Evil Samurai In Cultivation World

Chapter 140: A Thrilling Fight

The powerful burst of energy shot out from the giant hammer as soon as Elder Kenneth finished speaking. The attack instantly appeared in front of Javier, who crossed both his hands together to block the attack, as it collided!


The collision resulted in a loud and powerful explosion, and pushed Javier a few inches back, but his feet never left the ground!

"Well, well, well… Aren't you an interesting opponent!" Wilfred Beldon stared at Javier with surprise in his eyes, but it soon changed into excitement. Javier pulled his hands back a bit to examine them, and was surprised to find scratches on his skin. Impressed, Javier turned to looking at Wilfred and replied, "I could say the same thing!"


Wilfred's figure disappeared from everyone's view, and Javier tilted his head upwards. 

"Wow! That was a fast reaction. You've got a fast eye, don't you!" Wilfred Beldon had reappeared high up in the air, right above Javier, and pointed his hammer straight down aiming at him.


All of a sudden, a deep glowing, golden circle appeared under the giant hammer, and as everyone watched, the circle began to get bigger and bigger, until it was half the size of the arena!

"Why don't you try and defend against my Golden Circle attack!" Wilfred Beldon yelled out loudly as the giant golden circle detached from the hammer's tip and shot down to the ground while spinning violently! It was aiming for Javier's head, who simply stood under it without moving.

Javier Banderas watched as the giant spinning circle shot towards him at a high speed, and a wide smile appeared on his face. He said, "You certainly are an amusing opponent. Very well, since you have managed to garner my curiosity, then I shall allow you to witness my true power!"


As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, closed his eyes and began mumbling to himself, and his arm began to glow brightly, as an ungodly amount of spiritual energy shot out from his palm. It circled around his hand before transforming into a giant sword that was about twice the size of him!

The bright light that was emitting from the giant sword was so blinding that people who were standing closer to the arena had to look away every few seconds because of its brightness. 

Claude, who was watching the whole fight, stared at the gigantic sword that had appeared in Javier's hand with wonder and awe in his eyes. 

Javier grabbed the sword tightly in his hands and held it high in the air, its tip aiming straight for the centre of the giant spinning golden circle that was heading downwards!


A beam of spiritual energy shot out from the tip of the giant sword, and as soon as the energy beam left the sword, the air shook with the vibrations, even affecting the people in the spectator stands!

"This is truly the strength of a cultivator in the seventh rank of the sky realm!" Claude remarked as he observed the two seniors battling with each other. 


The glowing, golden circle and the powerful spiritual energy beam collided with each other in the air, resulting in a loud explosion that shook the earth and blazing lights erupted all over the place, making it difficult for anyone to see clearly what was going on as the vibrations from the impact of the collision drowned out every other noise in the area. 


Unbeknownst to the spectators, the spiritual energy beam that shot out from the tip of the giant sword had actually burst through the golden spinning circle, heading up towards Wilfred Beldon, who clicked his tongue and desperately tried moving out of its intended trajectory.


Even though he was quick, the beam was quicker than he had expected, and it struck his left hand before he could completely move out of the way. 

The spectators, who weren't able to get a clear look at the arena, saw a bright light amidst the dust and debris that was covering the arena, after which they heard a loud explosion, but they didn't know the reason for it.

Inside the storm covered arena, Javier saw the injured Wilfred, and he nodded his head. "You were able to dodge my attack! Impressive! I knew you were worthy of my true weapon!"

He then pulled the sword backwards, looked at Wilfred floating in the air, and said, "But unfortunately, this is where the fight ends!"


As soon as he finished speaking disappeared from the spot, causing Wilfred Beldon to become alert as he looked around, trying to figure out where he went.

"If you were looking for me, then unfortunately, your eyes were too slow!" Wilfred heard Javier's voice coming from behind him and turned around in an instant, and found him standing in the air with his sword held high. 


There was a strange energy floating around the sword as he held it up, and as Wilfred watched, the surroundings of the sword began to swivel and wobble, as though they were made of clay.

"Are you ready to take this strike?" Javier asked him bluntly and Wilfred raised his eyebrows. 


His giant hammer manifested in his hands once again, and he pulled it back, as if he was about to swing, and it began to glow blue in colour!


Javier swung his sword, and multiple strands of blade light shot through the air, making the sky bright up. Wilfred tried to defend against it by swinging his giant hammer, as a giant ball of bright blue flames burst out of the hammer, heading in the direction of Javier.


The blue fireball and the blade lights collided with each other, resulting in another powerful explosion that flung all the dust and debris that were present in the atmosphere away, clearing the skies. 

"Look! It's Wilfred Beldon!"

And as the crowd of spectators finally got a view of what was going on, they could see the figure of Wilfred Beldon falling down from the sky onto the ground with a loud noise.


Elder Kenneth walked up to the crash landed Wilfred Beldon as Javier descended from the skies. After making sure that Wilfred was alright, Elder Kenneth called out for his servants, who dashed towards the arena and carried the unconscious Wilfred out of the battleground and into an infirmary in order to give him some time to heal.

Elder Kenneth then walked towards Javier, nodded his head in satisfaction, and then raised his hand and said, "The opponent, Wilfred Beldon, has been knocked out! Javier Banderas is the winner!"

As the Elder's voice began to fade, the crowd of spectators erupted into cheers. Javier stared at the cheering crowd with an expression of indifference. He then glanced at Russell, who met his gaze, before turning away to the crowd once again. Except this time, he raised his hand up in the air, as if he was proclaiming his victory to everyone. 


The scene only made the crowd's cheers increase even higher. Russell, who watched Javier trying to rile up the crowd, let out a chuckle. "At least he's trying his best to be a showman..."

Javier waved his hand up in the air for a few more seconds until he had to step down from the arena. As he walked down, his eyes met with Claude's, who was staring at him with an intense gaze. 

"He truly is as strong as they say..." Claude mumbled to himself. Javier was undoubtedly going to be one hell of an opponent for Claude. But nevertheless, he couldn't lose. He had to win this contest. And so, no matter how strong Javier was, he was going to defeat him.

Javier looked at him for a few seconds before nodding his head and walking away.

And as soon as he left, the announcement for the next match echoed in Claude's ears, "Next match; Claude Rayforth vs Ian Jefferson!"

Claude's eyes widened with surprise for a split second, before a wide grin appeared on his face. "Well, well, well… I guess it's time for the idiot senior to learn his lesson!"

Claude said as he turned to look at the arena. He knew that he was about to have a good time. He was going to enjoy this very much.


"Next match; Claude Rayforth vs Ian Jefferson!" 

As the announcement for the next match echoed throughout the arena, Ian Jefferson, who was watching the matches suddenly felt a chill run up his spine. 

He couldn't help but turn his gaze in the direction where Claude was standing for a brief second before turning away. 

"What the hell am I doing?" Ian muttered to himself. Was he afraid of the fight? Him? How could he be? He was waiting for this fight to arrive from the very beginning itself. How on earth could he get cold feet now?

"No, no, no… Get a hold of yourself, Ian. You're going to win this fight." Ian slapped himself on his cheek to get a hold of himself. He then pulled out a medicine bottle from his pocket, and gripped it tightly.

Yes…. He was definitely going to win the fight!

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