Evil Break

Chapter 545 - : Loss-making business and part of the truth

Distant galaxy, Virtue Port.

Hu Feng was paralyzed on his private top floor, frowning and thinking about life.

The survivors of the survivors are now migrating in quantum teleportation from the dark and dead hometown to the colorful normal world.

Virtue Harbor has separately divided an asteroid substation connected to the main body of the space station as an exclusive gathering place for the survivors, and there are demon soldiers guarding the entrance at all times, and the internal patrol is continuous.

Although there is such a sense of discrimination in zoos keeping monkeys, there are not so many scruples now, is it?

The remnants will work hard to learn and understand the life customs of the prosperous star district until they can fully integrate into it.

For these races in the prosperous Star District, the mentality of the remnants is a little more complicated.

Although I have never seen it before, some elders who have accepted part of the historical knowledge have determined that these races were nothing more than a group of uncultivated species living in caves or trees when their own civilization was still flourishing.

But now that the feng shui is turning, the civilization of their race is dying, and these once primitive creatures have stood up, and they have to rely on them to rescue themselves survivors. This kind of mental difference is not a little bit.

And boss Hu feels a little lost this time, bringing back a large group of survivors who have no value and contribution for a while, but they did not get much of their expected benefits.

According to the explanation of the survivors, their civilization has been extinct for at least a few centuries, and a small number of survivors can only live in the underground rats in underground facilities, and they will continue to breathe.

Because there is no sunlight, they become weak and sick, and their skin is extremely pale, and the survival rate of offspring of this kind of aberration is unmatched.

As for the science and technology that used to be, I thought too much. Let me not say that they are just a group of civilians. It is impossible to master this knowledge. Let us say that their ethnic heritage has long been fragmented.

According to a small amount of historical inheritance, it can be known that their previous civilizations have mastered the technology of hyperspace transition, which is already at its peak.

The dark iron eggs of the Promise God machine were indeed made by them, and they were still mass-produced. They were scattered throughout the star area, using black holes or stars as energy sources, and they have been operating until now.

Innumerable Promise machines together form a network like a magic circle, ban all hyperspace transitions in the entire star zone, and continuously manufacture quantum repeaters to carry out limited fixed-point transitions.

Oh, why do you want to ask?

The specific reason is that the survivors of the survivors are also mixed, and it is not very clear, but the only thing that can be consistent is to resist the powerful out-of-bounds existence, slow down their speed, and find a solution to them, just like The countermeasures of Starlink against the reaper are similar.

As for the existence outside the realm, Hu Feng can be sure that it is the kind of flaming jellyfish that devours the stars. They eat all the way, turning the galaxies encountered along the way into a dark and dead, turning the stars in the galaxy into one by one. The burnt black death star has no possibility of collapsing into a black hole.

The prosperous star zone is divided into four large divided areas. The repeaters inside the area are kept in normal operation, and the repeaters are in standby state at the border and in the neutral zone between the two areas. Before being activated, normal transitions cannot be made at all.

To reach this kind of total ban, the method is also very simple: destroy all Promise machines.

Boss Hu said that he just wanted to scold mother.

Is really light! You have built a lot of such iron eggs, and you have also stepped on the horse to throw it around in the prosperous star area. This thing will move irregularly. It is easy to find out and destroy them all!

Long-distance transition technology, not to mention the reaper, even the second and third-tier races of the Star Alliance have mastered a set of mature transition technology, but because of the hyperspace ban, although the technology in various hands is mature, but in any case It can’t be realized, it seems to be a set of completely nonsense and wrong assumptions.

So as long as everyone still wants to mix society in this star district, then they have to follow the rules of the game. Everyone has to pay for the silly (beep …) ancestors of this group of survivors.

As for the Promise God machine, Hu Feng decided to continue his research and continue to build the Dyson ball device.

The remnants also determined that as long as the Promise Divine Machine was artificially deviated from the orbit, it would lose the function of self-jumping, so there is no need to worry that this iron egg will suddenly run away and disappear.

At the same time, the remaining shuttles in the space station of the survivors are also being studied. These shuttles are extremely fast. Boss Hu is very interested in them. At present, these samples have been sent back to the Galaxy of Extinction Galaxy, the harvesters. Will conduct related line split research.

In addition, Hu Feng also received another small message from the survivors of the survivors.

The Ashali Super Battleship of Destiny is exactly the shape of the warships of the ancestors of the survivors. Several of the old remnants judged this fact after watching the images of the Destiny.

Dark Matter Reactor, the core functional technology of Destiny Transcendence, is an energy technology commonly used by ancestors of the survivors.

Compared with the entropy reactor currently used by the reaper, the power difference between the two is not large, but the technical content is still that the reaper stabilizes the ancestors of the survivors.

On the other hand, when the harvesters have fully utilized the energy of the void, the more unscientific and magical core of the void energy will be officially launched and equipped, providing the harvester with absolutely strong, as if hanging power.

“Dark matter? Lying trough, the group of Asari little girls are not afraid of an explosion, and have exploded most of the galaxy?”

Boss Hu said a few words about it.

Obviously, the Ashali people did not master the dark matter technology, just created the finished product of Destiny Transcendental by the gourd painting scoop, just like a loft in the sky, and because they did not understand the core energy reactor ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ so only Can build such a ship.

Dare to love that thing is a time bomb that can go wrong at any time, and it is almost half of the galaxies after the explosion, how did the Ashali live to the present. . .

In short, Boss Hu could have guessed the truth that was tried to hide.

The Ashali people discovered a ruin of the ancestors of the survivors, and recovered and excavated many military technologies in them. Then, in order to make good use of and enjoy this achievement, they concealed the secret of the ruins without any news. Reported, making a fortune with a muffled voice.

Immediately after the advent of the Destiny Transcendence, the Ashali people made rapid advances in high-end military power, and the overall military evolved into an extremely partial air loft state.

But they must still be researching and deciphering the technology. The little girls are not stupid. Naturally, they want to master and mass-produce dark matter technology, turning the sky loft into a solid high-rise building.

Hu Feng does not care about this. The Ashali people like to study the tobacco and alcohol area as much as they like, and they care about how to destroy the transition ban of the Promise God, or, in fact, is it a good thing to consider lifting the transition ban? bad thing.

The existence of those swallowing stars must be extremely terrifying, otherwise the ancestors of the survivors will not be forced to engage in such a large and troublesome project.

Are they different harvesters of different forms?

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