Evil Abyss Mage

Chapter 3: The Transmigrator

His name is, was, Cha Bae. A year ago, he was just a normal high-school student that lived a peaceful and boring life in Seoul. He didn't have any high aspirations for life and his parents didn't expect much from him, so it was smooth sailing. He had friends, a crush, porn collection, the whole nine yards.

But it all felt so bland, like he was destined for something more. For some grand quest. However, his thoughts weren't special. Everyone wanted to do something with their life. For their existence to have purpose.

Then one day, he saw a little girl walking into a busy street to chase after a ball. Her mother didn't notice and was too preoccupied with texting on her phone. As he was the closest, he rushed in without thinking, pushing her out of the way. The last thing he saw, was the empty seat in the truck and the headlights. His last thought-

'There's no one driving?'

It all went blank. No pain, no Heaven, no Hell. Just, blank. It might have been thousands of years sitting in that state, or perhaps it was only a single second. It was impossible to tell the flow of time in that strange place. Suddenly, his eyes opened once again and he found himself lying in a grassy field. Like everything had been a dream and he simply woke up. His body had no pain and worked perfectly, but how was he alive?

That question didn't matter to him. He was alive and kicking, ready to do better this life. However, he ran into a problem. This wasn't the luxurious modern world he was accustomed to, but a backwater medieval civilization instead. Still, all problems could be solved as soon as he got his cheat.

But, his cheat never came. Even after an hour of waiting there anxiously, nothing happened other than some wind ruffling his hair. Just as he was walking along the village dirt road with a downcast head and depression looming on the horizon, his ears picked up something from two teenagers.

"Did you hear? Hugo got an M-Tech Phone for his birthday." His friend shook his head, envy on his face.

"Tsk, 'course he did. Big bully is the Village Chief's son. Gets whatever he wants."

That conversation grabbed his attention. After conversing with those boys who soon thought he was retarded, he learned this world was far better than he originally believed.

Magic, dragons, Adventurers and Mercenaries, giant Empires and Kingdoms with hundreds of millions of subjects, Knights that can crush a mountain with a fist and Mages which could blot out the Sun. And based on their description, this world seemed much larger than the Earth he left behind.

Then there was the advanced technology. Phones, blimps, magical guns, computers, and above all, showers! Glorious showers! Cha Bae even learned that the very next day was going to be a special event when a Mage from the nearby city would arrive to test the children's aptitude. Thanks to the memories he received, he happily ran back home, hopeful that he could become a powerful mage and wander the world, living a life full of adventures! 

But life always seeks to disappoint at one's greatest moment. Yes, he had the potential to be a Knight, which his family celebrated and cried over. However, that was all. A normal and common Knight that were a dime a dozen. His dreams were crushed, but there was still a faint glimmer of hope.

His parents had told him they were going to pour all their hard earned life savings into sending him to the prestigious Grand Varix Academy, one of the greatest in the world. As he was 15 at the time, there was still a year left to make as much as possible for him. He even overheard them one night saying they were going to sell an amulet. One which had been in their family for six generations, originally given to them because an ancestor saved a wounded Mage.

The newly named Dyson was touched, feeling warmth spread inside his body. He vowed to work hard and repay this debt a hundred times over. But during those silent nights, he couldn't help but look up at the dark sky and wonder about his previous family. Did they mourn his death? Were they alright? It was true he missed them, that much he was sure of. However, he did not want to go back home. Why would he willingly return to being an average boring person when he could shoot fireballs out of his fingertips?

Eventually, a year had passed by calmly. Cha Bae had slipped into his role as Dyson nicely, almost forgetting his previous name at times. He had gotten much closer with his father, mother, and little sister, seeing them as his real family. As for the cheat? It hurt at first, but he soon forgot about it.

If there was one thing he couldn't accept though, it was the fact that slavery was so accepted in The Great Empire. He learned they are the human superiority types, ones that think anything that's not human is beneath them and should be enslaved. However, there was no use in thinking about it. He couldn't change a thing despite his hatred.

Soon enough, he was on his way along with his family to the Academy. At first, there was no way such a poor family like his own could actually afford the tuition. However, the amulet was apparently extremely valuable and basically made them incredibly rich in a single go. Dyson thanked his main character luck for this.

It would take two months by carriage to arrive there in time. Sleeping on the hard and dirty ground wasn't something he was accustomed too. Neither were the random monster or bandit attacks that scared him shitless. Thankfully, his mother had enough foresight to hire a few Mercenaries for protection against his father's wishes. According to him, a man should be able to protect himself. Yet, he was always the first to stand behind the Mercenaries.

In the end, all the hardship was all worth it when he gazed upon those gorgeous and towering white gates. The walls were massive and ancient, filled with all sorts of complex and beautiful designs. Occasionally, he would even see Runes flicker in the air before disappearing. It all filled him with a sense of wonder.

The courtyard, or square, was beyond ginormous and able to house thousands of people easily. Up ahead, he could see the massive Academy. He had never seen a school or even a building so large before, even in his last life besides skyscrapers. However, he wasn't able to enter just yet, having to wait with the others for every student to arrive.

That's when it all happened. The big blimp landing next to the few other ones. His 'Lordship' arriving with his stupid and annoying handsome features. Then the most important thing. The System.

As soon as he pressed 'Yes', a new screen appeared.

[ Welcome to the Tutorial! This guide shall explain the features of this System and how to operate them. Please wait until the end to ask any questions!

The System's main directive is to provide Quests for the Host to complete. Upon finishing, the Host can receive certain rewards, whose quality shall depend on the difficulty.

There are two types, Main and Side. Main Quests will usually take a long amount of time to complete and can branch off into even more Quests. Do note that before accepting, Main Quests are of the harder variety and not always as they seem.

Side Quests on the other hand are usually easier and take less time. Rarely do they chain into more Quests and their rewards are less in quality.

The System can also reward points to the Host, who can use them in the Shop. These points, called System Points, are a form of currency that can be obtained through various means. The easiest is to simply complete Quests as they may occasionally reward points.

Other ways include finding secret places, killing important characters, advancing in an Element, and more!

Do you have any questions? ]

Dyson had many things on his mind to ask , but chose one that was bugging him the most after a few minutes.

"Why did it take you so long to appear? And what's with the Protagonist and Ultimate Antagonist thing?" He tried his hardest to whisper, but his father still heard it.

"Huh? What'd you say boy?" Dyson waved his hands.

"Nothing dad." His father hummed and went back to talking to his wife.

[ Hint: The Host may communicate with the System via telepathy.

To answer your question, the System was in a dormant state until you came into contact with an important character to the World. Unfortunately, the Host did not meet any for a year.

The Protagonist is someone chosen by the World's Will to guide an Era. They will change the Continent or even the planet on a global scale, usually bringing prosperity and peace after a time of strife. However, times are dire and the World has chosen multiple beings as Protagonists to protect itself from the coming Calamity.

An Antagonist is the villain, the one who goes against the Protagonist and their allies. Their goals and ambitions can change from being to being, but generally they cause chaos and death regardless of their intentions.

Their very existence causes the World pain and are almost like tumors that need to be cut out or redeemed by the Protagonist. Said Calamity has increased their numbers lately, far above normal times.

However, the Ultimate Antagonist is the worst of the worst. This evil villain will one day ruin the World and beyond if they are not stopped. They are the Final Boss, the one who shall bring about The End Times and cause the destruction of everything. These beings are not meant to exist, seen as an affront to the balance of the universe itself. ]

The influx of information stunned Dyson for a long time. He wanted to curse his bad luck in apparently meeting the big bad boss so early on, but it had allowed him to awaken his System and step away from being average.

Suddenly, he remembered something that every main character got.

'Is there a newbie gift?'

[ Yes! Would you like to open ☆ Novice Gift Box ☆? ]

He excitedly pressed the 'Yes' button with his mind to not make a fool of himself and waited eagerly. On the screen, a small white box with a bow on top appeared out of thin air, shaking like something was inside.

'That's… not as impressive as I thought. Well, it is novice after all.' It looked very unassuming, like something one might find in a rundown shop.

After a few shakes, the box opened and confetti exploded out in a dramatic manner. A golden and shining light was soon revealed, full of splendor and glory.

[ Observation: A powerful divination type skill that can allow one to spy on the target's information. Can also be used on self. ]

At first he was shocked, but then became full of joy. He never imagined he would get something so good out of a poorly designed box. Quickly looking through the shop, he found the skill after a few minutes of searching. Turns out there were hundreds of Observation skills, each one different and having their own unique properties. But then his eyes bulged out of their sockets seeing the long line of zeros of his skill.

'My luck is finally turning around for the better!'

However, he soon calmed down and asked a question.

'Can people sense me using this skill on them?'

[ It depends. If someone is very proficient in the Soul Element, they will sense your probing. And if the difference in strength is too large, they too might sense a feeling someone is watching them.

However, the System will help protect the Host, making it so they will not find the origin of the skill. ]

He breathed a sigh of relief and tried it out on his parents first.

[ Name: Mary Hogri

 Age: 31 Years Old

 Race: Human

 Class: None

 Rank: None

 Job: None

 Elements: None

 Thoughts about you: Loves you as much as a mother can. She is worried about your safety amongst the nobles as commoners are looked down upon by them.

 Combat Rating: She has slightly above average strength for a woman. However, her lack of experience in fighting drops her combat prowess massively. You will most likely win in a fight, but she still has a chance of victory if a weapon is in reach.

 System Review: A normal peasant mother who has no unique qualities or abilities. However, her mentality of giving her children a better life than what she led is admirable. ]

Dyson felt warmth in his heart that his mother felt that way about him. But the review left a sour taste in his mouth despite it's accuracy. Though, there was one thing that caught his eye.

'Wait, she had me when she was fifteen? Uh...' Unsure how to feel about this new teenage pregnancy information, he moved on to his father.

[ Name: Cal Hogri

 Age: 39 Years Old

 Race: Human

 Class: None

 Rank: None

 Job: None

 Elements: None

 Thoughts about you: He loves you more than his daughter, which is a source of guilt for him. If needed, he would sacrifice his life and soul within a second for your sake.

 Combat Rating: His physical strength is leagues beyond yours because of his job and he has been in a few fights. You will be unlikely to win.

 System Review: A normal peasant father who has no unique qualities or abilities. His sacrificing nature for his children is admirable. ]

'Twenty three and fifteen? Ah, so this is the medieval experience in full effect. Well, they seem happy enough so maybe it's none of my business.'

Ignoring their age gap, he was a little surprised that his father actually cared more for him than his little sister. As Dyson looked at Cal, the man himself caught him staring.

"What boy? Got somethin to say?" His tone was rough and he came off as hard. But Dyson smiled.

"Nothing, just wanted to say I love you dad." Cal widened his eyes slightly, using a finger to scratch his nose.

"I… ahem! What's with this awful weather?!" The lack of any clouds in the sky begged to differ as Mary giggled at her husband's shyness.

Dyson shook his head, a gentle smile on his face as he checked out his own information.

[ Name: Dyson / Cha Bae

 Age: 16 Years Old ( Soul: 18 Years Old and 16 Years Old )

 Race: Human 

 Class: Knight

 Rank: None

 Job: None

 Elements: None

 Thoughts about you: Has great hopes for the future and wants to build a harem of demi-humans.

 Combat Rating: A normal teenager in strength and speed. However, your fighting ability is extremely lackluster. You might be able to defeat a chicken.

 System Review: An average human that was gifted a powerful System by an unknown being. Unremarkable compared to others, but has the potential to go far on the cosmic scale with the System's aid.

It is not clear just yet why he was chosen by that unknown being. If he can pass the first trial, perhaps he has what it takes... ]

'You…' He wanted to dispute the review, but instead sighed. The System was correct. He was an unremarkable person. Though, the lack of any Elements and the Knight Class dropped his mood a little at it's simplicity.

But then his back straightened as his eyes became filled with determination. With the System at his disposal, he promised himself to become someone great. A powerful and incredible person worthy of a throne fit for a king!

'However, a harem of demi-humans? I… would never.' His thoughts became dominated of multiple woman with dog, cat, and fox ears, along with their respective tails.

They all surrounded him, barely clothed as they had a pitiful look to their faces. But then he shook his head, getting rid of those sinful desires with a flushed face.

Another thing he found interesting was the name. Perhaps he hadn't bonded with the body as smoothly as the thought. There was also the lingering attachment he had for his former life. 

[ Main Quest triggered!

{ Two Souls Become One! }

Unfortunately, your transmigration did not go swimmingly. The remnant soul of Dyson is still within your body. Currently, the mysterious force that made this happen in the first place has forced that soul into a dormant state.

However, this will not be the case for long. Once he awakens, he will seek to take back control of his body and expel you! Stop him before he stops you!

Objective: Consume or remove the remnant soul still within your body before it awakens.

Time Limit: 3 months.

Difficulty: Hard

Hint: Difficulty ranges from easiest to hardest: Easy, Normal, Hard, Insane, Nightmare, and Impossible. Do not fear the last one, you can do it!

Reward: Increase affinity with the Soul Element. Body attributes increase greatly. Star Generation raised by 10.

Failure: True Death By Being Consumed, Expelled From Body ]

His first surprise Quest left Dyson with a myriad of emotions. Suddenly, he was feeling very bad about taking over a young boy's body and stealing his life. He mingled with his family as if they were his own. It left him nauseous, especially at the fact he had to consume his soul or expel it.

But what was he to do? Stand around and await death once more? Then there was the reward. Dyson would be lying if he said he wasn't tempted. The way to step off the path of mediocrity was right in front of him, seducing his mind.

'I'm sorry, truly. But I refuse to die again!' His mindset became as firm as a rock. It was an awful situation, however it was a dog eat dog world, not one of fairy tales where everyone could get along.

Dyson couldn't do anything about the Quest at the moment. Instead, his vision moved towards the man of the hour. Currently, Kaido was being surrounded by nobles of different nations trying to make connections. It was a rare chance for them to meet someone from such a powerful family. On his face was a calm and inviting smile, drawing them in deeper and deeper into his web. Especially the noble women who couldn't help but be attracted to his invisible and dangerous aura.

'Let's see if he's really all that. Probably nothing special really. A handsome face but talentless! Like a gigolo!' He deluded himself with such thoughts as he used Observation.

[ Name: Kaido Vairathul

 Age: 16 Years Old

 Race: 95% Human / 5% Light Elf ( Very Distant Bloodline )

 Class: Elemental Mage?

 Rank: None

 Job: 6th Rank Novice Tamer, 4th Rank Novice Flesh-Crafter, 4th Rank Novice Alchemist.

 Elements: Fire, Ice, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Life, Time, Space, Soul, Creation, Death, Gravity... ( See More )

 Thoughts about you: Doesn't know you exist. Be grateful for that.

 Combat Rating: Despite his future as a Mage, he has trained in multiple martial arts since a child and mastered many due to his high talent. His strength is much higher than a normal teenager and is even above that of a grown man. You will be beaten to death within 4 seconds.

 System Review: The Ultimate Antagonist of this World and a supremely talented genius. A cruel and sadistic devil that plans to dominate everything in his path. To him, all beings are nothing more than toys for him to play with, then throw away when bored. His evil knows no bounds, as even at a young age he already had such dark thoughts lingering in his heart that would terrify even the bravest of men.

He is a genius seemingly blessed by the universe itself, making him very arrogant and narcissistic. His birth was not suppose to happen, and if left unchecked, he will ruin everything he touches.

It is unknown where his limits lie, or if he has any at all. Taking everything into account, including being a Fateless, it is doubtful he would find many rivals in the vast Multiverse.

Is the Host absolutely sure about going against this Devil wearing human skin? ]

"What the fuck!" Dyson couldn't help but scream out in shock, making nearby people look at him like he was crazy.

But he ignored them and his parents. He was still going through all the Elements under Kaido's belt. There were hundreds of them and they seemed to never end. Then, there was the Review. The System was warning him to not go against him? Was he that bad?

It was also the most in-depth one he had seen. Not even he himself had gotten such praise. However, a chill went down his spine as he looked at Kaido's kind smile as his black eyes gazed at the nobles. He couldn't imagine the horrors within them and what devious plans he had.

'Flesh-Crafter? I have an odd feeling I'm not going to like whatever that means.' 

"-yson?! You okay?!" His mother's concerned voice brought him back to the land of the living.

"I'm okay mom. I uh, thought I saw something. Don't worry, I'm fine." But his parents didn't believe his half assed lie. They kept their eyes on him, full of worry and concern for his mental state.

Dyson ignored them and focused back on Kaido's page. Everything about him was simply better. Was he suppose to go against a monster like this?

'What kind of nonsense… He'd kill me in 4 seconds? Jeez.' However, seeing the Fateless thing made him raise an eyebrow.

'What's a Fateless?' The System took no time at all to respond.

[ Answering the Host's question, Fateless are very self-explanatory. They are unbound by the threads of Fate and thus, it is impossible to see their past, present, or future. Due to this, people usually avoid them and their wrath.

These are creatures who were never meant to exist or be born in the first place. They could be the most talented genius ever, or an average farmer with no defining or unique qualities. But they are all equally dangerous because they can mess with someone else's fate by just interacting with them. This can cause the victim to meet their demise before their Destined Death, which in turn, effects countless others.

On the bright side, they are unable to use the power of Fate. ]

'Oh, as if this bastard wasn't overpowered enough already. This isn't even fair anymore. But this is definitely a Final Boss spreadsheet.'

Suddenly, he remembered something. When the System had first awoken, it had said he encountered the Ultimate Antagonist and a Protagonist. His eyes searched the crowd, using his Observation skill as much as he could.

Unfortunately, that only made him more depressed. There were a few others similar to him, but most of the people here had better classes than himself. People who were true geniuses. Shadow Assassin, Lightning Mage, Fire Archer, Druid, Paladin.

'Oh wow! That girl is gorgeous!' As soon as he laid eyes on the Paladin, he became dazed.

She had bright silver hair up in a ponytail and golden eyes, making her seem very holy. Despite being only 16 years old, her body was incredibly sexy. Her breasts, hips, and ass weren't too large, but would still make a teenage boy go wild.

However, one might be turned off by her attire. Her clothes seemed more fit for a man and her muscles were quite developed, highlighting her rigorous training as a warrior.

Dyson shook his head and moved on. Though, when he saw the Combat Rating that said she could beat his ass, his mood dropped even further into the abyss. Regardless, after a few minutes he finally found someone. 

In the entire crowd, only this handsome man was looking at Kaido with undisguised hatred. It was like they wanted to eat him alive. To peel his skin off and wear it like a pelt. Dyson was shocked and hurriedly activated his skill.

[ Name: Zendrix Rorkhan

 Age: 16 Years Old ( Soul: 1883 Years Old)

 Race: Human 

 Class: Space Swordsman

 Rank: None

 Job: 3rd Rank Expert Alchemist, 2th Rank Master Rune-Crafter, 3rd Rank Master Blacksmith, 2nd Rank Expert Tamer

 Elements: Space

 Thoughts about you: Doesn't know you exist.

 Combat Rating: His long life has made him extremely experienced in the art of battle. You will die to him very quickly, especially in a sword duel.

 System Review: One of the Protagonists of this World and a Regressor who has come back from the future. In his last life, he has many regrets that he now has a chance to correct.

His main goal is to stop Kaido before he destroys the World. Because of his long age and the many loved ones he has lost, his nature has become very cold and rarely does he trust someone. He does all this to protect himself.

For this World, he is decently talented and will go far if he works hard. However, he knows his potential is practically trash in front of Kaido's and will do almost anything to surpass him. Perhaps he will struggle morally when forced to go beyond his bottom lines. Only time will tell.

It is in the Hosts best interest to become friends with him and ride his coattails. ]

'Wow! What a true main character template! I'm nothing but an Extra next to him! He even looks like a typical Regressor. Sword-like eyebrows and black hair that slightly covers his eyes? And what's with that trench coat?'

This time, Dyson was able to restrain himself and not scream out. Although, this resume was very impressive. Even the System had high praise for him.

However, the thing that stuck out the most was his age. He knew from his research that Knights and Mages could live longer than normal people, but there was no real answer that he could find in his little village. Unfortunately, he didn't have access to any greater libraries or computers.

The long life span made his breathing quicken, excited at the thought of living for so long. Although he tried to forget it, the cold embrace of death terrified him down to his very core. Never again did he want that to happen.

Suddenly, a new screen popped up in his vision, startling him.

[ The Host has triggered a special event! Will you watch the vision of the future?

Warning! Doing so will automatically activate a Main Quest! Will you continue? ]

He hesitated for a bit, but eventually accepted. His curiosity was too great. Besides, what's the worse that could happen?

As soon as he pressed 'Yes', the world around him spun and his vision went black.

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