Evilness, the all-consuming power that holds sway over life and death.

Chapter 15: Preparations for a campaign.*

As I awaken from my slumber, I find myself in a realm where routine has been replaced by whimsical nocturnal adventures. It's not a physical exhaustion that I feel, but a mental weariness brought on by the vivid dreams that whisk me away to otherworldly realms. In these dreams, I am convinced that if I were to encounter my Nina, I would recognize her instantly, for these visions have imprinted her image in my mind. What once were recurring dreams have now transformed into a tapestry of fantastical and diverse episodes, leaving me with a lingering headache.

- Aido: Ouch.

- Luyira: What ails you?

- Aido: This sensation, it throbs.

- Luyira: This head need a kiss, and the tenderly love of your older sister.

- Aido: Yes please!

Luyira kisses my forehead tenderly and embraces me warmly. She then takes out a bottle containing some sort of medicine and applies it to my forehead.

-Luyira: Then what it is?

- Aido: It's as if... a memory.

- Luyira: A memory, you say?

- Aido: Yes, a memory of a village, a trio of companions, of laughter and love, of battles fought and won.

- Mary: Do continue, Aido, do not falter.

Mary also ask me when she was beside me on the bed, when I finish my story, she hug me too.

- Mary: This memory of yours... I wonder what it could be.

-Luyira: Do you think it could be from your past life?

- Destroyer: May I interject?

- Aido: Speak your mind.

- Destroyer: They say dreams are portals to other lives and realities, glimpses of what could have been or what may be. Each one holds significance, but it is in the lessons they impart that true value lies, not in attempts to alter their course.

- Aido: Yet alter it, I must!

My declaration resonated through the room, a fervent cry that echoed beyond its walls.

- Alidia: Are you well, dear?

- Aido: Pardon me, all is well, though a vision flickered before me—a tragedy, a calling to prevent it. I believe I can, a newfound power stirs within me.

The girls thought they were the sole recipients of that revelation, but little did they know that even at the farthest corners of the earth, mysterious beings and enigmatic individuals sensed a shift in the air.

- Mary: Your powers returning, the mark of a true savior—preventing calamities before they unfold!

- Luyira: You shall never walk alone, my eternal companion! my love, my soul, my man!

- Alidia: We stand proud of you, cherished one.

- Destroyer: Fear not, for whatever it may be, we stand by your side.

- Aido: I thank you, each and every one, for your unwavering support and understanding.

- Mary: No need for thanks, for in unity we find strength.

- Luyira: Indeed, together we stand firm.

- Alidia: Forever and always.

- Destroyer: Your command, master.

- Aido: *laughs* Truly, fortune smiles upon me.

- Alidia: Let us resume our duties, united in purpose.

Gathered in the opulent communal bath, a conclave of regal figures descended upon this earthly realm like celestial beings, exuding a sense of familial harmony. Rather than a simmering undercurrent of desire, the air was thick with camaraderie and kinship. Lasui and Sasari bantered like the brothers they were, while Javier and Marceline awaited their turn in the warm waters like faithful companions. Amidst discussions of politics, my royal parents, the sovereigns, navigated the challenges of empire leadership. Mary and Luyira, an unexpected pair, embodied a sisterly bond where Mary effortlessly commanded and Luyira followed, seamlessly expanding our familial tapestry.

Alidia extended her invitation with a gentle reminder,

-Alidia: Come, let's cleanse our bodies.

-Luyira: I'll take care of both of you.

Mary, too, offered her assistance, saying, "Count me in."

Luyira, with a mischievous glint in her eye, reassured Mary.

-Luyira: "Don't be shy, my little one, and my future partner."

Mary was taken aback, asking in surprise, "Partner!?"

Alidia, sensing a brewing plan, inquired.

-Alidia:Luy, dear, what schemes are swirling in that mind of yours?

-Luyira: The connection that ties Aido also weaves its way to me, interlacing our destinies. And you, dear mother, are also entwined in this intricate web. Aido is not just a part of my world; he is my world. Every stride he takes, every gesture he makes, all of it belongs to me.

-Alidia: Oh, well, if it brings you joy, then we will follow suit, right Mary?

Mary nodded, affirming, "I'm with Aido."

Luyira spoke softly.

-Luyira: Let's wash away our worries and discover the beauty of feminine love. Aido will forever be ours.

Mary echoed, "Ours indeed."

With unity in their hearts, Alidia added, "And mine too."

Aido, puzzled by their antics, inquired.

-Aido: What plans are you three hatching?

Alidia, with a grin, shared, "To form a bond, dear, and trust me, it will be a delightful journey." Luyira suggested, "Let's immerse ourselves in a soothing bath and unwind." Aido agreed, "Sounds good."

As they entered the warm embrace of the water, Javier, Sasari, Arthur, Jessica, Marceline, and Lasui welcomed them. The three girls playfully lathered themselves with soap, including Aido in their delightful ritual. Mary settled in front of Aido, gently using a brush on his skin. Alidia stood behind him, while Luyira faced him, creating a harmonious trio. As they pampered Aido, he couldn't help but feel a stirring sensation within him.

The nobility appears accustomed to the practice of bathing together, commonly observed among the affluent class.

-Arthur: Take pleasure in your bath, as it serves as a time for relaxation and preparation for the day's challenges.

-Aido: Of course. King Arthur.

-Javier: Not everyone bathes in the company of saints and royalty.

-Marceline: It is indeed a great honor and I feel more at ease working and serving when in the company of the king.

-Jessica: This is my first time bathing with others.

-Marceline: Let us make the most of it.

-Jessica: Agreed.

-Mary: Aido, would you like to engage in intimacy with us now, or should we wait until nighttime?

-Marceline: Let us wait until nighttime, as public expectations must be considered.

-Mary: Why delay? We can engage in intimacy here.

-Luyira: No, it is improper and disrespectful.

-Alidia: Let us maintain some decorum, Mary. Besides, we have already partaken in such activities this morning.

-Mary: Very well, I shall engage in intimacy with you later, Aido, in the privacy of the bedroom. If you behave well, I may consider granting you my virginity.

-Aido: Virginity?

Mary leans closer and whispers, "Anal, this time."

-Mary: You are the only one I trust for this.

-Aido: Wait, I am still puzzled about "This morning." I didn't do anything this morning! For some reason, I feel like they had their way with my body while I was sleeping. I remember having sex in my dream, but I didn't realize it was happening in real life too!

The Queen soon enough changed the topic.

-Jessica: This is an opportune moment to discuss the new campaign. The previous one was successful, with newcomers and seasoned members fulfilling their responsibilities. Recruitment numbers are meeting our needs, and the economy remains stable.

-Marceline: Unfortunately, we continue to experience more soldier losses than gains. Hunters are not exactly immune to mistakes neither.

-Alidia: I will accompany you to address this issue.

-Arthur: Let us conclude and enjoy a hearty breakfast.

-Javier: Sasari, mine isn't so bad.

-Sasari: What do you mean?

-Lasui: I understand, father should provide me with better equipment.

-Arthur: What have I done now?

-Javier: You know exactly what you did.

-Lasui: Father, you are unfair.

-Jessica: We will address this matter once our meeting is concluded.

-Marceline: Agreed.

-Destroyer: Actually, I feel my lord changed his body when he became fully aware of his powers in order to have that equipment, for Prince Lasui and Young Javier.

We ventured out, reminiscent of the initial lessons in sexuality at the onset of the academy, where both Luyira and I seemed to unsettle some individuals due to our uncommon size and physique. Mary, on the other hand, appeared to be well-acclimated. I couldn't help but ponder if they had bathed together prior to this, it seem at least the Queen had not. After enjoying a satisfying breakfast, preparations commenced. The congregation of students stood poised on the training grounds, readied for the impending wave of monsters. The troops were assembling their equipment, and provisions were in place, fostering an atmosphere of palpable anticipation.

-Alidia: Attention, everyone. I commend you all for your progress; within one day, you could be deemed Level B hunters. Our objective by month's end is to achieve Level A, if not S. Prioritize your health by eating and resting well and engaging in physical exercise. Starting today, the Saint will join our instructional sessions, but she will have to return to her Saintly duties the following day. During her tenure here, feel free to sustain minor injuries.

-Mary: I will tend to any accidents as well as to the other hunters in attendance.

-Marceline: Now onto the crux of the matter – the impending monster incursion one month hence. It promises to be formidable, but we are equipped with our four aces: Alidia, the impregnable fortress; Frenia, the valiant warrior; Luyira, the Goddess in Red; and Aido, the Savior. We shall not falter nor succumb; we shall prevail. Prepare to persevere, flourish, triumph, and conquer.

-Arthur: Commence your training.

-Jessica: Your success hinges upon you.

-Alidia: Aido, Mary, you will be under my tutelage.

-Marceline: Onward. Subsequently, we engaged in magical and combat training under her guidance, with Mary providing instruction on harnessing enhanced power beyond the ordinary. U

pon receiving guidance from my mother and Mary, we are urged to trail behind them into a secluded area. Perhaps it is due to my prior antics during our practice, but there is a noticeable gap between us and the rest. In this intimate setting, we are greeted by a distressing sight - a collection of wounded creatures in need of healing.

-Saint Mary: Luy, do you perceive the injured rabbit in the cage?

-Luyira: Yes, the poor creature has a wounded leg.

-Saint Mary: It is premature for you to be administering aid to people and ailments. Although you are immune to illness and Aido possesses the ability to neutralize toxins and diseases with Destroyer power, there may arise situations where you must intervene to safeguard him or others, restoring them to full health.

-Alidia: The true path to enlightenment lies in the school of life itself, where experience is the greatest teacher. The more we witness, the faster our minds absorb, and the fewer errors we make.

-Saint Mary: Let us mend this, for I have faith in your abilities and we can begin our work.

-Alidia: Then, it is settled.

-Luyira: Indeed. Luy gently touches the bunny's leg.

-Luyira: Pain, pain, dissipate! Oh my stars! Oh my stars!

-Aido: What is it?

-Luyira: I cannot explain, but it feels as though I am extracting a dark energy from the bunny, I can visualize it. Furthermore, I sense my very essence transferring something vital to the bunny.

as Luyira's hands began to glow, the bunny's body is healing and a few seconds later the bunny is completely healed.

-Luyira: Oh my god, it worked, it worked, it worked.

-Destroyer: Perhaps Mary's miraculous abilities lie in medical nano machines, tiny constructs that her body can produce to heal wounds and sustain life by providing essential resources.

- Aido: Oh, can Luy do that too?

-Saint Mary: You can, dear. I possess great power and have no doubt you can do it too. The wounds may vanish, and the creature may live a bit longer. The nano machines won't pose any harm unless a problem arises.

-Destroyer: However, there's a catch - you'll need resources. As a wise man once said, "Nothing in this world comes for free."

-Saint Mary: I have a voracious appetite. I can consume just about anything; I've even eaten a piece of iron.

Luyira looks at me in astonishment and concern.

-Aido: Surely there must be another way.

-Alidia: It's not all bad. The more you can do this, the longer the creature can survive, fight, and enjoy a better life.

-Aido: Fine, but isn't there another solution?

-Saint Mary: Well, there are alternatives, such as medicinal supplements in large doses.

-Luyira: I won't end up getting fat, will I?

-Destroyer: Not likely. The Retter Messiah's body is denser than anything known to humans. It can compress materials in an incredible manner, yet your bodies use forces to make them feel as light as those of any normal person. In reality, you are heavier than the 50kg that shows up on the scale.

-Luyira: No way! I'm as light as a feather, just like Mom said!

-Aido: In that case, no worries.

-Saint Mary: Another option is to gather the necessary materials yourself.

-Luyira: So, it's through intimacy?

-Aido: Um, I think the first option works just fine.

-Destroyer: Ultimately, the most effective method is through intimacy, but only with my lord. He possesses limitless resources.

-Saint Mary: If that is your desire, Luy, then so be it.

-Alidia: With that settled, we can heal more creatures.

-Luyira: Wonderful.

She tends to various wounded animals, including bunnies, as the training session concludes. We have a meal, and soon it's time to rest. I have long been aware, as indicated by Destroyer, that my milk can be altered by my body. Is it safe to assume that its primary function has always been to meet the needs of Luyira, or is there another intended recipient?

-Luyira: I am grateful for your guidance; the process feels instinctual now, yet I never imagined I could master it without your help. Look, Aido, it moves and want to stay with me, it knows I did it.

-Aido: Wow, it is like you are it mommy, both are bunnies in the end.

- Alidia: You're welcome, but now I have a question for you.

- Luyira: What is it, Mom?

-Alidia: What did you feel healing for the first time?

-Luyira: I can't quite put it into words, but I'll try. It's a combination of feelings like, "I can do this," "I must do this," and "I am capable of healing people."

-Saint Mary: So, you are finally commencing your training as a Retter Messiah, our knowledge is vast and instincs, but something clouds our memories, anything came to you?.

-Luyira: Nuh, uh, only a feeling.

-Aido: So, the reason I have this strange condition of my body is to give resources to my lovers?, I possess abilities that could be beneficial. By the way, does this mean that all the intercourse I've been engaging in has actually been providing resources for Luy and my mother?

-Destroyer: Part of the reason I was frequently absent was to gather resources while out, storing them within me like a Retter Messiah, then transferring them to your body as a nutrient liquid, energy too, but I never went so far I can not be back in a week.

I cringe at the thought of becoming some sort of nutrient dispenser for my lovers. It's a strange feeling, like part of it is actually good, but on the other hand, it's kind of embarrassing to provide nutrients to your partner during lovemaking. It's not like a mother feeding her offspring. It's a complex feeling, kind of arousing... but in a strange way.

-Aido: I anticipate needing a significant amount of rest, food, and activity tomorrow, but I am determined to persevere.

Saint Mary's voice echoed sternly, "Success is essential. Failure will not be tolerated. Alidia, Luyira, and I will not hesitate to administer a severe punishment if necessary." As I pondered her words, I couldn't help but wonder if Mary's behavior sometimes mirrored that of Luyira. During my years at the academy, she had been an enigmatic and ethereal presence, both captivating and intimidating. Yet, witnessing her in this new light felt both surreal and intriguing

Throughout the morning, Luyira tirelessly tended to the needs of others while I dedicated myself to honing my skills in energy management and visualization. Though I have made progress, I still feel like a ticking bomb waiting to fully unleash my potential, a sentiment that has not gone unnoticed by the girls. As the sun climbed higher in the sky, I continued my practice, only breaking for a philosophical discussion with Destroyer to center my mind and find peace. Together, we strolled through the serene surroundings, lost in our thoughts until the sound of clashing echoed through the air. Intrigued, we made our way towards the source of the commotion, only to discover a group of students engaged in mock battles. The teams were evenly matched, with no clear dominant opponents in sight. Sensing the potential for chaos, we wisely kept our distance, choosing to observe from afar for the time being.

-Alidia : Worry not, you have company. Simply enjoy yourself and tend to your duties.

My mother's words wrap around me like a warm embrace, a gentle blend of worry and encouragement. When I heard my Luy in the distance.

-Luyira: Let's go on some exhilarating fun! It's roller coaster and park time," declared Luyira enthusiastically. "Bring my child! Bring Sakura by my side!"

We chuckled mischievously.

-Alidia: Alright is right to have fun and forget the tension of training, lets visit the amusement park.

-Luyira: Yay! I will go for my minion!

-Saint Mary: So bad, I can not leave the academy grounds for now, but I will wait for your stories having fun in the palace.

-Alidia: In exchange Aido, tomorrow you are going to do the basic training without any Destroyer.

-Aido: Bare it all?

-Luyira: (giggling) Oh, yes, let's see what you've got!

-Saint Mary: I must admit, the temptation is real. We could enjoy the spectacle together.

-Aido: I was only kidding, but you ladies have the power to persuade me otherwise!

This time, the royal group didn't join us on our adventure. Their presence always complicates things, and it's important that everyone can enjoy themselves without feeling pressured. So our group is small this time around: just me, Luyira, our mother, Sakura, Carlos, Francisco, and Lizzie. Some other students went off on their own to relax in different ways. It was a truly enjoyable experience having a smaller group - riding the rollercoaster was exhilarating, with its lightning speed and the infectious screams of fellow riders. The other attractions were equally fantastic. The Haunted House steered clear of terrifying themes to avoid traumatizing anyone, but it still managed to give us a good scare. And of course, Sakura persistently teased Luy and Luy returned the favor with me - it's become a familiar part of our dynamic by now.

Returning to the Palace, my new abode for the time being, I drifted into a deep slumber. The next day unfolded in its usual pattern, but tranquility eluded us until we were united in intimacy. I confess to being possessive - a trait pointed out by my mother and Luy on numerous occasions. Rather than a criticism, they view it as a testament to their belonging to me, knowing I would go to great lengths to safeguard what is mine.

After our customary feast with the nobility, our mother gathered us together and declared an exciting new adventure: a real-life hunt for beasts, guided by seasoned hunters. Our task was to test our reactions in a true wilderness setting, with reports of beastly groups nearby. Following this thrilling excursion, my mother urged me to practice without the aid of Destroyer, my loyal protector. A heated debate ensued between my mother and Destroyer, who insisted on safeguarding me without enhancing my strength. Their clash of wills ended with my mother reluctantly conceding to Destroyer’s stubborn resolve. The hunters were a blend of eagerness and unease, the thrill of success dancing on the cusp of perilous encounters, offering a chance to push my limits. Meanwhile, Mary held court in the opulent confines of the palace, attending to her royal responsibilities.

-Alidia: This time, our task is beyond the abilities of the other students. The hunters are here solely for support if necessary.

-Hunter: We have identified a group of 100 beasts and 4 large beasts to the west.

-Aido: Are we going to eliminate them?

-Luyira: I can weaken them, and your team can finish them off. Isn't that why the hunters are here?

-Alidia: That plan sounds feasible.

-Arthur: I would prefer if you did not put yourself in danger.

Luyira stood tall, with a confident grin and determination on her face.

-Luyira:Piece of cake, I will go, I will see, and I will conquer!

Javier raised a wary hand.

-Javier: Luyira-Sama, remember we are mortals.

Jessica, the strategist of the group, outlined the plan.

-Jessica: We go there, we kill the big beast or more likely leave the big beasts to Luyira, Alidia and Aido, and then we deal with the rest.

-Arthur: I approve. Let's go.

Javier looked at them skeptically. "Are you sure you can do this alone?"

-Sasari: Javier, show your manliness. You are skilled, but you tend to dwell on the negative outcomes. I adore you as you are, but sometimes your worries concern me.

Javier smiled and kissed her lips, then Sasari smiled happily.

-Arthur: You have our word. We'll protect our family.

-Javier: Thank you, King Arthur.

-Arthur: Alidia, what about you?

-Alidia: My childs are enough for some filthy beasts, don't forget who am I.

-Arthur: Fine, let's go.

The group, fully armed and ready for adventure, embarked on their journey with their king leading the way. Accompanied by two elite Hunters of Rank S and the king's lover, we moved through the woods stealthily like characters from a ninja tale. No horses or vehicles were needed, as we darted and leaped among the trees. I noticed how the seasoned hunters effortlessly matched our pace, showing their skill and agility. It was clear that not everyone in our group possessed the same level of talent. Interestingly, the king appeared more adept at matters of the heart than in battle. The only other member who seemed to share the experienced hunters' stamina was Marceline, a former Hunter herself.

After some observation, it became apparent that the terrain is arid with numerous rock formations, allowing us to maintain a safe distance while observing the beasts. There are hundreds of beasts present, with four particularly large behemoths appearing to lead the group. Despite their aggressive nature, these creatures typically require a specific target to incite their desire for blood, leading them to march in a cohesive formation towards towns or groups of people. It is imperative to locate these beasts before they target a settlement or population.

-Alidia: Let's finally bring to life the idea that has lingered in our minds, Mary and I, for so long.

-Aido: Are we talking about annihilating the beasts' brains with your mighty lance?

-Luyira: Or should we just charge in and pound them to a pulp?

-Alidia: No, let's tap into the magic within us. Remember how Mary once conjured flames from her very hands? That's why we're here as a small, cautious group. We must prevent two potential disasters: a power so immense it can't be controlled, or one so feeble it can't stand against the beasts. And we must be ready if things take a turn for the worse, like when Aido's powers spiraled out of control, putting innocent lives at risk. A delicate balance, but one we must master.

-Destroyer: As I observed and gathered data on this peculiar situation, the potential to use an external processing mechanism to create elements such as water, wind, and fire seemed like an intriguing and enlightening experience for others. Particularly interesting was the energy exchange mechanism, as it allows us to gather data for people without risk, safeguarding my lord from any unintended consequences, given that a Retter Messiah cannot be harmed.

-Alidia: Exactly.

-Aido: I am eager to learn!

-Luyira: What about the big guys?

-Alidia: That is where you come in.

-Luyira: Violence has never sat well with me. My heart aches for the vulnerable, and that is why I chose the path of a hunter - to shield my family and those in my care. Now, I realize that being a hunter is my calling, but I aspire to be more than just a protector. I wish to be a saint, like my beloved sister.

-Jessica: Your journey will mold you into who you are meant to become.

-Luyira: Your guidance is invaluable, Your Highness.

-Alidia: I understand that the royal family wishes to contribute, but remember, we are not boundless in our strength. Wait until the numbers dwindle before engaging.

-Jessica: I will heed your advice.

-Lasui: As a prince, I respect your command, General.

-Arthur: We are in for a spectacular display, I can already feel it.

-Luyira: Let us commence.

With immense focus, Luyira summons a colossal ball of wind and water, propelling it like a swift projectile. The monstrous creature is struck in the head, leaving a gaping hole, causing it to slump unconscious yet breathing. It is temporarily incapacitated, giving us the opening we need to eliminate it. The beast has noticed us now, the 3 other big are facing to us and the minions are running to our position.

-Javier: Impressive marksmanship, Luyira.

-Aido: Allow me to take the next shot.

Advancing confidently, I unleashes two fiery orbs that detonate upon impact, annihilating the beasts, hurting one of the big ones but still below Luyira result.

-Hunter Rank S: I sight Gunners! be in guard! Those beasts are lethal but they have limited ammo.

I heard the beasts roaring to us and in response, the hunters began to shoot the beasts, while the royals, us, and the other hunter were in wait for the beasts. I was getting ready to launch a spear towards one of them, but then a huge rock flew above me, I turned my face and saw that the one beast was trying to launch a giant boulder towards us.

The hunters focused their assault on the large rock, causing it to explode and the resulting shrapnel to strike some of the nearby beasts. Despite my lack of experience, I attempted to unleash a barrage of fireballs. However, I soon began to feel a headache and my concentration wavered as I started to feel unwell. I couldn't help but wonder if Luy was experiencing the same side effects while utilizing her magic. In an attempt to follow her lead, I tried to mimic her actions.

-Aido:Luyira, are you alright? The genius of our family, how are you feeling?"

Luyira sighed softly.

-Luyira: Oh, I'm just a bit weary and under the weather, but nothing too serious.

-Aido:Mom, is there anything we can do to help?

Alidia replied calmly.

-Alidia: The recommended course of action is to ensure the individual receives ample rest and nourishment. I am available to provide assistance as needed. While the symptoms may be alarming, her physical well-being is not at immediate risk. The dizziness is likely a result of stress rather than a serious health concern, but anxiety may be a contributing factor.

-Arthur: The numbers are increasing, we must act quickly or you must take charge of them!

Alidia nodded in agreement, realizing that her children needed to recuperate from their hasty actions.

-Alidia: Arthur, focus on the massive Golem hurling rocks, it's proving to be quite troublesome. I'll handle the rest. Marceline, see to it that the other two beasts are finished off.

Luyira offered to accompany Marceline, but she shook her head.

-Marceline: No, stay with Aido and regroup. Sometimes, the true enemy is stress and anxiety. I'll follow your mother's guidance.

Marceline provided reassurance and then proceeded to bravely charge towards the menacing turtle-shaped monster, deftly drawing her sword to swiftly defeat it. Meanwhile, the other large lizard-like creature moved slowly due to the injuries it sustained from her previous attacks, but remained a looming threat as it regrouped and recovered. As we tried to create distance from the creatures, we unexpectedly set off a trap, prompting a dozen aggressive wolf-like beasts armed with firearms to emerge rapidly from the rocks. They began firing at Luy and me with relentless intensity, as if there was no tomorrow.

-Luyira: EY! that sensation tickles, but not in the way that I enjoy!

-Destroyer: Aido, shield her! While she may be invulnerable, she can still sense the impact of each blow. She is still recovering from the emotional toll of using magic, and it could be dangerous if she loses control.

-Aido: I comprehend. It is indeed accurate that while the creatures may not be a threat, we must be mindful that our own power can inadvertently harm our allies if not controlled effectively.

This situation is currently advantageous for us. The enemy gunners are concentrating on our team, which provides an opportunity for the others to engage the beasts. Mother is effectively utilizing her abilities to provoke and divert the attention of the majority of the creatures, enabling us to reduce their numbers. Despite their considerable strength, the true threat lies in being overrun by multiple creatures.

-Destroyer: We should consider using projectiles or area attacks to gain the upper hand.

-Aido: Agreed. Luyira, it's time to strike.

-Luyira: Just five more minutes!

-Aido: Enough playful banter - this is serious. And it's mostly Destroyer's skin.

-Luyira: Oh, I can feel your warmth through him. But you're correct; we can save that for later!

Luyira ears assets the location of each enemy, making a gesture to me, she gimme the signals to take 5 to the left, and she is taking care of 6 to the right.

-Luyira: Go!

We leapt into the midst of the Gunners group, our powers ready to be unleashed. As she raised her hands, a towering pillar of water emerged, engulfing the beasts and dragging them to the earth. Meanwhile, with fiery determination, I conjured fireballs in each hand, obliterating the five beasts in a blaze of destruction. Though not as massive as the formidable foes we had faced before, these creatures proved to be elusive and resilient. With the smaller threats vanquished, I turned my attention to the remaining Luyira beasts, readying my sword to deliver the final blow.

-Destroyer: Those were impressive attacks.

From the distance we heard the voice of Javier.

-Javier: Sasari, Lasui, do you thing!

-Lasui: Absolutely.

-Jessica: What you mean? What you guys are doing?

In the shadows, where Lasui and Sasari lurk unseen, they abandon their bows and strike a harmonious pose. Their voices blend into a haunting melody that resonates with power and mystique. Those who hear it are imbued with a newfound sense of vigor, grace, and fortitude, as if touched by a divine enchantment. The lyrics are a riddle, a whisper from an unknown realm, yet its impact is undeniable. It is not just a song, but a force to be reckoned with.

Marceline and Javier identified a potential weakness that they were aware of before us. They shifted their strategy from directly attacking the beasts to protecting the siblings. They seemed entranced while singing, and although I am unsure if they are in danger, any mishap could place them in serious jeopardy.

As the chaos of monsters swirled around us, my mother effortlessly commanded the bizarre crowd. Her taunts sliced through the eerie silence like a well-tuned instrument, effortlessly luring the creatures towards her. With the grace of a dancer and the precision of a clockwork mechanism, she wielded her shield like a mighty weapon, swiftly delivering crushing blows and piercing strikes with her lance. In that moment, she transformed into a formidable force of nature, a lethal blend of skill and speed that left the monsters trembling in fear.

The number of enemies dwindled rapidly under her skilled hand, establishing her as a symbol of a warrior and true hunter. The effects of the song became apparent as Marceline and Javier displayed heightened physical abilities, deftly evading, deflecting, and countering attacks with increased agility and accuracy.

As Luyira engaged the Golem, it attempted a powerful strike but she managed to halt it with her bare hands, leaving the monster immobilized. I seized the opportunity to pierce it with a reinforced spear, and as it tried to drag me down, I swiftly evaded its grasp, causing it to crash forcefully to the ground. Arthur focused on another formidable adversary charging towards him like a berserker. Despite the beast's aggressive attacks, Arthur skillfully evaded them, shifting the tide of battle in our favor.

The once numerous horde of beasts now dwindled to a mere eight, including the large wolf-like creature. With the combined efforts of the Hunters, Arthur, and Jessica, the giant beast was soon overwhelmed and brought down. Luyira and I continued to face off against the colossal golem when a sound echoed from the sky, striking the golem and causing it to crumble into pieces. Though fatally wounded by us,now it transformed into rubble with an unknown substance seeping from it.

It was our mother who was covered in blood and sweat, amidst the substance. Despite the battlefield conditions, her attire and equipment appeared to be in good condition, albeit coated in the substance. A team of four hunters trailed behind at a distance, carrying equipment designed to absorb decomposing bodies and gases, which they utilized to clean our mother. Though there were small stains that they overlooked, it was preferable to attempt to remove as much as possible before it dissipated into the air.

-Aido: It is intriguing how even giant beasts decompose at a similar rate to smaller ones. I previously believed they did not bleed, but it appears they possess a blood-like substance akin to ours. This decomposition process also affects their gunners and metal, leaving no trace of bones behind. This discovery...

-Destroyer: This is a result of ancient world technology.

-Alidia: The battle was well-fought. I was surprised by the sibling's song – a source of empowerment, a buff, or perhaps a blessing. Even I felt a surge in my own power upon hearing it, though it felt foreign to me.

-Destroyer: It appears to utilize the system we have termed magic, coupled with the unique abilities of the siblings. This is not the first time I have heard them sing; it seems to be a hobby of theirs.

- Arthur: Indeed, they have been singing since they were young. Lasui used to serenade Marceline with his songs. I must admit, this particular performance caught me off guard as well.

Jessica felt a mix of emotions as she watched the children play.

-Jessica: Children will be children, but I was worry sick and for my first experience was kinda overwhelming.

-Arthur: The battlefield would be even worse, we cannot be in a safe zone all the time. If the worst-case scenario appears, we need to act. I am proud of you both.

-Lasui: Thank you, father. I will improve and learn more from you.

Marceline placed a reassuring hand on Lazui's shoulder

-Marceline: You will have your time. Just be careful. Remember that when we fight, we do not do it alone; we have each other.

-Aido: There are rules for it like my mother skill?

Sasari interjected, her eyes shining with admiration.

-Sasari: They are. But first, let me express my admiration for Miss Alidia. She was so brave and powerful; monsters fell one after the other before her.

Sasari's gaze then shifted to Jessica, who seemed to be her role model. Javier, the more cautious type, couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear at the intensity in Sasari's eyes. Clearing his throat, Sasari continued.

-Sasari: We discovered it not long ago that we can reinforce our bodies and equipment with energy. So we reinforced our voices, and the effect was what you see. Still, when we tried to sing a love song we know, the resulting sound remains a mystery to both of us.

-Lasui: Another curious thing is only works if we both sing, in a solo play the effect is inexistent, like it was a trait from our sibling relationship, we are close, but I do not love Sasari like my father loves our mother, which are siblings too.

-Destroyer: The concept of this buff is simply remarkable; the energy woven into it is but a fraction of the power bestowed upon those in its radius. This magic typically demands an equivalent exchange of energy or materials to manifest an effect. Could it be that the tides are turning?

-Arthur: While it may seem advantageous for us, any shift in our foes' abilities could prove dire. I see your point.

-Hunter: We've gathered everything, but it appears they were more numerous than anticipated.

-Alidia: I observed the same; I tallied at least 350 casualties. Many of them must have lurked in shadows and struck in coordinated groups. These are no mere mindless creatures, the initial 100 were likely the guardians of the four colossal beasts.

-Luyira: Mother, you were the champion of this battlefield, eliminating nearly 80% of them.

-Sasari: Indeed! They stood no chance, not even if they all converged upon her at once.

- Aido and Javier: *chuckle*

Sasari's newfound dedication appears to be demanding a higher level of commitment from us... especially from the men, you can see it reflected in her intense gaze.

As we made our way back to the grand capital, a strange and unfamiliar sound caught all of our attention. The royals, Luyira, and I were taken aback, but the hunters and my mother remained stoic, their expressions revealing they knew what lay ahead. As we emerged from the shadows of the trees, a sight that took our breath away appeared before us - sand clouds billowed on the horizon, hinting at a colossal battle unfolding. This was a battle like none other, dwarfing the one we had just fought. Creatures with not just four legs, but lizard men and towering stone giants, emerged from the dust. Their numbers seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see, enough to cover a portion of the capital's walls. They were determined, ruthless, and closing in on their target.

Alidia's voice echoed through the air, resonating with determination. "No matter the origin or reason for their presence between us and the towering walls of the capital, we must assist them. However, leaping into the unknown is too perilous. Show me your agility. We will take a detour, entering through a different part of the wall. Prepare yourselves for aid once we are in position." "Luyira, Aido, stay by my side," Alidia commanded, her eyes scanning the group. "Alastor, Benjamin, accompany the royals to the palace. There is no other option. This is not a mere exercise, and they are not equipped to lend a hand."

Aido gasped at the sight of the monstrous rain descending upon them.

-Aido: It has to be a rain of monsters, but this one is colossal!

Luyira observed the menacing creatures as if they had been anticipating their return.

-Luyira: It is as if they were waiting for us!

Arthur, always eager for a challenge, suggested.

-Arthur: Alidia, I believe we can assist. We possess strength beyond that of ordinary hunters, and this could prove to be exceptional training.

Alidia, torn between friendship and caution, hesitated.

-Alidia: Arthur, you are my dear friend, but this time it may be too risky.

Jessica, who had been doubtful at first, now voiced her support for Arthur's plan.

-Jessica: I may have complained earlier, but Arthur is right. The wall will likely face a similar threat, and we must act. This group can help us retreat if danger looms.

-Alidia: Alright, Marceline, keep a close watch on Lasui as usual. Manuel, you are responsible for protecting Javier, and Jane, keep a close eye on Sasari. If you sense any threat to them, do not hesitate to enforce a retreat. I mean it.

-Lasui: Let us put our songs to the test.

-Javier: Agreed.

-Luyira: Let's make them move to the rhythm of our music.

-Alidia: Stay close, your bodies may be stronger than the Hunters, but we must let them face the beasts. We can protect you, but if we are outnumbered, lives will be lost, lives are already being lost.

-Arthur: I concur.

-Javier: Your words ring true.

-Lasui: Very well, let our voices be heard.

-Luyira: Yes, let's show them the power of our melodies.

Under the guidance of our leader, the royalties are being protected by the hunters while Luyira and I remain in close proximity to her. We are positioned at a safe distance from the beasts, although they have become aware of our presence. Emerging from clouds of dust, numerous shapes resembling giant birds begin to fly towards us. It appears as though they had been anticipating our arrival, as Luyira had postulated. Prior to our movements, these creatures had not made an appearance. They are now attempting to intercept us, with some of the monstrous army also advancing towards our location. It seems that the flying creatures are attempting to confine us to this particular side of the wall.

-Luyira: I want fried chicken!

Even before our mother could act, Luyira launched attacks from her hands like firebombs, taking down several enemies while we were running.

-Alidia: Benjamin, give me your crossbow and keep running. Our mother finished off the enemies that Luyira had taken down with her crossbow. It was like watching rapid fire and a sniper delivering the killing shot. I had to do something.

-Destroyer: It is our turn, sir.

-Aido: I think we need a way to ensure we don't miss while running. Birds... I visualized a snowstorm over our enemies.

The winds swirled around us as the blizzard raged. The sound of the wind muffled the cries of our foes as their movements slowed down, and I could see the beasts falling to the ground, frozen.

As we raced towards the entrance, the hunters were already poised and ready, swiftly shutting the doors behind us. The distant roars of the beasts reverberated through the walls, urging us to keep moving. With no time to rest, the creatures began scaling the walls while the hunters valiantly fought back with their arsenal of bows, swords, and lances. Amidst the chaos, some hunters grabbed whatever they could find to aid in the defense, showcasing their resourcefulness. Dust-covered Gatling guns on certain parts of the walls were finally put to use, unleashing a storm of bullets to repel the incoming threat. The battleground was alive with a symphony of clashing weapons and roaring beasts, as the hunters stood their ground with unwavering determination.

-Rank B hunter: Commander, urgent news! The door of the initial attack has been breached, we have forces in engagement, most civilians have been evacuated. Reinforcements are on the way, but the enemy numbers are overwhelming. If they spread, the consequences will be dire.

-Alidia: You know what needs to be done, so go!

-Luyira: Mom, they're not just after the walls. Look!

The creatures were now attempting to scale the walls and break through to the interior. The hunters on the ground were in a desperate battle, being forced to retreat as the walls crumbled. I tried to create an ice barrier, but the sheer number of beasts was unstoppable.

-Alidia: What is the range of the siblings' songs?

-Lazui: I'm not sure, our voices can reach about a few hundred meters.

-Alidia: We will use that to our advantage. Arthur, take a truck, protect the children and bring them to the breach in the wall. Luyira, Aido, we are diving into the chaos. Focus on the giant beasts, keep moving, and don't get surrounded. This will be a tough challenge, but remember, the better we fight, the more lives we save.

-Aido: I understand, mother. Luy, let's make them fear us.

-Luyira: I'm letting loose the beast! Let's move, everyone!

-Lazui: You heard her, father!

-Javier: Sasari, hold my hand. This is going to be a rough ride!

We split the hunters, some are engaging the beasts, this scene is too extreme, I can see some corpses, they are a few but they definetily are humans, we are having casualties, my mother is right, the best we do the more people we keep safe.

-Aildia: Come and get me, bastards!

Our mother's taunting ability freezes the beasts in their tracks for 5 seconds, allowing her to draw their attention away from the other hunters. She stands resolute, taking their blows and striking back when she can. I feel the instinct to shield her, but it would be futile against her formidable skills. Luyira focuses on a massive lizard man, while I face a golem-like creature made of wood. It resembles a treant from fantasy novels - slow yet resilient. If it reaches the wall, it will become a staircase for the creatures to enter. I must bring it down.

-Aido: Fire is not enough. We need to engulf it in lava, quickly!

I suggest, realizing the urgency of the situation. As the golem nears, we brainstorm creative ideas to stop it. Destroyer suggests melting boulders into lava, a risky move that requires precise coordination. As I hurl a boulder and leap over the Treant, I concentrate on my target. The pressure mounts as the golem inches closer to the wall and hunters figthing. Destroyer urges me to act quickly, and with his assistance, we successfully transform the boulder into a molten meteor. The Treant is engulfed in fiery agony, halting its advance. However, the stone golem continues its relentless march. As a last resort, I decide to touch and melt it, producing a destructive effect that could be dangerous if I repeat with people around me.

The hunters were divided into two groups - those bravely fighting the beasts and those valiantly protecting the civilians. Amidst the chaos, I searched desperately for my family and finally spotted Luyira amongst a sea of creatures. She moved with grace and precision, maneuvering around her opponents as if engaged in a deadly dance. With powerful kicks and punches, she effortlessly dispatched the beasts that came her way. Meanwhile, Lazui and Sasari stood watch on the wall, their voices united in a protective song that shielded the hunters from harm. Javier kept Sasari close by his side, while Marceline kept a vigilant eye on Lazui. Despite being prime targets, it seemed the flying enemies had been eliminated, leaving only the throwers to contend with. The hunters, seasoned and skilled, focused on taking down the gunners and cannoners to gain the upper hand. The sheer number of beasts was daunting, causing casualties and delaying our victory. But with determination and skill, we would not be defeated.

Meanwhile, Luyira dances with elegance, unleashing a cascade of ice-based attacks that morph into deadly scythes of frost. As they shatter, she effortlessly conjures more, steadily diminishing the numbers of the beasts. Despite the relentless ferocity of the lizard's assault, she gracefully evades and disorients it, leaving it powerless in her wake. It was a strategic decision to stay within the hunters' boundaries, allowing them to deliver the final blow that she could not. Though she fights with the skill of a seasoned warrior, she inherits a peculiar trait common among the Retter Messiah - the inability to deliver the fatal blow, a sign of their compassionate nature. They can feed but cannot kill for meat, embodying the essence of goodness in their purpose. Her blade slices through the beasts with surgical precision, sometimes cleaving them in half and other times dismembering their limbs. While some may argue that her actions should be considered kills, it is a murky area, especially if the finishing blow is dealt by a Hunter. The rest of the group chooses to keep their distance, picking off the incapacitated beasts with sniper rifles from afar. As Luyira decimates her adversaries with precision and finesse, a primal instinct within me questions the morality of extinguishing life, even that of one's enemies.

The reinforcements have just arrived, the doors swing open as armored cars and trucks spill out more Hunters. Some charge at the giant beasts, wielding rocket launchers and swords as tall as themselves - any other weapon would be mere toothpicks compared to the monsters. Yet, we are gaining ground, the perfect moment to evacuate the wounded to safety. In the midst of the chaos, a voice breaks through.

-Saint Mary: Luyira! I need you. There are too many, and you are our only hope. Let Aido and your mother continue the fight.

-Aido: Go! It's true, you're the only one for this job. We've already suffered enough losses.

-Luyira: Your new saint is at your command! Reward me after this, if you please!

-Alidia: They are now less than a third of their initial number. Armored hunters to the front, Rangers stay out of range. Guns are useless, so rely on your weapons when missiles run out.

I glance over at my mother, her smile amidst the battle, radiating joy. Her famous lance and shield in hand, she advances like a wall against the enemies.

-Rank A Hunter: Commander Alidia, most of the beasts are vanquished, but around 3000 remain.

-Alidia: Instruct the hunters to push forward. We will handle them with heavy weapons. Luyira will tend to the wounded. Construction workers, reinforce those gates - some have made it inside that would not happen again.

-Aido: We will clear out the remaining creatures, don't worry.

-Rank A Hunter: Understood, I will convey your orders.

Luyira and Mary are stationed within the city walls, working to enhance medical services along with other members of the church. This endeavor requires a strong and steadfast mindset. Saint Mary instructs Luyira to prioritize saving lives by halting bleeding, emphasizing the irreversibility of death. Luyira acknowledges this directive and proceeds with cauterizing wounds that can be treated and using her restorative abilities to reconstruct those that cannot. Her remarkable progress exceeds expectations, although she humbly recognizes that Mary surpasses her in skill. Nonetheless, their efforts are seen as a demonstration of compassion and mercy by the populace.

Arthur directs the retrieval team to contain the bodies of the enemy in containers, seeking retribution for the lives taken. The hunters report that they have prepared 50 individuals for extraction, prompting Arthur to give the order to proceed. Amidst the ongoing battle, the enemy's forces diminish, allowing for easier management with the arrival of 500 reinforcements. As I transition from magic to conventional weaponry, the strain of using continuous spells weighs heavily on me, fearing accidental harm to my comrades. Luy appears to also bear a similar burden but handles it with more finesse, swiftly incapacitating adversaries by precise dismemberment. In contrast, my approach is more aggressive, aiming to eliminate threats decisively.

We began our day after a satisfactory breakfast and now as the day is coming to a close, the team responsible for collection has been incredibly efficient in gathering a substantial amount of the substance. It is fascinating to observe how the gas transitions into a liquid over time, almost as if it is on a schedule. A member of the team mentioned that they cool the gas to expedite this process, as it would naturally take a few days to occur. The liquid not only contains essential nutrients but also intricate cells with a clear purpose of sustaining life. It is intriguing to consider that these creatures, ultimately, are alive, despite their seemingly purposeless existence beside kill.

As my mother and I neared the makeshift hospital, Luyira sprang towards me and planted a passionate kiss on my lips. "I deserve a reward! I demand AIDO! Give me Aido, and I'll be pleased!" she declared, her tongue adding to the awkwardness of the already tense atmosphere. But as I glanced around, I noticed smiles on the faces of the people present, despite some of them having lost limbs. It seemed that Luyira had managed to bring a bit of joy to this somber place.

-Saint Mary: You consistently prioritize your own needs; please leave some cake for others. I will be occupied with tasks, but we have managed to save numerous individuals. Gratitude to Luy for their assistance.

-Alidia: Quite an impressive impact, wouldn't you say?

-Saint Mary: Despite some unorthodox and brash methods, they ultimately yield positive results. I have the ability to regenerate limbs, although the process can be quite agonizing and gradual. Remarkably, we were able to help over 60 individuals this time, considering the large number of beasts present, which is an incredible feat.

-Aido: It was all thanks to you and Luyira's efforts. I am relieved that there were no more casualties, despite the large number of monsters.

-Saint Mary: You are too modest, Aido.

In the aftermath of battle, Alidia shared with a heavy heart the grim news of casualties, a toll that included both soldiers and innocent civilians, their lives cut short while harvesting in the fields. Despite the somber reality, she couldn't help but acknowledge the difference they had made. As she recounted the overwhelming sight of the enemy army pouring into their city, nearly ten thousand strong, the hunters on the walls confirmed Aido's earlier warnings of a looming threat. Mutated beasts lurked beyond, claiming countless lives in a tragic attempt to rescue the vulnerable. With a heavy heart, the captain made the difficult decision to seal the gates, a necessary but heart-wrenching choice. They spin tales of noble horses courageously battling against savage beasts to protect their 12-year-old owner. The beasts, relentless in their pursuit, eventually overpowered the brave herd and claimed their innocent victim. Normally indifferent to livestock, the beasts showed no mercy, their unrelenting determination making the scene all the more tragic. The young boy, pure and blameless, stood no chance against such overwhelming odds.

But amidst the shadows of loss and sacrifice, Arthur's voice rose in defiance, urging his comrades to set aside sorrow and embrace jubilation. A celebratory feast was in order, a tribute to the valor of their young ones who had proven themselves in the heat of battle. With unwavering faith in their leader's decisions, he reassured Alidia and the others that they had acted with courage and wisdom.

As Jessica added her voice to the chorus of resilience, she called upon her companions to spread word of their steadfastness to the capital, to let the kingdom know that they stood strong and unwavering in the face of adversity. At the king's command, a feast was to be held, a symbol of defiance and unity in the face of overwhelming odds. The tales of their bravery were to be sung and remembered, a beacon of hope in the darkness that threatened to consume them.

Witnessing some of the hunters with smiles on their faces filled me with a sense of relief; at least someone was happy in the midst of all the chaos. It was evident that they shared in the sorrow of the losses, but such is the harsh reality of the battlefield. I couldn't completely embrace their mindset, but I understood the necessity of keeping spirits high. Their efforts in such a tumultuous environment were commendable and no one could have asked for more. As the hours passed, the once somber streets of the capital transformed into a vibrant celebration. Joy radiated through the crowd, intermingling with the subdued mourning of those grieving in their own way. Rumors circulated that there was hope for survival, a glimmer of light in the darkness that made all the difference. While we may not dread death, we certainly do not welcome it with open arms. We hold onto the memories of the fallen, choosing to honor their sacrifice by embracing life to its fullest. And so, I found myself compelled to join in the revelry, to smile and embrace the fleeting moments of joy.

-Alidia: It is important to cherish the present moment, to smile, have a good time, and engage in playful activities. Although you are an adult, you are still young. Before long, you will be making me a grandmother.

- Aido: You are also youthful. In the capital, individuals can live for hundreds of years. Fatima is a testament to that, still vibrant and youthful like the rest of us.

-Alidia: Well, at least you still find me attractive.

-Luyira: Hehehehe, my body is older, but I am feeling great.

-Saint Mary: Let's not discuss age! I may very well be the oldest individual present.

-Aido: And you are as beautiful as ever. All of you are akin to goddesses in your beauty. Furthermore, there is a likelihood that Mom will live indefinitely like us.

This explains Luyira's carefree attitude; she is convinced of staying here endlessly, and I am committed to her. She does not fear loss, and I aim to maintain that mindset.

-Arthur: Excellent! Enjoy the festivities, have a drink. Everyone present, this victory marks the beginning of future triumphs as we work towards reclaiming this world for ourselves and our descendants. Let it be known! The Redeemer and the goddesses, his wives, are by our side! Victory is on the horizon!

I feel my mother's touch, handing me a glass of wine, her smile evident. The moment is impeccable, everyone is joyful, our unity as a family is heartening, and I hold great affection for them. As I gaze around, I observe people laughing, indulging in merrymaking, dancing, singing, and sharing tales. The ambiance is serene, with smiles abounding despite recent hardships. Witnessing the joy on people's faces is truly gratifying.

Seated around the table is my family, each face telling a different story - happiness, sorrow, and celebration. Sasari, clearly tipsy, is being kept in line by Javier, who is desperately trying to prevent any mischief. She clings onto my mother for dear life. Meanwhile, Lasui is peacefully napping on Marceline's lap, with two young children, likely Marceline's own, playing nearby. It dawns on me that Lasui is already a stepfather, younger than even myself. The absurdity of the situation makes me burst into genuine laughter, a feeling that bubbles up from the depths of my soul.

-Luyira: Nani? Nande? que? what? Das? TELL ME NAO!

-Saint Mary: You really want to know.

-Lasui: He, he, he, he, he.

-Aido: I will tell you later.

-Lasui: He, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he.

-Aido: I can't believe it, he is just 15 and he is already a stepfather.

-Lasui: He, he, he, he.

-Aido: He is sleeping already, and they are so cute, Marceline I mean.

-Marceline: Thanks, I will take care of him.

-Aido: I am sure you are, thanks.

I take the bottle of wine and I give it to Javier, the only one that seems sober here.

-Aido:Lets enjoy this my friend!

Someone storm the party, of course is Sakura seethed with jealousy, her eyes searching frantically for her beloved.


She cried, aware that another had stolen her away. Suddenly, a voice called out.

-Luyira: HERE I AM!

It was Luyira, trying to calm the situation.

-Alidia: Don't be jealous. They are married and in love.

-Sakura:I can't help it. I'm a jealous wife, and I want my girl!

A playful challenge arose from Luyira.

-Luyira: Take me if you can!

With determination in her eyes, Sakura replied, "Just wait for it."

Saint Mary observed the exchange with a knowing smile.

-Mary:We all know she doesn't mind sharing Aido with us and playing with other girls.

-Sakura:I know! He's a lucky bastard! Come here, my bunny!

Luyira teased back.

-Luyira: Nuh uh, catch me first, or Aido will come for me again!

Sakura glanced at Luyira's outfit, feeling a new surge of jealousy.

-Sakura: Why are you dressed like that? You're tempting everyone!

Luyira laughed.

-Luyira: No, this is what he loves. I'm showing him. Be grateful that only you and him can touch me. Oh, almost caught me!

-Carlos: take it easy Sakura, sorry, man, gimme some booze to me too, this is going to be a long night. And tell me what happened.

-Aido: Ahem, you should know the story.

-Carlos: I am listening.

I am filled with a bubbling sense of disbelief, struggling to contain my mirth at this very moment. The alcohol before me is of such exquisite quality, its taste a delight to my senses. My eyes wander and land upon Sasari, her enchanting voice carrying a love song with such elegant lyrics that I find myself captivated, her hidden talent a delightful revelation. Rising from my seat, I am greeted by a sea of joyful faces, immersed in the revelry, their smiles and laughter mingling with the music in the air. The atmosphere is alive with vivacity and celebration, a palpable sense of contentment drifting through the crowd. The children are lost in play, their laughter a symphony of joy that fills the space around us. Among the throngs of happy faces, my eyes find solace in the sight of my family, especially my mother, whose radiant happiness is a balm to my soul. Watching her bask in pure joy brings me a deep sense of peace and fulfillment. As the evening progresses, it takes a humorous turn when Carlos intervenes in a playful manner, thwarting Sakura's advances on Luyira, leading to shared laughter and amusement. And so, with this light-hearted incident, the day draws to a close, leaving us all with memories of laughter and joy to carry forward.


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