Evil Samurai In Cultivation World

Chapter 151: An Interruption

"Someone's watching us." Before they could relax however, Javier leaned forward and spoke with a serious expression, and the rest of them also turned serious. "I can sense it as well." Claude responded. "The aura they're projecting is extremely powerful. This person, he's not even hiding his strength." Claude came to the conclusion that the person emitting the aura must be somewhere around the seventh rank of the sky realm.

"What should we do?" Senior Beldon asked. "Are we planning on fighting this person together?"

"No." Javier shook his head and then turned his head around, scanning the restaurant for someone. His eyes landed on a large, muscular bald man wearing a long black trench coat and a giant sword on his back, and said, "I know this guy. He's here for me." He got up from the table as he spoke. "You don't need to worry about anything. I'll finish this. Alone." The bald man made eye contact with Javier, and he waved his hand at him, smiling as he did so. Javier on the other hand, had a serious expression on his face as he walked towards the bald man.

Claude turned towards Russell Davies. "Do you know who that person is, senior brother Davies?" He asked. Russell scratched his chin and replied, "If I'm remembering correctly, I believe that's David Moriarty, a famous wanderer from the Southwestern continent of Gillerna. People call him a barbarian, someone who's absolutely ruthless and does whatever he likes. Of course, people do try to stop him. However, one thing you should know about ruthless people like him is that if he really was easy to beat, then he would've stopped doing things like this a long time ago."

"So what problem does he have with senior brother Banderas?" Claude asked. Russell Davies shrugged his shoulders. "Now how on earth would I know that?" He replied. "But Javier did roam around the continent last year. Perhaps he encountered him on his journey?"

Claude nodded his head. He then shifted his gaze towards Javier and David Moriarty, but he took brief glances at Russell Davies as he did so.

Did he plan this? Claude thought to himself. After all, it was Russell who brought them to this restaurant to have their meals. Perhaps he knew that David had arrived in Dawsbury city. And maybe he had someone inform him that they had seen David Moriarty hanging around the Riverside restaurant. 

Russell could just be trying to wear down his opponent so that if they really do end up fighting each other afterwards, then having fought such a powerful foe might leave Javier in a rather troublesome situation.

And he also knew a lot about a supposed wanderer from another continent, which was also suspicious. 

But in the end, he couldn't prove any of it. So it might as well have been a coincidence, Claude thought to himself. But nevertheless, he couldn't help but be wary of Russell Davies. 

'I have to be careful around him,' Claude reminded himself.

"Oi! If it isn't little boy Javier?" The bald man, David Moriarty smiled in a devilish manner as Javier Banderas stood in front of him.


All of a sudden, a tremendous aura burst out of Javier's body, which made the other customers who were sitting inside the restaurant flinch. 

'That's a powerful aura!' Even Claude, who was sitting a few metres away from Javier, could feel the pressure coming from him. 

"Oh? So our little boy Javier has grown into a big boy now, eh?" Even at the face of this tremendous pressure, David Moriarty stood there smiling. It was as though the pressure wasn't even real.

"I'm a lot stronger than before," Javier said with a cold expression on his face. David Moriarty let out a short chuckle as soon as Javier finished speaking. "Oh really now? So, now you think that you can defeat me, huh? Is that why you're standing up in front of me with no fear, boy?"

Claude frowned as he watched the interaction between the two men. It certainly didn't look like it was going to end well. The question was, would the restaurant survive if the two duked it out right here. 

"Don't call me 'boy'.." Javier said and his ice cold voice echoed throughout the restaurant, which had now turned completely silent due to the intense atmosphere. Claude could see Javier's fists tightening and he became alert. Claude knew that a fight was about to happen. Soon.

David Moriarty leaned forward, his face right next to Javier's, and said with a grin. "Oh really now? And what would you do if I don't? Huh… boy?" 


Javier swung his fist with frightening speed. If it was anyone else, it would've been impossible to defend against such a quick attack!


However, just as Javier swung his fist, David Moriarty raised both his hands up to his chest in order to defend against the attack. He moved as though he had expected Javier to attack right then and there, and when Javier's fist struck his hands, a loud and extremely powerful explosion occurred, causing a large burst of air to emerge due to the tremendous force, pushing normal cultivators off their seats!

Claude, Russell Davies and Senior Wilfred Beldon sat in their chairs and watched the fight with intense concentration. From the looks of it, David Moriarty seemed like he could take on Javier Banderas, which meant that Javier might have to do his absolute best if he had to win against such a powerful foe.

This meant that he would be showing his full strength and perhaps even his entire arsenal of skills and techniques. This would give them valuable information about Javier and his fighting style and techniques, something that he hasn't yet shared completely.

"Woah! So you really weren't joking when you said that you've gotten stronger!" David said with a smirk as he lowered btph his hands. "I have to admit; you're grown tremendously. I am impressed by your talent."


David swung his fist as soon as he finished speaking, landing a powerful strike on Javier's chest, flinging him backwards like a puppet that had its strings cut off.


Javier manoeuvred in the air and landed without crashing down, but as soon as he raised his head, he saw David's fist fast approaching him.


Javier lowered his head and evaded the attack before winding back his fist and then punching forward, aiming right for his stomach.


The tremendous force of the attack pushed David back a few steps, and he clicked his tongue, with a dissatisfied expression.

He isn't using any weapons? Claude thought to himself. He didn't understand why he was choosing to fight without any weapons. 

And why on earth was his opponent, David Moriarty, also not using his sword? Claude had noticed the giant sword that was on David's back. Clearly, he could wield a sword. So why doesn't he? 

Claude turned to glance at Russell. He had an indifferent expression on his face, but every now and then, Claude could see slight wrinkling on his forehead as the fight went on. He seemed like he was dissatisfied with the fight. But he didn't want to show it.

Why? Why on earth would he feel the need to hide his opinion of a simple fight in a restaurant? Claude frowned. Was he expecting both of them to whip out their swords and have a go at it? Of course, if he was expecting to see Javier do his very best, then he would definitely need to use his sword. 

Was he really the person responsible for setting up this encounter? Because if so, then Claude could understand why Russell was trying to hide his frustration with the fight. He had set this fight up to push Javier to his limits, and yet they were not fighting at their full strength. Claude thought to himself.

The fight between Javier and David was only getting more and more fierce. It had only been a mere two minutes since they started fighting, but the two cultivators had already exchanged more than five hundred attacks with each other.


A powerful punch in the chest pushed David back a few steps. 

Plop! Plop!

The sound of something dripping down onto the floor. David touched his nose, and then lowered his hands in order to take a look at it, only to find droplets of blood on his fingers. His nose was bleeding.

Plop! Plop!

The blood continued to drip from his nose. 

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" All of a sudden, David laughed maniacally, which made the spectators confused. Did he lose his mind? They thought. 

"You have gotten powerful! Not as strong as me, of course, But you are skilled enough to make up for that disadvantage." He said as he stretched out his hands, motioning Javier to attack. "We'll end this here. Come on."


Javier moved with frightening speed, appearing right in front of David, who swung his fist, aiming right for his face.

Javier tilted his head right as David was about to strike him, evading the attack by a hair's breadth, and immediately countered with a powerful uppercut that struck David right under his chin.


David flung up and slammed onto the ceiling with a loud sound, before crashing down onto the floor.

"This is for all the innocent lives you took," Javier's voice echoed inside the restaurant, as his figure disappeared from everyone's view, reappearing right in front of David, who was still in the air. 


"Thousand fists technique," He swung his fist right at his chest, and a bright light illuminated the entire interior of the restaurant as apparitions of thousands of fists rained down on David, who had a faint smile on his face right before he got struck.

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