Evilness, the all-consuming power that holds sway over life and death.

Chapter 18.5: A simple Soldier:*

Abraham Kintanilla pondered his life with a sense of acceptance and resolve. Though he wished he could have slain more of the vile beasts that plagued his world, he found solace in the hope that the savior and the goddesses would ultimately triumph over these monsters. He offered a silent apology to Erika and Veronica, knowing that his children and grandchildren had a fighting chance for a better future.

-Asulea Kintanilla: You are still in bed, acting lazy. You will never achieve anything in this life. How come the creator sent me such a lazy son?

-Sancho Kintanilla: Let it go, there is not much to do in the field today. Everything has been very quiet.

-Asulea: He is just like you, that's why he is lazy. He should study or at least do something. When he is not doing anything, he is glued to the TV. And when he is not playing with the other children, at least those children study with their parents.

-Sancho: For God's sake, woman, he is only 9 years old. Let him enjoy life. When his time comes, we will see, until he has his first spring is not that important.

-Asulea: No girl has noticed him.

-Sancho: Don't worry, the neighbor girls are 5 and 6 years old. Maybe there's an age difference, but nothing significant. When they are ready, our boy will be too. Or maybe one of the older girls who still haven't decided, like your sister, will take an interest, as long as she doesn't plan to claim him as her own.

Abraham, feeling perplexed, attempts to assess the situation. Before him stand two individuals he has not encountered in quite some time - his parents, the core of his family. As an only child, he is puzzled by his mother's high expectations, contrasting with his father's laid-back demeanor. Life in the village has been tranquil; only three attacks by mutant beasts have occurred thus far, with minimal consequences. Additionally, Abraham has never encountered a demi-human in his lifetime.

My heart ached for my father, who had always stood by me with unwavering faith in a brighter tomorrow. The memories of my mother's gentle reminders lingered, as I found himself reflecting on my life with a sense of nostalgia. In that moment, it felt like time was slowing down and my past was playing out before me.

-Abraham from Memories: My mother's sister?

-Sancho: You old maid aunt, she is 20 years old and still single, waiting for the perfect man. She truly believes a hunter will come and sweep her off her feet to see the world. Be careful, my child, if she leads you to a dark place when you are not ready, do not follow her.

-Asulea: You are terrible, you know. But do what your dad said, Abraham. We don't know what a woman her age is capable of. If only our parents were here.

-Sancho: It's not your fault. At least you didn't end up like her and marry me, even though she was against it all the time.

-Abraham (Adult): I remember this, my aunt actually hates my father for being a simple farmer, so she avoids contacting us even though she lives in the same town. She often hangs around the hunter couple's house, trying to seduce him, but he remains loyal to his partner and a strong believer in pure blood hunters. The days were tranquil, ordinary, and joyful, leading me to believe that this blissful existence would be everlasting. However, life can be more exacting than one could possibly imagine.

As I shut my eyes once more, little did I know the surprise waiting for me when they fluttered open again. A ghastly scene unfolded before me - we were in the fields with others when a single bipedal Lizard man appeared out of nowhere. Chaos ensued as my father was the first to fall victim to its surprise attack. Sancho, "flee!" he cried out, unable to fully comprehend the weight of the situation, consumed by fear as I ran with my mother. But our attempts to escape were futile, as the beast showed no signs of hunger or exhaustion, its only desire to mercilessly slaughter us all. In a desperate attempt to survive, my mother and I sought refuge in a nearby hut, but the beast continued its rampage, leaving little time for us. "Abraham, go fetch help from the adults," my mother urged, her voice steady despite the impending danger. "I will distract it for as long as I can." Tears welled in my eyes, but I heeded her words and rushed to seek aid. Moments later, I returned with a group of adults and hunters, who swiftly put an end to the beast's terror. As the dust settled, 36 lives lay extinguished on the ground, the hunters and remaining survivors exhausted from the battle. Attempting to sever its head proved futile, as the beast's tough skin resisted even the sharpest of blades. In the end, it disintegrated within minutes, leaving behind a haunting memory of that fateful day.

My mother was discovered inside the hut; she had barricaded herself in, but the furniture did not hold up. I chose not to view her remains, so the last time I saw her was when I fled. The following day, after burying everyone, at just 10 years old, I was taken in by my aunt. Despite her being conceited, narcissistic, and self-absorbed, I cannot say that I was neglected. Food was always provided, and the house was kept warm. My aunt spent most of her time attempting to charm the hunter who was my hero and the avenger of my mother and father, Sir Michael, and his wife, Madam Marcy. They had a daughter my age named Erika Pace, whose last name signified peace. Erika was slightly older than me by almost 11 months, and it was due to my aunt's pursuit of Sir Michael that I became close to Erika.

As time progressed, Erika displayed mischievous behavior akin to a rascal. However, her antics, indicative of a future Hunter, gradually eased the sorrow in my heart. Over time, I grew closer to Erika. One day, she remarked, "I have never seen you smile." In response, I sincerely stated, "I do smile when I am with you." This genuineness prompted a smile and a blush from her. "I was speaking the truth," I reassured her. Erika and I proceeded to deepen our bond, swiftly developing a strong friendship.

Her mother exhibited a demeanor of tranquility and composure, while her father maintained a stricter, seemingly aloof disposition. Although he never maltreated anyone, myself included, he frequently emphasized the idea of Hunters belonging to a noble lineage with the responsibility of shaping the future of humanity. In hindsight, it is evident that both of us were misled. While I do not dispute the significance of noble birth and the role of Hunters as protectors of the human race, it appears that he overlooked the importance of adhering to core principles and teachings, a mistake which I now acknowledge on my part as well.

-Marcy: I like you, Abraham. Not enough to want my daughter to marry you, but you are hardworking, always trying to be stronger and educated. Soon enough you two will be old enough to enroll in the academy. I want you to be her servant in the capital. She is attached to you.

-Erika: Seriously? Accept, Abraham. That way we can be together and find better partners than in this forgotten town.

-Marcy: Lady, this town is great. We have everything we need living here.

-Erika: Only life! I want to have fun, adventures, and a romance with a strong man like James the hero!

-Marcy: Sometimes I feel like you are talking more like that cat burglar, Jane, who is Abraham's aunt, than like myself. But in the capital, you will mature and grow up. So what do you say, Abraham? Will you become her servant?

-Abraham: Of course, I will serve and follow her as I always do.

-Marcy: Okay then, you have my blessing, but don't let that woman come between you and Erika. I don't want my girl to have a broken heart.

-Erika: YES!

-Michael: Remember, my daughter needs to keep her bloodline pure. So don't get any crazy ideas. You won't be able to break me apart from Marcy, and I don't think she would accept a simple farmer's son for her daughter.

-Marcy: If only he possessed noble lineage. I would feel more at ease if I were familiar with him rather than a stranger. Both of you have the potential to make me beam with pride, no matter where your paths may lead.

In the whimsical world of childhood, Erika and I were woven together by the threads of my aunt's enchanting tales of chivalrous knights and mystical realms waiting to be discovered. Erika, a mischievous spirit with a thirst for adventure, shared my aunt's passion for the written word and together they would journey into the depths of imagination. Despite their ten-year age gap, Erika and my aunt were inseparable, forming a bond as strong as sisterhood. While Erika charmed the adults with her popularity, she remained fiercely independent, turning away any suitors who dared to approach her. As for me, I was often left on the sidelines, overshadowed by Erika's possessiveness and my own naivety. Looking back, I realize now the folly of my youthful heart, unable to see beyond the playful antics of friendship. Oh, how we let the magic of childhood slip through our fingers, too blind to grasp the fleeting moments of possibility and love. But perhaps, in our childish ignorance, lies the bittersweet beauty of growing up.

A few months later, Erika has her first spring and with that the journey to the capital was set and we were required to assist to the dormitories before the begin of the scholarship.

-Michael: You are displaying true courage. I am not requesting the impossible of you, but rather to maintain her position. It is essential that she remembers her role as humanity's protector.

-Marcy: I will miss both of you.

-Erika: Mother, I will return even if assigned to the wall or a remote town. Father, please do not frighten poor Abraham. We will be fine, and hopefully, when I see you next, there will be a new sibling for me.

-Jane: The same sentiment to you. We must expand our family. Currently, it is only you and me, Abraham. I will strive to find a suitable husband. When you are in the capital, please visit me along with Erika.

-Abraham: I assure you. We will return with tales of our experiences in the capital, isn't that right, Erika?

-Abraham (Adult): The farewells lingered in the air, as if time itself did not want to move forward. In that moment, I failed to grasp the depth of Erika's father's emotions, but now I see that he carries the weight of regret in his soul, perhaps haunted by this day even now. I ponder if he still walks this earth, as I have unknowingly distanced myself from them for a prolonged period of time.

The journey to the capital was quite enjoyable, with favorable weather conditions and well-maintained roads. Upon our arrival at the capital, the first sight that caught my attention was a large clock tower situated atop the central tower. Surrounding this central structure were four smaller towers, creating a spacious circular area where several tents of varying sizes were set up. The central tower stood impressively tall, likely reaching a height of at least 200 meters. The city bustled with activity, hosting individuals of all ages ranging from young adults like myself to seasoned veterans. Unlike other towns where individuals over 40 years old are a rarity, this city seemed to have a sizeable population of older individuals, suggesting an average age of around 30 years. It was truly a surreal experience, witnessing a community unfazed by the presence of potential threats like monsters. The inhabitants led lives that surpassed my wildest imagination, seemingly indifferent to potential catastrophes that could claim half of the population every ten years in other places.

Erika and I went to the dormitories, they were very big, they were located in a huge complex with several buildings, the one where they were housed was the biggest, it was made of stone, with a very high ceiling and was divided into several areas, on one side there was an open space with several seats and tables, while on the other side there was a small building that served as a reception, where they registered all the students and gave them the corresponding keys to their rooms. The rooms were distributed in 2 floors, we were assigned to the second floor and the room number was 16, there were two beds and a bathroom in each room, we also had a small closet where we could store our clothes and belongings.

The next day, we were required to attend an orientation session for new students, during which the academy's rules were explained and a tour of the facilities was provided. The amenities at the academy were impressive, surpassing those found in our humble town. The equipment available was unparalleled; even Erika was taken aback when she first held a Vitrilium sword. While anyone at the academy could use one, only the top-ranked individuals could hope to wield such a weapon in battle against the monsters. Typically, steel was the material of choice, although it tended to lose its sharpness over time and required regular maintenance from a skilled blacksmith - a profession our town lacked. In contrast, the capital boasted advanced technology, including the use of androids for crafting extraordinary creations.

As an ordinary citizen, I found myself particularly intrigued by firearms and cannons, as they seemed usable even to someone like me who may not possess great strength. Conversely, Erika favored a giant sword, envisioning herself wielding it to vanquish a dragon. I am grateful that such creatures are not real, but the existence of mutated beasts of considerable size is indeed a reality. Subsequently, I encountered the lizard man, which is classified as a rank 2 creature despite its height not exceeding two meters. These beings are known for their lethal abilities and clever tactics.

Following the orientation, we were guided to our designated departments. I was designated as a domestic servant with the responsibility of ensuring Erika's needs were met. Erika was placed in the lowest academic class due to her lack of education, knowledge, and skills in combat. It was a source of frustration for her as she was unable to land a single hit on a higher-class noble during a sparring session. The nobles in the higher class had been trained for combat since childhood. However, I preferred Erika's upbringing, marked by her cheerful demeanor and mischievous behavior that brought joy to those around her, in contrast to the solemn and serious demeanor of the highest class individuals who never seemed to laugh.

Erika had to work hard, and she did it with all her might, she spent all day in class or training, her nights were dedicated to study, she tried to teach me everything she learned during the day, I tried to learn as much as I could, but I lacked her desire and her passion to know, my mind was more practical than intellectual, so I was assigned to clean the rooms, while Erika was studying, she also had the task of taking out the garbage, she was not happy at first, but then she told me that it was a great chance for me to get to know the other servants and other students.

-Erika: Did you see that, Abraham? I have friends! They are nice and cute, they have a different air from the people of the capital, it seems that they are like me, from the countryside.

-Abraham: Wow, this is great. What do they talk about?

-Erika: They say they have a friend named Alice, they say she is cute, smart, and that she is always in the library, they told me to meet her.

-Abraham: You should go then, you need new friends too, I have seen you alone in the training room, even your classmates are not very friendly with you.

-Erika: They don't understand me, they think I am an idiot and a country girl, but it doesn't matter, I am here to learn and fight against the monsters.

The next day I asked the girls for information about their friend, apparently she was a girl from the a town close the capital, she was 13 years old, and was in the same class as Erika, they said that she had arrived in the capital a few months ago, they had seen her in the library several times, and that she was very quiet and shy.

Erika and Alice share their moments together much like any close friends do. Meanwhile, I engage in heart-to-hearts with her loyal servant, Raul. Their bond is as strong as mine and Erika's. Though shy, Alice is a remarkably bright and kind soul in my eyes. On the other hand, Raul is a talkative man, possessing an open and charming nature that reminds me of my dear aunt. It makes me ponder, how many people have I left behind in the chapters of my life story? Those individuals whose stories I never got to unfold after the graduation ceremony. Alice and her partner were labeled as Rank D hunters, deemed unfit for higher ranks due to her limited combat skills. But both Erika and I never judged her based on that. In fact, I believe she possessed the most exceptional character among us all.

One day I decided to accompany Erika to the training ground, the training was done by students of the lowest rank, so it was not as strict as in the other classes, so I could stay by their side without getting in trouble. When the training started, Erika was paired with a boy around her age, they both used wooden swords, the boy was clearly more experienced and stronger than Erika, so the fight didn't last long, the boy quickly overpowered Erika and made her fall to the ground. Erika got up and kept trying, but she was not able to stand up against the other student, so she kept falling and hitting the ground.

In hindsight, I recognize allowing Erika and Antony to grow closer was a significant error on my part. Destiny paired them during their initial year of hunters education. The content of the lessons in that class took me by surprise. Initially seen as somewhat frivolous, focusing on the pairing of potential couples to produce offspring of noble descent, the concept of love was emphasized. The instructor reiterated the significance of love, a concept often overlooked in the course of our lives. Although the teacher made it clear that participation was voluntary, the importance of giving birth to a pureblood noble, as emphasized by Erika's father, occupied our thoughts. It was during this time that I became aware of my feelings for Erika. Witnessing her engage in physical relationships with other men, devoid of love and genuine happiness, brought about a realization. Despite her past interactions with several men, it became apparent that Antony had captured her attention as a breeder rather than a companion. Similarly, for him, she was merely a means to an end. This revelation came to a head one fateful evening when Erika's aspirations for romance clashed with the obligations of nobility, causing her illusions to crumble.

Within the hallowed halls of the academy, the majority of nobles turned a blind eye to matters of the heart. Love was merely a foreign concept to them, until one pivotal lesson shed light on its existence. And then there was Erika - a dreamer who yearned for a destined partner and a love story reminiscent of the novels she cherished. Her favorite mantra was "Nobles are duty-bound, meant to defend the vulnerable and empower them to grow." It wasn't until witnessing Erika's unwavering belief in these words that their true significance finally dawned on me.

Nobles are meant to set an example, as exemplars of teachings, protectors of good people, protectors of love, protectors of hope, not tools to be used and discard their own futures. The pursuit of true self-realization and the adherence to moral righteousness, rather than the pursuits of maintaining pure bloodlines, seeking fame or strength, should be prioritized. While duty holds paramount importance, it should not be the sole factor to be taken into consideration.

The next day, when we were in the dormitory, she used her strength to push me onto the bed. With tears streaming down her face, she begged me to change, to embrace her with love. I was conflicted, torn between the promise of not seeing her as more than a lady and watching the girl I had always loved pleading for what I had always denied her. I realized I had been foolish, ignoring the teachings everyone else followed. No one would truly oppose our union; it was all in our minds, and the root of the problem was her father. I gave her what she wanted, but not fully. I hurt her by telling her that she could always have my embrace, but her duty was to produce noble offspring, and Antony was her best option. If only I could go back in time, I would have punched myself until I was unconscious.

-Erika: Kiss me, I saved it for you, as other things has taken, as I saved my heart for you.

-Abraham: We can't, we need to focus on our duty, we are the hope of humanity.

-Erika: I am not your duty, I am a person!

-Abraham: Erika...

-Erika: I know I can't do much, but I am trying.

-Abraham: Erika...

-Erika: You always treat me like a child, but I am a woman and I can make my own decisions, even if it is wrong.

-Abraham: That is not true, you are important to me, more than anyone, I just don't want to see you get hurt.

-Erika: You hurt me, when you refuse to accept me, I want to be more than a duty, I want to be more than just a friend to you.

It was a moment of pure instinct, as though my body had a mind of its own, following the unspoken desires of my heart. I could no longer resist the pull, so I reached out to gently touch her face and experienced my first kiss. Her lips met mine with warmth and sweetness, a beautiful chaos of passion and innocence.

As the experienced one in that kind of things she take the lead, and my body respond as she desired, her tears become a mischieveous smile and soon after the girl who was a virgin herself a day before, try to become a mistress, but she was more like a tiger wanting to devour me, I seriously feel like the only thing I did was move my hips, and give myself to her, that day was my first time with her, the day I realize I love her.

After that I could no longer see her as just a noble, I felt something new and exciting in my heart, a feeling I had never felt before, I felt like I was alive, I felt like I was a man, I felt like a human again, I felt like I was in love, I felt like I was in heaven, I felt like I was home.

But that was not enough for her, she wanted more, she wanted me to be her lover, she wanted me to be with her forever, she wanted us to be together.

But that was not possible, because our destinies were different, our lives were different, we were different people.

I was her servant, she was a noble.

-Abraham (Adult): In my youth, I naively held onto the belief that following conventional wisdom was the key to living a fulfilled life. But looking back now, seeing her by my side in these old memories, I am reminded of the moment I let my happiness slip away through my own actions. Regret is the shadow that follows when we stray from our heart's true desires.

As time passed, the dynamics of the love triangle became increasingly complicated with the addition of a fourth individual, Veronica Soza. I found satisfaction in my physical relationship with Erika, who seemed to comply with my desires by engaging in intimate moments particularly during her safe days to prevent pregnancy. A careless incident led to us being discovered by Veronica, a servant of Antony. She had a curiosity about intimacy as Antony focused primarily on his hunting pursuits, neglecting her emotional needs and treating her more like an object, a similar manner in which he treated Erika by engaging in intimate acts only when necessary or for instructional purposes. There were concerns about Antony's capability to conceive a child with Erika, as she had multiple encounters with him during her fertile period. Veronica eventually confided in me, and in a misguided attempt to conceal my relationship with Erika, I reluctantly agreed to her proposal.

I have no regrets in my heart for choosing Veronica, for in the end, our love blossomed just as it did with Erika. Yet, a tinge of sadness creeps in when I think of the time I neglected Erika while focusing on Veronica. Despite my missteps, both women still shine brightly in my life. While I was swept away in the busy city with Veronica, treating her as my future wife, Erika remained steadfast in pursuing her dreams. I reserved my affection for her in our private moments, which she accepted with grace, though it was not as heartfelt as she deserved. Unlike Antony, who viewed her as a means to his ends, I at least showed her a bit more love. Erika and Antony eventually succeeded in graduating with a C rank, their determination finally paying off. Once again, fate demonstrates its impartial nature, unfazed by our individual struggles.

Ranked at Level C, they were designated to guard the perimeter where entry is restricted to Servants only. It is considered too perilous for civilians to be in close proximity to the wall. Consequently, I was unable to accompany Erika in that area. Nonetheless, I observed her from a distance as she exhibited strength and courage by taking her post on the wall, battling the monsters, and safeguarding the populace, thereby earning the title of a genuine hero. Although I could merely spectate as she confronted danger on a daily basis, I understood that she derived fulfillment from her role as a hunter. Meanwhile, Veronica and I remained stationed at the capital, as Erika was unable to reschedule plans to return to town. Following their official discharge from the academy amidst a well-attended ceremony, they were promptly deployed to the wall. Consequently, my time with her was cut short. Despite this, she assured me of her intention to return and made a commitment to only allow my affections, undeterred by her father’s potential disapproval. She expressed a desire to wed me, oblivious to Antony's lack of concern. Speculation surrounded his purported fixation on the saint, whom I had only encountered once during the graduation proceedings at that time. Nowadays, I have seen her several times, and she actually embodies the image of an enchantress. Without even intending to, I can swear that several men wish to be with her. I can understand why Antony wanted to approach her with a higher rank.

In the following months, I secured a job in the industrial zone where I gained proficiency in handling firearms and manufacturing ammunition. I was offered a scholarship for a workshop opportunity, which I respectfully declined as I could not leave Veronica unattended. News from the wall reported that Erika had been promoted to rank B due to her successful combat against numerous monsters. Witnessing her achieve her long-held ambition brought me immense joy, prompting me to contemplate how I could support her in reaching further milestones, including the possibility of pursuing a life together, perhaps even marriage and starting a family. Content with my current circumstances, I encouraged Veronica to return to town to visit my family before we took a trip to her hometown, partly to fulfill a promise made to Erika's parents.

In the end, Michael, a pureblood maniac, failed to honor his promise. Upon our visit to the town, we discovered that my aunt has two children with Michael, and Madam Marcy has one more child with him. I was really mad at that time, I wanted to punch his face, but lets be honest a hunter can easily trash a civilian like myself, so I have to endure it, my aunt didn't mind it, because she loved her children, and she loved Michael, that was enough for me, but I hated him, he was selfish, and he always did things his own way, he never considered the feelings of others, he never considered the consequences of his actions, he was just a selfish asshole in my mind, how things can change from a moment to other.

Erika was a noble, she had her duty, I was a commoner, I had my duty too, I was an orphan, and she was my duty, I was her servant, she was my master, I was her friend, she was my friend, she was my love, and I was her love, we were both in love with each other, but that was not enough to change our fates.

-Abraham (Adult): It is said that when you find true happiness, life gives you challenges.

As Veronica and my aunt bonded, Marcy couldn't help but yearn for the presence of Erika and a little one to brighten our family circle. It appeared that Michael's newfound connection with my aunt stirred up Marcy's desire for a grandchild from Erika and me. She harbored dreams of our romantic escapades in the bustling capital, envisioning a future where our family would expand. While Erika wasn't carrying a child just yet, I vowed to myself that one day I would fulfill Marcy's wish and be united with Erika in the way she longed for.

-Jane: You look happy, what are you doing now?

-Abraham: I am working as a engineer in the industrial zone. They are nice people, and I work alongside the famous androids, I am pretty far from what they can do but I am happy and well established.

-Marcy: That's great!

-Michael: Had I known this feeling before, I may have hesitated to let my daughter venture beyond her town. Yet, I cannot bring myself to clip her wings, for she is destined for greatness. Imagine in place of Veronica, our daughter, returning to us, perhaps with you by her side.

-Abraham: She is truly living the adventurous life she always longed for, evolving into a renowned hunter. After her stint within the protective walls, she may be reassigned to a different region - maybe even our own.

-Michael: Do you truly have faith in this, my dear child? Consider this - the reason for three-year terms is because during that time, a colossal beast may strike. Only those who survive the encounter have the option to continue guarding the walls or relocate to one of the fifty surrounding towns. To be selected for service in the capital city, a minimum of five years is required. Not a single hunter in the capital has evaded this trial, and many have succumbed to its dangers.

-Abraham: How did you end up here, sir?

-Michael: I was the eighth son in my family, always falling behind the others. I barely scraped by with a D after graduation, almost as low as an E. If it wasn't for my innate blood abilities, I wouldn't have even gotten this far. That's why I became so fixated on pure blood lineage. I was assigned to this remote little town that had lost its hunter in a battle with a pack of ferocious beasts. But strangely enough, that hunter and his partner had both lived to the ripe old age of 45, so I figured it couldn't be all that bad. At least dying in battle seemed preferable to dying of old age back then. Marcy, on the other hand, was the twelfth child in her family, hailing from a small town in the southernmost part of the continent. You could say it's even more rural than our own, lacking even basic electricity. Yet, she never once complained about this simple life.

Reflecting on the past, Sir Michael was not the villain I once painted him to be in my childhood memories. While he was strict, his standards inspired Erika to strive for excellence and make him proud. Ultimately, he revealed himself to be a loving father. Our journey led us to Veronica town, a place much closer to the towering wall than I had imagined. It was there that I discovered Antony's shared experiences with Erika, their upbringing steeped in tales of epic battles against the massive Titanic beasts. Antony's family boasted 25 skilled hunters, a dozen more was assigned to them. The proximity to the wall meant frequent attacks from beasts that breached its defenses. Though a modest settlement, Veronica town was larger and more vibrant than our own, with a bustling population of 2000 individuals - reminiscent of the destroyed town ravaged by the insidious worms.

As I reflect, I have noticed a tendency to forget things, a phenomenon which may be attributed to my advanced age. In the household of Antony, Veronica was treated as a beloved member despite her lack of familial ties. Remarkably, she was discovered as an infant with no discernible trace of her biological parents. It is intriguing to note that she was found abandoned at the entrance to the hunters' camp; a perplexing situation indeed, as it is difficult to fathom a parent deserting their child in such a manner. Some expected Antony to take her as his own, perhaps as a mistress, yet destiny had other plans, entwining her path with mine.

Upon considering the opportunity to visit the town mentioned previously and reaching out to Erika, who had requested a few days off to accompany me on a vacation, I found the idea appealing. Despite Veronica's pregnancy being in its early stages, we opted for a picturesque journey by cart. The trip to the town was delightful, devoid of any concerns about encountering monsters. The roads were bustling with individuals coming and going, some appearing to embark on holidays. There was a plethora of people, and they conveyed no sense of urgency in their movements. Our swift mode of transport provided a pleasurable experience, surpassing the pace of the local carts, allowing us to enjoy the passing landscape. Upon reaching the town, we were greeted by its enchanting beauty, characterized by lush trees and verdant grass, akin to a paradise. The towering buildings and the cheerful demeanor of the residents further added to the overall charm of the place.

-Abraham: This is amazing, right?

-Veronica: This is paradise, how can they be so rich and powerful?

-Abraham: The capital is not that far away, there is probably a trade route between the two towns.

We walked down the street and saw a large building in the center of town, it was a school. Veronica pointed to the sign, indicating that it was the academy. I immediately realized that this town had a higher rank than ours, the academy was beautiful and bigger, the people looked happy and there were no signs of danger.

As we observed a figure waving to us, exuding beauty with a radiant smile, it became apparent that it was Erika.

-Erika: Hello, what a delightful surprise!

-Veronica: It is wonderful to see you again.

-Erika: Congratulations, I am truly thrilled for you.

-Veronica: We are both going to become mothers; this joyous occasion includes you too.

-Erika: You look marvelous! I have missed you immensely.

-Abraham: I am here to propose marriage to you, what are your thoughts?

-Erika: Absolutely, I accept your proposal, my dear. I have been eagerly anticipating your offer, I believe my father has finally had a change of heart.

-Abraham: He surprisingly embraced the idea. Have you not had any romantic interests during this time?

-Erika: Not at all, most individuals assigned here are already in relationships and Antony is quite peculiar, I only know that he loves something in his room, perhaps a girl, or an object, I truly cannot say.

-Veronica: How long do you plan on staying here?

-Erika: I have four days of leisure time. Following that, I must return, then I have an additional ten days where we can proceed with the marriage. -Veronica: Many believe that a man and a woman who love each other are essentially married, even in the absence of a formal ceremony. However, ten days should provide ample time to return to your hometown and have a celebration there.

-Erika: You see, Abraham, women think alike, and these two could certainly bring much excitement to your life.

We spent the rest of the day getting to know each other again. Erika told us all about her life at the Wall, and how she and Antony had become very good friends and hunted a lot together.

As we strolled through the charming town, we visited each shop, captivated by the array of exquisite goods that were not only beautiful but also surprisingly affordable. Veronica's eyes sparkled with excitement as she imagined making this paradise her permanent home. This quaint town served as a sanctuary for weary travelers seeking respite and amusement before returning to their solemn duties. With Erika having two precious weeks of vacation time, we enjoyed intimate moments together, though rarely as a group. Their demeanor was reserved, with each person consumed by their own thoughts and desires in these private moments.

-Erika: I must depart now, but I kindly ask that you assure me of your patience as I shall return for you.

-Abraham: I am confident in your return, and I will patiently await your arrival for however long it may take.

-Veronica: Farewell, rest assured we will await your safe return. I promise Abraham will be well looked after in your absence.

I joined the military in order to defend the town, Veronica sought safety in the shelter, and the hunters were positioned at the front lines. As I gripped a firearm for the first time to confront the monsters, I experienced deep feelings of vulnerability and fear. Despite this, motivated by the desire to protect my family, Veronica, and Erika, I proceeded. We engaged in relentless combat at the forefront, yet the swarm of monsters appeared never-ending. The horde of monsters, capable of decimating my town within minutes, was confronted by hundreds of individuals, including dozens of hunters. I fought with a reliable Assault rifle, as I had heard that small bullets were ineffective against certain creatures, so I avoided using smaller firearms. Though the recoil was strong, my determination to safeguard everyone was greater. I fired with all my strength and determination, seemingly for hours on end. It was a stroke of luck that I did not run out of ammunition, unlike some of my companions who resorted to swords and spears to vanquish the beasts. The hunters wielded heavy weapons, including swords as large as their bodies or lengthy spears. However, the most remarkable were the ranger hunters, whose bows shot arrows that resembled cannonballs, a skill uncommon yet renowned among higher-ranking hunters. It was then that I witnessed the true might of a Noble. Even with endless time, I could not have slain as many creatures, highlighting the greatest threat posed by the beasts: their sheer numbers.

We battled with unwavering determination for hours, stealing moments of rest when we could as the unpredictable waves of beasts crashed upon us. Some arrived mere minutes apart, while others took hours, draining our strength with each new assault. In the distance, the symphony of war raged on as cannons thundered and a deafening explosion shook the earth. Soon after, a monstrous horde descended upon our town, igniting a fierce resistance from both seasoned hunters and ordinary citizens armed with nothing but simple farming tools. Amidst the billowing smoke and fire on the distant horizon, we felt the weight of exhaustion bearing down on us, our ranks thinning with each passing wave of enemies. As the final assault loomed, casualties mounted, and I found myself perilously close to being crushed beneath a colossal Stone Giant. My legs betrayed me, my rifle proving ineffective against its formidable defense. In my moment of desperation, a fellow hunter tackled me out of harm's way, while another diverted the monster's attention by clashing his giant sword on its face, allowing me to escape from its looming shadow. Though my instincts urged me to fight on, my weary body refused to cooperate, the ground beneath me seeming to heave and shift. Amidst the chaos and the deafening clamor, a piercing scream cut through the cacophony, leaving me paralyzed with fear as the world spun around me in a maelstrom of terror.

As I observed the unfolding scene, my heart filled with sorrow. It was in that tragic moment that the girl who had been by my side since the loss of my parents departed from this world. Tears flowed uncontrollably, my heart sank, my mind was blank, my soul shattered, and my body ached, but I persevered. My sole purpose now is seeking revenge - to eliminate all the monsters menacing our town. A hand then pulled me into shelter, where I was embraced by Veronica, my wife. Though anger still lingered, my duty as her husband became paramount. I could not bear to lose another loved one, not now, not ever.

The following morning provided a temporary reprieve from the brutal attack, yet the aftermath of battle lingered in the air. I felt a sense of helplessness as a strong desire to rush to the defense of Erika at the wall with only my rifle overwhelmed me. As time passed, news arrived that the lone surviving beast was the formidable Armadantoise, a massive creature renowned for its destructive path, flattening foes with its immense size. Our courageous Warrior had bravely engaged the beast, tirelessly attempting to breach its armored shell with any available weapons, while relentless cannon fire had also weakened its defenses. Despite these valiant efforts, it took five arduous days for the Armadantoise to finally be defeated, claiming numerous lives in its wake. The majority perished during the sudden and unexpected onslaught as the beasts charged forward, protected by their impenetrable shells. The Legendary Warrior did not allow it to happen again; she smashed the beast that tried to move with all her strength, her tale was heard throughout the empire. However, I doubt she was pleased with the result of that epic battle, as she lost as many people as I lost.

Reflecting on the outcome, it is not surprising that Erika did not survive. I witnessed the immense creatures fighting before I died. It is strange that it happened twice, but this time the monster was even bigger before being struck by a monstrous wolf and his companions. The Armadantoise, with a head larger than any building I had ever seen, resembled a mountain itself. It appears that luck was not on my side. After encountering that behemoth Armadantoise when I was younger, the subsequent creatures were less destructive. Years later, Alidia, the impenetrable wall, emerged. If only we had been born in a different time. However, in that scenario, my children would not exist. And soon enough I will go to my true loves, who are waiting for me.

However, the feeling of loss remained etched in my mind forever after reuniting with Veronica in the shelter at the end of the battle. We spent days together, assisting our comrades, trying to push away thoughts of tragedy until the heartbreaking report arrived. Among the list of casualties was the name Erika Pace. In that moment, Veronica also noticed Antony's name among the fallen. Rumors swirled that the warrior's lovers had met the same fate. Erika, just 19 years old, was a reminder of the peril that haunted those who served on the wall, especially during the treacherous years between 19 and 22. Though Veronica had not been particularly close to Erika, she shared in my sorrow, understanding the depth of my pain. As my wife, she felt compelled to bring me happiness amidst the grief. That night, she made love to me for the first time in months, a gesture meant to ease my suffering. However, it was futile, for the source of my joy had been extinguished. Afterward, we returned to my hometown to inform Erika's parents. They were devastated yet seemed to accept their daughter's fate more readily than I did, acknowledging that this was the destiny of a Hunter – to fall in battle. A fate that I despised and abhorred, but now found myself succumbing to in order to safeguard the future of my own children. It brought to mind the old adage, "Never say of this water I will not drink, because you will end up drinking it."

Subsequently, my life transitioned into a peaceful routine. I dedicated myself to the crafting of weapons and ammunition to combat the creatures that plagued our world. Veronica bestowed upon us three children - two daughters and a son. My heart yearns to reunite with them, as they must now be around the same age as Erika was when I last saw her. Presently, I am also a grandfather to four young ones. My son, much like myself, has taken his time in finding love. While I had suspicions about his preferences, it was upon his confirmation that I decided to join the mission - to confront the threats posed by the monsters endangering their lives.

I fondly remember a tranquil period in our lives when our days were busy with work. Veronica always brought joy to our lives. Our children grew up quickly, displaying remarkable intelligence and resilience, of which we were incredibly proud. Our eldest daughter wed at the age of 15 to an engineer named William, a match I had not envisioned for her. Nonetheless, Veronica was content with the union, and they subsequently had two lovely children. The second daughter married a carpenter named John, a good-hearted individual, and they too welcomed two children, a daughter followed by a son who were born as twins.

My youngest son has not yet married, and although he is still young, he has shown a preference for men over women. I believe one of his closest friends is actually his partner, but he has assured me that he is as pure as a first spring snow, and has expressed a desire to seek the help of The Saint for a gender transformation, a tradition historically associated with the aristocracy. I have heard that this is a very painful process that takes time, and he is a rather sensitive soul. However, he is just as determined as myself and Veronica. The feasibility of this transformation is uncertain, but if successful, it could lead to the possibility of more grandchildren. He used to be quite emotionally sensitive and would often ask to sleep in bed with Veronica, prompting her to do everything possible to ensure his happiness.

Veronica passed away a year ago. Residing in the capital sometimes leads one to overlook the lurking dangers. While the patron saint may protect us from illness, unfortunately, she cannot resurrect the deceased. Veronica tragically died in an accident when a powder keg exploded while she was waiting for me at work. Her death was swift, and nothing could be done to prevent it. It won't be long before I reunite with my loved ones.

As I come to terms with my destiny, I close my eyes once more, reminiscing on memories of my dear family and my lost love. In my mind's eye, I envision her as a young girl, radiating happiness with her bright eyes, red hair, and soothing voice. The image transitions from a young girl to a beautiful woman, where light casts her in shadowy outlines, maintaining her familiar silhouette even as details fade. Though I can no longer discern her features, I recognize her essence. Yearning to reunite with her, to hold her close, to cherish and shield her, I sense her presence beside me - her warmth, fragrance, and tender embrace. She lingers nearby, offering comfort and encouragement for me to rest, to sleep, to reunite with her in slumber. I hear her soft voice calling my name, inviting me to join her, and extend my hand to grasp hers, only to watch her dissolve into the ether as a figure emerges in the shadows.

Darkness states, "I do not wish to; you must live." Before me unfolds a sight I have never encountered before. I observe a baby with a horn and gray skin, crying at the foot of a mysterious being, with what appears to be a couple situated beneath a collapsed structure. In the backdrop stands an Android-like girl alongside a peculiar machine. Expressing discontent, Darkness remarks, "I perceive this harsh fate to be unjust. The child requires more than these automatons for her well-being – she needs her parents, and I shall bestow them to her." Perplexed, Abraham queries, "What spectacle is this? What is that entity?" Responding to Abraham, Darkness acknowledges his presence, suspecting a connection to someone of significance. Reassuringly, Darkness suggests, "Do not fear; allow me to conclude this."

The darkness lifted the rubble and underneath it, two individuals with horns and gray skin, similar to the baby, were crushed and lifeless. Before my very eyes, their blood began to flow back into their bodies, their wounds healed, and they opened their eyes. They appeared shocked, but the woman took the baby and embraced it. They began speaking in a language I did not recognize. Is this the afterlife?

-Darkness: No, it's a dream. You're not dead, my friend.

-Abraham: How can that be? I was torn apart in half. It's impossible that I'm alive.

-Darkness:"You're only dreaming, and you shouldn't be here. I will take care of the child and her parents. The robots are under my protection. Fate is my enemy, as it seems to be yours as well. I cannot change your past, but I can tell you this - your story will continue. Wake up, people are waiting for you. The one you lost is already by your side. Her name is Esmeralda, her very essence. The other, Veronica, will wait for both of you. Wake up, you do not belong here"

I felt as though I had been sucked into a swirling vortex as the world faded before my eyes. The light on the other side beckoned me, voices whispered in the distance, and figures began to materialize.

Abraham let out a deep breath as he awoke, surrounded by strangers in a strange place. A civilian soldier examined him, noting that he was one of the few who had only his head and torso intact. The medical soldier marveled at the miraculous sight before him, ensuring Abraham was warm and covered. "You've been given a second chance at life," he said softly. Confusion clouded Abraham's mind as he tried to piece together what had happened. He recalled battling monstrous creatures, being outnumbered and overwhelmed. But then, a blur. "Where am I?" he asked, his voice shaky. "In Star City Judah," came the reply. "You're a survivor, a fighter. Your body is whole once more." The medical soldier encouraged Abraham to check himself, to feel the reality of his resurrection.

As observing my exposed body, I come to the realization that I am in a state of undress. My last recollection involves a harrowing encounter where I suffered the loss of my limbs and was set upon by mutated beasts. Prior to losing consciousness, I faintly recall a entity intervening in the situation, witnessing my injuries, and then shutting my eyes. However, I now find myself in a state where my limbs are intact, mobile, and perceptible. Adjacent to me, I become attentive to a dialogue between individuals:

- Civilian Soldier: This individual is regaining consciousness as well. Fortunately, your injuries appear to be less severe. May we inquire as to your identity, soldier?

- Esmeralda: I am Esmeralda Santillan, a Hunter ranked C, 18 years of age.

At the mere mention of her name, an inexplicable pull tugged at my heartstrings, prompting me to rise and gravitate towards her. Brushing past the soldier who was assisting me, I found myself locked in a gaze with the enigmatic woman before me. With vivid eyes, fiery fire hair, and a soft-spoken demeanor, she embodied the very essence of the girl I had envisioned.

-Abraham: Abraham Kintanilla at your service.

I introduced myself, captivated by her presence.

- Esmeralda:No way. You appeared in my dreams. Improbable, yet undeniably true.

I acknowledged with a knowing smile. Observing me closely.

-Esmeralda:"You seem older now. And Naked. The gray hair suits you."

A chuckle escaped her lips, a familiar sound that rekindled memories long forgotten. It dawned on me then; beneath the veneer of Erika's hand, it was her touch I sought. The floodgates of emotion overwhelmed me as I enveloped her in a heartfelt embrace, oblivious to the curious onlookers surrounding us. In this tangled web of fate, confusion reigned supreme, leaving us both bewildered and powerless before the force of our reunion.

-Esmeralda: Ah, there you are, as if fate itself orchestrated our meeting. Do you not find it fascinating how life weaves our paths together in such mysterious ways?

-Abraham: Fate's hand may be stern, yet I find solace in the shadows, for they seem more forgiving than any god shaping our destinies. Esmeralda: Indeed, I encountered a being who whispered to me, "Your dreams are but memories of your past; do not resist them, but rather embrace them as your second chance."

-Abraham: It is a difficult truth to swallow, that our yesterdays cannot be rewritten, but together, we can create a tomorrow that shines brighter than any yesterday.

-Esmeralda: Let us walk hand in hand towards a future where our past is but a distant echo, and our love is the melody that guides us forward.

An individual whom I had never met before interrupted our conversation.

-Hunter rank B: Esmeralda, what's going on with that naked man?

-Esmeralda: Oh, Tony, it appears I've found my future baby-maker.

-Tony: What? You're my partner!

-Esmeralda: I've made myself clear, Tony. You have other lovers to attend to. I am not one of them.

-Tony: This stranger will only bring you trouble.

-Abraham: Tony? Could it be... nevermind. Let's focus on our future together, making a family and exploring my hometown.

-Esmeralda: Really? And don't forget about meeting my parents, too. Let us not concern ourselves with him; perhaps he is reevaluating his past and seeking a more down-to-earth partner this time. Nonetheless, I am already committed to another, as I have been since birth, correct?

-Medical soldier: I may not understand what's happening here, but the naked man clearly needs clothes and both of you could use a check-up, at the very least.

A thunderous voice booms through the surroundings, causing the ground to shake like a fearsome monster's roar.


-Soldiers: Behold the divine command of the goddess!

-Medical soldier: Here we stand, awaiting her presence. In the meantime, let us continue caring for those inside the container. Their time is fleeting, a mere moment before they are released. Truly, we are but humble servants of the goddess.

-Abraham: Her voice carries with it a blend of anger and sorrow, a palpable presence that resonates within me.

-Esmeralda: It appears that all are gathered here.

-Abraham: I have sensed this connection before, in a vision where her voice was both formidable and soothing. She is the one who sustains us, the one who stands near that entity… As Abraham envelops Esmeralda in his arms, they receive assistance from the team in the plaza, amidst the chaos of the unfolding events.

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