Evilness, the all-consuming power that holds sway over life and death.

Chapter 16: Upon arriving at the wall, a bear awaits.*

Throughout the month, the students have undergone intensive training to hone their skills, all while embarking on a daring quest to track down mutant beasts that lurk within our realm. Enduring nights spent camping in the wilderness for days on end, we tirelessly scour the land in search of these elusive creatures. 500 elite hunters, ranging from Rank B to S, lead the charge alongside the students. As I witness the transformation of ordinary citizens into formidable soldiers, with over 30,000 trained civilians joining our cause, it becomes evident that they have long been aware of our presence and the battles fought by my mother along the wall. It appears they have been preparing for our inevitable clash with the beasts.

After deep reflection, I have had a profound epiphany. Despite our perception that we are blessed by the gods, we are unable to shield every soul from harm. Our intrepid scouts, on the mission to track down mutated creatures, have encountered perilous ambushes repeatedly, resulting in casualties nearing the thousands. These brave souls, once mere civilians, now faced with adversaries more cunning than we could have imagined. Yet, not a single soldier has abandoned the cause, instead choosing to fight with unwavering resolve to secure victory for our realm. The majority of our civilian fighters, aged between 30 and 40, have enlisted for a noble cause - to defend their families, spanning from their children to their grandchildren and even great-grandchildren.

Arthur detailed how, following the construction of the wall to the north, hunters dedicated years to eliminating nests on their side, aiming to maintain peace in the region. As time passed, some towns boasted residents over the age of 40, some even making it to 80. However, this tranquility was short-lived. Despite the destruction of the nests, new threats emerged in the form of terrifying beasts that seemed to multiply alarmingly fast. Though the skilled Hunters were successful in reducing the beast population, the sheer number of creatures posed a formidable challenge. Unlike my mother, who managed to attract the majority of the enemy's attention, the nobles were outnumbered and struggled to protect the vulnerable civilians. The townspeople, often less skilled in combat, had to defend themselves, putting them at risk even in one-on-one confrontations. This stark reality, which had been far from my thoughts while residing in the peaceful capital, was now a harsh truth that could not be ignored.

The assemblage of civilian soldiers is a breathtaking sight to behold, consisting of men and women, with many of them being couples. It is truly remarkable that in the more vulnerable cities, individuals over the age of 40 are a rarity. Yet, as I delve deeper, I find that age is merely a number, and there is no hindrance based on one's years. King Arthur himself speaks of his grandfather's prowess, surpassing his own and King Saul's combined might, even at the age of 60. In the outer regions, living to 80 or even 100 years is unheard of; the prevailing belief is that our prime lies between 12 and 16 years, a time of boundless energy and rapid healing. This is the age for entry into academies, where both nobles and commoners find their footing in a chosen path and establish families of their own.

On our side, the blossoming talents of Sakura and Carlos have taken us all by surprise. Sakura, with her unwavering dedication to standing by Luy's side, has unlocked a unique ability - her keen sense of smell allows her to track Luy's whereabouts from a distance. Not only can she locate Luy effortlessly, but she also possesses an uncanny awareness of Carlos' movements. It's clear to see that her bond with both of them runs deep, although even I can't ignore the obvious signs of her affection. As our team's resident explosive mage, Sakura has honed her skills to become a formidable force on the battlefield. Her area-of-effect attacks are nothing short of astonishing, capable of unleashing a barrage of 3 to 5 explosions while her counterparts struggle to summon just one or two. Despite her proficiency in magical abilities, Sakura's physical prowess surpasses even her own expectations. In combat, she wields a staff that resembles a hammer, using it to amplify her smaller-scale attacks which would otherwise be ineffective. In Sakura, we've found a true force to be reckoned with - a warrior whose power and passion are as dynamic as the explosions she creates.

Carlos possesses a unique ability which allows him to move swiftly, akin to the speed of the wind. However, this agility comes at the cost of diminishing his physical strength, resembling that of an assassin. Referred to as the "speed of the wind," his skill grants him unparalleled swiftness compared to other Hunters. Carlos has innovated a new combat technique that leverages his speed to target vulnerabilities in his opponents before retreating, leaving them open to subsequent attacks from his allies. It appears that the traditional Hunters, who relied on physical prowess, are now diversifying into specialized classes, incorporating skills, magic, and specialized training. This development has garnered attention from the government as individuals with unique abilities, like Carlos, emerge. While some view this evolution as beneficial, others, like Arthur, express concerns about the potential repercussions for society. Arthur seems privy to certain information but chooses to maintain secrecy for the greater good. In essence, Carlos can be likened to an Assassin Hunter reminiscent of manga characters from Japan, a genre that Luy is particularly fond of. Personally, I also appreciate the intricacies portrayed in these depictions, although their accuracy may be debated.

Lasui possesses a mysterious gift that sets him apart - the enchanting power of music. When he harmonizes with his sister, Sasari, their melodies weave a magical thread through the air, bestowing upon their comrades a formidable army buff. Witnessing this extraordinary ability in action is nothing short of awe-inspiring; it has turned the tide of many a battle, preserving countless lives in the process. While Lasui can wield this power solo, its scope diminishes significantly without the harmonious accompaniment of his sister. As for Sasari, the delicate songbird of the group, her melodic prowess renders invaluable aid to the army, bolstering their spirits and fortifying their resolve. Yet, both siblings bear a physical fragility that sets them apart from the stalwart warriors like Sakura and Carlos, relegating them to more supportive roles on the battlefield. Much to everyone's delight and surprise, the air is alive with the news of Sasari's impending motherhood, a joyous development that mirrors the impending arrival of a new generation within the royal echelons; Mary, carrying my child and bearing the future of the kingdom, joins Sasari in this blessed journey beside her mother the Queen Jessica. Only Marceline, remains untouched by the magic of impending motherhood that swirls around the royal lineage.

Despite the responsibility to remain in the capital alongside Mary for protection, Jessica and Sasari were unwavering in their resolve to join the incursion to the Nests. "We come bearing the gift of peace for the children who will be born amidst the destruction of the nests," they declared boldly. "I will fight alongside my son and husband, while also ensuring the safety of my descendants," Jessica emphasized, her eyes filled with determination. Though Arthur and his companions voiced their disapproval, they acknowledged the necessity of Sasari and Jessica's presence. Sasari's unique abilities were crucial for their mission, and Jessica's expertise in logistics was invaluable. Keeping them close to Mary, the revered Saint of the empire, was deemed essential. Mary, though essentially immortal, sparked concerns among the people with news of her pregnancy. To ease their worries and prevent complications, she remained in the safety of the royal quarters, a decision that ensured both her and her child's well-being.

In our class, Francisco possesses a tantalizing skill akin to my mother's, yet with a twist—his enticing lure and a tank-like prowess akin to hunters, stirring up everything within a 30-meter radius. The first time he unleashed it, I was perilously close; had it not been for the intervening Destroyer, I would have undoubtedly pounced. As fellow hunters at the training grounds worked to quell the chaos, an overwhelming mix of fury and determination surged within me, fixated on outmaneuvering Francisco. Those who wielded this power soon grasped the importance of evading one another's reach, as they were not impervious to each other's influence. heir abilities have evolved into the foundation of the hunting team's defense, drawing the attention of hordes of Beasts and withstanding attacks to protect their fellow hunters. Even though Lizzie, who lacks any unique abilities, becomes very anxious when she sees Francisco buried beneath a mountain of corpses or Beasts, I can empathize with her - the first time I witnessed it, I was equally stunned.

Luyira has honed her gifts of restoration and combat, ascending to a revered status akin to that of a saint. Whispers of her divine essence have elevated her to goddess-like status, even being rumored to be the sibling of the current saint. The bond between them is as strong as that shared by sisters, spreading love and joy to all fortunate enough to know them. Always by my side, Luyira's affection knows no bounds. Her touch is a constant source of comfort, her presence a beacon of strength. During our last night in the bustling city, she boldly suggested lovemaking on the palace balcony, While the city's inhabitants may be open-minded, I couldn't help but feel that their silence on the matter stemmed from their immense admiration for Luyira, and perhaps a recognition of my own role as a savior figure.

As we strolled through the bustling city streets, my mother suddenly urged me to follow her into a shadowy alley. The sounds of the urban rhythm filled the air as she whispered intriguing words about the forbidden act she was about to ask of me. In a hushed tone, she claimed that my essence held the secret to her eternal youth, a revelation that both intrigued and bewildered me. Caught between arousal and confusion, I found myself at a loss for words. The secrecy of our encounter left me feeling alone in my bewilderment, unable to share the bizarre request with anyone else. My mother's behavior oscillated between childlike impulsiveness and an unexpected wisdom that surpassed my own. In the end, I realized that people are a complex tapestry of contradictions and unpredictable moments, much like the surprising turn of events in that alley of the city

Saint Mary requested a meeting in her office, located at the top of the building. She guided me there discreetly, and once there, she proposed a romantic and adventurous rendezvous amidst the setting sun and the towering heights of the capital. While her advances may have been bold, they were her way of expressing affection. At times, there is a playful tally of our encounters to maintain equilibrium. While I appreciate such intimacies, I am aware that such interactions are not always appropriate. Women, saintly as they may seem, possess primal desires just as men do, illustrating the complexity of human nature.

When discussing my current situation, it has been rather peculiar. I am clad in Destroyer, a living attire that feels akin to regular garments, albeit with extraordinary qualities. Despite being as light as woolen clothes, the resources within Destroyer appear boundless, enabling us to absorb vast amounts of water, enough to fill a swimming pool at an academy. My capabilities now resemble those of Luy. Personally, I favor the sword and spear, while Luy displays a preference for hand-to-hand combat. She favors ranged weaponry, although the enhanced effect wears off quickly after firing arrows or bullets from a firearm. Moreover, my physical form has transformed, reaching the status of an A-Rank Hunter, even in the absence of Destroyer. While I tire more easily now and am susceptible to harm, I successfully vanquished five beasts single-handedly, indicating a growth in my abilities, potentially influenced by enigmatic dreams. Following visions involving Nina and Ramona, my swordsmanship improved notably. Subsequent dreams varied in theme, some futuristic, others medieval, and a few mundane, yet all shared a commonality: hardship. Certain dreams suggest alternate existences, a notion I hope is untrue, as they depict actions for which I seek forgiveness. Although this notion troubles me, my current focus remains on safeguarding the present moment and my surroundings, which I hold dear. Questions regarding my future persist. Will I evolve into the individual others require and admire? Might my abilities ascend to godly levels, or will I meet an untimely demise before such heights are reached?

Before long, I find myself sitting in a colossal truck fit for a king and his royal entourage, alongside my own family and a few elite hunters of the highest rank. My classmates, on the other hand, are cruising in another vehicle beside us. Together, we form a majestic convoy of numerous trucks, forging ahead towards our destination. In the distance, a vast sea of people emerges - civilians soldiers, all bustling with purpose. The majority of vehicles are laden with precious cargo - provisions, arms, and other essential supplies for our journey. As we make our way through the rugged terrain with no clear path in sight, I realize that most roads have been rendered impassable by the formidable rank 2 beasts, such as the formidable golems. Amidst the commotion, my mother catches onto my perennially anxious demeanor, an ever-present reminder of my worrisome nature.

-Alidia: Release the burden of overthinking; your anxiety is palpable. Embrace the challenge, for it is an integral part of our journey.

-Aido: Fear not, all is well. Come, let us venture towards the unknown, I hope to see the famous wall.

Marceline, aboard a truck for the first time, whispered.

-Marceline: I place my trust in this new experience, with Lasui by my side.

In a vow of protection, Lasui affirmed, "I shall shield you, my beloved, and ensure your safety." Javier declared, "Together, we shall strive for excellence."

-Luyira: The future holds promise; all shall be well.

-Alidia: Indeed, my child and kin are fortified in strength.

-Arthur: I shall safeguard my offspring and extended family at all costs.

-Aido: Okay, everyone, we will take the lead and ensure our protection and victory. The rest of you will support us and be our backup, but above all, you must ensure your own survival. If we need to retreat, do so.

-Sakura: Hehehehehe, after this, Luy and I plan to have babies.

-Carlos: I hope you mean with me.

-Sakura: Of course. Luy can you make babies with me?

-Luyira: Well, of course, but you'll need a man to fertilize them.

-Sakura: Hahaha, I have someone in mind.

The mood in the vehicle was lighthearted.

Lasui vowed to follow in the footsteps of his ancestors after the war, promising to marry Marceline and envisioning a cozy home filled with laughter and the pitter-patter of tiny feet. Marceline eagerly agreed, already dreaming of a bustling household full of joy. The scene was intriguing to witness, with both Sakura nestled snugly in the embrace of their mothers - Luyira and Marceline. Lasui's gaze held a spark of desire as he rested his head on Marceline's chest, mirroring the intimacy shared by Sakura and Luyira. A subtle rivalry seemed to be unfolding, a playful competition for affection and attention.

As the roar of the truck's engine fills my ears, I find myself surrounded by a symphony of sounds – the rumble of the wheels, the chatter of fellow travelers. We are part of an extraordinary convoy, a mix of hunters and civilians on foot, with only a lucky few riding in luxurious gasoline trucks typically reserved for nobles and merchants. Sadly, there aren't enough horses and carts to transport everyone. Our procession is like none other, a grand army of 30,000 souls embarking on a journey that will deplete years-worth of carefully hoarded resources. As we bid farewell to the capital, the townspeople send us off with festive celebrations, their hopes riding on our shoulders. Our destination: the formidable wall that stands between us and the treacherous desert inhabited by monstrous beasts hungry for our fertile lands. Three days into our expedition, the slow pace of our progress is evident, hindered by the sheer number of civilian travelers and students in our midst. But with each passing mile, our determination grows stronger, fueled by the weight of our mission and the knowledge that the fate of our homeland hangs in the balance.

The students, a diverse mix of young individuals aged between 17 and 24, are accompanied by seasoned hunters, most of whom are between 24 and 30 years old. Among them are the veteran warriors of the capital and respected teachers like Irma, Alfredo, and a dozen others. A subtle tension lingers in the air as the group navigates the uncertain terrain. The students, predominantly male but with a sprinkling of females, seem compelled to form close bonds with their peers, perhaps seeking solace in their solidarity amidst the dangers that lurk around them. Even with my vigilant eyes, those of Luy, and the protective presence of my mother, the threat remains palpable, a constant shadow looming over us. Suddenly, as we track onwards, a trail of smoke billows into the sky from a truck up ahead, prompting us to halt in curiosity. The earth trembles under our feet, hinting at unseen peril approaching.

-Luyira: What's happening?

-Marceline: Could it be a monstrous creature?

-Arthur: A colossal one?

-Aido: Stay prepared, we are nearing its presence. Maintain our group unity and be vigilant. With any luck, confrontation may be avoided.

Upon arrival, we are met with a sizable crater containing the wreckage of a truck resembling our own. While we have sustained damage, thankfully, there are no casualties. The hunters are trying to get one hold of themselves.

-Alfredo: We must press on. The creature has eluded us for now. Perhaps fortune will be on our side.

-Irma: The likelihood is low, but there is a possibility.

-Javier: I will instruct the drivers to proceed cautiously.

-Luyira: I do not like this, and I am good to guess things, I smell a trap!

-Sakura: Protect me! My Warrior princess.

-Luyira: You are safe, Sakura, and I'll protect you, but don't get too close to the edge.

-Sakura: Yes, my love!

In the midst of tension and uncertainty, I find myself in awe of the carefree approach of those two individuals. Despite the somber mood, they try to inject some levity into the situation. However, this time their efforts seem to fall flat as the atmosphere remains heavy as we continue on our journey. More obstacles litter the path ahead, forcing us to deviate from our original route. There is a palpable sense of unease surrounding us, hinting at an ominous presence nearby. We make the decision to forge ahead at a quicker pace than the rest of the convoy, taking on the role of scouts to investigate the area. The thought of a surprise attack hangs heavily in the air, our minds churning with possibilities of what could be lurking in the shadows. Perhaps the wolf-like creatures have constructed tunnels with a sinister purpose, their collapse causing the tremors that unsettle us. I can only hope that this is the case. As we press on, the ground beneath us rumbles with increasing intensity, accompanied by a haunting sound that sends shivers down our spines. A deafening roar pierces through the air, filling us with a sense of dread so profound it is nearly suffocating. With eyes fixed on the horizon, we watch as a cloud of dust billows towards us at a rapid pace, signaling the approach of something malevolent and unknown.

Luyira's eyes widened in terror as she gasped.

-Luyira: It is a beast! Something is coming!

Sakura, her voice trembling,

-Sakura: "It is huge! I can even hear it now. The truck is moving as if it's about to be devoured."

Alidia swiftly commanded.

-Alidia: Be ready! Driver, stop! The rest of you, jump when the trucks come to a halt.

Arthur responded crisply, "Roger, Commander."

Luyira lamented.

-Luyira:I'm sorry, I should have heard it before we got this close.

I reassured her, "It's alright. None of us could have anticipated this. We were all caught off guard until it let out that deafening scream."

As the team landed on the ground, a colossal worm suddenly burst forth from the earth, its massive form stretching an astounding 20 meters in length. This mutated creature, unlike anything they had ever encountered, presented a grave threat with its gaping maw large enough to swallow a truck whole. The eerie sound of danger reverberated from the direction of the civilian soldiers, painting a vivid picture of a nightmare come to life before their very eyes.


Marceline gasped in awe, her eyes widening as she took in the colossal creature before them.

-Marceline: Oh, it is really big—bigger than the mutated bear.

Sakura nodded, her voice filled with amazement.

-Sakura: It's even bigger than the three bears together.

-Javier:We have a plan for this situation. Even it came from below, is basically a rain of monster.

Alidia stepped forward, a fierce glint in her eyes. "Let me take care of this one, leave it to me. Go, Luy, Aido. Look what is happening behind us; we cannot begin this campaign with losses," she said, taking charge.

Aido, ever ready to follow Alidia's lead, responded resolutely

-Aido: As you command, commander!

Luy surged ahead, displaying her strength and speed to the fullest, while Aido combined his skills with the power bestowed upon him by Destroyer. Lasui called out a word of caution, "Take care, and be careful."

The air crackled with the sounds of magic explosions erupting behind them. As the battle unfolded, it became evident that the hunters' magic attacks were potent but draining. They had to tread carefully, conserving their strength for the right moment.

With a sense of urgency, Luyira urged her companions, "We must hurry; I sense we are having loses."

I concurred her, firm in his resolve. "There is no time to waste."

From a distance, we witnessed several large worms attacking civilians who were struggling to defend themselves against the devastating onslaught. Unfortunately, the civilians lacked the strength to effectively combat the beasts, leading to some being swallowed while others were buried alive by the creatures. This grim scene unfolded within moments of the worms' appearance, and tragically, all those present had succumbed to the attack.

-Luyira: Swift action is imperative to prevent further casualties.

-Aido: I will not allow any more harm to come to these people.

-Luyira: Follow my lead; I have a plan.

Stretching her arm out, she summoned a mighty ice club, reminiscent of a baseball bat. My heart skipped a beat as I worried about the safety of the innocent onlookers. Yet, instead of unleashing chaos, she gracefully propelled herself towards the pesky creatures, positioning herself beneath them. With a swift and forceful swing, she sent two of the worms soaring into the heavens. Her bold act spurred me into action, and I swiftly dealt with the remaining foes with a similar finesse. While the soldiers took care of the smaller creatures, our focus shifted to the looming menace of the soaring beasts.

-Destroyer: Allow me to assist with precision targeting.

Harnessing the forces of wind, earth, and fire, I created immense lava projectiles that were aimed at the worms, resulting in a cataclysmic explosion. The worms and their allies were obliterated in a spectacle of destruction.

Luyira crafted a protective ice shield that shielded us from the falling worm carcasses, as a deafening chorus of thuds echoed around us. The grisly rain of blood and entrails tainted the air with an unbearable stench.

-Alfredo: Though brutal, our actions were necessary.

-Irma: Remarkable courage from one so young.

-Luyira: That should have resolved the immediate threat.

As the smaller creatures melted away, the enormous worm carcasses became too unwieldy for our limited resources. In a stroke of brilliance, Luyira decided to freeze the bodies, halting decay and preserving the precious materials for later use. The hunters' arrival was nothing short of spectacular, leaving everyone in wonder.

-Luyira: Wasn't my plan ingenious? Si soy bien barbara, panda.

-Aido: Your skills never fail to amaze, you are truly extraordinary woman.

-Luyira: *Chuckles* I see the admiration in your eyes, you were impressed, weren't you?

-Aido: I am in awe of our ability to outmaneuver the enemy without causing harm to our comrades.

-Luyira: Yes, and see how the crowd marvels.

-Soldiers: "Our heroes!"

-Luyira: Indeed, I am your champion.

-Aido: Well done, Luyira, you've saved countless lives today.

-Luyira: Naturally, such deeds are within my grasp; as the crimson goddess, I stand tall.

-Sakura: Fear gripped me.

Sakura feigns fear upon her arrival, prompting the familiar dynamics to unfold. It is as though she never misses an opportunity. One cannot help but speculate whether she may have been a man in a previous life, and a sinful one at that.

-Luyira: Do not worry, for I am your shield.

Luyira embraced her inner comedian, transforming her voice into a more masculine tone and embodying the role of a brave knight rescuing a damsel in distress. Sakura, with a hopeful expression anticipating a kiss, found her hands betraying her true desires as they instinctively reached out to Luyira's chest.

-Sakura: My queen, I rely on your protection.

-Carlos: I'll make sure to keep your hands off her. Sakura, my dear, you have the aura of a classic cartoon character from Tex Avery.

-Marceline: Such awe-inspiring power. Oh, to wield it like you do.

-Luyira: Prizes, accolades, adulation!

-Lasui: *Laughs*

-Carlos: In the blink of an eye, she weaves through moods like a whirlwind, leaving me in awe of her ever-shifting emotions.

-Javier: It's like beholding a grand spectacle.

-Aido: I feel eyes upon us.

Meanwhile, a peculiar thought crosses my mind-would the new mutated beast be what we encounter? Then, inspired by Sakura's actions, Luyira unexpectedly throws herself at me, embracing me in a passionate French kiss. Marceline and Lasui exhibit more restrained actions, while Sakura gasps as she is held like a bag by Carlos. As my mother catches up with us, it becomes evident that despite their success, an unforeseen incident occurred. She is covered in a sticky substance, different from her usual sweat.

-Alidia: Yuck, those creatures are dangerous, capable of burrowing underground and emerging at will.

-Luyira: Mother, what happened to you? You smell, ugh.

-Javier: She was eaten.

-Aido: How did you escape? Please, share with us.

-Alidia: *Breathless* The creature's stomach was acidic but weak. I exploited its vulnerability to break free. Fortunately, there was enough space for me to maneuver and find a way out from within.

-Aido: It was a bold move on the creature's part, but your small size proved fortunate for you.

-Lasui: What about the civilians who were consumed?

-Alidia: They likely did not survive; what I managed to do would be nearly impossible, especially for a civilian.

-Lasui: We're fortunate that you are now on our side, swallowed and all.

-Luyira: Mother, you always impress me. I hope to be like you one day.

-Aido: Mother, I have a great idea. Let's attempt a spell to create a shower; who knows, it might even warm the water.

I attempted to combine water and fire elements, similar to how stone melts, to create a flowing shower.

-Alidia: Oh, dear, that might be too hot for comfort. I appreciate the gesture, but even I still feel pain, please keep that in mind for next time.

-Aido: I will, I apologize for that.

-Irma: t is amusing that your mother was the first to try it; only she and Luyira could have handled it without harm.

-Marceline: With you three around, reality seems questionable.

-Luyira: Reality is what I desire, it must obey me!

-Aido: It's interesting that the fluids are not decomposing like their blood and flesh, perhaps they could be used as a weapon.

- Lasui: A portable oasis! I never thought of using magic in that way, she is already clean.

-Marceline: *Chuckles*

-Destroyer: Remember to use your resources wisely, but a little cleaning wouldn't hurt now and then.

-Alidia: Ah, much better! Consider this your reward!

Alidia embraces me, her kiss feeling perfect against my skin, but alas, it's not quite the right moment for a long shower, as tempting as it may be.

-Arthur: It is intriguing how we never considered the option of freezing the corpses to prevent decomposition. While it posed a challenge for us, Luyira handled it effortlessly. She was not just a genius but a goddess among mortals. The corpses left to decompose outdoors were too large to be moved, and these ones are even larger.

-Destroyer: I have a creative solution. We could construct containers for the bodies and have another team retrieve them, or we could send a few individuals along with the bodies. Aido has demonstrated the ability to manipulate earth, making him suitable to craft receptacles for each body.

-Alidia: That is an excellent plan. My dear, please follow Destroyer's instructions and provide assistance. As Destroyer suggested the idea of containers for the four massive bodies, most of the decomposing bodies could be contained.

In the midst of this process, Javier appeared troubled by something.

-Javier: I am aware of a settlement a few kilometers away, and I am concerned about their safety. Creatures of this size would likely pose a threat to them.

-Lasui: You are correct, the worms were attracted to our convoy. Perhaps we should send a group to check on the settlement.

Alidia turned her gaze to the Captain with apprehension.

-Alidia: Captain, how many lives have we lost?

-Captain: We have lost 353 lives, 286 are wounded, and 334 are missing.

-Alidia: If they have not returned by now, we must consider them lost as well. The battle was swift, lasting only 10 minutes. This is not the auspicious beginning we had hoped for. They seemed to have targeted us strategically. Luy, please attend to the wounded as best you can.

-Luyira: This indicates that 689 individuals are missing.

-Soldier: I would like to express my gratitude first, Crimson Goddess. We have been instructed to keep the choker and bracelet with us. If we survive, we can take one from the deceased to replace any missing items. However, if we perish and the accessories are found on our body, the signal differs from when they are removed, indicating our demise. There is always a chance of survival, so we assist each other and report any findings. It is quite an efficient system given the resources available to us.

-Luyira: Your explanation is appreciated. If you are able, please come to me. Otherwise, inform me!

After a few minutes, Luyira was able to heal most of the individuals. The battle left individuals with minor injuries or deceased; there was no ambiguity in between this time.

-Arthur: There may be malevolent forces at play, with a calculated intelligence guiding them. But who would wish harm upon us?

Sakura interjected with a bold statement.

-Sakura: It must be the Demon King!

Carlos expressed doubt.

-Carlos: Such fantastical ideas seem improbable. While we are all familiar with fantasy tales, the origins of these creatures remain uncertain. Whether there is a demon king or another explanation, it is unclear.

-Sakura: I read about it in my mother's diary.

-Irma: That could explain their strategic maneuvers and underground appearances.

-Carlos: While intriguing, it is a stretch to believe without concrete evidence.

-Aido: The creatures we've encountered appear to be acting on instinct rather than strategic planning. However, the way they ambush us seems coordinated, as if they are following orders or being guided. For example, the gunners sometimes target stronger objectives instead of maximizing damage by attacking the weaker ones. There are also instances where they attack civilians, causing significant losses. It is perplexing to me.

-Lasui: It is possible that these creatures are driven solely by instinct. Regardless of the reason behind their actions, we must devise a strategy to overcome them. Unity is crucial for our survival and the future of our world.

The group echoed in unison, "Roger!"

-Arthur: I will ready the men for what lies ahead.

-Luyira: Let us address the survivors, offer them hope and strength.

-Lasui: Yes, they need to know we are here for them.

Sakura then pointed at me and remarked

-Sakura: Aido, you have a way with words. Give them your strength.

Feeling overwhelmed by the role of redeemer, I responded.

-Aido: Since when do I have a way with words?

But it's true, I don't want people to suffer, and I want to act according to that ideal.

-Aido: It is a tragedy that we have suffered so many losses, but we must carry on, together. If there is a chance, let us seize it.

-Lasui: We must support the survivors through their trauma and grief. Let's deliver this message of unity and hope.

I created a small platform from ice that would eventually melt within minutes.

- Alidia: Let us commence the presentation.

As we advanced towards the audience, I formed another ice platform for the onlookers to witness our display.

-Sakura: Excellent, a captivating performance.

-Aido:Much appreciated.

Javier then called for attention, and all activities came to a halt as the audience turned their focus towards us.

-Alidia: Soldiers, I am your commander. Today, I want to give you a glimpse of what lies ahead. The journey will be long and fraught with danger, but together, we will endure.

- Lasui: My comrades and I will defend you with our lives."

-Aido: Your strength will be our shield, your determination our guiding light.

-Sakura: Our wills shall overcome the darkness.

-Luyira: I am here for you, always.

-Lasui: You have experienced a significant loss, but rest assured, we are here to support you.

The faces of soldiers often reveal their past experiences, with many having encountered dangerous creatures or suffered the loss of loved ones. Some have lived in constant fear, witnessing news reports of the beasts attacking the wall. Personally, I have never been interested in such topics and have actively avoided them.

-Carlos: Let us share the weight of your sorrow and suffering.

-Aido: While we mourn the departed, their lives have purpose, guiding us towards a brighter future.

-Sakura: Their sacrifices will not be in vain.

-Marceline: Though the world can be harsh, our aim is to establish fairness and justice.

-Arthur: Remember, you are not alone.

-Marceline: Our fight is for a world where all can live happily, free from the threat of predators.

-Lasui: Our battle is for a future where our children can thrive without fearing beasts.

-Carlos: Together, we strive for a tomorrow that holds promise.

The group then conveyed a powerful message of unity and determination, moving the crowd to tears of hope and optimism rather than despair. The outpouring of applause and cheers reflected the shared resolve within the group.

-Aido: For those unable to fight, we offer refuge in a caravan or safe passage back to the capital. Aido's words provided an option for those who could not engage in combat.

However, the solidarity within the camp was so strong that no one chose to retreat. Luyira remained a steadfast presence, As she has attending the injured with compassion amidst the fervor. As the assembly stood united, a new chant emerged, symbolizing a collective commitment to facing challenges head-on and embracing life's possibilities.

- ALL: Bound by the ties of fate, we thrive and perish as one!

- Sakura: United in pursuit of a luminous destiny!

- Carlos: Defiant against all adversaries, we stand strong!

- Lasui: Embracing the unknown path ahead!

- Luyira: Each soul marching forward toward the gleaming horizon of tomorrow!

The soldiers are reinvigorated, mustering their strength to carry on with their duties. Arthur, leading the caravan, grudgingly allows some time for the recently recovered soldiers to regain their footing before pressing onward

Aido, the inquirer of all that is, posed a thought-provoking question to the enigmatic Destroyer.

-Aido: Was there ever a period in history when the world knew true peace?

-Destroyer: Peace, my dear Aido, is often the shadow cast by suffering. It is a delicate balance, with those who endure pain not always reaping its rewards. The answer to your question is "Yes". Yet, there have undeniably been golden eras where humanity thrived in harmony. Alas, it seems that peace is truly cherished by those who have felt its absence.

Aido, burdened by the weight of his people's hardships, declared with a resolute tone, "My kind has endured enough suffering."

To this, the Destroyer simple said, "I agree", their eyes reflecting the echoes of past sorrows. Javier was resolute, his voice tinged with urgency.

-Javier: Let us venture forth to check on the settlement; it lies not far from our path.

-Aido: How do you know of this settlement?

Javier's eyes held a mix of nostalgia and concern.

-Javier: It is a place frequented by hunters returning to the capital. My family hails from there, though many now reside in the bustling city. I fear for some relatives who may still call it home.

Alidia, sensing the gravity of the situation, nodded in agreement.

-Alidia: I share your worries. Let us proceed. Luy has finished tending to the wounded.

Luyira chimed in, a sense of relief evident in her words.

-Luyira: Luckily, most of the injured suffered only minor bruises and superficial wounds.

Javier's concerns proved to be valid as we journeyed about two hours away from our current location, just a stone's throw from the looming wall. What awaited us at the remnants of the village was a chilling sight - devoid of any signs of life. Not a single human soul wandered, only the macabre remains of farm animals scattered about in grisly disarray. The buildings were destroyed, some even sinking into the ground. There is no doubt that worms attacked this town, with rubble and ruins still raising dust, crumbling and causing fires from the kitchens. It seems that it was once a town for fun, possibly a way to relax for hunters. Now, it has become a ghost town. It is curious that there isn't even a single corpse. Beasts are infamous for not leaving anything behind, but it takes them a while to devour a body. There were only a few smaller ones accompanying the worms - were they devoured by them?


-Lasui: Oh, no!

-Sakura: It must have happened yesterday, the place is still on fire.

-Irma: What happened here?

-Destroyer: There is no sign of any human activity, and there is not even a single body.

-Marceline: It looks like a tornado passed through the village, there is no way such devastation could be caused by worms.

-Lasui: This is terrifying.

-Javier: We must be ready for whatever awaits us on our way to the wall.

-Arthur: Look for survivors, or at least take the livestock and bring them with us.

Amidst the rubble, my mother tenderly lifted a doll, her eyes reflecting a melancholic ache. In a tender display of solidarity, Luy, Sakura, and Marceline approached her, offering solace in the face of such desolation. Sakura gazed upon the scene of devastation, a pang of sorrow for the unidentified child weighing heavy on her heart. Lasui's words hung heavily in the air, a stark reminder of the brutal reality of war and the inevitable sacrifices that must be made. The loss of innocent lives tugged at their collective conscience.

Javier's frustration was palpable as he grappled with the overwhelming odds stacked against their small village. The formidable enemy had struck swiftly and mercilessly, leaving destruction in its wake. In the heart of this town stood six noble guardians, tasked with preserving its essence. Within its walls, 2000 souls called this place home, their presence a vibrant tapestry of community. Yet, in a fleeting moment, they disappeared, leaving behind a haunting void. This harsh reality echoes in the silent streets, a painful reminder of my perceived failure to protect them

-Lizzie: I found some dogs in a house, trembling and hungry. I will keep them.

-Alfredo: Horses, we can use them. They are only eight, but they are resilient.

-Hunter: We have several farm livestock. It was a big town, so we are going to take them to the wall. They can be of use because the mutated beasts simply ignore the corpses of animals. The beasts really hate us, humans.

-Arthur: Anything that seems to have a consciousness - the reason we have so few androids is because, in the beginning, they sacrificed themselves to save many people from the beast attacks. When we lost a lot of knowledge, the beasts also attacked demi-humans. It is like a curse.

-Carlos: Well, we have found horses, dogs, and farm livestock. The animals we found will be put to good use.

-Destroyer: Let us continue our journey.

Alidia's voice rang out with determination, calling upon soldiers, hunters, and her people alike. "To the wall!" she exclaimed. And in unison, they all responded, "To the wall!

As we were departing, Javier spoke in a melancholy manner, expressing regret that had we arrived a day earlier. His words resonated with me, causing me to reflect on the notion that dwelling on hypothetical scenarios serves no purpose. Despite this, I cannot help but ponder the potential outcomes if we had indeed arrived earlier. Our delayed progress was due to the presence of civilian soldiers, prompting me to consider whether the timing of our arrival was deliberately planned. In retrospect, I am led to question if our speed of travel would have made any difference, as the end result may have remained unchanged regardless of our pace.

Our journey towards the towering wall begins as the sun starts its descent, casting long shadows over our path. The impending darkness veils us in mystery, but in the distance, the twinkling lights of the wall and the imposing cannons beckon us forward. There is a certain energy in the air, a palpable thrill that pulses through our veins, despite the underlying unease about what lies ahead.

- Lasui: Behold its Wall, and those cannons! I've only seen illustrations; it's truly magnificent.

- Luyira: Indeed, it looms large before us, that thing is huge! a lot larger than the capital itself!.

-Arthur: It must be, this wall, has make reality our way of living, even the saint has not changed our lives as it does this wall and those cannons, we have to be glad of the discoveries of James the hero.

-Lasui: There are many who have contributed to the development of the wall and the cannons. It is not just one individual.

-Arthur: You are right, many people have made a contribution to the development of the wall and the cannons.

- Aido: Let's venture inside, perhaps find respite; it appears teeming with hunters.

- Marceline: Encouraging news, though the casualties weigh heavy on our hearts.

- Sakura: Nevertheless, we must press on; this marks a new chapter for us all.

- All: YEAHHH.

Upon reaching the wall, a vigilant guard extends a welcoming gesture.

- Guard: Welcome, esteemed leader of the hunters.

- Alidia: What news do you bring? How fares our people within these walls?

- Guard: Commander, all is serene; peace has graced us for months now, and provisions abound.

- Alidia: Peace? That cannot be right. We encountered a formidable new foe on our journey here.

- Guard: Impossible, commander. A messenger recently brought provisions without incident.

- Arthur: Absurd! Why was this not communicated sooner, and why are there no other couriers?

- Aido: My liege, I believe the guard speaks true; observe the calm around us, the lack of tension in the air.

- Lasui: There is a strange tranquility here; we must delve deeper to uncover the truth.

- Luyira: The wall stands undisturbed, the Hunters unperturbed. Something is amiss, but not in the way we anticipated.

- Alidia: Could it be that the threat lurks beneath the wall? SOLDIER, FETCH THE WALL COMMANDER!

- Guard: Right away. Swift as the wind, the guard disappears into the wall.

Within moments, a blood-curdling cry pierced the air, followed by a dramatic entrance. Something fell from the sky and landed before us. Despite the sound resembling a missile, the landing was surprisingly soft. It only stirred up a small dust cloud upon landing, and I swear, it was glowing.


-Aido: Seriously?

Oh my god! She is big, and even Ramona would look small compared to her; she has a big smile, yellow eyes, and short hair, and she is pretty muscular too, I believe there are people would love her only for her muscles, but there is a lot more to her. She is friendly, energetic, and outgoing, but I bet that she is also tough when the time comes.

- Alidia: I present to you, the wall commander, Frenia.

-Frenia: My old friend! Come here, I want a bear hug, you are the only one that can take it and survive!

- Alidia: It is good to see you again, my dear Frenia.

Frenia's presence evoked a variety of reactions among onlookers. Sakura displayed surprise with widened eyes, Carlos exhibited disbelief with a dropped jaw, and Aido showed anticipation with trembling. It was evident that Frenia made a remarkable impression, being the first time I had witnessed a legendary Retter Messiah with such a muscular physique. Mary appeared elegant but fragile, evoking a desire to protect her upon first sight. Luyira exuded toughness yet exuded a feminine aura and delicacy. Standing before me was someone as imposing as a sturdy wall.

-Frenia: Nice to meet you all, lets begin the introductions.


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