Evilness, the all-consuming power that holds sway over life and death.

Chapter 17: Things have changed, and now bears are mating with pretty boys*

-Arthur: Commander, it fills my heart with joy to once again stand in your presence.

-Frenia: Arthur, you're as sleek and dashing as ever. Perhaps a bit of muscle training wouldn't hurt, though. And Lasui, my dear, you've blossomed into quite the charming young lad.

-Lasui: Thank you, Aunt Frenia.

-Frenia: Sister Frenia!

-Sakura: *laughs* She never fails to impress. Still, my heart belongs to Luy.

-Luyira: Of course, I am the epitome of amazing!

-Frenia: Ah, who do we have here?

-Alidia: Behold my son Aido, a man of striking good looks, and my daughter Luyira, the fiery-headed beauty.

-Frenia: Oh my goodness! Is this the boy who drives you to euphoria with his little friend?

-Alidia: Oh dear, I'm blushing! Frenia, what do you have to say about your dear Commander in Chief?

-Frenia: Apologies, Aido, Luy, come here and let me give you both a warm embrace!

-Aido: Our first time, meeting it is all Retter Messiah that easy going and touchy?

-Luyira: She's simply the best! I adore her already.

Frenia drew near to Luy and me, wrapping us both in a tight embrace with her arms. Though we were squeezed tightly, the warmth and comfort of her hug felt as cozy as a mother's embrace.

-Luyira: Sooooooft!

-Sakura: Mommy you are going to break them, let them go, aahh ahh!! my life is being squished like a orange!

-Frenia: You're so cute! So, tell me, are you two an item?

-Alidia: Indeed they are, a most wonderful and romantic love story.

-Frenia: That's fantastic! Alidia, I'm so proud of you.

-Alidia: Now then, where were we? Ah, yes, let us continue with introductions.

-Marceline: It is an honor to meet you, Commander Frenia. I am Marceline, Lasui Fiance.

-Frenia: Fiancé?, it is a pleasure to see you again after some time. I recall our previous encounters and the losses we have both experienced here. It is comforting to be reunited.

-Marceline: My sword and shield are at your service once more, Commander.

-Carlos: What a pleasure it is to meet you, Commander Frenia. Frenia: I can sense the hunger for knowledge in you, young one. It pleases me.

-Sakura: It is an honor to stand before the renowned Warrior of the Wall, resembling my own Luy!

-Luyira: *laughs* We do share similarities, don't we? I believe we could forge a strong friendship!

-Frenia: My Luy?

-Luyira: She may chase after me, but my heart belongs to Aido, much like her mother.

-Frenia: Ah, I see. And it appears the charming Aido has also captured the heart of my sister Mary. You are quite the danger, son.

-Aido: Please accept my apologies.

-Frenia: Fear not, I do not judge. Love is evident between you both.

-Sakura: Every breath she takes, every step she moves, Luy belongs to me!

-Frenia: I admire your passion, my dear. It is a wonderful thing to be consumed by love.

-Sakura: My heart beats for Luy.

-Frenia: Indeed, it is clear to see.

-Sakura: She is mine!

-Frenia: Of course, she is yours.

-Alidia: Ahem, although this amusing charade has brought a smile to my face, I thank you, Sakura, Frenia, and Luyira.

-Luyira: Huh? Me? I didn't say a word!

-Alidia: Well, I believe our introductions have come to a close.

Javier waited patiently for his turn, but it seemed to slip away, leaving him disheartened. Sasari noticed his plight and offered solace, catching Frenia's attention, who acknowledged him with a nod amidst the chaos.

-Alidia: There is a disturbance in the air, a dark cloud looming over us. The recent tragedy struck near this very wall. A new breed of monstrous creature, a gigantic worm rivaling the size of titanic giants.

-Frenia: Are you jesting with me?

-Javier: Unfortunately not. Nearly 700 lives lost, countless wounded, and an entire community of 2000 annihilated.

-Sakura: The losses are devastating, but we must press forward with a solid plan. The walls no longer provide safety, which is why we have convened here, though things are not going as anticipated.

-Lasui: Something is amiss.

-Arthur: Indeed, we are in the dark, but the lack of prior alerts is concerning.

-Alidia: Frenia, it is time to act.

-Frenia: Alidia, do we have any demi-humans?

-Alidia: Unfortunately, we do not, but we do have a squad of elite trackers and fighters who are quite unique in their abilities.

-Frenia: We have a few from the north, gifted by a Chieftain as a gesture of goodwill. Their agility is comparable to that of a Range S. Allow me to fetch them, and we can proceed.

-Arthur: I have reservations about this, as it is perilous.

-Aido: My liege, they have made it this far and can handle the risks. I will accompany them – it is necessary, with my mother leading the charge alongside me and Luy, we can expedite the investigation.

-Alidia: My apologies, dear, without individuals like Luy and you, we cannot venture beyond the walls. Against colossal beasts like those worms, only your party is equipped to confront them. It is risky to leave our troops without any of the four, so the best strategy is to send a small group to scout ahead.

-Sakura: Aido, remember, we have your back.

- Marceline: The best of the best, right?

-Carlos: Absolutely.

- Arthur: It was initially my idea. Let us proceed.

-Aido: I will return before supper.

The team agreed with my suggestion to move the four forces, so we successfully convinced my mother that a quicker investigation and return would be the best decision. Under the cover of night, a unique group consisting of Retter Messiah, myself, my mother, and demi-humans set out on our mission. It was an unusual experience being in such close proximity to demi-humans for the first time. Their resemblance to Retter Messiah was striking, and their individual charm was captivating. Some of them even flirted with me as we swiftly moved through the fields, with Luyira's protective nature creating an aura of danger. The women instinctively kept their distance, and even the once-bold male feline now held a sense of fear towards Luyira, whereas initially he had seemed eager to approach her.

-Frenia: The night is fraught with peril, but your skills render you invisible to the beasts – shadows in the dark.

-Luyira: Thank you, Aunt!

-Frenia: Sister, SISTER!!!!

-Luyira: Not you too?

-Frenia: Hahaha, I've heard about Mary, but fret not, I have two handsome boys of my own. Maybe only a taste.

-Aido: What?

-Frenia: Ulices and David, one brawny and the other brainy. I'd introduce you, but that's a story for another time.

-Alidia: Here is, I bet your noticed from the distance the fires and smoke coming from it.

-Frenia: Your words ring true, I had hoped it was a mistake, but alas, my people were there just three days prior, reveling in a celebration. This town is renowned for being a haven for rest and entertainment for those who dwell within the walls. Nerise, Michi, Daisy, work your magic. Nerise, feel the pulse of the earth beneath your feet, tread cautiously. Michi, let your eyes scour the land for anything peculiar, and Daisy, follow your nose as our scent tracker. Alert me to any anomalies in our midst.

-Alidia: Demi humans excel in the art of scouting and gathering intel. How long have they been in your company? It is quite astonishing.

-Frenia: Nerise and I have crossed paths before. Her tribe used to sneak over the wall into fertile lands for plunder, though they've since become allies. The other two hail from a different tribe and joined us a fortnight ago. They were sent by Leonidas, the newly appointed patriarch of the northern demi humans.

-Alidia: There have been no reports of demi humans in the south.

-Frenia: Perhaps the south offers more concealment and resources.

-Alidia: Indeed, and fewer human settlements. It's possible they've established a community without the need for thievery. Arthur dispatched scouts, but they found no trace of a demi human settlement or tribe in the south.

-Frenia: Arthur would likely attribute it to the beasts. Any concrete evidence?

-Alidia: Certainly, when we were clearing the area, an influx of beasts emerged from the south.

-Frenia: Blast it all. I much prefer dealing with mischievous demi humans over beasts. Even as a Retter messiah, I believe a good beast is a dead one. Look at that girl trying to emulate Nerise. We may possess great power, but we are not divine beings.

-Alidia: I've pondered that myself; I seem unchanged over the ages. Maybe it's a lack of will to change. She's quite remarkable and loves my son dearly.

-Frenia: He's a worrier, isn't he? Always lost in thought. Sometimes being too kind-hearted can be a detriment; he must remember to care for himself too.

-Alidia: You've hit the nail on the head.

Not long after, the demi-humans scoured the area and returned to report to Frenia and our mother. Their agility and strength are remarkable, explaining why ordinary civilians fear them in times like these.

-Demi-human Nerise, of the lizard type: We are prepared to share our findings. I have sensed tremors near the settlement, all originating from the south. The ground shows signs of tunnels collapsing under the weight of our steps. If giants were responsible, the terrain would be as flat as a plate.

- Demi-human Michi, of the cat type: I have noticed numerous beast tracks leading from the south, possibly indicating creatures seeking to establish a nest in that direction. The disturbed soil around the town aligns with reports of people being snatched from the ground and devoured. The tracks end abruptly at the town's borders, hinting at a conflict where victims may have attempted to flee towards the wall.


-Frenia: An ambush? And what about you, Daisy?

-Demi-human Daisy, a female canine type: I detect various fresh beast scents, including a large group that entered the town. There is a strange, unfamiliar scent akin to blood but not quite. Before reaching the town, I detected human blood and sweat, typical scents, but they abruptly vanish at the town's borders. It appears none survived.

-Frenia: Numerous beasts, an underground ambush, and tracks vanishing at the town's edge. This situation is unprecedented for us. If what you're saying is true, there's no conceivable way they could have bypassed the walls undetected.

-Nerise:Indeed, nothing has passed from the south without our awareness.

-Michi: We can certainly track them down.

-Daisy: The pervasive beast scent lingers, while any trace of human presence is notably absent.

-Alidia: There is no need to pursue them further. We had eliminate them, especially considering the absence of reports from our dispatched group tasked with retrieving the bodies. It seems this case follows a similar pattern to past events. Only with one thing we fear if becomes true.

-Frenia: To fall over a town from the sky indicates a deliberate targeting. If this is happening in fifty other towns, we are facing a dire situation with dwindling populations.

-Luyira: I am smart enough to tell you, there are someone sending that things towards us, and they know about me and Aido, I swear it!

-Aido: That would be terrible, it means they could attack us any time and make people suffer.

-Alidia: You are right, the beasts, are changing? or they always has the power to kill humanity and have been in peace until Aido and Luy appeared?

-Frenia: Nonsenses, it was worse when Mary was alone, I was the first one to take down a Titanic beast the wall crumble over and over before it, how the birth of two childs would change the things.

-Alidia: Let's return and inform the others, for better or worse.

We returned to the wall in a hurry, to bring news and inform the others, but we did not know how the others will react.

Alidia pondered deeply, this was not the first time such devastation had crossed her path. The chaos seemed to engulf the town first, then swirled towards their caravan as if materializing out of thin air. Impossibly, there were no signs of descent from the sky; surely something as colossal and weighty as this would have left a mark. Reports spoke of thunderous reverberations in the nearby forest during the capital's assault, yet Alidia and her companions had heard nothing, despite being within those very woods. Having braved numerous campaigns and confronted three immense beasts in battle, Alidia recognized that each encounter was unique. Though there were faint echoes of familiarity, the creatures were evolving. It was as if a shift occurred when both Aido and Luyira joined the fray. Even Destroyer, typically a source of support and guidance, now seemed poised for direct action. Alidia couldn't help but wonder if he harbored secrets beneath his enigmatic facade; a mother's intuition rarely steered her wrong.

As we arrived, the civilian soldiers scrambled to construct a camp. The grandiose walls loomed overhead, dwarfing the buildings meant to house thousands of Hunters. Yet here we were, a multitude far surpassing their expectations. Our purpose was to aid in subduing the smaller minions that lurked within the nests or to swiftly cover vast terrains if a colossal beast emerged. While our efforts in the previous month had been somewhat effective against the smaller creatures, the higher-ranked adversaries proved to be formidable foes, resulting in tragic losses among the soldiers. The massive worm, in particular, feasted upon our comrades without an ounce of mercy, revealing the harsh reality that we were more akin to a banquet for these beasts than a worthy adversary. The grim realization weighed heavy on my heart – despite the presence of three semi-gods among us, the task of protecting everyone seemed insurmountable. In this pivotal moment, I comprehended the wisdom behind humanity's instinct to scatter and conceal themselves, evading conflict rather than facing near-certain death in battle.

The Hunter's Association was also based within the fortress, although the familiar faces I had encountered in the capital were notably absent. Positioned at the heart of the wall, the Association's building shared space with the military headquarters, serving as a command center where strategic decisions were made by commanders.

Frenia greeted her new comrades with a bright smile.

-Frenia:Good Morning, how are my new companions?

Luyira stood tall, expressing her readiness to defend the Motherland.

-Luyira: Ready to defend the Motherland! my Comrade bear!

Confusion crossed Frenia's face, "What?"

-Alidia: She means you, Frenia.

-Frenia: Ahahahha, that's funny. You love this big bear?

Luyira couldn't help but boast.

-Luyira: You are laughing, I won! And yes, I love my teddy bear, comrade of the motherland.

-Frenia: I have something to attend to before we embark on our mission, something I have been wanting to do for a long time.

Alidia reminded her of their responsibilities as commanders.

-Alidia: Frenia, remember, we must act with responsibility.

Frenia waved off her concerns.

-Frenia: Come on, Dia, I've been patient. It will add some spice to our lives, and it's not like it's something new.

Alidia doubted the effectiveness of Frenia's plan, pointing out.

-Alidia: It worked with Mary due to special circumstances. He can be a bit spoiled and selfish in that area.

Aido defended himself playfully.

-Aido: What do you mean? I'm only selfish in love.

Luyira couldn't resist teasing.

-Luyira: Dense mother fucker! Haha!"

Aido quipped back.

-Aido: Well, I am a mother fucker, and she loves it.

Luyira continued her teasing in an attempt to educate him.

-Luyira: Stop being an idiot. I'm trying to teach you some manners.

Frenia, unfazed by their banter, invited them to her dormitory.

-Frenia: Regardless of how the night turns out, please join me in section F32. It's the largest one.

Alidia expressed skepticism.

-Alidia: We'll be there, but I highly doubt it will go as you anticipate.

Luyira, realizing the situation, relaxed.

-Luyira: Ah, you're right. I have nothing to worry about then."

-Alidia: You're possessive too, my dear."

Luyira giggled, "Guilty as charged."

Alidia redirected their focus.

-Alidia: Anyway, let's prepare for the arrival of the beasts. We need to check our equipment and speak to our soldiers. I assume Frenia is doing the same. See you all tonight.

As we reached the dormitory of Frenia, the purpose of our meeting remained a mystery to me until the morning light cast clarity upon it. Now, standing before the imposing door, I found myself flanked by Sakura and Carlos, who had playfully teased me during our afternoon meal. "Sakura," uttered with a mischievous glint in her eye, "The bear is craving bunny meat and the lover boy is on the menu!" Carlos, mouth full and speaking between bites, chimed in, "Munch, munch, munch! You're quite the catch, my friend. I always thought I was the better looking one." Sakura, with a playful smile, added, "You're our main dish tonight - we're dining just like those two lovebirds!" Amidst their banter, a sense of responsibility nagged at the corners of my mind. It seemed I was the only one taking our meeting seriously.

As we enter the room, my gaze is immediately drawn to Frenia, draped in a tantalizing babydoll garment. She greets us with a sultry smile and leads us to a lavish seating area, where she reclines gracefully on a luxurious bed, flanked by two men. Another bed and a sofa suggest recent additions to the room. The first man, tall and striking with dark brown hair and piercing green eyes, exudes an air of seriousness paired with undeniable handsomeness. His well-built physique radiates heat, contrasting with the shorter man beside him, who shares his brown hair but boasts blue eyes and a slender frame that complements his pretty face. Sakura's whispers of Frenia's penchant for charming young men are confirmed before my eyes, leaving me surprised by her boldness. Turning my attention to Frenia, I am struck by her beauty and sensuality. Towering over us with dark skin, short black hair, and mesmerizing yellow eyes, her striking features and muscular, alluring figure captivate me. Despite her reputation as a formidable hunter, I can see the seductive allure she effortlessly exudes. Contrasting sharply with Luyira and myself, I find myself contemplating the paths each of us may take as we age, hoping that Luyira will remain unchanged by the passage of time.

-Luyira: Who are they, Frenia?

-Frenia: Allow me to introduce you to the intriguing duo, David and Ulices. David is the youthful one, he is small like a young sprout but he is already over 20 years old, and Ulices is the protective older brother figure, they are truly handsome men.

- David: It's a pleasure to meet you; my name is David.

- Ulices: Ulices, pleased to meet you too.

- David: We are in a romantic relationship with Frenia, but feel free to think of us as brothers if you prefer.

- Alidia: Wait, Frenia, are you saying they are not your husbands?

- Frenia: I care for them deeply, but I don't want them to live with me; they should start their own families.

- Alidia: I had heard rumors, but I was expecting something different.

- David: We love Frenia, and we wouldn't trade her for someone who could give us children.

- Ulices: I feel the same way. I am in love with her, and we know she loves us, even if she won't admit it.

- Alidia: I understand now. Well, I am Alidia, the Commander of the Hunters. This is my son, Aido, and my daughter, Luyira.

-Frenia: Indeed, Aido is the beloved of Alidia, the one who will come to your aid, a true hero. And as for igniting passionate cries from her lips in the night or morning.

-David: What on earth? You are the savior; you looks pretty normal.

-Ulices: It is a delight to meet you, esteemed sir.

-Frenia: However, you are mistaken my dear esteemed leader; even though a pole like his may be useful, I seek an unfamiliar experience.

- Luyira: What is it you propose?

-Aido: what is on your mind?

-Frenia: An orgy, something similar to the experience you have in the academy, where each of us is with their significant other. Myself, Ulices, and David - all engaged simultaneously while your companions partake as well; I desire to observe and be observed.

I found myself frozen in place, contemplating the meaning behind Frenia's words. What did she mean when she said she desired to see us engage in intimate activities with our companions? Was she merely curious or did she desire more?

-Alidia: You perverted individual, you have no decency.

-Frenia: And is this a first? I've always been curious about your bare form. Luy and Aido are quite charming too, so let's indulge and revel in the moment. Besides, I have never participated in a group activity like this before, but you guys have, am I wrong?

-Alidia: Mary has a loose mouth, I guess.

-David: Have no fear; you are secure in our presence. Frenia seeks a form of self-expression; denying her would be unjust.

-Luyira: Aido. She wants to see me devouring you! hehehe, this bunny wants her carrot!

-Frenia: I just want to see if we can all get along. Let's take off our clothes and reveal our true selves.

-David: I'll remove mine.

-Ulices: I will remove mine as well.

-Aido: Hmm, it's not entirely foreign to us, it's not a requisite, but if you consent, we can proceed.

-Frenia: Fantastic, for I am aflame with desire.

-Alidia: Oh, dear, it appears I have no choice in the matter.

-Frenia: Prepare for a spectacle; my gaze falls upon you, and you must gaze back as we proceed.

-Aido: As you wish, let us bring her joy.

-Alidia: This is an outrageous family gathering.

-Ulices: We mustn't hesitate; come, let us commence; the night awaits.

-David: I'm eager; you are both quite delightful, Luyira and you too, Aido.

-Frenia: What a splendid atmosphere; why delay any longer? Let us begin.

Frenia took the lead by kissing Ulices and pushing him onto the bed. David followed behind her and attempted to kiss her from behind, creating a surreal scene as he awkwardly tried to initiate intimacy. Despite both appearing to be mature adults, Ulices, being taller, and David, being shorter, resembled individuals struggling against a formidable opponent, likened to a large bear. Frenia's behavior suggested a sense of anticipation, perhaps predating the current event. Luyira seemed to have overheard a previous sexual encounter between them, as she reacted to the situation. In a similar manner, I took charge by guiding my mother towards a sofa, where I initiated physical intimacy by kissing her and caressing her body. The removal of clothing occurred swiftly, with my mother being undressed hastily, while Luyira's clothes seemingly vanished in the blink of an eye, indicating her fast-paced actions in disrobing compared to the rest of us present.

We embarked on this sensual journey with a delicate touch, a familiar dance we had perfected with time. As Mother's fingers traced my skin, igniting a fiery passion, I couldn't help but lose myself in the moment. The gentle caress of her hands on my body, the soft press of her lips against mine, and Luy's tantalizing touch, using her curves to arouse me, made me crave more. And then, as the two men joined in, their hands exploring Frenia's body, a new energy filled the room. The unveiling of her dark skin and voluptuous breasts sent a wave of desire through me. Though my preference wasn't for men, I couldn't deny the allure of their masculinity. David's slender physique hinted at hidden strength, his long member a testament to his virility. Ulices, on the other hand, stood tall and robust, his thick cock exuding power. As their hands roamed Frenia's body, worshipping her like the goddess she was, I couldn't help but be captivated. She moved with a grace that demanded adoration, her lovers falling at her feet willingly. And in that intimate setting, amidst the rising passion, Luyira's tender kisses and caresses enveloped me in a cloud of bliss. The air was thick with their desire, the scent of arousal intoxicating. Luyira's touch left me yearning for more, her wetness a testament to her arousal. In that moment, as our eyes met and smiles were exchanged, I knew we were all lost in a world of shared sensuality.

Frenia and her entourage watch us closely, Ulices falling under her spell and morphing into a damsel in distress rather than a macho man. Frenia effortlessly takes charge of both Ulices and the situation, her face a clear indicator of her inclination for dominance. She savors the control more than any physical pleasure she might derive from Ulices, who moves his hips on instinct. She delights in his expressions and even David's attempts to please her, akin to a baby seeking comfort from her breast. We can't resist being drawn into the delightful chaos. This isn't our first rodeo; the added thrill of being observed by others only heightens the intense chemistry between us, making us feel like the leading characters of our own mesmerizing show.

Inspired by Frenia's bold demeanor, I gently lifted my mother onto my shoulders, where she playfully indulged in her favorite treat. Nearby, Luy, with her formidable strength, added an unexpected element of excitement with a playful clap against my waist. Our endurance was unmatched, allowing us to revel in these activities for hours on end. Though weary from our travels, the lively exchange has rejuvenated me. The spirited energy of our intimate moments has sparked a newfound vitality in us all, and the six of us continue to relish in the delights of our shared escapades.

As Luyira continues to pleasure me, I am overcome with the desire for her to consume my essence. In a moment of sheer ecstasy, my mother watches on, delighting in the intimacy she witnesses. Luyira's tongue traces intricate patterns on my skin, while I eagerly taste her sweetness. I can sense the anticipation in the air as Luyira prepares to receive my offering. My mother, with a look of admiration, revels in the sight of her devouring my love, savoring every last drop with fervor. Watching us entwined in passion, my mother's possessiveness is matched only by her understanding of the deep connection we share. Luyira is my constant companion, my right hand, while my mother is the pillar of strength at my side. They are not just special, but invaluable to me. In their presence, I find purpose and a profound sense of protection and happiness. Together, they are the essence of my existence.

As ecstasy surged through me, my passion overflowed into Luyira's waiting mouth, painting her face and bosom with my ardor. The symphony of Ulices' release into Frenia echoed through the room, his cry a mix of elation and weariness. In a seamless transition, David stepped in, his urgency evident as he entered Frenia from behind, his movements filled with a sense of urgency. Frenia basked in the pleasure, savoring the sensation as I guided my mother to join us, positioning her to receive me with a passionate moan that resonated in the room. Grasping her hands, I orchestrated a dance of desire, her body moving in sync with mine, her twin tails swaying in rhythm, until Luyira's lips claimed them, reveling in the play that enthralled my mother.

Luyira's adoration for our mother unfolded as Frenia surrendered to David's thrusts. The tableau before us captivated our senses, each moment a crescendo of delight. Melodious moans filled the air as Luyira worshipped our mother's curves, indulging in the pleasures bestowed upon her. Our mother's euphoric exclamations reverberated throughout the space as she surrendered to the waves of ecstasy, her body trembling in the throes of climax. My own primal yearnings surged as I felt the tremors within me, desperately longing to increase the intensity of our connection. Consumed by the intoxicating fragrances of passion that enveloped us, I found myself lost in the allure of this mesmerizing scene, a symphony of sensuality that left me bewitched.

Frenia's fervor echoed through the room, a desperate plea for more that left her companions in awe. David's teasing remark about her insatiable appetite only fueled her desire further. Ulices, realizing the depth of her passion, couldn't help but acknowledge that this was truly a dream come true for her. As Frenia expressed her overwhelming satisfaction, a sense of pure bliss washed over her. She felt as if she could leave this world a content woman at that very moment. But just when she thought she couldn't handle any more pleasure, Ulices found a newfound energy and seamlessly switched positions, now beneath her, with David joining in the unique arrangement. The scene was a blend of extreme lust and lighthearted hilarity, with Frenia caught between them in a whirlwind of desire. As she eagerly welcomed both men, her body moved in sync with theirs, struggling to contain the overwhelming pleasure coursing through her. Every fiber of her being was consumed by the intensity of the moment, unable to contain her cries of ecstasy like a wild creature in heat.

-Frenia: Ah! Ulices! David! It's so good!

-Ulices: Damn, you're squeezing me so tight!

-David: It's almost painful!

-Frenia: I can't take it anymore!

The captivating sight of Frenia being pleasured by two men enthralls the onlookers. As I finish my task with my mother, I turn to Luyira, who lets out a joyful scream of anticipation. Her demeanor changes, much like a dog expecting retribution; however, what awaits her is a different kind of punishment – one that will make her cry out like a wild animal. I take her from above as my mother relocates to the other side of the bed, finding a comfortable spot to observe. Luyira, beneath me, screams in delight as I give myself over to the moment, relishing the sounds of her ecstasy. Her legs rest on my shoulders, her beautiful face contorted in pleasure, and I find myself falling for her allure.



I continue to fuck her like this, when we finish I will ask for a bath, but right now I am concentrating in fuck Luyira senseless.

Frenia and her companions witness the scene before them with rapt attention. As the sounds of their passion echo through the room, Ulices and David continue to pleasure her while she watches us. They are enjoying the sight of Luyira's body writhing in ecstasy beneath me, and I can feel their desire building.

-Frenia: Wow... that was amazing.

-Ulices: You are truly incredible, Aido.

-David: Indeed, you have a remarkable ability to please a woman.

-Aido: You guys are more amazing with a partner like Frenia.

-Luyira: Focus in me, ah! kiss, kiss, mom, molest his ass for me!

-Frenia: I'm flattered, but this was all you. You're just that good.

-Ulices: I think Luyira and your mother are eager to continue. But I am reaching my limit, Frenia! I am cumming!

-Frenia: Gimme me everything, you too David!

Frenia revels in the intense pleasure of receiving Ulices and David completely, her face a portrait of ecstasy. It's clear she thrives on the euphoria of being filled and covered in their essence, a woman designed for passion. As she gazes back at me, her eyes are alight with satisfaction. However, she takes charge like a skilled seductress, orchestrating a tantalizing dance with David and Ulices. Her prowess is evident as she expertly pleasures them, leaving the boys quivering not just with pleasure, but with exhaustion. It's a familiar sight - men often succumb to weariness before women in the throes of passion. Grateful for the stamina bestowed upon me, I watch in awe.

-Frenia: This is exhilarating, you both are so incredible.

-Luyira: Mom, please, I need to cum! Do you magic, molest him how you know!

-Aido: I'm not finished with you yet, Luyira.

My mother positioned herself behind me and began stimulating my buttocks. She then started to finger my anus, searching for my G-spot. When she inserted her finger, Luyira's expression changed, along with my body's reaction. Unable to resist any longer, I guide us both to a peak of pleasure, my mother adding to the ecstasy. With Luyira, time seems endless, but with my mother, it's finite - I'm certain I'll reach the climax before her, as she outlasts me.

-Luyira: AIDO, I adore you!

-Aido: LUYIRA, I adore you too!

In a blissful moment, as I release my essence into her, Luyira's cries of delight fill the air, a symphony to my ears. My mother's touch adds to the crescendo as I match her excitement, my shouts of pleasure harmonizing with hers. It's a release that cannot be contained, a pleasure that must be expressed in uninhibited joy.

As Luy drifts into a state of semi-consciousness, the world around us seems to blur, but the presence of the three others creeping closer is unmistakable. Frenia's face hovers above me, her gaze suggesting a desire that I cannot reciprocate.

Meanwhile, Ulices is drawn in by the unfolding scene, attempting to join in with my mother. Anger boils within me at the audacity of their actions, causing my mother to momentarily drop her guard before quickly retracting, signaling a rejection with a subtle gesture. Alidia's voice breaks through the tension, her words cutting through the air like a sharp blade. Ulices stammers an apology, shaken from his trance. Frenia's disapproval is palpable as she remarks about the potential for a switch in partners. Alidia's comment about my selfish and possessive nature, tempered by loyalty, rings true in the charged atmosphere. I muster the courage to voice my feelings to Frenia, gently expressing that I do not see her in the same light. As I adds to the conversation, pointing out the one person who has been vying for Frenia's attention all along. The tension eases as Frenia acknowledges the truth in about my observation, turning to David with a question that he answers with unwavering strength. Ulices, now reinvigorated, interjects with a newfound determination – he is now ready to join the dynamic unfolding before us.

-Frenia: I can't wait to see where this goes.

-David: That's quite the statement.

-Ulices: Indeed, it seems the mood has changed.

The men endeavored to please her by guiding her back to the bed, where a symphony of desire played out. David and Ulices danced with her in a passionate ballet of limbs and whispers. From the dance floor of the bed, emotions welled up with fervor as David embraced her in carnal union, while Ulices placed his essence upon her eager lips. The air around them crackled with energy, a spectacle of sensual delight. Initial hesitations dissolved as she surrendered to the intoxicating rhythm, her primal instincts coming to life. Sounds of pleasure and murmurs filled the room, as their bodies became instruments of ecstasy. Despite the exhaustion that crept in, contentment and satiation painted their faces with blissful content. In this surreal symphony of passion, pleasure took the lead, weaving a tapestry of desire that seemed otherworldly. Frenia's prowess knew no bounds, as she led the dance with expert hands and hypnotic movements. The men succumbed to her touch, their enthusiasm palpable in the air. With a climax that shook them to their cores, their faces lit up in astonishment and delight, a portrait of raw desire and satisfaction. Frenia's insatiable hunger for pleasure drove her to further heights of indulgence, her every movement echoing with a primal need for more. The wet sounds of their ardor only heightened the intensity, as Frenia reveled in the depths of her untamed desires, a force of nature unleashed.

In a surreal dance of desire, we found ourselves caught in a mirror game of passion and pleasure. When anger threatened to overtake me, my mother's ingenious response was to mount me like a wild stallion, her powerful screams awakening the drowsy princess of crimson ears. With delicate precision, she guided her essence towards me, sparking a chain reaction of ecstasy. As Luyira's fervent lips explored my mother's curves, I seized the opportunity to taste the sweet nectar flowing from her center. Every drop was a delicious symphony, leaving me gasping for air as I indulged in the forbidden pleasure. Meanwhile, my mother's body quivered with arousal as I worshipped her like a hungry beast, lost in the moment of pure passion. In a crescendo of climax, our bodies intertwined in a whirlwind of sensation. Luyira's essence filled my mouth, a bittersweet elixir that I savored without hesitation. As she collapsed into my embrace, her lips met mine in a fervent kiss, a testament to our shared love and lust. My mother, still lost in the throes of pleasure, fought a losing battle against the overwhelming sensation. Her face contorted in a mixture of resistance and surrender, ultimately succumbing to the electric currents of desire as she lay back, panting with her tongue caressing her lips.

Luyira seized the moment to rise above me, beginning a passionate dance of pleasure. Her smile beamed as she stole glances at the other couple, still reveling in their own joy. She moved like a cat savoring a delectable treat, her eyes gleaming with delight, her smile radiant. Her tail swayed to its own rhythm, adding to the allure of her movements. With the grace of a puppeteer, she delighted in the sensations, using her strength to guide her body in a mesmerizing dance. Playing with her breasts, her tongue added another layer of pleasure as she nibbled gently, utilizing her teeth flawlessly to enhance my pleasure without causing harm.

A sudden noise diverted our attention to the other two individuals who had become fatigued. Frenia appeared deeply engrossed in her own enjoyment, her expression suggestive of imminent satisfaction. Anticipating the moment, Luyira repositioned herself, bringing my mother's face provocatively close to her eager center. She guided my mother to partake in the pleasure, immersing her in the experience as my mother eagerly explored every detail with her tongue. As the ecstasy mounted, I promptly seized the opportunity to join in the fervor. My mother's muffled sounds of pleasure blended with the intensity of Luyira's passion, propelling her to greater heights of delight. As our bodies intertwined, a profound sense of bliss enveloped us both. Her moans, actions, and the arch of her back all conveyed her enjoyment, urging me to delve deeper into the moment. Yielding to the intoxicating pleasure, I sensed the climax approaching, unable to resist the impending release.

-Frenia: Ahhhhh, that was truly incredible.

-Alidia: Indeed, we should definitely consider repeating this experience.

-Luyira: They appear so peaceful, like infants nestled in your embrace, Aido, come closer and rest your head here.

-Aido: As you wish.

-Alidia: I will utilize this time to unwind, ahn!

While positioning myself with my head in Luyira's lap, my mother enthusiastically engaged with my member, seemingly unable to get enough. Whether excited by Frenia's presence or unwilling to share me with anyone else, she passionately attended to me. Her actions were incredibly pleasurable, and I cherished her warm lips, skilled tongue, and expert touch. Succumbing to the intensity of the moment, I gently guided her movements with my hands, engrossed in the pleasure she provided. Her adept handling of the situation heightened my arousal, leading to an ultimately fulfilling culmination. As my mother swallowed my release, I could see in her eyes that she, too, found enjoyment in the encounter. Following this intimate moment, she nestled her head against my chest, offering a sense of warmth and comfort akin to a mother's embrace.

-Frenia: That was intense, Alidia, you're fortunate.

-Alidia: I agree.

-Luyira: What shall we do next?

-Frenia: Let's bathe.

The four of us bathed together, assisting each other with cleaning. The gentlemen were exhausted, so Frenia allowed them to rest in her dormitory.

- Frenia: Look, Aido, your soldier is standing at attention for me!

-Luyira: Actually, it's erect so I can wash it properly. Apologies, Frenia, this belongs to me, my mother, Mary, and possibly a black cat.

-Alidia: I'm sorry, my friend, but that's the truth.

-Frenia: That makes it four! A fifth wouldn't hurt! I don't understand! And who is the black cat?

-Luyira: A childhood friend who may or may not still exist. I feel possessive because I believe I'm sharing him with many others.

-Alidia: It's a complicated situation, your brother makes things complicated, but I still care for him, even though he scared me witless a moment ago.

-Frenia: The incident with Ulices, to be honest, I was terrified too; your bloodlust was intense, Aido.

-Luyira: What did I miss?

-Aido: I must apologize, but I will not hesitate to act if someone threatens my women; I will never regret it.

-Alidia: It's the fourth time I've had that feeling.

-Luyira: Oh, when Aido makes that intimidating face, it feels tingly.

After we finished bathing and getting dressed, I took Luyira by the hand and we went to the dormitory, leaving our mother to spend more time with Frenia.

-Frenia: So it was Aido who caused that sensation, I thought I was imagining it. The other three times, even Mary felt it. She mentioned losing her strength and falling. The three times, I was genuinely excited, thinking it was my fear mingled with desire.

-Alidia: Aido seldom gets angry, but this level of rage is unusual. I have been the trigger for that anger in the past. It seems Luyira has more of his trust than I do, but I can't fault that; she sets boundaries and asserts herself to everyone. Is it our fear of his immense power or something more ominous within him that causes that pressure, that power, that sensation?

-Frenia: I was standing in front of him when he unleashed that bloodlust and energy. No one else noticed, but I was truly frightened. I fear no enemy; my only fear is losing more of my loved ones. That presence is that of the redeemer; we must ensure he remains under control.

Alidia pondered quietly, feeling a sense of unease about the immense but chaotic power lying within him. She couldn't help but wonder what darkness lurked beneath his sweet and loving exterior. Frenia, however, remained unfazed.

-Frenia: Oh, he's fine, girl. I've seen people go through worse and come out on the other side. He may be fierce, but there's a warmth and calmness to him that will keep him grounded. And besides, he's got plenty of pretty girls to keep him in check.

Alidia couldn't help but envy Frenia's unwavering confidence.

-Alidia: I wish I could trust him as easily as you do.

Frenia, ever the bold one, quipped.

-Frenia: Well then, can I have mom's approval to make a move on him?

With a giggle, Alidia replied.

-Alidia: I've never stopped you before, but he's the one who needs convincing.

As their playful banter came to an end, Alidia channeled her inner Luyira, declaring.

-Alidia: Nuh uh, not happening! Good night, my dear friend.

Frenia bid her farewell, a glint of mischief in her eye.

-Frenia: Good night.


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