Evil Husband, Glutton Wife: Buy Miss Piggy, Get Free Little Buns

Chapter 267 Stop Chasing Me Around 1

267 Stop Chasing Me Around 1

It had been a week since he last saw Li Meili, but he decided not to give up and informed her of his intention to pursue her this time. It wasn't like he didn't want his sister to know, but he decided to clear things up with Li Meili before he explained to Tang Moyu what was happening.

His sister's office was just like any other office he'd seen in other companies. If Tang Beixuan didn't know that this was his sister's office, he would assume that a man was using the room instead of a woman.

The room was filled with black and gray colors. There was a shelf on one side, housing several books that no doubt his sister had finished reading. Whenever Tang Moyu had spare time, before her pregnancy, Tang Beixuan usually found her reading a book.

Tang Moyu's desk was clear from paperwork today, indicating that she'd finish her to-do list for today and was preparing to go home soon.

Tang Beixuan found her sitting behind her desk, checking something on her computer, with spectacles on her face. Some women would opt to get laser treatment to correct their vision, but not his sister. She didn't want to risk getting the complications the treatment could cause and believed that it wasn't necessary for her to have it.

"Still here? I thought you won't be coming home with me." Tang Moyu said without breaking her gaze from her monitor. A window had suddenly popped up, taking her attention.

Tang Beixuan shrugged and took a peek on his sister's monitor. He let out a low whistle when he saw that she had just made half a million dollars from one of her investments.

"Sweet. You earn that much? How long did it take?" He asked, still impressed at how his sister was able to make money from the multiple investments she had invested in across the country and abroad.

Tang Beixuan had no idea what his sister's gross net worth was. He was only aware of how much she'd raise for the little buns' trust fund. And aside from her property at Peach Blossom Garden, he was pretty sure that his sister didn't have any other properties in Shenzhen.

Most of her earnings had gone to her little buns' trust fund for the past years and Tang Moyu wasn't planning to stop working anytime soon.

"Two years but it's fine." Tang Moyu answered. She had expected this passive income to come in, but didn't think it would be this. soon from that investment she made two years ago.

Too bad she wasn't able to enjoy the fruits of her hard work, but it didn't matter for Tang Moyu, as long as she could ensure the future of her twins. She was a single mother after all. She had no one to share the burden of raising them and she didn't like to think that her little buns wouldn't be provided for just because they didn't have a father to support them growing up.

It was better for her to start saving up this early. There was no assurance that the inflation would get better anytime soon and with her twins growing fast, it meant that their needs and expenses would also increase rapidly.

"Not bad." Tang Beixuan crossed his arms and leaned against her desk, his top buttons already undone, his necktie nowhere in sight.

Meanwhile, the empress was dressed as if she had just stepped in, ready for the day. Dressed in a three piece gray suit, beautifully tailored, giving Tang Moyu a flattering fit. It was usual for the staff at Tang Enterprise to see their CEO wearing something like this.

Nothing could project polish and style like the empress anyway. She was able to make a bold statement without uttering a word and was able to draw people's attention with just her mere presence.

Tang Moyu checked a few things on her email before shutting down her computer. She then took her coat and laptop bag from the side of her desk and stood up.

"You aren't joining us for dinner?" She asked her brother as they made their way out, stopping for a moment to lock her office. Cheng Ning had already left an hour ago, leaving the Tang siblings on their own.

Tang Beixuan's lips twitched up as he thought about how he couldn't wait to see Li Meili tonight. He was sure that she was still in her boutique, working overtime on Gu Yuyao's dress as his sister said earlier.

"No, I'll be meeting someone tonight." He admitted.

His sister arched a brow at him.

"A date?" Tang Moyu wasn't aware that her brother was seeing someone lately, and he hadn't bothered to introduce the woman to her.

Was he taking his sweet time or was he just casually dating like her best friend, Li Meili?

"You can say that, Sis." Tang Beixuan grinned as they stepped inside the elevator and hit the button for the parking space below. Although he doubted that Li Meili would agree.

"You better make sure you don't cause any trouble. I don't want 'mother' blaming me again for something I have nothing to do with." Tang Moyu commented, knowing that Zhang Wuying should have known about his return by now and how he joined the company with a position starting from the lowest tier.

He might be a Tang, but he had no real prior experience in working and Tang Moyu wanted him to know how their family business works.

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