Evilness, the all-consuming power that holds sway over life and death.

Chapter 17.5: Something is coming!*

The transformation and progression of the camp are quite remarkable, with discussions even arising about constructing dwellings similar to those of humans. The lively new ambiance in this locale is markedly different from our past rugged and constantly changing lifestyle. Even humans, who previously reacted aggressively albeit rarely with lethal consequences, are now treating us as equals. The announcement of a new endeavor to recapture territories in the north has altered the perspectives of many, leading some of our kind to place trust in humans and ponder the prospect of cohabitation. As highlighted by Leonidas, the Mutated beasts bear has resemblance to demi-humans. In recent times, we have encountered numerous humanoid beasts, a development that is indeed disconcerting.

Whereas our encounters in the past primarily involved smaller armed creatures, we are now facing instances such as the Lizard men who, in an unexpected turn of events, appeared to be among us at first, only to reveal their true size of about 5 meters tall and initiate a ferocious attack. Additionally, we have observed wolf-like creatures walking upright, as well as feline beasts resembling a more imposing version of Leonidas and bear-like entities, evoking chilling Werewolf, Werebear, and Werelion folklore. Thankfully, casualties have been minimal, extending even to the humans, who can now discern a clearer distinction between us and them, signifying a benefical evolution in our relationship.

Lost in the depths of her thoughts, Ninaies was unexpectedly approached from behind by Rina, who enveloped her in a mischievous hug, laughter dancing in her eyes.

-Rina:Nina, give me a hug!

Rina exclaimed, her voice filled with undeniable joy. Startled, Ninaies turned to face her friend, questioning.

-Ninaies: What's gotten into you?

-Rina:I simply miss you.

Rina replied with a playful grin, pulling Ninaies closer. Feeling the warmth of their embrace, Ninaies couldn't help but smile.

-Ninaies: You're behaving oddly today, but come here.

Returning the hug. As they held each other tight, Rina sighed contentedly.

-Rina: This is so comforting.

-Ninaies:I'm glad I can bring you some happiness.

Ninaies responded softly. Seeking even more closeness, Rina nestled closer, enjoying the feeling.

-Rina:Just a little longer.

Feeling Rina's warmth against her, Ninaies couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness.

-Niniaes: Rina, you're a ray of sunshine.

-Rina: I crave your warmth, it soothes my soul.

Rina confessed, losing herself in their tender moment

-Ninaes: Speak the truth to me now.

-Rina: Gustavo's constant flirtations and Brayan's relentless advances make me feel like prey. I'd rather be devoured by you.

-Ninaes: Please, no jokes. But is obvious for everyone, even humans noticed how males still going after you for your body, also I feel your femenine behavior and Airhead, it like honey to them, I noticed even childs below their first sprint are attracted to you.

- Rina: It's not a bad idea, if we say we are a couple, even though some males believe they can win double intering in the intimacy of girls couple.

- Ninaes: I'm not prepared, not yet.

-Rina: I'll wait eternally, I promise.

-Ninaes: Luckily, everything has been running smoothly. We've even dispatched individuals to bolster their campaign efforts. The beast's attacks have posed a challenge, but we are managing.

-Rina: How are they faring?

-Ninaes: Surprisingly well. The beasts have decreased their assaults, but their new tactics trouble me. Over 2000 demi-humans inhabit the settlement, so we should not fear. Yet, the beasts' peculiar behavior is unsettling.

-Rina: Perhaps the Chief could shed some light on this. Do you agree?

-Ninaes: Yes. Rina: Let's go see him now. I miss Chimara, our leader!

-Ninaes: Agreed, let's go.

-Rina: Nina?

-Ninaes: Yes?

-Rina: Could you carry me?

-Ninaes: Of course. You are a spoiled child.

-Rina: So in place of be your couple, Am I your offspring?, Ninaies laughed.

-Ninaies: Let's go now!

Rina couldn't help but feel joyous.

-Rina: Thank you so much!

Rina's beaming smile lit up the room as she leaped into Ninaies' waiting arms.


-Rina: I cherish you.

-Ninaies: Thank you for standing by me.

-Rina: I must say, it's truly a pleasure. Ever since our paths crossed, it feels like fate has woven us together. Despite not sharing the same bloodline, our similar names make it seem as though the universe had a hand in making us best friends forever!

As they strolled through the camp, creating a romantic atmosphere, Ninaies couldn't help but be lost in her thoughts.

-Ninaies: You're absolutely right. It's as if our meeting was written in the stars.

- Rina: Isn't it funny? I still remember the first time I laid eyes on you. I thought to myself, "I want to be just like her when I grow up."

-Ninaies: Your words flatter me.

-Rina: But really, I still aspire to be like you. You exude beauty, cuteness, and allure.

- Ninaies: Your charm far surpasses mine, and you know it. I've noticed how the human males are drawn to you.

-Rina: True, they may be attractive, but they lack the strength I seek. I desire someone who can protect us both.

-Ninaies: You always know how to bring a smile to my face.

- Rina: I dream of a future where we have children with the men we choose.

-Ninaies: If it's meant to be, it will come to fruition.

-Rina: I cherish you.

-Rina: There's something on my mind.

-Ninaies: Please, go ahead and share.

- Rina: If we are able to achieve peace and if you are willing, would you possibly consider becoming my partner in marriage?

-Ninaies: What a surprising proposal

-Rina: As we approach our twentieth year, the chief's proposal to establish a city shows the significance of our alliance. It is possible that formalizing our relationship through marriage could act as a deterrent against potential interference.

- Ninaies: I am concerned that some may perceive us merely as a prize once more.

-Rina: While I acknowledge the potential risks, I believe that this path is the right one for us. Besides, there are individuals like Brayan who hold a certain level of fear towards you.

-Ninaies: I am thrilled at the prospect of having you as my partner. Let us postpone any decisions until after the Campaign. I am somewhat relieved by the fear some hold of us, possibly due to the reputations of Leonidas and Chimara, both formidable individuals against many demi-humans.

In the background, the sound of the Flag being raised marked the inception of a new emblem for their camp, the Lion Den, symbolizing their chief's leadership.

-Rina: The symbol is striking, much like the Chief himself.

-Ninaies: I am curious about his sentiments towards us.

-Rina: His gaze towards you is filled with a love that resembles that of a cherished daughter. His sentiments are purely kind-hearted. Despite his age, one could not deny his handsome appearance. To me, he embodies a fatherly figure, though my affection for him remains platonic, as I already have my own beloved father.

-Ninaies: I am truly appreciative of his mentorship and encouragement. Unlike your father, who is gentle and caring, he exudes a different kind of warmth, more akin to a lover than a fighter.

-Rina: We are blessed to have his guidance in our lives. Though I adore my father, I often find myself taking on the role of a mother in my family, as my own mother is more childlike and lazy, and my siblings are still young.

-Ninaies: It's intriguing how you possess human qualities beside your ears and a tail, with the raccoon mask casting a mere shadow around your eyes. You are undeniably stronger than any member of your family, even surpassing Brayan in strength, second only to me, Chimara, and Leonidas. 

-Rina: I credit my strength to my love for spinach, hehehehe. Remember the time I confronted Brayan for flirting with my sister? I swiftly disciplined him by smacking his cheek with my tail, leaving a bruise as a reminder to respect boundaries. After all, she is still a young maiden.

-Ninaies: And here we stand. Though he may be a bit of a troublemaker, deep down he's not a bad person. Perhaps he was attempting to win your affections, though it seems your sister might have found him charming.

-Rina: Alas, my princess carry has come to an end already? Quite disheartening. But the mere thought of Brayan meddling in my family affairs is utterly repulsive. I shall ensure to keep him at bay.

-Nina: Indeed, it concludes here, my princess. And as for your sister, she was seen captivating a hunter recently, showcasing her intriguing demi-human traits. Oddly enough, it seems to have piqued his interest even more.

-Rina: How splendid. On one side, we have Brayan, a shameless womanizer, and on the other, a lascivious hunter with a penchant for demi-humans and fur. Oh, life certainly likes to test us, doesn't it?

The duo stepped into the grand dwelling of their esteemed chieftain, where Chimara and Leonidas, along with other leaders, were engrossed in profound conversations about the path ahead. Ninaies and Rina approached with reverence, their voices echoing with respect, "Greetings, my revered elders and Chieftain."

Leonidas welcomed them warmly.

-Leonidas: Ah, Ninaies and Rina, you honor us with your presence.

Chimara beckoned them closer

-Chimara: Join us, we were just discussing the curious behavior of the beasts.

-Rina: We wished to seek your guidance on this matter, but our attention was diverted by the unfurled flag.

-Leonidas: Ah, the flag of our tribe. It symbolizes unity and strength. We stand as one tribe now, united with the humans who have embraced us, sharing their abundance. We have a chance at securing our place here, if they remain faithful to their promises.

-Chimara: Indeed, symbols of strength hold power, even in our diverse tribe where feline traits are rare amongst the 2000 members.

An elder of the reptile type joined in, emphasizing the importance of unity among their varied races.

-Elder Reptile Type: Unity is our strength. We must stand together, showing the younger generations the pride of our tribe.

-Rina: Truly magnificent.

-Ninaies: Indeed, a symbol worthy of our tribe.

Leonidas: Returning to the topic of the beasts' behavior, the scouts have reported that the beasts are leaving the arid zones and keeping a considerable distance from us, including the human side. When we have the opportunity, we eliminate them. However, the presence of several rank 2 bipedal beasts is concerning. This is the first time they have not attacked immediately, but instead seem to be observing us.

-Ninaies: The beasts have been targeting demi-humans recently; perhaps they are preparing for a full assault against us?

-Leonidas: That possibility is worrisome.

-Rina: I believe we should exercise caution.

-Chimara: With our current numbers, the only threat I fear is a Titanic beast. Even though not all 2000 demi-humans and 5000 humans may be able to fight, we do have 600 combat personnel and 60 hunters. It's remarkable that for the first time, we have more demi-humans than hunters in a fertile zone.

-Leonidas: We need to recruit more hunters; our population is increasing too rapidly.

-Elder Canine Type: This situation feels like a dream. My tribe used to consist of only 60 individuals; I never imagined there were so many tribes in the arid zones. They may be large, but it's reassuring to finally have a place to call home and know that we are not on the brink of extinction.

-Ninaies: It may be because we were in a similar situation to humans before the Retter Messiah; we were forced to spread out. This is why we need to remain cautious; humans believe that a large population makes them an easier target when concentrated.

-Chimara: We are secure within the village, but venturing outside is risky.

-Ninaies: I agree. Rina and I will patrol the area after the meeting.

-Leonidas: The burdens of leadership; no wonder Gustavo rarely leaves his office. I want to accompany you, but first, let's discuss your thoughts on the behavior of these beasts.

-Rina: They are malevolent!

-Ninaies: Indeed, they are. Regardless of how the beasts behave initially, once they fixate on a target, they relentlessly attack demi-humans and humans without regard for their own safety. They will continue to assault us until we are defeated.

-Leonidas: The nests may produce more of these beasts. I have dispatched scouts, and we have located at least four nest from here to the star city of Judah. In the past, there were too many beasts for us to eliminate, but perhaps we now have sufficient numbers to do so.

-Rina: Yes, let us eradicate them all!

-Ninaies: This will be a formidable undertaking. It appears that these beasts are not merely mindless killers; they seem to possess some knowledge about the Redeemer, the warrior, the impenetrable wall, and the campaign to take down their nests.

-Elder bird type: That should be a lie, but I cannot say it is totally nonsense. How could beasts have known something I learned only weeks ago? It is not normal, but I think it is impossible. There are no demi-humans that would be willing to talk with beasts, neither beasts that would listen. I think it is an exaggeration that the beasts know.

-Leonidas: Elder Lilim, Ninaies possesses remarkable insight and seems to possess a gift for foreseeing the future, perhaps bestowed upon her by the gods. If she believes that the beasts are informed, then it is very probable. And I say this not just because she is my daughter.

-Elder canine type: This implies that we may face an imminent attack, and this time, the beasts may behave more like disciplined soldiers than mere animals in a pack.

-Chimara: I am not willing to leave this to luck. While this month has been peaceful, with our young ones laughing and sleeping without a care, our people enjoying full bellies and aspiring towards dreams beyond mere survival, we must acknowledge the risks. Leonidas, I suggest we prepare our community to fight or flee, and inform Gustavo as well.

-Leonidas: Agreed. We shall send a messenger to the city to alert them of the situation and request additional hunters and defenders for our people.

- Chimara: Furthermore, we must increase the number of hunters patrolling both the village and its outskirts.

-Leonidas: Are all the elders in agreement?

-Elders: We stand in accordance with the Chieftain and our leader. Perhaps we should start addressing you as our king.

-Rina: The king of the jungle!

-Ninaies: Rina, that may not be far from the truth.

-Rina: Hehehehe, yes, it does seem so, hehe.

-Leonidas: My first decree as your king will be to ensure the safety of our people.

-Chimara: I concur. After patrolling, it is imperative that you both rest and regain your strength in case of potential attacks. I hope the threat from the beasts is only a bluff.

-Rina: Please, do not worry about us. We will be fine.

-Ninaies: Rina speaks the truth. We will return promptly after scouting the outskirts. As my mother mentioned, if the beasts are mimicking human behavior, we must be prepared to defend ourselves and eliminate them all. To protect our families, we must be ready to take decisive action.

-Leonidas: The council agrees with my daughter. We must prepare for battle and eradicate any beasts encroaching on our territory.

Following their departure from the chieftain's tent to patrol the area, Ninaies and Rina noticed the uneasy stillness in the forest and plains. Although wildlife continued as usual, they sensed an impending threat, a storm on the horizon. Despite being outnumbered by the beasts, they shared a mutual determination to protect their village and city, ready to defend their home and loved ones at all costs. Upon their return to camp, Leonidas awaited them, displaying both warmth and concern in his expression.

-Leonidas: Well done, both of you. The others should rest as well, but I would like to speak with you, Nina.

-Ninaies: Of course, father.

-Rina: Alright, see you later, Nina.

-Leonidas: Rina is a steadfast companion, always by your side. I am proud of the strength and intelligence you have shown. You have grown significantly, and I am truly proud of you.

-Ninaies: Thank you, Father.

-Leonidas: You may reflect upon this inquiry. As my daughter, I am already aware of your answer, but I am curious about your aspirations for the future of our tribe and yourself. What dreams and desires do you hold?

-Ninaies: My dreams and desires?

-Leonidas: I urge you to carefully consider your current position.

-Ninaies: I comprehend it fully. I was merely a child when you took me in, and I owe my life to you.

-Leonidas: Do you recall the circumstances of when we discovered you?

-Ninaies: Yes, I recollect memories of my city and my peaceful life before the attack.

-Leonidas: I have reason to believe that you may have noble origins, based on observations of Gustavo and his group, especially if you remember your surname.

-Ninaies: Hernandez, my father's name was Felipe Hernandez and my mother was Guadalupe Hernandez.

-Leonidas: This serves as a starting point for us.

-Ninaies: Agreed.

-Leonidas: Gustavo receives intelligence through radio communication and scouts. The capital maintains records which may aid in locating your family or the young boy.

-Ninaies: That is remarkable. Let us proceed with this plan. Regardless of the outcome with my biological family, you will always be a part of my family, Father.

-Leonidas: I will always be here to support you, Nina, you have my word.

-Ninaies: Thank you. Beside I doubt Chimara would let me go easily.

-Leonidas: Speaking of your aspirations, what do you envision for our tribe once the nests are eradicated? What are your plans?

-Ninaies: If a suitable union is agreed upon, I may consider becoming a wife. Otherwise, Rina and I have a contingency strategy. I sense you may be suggesting a leadership role for me. However, I have always been more of a supporter.

-Leonidas: Indeed, I aim to prepare you to succeed me as leader of our community, even if you do not wish to be my successor. My goal is to ensure the continued growth and prosperity of our tribe. I am aware of the human plans to target the nests to the north, particularly in New York. Despite some setbacks, they are resolute in their mission. I have already briefed Gustavo on our discussion and the status of the remaining nests. They anticipate swift conquest, potentially within a few days.

-Ninaies: I will give it my all. Who shall I be sending off this time?

-Leonidas: Brayan, Charles, and Maicole will lead the charge. As for us, Rina, Chimara, and yourself, we will stay back and potentially receive the main campaign.

-Ninaies: So, we'll be sitting this one out?

-Leonidas: Yes, the time is right for a preemptive strike. The beasts have been relatively quiet, and we are far enough from their nest. We can divide our forces to aid the leaders and protect the vulnerable cubs and mothers during the campaign.

-Niniaes: When do we commence?

-Leonidas: Tomorrow morning. We will split our forces - 330 demi-humans and hunters, along with a militia of 1200 individuals will head out. The rest will remain behind for our defense in case of an attack.

-Niniaes: If you permit, I would like to assist you and the humans. I am willing to offer my aid if they are willing to accept it.

Leonidas: You have my blessing. As my daughter, I am proud of your desire to forge your own path. I am sure Chimara would agree. Just remember, where you go, Rina goes. I want my girls by my side when the important figures arrive.

Ninaies chuckled.

-Ninaies: The leadership responsibilities can be tough, but at least I'll have a break from those guys for a few days.

Leonidas laughed heartily.

-Leonidas: Life always comes with its ups and downs.

Suddenly, the tranquil atmosphere was shattered by distant screams and an alarm blaring from the human city. Something was amiss, and Ninaies sensed it. She watched as her father's expression turned serious, his gaze fixed on the horizon. Though the forest seemed calm, a foreboding presence loomed.

-Ninaies: We're under attack. I can feel it.

-Leonidas: Something is amiss?

-Ninaies: I've never heard that alarm before. Look, it is Rina and mom.

Rina and Chimara appeared as if propelled by a gust of wind, their eyes wide with fear as though they had just encountered a specter. They bore urgent news, their faces pale with apprehension.

-Rina: Nina, listen! Something terrible is happening.

-Ninaies:What's going on?

Chimara,her voice trembling.

-Chimara: They've arrived."


Ninaies inquired anxiously. With a shiver, Rina whispered.

-Rina: The beasts. They're heading our way.

Chimara's eyes widened in dread.

-Chimara: It's a Swarm, a massive one. The scouts confirm the reports. We must tell Gustavo, and prepare the tribe to flee. This cannot be ignored. These swarms are the minions of titanic beasts.

-Ninaies: This is unreal!"

-Rina: The bird scouts spotted them in the south, returning with news of a colossal army of beasts. It's like a nightmare brought to life.

Ninaies, though expecting trouble, was overwhelmed.

-Ninaies: Bigger than thousands? Hundreds of thousands?

Ninaies asked in disbelief. Chimara nodded, her tone grave.

-Chimara: I fear it could be even more. This is no ordinary event. It's a titanic beasts' movement, a phenomenon never seen in our lands. At least there are not sight of one, but they are still too many to figth.

Leonidas and the women make their way to the Hunters Hall, where Gustavo resides. The town is in disarray, as the suggestion of fleeing has now become a reality. Humans are not accustomed to fleeing, leading to a slower and chaotic organization process. As they arrive at Gustavo's mansion, Angelice is already at the entrance.

-Angelice: Please, come in.

- Leonidas: What is that alarming sound?

-Angelice: That is the emergency alarm. It is meant to warn the people. Scouts have reported a large swarm heading our way via radio. Your scouts were correct, and after confirmation, we decided to announce the need to flee. We cannot see the end or the size of the leading portion of the swarm.

- Leonidas: Can the beasts really swarm in such numbers?

-Angelice: Never before, it was a possibility but it is the first time we know about it.

-Chimara: Where are the scouts? Perhaps we can gather some information or at least attempt to assess the size and type of the incoming beasts.

- Gustavo: My friend, that is the issue. There are at least thousands of them, too many to defend the city against. They would disregard structures and animals anyway. Our best option is to retreat to the Star City of Juda.

-Leonidas: That's the city with the ships.

-Gustavo: Indeed, it is the safest choice in this situation. If the swarm is as massive as reported, we cannot engage them in battle. By fortifying the city walls and increasing our numbers, we stand a better chance. You are experts in escaping, as you have mentioned. I need for you to lead the citizens and assist my people. Everyone will heed your guidance.

-Rina: What about you?

- Gustavo: I will take the final measure - a gift from above. My ship can accommodate several hundred passengers, including my family and noble children; it presents the best opportunity for survival. All hunters will stay behind to aid in the evacuation of the townspeople.

Gustavo's intense gaze was fixed on Rina, silently urging her to join him. However, he remained silent, knowing deep down that she would always follow her family's path.

-Angelice: Time is of the essence. Let us begin the evacuation of our people. Leonidas, I implore you to assist in guiding my people to safety.

Leonidas, with a steadfast resolve.

-Leonidas: I will do everything in my power to lead and safeguard the citizens.

-Ninaies: What are your orders for us?

Gustavo, with a tone of trust and respect.

-Gustavo: I place my faith in you and hold you in high esteem. I request that you lead the people to Star City. Meanwhile, I will gather hunters at the wall to bolster our forces.

-Leonidas: The predicament we face involves the potential risk of being surrounded if we flee to Star City, as well as the uncertainty of encountering another nest if we head north.

Angelice insisted.

-Angelice: We must act decisively. We have vulnerable individuals among us, and Star City, although populated by a diverse mix of individuals, primarily possesses those with hunter heritage, numbering around 20,000 individuals.

- Leonidas: Why choose Star City?

-Gustavo: It represents our best chance. If the city can withstand the threat for even a few days, reinforcements from the planned campaign would arrive and eliminate the creatures.

-Leonidas: You have not faltered in your leadership in recent days, and I trust in your judgement. I will guide the people to Star City.

-Chimara: Let us hasten, Leonidas. The entire tribe must be informed, and no time can be wasted.

-Leonidas: Gustavo, we will reconvene on the battlefield. We cannot leave our people without a leader.

- Gustavo: Go swiftly, and my gratitude. I will lead my people to the port now.

The group, including Leonidas and the girls, quickly make their way to the village where the tribe is preparing to depart. Strong tribe members are assisting the children and mothers with their belongings. With a sense of urgency in their movements, Leonidas addresses the tribe.

-Leonidas: My people! The time has come to depart. Gather everyone swiftly, as the threat posed by the approaching beasts is imminent. I cannot guarantee your safety should you choose to stay. The choice is yours – remain and face peril, or follow our lead for a chance at survival. Prepare to move out, follow your chieftains, for it is a long journey and our singular opportunity.

-Rina: Will the city hold for days, correct?

-Ninaies: I am unsure, as those things can climb tall walls.

-Captain: The city is fortified like a fortress. It has more ships and underground shelters with discreet entrances. In the worst-case scenario, some would likely survive. Its main strengths lie in its various long-range weapons and the flat terrain, making it easy to target enemies.

-Chimara: Our best chance may be to flee to the west.

-Captain: You may consider that option, but they are encircling us from the west and south.

-Ninaies: Are you serious? Give us all the information you have.

-Captain: It is peculiar. They are moving quietly, seemingly aiming to prevent us from escaping to the west and south.

-Leonidas: They seem to be cornering us, forcing us to flee to the city and face a final confrontation.

-Chimara: I concur.

-Captain: Do not worry, help is near. The latest report indicates that the savior has arrived at the wall today with an army of 30,000 soldiers.

-Leonidas: So, our best course of action is to wait for them. Very well, let us proceed, Captain.

All individuals are to adhere to orders. The children are being transported in carts and pregnant individuals are being carried by those who are strong and healthy. The group is evacuating the area quickly, with Leonidas, Chimara, and the girls running and monitoring the rear of the tribe.

- Ninaies: The Swarm is at a distance, and the humans are performing admirably. We shall join forces and proceed towards Star City.

- Rina: Nina, remain by my side.

-Ninaies: Certainly.

The majority of the townspeople, including demi-humans, are gathered outside the town near the road close to the port, just beyond the town's wall. It is evident that Gustavo and others are aiding children onto the few ships available.

-Gustavo: Move quickly, everyone, the beasts are approaching. The people are fleeing, taking only essential food and supplies.

-Hunter: What is the plan, sir?

-Gustavo: We are headed to the ship. The beasts swims like rocks, unlike us on the ship. If fortune favors us, no aquatic beasts will await us.

-Hunter: Understood.

-Child A: Shameful bastards, my parents are remaining to fight while this man flees.

-Child B: We require someone to lead us to safety. Our lives are crucial for the future.

-Child A: My family is my priority.

-Child C: Yet here you are, not with them.

-Child A: You are correct. I must return.

-Child B: No, do not leave me behind. Do not disregard our families' sacrifices.

-Child C: I apologize for my previous remark. As members of the noble class, we have a responsibility to consider the future of our people, as instilled by our parents and reflected in our presence here.

-Child A: I believe this situation is unjust.

-Hunter: I empathize with your concerns. It is true that you are mature enough to comprehend the gravity of our circumstances, but we also have infants among us who are deserving of a chance at life. Our duty is to ensure their survival, just as we have been granted the opportunity to thrive. While it pains us to make difficult decisions due to limited resources, it is essential that every individual is given a fair chance at survival.

The Hunters are in motion, the people are fleeing, and the city stands deserted. Gustavo and his men proceed to the pier where the ship is docked. The ship is being loaded, with individuals slowly arriving. Gustavo and his family are assisting, consumed by fear like never before.



Gustavo's ship departs the dock and begins heading east.

The citizens and tribes had intertwined, as Leonidas and the girls stood watch, endeavoring to hold everything in harmony. The caravans were filled to the brim, devoid of trucks or gasoline-powered machines. Some were steered by beasts of burden, others by gallant horses, while the majority were propelled forward by the sheer strength of the people, including hunters and demi-humans.

-Leonidas: They're afraid, but at least we have enough provisions to last us for weeks.

-Brayan: It's painful, leaving behind fields and a water source like this.

-Chimara: Living beyond the wall has made them accustomed to danger, but facing a threat beyond their capabilities would unnerve anyone.

-Demi-human of bird descent, Georgina: Reporting in, the swarm has only advanced a few miles from its last sighting.

-Rina: Come!

-Ninaies: Catch me!

Rina playfully tosses Ninaies into the air, high enough to glimpse into the distance. She spots the approaching swarm, moving in an unusual manner. Although composed of smaller, canine-like creatures, they are not sprinting but steadily walking towards them. Landing beside Leonidas and the rest, Ninaies conveys her observations.


-Ninaies: I've spotted them, but they're not charging. The front section moves slower than the back, exhibiting signs of anxiety. Despite their peculiar behavior, they closely follow our scent. We can outpace them.

Leonidas looked at Georgina with a determined gaze.

-Leonidas: Georgina, summon your peers, for I require transport on my journey with Chimara, Rina, and Nina.

-Brayan: And what about me?

Leonidas waved him off.

-Leonidas: Not now, Brayan. Let's be honest, you're not the sharpest tool in the shed.

Georgina chuckled knowingly.

-Georgina: Consider it done, my chief. I will rally the others.

Moments later, a squadron of 10 flyers descended upon them. Leonidas needed four of them to carry him, while the girls required two for safety.

-Leonidas: They may be slightly swifter than us. But at this rate, we should reach the city in time, hopefully with a buffer for their impending assault.

-Chimara: : There are so many of them, it's like a dust storm even in the fertile lands. If they decide to charge, it will be a massacre within moments.

-Rina: Perhaps we can outpace them by heading west.

-Leonidas: I was just thinking the same.Georgina, have you completed the task I assigned?

-Georgina: Indeed, my chieftain. They have only moved a short distance, but they are quick to react to any attempt to flee westwards, even taking to the skies.

-Leonidas: I am grateful that your tribe chose to stand by us. And remember, should you decide to leave, there will be no hard feelings. Your people are skilled in the art of flight, and I am thankful for your allegiance.

-Georgina: We pray that it won't be necessary.

-Ninaies: They emerge from the wall, remnants of a colossal battle of titanic beasts, perhaps.

-Chimara: Are there no titanic beasts accompanying them? They have never ventured into this territory before; their focus has always been the wall. You know this, Leonidas.

-Ninaies: It strikes me, minions of the Titanic beasts tend to move at a leisurely pace, considering their immense size.

Leonidas realize.

The caravan moves on, following the course of the river.

-Leonidas: If they do not wish to fight, we must be prepared to confront them.

-Chimara: I concur.

-Leonidas: THE CAMPAIGN! It is probable that they are fleeing from the hunters' army at the wall, but moving at such a sluggish speed? It's strange. Why hasn't the army exterminated them?

Rina clasped her hands together, her gaze fixed on the horizon.

-Rina: Let's pray they arrive before the swarm descends upon us.

Leonidas nodded solemnly, his eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation.

-Leonidas: Rina speaks truly. We are in dire need of reinforcements, or our fate is sealed. Even if they cannot vanquish every beast that threatens us.

Turning to Georgina, he sought confirmation.

-Leonidas: The scouts have seen nothing but canines and lizards, correct?

-Georgina: Indeed, no sight of bipeds or golems so far.

Chimara's voice was filled with a sense of foreboding as she voiced her concern.

-Chimara: I can't shake the feeling that the pace resembles that of a Turtle type... I am certain of it.

Leonidas grimaced at the thought.

-Leonidas: That would indeed be a nightmare scenario.

Rina's curiosity was piqued.

Rina:Turtle? What turtle?

Chimara's next words carried the weight of history.

-Chimara: Ah, youthful innocence blinds you to the past. Long ago, before Nina crossed our path, the wall faced a fearsome Armadantoise, a titanic turtle that besieged us. The clash lasted for days, with warriors sacrificing all, and a vast portion of the wall left in ruins. The cannons thundered ceaselessly, until finally, the behemoth met its end. It was a spectacle of epic proportions, a gargantuan creature towering nearly three times the size of any typical behemoth.

Rina's eyes widened.

-Rina: Turtles don't sound so friendly now.

-Ninaies: Agreed, we must keep moving forward.

-Chimara: I have a sense of impending danger, but we must not falter.

Georgina's voice broke the tense atmosphere as they prepared for landing.

-Georgina: Attention, everyone! Let's handle our companions with care, even if some of us land on our feet like agile cats.

-Rina: I am not a cat! Please don't drop me!

-Ninaies: In this moment, I feel more akin to a sandbag. from this height landing sure would hurt.

As they touched down and reunited with their tribe, the group settled near the river, the night promising a brief respite before the challenges that awaited them. As their journey continued, Leonidas made the decision to halt by the river for the night, seeking to replenish their water supplies.

-Ninaies: We will be taking a brief break before proceeding further.

-Rina: The young and weary members of our group need to rest. They will not stop, correct?

-Leonidas: They are maintaining a consistent speed, and we currently have some available time. I have directed Georgina and her team to conduct an aerial reconnaissance mission. Reports from hunters indicate that several months ago, a dragon-like colossal creature was observed circling the skies in conjunction with a swarm. However, the hunters noted that it appeared to move significantly faster than the current pace suggests, leading them to speculate that it may belong to a slower flying species. Since it is accompanying the swarm, further investigation is underway.

- Ninaies: If Georgina is in danger...

-Leonidas: Fear not, she is skilled and resourceful. Bird types may be delicate, but they are resilient.

-Rina: Flying was both thrilling and frightening for me! Though I may not be a flying squirrel, rather a raccoon.

-Ninaies: Your tail is too bulky for gliding.

-Rina: It's not for gliding! It's a raccoon tail, a family heirloom.

-Leonidas: Chimara is comforting the hunters and humans. Females seem to excel in nurturing roles, akin to mother nature. Humans possess a strong sense of pride and believe they are destined to rule the land. It is a different mindset from ours, but not necessarily negative.

-Ninaies: I am pleased with our decision to align with the demi-human tribe, even in the presence of humans.

-Rina: Absolutely! I detest being categorized as half-beast, half-human. I am a proud beast through and through.

-Leonidas: Humans can indeed exhibit insufferable traits such as arrogance, stubbornness, and pride. However, they also possess positive qualities that should not be overlooked or taken for granted. I firmly believe in recognizing their potential for selfless acts.

-Ninaies: But Rina, you appear more human-like than me. Look at my longer fur!

The playful banter between Ninaies and Rina unfolded like a whimsical dance of words.

-Rina: Hey! My fur may be shorter, but my eyes are bigger.

- Ninaies: And you don't have my long, beautiful hair!

-Rina: I will grow it out one day!

-Ninaies: With your smooth, hairless skin, I highly doubt it.

-Rina: Your nose is more pointed than mine.

-Ninaies: So what?

-Rina: It's a raccoon characteristic!

- Ninaies: A charming one, indeed. You've had it since you were a baby.

-Leonidas: Rina, it is evident that your human-like beauty sets you apart as more humanoid than demi-human. This could explain your immediate connection with Nina upon her arrival

Rina, with a vulnerable expression, does not deny this.

-Rina: Perhaps I just don't want to acknowledge it. It's something I feel ashamed of.

- Leonidas: There is no need for shame, Rina. You are a valued member of our community, and we appreciate you for who you are regardless of your appearance. But I understand, what is complex for you.

After enjoying a meal and some rest by the bonfire, the group, led by Georgina, returned and was warmly greeted, being offered another meal.

-Leonidas: Did you happen to see the dragon or anything unusual in the sky?

-Georgina: We did not see the dragon, but it was clear they were aware of our presence. Some appeared ready to attack from below, while a portion of the swarm encircled us as we attempted to change course westward. However, a significant number stayed still, casting a large shadow.

-Leonidas: What was the shape of that shadow?

Georgina described it as indistinct, resembling a moving wall. She proceeded to sketch it on the ground to illustrate how an oval part of the swarm served as the focal point, with the front and rear adjusting accordingly as it moved, except for a specific section.

Chimara interjected, "The turtle."

-Leonidas: Please remain composed, Chimara. I suspect they are acting as one unit, even though any visible leader is absent.

-Ninaies: It is currently unknown how a group of creatures behaves in the absence of their large beasts. They may be returning to their nest in New York or traveling in that direction.

-Rina: This does not clarify why they are seemingly driving us away. It is possible they view us as potential prey, leading us to their nest where a malevolent queen awaits to harm us.

-Ninaies: Alternatively, they may not be attacking simply due to the absence of their dragons or colossal creatures, viewing us as insignificant prey. We could potentially leave them behind at our current pace.

-Leonidas: How did your attempt to approach the city go?

-Georgina: Unfortunately, our efforts to communicate were met with hostility. It appears they hold hostility towards us.

-Leonidas: Throughout history, humans have displayed a disdain for flying creatures such as ourselves. They may perceive you as a potential flight risk. When we arrive tomorrow, accompanied by humans, they will have no choice but to welcome us. Were you able to deliver the message?

-Georgina: I regret to inform you, Chief, that the team hesitated to approach and drop the stone with the message.

-Leonidas: That is understandable. Rest now. We will be departing in two hours. Chimara, please inform the others.

-Chimara: As you wish.

-Ninaies: Can you provide me with information regarding her response to the incident?

-Leonidas: It was surprising to witness her response, I know. We were young at the time, and unfortunately, we found ourselves in the midst of the situation. We often gathered information near the wall as a means of distraction to venture into the fertile zone and acquire resources from the settlements. As we were making our way back to camp, we believed the chaos of the battle was distant enough to not pose a threat to us. However, suddenly, the titanic beast launched itself towards the wall and rolled towards us like a disc, coming dangerously close. We lost over half of our team in that moment. Chimara, grappling with the guilt of losing a close friend who was caught in the attack, and herself narrowly avoided becoming another casualty. I was relieved that she survived and immediately took her to safety. The remainder of our team followed us in the frenzy, with the sounds of the ongoing battle echoing behind us, including the cry of the renowned Warrior, who also appeared to have suffered losses in that calamitous event.

-Rina: From jubilant laughter to mournful tears, I can empathize completely.

-Ninaies: Such is the harsh truth of our existence, affecting each one of us.

Leonidas noted that Chimara has consistently maintained a positive outlook, but there have been instances when circumstances changed abruptly, leading to a traumatic experience for her. Despite this, Chimara has displayed remarkable resilience in coping with the situation, showcasing commendable emotional stability that many others may not have been able to maintain

Leonidas's directive to maintain our pace reverberated, the looming threat still distantly silent but relentlessly advancing. Even in weariness, the people forged ahead, their weariness a stark contrast to the typically resilient demi-humans who once roamed these lands as nomads. The semblance of civilization was obscured in the desolate surroundings, but the approaching army was a stark reminder of the impending danger, urging us to move closer, propelled by the urgent need to outpace the encroaching swarm.

Leonidas is currently leading the group, keeping a close watch at the rear to ensure the swarm does not approach. After twelve hours of travel, they are approaching Star City, where they can see the ships and the city itself. A man is seen observing from the tower, identified as the captain of the guards.

-Captain: Do you see what I see, Hunter Namor?

-Namor: Indeed, there appears to be a large procession of humans and demi-humans leading the way. It almost seems like a mirage induced by potent spirits.

Deciding to engage with the newcomers, the captain directs to open the gates and prepares to meet them. Namor orders the horses to be readied for the encounter, urging their swift movement. Observing the gates opening without any threatening gestures from the cannons, Leonidas deduces that they are not under attack and commands his group to maintain their pace as they approach the gate. As Leonidas nears the gate with his companions, the captain addresses him.

-Captain: Halt. Pray tell, who might you be, my friend?

-Leonidas: I am Leonidas, chieftain of the demi-humans. I came with the people of the town of Last Hope to the south, where we were living with them.

-Captain: I read the reports expecting an army and a savior when you were to join us, not the entire town. What happened?

-Namor: Sir, they have children, and it is true most are civilians. I met with a friend from there who is a Rank A hunter.

-Captain: Let him explain, Namor.

-Namor: Sorry, sir.

-Leonidas: It seems peaceful here, but not for long. We are fleeing from a swarm of mutated beasts large enough to destroy this city.

-Captain: Nonsense, those monsters are on the other side of the country. We have news from our allies, the army, and heroes who will be here in a few days to march against them.

-Ninaies: Sir, may I speak?

-Captain: A cultured maiden, speak, my dear.

-Ninaies: The cloud of dust is visible from here. They will reach the plains soon. We may have a few hours before they are clearly visible.

-Namor: Sir, I can see that in the distance.

-Captain: Give me those binoculars, Namor. You have to be joking. All that dust is from beasts?

-Leonidas: Correct.

-Captain: By the stars above, Namor, make haste to the city hall and inform our esteemed leader Alejandro Mcclency. And you, my dear friend, gather your people and seek refuge within the safety of the city walls. Do you claim responsibility for the avian messengers above?

-Leonidas: Aye, they are indeed from my tribe.

-Captain: Ah, without a doubt, your caravan lacks modern communication devices and vehicles. My apologies, we have had troubling encounters with similar groups in the past and erred on the side of caution. It appears we made a misjudgment.

-Chimara: By the hands of time, Gustavo should be stationed on the walls now. Although the swarm is distant, we anticipate their arrival by dusk tomorrow.

-Captain: Just moments ago, we received word that the saviors and the army vanquished a colossal beast resembling a mighty bull. Miraculously, not a soul was lost, and the deed was done in record time. Rumors circulate that they are en route to our doorstep; for a fleeting moment, I mistook them for your party.

-Rina: No casualties? A Titanic beast defeated? Then we are surely out of harm's way! If these champions are as powerful as you say, they will surely come to our aid!

-Captain: Indeed, they shall be our salvation. All of us shall be saved.

Accompanied by the captain and the city folk, Leonidas leads the group through the bustling streets of the city in search of Ninaies and Rina. The two women walk anxiously at the rear of the caravan, their brows furrowed in worry. Ninaies sighs softly, gazing up at the thick clouds obscuring the sun.

-Ninaies: Not exactly a perfect day for a visit from the swarm.

Meanwhile, Brayan approaches Leonidas, his expression serious.

-Brayan: May I have a word with you, Leonidas?

Leonidas adjusted his voice to convey a tone of increased seriousness and maturity, conveying the impression of someone with authority as he addressed Brayan.

-Leonidas:Speak, young one. What weighs heavy on your mind?

Brayan hesitates before confessing.

-Brayan: The people fear staying in the city during the beastly attacks. They believe fleeing to the west and then south is their only chance at safety. It may seem selfish and cowardly, but they are desperate.

-Leonidas: We could leave.

His gaze sweeping over their ragtag group. But we need sustenance and respite.

-Leonidas: My people, particularly the children, are weary. They deserve a moment of peace.

Ninaies interjects, her voice firm.

-Ninaies: I, for one, would rather stand our ground until the last possible moment. But I suppose fleeing is an option.

Brayan's eyes brighten as he shares a plan.

-Brayan: The northeastern part of the city boasts a vast, empty plain with multiple gates. If we position our people there preemptively, it could be our best chance for a safe escape.

A commanding voice interrupts from behind Brayan.

-Alejandro: I agree with the lad.

It's Alejandro, a robust figure reminiscent of a bear.

-Alejandro: I will make the necessary arrangements for your people to secure that location. You must be the leader, Leonidas, am I correct?

Rina whispers to herself in awe of Alejandro's imposing presence, but her eyes flicker with unwavering faith in Leonidas.

-Rina: That man may be a giant, but our leader is a force to be reckoned with.

-Ninaies: Rina! Do not whisper so loud.

Rina: I bet he doesn't even fit through most doors

-Alejandro: Hahahahaha, The young lady is correct. I am a giant, a bear, and a proud warrior.

He flexes his muscles, showing off his enormous biceps.

-Rina: Hehehe, sorry.

-Alejandro: Hahahaha, pass me that hand!

Alejandro and Leonidas shake their hands and flex their arms in a macho man style, and they smile at each other, understanding each other well, both of them are strong warriors of their tribes and have a high authority position, they could become friends.

-Leonidas: Present. As the leader of the Lion Den demi-human tribe and the temporary leader of the Last Hope people.

- Brayan: I can take them down!

Brayan feel insecurity to the display of strength of the two men and show off his skills to impress.

-Rina: In your dreams, youngster!

-Brayan: I'll take on both of you.

-Leonidas and Alejandro: Hahahaha.

As the caravan led by Leonidas, Alejandro, and their small guard detail meanders through the bustling streets of the city, the atmosphere is noticeably more militaristic than what they were accustomed to in Last Hope. Ninaies, Rina, and Brayan walk at the back of the group, their voices filled with awe as they marvel at the towering buildings and the vibrant crowd of people that fill the streets. The inhabitants of this city seem to be a world apart from the tired and weary citizens of Last Hope. With their youthful vitality and apparent wealth, Ninaies can't help but wonder if this is what it must have been like to live in a city before the calamity struck.

-Alejandro: The rumors were true, we are indebted to you for saving our people. But to see your strength in person is a surprise.

-Leonidas: And we are honored to be welcomed into your home.

-Alejandro: Leonidas, I've heard you have a message for me, please share.

-Leonidas: We suspect the swarm is led by a colossal creature, moving in unison as if under its command. They are steering us towards this city.

-Alejandro: Do you believe this city is their target? Our bloodline runs deep with a mixture of ancestry, spanning eight generations of skilled hunters. Despite being the second largest city on the continent after the capital, do you think we can not withstand their onslaught?"

-Leonidas: Yes, I fear so. They are forcing us eastward, but we must warn you, this swarm is not merely a mindless horde of beasts, they possess intelligence.

Gazing towards the horizon where a massive cloud of dust signaled the approaching swarm, Alejandro remarked.

-Alejandro: Indeed, the dust cloud looms large, visible for miles. By tomorrow, they will be at our gates, ready to launch their assault. The hero may be among us, but victory seems futile unless we can hold our ground. The thought of fleeing does not sit well with my people; they are warriors who will fight to the end. However, when it comes to the children, their safety weighs heavily on my heart. Can I entrust them to you?

Leonidas sighed.

-Leonidas: Why do all the leaders burden me with such decisions? How many children are we talking about?

-Alejandro: Only a thousand out of the twenty thousand inhabitants of our proud city. Most are descendants of our seasoned hunters, but our numbers are dwindling. This poses a challenge for us, especially since the majority of our population is over thirty years old. Though many feel aged, I still feel as youthful as my own children at fifty years!

The destiny of the city teetered on a knife's edge, as Alejandro and Leonidas grappled with an impending threat and the weight of the difficult decisions that loomed before them.

Rina scoffed.

-Rina: I hate it! You guys over 30 always seem so defeated. Can you not imagine life beyond forty? Is this some sort of midlife crisis?

Alejandro chuckled.

-Alejandro: Haha, no midlife crisis here. I just can't bear the thought of children being harmed and not having a future.

- Chimara: I feel the same way. But it's true, many humans start contemplating their mortality once they hit thirty.

Alejandro acknowledges that the only place he has seen individuals over 30 years old still retain a sense of enthusiasm is in the capital city. When he left his first child there, the vibrancy of the people impacted his beliefs and ideals. Witnessing people laughing, eating, dancing, and pursuing simple dreams like becoming a chef inspired both his son and himself to uphold the purpose of the city left by their ancestors. It was a city dedicated to ridding the continent of the threat posed by mutated beasts. Tragically, his son perished in the recent campaign at the age of over 20, leaving no children behind. His wife also passed away alongside him. Alejandro expresses concern about the possibility of losing his twins, who are just 8 years old. Despite their attachment to his wife, who is determined to remain by his side rather than with the children, they have discussed the matter extensively. The majority of the people in the community share the desire to hold their ground and remain in the city where they wish to live out their final days and be laid to rest for eternity. They are aware that some may view them as foolish, but they are steadfast in their resolve.

-Rina: It just doesn't sit right with me.

-Chimara: I stand by your side on this.

-Ninaies: What about the shelters?

-Alejandro: The shelters are an option, but they can only hold 1200 people. We need to make sure the children have a chance to escape in case of a last stand.

-Leonidas: I thought our savior and the army were strong enough to defeat the swarm. Why are we resorting to such extreme measures?

-Alejandro: They are strong, but only if they arrive in time. I have some information that is meant for our ears only.

-Rina: Pay attention, Brayan.

-Brayan: I can keep a secret.

-Alejandro: We've received a disturbing report. An entire town of 2000 people vanished in a matter of hours,maybe worse, the report suggest possible minutes. The Beasts appeared out of nowhere, attacking civilians, including the canine-like creatures that emerged from underground.

-Chimara: This can't be real!

-Leonidas: From below the ground?

-Alejandro: It seems like some kind of worm-like creatures were responsible. The canine creatures were also part of the attack.

-Leonidas: My goodness.

Everyone on the site fell silent for a moment as the pieces of the puzzle began to come together. The possibility of a colossal beast accompanying the swarm was very real.

-Ninaies: If that creature can breach the walls, Brayan, please lead our people to the northern part of the city. Alejandro, we have discussed the plan for the children. I assume you believe we can buy enough time until the rescuers arrive?

-Alejandro: We will do our best to delay the swarm as much as possible. Ultimately, we may need to confront the threat ourselves.

-Leonidas: I understand what she means. We will stand by your side. Our fighters will assist in halting the swarm, but if victory seems unattainable, we will retreat.

-Alejandro: I appreciate your support. I trust in our unity.

-Leonidas: I can't help but feel the weight of responsibility, much like a king. We bear the burden of protecting countless lives, a duty we must fulfill as warriors.

-Rina: A king, Leonidas?

-Ninaies: Don't be concerned, Rina. It's only a matter of time before he ascends to that role. Leonidas has the potential to lead.

-Brayan: He is undoubtedly formidable, but a king?

-Rina: I believe in him. I can envision him as a king.

-Ninaies: That's why we are here – to help fulfill his aspirations.

-Chimara: Despite my initial reaction, I understand why the other leaders and Elders see something special in him. I apologize for my outburst, dear.

-Leonidas: I understand, my dear Chimara.

-Ninaies: Alejandro, why fight to the last man? Is that a common practice among humans?

-Alejandro: In this region, we fight until the end because this city is our home. It holds great significance to us as it was founded by Hunters who sought to eradicate threats and restore peace. Sacrifices were made to secure this land, and we are committed to defending it at all costs. Our fear lies not in death, but in a bleak future.

-Rina: Oh, Gustavo is starting to look like a real loser compared to him.

-Ninaies: You still don't care for him, huh? But Alejandro does have a certain manly charm.

-Leonidas: Children, he did what he had to do. I had to retreat to keep everyone safe.

-Rina: Sure, but when you fight, you win. I can't imagine Gustavo ever being like that, always trying to impress me.

-Leonidas: Let's use the rest of the day to prepare, rest, eat, and be ready. If we can hold the city for a few days, victory will be ours.

-Alejandro: I'll send a guide to help you move the children.

-Chimara: I'll look after them. Come, my children, I need your assistance. Let the tough guys be warriors for now.

-Nina, Rina: Yes, mom!

-Alejandro: Quite an interesting family.

-Leonidas: How are you twins?

-Alejandro: They are a boy and a girl, the practice of filial love is bad for people of the city Star of Judah, the blood seem to thick to produce children, they need reach the capital, I was hoping to be a grandfather someday.

-Leonidas: You might just get that chance.

As Brayan whispered to Leonidas.

-Brayan: Maybe I'm not the brightest, Leo, but I can tell a dead walking man when I see one. He's ready to fight to the end.

-Leonidas: You are wrong, his gaze is fixed on the future of his family, not just glory. That's why people trust him. You're lucky you have your looks and skills, because your personality leaves something to be desired.

-Brayan: What is the day of all against brayan? I am a good guy!

-Alejandro: Hahahahaha, Young man, even though you may have facial hair and children, you are still inexperienced which is why people tease you. They have high expectations of you. When I touched your shoulder, I sensed your nature. You are clever, strong, but slightly cautious. Your spirit lacks something. Even the smallest hands of Leonidas exuded strength, determination, wisdom, and reliability, which is why people respect him.

-Leonidas: He went through a lot when he was younger.

-Alejandro: Ah, I understand that. Sometimes those experiences leave a lasting impact on us.

As the day transitioned into afternoon, the bustling city in the north fell silent as its people gathered resources and supplies, seeking solace in the empty expanse. Meanwhile, a flurry of activity unfolded in the southern part of town, where most equipment was relocated. Clad in armor and armed to the teeth, the city's inhabitants stood ready to defend their home. Streets once teeming with life now lay deserted, as 19,000 souls braced themselves for the ultimate battle. In the midst of the tense anticipation, only the children slept, the rest of the populace too fearful to close their eyes. Yet, an unseen force pushed them forward, refusing to give in to their dread.

-Leonidas: We march to the walls, prepared to fight, but be prepared to flee at a moment's notice.

-Ninaies: Georgina, is the radio operational?

Her response rang out in the tense air

-Georgina: It hums with life, offering us a lifeline for communication.

Grateful for the borrowed equipment, Leonidas noted.

-Leonidas: They may have scant resources, but they have extended a hand to us. Let us make the most of it.

With determination pulsating through their veins, the band of comrades braced themselves for the imminent clash. The first light of day painted the heavens as tension hung thick in the air, a tangible force enveloping all. The impending horde drew near, their shadow casting a foreboding presence just a stone's throw from the protective city walls, a haunting spectacle witnessed by all onlookers. In a final desperate attempt to impede the savage advance of the creatures, they ignited a vast expanse of the plains with explosive fury, transforming the once serene landscape into a treacherous swamp of debris and muck, cunningly buying precious moments of reprieve.

-Rina: How fortunate we arrived before they decided to transform this area into a swamp.

-Leonidas: Utilizing the ocean water to create a barrier is ingenious, but it does make it difficult for us to escape our only option is to the northeast. In the distance, a peculiar event began to unfold.

-Georgina: There is movement, they seem to be trying to flee from the center, but they remain... around it on the ground!

A feeling of tremors spread through everyone as something emerged from the heart of the swarm.


-Georgina: Nina, shield Chimara from this sight, I spy a head rising, it's our greatest fear.

-Ninaies: Leonidas, it's an Armadantoise!

-Alejandro: What! Prepare the cannons!

-Leonidas: My love, you are always right! If that creature launches itself at us, it will be a nightmare.

-Rina: Oh no,no, no, no, no, even I can see that monstrous mountain. How the hell, that moved below ground without disturbing it.

While Rina was embodying the role of a trembling animal, Chimara endeavored to be the pillar of strength for the group. Her responses have had a significant impact on the team, and she now recognizes the need to rectify the situation. However, she finds herself unable to divert her gaze from the imposing mass before them.

-Chimara: Alejandro, please ready the cannons. It is imperative that we unleash our full force upon it. We must eradicate this creature before it chooses to make a move.

-Alejandro: Leonidas, instruct your aviators to follow our plan as discussed.

Leonidas jump below the wall, and command the bird type tribe to carry explosives and drop them over the turtle or and the terrain. Meanwhile a scream that freeze the blood can be hear, the beast in front of the swarm start to move to the city.

A group of 30 bird type demi humans, try to reach the turtle, but they found between the shadows of the swarm, gunners type beasts started to attack, for the first time since they are observing the swarm they are now in danger, they need to avoid the turtle to return, but if they don't take care of the guns, their bombs won't explode near the turtle.

Leonidas run towards the wall, and give the order to attack the gunners with their smaller cannons and machine guns.

-Georgina: It is moving, it is a slow walk, but it is walking.

-Leonidas: The explosives are falling on it, but it does not seem to care, it is coming. Cover our people, we need focus in the holes in the back of the turtle.

-Georgina: We couldn't make direct hits; the gunners even managed to explode some before they reached their target.

-Brayan: Can you do anything?

-Alejandro: Focus in the minions, let the big canons keep the Armadantoise busy. Even if it were a million canine type, this city would not fall, the problem is that fucking mountain.

-Ninaies: The turtle is slow but now the minions are attacking, they are a lot faster now.

The city lay ahead, its towering walls looming as the swarm rushed towards it. Hindered by the murky swamp slowing their progress, they could not reach their full speed as they closed in on the city, a mere 1km away. The gates stood wide open, welcoming the imminent onslaught as the first wave of humans prepared to defend their home

-Brayan: Are they crazy!

Leonidas rallied his warriors, urging them to unleash a barrage of bows and crossbows, hurl spears, and even resort to throwing rocks if necessary. Some of the enemy forces were brazenly attempting to breach the vanguard and make a dash for the city walls.

Alejandro, with a tactical mind sharp as a blade, quickly assessed the situation.

-Alejandro:They will scale those walls in mere moments.It is wiser to engage them where we have room to maneuver.

His plan was to keep the rear of the enemy horde occupied with ranged attacks, utilizing the buildings for cover.

Ninaies peered into the distance and spotted a menacing pack of canine-like beasts, along with other formidable creatures, approaching their position. She noted with alarm their astonishing ability to leap at least five meters into the air.

-Ninaies:At first glance, they only appear to jump high to move, but they do not make any progress forward. And what in the world is that colossal turtle?

She wondered aloud, watching as the creatures made way for the massive reptile. Rina observed the lightning-fast movements of the lizard-like creatures slithering through the swamp, outmaneuvering even their canine companions with ease.

-Rina: That things should be slow in water!

One of the reptile-type demi-humans marveled at the spectacle before him, drawing a strange comparison. "It's like gazing upon a monster imbued with traits akin to my own," he mused. "I wonder if this is how humans feel when faced with the likes of zombies and werewolves?"

-Reptile type demi human: In fact, swamps are favorable environments for creatures like us reptiles, and some of us even thrive in saltwater.

Brayan, never one to shy away from a challenge, interjected confidently,

-Brayan: I believe we have yet to unleash our full potential. Let us show them what we are truly capable of.

-Leonidas: Rina, Ninaies, Chimara, Georgina, Brayan, tell me, what hidden talents lie within you? What unseen weapons can you wield to bring down that giant turtle?

-Ninaies: Perhaps we should redirect our focus to the swarm surrounding the beast. While the turtle may be massive, it is just one adversary. Let's conquer the many before they overwhelm us.

-Brayan: My mind is barren of strategies.

-Rina: I'm lost for ideas as well. Let's just pray it doesn't come crashing down on us.

-Chimara: The turtle's size may work in our favor. Its towering presence and stubby legs could be our ticket to victory.

-Georgina: A walking fortress indeed, but nothing is impenetrable. Let's find a way to slip explosives into its armor, though the gunners will pose a challenge.

-Alejandro: Beware the protectors of the turtle. They move with swift coordination, shielding the gunners from our assaults. Some even seem to intercept our very bombs in midair.

-Leonidas: Those beasts fuckers, They have unleashed a new level of aggression, like declaring war with no warning. They used to be like silent suicide bombs, simply overpowering us with sheer numbers. But now, they have developed strategies and tactics that we've never seen before. When did they evolve into such strategic opponents?

The city is under siege from both the gate and the towering walls, facing a vicious onslaught from canine-like beasts. The battle rages on, with the canons inflicting significant damage on the creatures, but not enough to halt their advance. Some have shifted their aim to target the swarming horde, causing chaos and reducing the enemy numbers. Meanwhile, the brave hunters and foot soldiers work tirelessly to contain the relentless assault.

-Chimera: How is that possible? They are not afraid of death, they are just killing, killing, killing!

-Georgina: No, they are using a very effective tactic. It is obvious that our numbers are also declining, but at least our people are staying within the walls, and we do not have casualties.

-Ninaies: Leonidas, the canines are not that tough. I think we can hold this.

-Leonidas:I agree with Ninaies, but we should prepare ourselves. The turtle is approaching the wall. The battle has begun. The canines have entered the city and are running rampant in the streets. The fighters are attempting to eliminate them, but their numbers are increasing, and they are beginning to overwhelm us. At least they are being contained within the area of the walls and gates

-Alejandro: We have lost a third of our people, but the beasts have lost a little more than that to our forces. This has been going on for hours now. The last time I fought for 4 days, even though I was the invader, not the defender. Is this revenge? Is it karma? Or is it a joke of the gods?

-Leonidas: "Who lives by the sword, dies by the sword," eh? Is that the kind of feeling you are having?

-Alejandro: Yes, it seems the gods have decided that everyone must die.

-Rina: I'm exhausted. These canines are relentless. And a lizard almost licked me. I swear it was tasting me!

-Ninaies: We cannot falter now. And of course, you would be a delicious snack!

-Brayan: You girls are always like that. Not that I hate it, but it can be annoying. Let's focus on the fight.

-Georgina: Gunners! Leonidas, gunners are going to you. For god sake at least 100, shit they are attacking me, I have to move.

Georgina's voice cut through the chaos of the battlefield like a sharp blade, her urgent warning echoing like a haunting melody in the ears of her comrades. The gunners were closing in on Leonidas, their numbers swelling to a hundred strong. With a fierce determination etched on her face, Georgina knew she had to act fast to avoid being overrun. As the Armadantoise paused in its tracks, seemingly mesmerized by Georgina's desperate cry, Leonidas quickly assessed the situation unfolding before him. The enemy forces were using the terrain to their advantage, springing from behind cover to launch a bold assault on their position. Their makeshift fortifications threatened to disrupt the delicate balance of power on the battlefield. With a steely gaze, Leonidas barked out his orders to his comrades, his voice cutting through the din of battle like a clarion call. They had to focus on the gunners, on dismantling their defenses brick by brick. The time for hesitation was over - it was now a battle of wits and strategy, a fight for survival in the face of overwhelming odds. As the enemy closed in, Leonidas stood tall, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with unwavering resolve.

-Chimara: Georgina, please respond.

-Ninaies: She will be fine, she is flying at a high altitude.

-Rina: What is the turtle up to?

-Leonidas: I am unsure, but there is a group of dog-like creatures gathering near the gates. The pack of canines has now assembled at the city gates, at the forefront of the city. The humans are on alert for an attack, but the beasts seem to be waiting for something.

-Alejandro: What are they waiting for? This behavior is unusual for them, as they are typically the first to strike. Now they seem to be...

Through the lens of her spyglass, Nina decided to observe the intricate movements of the bustling swarm and the slow, steady progress of the turtle, which appeared to have come to a standstill

-Ninaies: Leonidas, they are crawling onto the turtle and entering through her openings... no, no, dear god!

In the collective memory of everyone lie the tales and whispers that guide their intuition toward what the future holds.

-Rina: I sense a downpour on the horizon!

-Alejandro: Ah, now we finally understand their secret!

Alejandro's urgent plea echoed through the air as he implored

-Alejandro: Leonidas! Evacuate this sacred ground, safeguard my children and your tribe. I will divert its gaze away from our city.

Confusion etched on Leonidas' face, he questioned.

-Leonidas: What do you mean?

In a determined tone, Alejandro declared.

-Alejandro: I will draw its attention to me, it's the only solution. I apologize.

A heart-wrenching cry cut through the tense atmosphere as Ninaies called out.

-Ninaies: Leonidas!

Turning towards Alejandro, eyes filled with sadness, Leonidas whispered.

-Leonidas: Alejandro!

In short order, the city is filled with loud sounds as the turtle unleashes the initial wave of beasts using its back cannons. Many of the creatures have breached the city walls, fortunately landing in close proximity to the prepared defenders. At this time, the northern section of the city remains unaffected, while the southern part is besieged by swarms of beasts and billowing clouds of dust. The cannons continue to fire, yet the Armadantoise appears unfazed by the onslaught.

-Georgina: Leonidas, my people and I stand at the threshold of our tribe, ready to depart the city through the ancient gates. We follow the tribe's path as they lead the way.

-Leonidas: Go forth, we will be there to support you.

-Ninaies: Fall back! Demi-humans, retreat to safety!

-Rina: Oh, how I despise those turtles now! From now on, I shall turn them into savory soups!

-Brayan: This situation is beyond belief. The battle rages on, cannons blasting, yet that beast remains impervious.

-Leonidas: Witness now the struggle we faced back then. Retreat, my people! Our valiant heroes will hold the line.

-Brayan: Their endurance will only last so long in this intense battle. If the creature breaches the wall, it will be the end. If only we possessed greater strength...

-Leonidas: You are growing wiser, my young one.

-Brayan: Fine, but could you please refrain from calling me "child"?

-Leonidas: I am afraid I cannot do that.

-Brayan: I resent you for this! Alas, there is little I can do.

The time that Alejandro and his group have gained presents a valuable opportunity for Leonidas and his people, particularly for the residents of Last Hope who are still with him. Only the hunters remain behind to support Alejandro in the fight, while the children of Judah have chosen to join Leonidas' caravan in order to evacuate the city. The situation mirrors when Gustavo departed. The children are conflicted, as they would rather stay and perish with their parents, but they understand their duty to survive and continue living for the sake of their future.

-Namor: I have brought a small group of hunters with me as we share the responsibility of preserving our future. Unfortunately, we have encountered some challenges – the good news is the savior and his army are moving to us, but the bad news is that we have lost contact with our radio and cannot relay information about our predicament, including the presence of the titanic beast.

-Leonidas: How did this happen?

-Namor: It appears that the radio is not functioning properly, as we received no response from the other end of the line.

-Leonidas: Georgina, can you hear me?

-Georgina: Yes, Leonidas. The path ahead appears clear. Is there anything to report?

-Leonidas: Nothing dear, keep doing you job.

Leonidas turns back to Namor and inquired.

-Leonidas: Don't radio transmissions require towers for communication?

-Namor: There are actually two towers between our location and the wall, but direct communication is a possibility.

-Leonidas: They cut off our communication right before the battle? It seems the beasts are now interfering with technology.

-Rina: I will now give you the benefit of the doubt, Brayan. Your plan has proven to be beneficial.

-Brayan: Finally some acknowledgment. I am doing this for my family. My women led the way as they took the children and departed with the carts a few hours ago.

-Chimara: What about the ships?

-Namor: They were on standby, but they are most likely attacking now. They were part of the last stand strategy. Beasts, even of lizard type, can hardly swim unless they are aquatic beasts. They should last at least until the ammunition runs out. Then they are ordered to return to the port of the wall if they are still alive.

-Rina: Humans have it hard, and I thought you guys were kind of selfish.

-Namor: Well, to be honest, demi-humans were not exactly welcome in the city before you guys, so I understand your point.

-Ninaies: What's the distance to the nest, I wonder?

-Leonidas: I'm not sure, but let's follow Brayan's advice. We should head west while they're preoccupied with the city. Thankfully, that thing seems to move slowly, and the creatures only seem to speed up when targeting their prey.

-Chimara: This situation is even worse than before. However, there hasn't been a single fearful scream. How many of us are left?

-Rina: I've counted 567 combatants. We were 600 within the walls, and all our tribes members are here as the civilians of the town.

-Chimara: 33 lost souls, in a city of 20,000. It feels like the end of days.

-Leonidas: This proud and valiant people don't deserve this. Who have we angered? What demon lurks behind these horrors?

-Ninaies: Father, we can ponder those questions later. We must act now.

-Leonidas: You're right. Keep your people composed. We're heading north then west.

The distant sounds of crashing waves can be heard faintly even from a distance. Despite being far away, the battle's echoes still reach our ears, hours after it began. The fighting continues relentlessly, with the last cannon firing only moments ago. Georgina updates.

-Georgina: We are 25 km away from the city, and the enemy swarm continues their relentless attack. The city is slowly becoming engulfed in dust, and losing sight of them would be detrimental. when that dust settles, it means Alejandro and his people has stop fighting.

-Leonidas: How is everyone holding up? How many casualties have we suffered? As Leonidas strives to maintain order and keep the group moving forward, two figures within the caravan engage in a captivating discussion.

-Mysterious figure in the shadows: This situation is unfolding better than anticipated, but the feline and her kittens seem more intuitive than we had imagined.

-Shadowy figure lurking in the darkness: Thankfully, they are not foolish enough to stick around like those idiots. Their demise does not concern us as long as they don't take the kittens with them.

-Mysterious figure in the shadows: It's quite entertaining to watch them struggle for survival against overwhelming odds. I've always been intrigued by the concept of an apocalypty rather than mere demons.

- Shadowy figure lurking in the darkness: The hero will come in due time. Our task is to keep the group from escaping the area while the others handle any distractions for the hero.

-Mysterious figure in the shadows: We have plenty of damsels in distress for him to play the role of hero. Sometimes I find this whole scenario ridiculous, but then I remember that I prefer his method of handling things.

-Shadowy figure lurking in the darkness: Ultimately, he is the wisest among us. We have engaged in plenty of nonsense before, but at least this time we know the reward is real. They remain oblivious to our presence, and we simply need to fulfill our task. Keep running, my kittens, your hero will arrive soon.

-Mysterious figure in the shadows: The irony is not lost on me. He plays the part of a savior, yet considering his supposed good deeds, I can see how an evil force might also choose to act as one.

-Shadowy figure lurking in the darkness: Spooky, isn't it? I can feel it. Sometimes I wish I could meet the real one again.

-Mysterious figure in the shadows: You can disappear if you wish. I would much rather stay alive. I am not looking to provoke any mistakes.

-Shadowy figure lurking in the darkness: Hahaha, no worries. Me neither. And if everything goes as planned, we will come out unharmed.


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