Evil Samurai In Cultivation World

Chapter 139: Senior Fight

"You can make use of our abilities. We can do things that you can't, or rather, do not wish to do. And most importantly, we are a group. I agree that we might not be as strong as you, but our numbers do offer up advantages, such as completing a variety of tasks simultaneously." Brenden said. "Like I said, we know that we aren't trustworthy people. But that means you can entrust us with jobs that do not require your complete trust."

Claude stared at the lackeys with amusement in his eyes. Certainly, he wasn't going to forgive them for their atrocities. But then again, he was unable to give them proper punishment as they were still his seniors. So why not make use of them until he is able to exact vengeance upon them?

A wide grin appeared on Claude's face. Things were about to get even more interesting..

"Alright. I understand what you are saying." Claude nodded his head, and the lackeys stared at him, their eyes indicating that they still didn't completely believe his words.

Well isn't that ironic? Claude let out a short chuckle and he decided to clarify. "Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that I trust you now. But I can understand that there might be some advantages to having lackeys. After all, even idiots have their uses."

Idiots? Claude's blatant insult did make some of them angry, but Brenden waved his hands at them, indicating that he was simply trying to rile them up. And so, although reluctant, they decided to hold their anger in.

Claude snickered in delight as he watched his seniors try their very best to hold in the anger they were feeling. He clapped his hands together, and brought the attention back to him again, and said, "Alright then. For now, I want you all to follow Ian as if nothing has changed. He shouldn't be able to notice that his entire group of lackeys has shifted sides. You'll have more to do, but for now, you'll have to make do with this. Do you understand?"

"Yes, junior brother." The group yelled out in unison, and Claude shook his head. "No, no no… that's not right. You've got it wrong!"

The group looked at each other with confusion. "I'm sorry?" Brenden turned his gaze towards Claude, who was waving his finger, and asked. "What are you talking about, junior brother?"

"Do you seriously not understand?" Claude said and he stared at the group as if they were a bunch of morons. "Of course, I'm talking about the way you address me."

He took a step forward. "From this moment on, you are working for me. You do understand what that means, don't you?" His eyes scanned the entire group, sending a chill down their spines. "It means that you and I are not equals. You're below me. And I don't want someone who is below me to call me 'brother'."

He paused for a second, before staring at Brenden who was standing in the front, and smiled as he continued. "Master. That is how you'll address me from now on."


As soon as he finished speaking, the eyes of everyone who were listening to his words widened with surprise and shock. They looked at Claude as if they were staring at a madman! This wasn't what they signed up for. This was too much!

"This is simply insane. No matter what, we are still your seniors! And you expect us to call you master? Are you being serious right now?" One of the lackeys who couldn't take the disrespect and the humiliation anymore shouted out loud, and the rest stared at him. They could've tried to stop him from speaking, but instead they did nothing and let him speak. Perhaps they too wanted to say the same thing, but didn't want to risk angering Claude and ruining the deal!

Claude stared at the angered Lackey with indifference in his eyes. After a few seconds of silence, Claude said, "Are you done?"

"W-What?" The lackey who had the sudden outburst had now calmed down and was beginning to sweat. But he did not regret what he said! He stared at Claude, as if asking him to explain what he meant.

Claude repeated his words. "I said, are you done now?" He took another step forward, and stood right in front of the lackey who had yelled, and scoffed at his face. "Are you done acting like a spoiled little brat? Huh?"

"S-spoiled little brat?" The lackey seemed offended by that remark. He retorted, "I don't see how asking for a bit of respect when it comes to our positions can be considered spoiled?"

"Oho? Is that what you think?" Claude snorted, mocking the lackey. But before the lackey could retort yet again, Claude brought his hand up and said. "Do you think I need you?"

"Huh?" The lackey looked at him in confusion. Weren't they talking about positions right now? What was this sudden shift in topics?

"Wow, you really are deaf, aren't you?" Claude snorted. "I asked, do I need you?"

"I- I don't know.." The lackey stammered. He didn't know what he meant by that.

Claude rolled his eyes. "I'll answer for you. I don't need you." Claude then turned to look at the rest of the lackeys, who immediately avoided his gaze. "I don't need any of you. Sure, you might make my life a bit better. But that's it. You're never going to be an integral part of my life. Never."

He then walked towards Brenden and said with a cold expression, "But don't you pieces of sh*t forget, that it was you people who came to me for help. You were so afraid of being forced to face my wrath in the future, that you decided to ditch your owner and suck up to me. So let me make this very clear for you; I don't need you, but you need me."

The lackeys lowered their heads with embarrassment. They didn't want to admit it, but he was right. They were afraid. Afraid of becoming enemies of the genius cultivator who had the potential to change the entire martial world! They didn't want their mistakes to haunt them for their whole lives. 

Even the lackey who had yelled out loud had hung his head low. He knew that Claude was speaking the truth. 

Claude looked at the group of seniors standing in front of him, and scoffed. "You try to bully me, burn down my house and murder my servants, and then you think that you can just stand in front of me, apologize and wag your tail for a few seconds, and everything will be forgiven?"

His gaze shifted to the lackey who had spoken up, and said, "Huh? Is that what you thought, you dumb f*ck's?"

No answer. Claude let out another snort. Pathetic, he thought.

He then took a step back, closed his eyes and then breathed in and out. After a few seconds, he said, "You can either serve under me or you can be my enemy. It's your choice, but I give you the options."

Claude then turned around and walked towards the arena to get a good look at the fight. As he walked away, he said, "Better choose wisely."


Javier stepped up to the arena to face his next opponent, Wilfred Beldon. 

"Warriors! To the front!" Elder Kenneth yelled out once again, and both the contestants moved to the centre, standing next to each other and bowed their heads.

Javier was studying his opponent's movements as he lowered his head.

He was the person who was standing next to Claude Rayforth. Javier said to himself. He could remember seeing Wilfred Beldon with Claude when he was studying the disciples. 

"Let's do our best!" Wilfred said as they both began stepping back, and Javier, although taken aback at first, nodded his head.

When the two contestants had created enough distance between them, Elder Kenneth yelled out, "Assume your battle stance!"


A giant hammer manifested in Wilfred Beldon's hands as he held it high up in the air, and Javier raised his two fists to his chest.

Elder Kenneth looked at the both of them, and then screamed loudly, "Start!"


A powerful burst of energy shot out from the giant hammer as soon as Elder Kenneth finished speaking!

The attack instantly appeared in front of Javier, who crossed both his hands together to block the attack!


The collision resulted in a loud and powerful explosion, and pushed Javier a few inches back, but his feet never left the ground!

"Well, well, well… Aren't you an interesting opponent!" Wilfred Beldon stared at Javier with surprise in his eyes, but it soon changed into excitement.

Javier pulled his hands back a bit to examine them, and was surprised to find scratches on his skin. Impressed, Javier turned to looking at Wilfred and replied, "I could say the same thing!"

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