Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 71 — Starving



In the early morning, the sun struggled to break through the thick cloud cover, and its weak rays couldn't reach the forest floor below. A bitterly cold wind swept through the pine trees, causing them to sway and creak under the weight of the snow covering their branches.

Behind the snow-blocked entrance, down the dark and winding tunnel lay a chamber the Silverfrost family called their home. It was filled with sulfuric air from the hot spring bubbling nearby, the only thing keeping the cave from freezing entirely during the harsh winter months.

Nivalis and Silvia were huddled under their blankets, sharing body heat to keep warm as they slept. Their chests rose and fell slowly with each shallow breath, their bodies nearly motionless. Their long, silver locks intervened, sprawling across the bed. Aster was sitting nearby, desperately trying to feed his mother with what little food they had left.

The fire nearby burned low, casting long shadows around the room that danced on the rocky walls. Aster's golden-bleak eyes reflected the flickering flames, his soft features barely illuminated by the light.

The boy had dark circles under his eyes, and his once plump cheeks now looked hollow, making him resemble a walking skeleton more than anything else. His skin had taken on an unhealthy gray hue, and he wore a loose-fitting tunic knitted by Nivalis and a scarf given to him by Silvia for his birthday. His tiny round butt peeked from under the tunic, chilled by the cold air in the cave.

But in comparison to his mother and sister, Aster was doing fine. Nivalis, like any loving mother, had made sure that her children ate first before herself. As a result, she was in the worst shape of all three. Her skinny body was now nothing but bones and protruding ribs, her hips sticking out of her pelvis. Her skin, of the same sickly-looking shade as his, moved over her bones as she breathed. She looked incredibly frail; even the slightest gust of wind could blow her away if one suddenly appeared.

Silvia was not much better off. She, too, had a gaunt, skeletal appearance, though slightly better than her mother's. The girl spent most of her time sleeping, feeling too weak and exhausted to do anything else.

— "Please, Mom, eat," Aster said, his voice hoarse, barely above a whisper, holding a spoonful of honey in his thin, trembling hands.

"I-it's fi-ine, swe-eetie. You're hungry. Ea-at i-it," Nivalis replied weakly, her half-lidded blue eyes looking at him.

Aster shook his head, tears welling up in his golden eyes. "You and Silvia need it more than I do."

Nivalis forced a smile, her lips dry and cracked. "I-I'm not... hu-ungry, my love. Eat," she repeated, her hand weakly moving the spoon away he held out to her. The way she looked at him broke his heart. "G-give it to... S-silvia."

— "I will eat it with Silvia after you have it," Aster insisted, trying hard to hold back his tears and decided to munch the food for her. In one motion, the boy lifted the spoon, took the crystalized honey into his mouth, and began chewing it thoughtfully, his small jaw struggling with the tough piece.

Nivalis sighed weakly, her eyes fluttering shut, too exhausted to argue with him.

Tucking a strand of silver hair behind his ear, Aster leaned closer to his mother, gently pressing his lips against her cracked ones. His tiny, slippery tongue slid past her lips, forcing them open and pushing the mix of his saliva and chewed-up honey inside. The taste of her son's mouth was just as sweet as the honey he tried to feed her, making Nivalis hum softly.

Her tongue moved slowly and weakly, swirling around his tiny one, feeling the soft flesh of her son shyly glide over hers, their saliva mixing. After a few seconds, she finally swallowed all the chewed-up honey his little mouth had, feeling it slide down her throat and enter her belly.

Aster broke the kiss, looking into her blue as the summer sky eyes, his golden ones reflecting the dancing flames of the fireplace, darted between hers. He gently wiped the corners of her mouth with his fingers, a soft blush on his cheeks and a warm smile gracing his face.

"Happy now?" Nivalis whispered, her pale lips curling up slightly into a weak smile, her voice barely above a whisper.

The boy nodded enthusiastically, scooping another spoonful of honey, putting it in his mouth, and chewing it thoroughly, leaving no crumb behind. His golden eyes remained fixed on hers until he leaned over again to feed her the delicious treat. Their soft lips met in a gentle, innocent kiss, the one only a mother and son could share.

Her thin arms rose and wrapped around his skinny torso, pulling the boy closer. The hem of his tunic rode up, exposing his tiny, pale asscheeks, trembling from the cold. Nivalis parted her lips, allowing his tongue to invade her mouth once again. The hunger she had been trying so hard to hide from her children finally surfaced, making her lips begin to suck on his tiny, slippery tongue, eager to take every drop of sweetness it was coated in.

Aster's little hands gently caressed her cheekbones, holding her face still. Even if Nivalis wanted to pull away, he wouldn't let her. When it was time for the third spoon, Nivalis suddenly whispered the moment he started scooping the honey, "Darling... please don't. You saw how little we have left. I'll be okay."

The boy ignored her, shoved the spoon into his mouth, and diligently chewed the honey. His golden eyes glared at her stubbornly.

Nivalis sighed, looking at the boy above her. "The winter isn't over, my love," she whispered, taking a deep breath. "I know I'm not looking good, and it's hard for you to see me like this, but... if you keep this up, none of us will survive it," she explained, her blue eyes filled with tears threatening to spill down her sunken cheeks. "Please save the food for yourself and your sister..."

Aster's eyes darted between hers, frowning at her for saying something like that. Then, without a word, he leaned down and pressed his soft, small lips against hers once again, pushing his tiny tongue inside her mouth for her to suck on. Her eyelids fluttered shut as she let out a quiet moan, her arms tightening around him. Her lips began to move up and down his slippery flesh, licking every tiny droplet of sticky liquid off it.

"I won't let you starve," Aster murmured against her lips, his little hands caressing her neck, feeling how she swallowed the honey he fed her. "Trust me, Mom. I have a plan, a super smart one. Just eat as much as you can, and don't worry about the rest," he added, licking the corners of her mouth clean.

Her blue eyes stared at him with both love and worry. She knew that expression on his face; it was always there whenever he did or was about to do something she didn't like. Nivalis patiently waited for him to reveal his idea, but the boy remained silent after each new kiss full of food he gave her.

After the seventh spoonful of honey, Nivalis' stomach couldn't fit anymore, getting bloated and painful from all the sudden food intake. Aster made her a cup of tea to help calm her stomach down, and after she finished it, she whispered a simple, "Tell me."

Aster's little hands gently massaged her belly, his thin fingers tracing circles around her tummy, hoping to ease some of her discomfort. "You won't like it," he whispered, a weak smile playing on his pale lips.

"Tell me," Nivalis repeated, her blue eyes fixed on him, showing no emotion.

Aster sighed, closed his eyes briefly, and nodded. "I'll go outside and get food," he breathed, his hands caressing her hip bones.

Nivalis didn't reply immediately; she stared at him blankly for a moment, expecting him to tell her it was a joke. When he didn't, she shook her head. "Absolutely not. You'll freeze to death out there. And what will you find there? More snow?" she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

— "I'll go to the river-" Aster tried to protest, but his mother wouldn't have it.

"If you're lucky not to get lost, it will take you half a day to get there," Nivalis interrupted him. "Have you seen the amount of snow out there? You're not going anywhere, my sweet. It's suicide. Not to mention you have no idea how to catch fish-" Her words were cut off by Aster's lips suddenly pressing against hers.

He kissed her softly, shutting her up with a soft peck before pulling away. Nivalis looked at him, about to say something else, when he did it again, interrupting her in the most gentle way possible.

— "Mom, trust me, please," the boy whispered, his tiny hands cupping her cheeks, trying to press them together. "Remember that dangerously stupid thing I did with my mana? The one that turned my skin all red and made me faint just outside the entrance?" he asked, squinting one eye at her, already imagining her reaction.

"Oh gods... No," Nivalis mumbled, covering her eyes with her trembling hand. "Don't tell me you want to do that again," she breathed, unable to hide the worry in her voice.

Aster gave her a shy, apologetic smile. "I mean, yeah. But not exactly the same. It doesn't have to be as extreme," he explained, his thumb gently brushing over her cracked lower lip, making her look at him.

After one silent moment, he continued, "I just need to figure out how to make my body as warm as possible with my magic. Then, I can easily walk through the snow, no matter how thick and no matter for how long. I will be able to get us as much food as we need," he added, his childish voice filled with determination.

Nivalis remained silent, her blue eyes filled with concern, darting between his. After a moment, she sighed and mumbled, "This is dangerous. And stupid. What if you-"

— "Mhm. It is," Aster cut her off, nodding, smiling weakly. "But I've promised my Mom to always protect and care for her, and I'll keep my word. I won't let you starve yourself, like it or not. I'll get you so much food you won't know what to do with it, and it's a promise," he said, leaning down and kissing her cheek softly. "So instead of worrying, trust me and my fire magic and try to take another spoon," he whispered, grabbing the worn spoon again and scraping off some more honey from the wooden bowl.

Nivalis chuckled weakly, rolling her blue eyes at him. "I don't think I can, sweetie," she breathed, shaking her head slightly. "My stomach is so full, I might puke."

— "Half a spoon, then. And I'll massage your tummy more," Aster grinned at her, bringing the spoon to his lips, not letting her argue. Nivalis sighed, watching her son chew the honey, waiting for his sweet kiss.



Aster sat beside Nivalis for over an hour, gently rubbing her sunken stomach with his tiny hands. He helped soothe the discomfort of the seven-and-a-half spoonfuls of honey she managed to eat and help her fall asleep. Her belly gurgled, growled, and made all kinds of strange noises as the honey slowly moved through her digestive system; his tiny fingers felt every little movement of her insides.

As her eyelids slowly fluttered shut and her breathing turned steady, the boy stopped massaging her and gently pulled the blanket up to her neck. Aster kissed her forehead softly, tucked a strand of silver hair behind her ear, and quietly got up, stretching his bony arms above his head.

All the muscles he tried to work on, however small they might have been before, disappeared entirely, leaving his limbs looking like sticks with some skin on them.

With the wooden bowl containing the rest of the honey in hand, Aster approached his sleeping sister. Silvia lay on her side, the blankets slipped off her shoulders, revealing her knees pressed tightly against her bare chest. Her silver hair sprawled across her face, hiding most of her features; only her chin was visible, a trickle of drool staining her mother's arm below.

Aster sighed and gently wiped his sister's lips with his sleeve before tucking her hair behind her pointed ears. "Wake up, sleepyhead," he whispered, placing his palm on her shoulder and giving her a gentle shake. The girl stirred slightly but didn't wake up immediately. Aster waved the wooden bowl before her face, trying to tempt her awake with the sweet scent of honey.

Silvia licked her lips, swallowing reflexively, and repeated, "Honey?". Her nose twitched as the sweet smell hit her, causing her long eyelashes to flutter open. Her tired, golden eyes widened, focusing on the bowl her brother held, then looked up at him.

— "Here, eat it," Aster said, smiling, offering her the spoon.

"We can't, Asty... We can't," Silvia replied, pulling the blanket up to hide her face from the sweet smell, trying to resist the temptation. "Please take it away. I already ate it... two days ago. I'm not hungry," her voice muffled by the blanket.

Aster fell silent momentarily, staring at the glistening honey in the bowl. He so desperately wanted to eat it himself. The smell of it alone made his head dizzy. Every single minute of him holding it, not eating it, was torture. But he knew his mother and sister needed it more than he did. "Come on, sis, eat," the boy breathed, scooping a spoonful and gently tugging the blanket down. "Mom has already eaten. You should, too."

The girl's cute nose appeared first, sniffing the air. "Really?" she asked, her eyes peeking from underneath the covers, then her mouth, whispering a surprised, "She has? Why? It's not time for our next meal."

— "I made her eat it," Aster nodded. "Now, open up. It's not going to eat itself."

"I don't wa-A!" Silvia's voice turned into a surprised squeal. Her lips closed around the spoon as her brother shoved it into her mouth, causing her almost to choke. Her golden eyes glared at him angrily, but she obediently chewed and swallowed the honey, licking the wooden spoon clean.

Aster watched her lick her pink, puffy lips, enjoying the last traces of sweetness. "Now eat the rest. I have to do something, and I need you to watch over me, just in case," he whispered, handing her the bowl.

"Watch over you?" Silvia asked, confused, taking the offered bowl and immediately began scooping up the honey.

— "Mhm," Aster hummed, taking off his tunic and scarf and getting comfortable beside her, only the orange glow of the fireplace covering his naked, sickly-looking body. "That thing I did that made my skin red, remember? I want to experiment with it to see if it can help me be outside without freezing my butt off."

"But... but it's dangerous," Silvia frowned, the spoon hovering above the bowl, her golden eyes looking at him worriedly. "And painful..."

— "A bit, yeah," Aster shrugged, smiling at her. "But if I make it work, I'll be able to bring food for Mom to get better. And maybe it could even get us through the rest of the winter," he explained, lying on his back, his palms resting on his chest. "You just stay here and enjoy your honey. If I faint or do something unusual, use that mana thingy you did last time, okay?"

"O-okay... Be careful, please," the girl whispered, her golden eyes filled with worry, wandering over his naked body. She crawled closer to him, still clutching the bowl of honey like it was the greatest treasure, getting her head on his bare thighs, her hair sprawling across his skin. "Is this fine?" she mumbled, taking a spoonful of honey and bringing it to her mouth.

— "Yeah," Aster nodded, touching her silver head and ruffling her silky hair. His soft, little member was almost directly in front of her face, but she didn't seem to pay much attention to it. She was just happy to have her belly filled once again, making her smack her lips and hum from the sweetness.

Aster took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and began focusing on his heartbeat, relaxing his mind and body. 'Alright, I just need to ignite my mana and hold it without casting any spells,' he thought, biting his lower lip, his hands on his chest moving intact with his ribs. 'Ugh... It's going to hurt.'

'It's okay, you can do it,' the boy thought, feeling the warmth spread through his chest, his heart beating faster. His palms began to sweat, and his breath quickened. One minute turned into five, and the dull pain inside his chest slowly increased, spreading.

"Are you okay?" Silvia asked, gently tapping his thigh with her fingers.

— "Mmm... Yeah. I... ignited one-third of... what I did back then," Aster replied, gritting his teeth and swallowing. Sweat covered his forehead, his silver hair clinging to his skin. "I want to get used to it... T-then try to walk with it a b-bit."

"I'm here if you need anything," Silvia whispered, her voice sounding distant in his ears.

— "I-I kno-ow... Thanks," Aster groaned, his back arching slightly, his legs tensing, toes curling. "I forgot how bad it hurt," he whispered, his palms sliding along his ribs, the sweat causing them to glide smoothly.

"Just be careful... Don't push yourself," Silvia replied, starting to massage his thigh with her free hand, her little fingers tracing circles on his glistening skin, up to his hips, and then back down. Her voice was nothing but a gentle whisper; her warm, humid breaths brushed against his little shaft and tiny, hairless balls, causing them to twitch faintly.

The boy clenched his jaw and nodded, his chest heaving up and down as he struggled to hold the mana inside. Every breath hurt. Each heartbeat sent a wave of pain through his body. But with each passing minute, it was getting easier, if only a bit.

— "H-how's the honey?" he managed to ask, trying to take his mind off the pain. A small smile appeared on his pale, sweaty face, eyes still closed.

Silvia looked up at him, her lips smacking around the wooden spoon. A tiny drop of honey fell from her lips, landing on his thigh, right beside his soft, pink little member. "Good... oh, one moment," the girl mumbled, noticing the sticky drop. Without thinking and with the belief that no food should go to waste, she bent her head, her hot, wet tongue slid out of her mouth, and lapped the sweet liquid from his skin, just next to his tiny, flaccid penis.

One little movement to the side, and she would have tasted her little brother in a way no sister should. The smell of his sweaty balls filled her nostrils, making her pull away, her nose wrinkling cutely.

Meanwhile, Aster remained silent, the pain in his chest so great that he didn't even notice the faint movement of her tongue. "Everything alright?" he asked.

Lying her head back down and licking the honey off her lips, the girl continued, "Mhm. I haven't eaten this much in a while," she whispered with a satisfied smile.

— "I'm glad. Try to finish the bowl," Aster whispered with a slight tremble in his voice, his stomach making a quiet growl. Hearing it, Silvia got on all fours and crawled closer to his face without saying a single word. Curious about what she was up to, the boy slightly opened his golden eyes only to see her bulging cheeks stained with honey coming closer.

Silvia leaned down, waiting for her little brother to part his lips. When he did, she let the thick, thoughtfully chewed honey drip into his open mouth. A long, golden string, a mix of her saliva and honey, stretched from her lips to his, glistening in the fire's light. Aster closed his eyes, swallowing the sweet treat, feeling the thick liquid move down his throat, entering his empty stomach.

"Want more?" Silvia whispered, licking her lips and wiping the corners of her mouth with her palm.

— "Nah," Aster replied, smacking his lips together. "I'm good. I've already eaten when I fed Mom," he lied, not wanting to take more food from her.

Silvia hummed in response and lowered herself to his chest. Her ear was right above his heart, listening to the steady, strong beat. His bony chest radiated incredible heat, making her feel warm and cozy as she pressed her cheek against it. Her head moved up and down with each breath he took, a worried golden gaze fixed on his sweaty face.

Her legs curled against her chest when Aster's fingers found their way into her silver hair, gently caressing and scratching her scalp.



From one wall to the other, Aster slowly walked around their cavern. His heavy breathing filled the otherwise silent room. His bare feet shuffled against the stone floor, his legs trembling, struggling to keep him upright. With every breath, a sharp, piercing pain spread through his entire body, making him wince and whimper quietly. Yet, he continued for his mother and sister; he knew he had to do it, no matter what. He already promised to.

Silvia initially walked beside him, making sure he wouldn't fall. But as he got used to the pain, Aster made her return to bed and finish the bowl of honey. She sat near their sleeping mother, hugging her knees, with her golden eyes closely watching his every step. "It doesn't look good," the girl whispered, her voice barely audible.

Aster nodded. "Not even a little," he admitted, turning and walking to the other side of the room, repeating his slow walk back and forth. His body swayed from side to side as he walked, each step taking more effort than usual. After over three hours of holding his mana inside his chest, his skin began to take on a faint shade of red.

"But I'm getting better, slowly, but I do," the boy breathed, wincing from the pain. Sweat dripped from his chin and onto the ground. "Let's go to the entrance. I want to check if I can get cold," he whispered, turning towards her.

Silvia sighed, got up, and stretched her arms, her bones popping and cracking. She walked over to him without putting on any clothes, taking his sweaty, trembling hand in hers. The natural coldness in her limb felt heavenly against his burning, feverish skin. "Alright," she whispered, interlacing their tiny fingers together as they headed towards the cave entrance.

Aster and Silvia slowly walked through the dark, winding tunnel, their bare feet echoing against the rocky walls. Without any light to guide them, the kids knew every step they had to take.

"I haven't been outside since forever," Silvia whispered as her shoulder gently bumped into her brother's. "Uggh... It's so cold here. I should have put on some clothes," she breathed, goosebumps forming on her petite body.

— "Is it?" Aster replied softly, barely feeling any cold himself. It was a good sign.

"Mhm," Silvia hummed, a shiver running through her body. "Let's hurry," she said, quickening her pace.

When they finally reached the entrance, it didn't get any brighter; not a single ray of light came through the snow that blocked it. Only the muffled sound of the howling wind reached them from outside. Aster felt his sister trembling heavily against him, her fingers shaking in his hand. He released her hand and stepped closer to the pile of snow, scooping up a handful.

— "I barely feel it," the boy said happily, his fingers closing around the snow, then tossing it away.

"N-not f-fair," Silvia mumbled, her teeth chattering loudly.

— "This is incredible," Aster whispered, stepping onto the snow barefoot. It was cold but not as terrible as it should be. He began climbing the pile, getting his feet to sink deeper into the snow with each new step, only to dig a narrow hole to peek outside. As soon as his eyes met the bright, blinding light of the outside world, he had to immediately turn his head, his hand shooting up to cover his face.

The fresh air coming through the small hole felt incredible on his hot skin, like a gentle breeze on a summer evening. However, Silvia seemed to disagree, hissing away her entire vocabulary of swear words behind him. A chuckle escaped his lips as he watched her pale, clenched buttcheeks rushing away from the entrance, disappearing back into the darkness of the tunnel.

With the brightest of smiles, Aster turned his gaze toward the light again, squinting as he glanced through the narrow hole in the snow. He had seen the surroundings countless times, but they were now almost unrecognizable; white covered the forest, and no green spot was in sight. He took a few more deep breaths, feeling the snowflakes whirl inside and touch his hot skin, only to melt away instantly.

"Hurry up, you doofus!" Silvia's soft voice chirped from the tunnel. "I can't feel my fingers anymore!"

— "Alright, alright. Let's get you warmed up," Aster chuckled, his naked body sliding down the pile of snow. The miserably looking Silvia reached for him the moment he was within her reach, and they both hurried down the tunnel.

"You better save that mana for me, mister," Silvia whispered, leading her slightly red brother towards the bed.

— "Yes, ma'am," Aster replied, giving her a weak, tired smile.

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