Evil Break

Chapter 456 - : Undesirables and unrestrained demons

To say the unpopular number one, it is the Red Tide Dominion that is in order. The entire Star Alliance is extremely vigilant against it, and the Lianbao will not let them in.

This is also something that cannot be done. The red tide group of friends, the most passionate thing every day is to liberate the entire prosperous star district and bring the flame of revolution to everyone.

The alien comrades who joined the red tide, the mood and the overall mental state of the whole person are more fanatical and excited, and the news media controlled by the red tide make some inflammatory comments every day.

Had it not been for the “revolutionary non-proliferation” treaty, the current red tide would have rushed out of the revolutionary Mars galaxy and continued their red journey.

The sharp people, the Ashali people, the Hana people, and the Salarui people, their governments are all federal or parliamentary, let alone the Krogans, dozens of free clans, big and small, you come I was very happy to fight, and I was absolutely hostile to the red tide ideology.

If you want a revolution, do n’t you want to overthrow our existing ideology? We are doing very well now, so do n’t bother you. Do n’t come to cause any internal instability to us. You are in a revolution. The Martian system closes the door and plays for itself.

The revolutionary fire galaxy was originally a remote resource galaxy belonging to the sharp people, but now it has become the red base camp, Longtan Tiger Cave in the eyes of the Star Alliance.

As for the people there. . . Give up, the Star Alliance Council has long lost hope.

It’s been so long, it is estimated that all the comrades who have become red tides, what else to save? Was it rescued and brought back to the inner galaxy for them to struggle?

The second-ranked nature is the first order group of Fascists.

Originally, the sharp people were the second to hate the Japanese demon hunter group, but after this group of Japanese people came to the Lianhebao space station, the sharp people were confused.

When the horses and their dying with their own fleet at that time, the personality gap is too big!

Bowing whenever you can, hanging words such as embarrassment, sorry, etc., acting extremely standard and regular, like a group of programmed robots, it is almost more polite than everyone else.

Is this really Japanese? ? ?

In this regard, the old neighbor of the Tianchao Demon Hunting Association has the most say.

These aliens are completely ignorant of the character of the Japanese race. The sharp people now are like the Westerners on the earth. They blasted the gates of Japan and beat them hard.

The Japanese have also begun to change their thinking, studying the races and countries they have defeated, absorbing their advantages, and at the same time mixing things with their own characteristics into their own motivation for progress.

After the armistice, the Japanese demon hunting team hired many incisive instructors, and at the same time learned their military technology. In the usual exchanges and contacts, they are also a courteous attitude, completely unable to see the previous war brought about Hatred.

The sharp people are very satisfied, they think the Japanese are very straightforward, and admire and admire a stronger force than them. This human dominion seems to be cultivated as an ally, as a breakthrough in the future diplomacy with the Earth Union .

They did the same, trying to sharpen all aspects of the Japanese demon hunter group, and carry out cultural baptism and transformation.

The Tianchao Demon Hunter will only smile and talk, but looking at the sharp people who have been limped, you can only say the last sentence. You ask for more blessings. When the studious student is as strong as the teacher, you will You will understand what the result is.

As for the overall sharpening, the Tianchao Demon Hunter would find it extremely funny.

The Japanese will accept your culture, and still take the initiative to accept it, and then twist and change it into their own culture, and it will be clear to see the variant culture of Chinese civilization in Japan.

So the second thing that Star Alliance hated became the first order. Boss Hu’s group of Fascist elements seemed to them to be no better than Red Tide.

Although the concentration camps (the ones on the bright side) have been completely closed and all the Star Alliance prisoners of war have been released, the entire supreme order galaxy has been shrouded by the dark gray steel fleet, where the people live in absolute order military management Below, there is no freedom.

This extreme authoritarian ideology can’t allow them to continue to spread out, so just like the good brother Red Tide, nest in your own galaxy and play with your own. We don’t want to step on the galaxy and give up!

The third annoying nature is the devil. Stanley, the king of hell, Asmothe the prince of hell, and our big boss Hu, all three good brothers are on the list, tied for third, social society.

The galaxies they occupy are privately called **** by various clan groups, that is, evil nests, dark and cruel and tragic world.

The Star Alliance Parliament is now in urgent contact with the members of the Earth Commonwealth to discuss a bill on how to prohibit the devil from trading in souls.

Yes, when I first came into contact with demons, many alien friends were pleasantly surprised. These demons could realize their wishes, and then give themselves ten years of enjoyment time, and then take away their souls.

There is always no shortage of greedy people. This is normal.

but! but!

The demons always like to exploit loopholes, deliberately create some contract holes, and then take away the trader’s soul in advance, and the trader either dies and becomes a hellhound’s molar toy, or a soulless walking dead without any emotion. , Extremely irritable, manic psychosis losing all self-control.

The ten-year constraint on the earth is no longer restricted in the universe, so the demons are immediately in full swing, and they are completely harvesting souls.

Not to mention ten years, it ’s good to give you ten days!

It seems that this ten-year contract is only valid for humans from the earth, and it is empty talk for other alien races.

And the demon sales staff are eloquent ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ speaks and listens nicely, the alien aliens are stunned, and finally accept the soul contract that looks extremely reliable with greed.

This was unbearable. Starlink paid great attention to this group of demon sales teams that appeared at the crossroads of various cities and decided to break this black deal.

And there is their MLM organization, Star Alliance is to resolutely fight off.

This group of **** demons also have branches, and they are doing “1040 Resource Planet Development Project” everywhere, fooling alien friends to pay for membership, and guaranteeing that they will earn at least ten times the return after one year, and brainwashing, Many people have been developed into the offline, and then continue to pull more people into the group.

In the end, naturally, there was no chicken feather left. The demon bosses collectively ran the road overnight, and could not find it long ago, leaving behind a wailing and crying.

Excessive! Holding those alien friends on your earth who deceive us pure and straight, the conscience will not hurt!

The demons are naturally embarrassed, we have never had such a conscience.


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