Evil Samurai In Cultivation World

Chapter 152: Not Worthy

Javier tilted his head right as David was about to strike him, evading the attack by a hair's breadth, and immediately countered with a powerful uppercut that struck David right under his chin, causing David To be flung up and slammed onto the ceiling with a loud sound, and came crashing down onto the floor.

"This is for all the innocent lives you took," Javier's voice echoed inside the restaurant, as his figure disappeared from everyone's view, reappearing right in front of David, who was still in the air. 

"Thousand fists technique," He swung his fist right at his chest, and a bright light illuminated the entire interior of the restaurant as apparitions of thousands of fists rained down on David, who had a faint smile on his face right before he got struck.


A burst of air pushed the nearby people away, with some even crashing onto walls as Javier's fist slammed against David's sword, which had somehow disappeared from its original spot behind him and reappeared in his hands within a split second.


The tremendous force that came with the collision pushed both the cultivators back a few steps.

Javier looked at his fist and realised that his hand was bleeding. It wasn't anything serious, but the impact of the collision was so powerful that it even pierced his incredibly tough skin.

"Ha ha ha! To think you were actually able to make me use my sword!" The bald man, David Moriarty, laughed with an evil grin on his face as he swung around the giant sword like it was a plaything.

"It's been a while since I've last used my sword. So forgive me if I'm not that good anymore," David Moriarty said with a sad expression and Javier simply snorted in response.


He raised the giant sword with his hand and pointed its tip right in Javier's direction and said, "What are you doing? Bring out your sword as well."

Javier clicked his tongue as David and raised both his hands up to his chest. He said with a serious expression, "You aren't worthy of dying by my sword!"


The moment Javier finished speaking, David stabbed the gigantic sword down onto the floor of the restaurant, and a giant crack was formed right in the middle of the building, causing a small earthquake. A few people who had gathered around the restaurant to watch the fight turned around and ran far away, afraid of the building collapsing on them.

David looked at Javier with eyes that were bright red, his normal expression gone and now completely replaced with a look of hatred and rage. "You think you're very clever saying that don't you?"

Javier snorted. "I just like giving arrogant people a taste of their own medicine," He replied. Claude was sure that he saw Javier's lips twitching for a split second, as though he was resisting grinning.

'Interesting,' Claude said as he watched Javier and David with intrigue. He wanted to know what had happened between the two of them. 

Next to Claude, Russell Davies was watching the fight with a reluctant expression. His facial expression seemed to imply that he was expecting something else.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" David Moriarty tilted his head up into the ceiling and laughed maniacally. He then looked straight at Javier with an angry expression. If looks could kill, then Javier would already be dead. He pointed his finger at Javier and said, "Good, good. I like fighting a stubborn opponent. It's more fun that way."


He pulled the giant sword up in the air and continued, "Just don't regret your words later, alright boy?" 

"Oh, don't worry," Javier replied as he waved his hands, motioning David to come. "I definitely won't."


David clicked his tongue with an annoyed expression before disappearing from everyone's view.

"Take this!" David reappeared right behind Javier and swung his giant sword right at his head. 


Javier twisted his body to the side right as he was about to be struck by the sword, and immediately countered with a fist attack, aiming right for David's chest.


David pulled back his sword and held it right in front of his chest, and the powerful fist attack struck the strong blade of the giant sword, creating a loud noise.

The tremendous impact of the collision pushed the two cultivators back once again, but this time, David immediately regained his footing and dashed forward, slicing his sword horizontally as he aimed for Javier's lower abdomen.


Javier, who saw that the sword was quickly moving his way, immediately leapt up into the air, jumping right over the sword before gracefully landing on the floor.


He reacted almost immediately and swung his foot right at David, who used his less dominant arm to block the attack!


Although he blocked it, the impact of the attack was more than what David was expecting, and his less dominant hand couldn't handle all of the tremendous force, which caused him to be pushed back multiple steps before slamming onto the wall behind him.

"Dragon fist attack!" Javier's voice echoed throughout the restaurant as he appeared in front of David in an instant and punched forward, aiming right for David's head.


David tilted his head right before the fist could strike him, and Javier punched through the wall, resulting in the formation of a large hole in the building.


Before Javier could pull back his fist, David immediately stabbed his sword right onto Javier's stomach, and the collision resulted in a loud explosion that pushed Javier back, flinging him into the air as fell onto one of the tables.

David charged towards the fallen Javier and swung his sword once again, but Javier rolled to the side in an instant, evading David's attack, before kicking against the wall that was to his side and springing back towards David, kicking him right in the face!

"Ugh," David groaned as he was forcibly slammed down onto the floor, which caused another small earthquake that shook the entire building. Javier was about to punch him once again when the fallen David swiped his foot and struck Javier's leg, causing him to be pushed down to his knees.

David instantly pulled back his legs and kicked him in the stomach, right where he had stabbed him just a few moments ago, and Javier cried in pain as he was pushed back, slamming his back against the wall.

"Like I said, you're just a little boy!" David rose up from the floor with a devilish grin on his face and held his sword up to his chest, aiming right at an angry Javier. "You'll never be able to defeat me!"

Javier looked at David with an intense expression, and then swiped the sweat off his forehead and replied, "I guess I'll just have to prove you wrong!"


Javier dashed forward, and an infuriated David swung his sword right at him. 


Just as the sword was about to strike Javier, he twisted his entire body mid-run, completely evading the sword before punching David right in the face!


The impact knocked David a few feet back, and Javier immediately pulled David by his collar and hit him again by slamming his own head against him!

"Ah! Resorting to such cheap tactics," David mumbled under his breath as he tried to swing his sword, but Javier bent his upper body backwards, and the sword simply just didn't connect, passing over him just by a hair's breadth. 

He then immediately regained his posture and punched David right under his chin, pushing him back a few steps and causing him to spit out blood.

"Why don't you stop talking and try to land a hit?" Javier said with an indifferent tone, which only made David more infuriated. 


A burst tog light emitted from the tip of the giant sword, as David pointed it right at Javier. All of a sudden, hundreds of blade lights shot out of the giant sword, and moved through the air with frightening speed, aiming right towards Javier, who just watched the fast approaching streaks of light with an indifferent expression.


Javier stomped his foot on the floor, causing it to crack and the ground to shake violently. He then stretched out his palm and began to breathe in and out, and a faint golden glow appeared to envelope him.


As the countless blade lights approached Javier, he twisted his palms to the side and a large golden ring manifested right around his hand, and shot out, aiming at the incoming blade lights!


The golden ring glowed so brightly as it collided with the blade lights, creating a loud burst of air as dust and debris filled the restaurant building.


A quick figure moved through the dust and appeared right in front of David, who was caught off guard by the sudden appearance.

"I told you, didn't I?" Javier said as he pressed his palm against David's chest, and a bright light enveloped him. "You're not worthy of dying by my sword!"

David could see an apparition of a giant palm right in front of his chest, following which he felt time slow down, and his eyes weakening.

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