark circles around them.

"I want to cuddle with you," Silvia whispered, pouting down at her little brother on her thighs, her voice barely audible. "Help me fall asleep," she added, gently running her fingers through his silver locks.

Aster noticed the goosebumps covering her pale skin and how her thighs trembled occasionally beneath him. He nodded, his eyes still half-closed, whispering, "Alright... Sure. Let's lie near the fire. You're cold."

"Thank you," Silvia smiled, getting on all fours and carefully crawling around their sleeping mother. Her skinny bottom swayed from side to side, her silver hair cascading down her shoulders and back, reaching her little buttcheeks. Aster watched her petite, naked body move in the flickering light of the flames, belly-flopping onto the bed once she was close enough to the fire.

Lying on her side, Silvia glanced at him over their sleeping mother, holding the blanket for him. "Are you coming?" she asked, beckoning him closer with a small smile; her skinny body trembled as she waited for his warmth. The ribs on her sides were more visible than usual, indicating they weren't eating enough.

Aster yawned again, stretching his slender arms over his head before slowly crawling towards Silvia. He slid under the blanket she held open for him, making sure to tuck his soft member between his thighs to avoid any accidental poking. It made him look like a girl, completely hairless and smooth, just like her.

The siblings snuggled close together, their limbs entwined as they pressed their faces close, breathing in each other's air. They wrapped their arms around one another and pulled themselves closer, their petite bodies fitting perfectly together like puzzle pieces. Aster rolled onto his back, pulling Silvia with him in a smooth motion. She happily settled on top of him, nuzzling her cheek against his skinny chest, feeling his heartbeat under her ear.

— "Better?" Aster whispered, gently running his hands up and down her sides, noticing the bumps of her ribs through her skin.

"Yeah, thanks," Silvia whispered, her voice barely audible; her head rose and fell with the rhythm of his breathing. She could feel his warmth spreading through her body, making her shiver less with each passing moment. Her little, icy-cold toes wiggled against his legs, searching for his toes. "Hmm... it's nice," she sighed contentedly, enjoying his warm hands massaging her.

— "We can go take a bath if you want," Aster suggested, brushing his fingers through her long, silvery hair, gently untangling the strands and smoothing them out. "The hot spring will get you warmed."

Silvia shook her head against his chest, not wanting to leave their cozy embrace. "I don't want to get up," she whispered. She closed her golden eyes, listening to the comforting sound of his heartbeat and the occasional crackle of the fire nearby.

Aster felt a soft rumble against his belly, making him pause his gentle caresses on Silvia's back. He looked down to see her cheeks flushing a soft pink as she hid her face in the crook of his neck. "Sorry," she mumbled, embarrassed by her traitorous stomach.

"It's okay, don't worry," Aster reassured her, wrapping his arms tighter around her tiny body. "I'm hungry too," he admitted, continuing his gentle massage of her back, trying to distract her from her rumbling belly. After a brief silence, the boy spoke up again, "Have you noticed how little Mom has eaten recently? I think she's been giving us most of her portions."

Silvia lifted her head, resting her chin on his chest and looking at him with curious golden eyes. Then, her gaze moved to their sleeping mother. "You're right," she whispered, expression becoming one of worry. "She's slept much more than usual lately and looks a bit skinnier..."

— "Mhm. You're the skinniest out of all of us, though," Aster pointed out softly, tracing her cute little nose with his finger, making it wrinkle a bit. He watched as her golden eyes slowly turned away from Nivalis only to look into his. "How about you and Mom unwrap another package of honey tomorrow? You both need it."

Silvia sighed, closing her eyes briefly before shaking her head. "We can't. We need to ration our food to last the winter. Mom has every little bit of our food planned to make it through," she explained, a hint of sadness in her voice.

— "I know. That's why I won't eat any honey for a few weeks to make it even," Aster murmured, tracing her protruding collarbones with his fingers. Her stomach growled again, louder this time, causing both siblings to giggle. "See? It agrees with me."

"But I'm your big sister. I'm supposed to take care of you," Silvia protested softly, pouting slightly at him. The golden irises in her eyes reflected the dancing flames nearby. "You can't do that. I won't eat it," she insisted gently, her voice barely above a whisper.

— "I'm the man of this family, so shh. I won't let my big sister and mother starve," Aster replied, smiling down at his sister in his arms. "Here, look at these bulging muscles. If I stop eating now, I will be able to live months thanks to all this mass," he whispered, flexing his arm dramatically only for it to result in a tiny, barely noticeable twitch, making Silvia chuckle and roll her eyes.

"Alright, big boy, if you're sure. I'll make sure Mom eats the most of it, though," she replied, her stomach rumbling again. She hid her face in his neck, gently moving her pink lips against his skin. "Thank you, Asty," she whispered, her hands gripping his bony shoulders tightly.

Aster kissed the top of her head, his nose buried in her silvery hair. "It's alright, sis. No worries. It's going to be okay," he murmured softly, rubbing her back in soothing circles.

The girl sighed contentedly, her fingers tracing patterns on his shoulder. After a long pause, she spoke up again, her voice barely above a whisper, "Hey... Asty?"

— "Hmm?" the boy mumbled, his fingers slowly moving up and down the curve of her spine, feeling every tiny bump of her bones.

"Do you think Mom's serious about... moving somewhere else?" Silvia asked, her warm breath tickling his neck. "When it gets warm again."

Aster closed his eyes, sighing softly before nodding slightly against her head. "Yeah, I guess she is. It won't get safer here," he admitted quietly.

Silvia fell silent, pressing her icy hands between their bellies to warm them up. After a while, she finally spoke again, her tiny voice barely audible. "Do you want to move away?"

— "I don't know," Aster admitted, his golden eyes staring into the darkness above him, taking a moment to think it through. "All I need is you and Mom. It doesn't matter where we are as long as we're together and safe. That's all I care about," he finally whispered.

The girl hummed softly in agreement. "Me too, Aster. But... maybe it could be fun to visit cities sometimes? We could see different things, eat food we've never had, see taverns and markets, shops, and... just so much more," she said dreamily as her imagination ran wild, her toes wiggling against his, getting interlocked.

— "Yeah, that would be cool," Aster agreed, his hands slowly sliding lower, his fingertips briefly touching the curve of her tiny, soft buttocks before coming to rest on her waist. "I'd love to buy you and Mom something nice. Like a dress or a bracelet."

Silvia looked up at him, her golden eyes sparkling brighter than the fire nearby. A soft smile graced her childish face. "You know what I want? Just imagine... a tiny house, big enough for us three," she began excitedly, propping herself up on one elbow to better see his reaction. "With a kitchen and a fireplace. One bedroom. Oh, and we will cover everything with carpets! The fluffy kind," she whispered, leaning in closer as if sharing a secret. "Like in one story that Mom told us. Remember? Not the talking ones."

Aster chuckled softly at her excitement, nodding his head. "Yeah, I do. That would be really nice."

"And we could have a farm, too! Chickens and stuff, so we don't have to worry about food," Silvia continued, her hands drawing patterns on his chest, her golden eyes never leaving his identical ones. "Mom and I can make clothes for sale."

— "And what will I do?" Aster asked with a smile, his palms starting to rub Silvia's hips, feeling the softness of her skin beneath his fingertips.

"Hmm... we'll get you an axe to cut firewood," she whispered, her stomach growling again, but neither paid much attention. "To use all these 'muscles' of yours," she grinned, squeezing Aster's barely noticeable, soft biceps.

— "Sooo... I will be cutting wood. Every day?" Aster whispered, softly chuckling as he continued to rub her hips, feeling her skin warm up under his touch.

"That's right. From the dawn till dusk," Silvia nodded, her silver hair moving with her head. "Mom and I will sit on the porch, knitting, and watch you work."

— "Why would we even need so much wood?" Aster asked, a playful smile tugging at his lips as he gently pinched one of her pale, tiny buttcheeks, causing her to squirm and gasp softly.

"To keep your lovely sister warm, Asty. Lots of warm," Silvia replied with a quiet giggle. She wiggled her bottom from side to side, trying to avoid another pinch. However, instead of doing so, the boy caught both cheeks in his palms, surprising the girl. To make sure the pinch he gave her would get forgotten, Aster started massaging her in the most gentle way he only could.

Silvia's toes curled as she enjoyed the soft, gentle touch of her brother's fingers on her pale behind. "Ooooh... Asty, that feels so good. Please, keep going," she whispered, letting out a content sigh, her golden eyes fluttering shut.

Aster obeyed, squeezing and groping his sister's petite, smooth buttcheeks, kneading the tender flesh, massaging her. The girl let him rub and pat her bottom, spread it wide open with his tiny fingers, and then gently tug at her delicate skin. He did everything she asked him to do, almost making her purr from pleasure under his skilled touch.

It continued for quite some time until Silvia finally spoke again, "Asty?" she breathed, opening her golden eyes but not looking at him; her head remained resting on his chest.

— "Hmm?" Aster hummed, his gaze shifting down at her.

"Could you... massage my chest too?" she whispered, her fingers tracing his collarbone. "Please?"

— "Um... Sure. Why not," Aster nodded, helping her roll onto her back while remaining on top of him. Her soft, well-rubbed butt wiggled against his hips as she got herself comfortable.

The boy had to brush away her silvery hair from his face and tuck it behind her ear before placing his hands on her tiny waist. Aster slowly slid his palms up her ribs, his palms gliding over her bare skin, making the girl shiver from the warm touch of her brother. A trail of goosebumps rose along her petite body after his touch.

Once Aster reached Silvia's tender, flat chest, he began to massage it, being gentle and careful not to touch her pink, delicate nipples directly. His hands caressed her tiny, underdeveloped mounds, moving in soft circles.

Doing this made Silvia hum softly, her hands holding onto his forearms, enjoying his touch. After a while, she finally spoke again, "Do... do you think mom's breasts are beautiful?"

— "Mhm. They are," Aster nodded, his hot breath hitting her bare neck, her scent filling up his nostrils.

"Did they grow so big because of, you know... us?" the girl asked quietly, tilting her head slightly to look into her brother's golden eyes. She looked curious and a bit shy at the same time. "Because we used to drink her milk all the time?"

— "Dunno," Aster whispered, looking into her eyes with a smile as he continued caressing her delicate chest. "Yeah, maybe."

Silvia looked up at the ceiling, going silent for a long moment, her cheeks growing redder by the second. Finally, she spoke up again, her voice so low Aster almost didn't hear it. "Can you... pull my nipples?" she asked, her fingers tightening around his forearms, "Please?"

— "Huh? Pull them?" Aster repeated, pausing his gentle caresses on her chest, a look of confusion appearing on his face. He cocked his head to the side slightly, trying to understand why she would ask such a thing. "Why?"

The girl hesitated before answering, taking a deep breath to calm herself. "Because... b-because they're not growing, Asty," she admitted, her voice cracking with emotion. "At all. I'm way past the age when mom said hers started growing. She keeps telling me it could start at any moment. Or not to worry if they don't because it's how nature works. But it's been over a year now when I..." she rambled, taking a shaky breath.

"I started massaging them every morning to help them grow," the girl confessed, "but it didn't help. So, I figured... maybe if I pull on them a bit, they might get bigger... But whenever I did it alone, it hurt like hell."

— "Silvia..." Aster tried to interrupt her, but she kept going as if she hadn't heard him.

"I'm not growing, Asty," Silvia said, sniffing. Her golden eyes began to fill with tears that rolled down her pale cheeks, getting lost in her silvery hair. She tried hard not to sob, "I don't know if you noticed, but ever since I got my magic... I haven't grown. We are the same height now." A soft hiccup escaped her lips as she tried to hide her tears. "I'm five years older than you, Asty. You'll soon be taller than me... It's not fair."

— "Shh..." Aster cooed, wrapping his arms around her chest and pressing her even tighter against himself. "You're beautiful just the way you are," he whispered into her ear before nuzzling her cheek and kissing her tears away. "And I mean it."

"What if I never grow?" Silvia asked quietly, her body trembling with each sniff as tears continued to roll down her cheeks, her lips quivering.

— "Then, you'll stay this cute forever," Aster replied, a soft smile playing on his lips as he pressed them against her skin. "My cute, adorable sister," he murmured, raining soft kisses onto her cheek and nose.

Silvia's lips curled into a small smile despite tears streaming down her face. "Shut up," she whispered, playfully poking at her brother's sides with her tiny fingers, trying to make him ticklish. However, Aster just chuckled and caught one of her hands in his own, interlocking their fingers. "I just want to be pretty like Mom..." she sighed.

— "You already are, silly," he whispered into her ear, gently taking her soft earlobe between his lips. Silvia tilted her head shyly, feeling ticklish; a small giggle escaped her.

"No, I'm not," she protested with a shy smile, letting him tease her ear. Aster always knew how to cheer her up and make her feel better, even if it looked silly sometimes.

— "Yes, you are," he insisted, gently tugging at her earlobe and sucking on it, making soft, wet sounds. "You and Mom are the most beautiful girls in the world, each in your own way," he added after releasing her earlobe with a wet 'pop.' Her half-elven ear glistened with her brother's saliva.

Silvia remained silent for a long moment, simply enjoying being in Aster's arms, her thoughts lost in the darkness above them. The fire crackled softly nearby, casting warm shadows on their skin of the same pale hue. A loud rumble from her stomach finally broke the silence, making both siblings chuckle.

— "Try to get some sleep," Aster whispered, his palm gently rubbing the base of her throat.

"You didn't do what I asked you to do," Silvia mumbled, looking at him with the most pleading look she could muster. Her voice was barely above a whisper, slightly trembling as she spoke.

— "Pull your nipples?" Aster asked, earning a shy nod from his sister. He let out probably the longest sigh of his life, earning a giggle from her. "Fine, fine," he breathed, sliding his tiny palms along her chest, cupping her small, tender breasts in his hands, feeling her heartbeat through the soft flesh of her mounds.

He gave them a few gentle squeezes before reaching her delicate pink nipples. They were so soft and fragile, barely noticeable to the touch. Aster pinched them lightly between his fingertips, gently tugging at them, stretching the sensitive skin around her nubs.

"Hnnng..." Silvia moaned softly, her back arching, her butt pressing tightly against his hips. Her thighs squirmed around, clenching and relaxing with each gentle pull on her nipples. She turned her head to hide her face in Aster's silvery hair, her soft lips parting right next to his ear.

— "Does it hurt?" Aster whispered, slowing down his movements as he gently tapped her nipples with his fingertips, trying to ease the pain.

"A-a bit," Silvia admitted, her voice trembling slightly; her warm, irregular breath was all Aster could hear for a moment.

— "Want me to stop?" Aster asked, cupping her little mounds in his palms again, doing soft circles, rubbing away the pain that formed around her nipples.

"N-no," the little girl whispered, her lips brushing against his ear. "It hurt way less than when I did it myself... Just... don't go fast," she added, her body slightly shivering as he resumed his gentle tugging of her sensitive nubs, causing her toes to curl and uncurl against his legs.

— "Okay," Aster nodded, gently playing with his big sister's pink nipples, slowly rolling them between his tiny fingers, stretching them before letting go, only to do it again.

"Hmmm... hng... Ah... Aah..." Silvia moaned quietly into his ear, her little body wriggling and squirming in his embrace. Her hands gripped his forearms tightly, causing him to pull even harder on her sensitive nubs. After each such tug, he would spend a few minutes simply rubbing away the pain, trying to make it as enjoyable for her as possible.

After half an hour of this, Aster decided it was time to stop. He kissed Silvia's forehead and let go of her sensitive nipples, his palms resting on her soft, slightly sunken belly. He waited patiently for her breathing to steady and her heart rate to calm down.

Finally, the girl glanced down at her chest and saw two red, swollen, puffy bumps instead of her usual flatness. They were twice the size they used to be, her pink nipples pointing upwards, stiff and erect, begging to get pinched again. "They are bigger..." Silvia mumbled, amazed, a satisfied smile spreading across her face.

— "They are," Aster smiled, glancing at them as well, giving her belly a few pats.

Silvia hummed happily, trying to press them together, watching them in awe spring apart like real breasts. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she whispered excitedly, rolling onto her belly. The girl wrapped her arms around him and started squeezing him in a tight hug, covering his face with wet kisses.

— "Mmmgh... you're welcome, haha," Aster giggled, getting smothered by his sister's kisses and hugs. "Now, let's try to sleep," he breathed, giving her butt a single, playful squeeze.

"Okay, okay," Silvia nodded, nuzzling her face into his neck and whispering, "Goodnight, Asty."

— "Night," Aster mumbled, resting his cheek against her silvery hair and closing his eyes.

However, the peace didn't last long. Feeling too happy and excited to remain still, the silver-headed girl began rocking her hips from side to side, causing Aster to grab her waist and hold her tightly in place. After a few failed attempts to move her hips around, she stopped.

Just as he was about to drift off to sleep, Silvia suddenly chirped against his ear, "Can we do that thing with mana?" She looked up at her little brother with a hopeful smile, her legs kicking in the air, causing the blanket covering them to rustle loudly.

— "Ugghh..." Aster groaned, rolling his golden eyes.

"Pretty please," Silvia begged, rubbing her chest up and down against his, her erect nipples brushing against him. "Maybe I will grow a bit if we do it every-Eh!?" Before she could finish, Aster grabbed her waist and rolled her over onto her back, pinning his sister to the bed. Her legs, for some reason, got parted in the process, allowing him to settle right between them, his chest pressed against hers.

His golden eyes flickered with a faint shade of orange, a barely noticeable change of shade that Silvia learned to notice. A sign that he began igniting his mana. The girl locked her ankles around his hips, smiling happily at her little brother, waiting patiently for his warmth to get inside her.

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