Evil Break

Chapter 425 - : The Stealing Plan and Interrogation

After the site division meeting, boss Hu rushed back to the new paradise island of the main world temporarily because something happened to Ambrella ’s technology park that made him very angry.

There is a ghost spy who wants to steal the company’s quantum communication technology, security robot technology and defensive circle runes against angels.

Was then caught by Super AI Veronica and ended his theft plan.

Japan’s Fengshen is a glance. This famous local monster in Japan is estimated to have some old antiques. It is not clear what is the comprehensive monitoring of high-tech AI. I think that no one is really no one.

For the situation in which the Japanese demon hunter group was bullied by orthodox paradise, this wind **** full of sense of justice and two-bar spirit decided to make some help for the Japanese demon hunter group, and then he embarked on this deadly return road.

With Veronica’s comprehensive warning, a large group of demons stepped out of the roaring evil flame, without a word, they almost cooked the Fengshen, and then successfully captured it and threw it into the black prison.

Then ran all the way to the Seven Virtue Hotel branch, grabbed the jade algae who lived there, and threw it into the black prison next door.

Yuzao naturally rebelled, but the local monsters are far less powerful than the human demons who control the evil energy, especially when they are singled out by you.

Orthodox Paradise immediately expressed its support. Purifier Rasha was gloating over him. He hated this group of local monsters originally, thinking that they were a group of unstable factors.

This jade algae had been hiding under Hu Feng before, so everyone didn’t give her face to move her, and now she didn’t know how to get the group of demons, just shut them up. It is estimated that the next step is to torture and kill.

The news that Yuzao Qian and Yilianlian were imprisoned spread to the ears of local monsters all over the world, but none of them dared to stab. The new era and new rules are now the world of angelic demons and demon hunters. The local monsters want to live. Be honest and low-key.

Just look at the side of hell. The famous western monster, Medusa, has now turned into a well-behaved bitch, tethered to the throne of the king of hell, Stanley. , For the king of **** to vent his needs, RBQ than RBQ.

And she was not allowed to speak, only allowed to learn dog barking, and licked the floor toe from time to time, the whole person was broken.

New Paradise Island, the underground prison of the company’s main building, the style and superstructure here are completely two extremes.

There is no cell door in each cell, and the prisoners are all bound by the chain of evil energy condensed by the evil energy crystal, and cannot move.

There is no lighting here, the only source of light is the dark green fire light emitted by the evil energy crystal.

Four human demons in black suits are constantly beating with a blink of an eye, and from time to time a cheerful laughter is made.

At this time, another suit demon walked in quickly, interrupting the entertainment of the four compatriots.

“The boss is here, stop!”

The four demons heard the words and immediately controlled the chain of evil energy, re-hanged the half-dead eyes, and then adjusted their messy suits.

No way, the company’s regulations are strict, and the dress code is not up to standard. Hu Minghan’s iron-faced tigress deducts wages.

Hu Feng walked out of the elevator with a group of eyes burning a dark green evil flame, disguised as a pure human demon.

Glanced at the half-dead, and then walked to the next door. Yuzao looked calm at the moment, and was fixed on the ground by four evil energy chains. When she saw Hu Feng, she also raised her head and looked at her.

“Speak, you instructed, or the demon hunter instructed? This has to do with how many people are dying today.” Hu Feng looked around at this moment, and a discerning human demon immediately pulled a stool from the side. .

Then, Hu Feng waved his hand again, and the chain of evil energy that bound the jade algae dissipated in an instant. The latter was not surprised, and kneeled elegantly in front of Hu Feng.

“No one instructed, and I didn’t expect him to do this kind of behavior. After your demon rushed into my courtyard, I learned about it.” Yu Zaoqian still had that calm, calm tone .

“This is my personal behavior. It has nothing to do with Yuzao. Let her go!” The next door woke up at once, and immediately shouted hoarsely.

“Let him shut up.” Hu Feng looked away impatiently, and the human demons immediately rushed up, another kick and kick.

“Well, you said this was his personal behavior, right? Didn’t you lie to me?” Hu Feng looked at Yuzao again, who nodded gently.

Hu Feng uttered and stood up.

“Well, I believe in you, so I ’ll take a look at his mind and soul now. If it ’s different from what you said … That ’s because you lie to me, my relationship is very fragile, you lie to me, It is estimated that your demon hunter group will kill me to make up for my broken heart, so I hope you have n’t lied to me. “

The wall in the middle of the two cells immediately collapsed, so that Yuzao could see the next eye in front of him.

“Go, forcibly possess him, and check my memory.”

Two human demons took their orders and immediately turned into two thick black smoke. They followed the throat and forcibly penetrated into one body.

The local monster can’t be occupied by leaning over, but under the torture of the evil energy chain, he has become extremely weak. Although he can’t occupy it, he can forcibly enter his body and peep into his spiritual will.

Immediately uttered a scream of sternness, and he felt a violent burning sweeping the whole body, especially his head, as if there was a blaze of fire baking.

“Hey, what about his long Jiao?” Hu Feng discovered at that moment that the Jiaolong accompanied by a blink of eyes was gone.

“Boss, that Jiao was eaten by Nine Infants.” Another human demon replied immediately.

Hu Feng heard that the egg hurt a bit, and Jiu Ying had long been unable to deal with it at a glance, and now it can be regarded as an opportunity.

At this moment, the mouth with wide eyes opened wide, and two thick black smoke poured out again, turning into two black suit demons.

“The boss is indeed his own behavior, no one instructed him.”

Hu Feng immediately nodded in front of the jade algae next door, “Very good, very honest, not lied to me, I am very satisfied, so … I just need to die one today … UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Go and bring my wealth. “

Wangcai is the young Leviathan adopted by Hu Feng. Because of the delicious and delicious food every day, the soul essence is served as a dessert after dinner, so the body shape and size are very fast.

A low roar sounded, Wangcai rushed out of the elevator, his mouth covered with fangs kept saliva, and at the same time rubbed the wind with a sharp bone spur.

Wangcai’s body is more than one meter high and more than two meters long, which is considered to be very well developed in young Leviathan.

“Like this food, local monsters, my father is good to you, more nutrition.”

“Can’t you let him go?” Yu Zaoqian still said in a calm voice.

“Why did you know me the first day?” Hu Feng Wenyan looked at Yuzao and smiled a few times.

At this time, Hu Feng suddenly thought of another exciting idea.

“Hey, this guy likes you, right?”

Yuzao was a little puzzled by what he said, and did n’t understand why Hu Feng suddenly asked.

Boss Hu smiled a little evil, which made Yuzao uncommonly nervous.

“Ah, I suddenly thought of a small game that tortured people, haha, I really am a genius demon, and I have to reward myself with a few evil red flowers.”

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