Evil Break

Chapter 426 - : Insult and death

The other demons retreated, and the group of human demons seemed to understand what was happening when they left, and they all smiled unwillingly.

“Boss, I probably know what idea you are playing, you really are a genius, salute you!”

“The boss is the boss, we still need to learn and progress.”

“Where and where, I just work harder than others. I was studying while you were resting. I was studying hard when you were studying. Hahaha.” Boss Hu readily accepted the younger brother’s ass.

The more so, Yuzao was nervous before, she did n’t know what Hu Feng was doing, but looking at the demons ’faces, it was definitely not a good thing.

“Let’s lie down, legs apart, I haven’t tried the taste of local monsters yet, you don’t have to take off your clothes, just take it off inside.”

Yu Zao was struck by thunder before she finally understood what Hu Feng was doing.

He wants to interact with himself in front of Yilianlian!

Has been madly infatuated with himself for a long time. Yuzao can already imagine what kind of mental torment this will have on him. It is better to cut him up with a knife.

“Quick, don’t waste my patience, otherwise I’m not going to do this.” Boss Hu narrowed his eyes and stared at Yuzao.

Previously, Yuzao wanted to use her body as the price, in exchange for Hu Feng to support her back to Japan, now. . . It is totally unilateral.

Can’t beat him by himself, even if he has beaten him, he can’t escape. The outside is the devil’s nest, and his own end is no other possibility than death.

Fate and compromise, it’s not difficult to choose, isn’t it?

Was silent for a moment, and Yuzao started to do it without saying a word.

Underwear and bra disappeared, and now the white kimono is completely vacuumed.

Looking at the center of the separated thigh, um. . . Still a tender white tiger.

Stood up in a comatose state and looked over there. This angle can only listen to the live **** palace through the side of the wall, and no other sensitive parts can be seen.

Slapped the dangling slap, boss Hu showed an amiable smile.

“Look, you dare to steal the devil’s things, dare to steal my things, courage is commendable, so I decided to entertain you before the death, hope you like the next show, and remember, Do n’t provoke demons if you are reborn in your next life. “

Was dumbfounded at a glance, and his extremely weak state made him speechless. The two chains of psionic energy that had pierced his chest burned himself all the time.

Then he broke his eyes, because he saw Hu Feng walking to the goddess he admired, and then heard the sound of learning to undress. . .

“It’s true that you insult her! Ahhhhhh!”

“Soon she will like this feeling.” Hu Feng answered with a smile.

Yuzao closed her eyes in front of her. She didn’t seem to want to face this kind of scene. Although she didn’t like the same thing, she never encountered such a shameful thing.

As the next door roared wildly, Boss Hu was unmoved, and slowly pressed up, the source of famine immediately passed along, and the influx of jade algae continued to flow.

“Hmm …” Yu Zao, who closed her eyes, immediately made a short groan, and her whole body was tight and tight.

A filled feeling of strange satisfaction filled the heart, but when I thought that there was another eye listening next to it, it was an instant sense of extreme shame and humiliation.

Yuzao still closed his eyes tightly in front of him, but as the speed became faster and faster, coupled with the effects of famine, he could not help groaning.

Especially the kind of moist sound, she felt extremely ashamed, and even at a glance it sounded no less than the cruelest mental torture.

At this moment, he was mad, struggling violently, the position pierced by the chain of evil energy, the wound was constantly expanding, and the evil flame burned his body and soul.

“Hmm … you have a good vision, it is indeed a superb.” Boss Hu shouted at the next door.

The moan in front of Yuzao became louder and louder, and the feeling of being suppressed by reason became stronger, his hands involuntarily embraced Hu Feng, who was pressing on himself, and his legs also emerged from the kimono, entangled Hu Feng’s waist. .

The desire to famine still defeats reason, and there are no creatures in this world that can resist famine.

Yuzao began to yell happily before, and began to cater actively.

“Looking at you next to you is heard, it is estimated that the old is cool, so you can call the bright spot again to satisfy this young man.”

Hearing Hu Feng ’s words, Yuzao seemed to have received an alternative stimulus, and his whole body trembled.

Died at a glance.

The wound in his chest, which was penetrated by the chain of evil energy, had been torn by himself, and he made the sound of Zrazra under the burning of the evil flame.

Coupled with the rapid fire attack, the spirit is in a state of extreme pain, so it has accelerated the death process.

I felt that my breath was gone, and boss Hu was too lazy to continue to pay attention, and began to focus on his enjoyment.

The coquette little girl seemed to be a little masochistic, and forced herself to fan her two peaks, but instead aroused her flush.

Halfway through the fierce battle, Hu Feng and Yu Zao moved back to the small courtyard on the top floor of the hotel, and continued the second half of the battle.

After the war, it was naturally a mess. The beige tatami was wet, and the white kimono was ravaged.

Boss Hu feels some pain at the moment. He is envious of Japanese male compatriots.

I want to say that Japan has learned so many things from the heavenly dynasty, and I most envy what they have retained. Naturally, it is the kind of three obedience and four virtues of women.

No matter how successful a woman is, she rarely continues to work after getting married, but stays at home with her husband and son, and sits on her knees every day to greet her husband home, which is simply masculine. Swell.

Looked at Yuzao who had re-dressed his white kimono ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ He knelt calmly in front of himself and filled himself with a cup of tea, which was simply very clever.

Yuzao can be regarded as a long-standing influence and influence of the three qualities and four virtues. After all, she has lived in Japan since the ancient time when she studied Chinese civilization in an all-round way.

So who said that female virtues are all feudal dregs? Boss Hu jumped out and killed him first.

Compared to those spicy, spoiled and spoiled modern Chinese women, you really are not as good as the Japanese women who still inherit the Chinese tradition.

“Ah … so what, do you have nothing to say?” Boss Hu was a little embarrassed and felt he was too evil.

“Just hope you don’t abuse me so badly in the future.” Yuzao’s face was still very calm. It seemed that the actions and expressions just now had nothing to do with her.

“It won’t happen, that … Do you have any requirements?” Boss Hu felt a little soft-hearted.

Yuzao glanced at Hu Feng lightly.

“Let you help me go back to Japan? Do it if you want, I won’t mention it if you don’t.”

Oops, boss Hu said that he has eaten soft but not hard materials since he was a child.

Or not. . . Help her?

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