Evil Break

Chapter 457 - : How to keep warm in groups

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As for Boss Hu ’s demonic power, although he does not play soul trading or MLM organizations, Star Alliance is also very unpleasant to them.

Yes, you are not engaged in soul trading and MLM, but you play triad!

Now the area around the Dark Star Bar was smashed by them, the set of Virtue Port was copied, forming a huge underground black evil force that is difficult to eradicate.

Store protection fees, small-scale arms smuggling, drug trafficking, and violent fighting have transformed this space station area into a deep-water social area.

Boss Hu ’s devil horses wandered the streets in twos and threes, neither the security guards caught, nor did they.

Knowing that they are engaged in illegal things, but there is no evidence, if you want to grasp, it is a serious diplomatic dispute.

What the demons are doing is watertight. It is estimated that they bought the relevant administrators in this area. If there is any disturbance in the Star Alliance Council, the demons will immediately know.

The situation is so bad that even some security soldiers have been bought up, and the prices given by the demons are generous, many times higher than their salaries.

No one is a sage of the Virgin, anyone wants to live a better life, enjoy more things, and can’t find evidence, so. . . Why not do it?

In the words of boss Hu: “Loyalty that money can’t buy can only be because the bid is not high enough.”

Underworld leader Hu Feng, he is a cancer! It’s a rogue! It’s a bastard!

Ok. . . Starlink can swear, but boss Hu is still very moist.

So this led to the problem mentioned at the beginning: the people were afraid and hated of this group of demons, and they even hated and discriminated against the Quillians.

“Protective mouse, roll away and hide under the crotch of your demon dad!”

“Mixed with demons, I have known for a long time that you Quillians are not good things.”

Ok. . . If there is a love house and black, there is naturally a hate house and black.

People who had discriminated against the Quiri people now see the group of Quiri people gathered in the area near the Dark Star Bar, so they discriminate against them even more.

The demons treated the Quillians very well, without any discrimination or bullying. Instead, they helped them out. On the street, when they saw some Quileys being involved in public security incidents, the demons usually stepped in.

It is normal for the Quillians to be involved in public security incidents. Because of the long-term discrimination, once someone loses something or encounters a criminal case, as long as there are Quillians nearby, the primary suspect is that they are the target, even if they are For any evidence, you can also forcibly search or search their residence.

There are about 10,000 or 20,000 Quillians at the Lianhebao Space Station. They are basically young people who travel out and travel, and they have tight hands. The sense makes their self-esteem extremely sensitive, and would rather starve to death than destroy the reputation of the Quiri people.

Now they have swarmed all the way to the 52nd ring zone where the Dark Star Bar is located, turning it into the largest gathering place for the Quillians.

The Wandering Fleet has updated the Safe Cloud Travel Guide synchronously, listing the 52nd ring zone of Lianhebao as a safe place.

With official certification, the Quilli people are naturally more at ease.

After discovering that the human demons did not discriminate against them, the two quickly joined together.

As mentioned before, the Quillians who have long been discriminated against need friends too much.

Especially this kind of strong friend who can help them come forward.

The Quillians did not join the Star Alliance Parliament. To be precise, they withdrew from the Parliament early. After losing their parent star and all colonized planets, they could not bear the contempt and neglect from the Star Alliance.

There is nothing in the world. The former brutal race Krogans now have a higher status than them. The ugly and strong upright toads are still fighting civil war!

Why? Just because they still have their own parent star? There are still a few crumbling colonial planets?

Well, this is indeed the reason, a very cruel and realistic reason.

A wandering race that has lost all its planets, lost all of its own immunity, can only wear full-body protective clothing, and hides its face behind the mask, will be looked down upon and discriminated by other races, even if their previous civilization was brilliant, That’s just overwhelming.

The Queri people, a race that was called as attractive as the Ashali people thousands of years ago, are now just a group of protective clothing mice.

All in all, now that boss Hu ’s demonic forces have made it clear that they want to shelter these Quilly people, just to help them out, ordinary people dare to speak out about it.

The demons are not Quillians. Their home star hometown is extremely stable, and they are backed by a huge military fleet and the highest unified government. Coupled with powerful individuals and magical skills, ordinary people simply cannot afford it.

Everyone knows now that the Earth and solar system, the home planets of human beings, are very close to the Galilei and Perseus galaxies of the Quillians, and are completely neighbors.

Moreover, the Quillians discovered the solar system and the humans on the earth more than a hundred years ago, but they concealed it and did not report it to the Star Alliance Council that had already withdrawn.

Now that this powerful neighbor has developed, it is estimated that the demons still have a little conscience. The current behavior is regarded as gratitude to the old.

Ok. . . For this kind of shit-like speculation, boss Hu simply ignored it.

Pay back. . . Watch the White Snake Biography! I’m still young on horseback!

The reason for sheltering the Quiri who is traveling around the world is to bring an ally to his own dominion, so that he will not be alone.

At the same time, Virtue Port also released public information, welcoming the Quillians who traveled to Yunyou, and promised to give them a decent and stable job to help them complete the mission of Yunyou.

The Quille Wandering Fleet is ecstatic about it. The self-esteem that has become extremely sensitive because of inferiority, after being treated with kindness and equality without any discrimination, is the master of the devil branch of Hu Feng. Goodwill grows sharply.

Although the First Order Dominion under Boss Hu still does not welcome any alien race, the Virtue and Dominion Dominion is fully open and expresses its goodwill to the Quillians.

The Quille Wandering Fleet responded quickly, first thanking boss Hu and the port of Virtue, and then listed Virtue as a recommended location for cloud travel at the same level as the 52nd ring area of ​​Lianhebao. Young Quilli went.

At the same time, the Quiley Civilian Fleet sent an invitation to boss Hu, hoping that he would have time to come to the Civilian Fleet for an official visit.

Oh ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ As for the extremely large wandering fleet of the Quiri, this is a bit complicated.

Simply put, it can be seen as a functional department. As the name suggests, the civilian fleet is a cosmopolitan mobile city dedicated to the lives of ordinary people in the wandering fleet.

In addition, there are military fleets, industrial fleets and ecological fleets.

The Quillians drove small shuttles to and from these fleets of ships, forming a super-giant mobile city.

Hu Feng can only sigh about it. The organism always has a way to survive, no matter how difficult the situation is.

Like the rogue in the ruined earth, even if the world is sinister, the world has no hope, but it still survives and breeds stubbornly.

This is the biggest advantage of the intelligent organism compared to the cold mechanical synthesis.

Although we do not know why it was born, we know how to survive.


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