Evil Break

Chapter 544 - : Possession and Subway System

In the dark city, dozens of golden searchlights blasted everywhere, accompanied by the sound of flapping wings, never let go of any corner. & 1t; /

Where the angel’s search team went, it was as if the sun had risen again, and the holy light spilled over the whole area. & 1t; /

It’s just holy on the surface, but what purpose do the angels themselves have? & 1t; /

At the bottom of a building, the lines on the wall surface quietly extended toward both sides, revealing a gap. & 1t; /

This organism is wearing black texture armor and has a stand shield on the outside. It looks very similar to the human body, but their skin and hair are extremely pale. & 1t; /

The most different thing is that the location of their temples is covered with a layer of crystals like crystals. Each person’s lines are different, and they extend to the corner of the eye and connect with the eyes. & 1t; /

It is not known whether there is such a crystal cover on the body, after all, the black texture armor they wear covers everything. & 1t; /

The man was very vigilant and probed his brain outward for a moment, looking at the giant unknown machine that was getting closer and closer. He turned his head and quickly spoke a few words of their language inside the building, and then made a downward gesture. & 1t; /

At last he glanced at the approaching golden searchlight beam. The man stepped back, and the lines on the wall closed quietly again. & 1t; /

Although everything was done silently, there was still no escape from the angels. & 1t; /

There is no energy in the parallel world, let alone those magical forms of energy use. Naturally, it is impossible to know that the spiritual perception of the angels appeared here as early as the first time. & 1t; /

On Aletya’s shoulder, Hu Feng looked back at the Holy Light in front of him and gave a long hum. & 1t; /

This should be the survivor who has survived to the present, and I don’t know how long their individual lifespan is. This is the first generation. & 1t; /

“The position of the Holy Light Beacon is now underground, and in the continuous movement, their gathering place should be an underground facility to avoid the severe cold on the surface.” & 1t; /

This is not surprising. Generally, in a desperate situation, the instinctive desire of creatures will drive them to a more secure underground. The performance of mankind is to build a large number of closed refuges, isolated from the world. & 1t; /

“Change back to human form, forcibly break in, grab the live, don’t kill it.” & 1t; /

After considering it, Hu Feng issued a new order. & 1t; /

At the same time, a thick cloud of smoke gushed from the two-way quantum transmission device, just like a long black dragon, roaring into the air, flying towards the team on the side of Hu Feng. & 1t; /

Now that the goal is set, the demons can also enter the scene. Compared with how to make people obedient and surrender, angels are far less experienced than demons. & 1t; /

boom! boom! boom! & 1t; /

An angel who maintained the form of the body was brutally and violently breaking the door, and staged a play to demolish the building with bare hands. & 1t; /

With the emergence of a huge hole, Hu Feng also saw the inside. & 1t; /

The hall floor inside the building is densely inscribed with a large number of lines. According to this civilized style, the downward passage is below these lines, but I don’t know how to order these lines to twist and extend into the gate. & 1t; /

But this is not a problem. The old formula has the old taste, just continue to break the door violently. & 1t; /

boom! boom! Boom! & 1t; /

The angel holding the body reached into one foot, and then slammed on the textured floor. & 1t; /

Without time for a joss stick, the textured floor would be overwhelmed and suddenly crash down, revealing the steel channel underneath. & 1t; /

“Hah, it’s quite like our human refuge. Don’t let one go down as a whole … Oh, right, leave a security team to investigate on the ground, lest they have other entrances.” & 1t; /

Boss Hu greeted the angels as they jumped into the passage. At this moment he was enveloped by the smoke of the demon, and the viper generally circled around her body, asking how many villains there were. & 1t; /

“And you, follow the angels, you will be possessed when you meet someone who resists, don’t expose yourself, the childcare task will be given to you, don’t let me down, go!” & 1t; /

Watching the angels and demons enter the tunnel as much as possible, Hu Feng nodded with satisfaction, pulling Aletya and finally jumped into the underground tunnel. & 1t; /

“Is there a feeling of returning to the end of the ruins? It is so dangerous that we did not have aliens to fight the autumn wind. Now I will give this group of remnants a good lesson to let them know what is social evil.” & 1t; /

“We have the Apocalypse plague on Earth, and the aliens would not dare to come if they wanted to come.” Aletya gave him a blank look. & 1t; /

“So the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse still did a good deed. Oops when talking about them, it’s been a long time since I returned to the main world, and I still miss the death knight who had retired. I will go back to him and have a tea talk next time.” & 1t; /

“You and the ex-death are still looking right, right?” & 1t; /

“Oh, that old man is quite social, and he can talk again and have fun chatting with him …” & 1t; /

At this time there was a shout and gunfire coming from the front, but it quickly calmed down. It is estimated that the search team encountered the group of survivors. & 1t; /

Speeding up the pace, Hu Feng and Aletya rushed to the front. & 1t; /

At this moment, the two remnants of the frontal scout post stood calmly, and the energy guns were put away. The eyes were dark, obviously occupied by the demon possession. & 1t; /

“Boss, I feel a little uncomfortable … It’s a little weird to possess this group of aliens, not as suitable as humans …” & 1t; /

When Hu Feng came over, one of the survivors immediately said. & 1t; /

“Okay, how are you, exploring his spirit and memory, do you understand their language?” & 1t; /

“Stay in possession, I can speak their language.” The demon nodded immediately. & 1t; /

“Very good, move on, the angel put his wings out, be holy, and make a good first impression.” Hu Feng beckoned and signaled the search team to move on. & 1t; /

With the demon possessing the lead party, the angels speeded up a lot in an instant. & 1t; /

When boss Hu slowly walked to the hall at the end of the passage, the angels had controlled the situation here. & 1t; /

This underground space looks a bit like an old subway station. At the end of the passage is a hall like a subway station, and on the other side of the hall, there is another passage extending towards the front without seeing the end. & 1t; /

The remnants in the hall have been gathered together at this moment. They looked at the strange race that surrounded them, and their expressions were extremely tense. & 1t; /

The angels tried hard to recall their sacred attitude and tried to show a friendly attitude. & 1t; /

After one of the female angels used the Holy Light to heal a child of an apparently ill survivor, this group of survivors finally relaxed. & 1t; /

It seems that this group of aliens that can use strange energy is not malicious ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ But how do they appear in this galaxy? & 1t; /

The two scout guards occupied by the demon possessed them, now standing on a high platform, speaking a series of lingering alien words to the remnants, seeming to appease their nervous emotions. & 1t; /

“Ask them if there is any place like a database here, not to mention that they have lost their ancestral heritage.” & 1t; /

Hu Feng looked at the group of worn-out clothes. Only a few people wore the remnants of the black pattern armor and shook their heads. & 1t; /

This group of survivors looks like a group of abandoned people who have lost their once civilization. . . & 1t; /

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