Evil Abyss Mage

Chapter 4: The End Times

Across the ruined landscape, the corpses of Humans, Beastmen, Dragons, Orcs, Dwarves, Elves and all other Races were laid there. Their uncountable number and condition of their bodies were enough to make one's hair stand up in pure fright. They had all come together, put aside their differences to unite against a common enemy.

They too could be seen across the land. Horrid monsters brought out from the deepest part of a nightmare. Each one was different and came in all shapes and sizes. Some had sharp claws capable of tearing through any armor, while others had tentacles which would regrow no matter how much one cut them.

Bloody rain fell from the dark clouds in the Eternal Night sky. Sharp and powerful winds crackled in the air like a whip. Occasionally, pitch black lightning would come down from the Heaven's and strike the ground with enough force to level a village to nothing. A thick, black haze covered not only the battlefield, but the entire world itself. The energy of Death, accumulated through the countless lives loss.

Atop a hill on that same landscape, forty three survivors were currently resting, slumped against each other. They were the strongest of their time, known to the populace as Demi-Gods. But their forms and auras were weak. Both physically and mentally, they were exhausted.

Suddenly, one of them noticed those nightmarish fiends gathering on the horizon once more. Their numbers were overwhelming and seemingly infinite, threatening to swallow the entire world.

"Gods! Does it never end?!" A one-armed Dwarf shouted out. His other arm was missing and the wound had yet to heal, a strange black ooze preventing it from healing.

"Old man. Are you ready yet?" A frosty woman said coldly, her hair and eyes icy blue.

The person she was speaking to was an old man with a long white beard and similar hair. He was standing still with his eyes closed, as if he were a statue.

His silver eyes opened, within them a gaze that had seen the rise of fall of countless Empires. He spread his hands wide open, a green and complex magic circle appearing out of thin air in front of him the size of an entire city. Inside the circle, an hourglass was beginning to form.

"I need a few moments to cast my spell. Hold them off for at least ten minutes would you?" His voice was calm and void of emotion. 

At his words, a tall and supremely muscular man stood up with a grunt. He grit his teeth in pain, countless wounds visible on his entire shirtless body with black ooze preventing them from closing. He grabbed his cracked but fiery greatsword and slung it across his back.

"Then let's give these bastards a run for their money! I will die here, I know that much. But! I will take my fair share with me to the beyond!" His speech roused the others, boosting their moral and making their fears vanish. Suddenly, a Silver Aura appeared around his body as he shouted loudly. 

"Forward!" He pointed his greatsword at the enemy and was the first to lead the charge, taking to the sky like a rocket. The others followed behind him, rushing towards certain doom.

While they went to battle, a handsome but bloodied middle-aged man was just about to join them when a voice stopped him.

"Not you." Zendrix looked at the old man bewildered.

"What do you mean by this, Master Jaizir?" Jaizir looked at him as his hands kept moving.

"I need you for this to work. You are the one this spell is meant for. Besides, your strength is too weak to affect the battle." His words were harsh, but correct. Even the weakest Nightmare was as strong as him. If he joined, he probably wouldn't even last for ten seconds, let alone ten minutes.

"But, what spell are you referring to?" The hourglass was halfway built and the fabric of space began to tear slightly around the circle. Something unnatural was taking place, a phenomenon about to bend one of the crucial laws of the universe.

"My greatest achievement I have been working on my entire life, ever since I became a Chronomancer. To reverse time itself and go backwards." The calm words he uttered shocked Zendrix. Something like this had never been heard of besides theories. The closest would be the elusive Time Travelers, but they never did anything like this.

"Why me? Why not you?" Jaizir sighed deeply, his hands never stopping.

"It can be anyone, just not me. Time is a delicate, but infinitely ruthless Mistress. She will not allow one to pervert them like this. Not only myself, but every shred of my existence across all timelines shall be wiped out to fuel the spell. Deleted."

"Why not one of the others? They are much more capable than myself, more talented as well."

Just as he said that, a loud screech resounded through the air. Looking at the origin of the noise, Zendrix saw the same tall and muscular man in the sky, trapped in the clutches of a castle sized monster. His sword was lodged into their chest, the fire extinguished.

"Come on you bastard! Give it your best shot!" There was no fear found within him as he spit at the face of his attacker.

The Nightmare grinned savagely, showing a row of horrible teeth. With a single bite, half of the man's body was torn apart. His organs and guts fell from the sky and littered the already blood soaked ground. Suddenly, a small white light emerged from the man's body and was swallowed by the Nightmare. Zendrix knew what that was. The man's soul.

"Their time is up. Besides, there is one reason. Something they do not have, but you do in abundance. A mysterious force that even I do not fully understand. Luck." Jaizir's words confused him.

"Luck?" The circle began pulsing, sending out mini-shockwaves that warped the surrounding space.

"You, a 10th Star Knight, or Space Swordsman rather, should not be here. Your corpse should be with the others or in the stomach of a Nightmare. Yet here you are, out living even the strongest Demi-Gods." Zendrix was about to say something, but was interrupted by Jaizir, a serious expression to his face.

"There is little time, so listen. When you return, you must gather the greatest geniuses of the Era and form a team to stop the Evil Abyss Mage before his rise. If you can not do that, at least make sure that cursed box never opens!" The hourglass was nearly finished, a few pieces missing.

On the battlefield, the one-armed dwarf used his Greataxe like a man possessed. He slaughtered all the Nightmares in his path, bathing himself in their corrupted blood with a ferocious and savage look. Each strike of his was accompanied by large amounts of Metal, crushing hundreds and thousands at a time with his strength. The very ground beneath his feet trembled at his might, causing earthquakes to appear.

Unfortunately, he was soon devoured by their countless numbers. They tore at his body, ripping him to shreds.

"Damned foul beasts! I am not afraid of Death! Nor the Infinite Void itself! Face the might, of Grindal Iron-Beard!"

He gave a last unyielding war cry and detonated all his stars at once, along with his very soul, wiping him from existence. A white bubble shaped explosion originated from his position, distorting the very air and creating massive tears in space due to it's sheer power. Even the clouds themselves moved, finally showing the once glorious purple moon. However, it was now cracked beyond repair and lost it's stunning glow.

Sound itself seemed to disappear as the white bubble grew more and more, destroying everything in it's wake. The remaining Demi-Gods were shocked and moved back to not get caught in it's power, unable to believe their eyes as millions of Nightmares were swallowed up and sent to the void. Beneath their feet, the very Continent itself cracked and shifted as it was unable to handle it's power. This caused numerous massive earthquakes and other such natural disasters. But, there was no one left to experience them.

Finally, after obliterating over twenty million Nightmares, the white bubble lost strength and disappeared. A crater the size of multiple mountains was the only thing left. It's depth could not be seen, nothing more than a dark hole. An Orc Earth Mage in tattered robes looked on with respect and yelled out.

"I will not let a Dwarven bastard one-up me! Meet your doom horrid creatures!" He tore through their lines as far as he could go before doing the same thing as Grindal, a similar white explosion soon following after.

"Even at this stage, those damned bastards won't stop competing." The frosty woman from before said emotionlessly. She sighed and rushed to join the others in their last battle. But no matter how many they killed, their numbers never decreased.

Suddenly, back on the hilltop, the hourglass was finally completed as a green shockwave shook the world, spreading to all four corners of the barren and lifeless planet. Jaizir, bleeding from his eyes, ears, and nose, sighed deeply in regret.

"The World, in it's infinite wisdom, tried to warn us of the coming darkness. But our arrogance and pride blinded us. Why do you think there were so many geniuses that popped up out of nowhere? It was the World's way to defend itself."

"Yet we did nothing, did we? Ignored it's warning as… nothing more than fantasy. Too preoccupied on silly matters. Look at what happened. The countless lives that suffered at his hands and those of his followers. And what of the Gods? Their cries were heard throughout the world as that Devil slaughtered them, changing day to Eternal Night."

Jaizir shook his head, a slight mocking smile on his bloodied face.

"Heh, the ramblings of a dying old fool. Listen Zendrix-" The stunned Zendrix watched with horror as the Demi-God of Time, Jaizir, started to disintegrate before his very eyes.


"You have the knowledge of the future and can stop this calamity from happening. However, you can not do it alone. Gather allies, find the great secrets and treasures to build your power, and kill that wretched monster in the cradle! But be warned of the Ripple Effect. Change one thing, just one, and the future splits off into a completely new branch, whether for better or worst. You must be careful."

Jaizir's body vanished at a quick pace. Soon, he disappeared entirely, leaving only a few more words and a sigh.

"Do not let our erasure be in vain."

Suddenly, the entire world began shaking violently as a loud humming sound appeared. Zendrix watched with awe as the green magic circle enveloped him in it's light. He could see scenes of the past as the spell chose the correct time period. The Moon Shattering, the day of the Gods demise and the beginning of The Eternal Night, his love's death, his first kiss, and finally, his first day at the Academy.

The spell locked onto that one particular scene, choosing it as the destination. Just as his vision faded and he was whisked away, he looked at the battlefield. None remained, just corpses or deep bottomless holes as an unending swarm of Nightmares rushed for him like wild beasts.

Off on the horizon, he could see something floating in the air. A small devilish box, barely half the size of a human. The lid was wide open, it's contents endlessly spewing out evil and darkness into the world, corrupting it to it's very core.

"I will make things right this time!" With that, Zendrix lost consciousness as the spell forcibly brought him to the past.

Meanwhile, unknown to all, a massive purple and inhuman eye appeared in the sky. It looked in the direction of Zendrix and almost seemed to be following something. However, all the eye did was narrow slightly in amusement as a dark chuckle resounded out.




"And that is why you must be careful fighting Tricksters. Nasty little buggers." Jaizir shook his head with a smile as his students laughed at his story.

Currently, he was inside his own Academy teaching as a professor. The light from the beautiful day shined through the window, landing on him softly and giving him a sagely appearance. He loved being able to guide the future generations of the world.

"Anyway, let's move on to-" Suddenly, a voice interrupted him.

"Grandfather?! Your arm!" He heard his beautiful granddaughter scream out in shock and concern. Looking down, he could see his left arm vanishing at a quick pace.

He was immensely confused, but then a set of memories appeared within his mind. A different him, a ruined world, the Unholy Box and it's creator, an Evil Mage that slaughtered the Gods themselves. A calm and resigned look appeared on his face as he hummed lightly.

"I understand, I would have done the same. Oh! So that's how you finished our spell? Brilliant as usual, other me! But even then, our power is not great enough to do such-" He suddenly paused, an understanding and complicated expression to his face. A sigh came from him as he shook his head.

"Our most treasured item, of course. And-" With a thought, he sent his consciousness into the Spacial Ring on his right hand and looked around.

However, he failed to find the mysterious item which had been with him for over two thousand years. Something which he had never been able to understand despite all his years of research and studying. An object radiating a vast amount of Time.

"-it has been erased as well? Time truly is a cruel one..." He then looked at his granddaughter who hurriedly ran over to him and used vanishing right hand to pat her head, calming her down.

"Listen dear, I want you to go back home and check the drawer in my room. It'll have an hourglass carved into the wood. The letter inside shall explain everything. I thought something like this might happen, so I prepared beforehand." Tears ran down his granddaughter's face as she held onto his disappearing form.

"No no no! Don't go Grandfather!" However, there was nothing she could do to stop it.

With wide eyes, every student watched helplessly as one of the greatest Mages of his time simply, vanished. His last words echoed through the room, making his granddaughter break down and collapse to her knees.

"I love you… always…"




Dyson's eyes opened, complete shock within them as he went over the information he learned. It was… overwhelming.

The sheer strength the Demi-Gods held still frightened him. Each attack of theirs could level mountains without difficulty. Their battles changed the very Continent under their feet, shifting the plates beneath them. Calling them walking nukes would have been an understatement. Especially when considering this world was larger and more durable than Earth.

Then there was Jaizir. What kind of genius does it take to make a spell, from scratch, that allows one to go back in time? He also held a massive amount of respect for the man. He not only sacrificed his life, but his entire existence across every timeline.

"What a badass." Dyson sighed out, making his parents look at him strangely.

"Is our son going crazy?" Cal whispered to his wife.

"Maybe. It could just be the nerves though. You know he gets that from you."

"Huh? Me? You-" They started arguing once more, every word they said falling on Dyson's ear. A vein appeared on the side of his head as he calmed his anger with a breathing technique.

Suddenly, a large screen popped up in his vision out of nowhere, startling him.

[ Main Quest Triggered! Please accept one!


{ Stop the rise of the Evil Abyss Mage! }

At the cost of the Demi-God of Time's erasure and that of a mysterious item from every timeline, a hero has been sent back to before it all began. Join his quest and stop the Evil Abyss Mage before he comes to power. The World's fate, and those of countless beings, hangs in the balance.

Will you allow this cruel devil to escape this World and harm the rest of the Universe? The Multiverse? Put this arrogant bastard in his place!

Objective: Defeat Kaido before he leaves this World and prevent Pandora's Box from opening.

Optional Objective: Prevent Pandora from being created in the first place.

Time Limit: Before the End of The World.

Difficulty: Impossible

Reward: The path beyond 12 Stars without relying on Faith. Star Embracing Physique. A True Godling egg. World Hopping Skill. 2 Low-Tier God Crystals. Griff's Iron Sword. Heart of an Angel. Increase Star Generation by 200. System Upgrade. 

Failure: Death, Enslavement, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?

Hint: The ? are possible endings you might receive upon failure. You might die, or be enslaved. Sometimes, death is a blessing.


{ Come to the Darkside! }

What does the end of the World have to do with you? Why should you go against a ruthless and supremely talented Mage seemingly blessed by the Will of the Universe? However, you must be cautious! Your new boss looks a little… unhinged. He might rip your soul out if you fail him!

Objective: Join Kaido on his path of power and dominance.

Optional Objective: Make sure Pandora's Box opens and ruins the World.

Time Limit: Until Kaido leaves the planet and slaughters the Gods.

Difficulty: Impossible

Reward: The path beyond 12 Stars without relying on Faith. 4 Low-Tier God Crystals. World Seed. 7 Deadly Sin Physique. Heart of a Demon. The egg of an unborn Chaos Monster. Byron's Soul Killing Bow. 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 System Points. Increase Star Generation by 300. System Upgrade. 

Failure: Death, Imprisonment, ?, ?, ?


Warning! Once you pick one you can never go back! Choose wisely! ]

Instantly, Dyson thought about joining Kaido. Not only were the rewards far better, but the Failures didn't seem as bad as the other Quest. He couldn't imagine the things Kaido would do if he caught and imprisoned him.

'Death is a blessing? That doesn't sound good…'

But even if he did join him, it seemed like he would constantly be treading on a thin rope. If he fell, he would be sent straight towards a fiery Hell, pushed by the very person he served.

'That sounds way too stressful. Besides, doesn't the main character always win?' Then, a contemplative look appeared on his face.

'Could I not pick one and not get involved?' Truthfully, he didn't want to be caught up in the mess. All he wanted to do was become strong and have some adventures.

[ To answer the Host's question, your Fate has already been entwined with this World's. Even if you do nothing, you will still be dragged in regardless. ]

Dyson cursed his luck as he chose the first option. No matter what, at the end of the day he was still a good natured person. There was no way he could stand by and let Kaido commit horrible acts. Also, it seemed like a good idea to be on the side of the guy who had knowledge of the future.

[ Main Quest accepted! Good luck Host, you'll need it! ]

"That's… worrying. Though, Pandora's Box? I wonder if it's the same one from my past life?"

Meanwhile, Zendrix calmed himself down and erased his gaze of hatred. Instead, he acted the same as every other kid and looked around with stars in his eyes. He knew how smart Kaido was. There was a high chance he would notice his look and become interested in him.

'I can't catch his attention yet. For now, I should make a list of the things that'll happen in the future. I'll also need allies…' His eyes scanned the crowd like a hawk, trying his best to remember who were the most talented geniuses.

Unfortunately, it had been too long since he had been in the Academy. Not to mention he barely paid attention and usually goofed off with his friends, which was what got him expelled. It was a shame he wasn't a worshipper of J'Tarin, the God of Fate and Knowledge. One of his blessings was a photographic memory, which would have been invaluable right now.

Suddenly, his eyes stopped on a silver haired and golden eyed beauty.

'I know her! The Paladin, nicknamed Maiden of Justice, who frequently sought out Kaido to fight him. Though, I remember there being rumors that they were more like a married couple going through a domestic dispute. However, he did eventually kill her, so that must be false. Regardless, I should approach her later. Her talents are extraordinary.'

"Hah, talents." He chuckled, a self-deprecating look on his face.

His average talent had always been a sore spot for him, his largest insecurity. Even with the best elixirs and treasures he could find like amulets or rings, his Star Generation was nothing more than 55 a day. Sure, to the outside world that made him a great genius.

But 10th Star was his limit, as was many other's. The gap between ranks grew larger and larger, with 12th Star being unattainable by 99.9% of all Mages and Knights. As for himself, he had struggled to break past 9th Star, spending over 200 years on a bottleneck. There was no hope of further progression.

However, he soon shook his head to abandon those ridiculous thoughts. He needed to focus on his objective.

As Zendrix began planning for the future, Kaido was in the middle of a conversation with a noble lady. She wasn't anything special though, he could tell that right off. However, he still needed to play the part of a good little boy. Made it easier to do his evil deeds with such a cover. Besides, gaining an extra connection would never hurt.

Suddenly, a gong resounded out through the air, alerting all the people in the square.

"Ah, seems like we're going to finally enter the Academy. I should get going. Until next time, Lord Kaido." The noble lady bowed slightly. The man himself sighed sadly.

"What a shame. I hope I get to know more about you. Privately." He took the blushing lady's hand and kissed it, leaving his lips linger for a second longer than what should be allowed. His eyes never left hers, a supreme confidence within them that captivated her.

As she left, his eyes went down to her ass, watching her walk away with dark thoughts in his mind. But his demonic fantasies were interrupted by his butler.

"Forgive me Young Master, but we must leave. The Academy will not allow us to follow you inside." Caris apologized as he bowed his head. Kaido had a smile on his face, waving his hand as he walked towards the direction of every other new student.

"Please be safe, Young Master!" Not only Caris, but all of his guards bowed low and yelled out simultaneously.

All the people that came with the teenagers left through the gate which closed behind them on it's own. Runes started appearing out of thin air, pulsing lightly before vanishing. For a brief instance, the spectators outside could see a transparent shield envelope the Academy. But then it disappeared, as if it was never there in the first place.

As for Kaido, he was following behind the other students, an expectant smile on his face.

'Time for the fun to begin.'

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