Evilness, the all-consuming power that holds sway over life and death.

Chapter 19. Help falling from the sky, a unexpected meeting?

Unknown: "Look, he's coming. I was getting tired of being alone for what felt like an eternity. But at least I have you guys, even if you are lizard-like creatures with wings. Just be careful, he's a tough opponent and even for you guys, it won't be easy. Use your speed to your advantage, treat him like a ball and don't give him time to strategize. Luckily, he's still limited by human thinking."

As he caress one of the dragons who approached him, sitting in the rock he noticed their concern and how they were trying to tell him something.

Unknown: "Don't worry about his living armor; it seems to have its own agenda that aligns with ours. So there's no need to fear for your safety unless you pose a threat to it. Meanwhile, my brother is the most cunning among us and he gave us the most trial task that will success. But in the worst case scenario, I'll join the game and save you guys."

The android dragons trust this person as their master and companion, following his every word without hesitation.The group of dragons started to fly over the figure of a human sitting on a rock, waiting for his role in this game of life.

As Aido and Destroyer come crashing towards their destination, they are overwhelmed by the incredible force pushing them forward. Aido is caught in a state of panic and has lost control of himself and his protector, while Destroyer tries to maintain some sense of stability in the midst of chaos.

Destroyer: "The strength propelling us forward surpasses any entity we have encountered, even more powerful than Frenia. It will be difficult to regain our balance. My lord?"

I can hear your voice in my mind, my dear Destroyer, but my body is racked with agony.

Destroyer: "Do not resist, my lord; allow me to merge with you. We are one, and I am here to support you. My body is an extension of yours, and the energy pulsing through us responds to my power - inertia, gravity, all forces affecting your body because you are allowing it. Fear is our true enemy at this moment, so calm yourself. It feels as though we are miles away from the battlefield."

I must clear my mind and focus on the task at hand. Despite the discomfort, I know that the people are counting on me to protect them.

Destroyer: "Your body is not in pain, but it is your fear that is causing your physical reactions. Remember, as a Retter Messiah, you are invulnerable and your fear stems from concern for those you care about. But they are strong and stand ready to face any threat. You cannot save everyone, so be selfish and find comfort in knowing your loved ones will be safe. Stay present in the moment."

As I acknowledge my physical form, I understand that the Destroyer is both my armor and my friend, with a part of my own soul. I must let go of these emotions that are harming me mentally and spiritually. Once I do, I will find solid ground once again.

Destroyer: "My lord, I have unfortunate news. An approaching entity is closing in on our location at a rapid pace. Their trajectory is clearly aimed towards us. They will reach us very soon."

The enemy! Just when I was trying to gather my thoughts and adjust to the situation, I feel the urge to retreat. However, I must trust my comrades with the task at hand as I have my own problems to deal with right now.

Destroyer: "Here they come!"

Aido: "I can see them. What are those? Dragons? Androids?"

As I strain to make sense of the chaotic scene before me, I realize that it comprises of a dozen dragon-shaped robots hurtling towards us at an alarming speed. Some have already zoomed past us.

Destroyer: "They're taking formation. Prepare for battle."

Aido: "In mid-air? This is going to be intense."

Destroyer: "The first ones have arrived and they're surrounding us. Oddly enough, they don't seem to be attacking. Are they afraid?"

Aido: "No, I think they're waiting for something. But what?"

Destroyer: "It's remarkable. They've formed a pattern and are keeping up with our breakneck speed effortlessly. We're essentially a bullet in flight and yet they appear unfazed."

Aido: "That's true. But what should we do? I'm at a loss."

They surround us, watching with intense focus. Their size is overwhelming. They've trapped us in a way that's similar to how one would trap an animal, leaving us with nowhere to escape. The ground below us is far out of reach and all I can see are clouds passing by. Going back to the city in this state would put my friends in danger, but the speed at which we're moving is no joke. The landscape is rapidly changing, indicating that we're possibly hundreds of kilometers away from the city. It's strange how they move without flapping their wings; it's as if they're unaffected by the wind currents, existing in a different realm altogether. We must fight them here before they reach my people. However, their formation appears impenetrable and I spot no weak points. All I can see are their glowing red eyes, reminiscent of normal androids. But I doubt my attacks could take them down, especially at their swift pace. If they go and assist the monster that my people are currently fighting, our losses will only increase. But at the same time, I need to return to protect my people.

Destroyer: "Our current momentum is decreasing, and we are starting to descend rapidly. The enemy is approaching, seemingly having anticipated our downfall."

The use of flames and molten lava has been effective thus far, but with our adversaries now able to take flight, I am considering the possibility that their dragon-like characteristics might render them immune to fire. On the other hand, our cold and icy attacks have proven effective against flying opponents in the past. Just as I notice one of them advancing towards me, I am suddenly grabbed from behind by another, displaying remarkable agility and strength. They throw me to another dragon out of formation, and I struggle to regain control as I am swiftly passed between dragons as if we are mere toys.

Destroyer: "They are employing speed and force to keep us suspended in the air, guiding us towards an unknown destination."

Aido: "Directed? So they are not engaging in direct combat with us? I may not have your keen insight, but could it be possible that their intention is to remove us from the battlefield?"

Destroyer: "I cannot say for certain, but I have a strong feeling deep within me that it is the case."

Aido: "I, too, feel a similar intuition rising within me. But for what purpose?"

That is the puzzle plaguing my mind as I once again feel the world spinning around me.

Destroyer said, "The power they wield is no less than that of the unknown person who threw us away. As we hover in the sky, a plan forms in my mind - perhaps we can freeze them in place and bring them down. I will lend my skills to aid in this endeavor."

Aido responded, "I'm not up for it at the moment, so please take the lead." We wait for one of the attackers to make a move, knowing that if we freeze one, the others will surely try to take its place. It's inevitable that we must engage in combat, even if they are not willing. Adding to the challenge is the fact that I have no idea of our location; I can only hope to spot the coastline to lead us to the city, though that will take time. Nonetheless, I am prepared for whatever lies ahead.

Destroyer exclaimed, "Here, the time we make contact!"

Aido replied, "Let's do this. Freeze!"

As I make contact with the creature resembling a dragon, I can't shake the sensation that it's more alive than the industrial androids I'm used to, and it's kind of warm. It resists for a moment, but soon succumbs to the weight of the ice, plummeting towards the ground. Surprisingly, I find myself feeling a pang of guilt for incapacitating something that's merely tossing me away as children playing with a toy, but their intention may not be good. 

Destroyer: "The others are approaching. Before I can even contemplate my next move, I sense a presence behind me."

Unknown: "That's enough. All passengers, disembark at the landing zone!"

With a swift motion, the stranger forcefully pushes me off with his legs against my chest, propelling me towards the ground at high speed. My susceptibility to G-forces becomes evident as the earth rapidly approaches. As I try to regain my composure, the enigmatic figure disappears without a trace, leaving me alone descending towards the ground with no dragons in sight. They seem to vanish mysteriously. Descending rapidly, despite Destroyer's assistance in managing my perception of time and enhancing my cognitive processes and speed, I find myself overwhelmed by the rapid sequence of events.

Destroyer: "Sir, I have observed a battlefield below us with thousands of individuals engaged in combat, potentially from Star City."

Aido: "Did they mention a designated landing zone? Are we here to assist or to become ensnared?"

Destroyer: "The fighting below us is strange. We are landing soon, and you will notice that they are not beasts they are fighting."

Aido: "Well, we are going to find out in mere seconds. I am landing right in the middle. Brace for impact, we are approaching the landing site."

Destroyer: "Prepare for impact."

Aido: "This will be painful!" Destroyer: "I am here to protect you, there is no need to be afraid."

Amidst the battlefield, Hunters and Demi-humans are engaged in combat against a new type of fantasy foe that differs from the usual beasts. Their primary focus is on protecting children and civilians. These new adversaries are distinct in form, resembling humanoid figures with green skin and formidable size on the ground, and winged enemies resembling avian demi-humans in the sky.

The confusion between friend and foe is compounded in this aerial battlefield. As tensions rise, a sudden disturbance from above draws their attention. Despite remaining vigilant against the enemy before them, a sense of imminent danger pervades the situation.

Rina: "Nina, something is descending from above!"

Nina: "Are we faced with more aerial threats? How is Georgina faring?"

Brayan: "She is currently engaged with a few of those peculiar birds alongside her group."

At the precise moment of impact, the resounding noise and ensuing shockwaves ripple across the battlefield, affecting all present parties—albeit some more severely than others.

Nina: "The object that fell appears to be a humanoid figure, or at least resembles something human-shaped."

Rina: "How did it manage to fall from such a great height? And your keen observation skills are remarkable, I only perceived a white blur plunging like a stone."

Nina: "I don't know where it comes from,, however, it is evident that the ongoing battle is not in our favor. Fatigue from the prolonged combat may be a contributing factor to our struggle."

The arrival of Aido and Destroyer has had a significant impact upon landing, creating a cloud of debris and dust that separates the combatants from the civilians. The Hunters find themselves unsure of the appropriate course of action, while the civilians and children are filled with terror at the sight of the descending object from the sky. Some civilians seek refuge behind the Hunters, leading to a highly tense and fearful atmosphere.

-Leonidas: Nina, do you see that? You know the drill. Investigate and ascertain whether it poses a threat.

- Ninaies: Do not worry, chief. I will approach, accompanied by Rina.

- Rina: Oki doki!

Nina, Rina, and a dozen Demi-humans stood at the ready, prepared for whatever might emerge from the swirling dust. The Hunters maintained a safe distance, forming a protective barrier for the civilians seeking shelter behind them. As a white figure materialized from the haze, its metallic armor shining in the dim light, all eyes were fixed on the mysterious humanoid form. The figure surveyed the surroundings, its helmet focusing on Nina with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. The other Demi-humans braced themselves, ready to confront the unknown entity if necessary.

Aido, visibly disoriented and in pain, muttered, "Where am I? My head is pounding, and my vision is blurred."

The Destroyer, unfazed by the chaos, replied calmly, "All damage has been nullified. We find ourselves in the midst of yet another battlefield, surrounded by demi humans, humans, and hunters. It seems we are indeed in the midst of the very individuals I mentioned before".

I noticed a young woman who bears a striking resemblance to the little girl I lost in a tragedy. The other girl is clearly a demi-human, even though she has less fur than one. It is possible that she is one of the demi-humans from the settlement beyond the wall, the very individuals we were trying to assist. From what I could tell, the majority of the humans present are civilians who have been outnumbered and forced into a canyon. Outside, behind the girls and the group of demi-humans, there is a fierce battle. I recognize the enemy, as they are very familiar from my dreams. It seems that something from my dreams is here, fighting the demi-humans as the hunters.

Aido: "It seems to be a skirmish, but let us first make sure they understand our intentions."

Rina: "Is that a knight in white armor? Where is their horse? Are they a friend? I only see one but heard two voices."

Ninaies:" We can ask later. Let's talk to them first."

Rina: "Right! I am beside you, my Nina"

Aido: "My head still hurts, but we are here to help. My name is Aido."

Nina's heart skipped a beat as she surveyed the figures before her, one with keen eyes and the other hidden from view. She cautiously introduced herself, her voice steady yet brimming with urgency. "I am Nina, and by my side is Rina, our fellow demi humans. We are in dire straits, time is not on our side. Are you part of the humans' alliance? Is that armor a newfound relic?"

As the enigmatic figure approached, the tension hung palpably in the air. Nina, with a subtle gesture, signaled for her companions to stand down, hoping for a peaceful exchange.

Ninaies: "Hold, Aido, are you the prophesied Savior, that name is not common?"

Aido: "How do you know of the Savior, being a demi human?"

Ninaies: "The hunters in Star City shared whispers of the Savior before we were forced to flee. The rumors spoke of a beacon of hope in dark times."

Rina understands that the individual who has arrived to assist them is a member of the team designated for their rescue. Her joyful reaction is apparent, however, the other demi-humans and hunters remain tense due to the current situation.

Rina states, "The military has arrived, but it is only one."

Ninaies responds, "I must admit, I am taken aback. If you are indeed our savior, we implore you to aid us in our horrible predicament."

The escalating sounds of battle indicate an urgent need for immediate assistance. Prior conversation can be postponed, as the priority now is to provide aid to those in distress. Despite personal plans to return to the city, it is evident that the individuals in need take precedence at this time.

Aido concurs, stating, "Lets go, guide me."

Ninaies urges, "Stand with us and proof you are the Savior, we are desperate, we are losing the battle!"

Destroyer interjects, "My lord, the enemy ahead seems to be of humanoid origin, rather than mutated beasts."

Filled with astonishment, Rina gasps, "A humanoid! The armor speaks? Androids are even more captivating than I ever dreamed." With a knowing look, Aido explains, "The Destroyer acts as my living armor. And to answer your query, they are indeed Orcs." Intrigued, Ninaies muses, "So, they bear resemblance to the creatures of old tales and folklore? If that's the truth, then our suspicions were right - they're not mere beasts. I always pictured them as pig-like beings instead of towering green giants."

Rina: "Pigs may be cute, but these creatures are far from it. They are ugly and smelly. At least they are not as strong as beast lizardmen or our own lizard demi-humans."

Aido: "Let's not focus on that. Right now, they are simply monsters. Ninaies: They possess great strength, making this upcoming battle a formidable challenge. They are stronger than normal beasts, that is a fact."

Destroyer: "Let us test their toughness, shall we?"

The battlefield is chaotic, a whirlwind of demi-human combat unlike anything I've seen – no place for grand spells here. It's raw power that rules this domain, a clash of strength and will. Even the hunters, seasoned as they may be, appear unaccustomed to the sheer physicality of this battleground. The orcs, while formidable, seem outmatched; their blows are fierce but superficial in the grand scheme of battle.

Aido said, "These orcs are unlike any others I've encountered. Still, they are formidable opponents and will pose a challenge to hunters and demi-humans alike."

Rina added, "Their skin is so hard! It takes me a long time to break through with my dagger, even though it's very sharp! Arrows are almost a waste as they do not bleed much; the wounds are light."

Ninaies mentioned, "It takes several attacks, sometimes several of us, to take one down. But the real problem is different – we are tired and starving."

Stronger than the average beast of rank 1, yet not quite at the level of rank 2 as the girls mention, it's their sheer numbers that pose the real challenge. Let us wield our flaming swords to tackle this horde.

Destroyer acknowledged, "Understood, I'll scout ahead to locate the enemy positions."

As we plunge into the heart of battle, I am mesmerized by the swirling dance of conflict unfolding before me. The fierce warrior maidens stand united, a force to be reckoned with, each one radiating strength and determination. In their midst stands a werelion, a diminutive figure compared to the other towering demi-human males, yet his presence exudes authority and commands respect with every graceful movement. Leading the charge is the chieftain of the Demi-human alliance, flanked by his daughters who bear a striking resemblance to my beloved Nina. Together, they weave through the chaos of the battlefield with an uncanny sense of order, strategically directing their forces to prevent the enemy from breaching the canyon entrance. Amidst the tumultuous clash of swords and arrows, they adeptly utilize the dense forest terrain to their advantage, cleverly dividing and conquering their foes. In this frenzied display of skill and strategy, it becomes apparent that the chieftain and his people are not only adept at fighting off their adversaries but also adept at outmaneuvering them, turning the very landscape into a strategic ally in their quest for victory.

Aido: "We need to create space and prioritize tackling the largest group first."

Entering the midst of a pack of 14 orcs engaged in combat with demi-humans, my flaming sword effortlessly cuts through their tough hide. Though their skin provides some resistance, it is no match for the searing heat of my weapon. One of the orcs, locking eyes with me, charges forward with an axe. I quickly dodge, delivering a precise strike that reduces his arm to molten flesh. Rather than screaming in panic, the orcs charge towards me with the remaining strength in their bodies, even with one losing its right arm. Taking a moment to focus, I swing my blade through the air, leaving only a small gash. With repeated strikes, I finally pierce its chest, sending it crashing to the ground. Unlike beasts, these orcs show a different strategy - protecting each other and seeking openings for their companions to attack. It appears their group is well-trained. The demi-humans, though strong and tough, are beginning to weaken under the relentless assaults of the orcs.

Destroyer: "My lord, I have located the leader of the orcs, a large and powerful one."

The orc was not easy to spot, even with his large build. It seemed to be observing the battle from the shadows of the forest and decided to join in when he noticed us. It is possible he is trying to protect his companions, or maybe he just wants to kill us first, which would be easier than dealing with the demi-humans. He is coming straight at us, and the rest are following him. This is going to be a hard battle.

Destroyer: "The orc's flesh gives way like softened iron, not the unyielding rock we feared. We stand a chance here, but more foes approach with each passing moment."

The towering orc lunged forward at me with a warhammer ready to strike. It was difficult to dodge in this battlefield where everyone engaged in duels and combats of 1 vs. many. It was better to face the attack head-on, using all my strength to push my body. My feet were firmly planted into the ground, and I felt my knees start to bend, but my sword remained steady. When the sword made contact with the hammer, I could feel my arms trembling and my feet sinking deeper, but I kept pushing until I heard the sound of something breaking. The orc was still standing, but the warhammer was now broken into pieces.

He looked at me with anger and bloodlust in his eyes, then he threw the hammer aside and picked up a spear from his back. This time he approached more cautiously, circling me while maintaining a safe distance. Suddenly, he ran towards me faster than before and threw his spear. It was coming at me so fast that I barely had enough time to react. I raised my sword to block it, but the impact momentarily blinded me. Although his body was outside my line of sight, I could still sense his movements. He attempted a powerful punch to my vital organs, and I used my sword to defend myself. Despite his strength, his fist clashed with my sword, revealing a fatal mistake on his part. As powerful as he was, he was no match for Frenia's strength. With my sword tightly gripped in my hand, I boldly thrust forward, feeling the edge of my blade make contact with the earth as it kicked up dust. In a swift motion, I deftly slashed upward from below, catching my opponent off guard. He was standing too close and unable to react in time to evade my strike, leading to my sword cutting his chest from right to left. His movement halted, but his body became an obstacle in the ongoing battlefield with other opponents. I removed his body by kicking it, causing it to be thrown. Despite his lack of audible pain, I understood his heart had ceased beating. While he was not deceased at that point, it was evident he would not endure for much longer.


Aido declared, "Let's bring this battle to a final conclusion, once and for all."

Rina pointed out with awe, "Behold, Nina, a gallant knight stands before us, no mere fairy tale this time."

Ninaies observed, "I see more bloodshed than fairy tales. But maybe that's exactly what we need, Rina. Let's offer our aid."

As the two spirited girls rushed towards the orcs beside me, the tides seemed to shift in our favor after defeating their leader. The orcs' resolve wavered, and together with the girls, I effortlessly disposed of them. Some began to retreat, losing their ferocity. Yet, the girls were resolute in their pursuit, ensuring none would escape.

Rina cheered, "Victory is ours!"

Aido remarked in disbelief, "That was quite ruthless for such charming creatures."

Rina teased, "Am I cute, then?"

Aido playfully replied, "Undoubtedly, you're absolutely adorable."

Ninaies quipped, "Looks like sparks are flying between you two, Aido."

A shiver raced down my spine, a familiar sensation akin to when Luyira would scold me for interacting with other girls. There was a change in her, yet a glimmer of similarity lingered.

Nina said, "We will take care of the rest. You stay here and guard the civilians. We don't want to scare them any more than they already are."

It seems like she's being cautious, which is understandable given the circumstances. Trusting someone who appears to have come down from the sky is not an easy decision. Now, I'm struggling with whether to go back to Luyira with my mother and the others or stay here where my help is needed more urgently. After watching the recent fighting, I noticed that the demi-human fighters are almost as skilled as the civilian army. The main difference is that while the demi-humans may have greater physical strength, their combat abilities are not as strong as I had expected, with some exceptions. Also, even though Nina seems to be a hunter of A rank, what can be said about her sister?

Aido pondered with a furrowed brow, his eyes reflecting the flickering firelight as he questioned, "Was the girl a raccoon or a squirrel?"

Destroyer, ever loyal and analytic by his side, replied in a tone of certainty, "A raccoon, my lord."

With a thoughtful gaze, Aido pressed on, "Can a lion truly produce a raccoon offspring?"

Destroyer explained, delving into the complexities of demi-human genetics with a touch of fascination. He spoke of interbreeding, dominant traits, and the delicate balance of species mingling. As he finished, he mused about the mysterious ability of Mary the saint, a power that could smooth over any potential biological conflicts.

Aido's mind raced with possibilities, connecting the threads of information he had gathered. "So it is possible that both girls are the daughters of the Lion chieftain," he concluded with a note of intrigue.

Destroyer, impressed by his master's deductive skills, inquired, "But how did you reach that conclusion?"

Aido recounted the encounter with the demi-humans at the wall, the names whispered in hushed tones - Nerisse, Michi, and the elusive other. He revealed the vital information shared with him, the revelation that Nina and Rina were indeed the lion chieftain's offspring. "They revere him as a father and leader," he added, a glint of realization in his eyes. "The chieftain's daughters?" the Destroyer echoed, piecing together the puzzle. Aido nodded, a smirk playing on his lips. "It's no surprise that the demi-humans at the wall would be drawn to the heirs of the main tribe. A tale as old as time, of kinship and alliances forged in the most unexpected of places."

There is a chance, just the slightest possibility, that the Nina before me is the one I have known all along. Her face remains unchanged, her mannerisms familiar. I can see the recognition flicker in her eyes when she hears my name. But beneath the surface lies a mysterious tale of the bond between father and daughter, a story waiting to be unraveled.

A timid young demi-human cub cautiously approached me, taking my hand with a small, dirt-streaked palm that told a tale of hardship and hunger. It was evident that they had endured a long journey filled with struggle and uncertainty. As I thought of my steadfast companions - the cheerful and playful Luyira, the formidable motherly figure of Alidia and Frenia with intense presence, always ready to take charge and make bold decisions. - I couldn't shake the worry for our more vulnerable allies. In the midst of our strong team, it was the weaker ones who weighed on my mind the most. Who are the persons that appears to wield powers similar to the Retter Messiah, they are enemies? then why they bring me to help, they do not seem to help the beast but neither do they help us, and they are most likely the persons behind those monsters.Who are these mysterious individuals who seem to possess powers akin to the Retter Messiah? Are they our foes? And yet, why do they call upon me to aid here? Their motives remain murky as they neither assist the beast nor stand with us. It is probable that they are the masterminds behind those monstrous creatures

Destroyer inquired, "My lord, does the name of the girl you are searching for ring a bell? Could she be the one you are seeking?"

Aido responded, "Indeed, it is quite possible. Can you provide an analysis of this young individual?"

The Destroyer observed, "Although the young cub does not appear to be starving, it is evident that he has gone without sustenance for at least two days. His tired demeanor reflects exhaustion, and there is a noticeable sense of anxiety surrounding him."

The cat-like demi-human cub asked, "How do you speak with two voices?"

Aido explained, "I encompass two souls within one body. And what about your parents, little one?"

Sisi sadly replied, "They are gone. Sisi tries to wake them, but they remain still. They rest in a realm beyond our reach."

Aido inquired, "Do you have anyone to look after you now?"

Sisi responded, "No, the adults have fled and hidden, while Sisi follows them, always amidst the chaos of battle against monstrous foes."

Aido remarked, "Sisi is quite articulate for a young child, a lone orphan navigating a world filled with danger and uncertainty."

The cub's tail twitched nervously as he gazed up at Aido with wide eyes, "Sisi is not a cub, but an adult in cat years. Still, Sisi remains weak and helpless in this perilous land."

From a distance, I hear the voice of a middle-aged man, gentle but filled with concern.

Leonidas: "Yes, one of the waves of monsters caught us off guard, and we lost more than a few people, both demi-humans and humans. As you can see, the new beasts are intelligent, and I swear they can communicate with each other, but I couldn't understand them. This little fellow lost his only family, but he is not alone; we have many children with us."

Aido: "I see, he is going to be okay. We will find a family for him, but first, we have to deal with the situation."

Leonidas: "Yes, we must take action, but this battle was more challenging than I anticipated. If we continue east, we will eventually reach the large nest. We are running low on food and water, and most fighters are being nourished to prevent the enemies from reaching the vulnerable. I apologize for not introducing myself earlier. I am Leonidas, the chieftain of the demi-humans. We lost most of the elders in the aforementioned wave, so most commands currently come from me. My daughter Nina, her friend Rina, and my wife are overseeing the non-combatants. Brayan, the large black wolf you see over there, is leading the ground forces, and Georgina, the one flying above us, is in charge of the flyers. We have encountered similar demi-humans fighting on the side of the enemy, as well as flying lizards. I doubt we can continue like this. And you are?"

Aido: "I am Aido Serap, ranked as a Hunter A by myself. With Destroyer covering my body, I embody characteristics similar to a Retter Messiah, although the situation is complex."

Destroyer: "I am known as Destroyer, a manifestation of advanced Aural nanotech biological power armor, a concept that is relatively straightforward for me. You can consider me a living armor"

Leonidas: "Amazing the tech you people have, we haven't seen anything like that, so I guess you are from the capital of the human empire. Our people would never go close it, the guards and soldiers would kill us on sight and send us to the mines and camps for work."

Aido: "Punishment for robbery I guess, I understand part of your previous circunstances, but they should be release after some time right."

Leonidas: "Usually, yes, that is in part the reason most demi humans do not hold a big grudge against humans, in the end we are only shunned."

Aido: "I see, so we need to come up with a plan to deal with this situation."

Leonidas: "I can see that, the orcs are retreating, and the waves are dying down."

Ninaies: "Chief, I bring news of significant victories against the orcs, with most of them being defeated and the rest being managed by the hunters."

Rina: "It is heartening news, although I cannot help but wonder if they intend to consume the orcs. Perhaps they might even find them palatable. Their bodies still in the ground, they are not descomposing like the beasts do, maybe we can consume them, they look like beef."

Ninaies: "I am not eating something that speak, but also we do not know, if that is really possible."

Destroyer: "I also against it, morally can have some impact, but moreover, consuming those creatures could lead to adverse effects on one's body."

Aido: "Could you elaborate on this topic?"

Destroyer: "Orc meat, at least this one, bears a bitter taste with lacking richness in its fat content and muscle fibers. It is full with steroids and another hormones, I analize it, when some of their blood spread over me, and when we touched their flesh. Need further analize but simple as this, a shoe sole would offer more nutrients and be less harmful for consumption."

Ninaies: "Disgusting! How could you even consider consuming such creatures? I understand you are a glutton and like to try things, but some things are simply not meant to be eaten."

Rina: "Now that you mention it, they were kind of hard to kill. Their skin and blood were strange, and they didn't bleed like we do, even when we cut them. They were strong, but not much. Maybe we need to cook them."

Ninaies: "Don't you dare. I don't want you near one of those things. Let them rot, even if it takes years. Do you hear me?"

The interaction between the two of them seemed ordinary, as most people wouldn't be bothered by it. Nevertheless, Leonidas tried to change the subject.

Leonidas: "A Retter Messiah? I have heard tales of such beings among the human race."

Hunter Namor: "Leonidas, you must be right. Aido fits the description of the Savior, signaling the impending arrival of the army and our salvation."

Rina: "Hooray! The rumors were indeed true!"

Aido: "Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's only me for now. We were just in battle in Star City a few moments ago. I'm not sure what's happening."

Rina: "Oh no, not the turtle again."

Leonidas: "The radio is basically dead. After some distance, we lose communication with people. Georgina is using one to warn us of incoming enemies. She is exhausted and needs some rest. The flying lizards are a danger, so we should send a small group to scout the situation."

Aido: "The flying lizard we encountered in the sky was quite a formidable opponent, but I managed to defeat it. Flying monsters pose a significant danger, but we should be able to defend against them with the help of demi-human warriors, whose abilities are formidable. Therefore, moving in a group is our best option at this time."

Ninaies: " Do you believe it would be wise to return to the city?"

Rina: "I am inclined to move, but I am too hungry to do so. Let us satisfy our hunger with food first, and then we can discuss our next steps."

Aido: "Leaving the refugees behind would leave them vulnerable to attacks by the beasts, potentially even from the returning orcs. We have no alternative but to stay here for the time being and protect them."

Her expressions evoked a sense of familiarity that brought a smile to my face, hinting at a resemblance to Luy's innocence and quirkiness, though with an added childlike quality that made her all the more endearing. Luyira, on the contrary, never displayed such a personality, Rina is quite a handful herself.

Aido: "The battle was indeed challenging, but I trust my mother, Frenia, and my sister, also a Retter Messiah, to remain safe. They must be safe."

Leonidas pondered, "Can the strength of the Retter Messiah truly be as magnificent as you claim? We faced the fearsome beast ourselves and were overcome; that behemoth was truly a towering force to reckon with. Yet, most of its minions were mere ordinary creatures. Tell me, have you ever crossed paths with a man by the name of Alejandro?"

Aido:"Alejandro? The city's leader? We stumbled upon an empty city and fell into an ambush."

Rina: "Empty?"

Leonidas: "It seems they chose to perish, fighting to the end. It was a scene of immense loss, a harrowing reminder of the true monsters among us. Humans have not shown us kindness, but I never wished harm upon them. Those creatures... they are the true monsters.

Aido: "I will protect you until we rendezvous with the army. Please share all the information you can."

Leonidas: "Over the past two days, our group has been attacked from multiple directions. To protect ourselves from further assaults, we have decided to camp in a canyon with only two accessible paths. Georgina and her team are guarding our defensive position, keeping a lookout in the skies for potential threats coming from the east, north, and west. The attacks usually involve around a thousand individuals in total. We have about six hundred combatants and six thousand civilians, including a large number of children from Star City. These children may be as strong as demi-human cubs, but they are still young and vulnerable.

Leonidas shows an air of concern for the children, even if most of them are human. It is good that he can see the children as kids and not as soldiers, even though they possibly have noble blood. Most of them are below their first spring, not even young adults

Interestingly, the attackers are now showing signs of retreating, which is unusual for them. Following the initial attack, we have noticed smaller waves of hundreds of orc-like creatures armed with bows, swords, and lances. Although they are stronger than typical beasts, they are not as dangerous as lizard men. The orcs seem to be more muscular but less resilient than other humanoid races like hunters or demi-humans. Our main concern is that these orcs specifically target civilians, forcing them to seek shelter under the cliffs to avoid being hit by arrows or ambushed

Aido: "These creatures are not mere beasts nor are they friendly, but why do they attack a caravan of displaced people? Our first priority must be to secure a sanctuary, a stronghold against their relentless attacks. If their attacks are measured and not overwhelming, it implies a strategy to weaken us. Are they aiming for abduction and violation, as often portrayed in the tales of orcish brutality?"

Leonidas: "I am struggling to grasp the truth. Our initial battle was not just against orcs and lizardfolk, but a coalition of enemies. The skies were filled with winged terrors and other strange half-breeds such as dragons and giant birds. The lizardfolk are skilled in using fire and magic. We most frequently encounter orcs and these flying creatures. Our supplies are running low; only the Winged Tribe possesses firearms. Though they are weak in combat, with firearms they were able to repel the flying enemies, including the dragon you mentioned. They are located at the top of the canyon, if you wish to inspect their corpses."

Aido: " If these flying creatures are similar to ones I've fought before, they pose the greatest threat. I will work on creating a stronger refuge. Come, Sisi, let go of my hand, little one."

Approaching the edge of the cliff, Aido, with the help of Destroyer, begins to shape the stone, creating a cave as a giant mole.

Aido: "How often do these attacks happen?"

Rina: "Sometimes hours go by, other times it's only moments. Nina, look at how he shapes the rock as if it were sand by the shore."

Ninaies: "It's amazing to see."

Aido: "My architectural skills are modest; guide me, Destroyer. I don't want to harm them with my creation."

Destroyer: "I will help as best as I can. It will take time, but I think we can build a large enough sanctuary."

Ninaies: "Don't worry, I will ensure it's fortified well for lasting endurance. We need to call upon our best builders for this task. Let's get to work, we have a lot to do."

Leonidas: "Our numbers exceed 7000 individuals." Destroyer: "I am drafting plans for a structure that will cover 20,000 cubic meters. It will be somewhat cramped, but it will provide shelter for all of us."

Ninaies: "The warriors will stay outside the boundaries of the sanctuary, allowing for more room inside."

Rina: "Building such a stronghold will be a challenging journey, but it will be filled with a sense of adventure!"

Leonidas: "Indeed, it will be a marvel. However, one must wonder if the refugees will trust in its safety, and what about the beasts that are with us?"

Aido: "I intend to reinforce the inner sanctum with an alloy to increase its durability. Survival inside seems possible, but without provisions of food and water, this refuge could become our tomb. Gather all containers; I will fill them with water."

As Aido, with the help of Destroyer, carefully carves into the cliffside, he occasionally stops to fill various containers with water. The limited food supplies present a serious challenge. Even if reinforcements arrive soon, the continuous attacks from their new adversaries could leave the caravan on the verge of starvation within three days. The urgency of their situation sets a somber pace to their efforts, as they hurry to fortify their temporary refuge.

Ninaies remarked, "The environment here is surprisingly comfortable. Are these ducts designed for air circulation?"

The Destroyer confirmed, "Yes, they are. Safety is ensured; our defenses are impenetrable unless the enemy possesses the strength of a Titanic beast."

Rina expressed, "I have had enough of facing monstrous adversaries; I hope to avoid such encounters in the future."

Aido reflected, "We have overcome one before, but the battle with the turtle was formidable. It seemed as though they had been lying in ambush for us."

Feeling the weight of his armor, Aido removed his helmet, allowing the cool breeze to brush against his face. Nina's eyes widened in recognition, a glimpse of her youthful innocence appearing briefly before she regained her composed demeanor.

Ninaies inquired, "Aido? Are you from a small village?"

Aido confirmed, "Yes, Nina. You have hardly changed—only grown taller and even more radiant."

Leonidas interjected, "You know my daughter?"

Aido responded, "We crossed paths years ago, when she was just a child."

Ninaies recalled, "That's true, but you have transformed significantly. Where is the boy who used to follow me around, witnessing baby-making seasons and exploring the woods with a stick in hand?"

Aido reminisced, "Ah, those were simpler times. And you were the one spying on your parents during intimate moments, teasing that we would do the same one day."

Rina chimed in, "Oh my, so he's the young lad from back then! Well, he certainly is not so young or boyish anymore, hehe. Oh, Nina, you mischievous little gal."

Aido complimented, "And you, Rina, exude charm and allure in your own way."

Ninaies interjected, "Aido, you are an adult now; it is inappropriate to flirt with youngsters."

Rina retorted, "I am no child; I am a woman, and he is mine."

Ninaies countered, "Since when? He belongs to me.""

In a flurry of emotions and intrigue, Rina clasped onto Nina's delicate arm, her gaze wide with urgency, reminiscent of a damsel in distress. With a sweeping gesture, she implored Nina, her words dripping with determination.

Rina: "Well, ours! Sharing is caring!"

Amid the spectacle, the enigmatic Destroyer couldn't help but interject with a flicker of amusement in his voice.

Destroyer: "Though this spectacle is quite captivating, let us not forget, ladies, he already has three beloveds."

Caught off guard by the sudden revelation, Aido winced, while Ninaies' eyes widened in disbelief.

Ninaies: "Three wives?!"

Undeterred by the shocking news, Rina flashed a mischievous grin and boldly declared her claim.

Rina: "Three is too many to divide, so he is mine!"

In a moment of uncertainty, Leonidas turned to Aido, seeking clarification.

Leonidas: "Aido, is this really true?"

Aido stumbled over words, fumbling to explain his complicated situation.

Aido: "My emotions for them run as deep as the boundless ocean, though admittedly, it's a bit intricate and slightly awkward."

Seizing the opportunity amidst the tumultuous emotions, Rina stepped closer to Aido, her youthful demeanor masking a boldness beyond her years. Rina: "Tell me, do you yearn for me?"

Caught off guard by her directness, Aido hesitated, his response hanging in the air.

Aido: "Well... I suppose..."

Ninaies, with her fiery competitive spirit, stood her ground defiantly.

Ninaies: "Rina, mark my words, victory will be mine!"

Leonidas, sensing the impending drama, let out a deep, resigned sigh.

Leonidas: "Chimara is not going to be pleased with this turn of events."

The tension in the air diffused as laughter erupted within the group, temporarily lifting the weight of their somber circumstances. Aido, seizing the moment to refocus their energies, redirected their attention to the pressing issues at hand.

Aido: "We have much to deliberate on later. But for now, let us prioritize our resources. A shelter without sustenance is merely a mausoleum waiting to claim us."

The mirthful banter subsided as the gravity of Aido's words sank in. The lighthearted disputes were set aside as they collectively turned their gaze towards securing the survival of their community, understanding that their unity and cooperation would be their greatest assets in facing the trials ahead. Aido observed the long shadows cast by the torchlight on the stone walls, reflecting the uncertainty looming over them. He recognized that mere walls would not ensure their survival—what they truly needed was the combined strength and wisdom of every individual present

Leonidas: "I have a idea, it could be a little crazy but I am sure is a good option."

Ninaies listened intently as her father, Leonidas, shared his thoughts. The situation was dire, and his proposal could be a turning point.

Leonidas: "The waves of enemies haven't been stronger than our forces, which is odd given our situation. As you mentioned, our real problem is food. If our hunters and warriors, the demi-humans among us, fall to starvation, the rest will follow. My idea is somewhat radical, but it might be our only chance since they are close to us right now."

Ninaies: "What do you mean, father?"

Leonidas: "The nests. Brayan, come here. I need to discuss something with you, and bring Chimara too."

Brayan: "At your command, I'll bring her."

As Brayan departed to fetch Chimara, Leonidas turned back to the group, his expression serious.

Leonidas: "Meanwhile, do you all know about the Nests?"

Aido: "I've heard they're where beasts spawn. My mother mentioned they might be machines of some sort, but they usually look like caves that have collapsed".

Ninaies: "I've never actually seen one, neither has Rina."

Rina: "We usually steer clear of them. The stories about people who've found them are far from pleasant."

Leonidas: "Yes, I understand. When I was younger, before becoming a chieftain, we discovered a few nests in our territory. They were small, housed within buildings filled with strange machinery and a peculiar liquid. While observing one of the machines, a beast emerged from a capsule. We managed to defeat it, but then I realized the potential of what we were dealing with. I destroyed the machines, and in the process, the strange liquid splashed onto me. It made me feel stronger, full of energy. I didn't need to eat for several days afterward, and my body became what it is now. We collected the liquid from the other nests and distributed it among the tribe. Most of the tribe survived on it for months."

The group absorbed Leonidas's story, the implications of his words slowly dawning on them. The nests, a source of peril, could also be a crucial resource. If they could harness whatever power the liquid held, perhaps they could stave off starvation and strengthen their people.

Ninaies: "So, you believe these nests could help us now? That the liquid could sustain us again?

Leonidas: "Exactly. It's a risk, but one that might be worth taking given our circumstances. We need to investigate the nests again, collect the liquid, and perhaps find a way to replicate its effects. It could be the key to our survival."

The group nodded, understanding the gravity of the proposal. As they awaited Brayan and Chimara's arrival, each person mentally prepared for the possibility of venturing into the dangerous territories of the nests. The decision was fraught with peril, but the potential rewards could mean the difference between life and death for their community.

The Destroyer pondered the mysterious liquid before them, hinting at its potential ties to creatures of regeneration. If one were to imbibe it, the consequences could be catastrophic unless... it operated as a kind of primordial soup.

Rina, always seeing the bright side, perked up eagerly at the mention of soup. "Soup? Count me in! Is it tasty?" she asked with a hopeful gleam in her eye.

Ninaies, with a gentle eye roll at Rina's innocence, gently set the record straight, "I don't think he meant that kind of soup, dear."

Leonidas mused, "Could we utilize these nests to secure food?"

Aido chimed in, "It's worth a shot. I believe it could be a viable option."

The Destroyer, addressing Rina's earlier question, explained, "It doesn't really have a distinct flavor, but it packs a nutritional punch. Often known as 'Vital energy,' it has the remarkable ability to adapt to the recipient's body. While consuming it directly without proper understanding could be wasteful, as Leonidas suggested, as a food source, it has the potential to feed masses with just a few tanks of this liquid."

Aido: "We need to devise a plan to transport a substantial amount of that liquid."

Leonidas, assuming his natural role as leader, took control of the situation. "I've got it. Allow me to organize this. I'll lead the way, and with your strength, we will secure what we need. Just give me a moment."

As Leonidas went off to make preparations, Aido turned to Ninaies with a curious gaze. "Nina, so he's somewhat like your father?"

Ninaies shared a snippet of her past, her voice tinged with affection and a touch of wistfulness. "It's a short tale. He discovered me after a certain event, and I've been part of their family ever since. Chimara is a caring and wonderful mother. Leonidas reminds me a lot of my own father, now that I think about it. They may not be very passionate in public, but their love for each other is quite evident behind closed doors."

Rina, unable to resist a bit of playful banter, chuckled. "Hehehe, very lovey-dovey."

Aido, intrigued and teasing, prodded further. "What exactly do you mean by 'lovey-dovey'?"

Ninaies, blushing slightly, playfully pushed back. "I'm not telling you, you pervert."

Rina, the playful one, couldn't resist spilling more intriguing tidbits. "She's saying they are always cuddling and smooching. It's quite amusing; watching these mature folks behaving like little kids."

Ninaies: "Rina!"

Rina: "They even take baths together, but nothing scandalous happens. Honestly, they are the sweetest pair. They just don't seem to grasp what's next, so they remain patient, expressing their love in the most understated and modest manner."

Ninaies, bewildered, could only let out her friend's name in frustration. Ninaies: "Rina!"

Destroyer: "So he played a paternal role in your life. Well done. He sounds like a remarkable person."

The group's giggles and playful banter offered a fleeting escape from their harsh reality, forging stronger bonds as they braced themselves for the trials ahead.

Ninaies: " I reckon they treat me like family because they don't have kids of their own."

Destroyer: "So they are grappling with similar issues faced by the nobility?"


Aido: "In the city, there's a healer revered as a Saint, along with numerous physicians. The city dwellers understand that one of the main concerns among hunters is their low fertility rates compared to the general populace. The strain their bodies endure during childbirth is believed to lead to complications, with the embryo sometimes proving stronger than the mother, resulting in miscarriages even before conception occurs. Their reproductive cells, particularly at the zygote stage, are impacted, making conception a challenge."

Destroyer: "Demi-humans might have an advantage in terms of breeding and reproduction owing to their distinct biology. If Leonidas and his tribe were exposed to a particular substance during their youth and consumed it extensively, it's likely to have affected their fertility, plus they do not have the equipment to make it adapt with 100% of compatibility to their bodies, what produce side effects."

This revelation sparked curiosity in both Ninaies and Rina, their eyes shining with curiosity as they held hands and spoke in unison. Ninaies inquired, "Could this be a medical condition? Is there a remedy?"

To which Rina replied, "Now that would truly be a groundbreaking discovery."

Destroyer: "It is possible, but we need more information and a better environment. I can see some pregnant females in this caravan, which only makes it harder for them. We need a future where that baby can come into this world. The girls nodded, understanding what Destroyer meant. There is hope for a person they love and respect to continue his legacy."

Aido: "It is a possibility, but we need more information before deciding on a course of action."

Ninaies: "They have been alone, they loved me so much, but I also feel the emptiness in their hearts due to the lack of children of their own. Please help them."

Ninaies's voice trembled slightly as she expressed her deep empathy for Chimara and Leonidas, revealing the emotional burden she carried regarding their unfulfilled desire for children.

Moved by Ninaies's plea, Aido reassured her with a determined nod. "Ninaies, we will do everything we can. Your adoptive parents have given you a family, and it's evident how much you all mean to each other. We'll explore every possible solution."

As Leonidas returned with his companions, the atmosphere around the group seemed to change, filled with a subtle tension and anticipation. The light from the torches appeared affected, both bright and warm simultaneously. Chimara stepped forward, her presence exuding a nurturing warmth that immediately comforted the group. Her kind and understanding eyes scanned the faces before her, acknowledging each with a gentle nod. Chimara's eyes sparkled with amusement as she observed the young warrior, Aido, standing somewhat awkwardly amongst the group. Her voice, teasing and playful, broke the momentary silence that had fallen over them.

Chimara: "Oh my, two flowers in each hand, what a lucky guy, and it has only been a short time since his arrival."

Her light and musical laughter echoed softly, easing the tension around them. She glanced at Aido, her gaze softening as she noticed the blush creeping up his cheeks. It was evident that Aido was still getting used to the dynamics of their close-knit group, and Chimara's maternal instincts couldn't help but surface, wanting to make him feel welcome and at ease.

Beside her, Brayan shifted his weight from one foot to the other, a wry smile dancing on his lips as he caught the subtle exchange. His voice carried a hint of jest but underneath there was a touch of resignation.

Brayan: "Great, there go my chances, even Rina is attached to him. My name is Brayan, I am one of the captains of the tribe of demi-humans, ranked only below Leonidas, Chimara, and those two girls."

As he introduced himself, his hand gestured casually towards Ninaies and Rina, who were chatting quietly a few steps away. His tone was lighthearted, but his eyes briefly revealed a flicker of genuine disappointment. Brayan was highly respected among his peers, a capable leader with a strong presence, yet when it came to matters of the heart, he was often led by his desires, known as the tribe's fool but reliable in important matters. Despite his playful complaint, Brayan's demeanor remained friendly and open, his posture relaxed as he observed Aido with a mix of curiosity and mild amusement. It was evident that even though he might feel a twinge of rivalry, his loyalty to the tribe and its leaders—Leonidas and Chimara—was steadfast. His dedication to their cause, to confront any challenges that came their way, shone through, strengthening the bonds of trust and camaraderie that kept their group together.

In this cheerful moment, the underlying currents of affection, rivalry, and unity intertwined, portraying a vivid picture of the complex relationships that thrived within their small, resilient community. Chimara's voice carried a mix of affection and teasing as she gestured towards Leonidas, her tone light but filled with deep fondness.

Chimara said, "I am the wife of this muscle head but wise in his own way."

Her words elicited a chuckle from those gathered, as all eyes turned to Leonidas, whose robust frame was matched only by the warmth in his eyes. He responded with a good-natured, rumbling laugh, acknowledging his wife's playful jab.

Leonidas replied, "Yes, dear."

The affectionate exchange between the couple brought smiles to the group, a testament to their strong bond and the light-hearted rapport they maintained despite the challenges they faced. Ninaies, watching the interaction with a smile, chimed in, her voice carrying a hint of mischief mixed with genuine admiration for Leonidas.

Ninaies said, "It's okay, mom, he is very brave and kind, I confirm it. He has not changed that much, only seems a little unfaithful. A trait he shares with Brayan."

Her comment, though teasing, sparked a ripple of laughter, even as she glanced sideways at Brayan, who raised an eyebrow in mock offense. The atmosphere was light, the camaraderie evident, as each member of the group appreciated the humor and the underlying truths woven into their banter. This playful yet poignant moment highlighted the dynamics within the group, showcasing their ability to weave affection, respect, and light-hearted teasing into the fabric of their relationships, strengthening their bonds as they faced their uncertain future together.

Brayan: "Honored to stand with you all. Together, we will face whatever challenges may come. Let's shoulder them as one."

As he spoke, his gaze lingered on Aido, assessing the young warrior with a mix of curiosity and respect. Feeling the weight of the gaze, Aido straightened his posture slightly, his armor clinking softly. The group's attention then turned back to Leonidas, who was watching the interactions with a proud, almost fatherly gaze. He knew the importance of unity and trust among his ranks, especially now, with the mysterious affliction looming over them like a dark cloud.

Leonidas: "We've been using radios to keep track of the battlefield. They sometimes falter, but for short-range communications, they are reliable. Georgina will remain here, leading her tribe with the wisdom and strength she has shown so brilliantly."

As he mentioned Georgina, a note of respect and assurance colored his tone, reinforcing the trust he placed in her leadership. Ninaies, standing slightly apart, watched the exchanges with a mixture of hope and worry. Her thoughts drifted to the mysterious liquid and its effects, her brow furrowing slightly. She felt a deep, personal stake in finding a solution, not just for her adoptive parents but for all those affected.

Ninaies: "It's comforting to see everyone together like this, united. But the shadow of the nests and what they might hold... it weighs heavily on my heart."

Chimara, overhearing Ninaies's soft-spoken words, moved closer to her, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We will find a way, my little flower. Your concern shows the depth of your heart. It's one of the many reasons why you are so cherished."

Her words, filled with affection and resolve, seemed to lighten the mood slightly. The group's resolve hardened, their determination renewed by the bonds they shared and the challenges they faced together.

As the sun began to set, casting shadows across the rugged terrain, Leonidas gathered his group with a sense of urgency, his voice carrying clearly over the gentle rustle of the wind. Leonidas said, "I wish you guys had more time to chat, but we need to move before nightfall. Nina, Rina, come along. This time, we have a male joining us—his name is Rudy. He can't fly very high, but he'll be invaluable for terrain information, guiding, and scouting. Aido, we will assist you, but to be honest, you're going to be our main attacker. I've seen your fight; a small nest should be no problem for you. They usually house hundreds of beasts."

Aido nodded, his expression resolute yet calm, a slight smile playing on his lips as he accepted the responsibility. Aido confidently stated, "Leave it to me." He thought to himself, feeling a sense of relief mixed with determination. "Actually, I feel better with a small group. It means I can let loose a little and not worry about collateral damage. Still, I have to be careful; the fertile zones are precious. We cannot simply destroy everything in our path."

As he scanned the diverse array of Demi-humans around him, his gaze settled on Rudy. Unlike the other bird-like demi-humans, Rudy seemed more akin to Mary, possibly a mixed breed. He appeared strong, with arms and a more humanoid face, feathers adorning his waist, legs, and arms, while the rest of his skin remained bare. Some might call him an angel, though he lacked a tail.

Rudy greeted the group, saying, "It's nice to meet you all. I've heard a lot about you. We need to take down a nest, right?" His voice was eager, filled with a readiness to prove his worth.

The Destroyer replied, "Aido here is going to smash things. You just take care of tracking the beasts' movements."

Rudy enthusiastically responded, "Roger! I'll be happy to help."

Satisfied with the arrangements, Leonidas gave his final orders decisively. "Let us proceed. Brayan, ensure the security of my wife."

Standing beside Brayan, Chimara flashed a confident smile, her tone playful yet authoritative."I will attend to that task."

Brayan acknowledged her command respectfully. Their light-hearted exchange brought a moment of levity to the group.

Rina, catching the mood, turned to Nina with a playful grin. "Nina, let's demonstrate our power and skills."

Nina, eyes sparkling with excitement, nodded in agreement. "It will be enjoyable. Stay focused, Aido."

Aido, aware of the responsibility placed upon him, responded with a mixture of humor and determination. "I will do my best."

Eager to begin their journey, Rina signaled for the group to move forward. "Let us proceed."

With their roles established and morale high, the group set out, prepared for the challenges ahead. The camaraderie and unity among them gave a sense of invincibility, despite the imminent dangers. As the group readied themselves, the sound of organizing filled the air. Leonidas rallied his team with a sense of urgency, his voice cutting through the gentle wind.

As the group made their way toward the exit, the scene unfolding before them was one of stark reality. The air was heavy with a mix of exhaustion and determination. Aido, witnessing this for the first time, took in the sight of people lying on improvised beds scattered throughout the area. The space wasn't overly crowded, yet the impact was profound with many resting directly on the floor. Demi-humans moved among them, distributing supplies and medicine with quiet efficiency. A small group of young people busied themselves with cooking and distributing food and water. The supplies were clearly limited; warriors received slightly larger portions, but it was evident that it was hardly enough to satisfy their hunger.

Leonidas, observing the scene with a seasoned eye, addressed the group with a tone of resilience,said, "Do not worry, we can handle this. It was worse in the arid lands. At least we have something to eat for now. When we were in the human settlement, the real problem was the enemy. Without the continuous fights, our supplies would have lasted at least a month." His words, intended to boost morale, highlighted the harshness of their reality - survival was a constant struggle, not only against enemies but also against the scarcity of resources.

Ninaies turned to Aido, her expression serious and her voice displaying a sense of urgency. Ninaies said to Aido, "I hope you are prepared. We are going to take down a nest."

Rina added, "Nina, let's take light weapons. I've been appreciating human firearms lately. But let's not forget our master's teachings and bring some Ninjutsu equipment." Nina nodded in agreement, her eyes quickly assessing their arsenal as they chose their gear. The combination of ancient tradition and modern technology appeared to symbolize their advancing skills.

Meanwhile, Aido observed Leonidas and Rudy preparing for the journey. Both were dressed in light gear, the practicality of their attire evident. Rudy's wings needed freedom to maneuver, hence the lighter load, but Leonidas, despite being smaller than some other demi-humans, possessed a physique that seemed forged from steel itself. Aido couldn't help but be impressed by Leonidas's capability to wield massive weapons with apparent ease.

-Aido: Do you prefer using your claws and muscles over a weapon?

Leonidas chuckled, a deep sound that rumbled through the air." I guess, weapons are useful, but my own body is my most trusted weapon. It's kind of funny; I recall after my first nest incursion, I realized my body was stronger than most weapons we had. I got used to it, though I admit, ranged weapons would be useful in certain fights. Ready, children?"

Aido:"Yes, sir!"

Rudy: "Let's get going. We should arrive before dawn."

-Ninaies: "Okay, let's go."

Rina, ever the spirited one, suddenly called out with a playful command. "Piggyback!"

Before Aido could react, Rina had leaped onto his back, her actions as natural as breathing. Even with his armor, dubbed 'Destroyer', cushioning the impact, Aido could feel the warmth of her skin against him. Her closeness brought a flush to his face, and he could see the surprised expressions of several onlookers, including a visibly shocked Nina.

Ninaies: "Rina! You have no shame."

Rina laughed, her voice tinged with mischief. Hehehe, why? I can get closer to him like this. Jelly? Then ask him to carry you with his arms.

Leonidas burst into laughter, the sound echoing warmly around them. "Hahahah, I see your love. I wonder if Nina is going to be the same. Well, let's move."

Rudy, watching the exchange, couldn't help but comment with a hint of envy. "I am jealous."

Ninaies, her cheeks tinged with a blush, quickly retorted. "I am not doing something like this. Not yet."

As the group's laughter mingled with the evening air, Destroyer, as the practical one of the group, interjected."We should be ready to get out of here."

As the group surged forward, Leonidas set a blistering pace, his powerful legs propelling him at speeds that seemed to blur the landscape around them. Aido estimated his speed to be around 120 km/h, a remarkable feat for someone of his muscular build. Beside him, Nina moved with equal swiftness, her long hair streaming behind her like a banner of her combat prowess. It was clear that her experience allowed her to manage such a disadvantage in battle effectively.

Rudy, however, struggled to keep up. Even in flight, his efforts were palpable; his face etched with the strain of trying to match the speed of his ground-bound companions. Aido could sense Rina's enjoyment of the rapid pace, her laughter barely audible over the rush of wind.

Curious about his companions' capabilities, Aido turned his thoughts inward, addressing his armor, Destroyer.

"What are your thoughts, Destroyer?"

Destroyer: "I am pretty sure they are stronger than most nobles we have met. Even Rina, with the skin contact I can analyze her body. She is only slightly less conditioned than Leonidas and Nina are displaying. Nina's long hair suggests she has experience in combat where it is not a hindrance, rare for those who cannot reinforce their entire body. Leonidas possibly can stop some kinds of bullets from harming him, but larger weapons and explosions would affect him. Meanwhile, our friend with wings, I feel we need to protect him. He is not cut out for combat. He displays the behavior of a lower-rank hunter."

Aido nodded, processing the analysis. It confirmed his thoughts: Leonidas was a wise leader, and Rudy's inclusion in their group was strategic, primarily for scouting ahead while they ran towards the nest. This would allow them to look for the camp of the attackers and check for any possible ambushes. However, Rudy's visibility and struggle with speed made him a potential target for snipers.

As they continued their relentless pace, the expressions on everyone's faces spoke volumes about the hardships they had endured. Despite occasional smiles from Nina and Rina, their eyes and expressions were filled with determination and tinged with anxiety.

The path to the nest was well-trodden, clearly used by the beasts hundreds, perhaps thousands of times. Following it seemed the most straightforward approach, and time was of the essence. It was around 4 pm, and Aido knew they needed to reach their destination and return before nightfall if possible. The urgency of their mission was palpable, each step bringing them closer to the heart of danger, yet driven by the necessity of their task, they pressed on, united in their resolve to confront whatever awaited them at the nest.

As the group pressed onward, their shadows elongated by the waning sun, a clandestine conversation unfolded in the murky depths of an unseen realm. Two enigmatic figures, cloaked in the obscurity of their hidden vantage, observed the heroes with a cold, calculating gaze.

Unknown Mysterious Shadow: "The hero has indeed arrived. I harbored doubts about our ability to retain him here, yet it appears his attention is captivated more by the plight of the kittens than by the bonds of past affections."

Unknown Blurry Shadow: "Indeed, our little companion executed the task of guiding him here with admirable subtlety, keeping his threat perception unalarmed. Curiously, the vulnerability of the kittens has ensnared his heroic instincts—opting to forsake the safety of 30,000 souls for a cause he perceives as more immediate. In his heart, he champions the defense of the weak, aligning his deep-seated desires with the exigencies of the present crisis."

Unknown Mysterious Shadow: "True, they are not without their cunning. It would be most disadvantageous for us if they were to perish at the hands of the enemy in his presence."

Unknown Blurry Shadow: "Certainly, the leader among the kittie possesses a sagacity not to be underestimated, and the invaders serve merely as a tool that benefits our overarching schemes. Our dominion is asserted through the beasts and the people; the invaders must bow to our supremacy or endure dire consequences. At times, this orchestration feels akin to overseeing wayward children. Although not wholly distasteful, it is somewhat astonishing how swiftly he has forsaken his own kin for a mere dalliance—a testament, perhaps, to an inherent flaw in male disposition."

Unknown Mysterious Shadow: "His essence predominantly manifests in masculine form, though I have witnessed his existence as female, asexual, and even as a pure energy being. Yet, in each scenario, his actions tend to align with those typical of his male incarnation."

Unknown Blurry Shadow: "That observation is inescapable. And while he remains oblivious to our machinations, others have noted that the redhead has deviated slightly from our carefully laid plans, though she remains within our capacity to manage."

Unknown Mysterious Shadow: "Do you suppose her potential jealousy or another unchecked emotion could jeopardize our designs? The Retter Messiahs have always been a thorn in our side. If only we could harness their regenerative abilities for ourselves. Was the experiment in soul sharing truly a failure?"

As the shadows deepened with the encroaching dusk, the enigmatic figures continued their veiled discourse, their voices a mere whisper against the rustling leaves.

Unknown Blurry Shadow: "Indeed, soul sharing typically serves to birth a new entity or to merge two existing ones. The fusion of emotions and memories often results in a completely new being. I have no desire to lose myself in such an experiment, nor do I wish to spawn more offspring who, in the end, might strive to usurp everything from us. If only we could lay our hands on a primordial soul from the wall of reality."

Unknown Mysterious Shadow: "We've long harbored such hopes, yet despite their near-infinite nature, these primordial souls cling close to our father and his ilk, seldom venturing into the deeper realities. And when they do emerge, they possess a formidable ego and a diminished form. Thus, we find ourselves in the precarious position of overseeing a dragon that could very well incinerate us should we falter in our handling."

Unknown Blurry Shadow: "Well, no risk, no gain; no pain, no win. It's this insatiable hunger for more that sets us apart from other creatures. It's precisely why I haven't yet given up on him."

Unknown Mysterious Shadow: "He represents an investment. We must exercise patience and observe whether he proves valuable enough to continue existing within this dream we've woven."

Unknown Blurry Shadow: "As I've mentioned before, I'm not keen on turning him into a nightmare. It's amusing, really—how mortals often say it's better to stand beside the devil than in his path. Quite apt for our current predicament."

Unknown Mysterious Shadow: "Cautious, perhaps, but it's preferable to becoming the main course for him."

Unknown Blurry Shadow:" Let's see how the events unfold. We shall refrain from intervening this time. However, should the need arise, we might just indulge in a bit of manipulation."

Their laughter, a chilling echo in the sunligh that is diminishing in the horizon, mingled with the night air as they receded into the darkness, their presence as fleeting as the fading light. Meanwhile, Aido and his companions, oblivious to the spectral watchers, advanced towards their goal, each step laden with the weight of unseen eyes and unknown intentions. The path ahead promised not only physical challenges but entanglements in a web spun by entities whose appetites for power and control knew no bounds.

After a trek of an hour and a half through verdant, fertile lands, our group arrived at a clearing that revealed the nest. I had envisioned a grotesque hive or some monstrous den, yet what lay before us resembled more the structured layout of city buildings—some towering, others modest in height, oddly reminiscent of academy grounds rather than a lair of beasts. A nagging thought gnawed at me: someone with human sensibilities was orchestrating this, but to what end?

Aido: "Why are all three of you looking at me like you can't believe it? We've been trekking all this time."

Destroyer: "It's not us, it's what we've been carrying all this time, and it's still on us".

Rina: "What? If you're jealous, you could have been carried too. Honestly, it's quite comfortable. Even with the armor's edges, they act as supports, softening the grip. It felt like being in a baby carrier, just like my mom used to carry me."

Ninaies: "I can't deny that; it was surprisingly comfortable and smooth. The surface felt like soft yet firm human flesh. Still, the idea of being carried while fighting puzzles me. It seems impractical. And aren't you getting too attached to a guy you just met?"

Aido:"I thought she was just being outgoing."

Leonidas: "We have some serious business ahead, yet you all treat this journey like a joke. It's incredibly surprising to see the girl who supposedly despises men clinging to someone who isn't Nina. Maybe she's jealous that you've replaced her with a boy."

Ninaies: "I am not!"

Rina's voice chimed in with a mix of amusement and annoyance, "Whoever said I hate men? I have a big brother who I cherish, a brother-in-law who's like family, and a dad who's pretty cool. Not to forget my darling little sister and sister-in-law who I hold dear. My issue lies with those guys who just can't seem to resist making unwanted advances on me or my sister. Take Brayan, for instance, he clearly knows my sister is off limits, being happily married and all, yet he still persists."

Ninaies chimed in with a touch of scorn, "That's why Brayan's such a jerk around girls. And you, Rina, being so stunning, it's no wonder every guy wants a piece of your attention."

Rudy, almost mumbling, added his two cents, "And those... ahem, prominent assets of yours, they just can't go unnoticed."

Rina rolled her eyes, "Even Rudy here has something to say. But you know what gets to me the most? When they look at me like I'm just some easy target or a slab of meat."

Aido interjected admiringly, "She truly is a vision, the loveliest girl I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. So, Leonidas, spill the beans about this den of beasts you mentioned earlier."

Ninaies teased, "So you're implying I'm not the fairest of them all?"

Aido quickly reassured, "No, no, both of you are like divine angels—adorable and exquisite. That's the gist of it."

Amidst chuckles, Leonidas quipped, "Navigating through a woman's emotions is akin to tip-toeing a minefield."

The mechanical voice of Destroyer echoed, "Master, it appears they are concealing something. Is there a secret hidden within the beast's lair, Leonidas?"

"Not that I'm aware of," Leonidas replied. "Rudy, could you please scout ahead discreetly? Watch for any potential threats."

As Rudy soared higher, a flurry of movement near the nest's entrance grabbed their attention. Two imposing figures emerged, larger and more menacing than the rest—undoubtedly, rank 2 beasts. One wielded a metallic tail like a weapon, while the other's gleaming ruby eyes marked them as mechanized creatures, calculating and precise in their dominion.

The air thickened with tension as we watched, hidden among the foliage, the unfolding scene at the beast's nest, pondering the mysteries and dangers that awaited us.

Leonidas: "The one with ruby eyes is unfamiliar; I sense he's particularly dangerous. Perhaps they operate as a pair—one excelling in close combat and the other in ranged?"

As they strategized, Rudy returned from his reconnaissance, landing softly behind them.

Rudy: "I counted a total of 53 beasts outside, including those two. The gunners appear to be stationed as rooftop guards, and the ones with metal claws seem to command the ground forces. You're right; the two new beasts seem to disregard their peers, possibly focusing solely on defending the nest. I've never seen one like the one with ruby eyes before."

Destroyer: "Leonidas's intuition might be spot on. Their movement suggests a tactical formation, with the metallic-tailed beast always positioning itself in front, likely protecting the other. There's a high probability it can emit laser beams. We must avoid giving it a clear line of sight."

Leonidas: "Infiltrating the nest will be challenging. Any ideas on how we might accomplish this stealthily?"

Ninaies: "Let's eliminate all the external beasts first, clearing our path to the nest. Trying to sneak would only bring more trouble when we collect the liquid and attempt to transport it. Our safest bet is to kill them all."

Rudy: "That sounds feasible. I believe I can take down a gunner on my own if I approach swiftly and silently."

Aido: "Remember, using fire is off-limits; we can't risk damaging the fertile zone. We'll use ice instead. Listen up—Rina, position yourself with the anti-golem rifle. When Rudy makes his move, cover him by taking out the other two gunners. They'll likely charge at us. Let them come; I'll handle them. Meanwhile, Leonidas and Nina, focus on the ruby-eyed beast, who will probably hang back if it's a ranged attacker."

Ninaies:"I here, myself bringing swords, daggers, and darts, while you brought the only big gun we had in the caravan."

Rina: "It was calling me! And let's be honest, we didn't even know we had it until I discovered it in the back of that cart."

Ninaies: "So much for keeping our tradition and skills... speech. You are lucky you're so cute, and I love you."

Leonidas: "Not a bad strategy. Rudy, once you've made your move, stay out of their line of fire. We just need a distraction."

Rudy: "Understood."

Ninaies: "Alright, let's get into position. Let's move out, father."

Leonidas: "Lead the way, my child."

Aido: "Once you're done, regroup behind me, Rina." Rina: So manly! <3

Rina has been engaging in flirtatious behavior as if she has been repressing it for a significant period. Observers have noted that it appears to be her first time expressing affection towards a male, indicating a propensity for easily forming romantic attachments.

As each member of the team took their positions, Leonidas and Nina shared a quiet conversation.

Leonidas: "You've noticed it too, haven't you?"

Ninaies: "How we've started following orders from someone we've only just met, even though he's titled the savior? Yes, it feels almost natural. I find him reliable, though perhaps less of a leader than you."

Leonidas: "Exactly. He's young and seems to carry his own burdens, but his strength and confidence compel us to follow his lead. At least he listens, which is more than can be said for some leaders."

Their whispered exchange underscored the complex dynamics of leadership and trust within the group, as they prepared to engage in a battle that would test their unity and resolve.

Ninaies: "Rina's infatuation is what worries me. I'd love some romance too, but now's really not the time."

Leonidas: "Hahaha, to be honest, my jaw dropped. She's completely transformed from when Gustavo introduced us. That girl is an enigma."

Ninaies: "It's not just her, though. We've all changed. I sense that the enemy this time is formidable, a perfect opportunity to test and enhance our strengths. Even Aido, as much of an outsider as he seems, I believe this is a crucial moment for him. He's capable; I just need to support him."

Leonidas: "Perhaps the gods of this world have sent him to us for a reason. We just need to protect him and have faith in his leadership. Give the signal."

Positioned strategically, Rudy targeted the most isolated gunner, who was partially obscured, providing him a potential cover if needed. Rina, poised with her rifle, aimed at the opposite gunners.

Rudy: "Die, you damn beast!"

His attack was forceful, echoing loudly through the area. The beast retaliated, its gunfire spraying wildly, hitting the walls. As all beasts turned towards the noise, the rank 2 beasts adopted defensive stances instead of charging towards the disturbance. Then, a sharp crack resonated as Rina's shot found its mark, decapitating a gunner. The third gunner, realizing the direction of the incoming fire, returned shots.

Aido: "Don't worry, I've got you covered."

He swiftly conjured a thick, solid ice shield, reinforcing it to withstand the bullets.

-Rina: "Clear shot, let me finish that fool."

With precise aim, Rina eliminated the last gunner. The remaining beasts, losing track of Rudy, charged towards Rina and Aido. The beast with the metallic tail hung back, while the ruby-eyed beast remained alert, scanning the surroundings.

Leonidas: "They've realized it's not a frontal assault. Be cautious of their reactions."

Ninaies: "Got it."

The duo sprinted towards the nest. As they came into view, the ruby-eyed beast unleashed laser beams. Leonidas, agile and quick, dodged them effortlessly. The metallic-tailed beast, realizing the threat, retreated to support its partner. Meanwhile, Aido, wielding ice-enhanced weapons, slashed through the lesser beasts, struggling slightly with the metallic claws.

Leonidas and Ninaies engaged the ruby-eyed beast. It was a formidable opponent, a blend of tank and ranged combatant. Its lack of speed and strength were its vulnerabilities, yet closing the distance remained challenging. Leonidas, ever brave, charged at the beast, which skillfully maintained its distance, leaping back when approached. Suddenly, a shot rang out, and the metallic-tailed beast stumbled, wounded in the leg.

Rina: "I'm loving this thing!"

Aido: "Good job. They're out of formation and confused."

Meanwhile, Rudy, having finished off the gunner, took cover on the roof, observing the battle. He realized he was the weakest member of the team.

Aido: "They're distracted. Leonidas, you're the only one who can break its guard. Rina, keep covering him. Ninaies, distract the big one. It's time for the kill."

The team coordinated their efforts, exploiting the confusion among the beasts. With precise teamwork and strategic attacks, they pressed their advantage, determined to overcome the formidable foes guarding the mysterious nest.

Leonidas: "That ruby-eyed coward keeps running from me!"

Ninaies: "Stay alert, Chief. Its attacks can melt the ground. Keep it from locking its sights on you."

Rina: "Leave it to me! You can count on big sis's power."

The creatures attempt to evade Rina's attacks as she takes a moment to recharge her anti-golem rifle. Despite this, she manages to wound both of the beasts, weakening them in the process.

Destroyer: "Let's focus on the tailed one; it's wounded and within our range. The ruby beast is dangerous, but it won't have a chance to attack if three of us keep the pressure on."

Aido: "Here we come."

Channeling his ice powers, Aido conjured a gleaming ice blade and slashed at the tailed beast's chest. The beast's tail, seemingly with a mind of its own, whipped around in a counterattack. Aido grappled with the beast, receiving a bite on the head and a lash from the tail, but his defenses held strong. It was like watching a small dog trying futilely to harm a larger one; Aido was clearly not in danger. Sensing a stronger opponent, the beast instinctively tried to protect itself, pushing and trying to drive Aido away from the battlefield. Leonidas moved to assist but was halted by a laser beam aimed at his legs, which he narrowly dodged.

Destroyer: "It's trying to separate us!"

Aido: "Not again!"

With a fierce cry, Aido summoned several ice blades from the ground, tearing the beast apart.

Rudy: "Damn!"

Meanwhile, the ruby beast had identified Leonidas as a significant threat and focused its attacks on him. However, it lost focus on the other team members, providing Ninaies with the opening she needed. She leapt onto the beast's back, stabbing the area around its eyes with dual blades.

Ninaies: Surprise, beast!

While not a fatal blow, it was enough to blind the creature and disable its laser beams. The ruby beast thrashed wildly, trying to shake Ninaies off. Seizing the moment, Leonidas plunged his claws into the beast's eyes. It screamed in agony and collapsed.

Rina: "Is it over?"

Leonidas: "I think it is. We've won."

Aido: "You guys are an incredible team. Rudy, how are you holding up?"

Rudy: "Okay, I'll be down in a moment."

The battlefield fell silent, save for the heavy breathing of the team and the distant sounds of the forest. They had faced formidable foes and emerged victorious through teamwork and quick thinking. As they regrouped, there was a palpable sense of camaraderie and relief. Each member had played a crucial role, and together, they had overcome a deadly challenge, proving their strength and resilience as a unit.

Aido: "So, Leonidas, what's our next step?"

Ninaies: "We should explore deeper into the nest. There might be more creatures lurking inside."

Leonidas: "Agreed, it's bound to be dangerous, but we need to investigate."

As they stepped through the massive breach created by the rank 2 beast, the team was immediately enveloped in an eerie silence, punctuated only by the distant hum of machinery and the occasional crunch of rubble underfoot. The air was thick with the scent of oil and metal, serving as a stark reminder of the technological labyrinth that lay before them.

The interior bore the marks of centuries of neglect; vines and moss crept along the walls, weaving their way through the cracks and crevices. Humidity hung heavy in the air, giving the space a damp, almost oppressive feel. Despite the apparent decay, the persistent buzz of electricity and the low whir of equipment in the background suggested that parts of the building were still very much alive and operational. As they moved deeper into the structure, the contrast between the ancient ruin and the surviving technology became even more pronounced, adding an unsettling layer to their exploration.

Rina exclaimed, "This technology is incredibly advanced."

Ninaies added, "The scale is immense. These corridors are as vast as those in a canyon."

Rudy pointed to the largest capsule in the room, which housed a sleeping golem that was at least 4 meters tall, with the capsule reaching up to 8 meters. It could potentially grow even larger in the future. The room also contained platforms with several other capsules of a more normal size, housing creatures that resembled wolves, lizards, and mechanized animals that appeared cute but were actually weapons of destruction.

Aido questioned, "What exactly is this place? It's unlike anything we've seen before."

Rina then remarked, "Hey, check this out—a mirror with lights embedded in the floor."

Destroyer corrected, "That's actually a tablet, an old tool. Some androids in the capital still use these. It's typically a valuable source of information."

Upon unearthing the tablet from the ground, I observed that the building mostly resembles a human-like workplace rather than the nest-like structures I had anticipated, akin to those of ants or wasps, or some other eldritch spectacle.

Destroyer effortlessly accessed critical data about the facility using the tablet. Destroyer explained, "The main controls for the machines and resources are three levels below us. Here, we're seeing production capsules. That golem over there is nearly ready to be activated. We should disable it now to prevent any complications."

Rina asked, "How should we handle this?"

Leonidas confidently stepped forward, his muscles tensed as he prepared for a decisive strike. His sharp claws were aimed directly at the core of the golem. Leonidas said, "Like this. Even a mechanical beast has a core that can be targeted. It's usually a challenging shot, but we have a clear opportunity now."

With a fluid motion, he struck the vital point, ensuring the golem would not awaken. Leonidas added, "Now, it won't produce any more threats."

Aido asked, "Are the other machines located underground?"

Destroyer responded, "Yes, according to the map. The best way to reach them is via the stairs, as the elevators are disabled."

Aido then remarked, "Is it just me, or does this setup seem unusual?"

Destroyer agreed, saying, "Indeed, my lord. I've encountered similar technology before. These machines were originally designed to repopulate Earth with extinct species."

Aido inquired, "What do you mean, exactly?"

Destroyer explained, "It appears they've been altered by someone. They're no longer merely tools for ecological restoration but have been repurposed for something far more complex. This is intriguing; several designs are modifications of the original beast information—wolves, bears, and notably, even demi-human genomes have been utilized. It's the basis for creating creatures like lizard men and golems."

Leonidas's expression darkened, his brows furrowing deeply. Although he didn't fully understand all the technical details Destroyer mentioned, the implications were clear and deeply unsettling. He remembered all too well why humans had once shunned their kind, and the idea that they might be inadvertently linked to these twisted experiments was disturbing.

Destroyer reassured, "Even though this information was utilized, there is no direct connection to real demi-humans. We will keep this information confidential for now. Do not worry, my friend."

Leonidas nodded, somewhat reassured, but the seed of unease had already been planted. As they continued their exploration, the weight of their discovery hung heavily in the air, casting a shadow over their mission. The potential consequences of such manipulations were vast, and now, more than ever, they needed to understand the full scope of what was happening within these walls.

Aido pondered, "The question now is, who created the beasts?"

Destroyer responded, "There is a possibility that it's the same people we've encountered before. It could be, but honestly, it could be anyone with the necessary knowledge."

Aido expressed concern, "We can't survive without the earth, and if the beasts kill us, what's the point?"

Leonidas questioned, "So you're suggesting there are people behind this? I had thought it was some kind of king and queen of monsters, but the nests... they aren't really natural, they are..."

Rina interjected, "Factories! Like that big building where Gustavo and his people keep producing firearms and ammunition."

Aido: "If someone makes the beasts and controls them, it's for something. The beasts are consuming us, the resources, and the earth. What is the goal of destroying everything?"

Leonidas: "Then, we have to find out who is controlling them and stop them. But remember, they only attack humans and demihumans; they ignore all wildlife. So maybe that is their purpose."

The group paused, absorbing the gravity of the situation. The idea that someone could be engineering these beasts as a form of control or warfare against specific targets was chilling. It wasn't just about survival anymore; it was about uncovering a potentially catastrophic plan against their communities and possibly the entire ecosystem. With renewed determination, they prepared to delve deeper into the mystery, ready to confront whatever and whoever was orchestrating this threat.

Rina: "This place is a small nest?"

Ninaies: "She's right, it's kind of big. The shelter Aido made seems a little smaller only because it's filled with thousands of people."

Leonidas: "But it also feels empty. Lots of rooms have stuff, but it's like they were used for something besides creating beasts."

Destroyer: "The information on the tablet is correct. This place used to be a re-population project building. Most of the data is lost, but all those rooms were mainly for testing and data collecting. This building was in charge of making insects, mainly. There are no records of the big capsules on the upper levels, which means they were tampered with."

Rina: "Insects? Like spiders and mosquitoes?"

Ninaies: "I hate those; they keep crawling over you."

Rina: "Right!"

Leonidas: "But they are important for other species. I've had to eat big spiders before too; some are kind of tasty."

Girls: "NO!"

Leonidas: "Hahaha, just joking. But actually we did"

Destroyer: "Here we are, the main room. The big doors are sealed by a password. I can crack it in a few seconds. Also, I noticed the sources of energy in the building are solar-powered, with a backup of batteries and oil. From it came the smell; it seems some of the beasts were in charge of bringing resources to keep the nest working for centuries."

Aido: "How much time could this thing work?"

Destroyer: "There's no need for food; the machines are automatic. I think it could run until it breaks down for some reason."

Aido: "It means actually nests are not eternal; they would run out of power or resources sooner or later."

The group stood in the dimly lit corridor, pondering the implications of what they had learned. The realization that these nests were not self-sustaining forever offered a glimmer of hope. If they could understand the system's limitations, perhaps they could find a way to stop or disrupt it.

As they entered the room, the stark contrast to the rest of the building was immediately apparent. The cleanliness and orderliness resembled a hospital, yet devoid of any ominous odors typically associated with such places. The metallic floor and automatically illuminating lights added to the sterile atmosphere.

Aido: "The first thing I noticed is that this is a research room. And look, a corridor with a board saying 'storage room.'"

Inside, we found four big tanks of liquid. They're huge, and this is just a medium-sized nest. On the other hand, good news: we have enough for the people.

Destroyer: "Master, these tanks can be transported; they have a motor system and wheels."

Aido: "Perfect, can you absorb it and store it as before?"

Leonidas: "Let's get this thing going."

Destroyer: "I can, but in this state, it is better for the people, so it would be a waste to change its properties. And that way, they would not need me to be close or fill another container with the possibility of pollution."

Aido: "Fine, so is it safe to store it for long?"

Destroyer: "The tanks serve as ideal means of transport and storage, and can also function as machinery. I require a sample, however, if my suspicions are correct, there is no time limit for storage. Yet the potential risk of contamination by pathogens or microorganisms entering the tank is a significant concern."

Leonidas, observing the room and its machinery, expressed a concern: "Looking at this room and machinery, I doubt they would run out of resources soon. See that one."

Leonidas pointed to a machine that was already processing the remains of the beast they had defeated.

Aido: "How?"

Destroyer: "See those tubes? Inside them, there are fine hair-like tubes, ascending to the sky and collecting not only the gas from the beast but also water and other elements from the sky."

The group stood in awe, realizing the complexity and self-sustaining capabilities of the system they had uncovered. The machinery was not only designed for immediate use but was equipped to gather and recycle resources from the environment, ensuring a prolonged operational period. Rudy, who had been quiet for a while, finally spoke up, his voice tinged with confusion.

Rudy:"I didn't feel anything unusual in the air when I was outside."

Destroyer: "It will be easier to detect them from here than when they are dispersed outside. If you're curious, we can dismantle it to see how it works."

Curiosity piqued, the group agreed, and soon they were examining the intricate network of tubes filled with hair-like structures. These filaments were incredibly soft to the touch, and to their astonishment, when cut, they seemed to regenerate almost instantly. The severed parts were so fine they were almost invisible, a testament to a technology far beyond their current understanding.

Aido:"What are these things?"

Aido asked, his voice a mix of awe and fear.

Destroyer: "We call them nanomachines. They are so small they cannot be seen with the naked eye, but there are so many of them working together that their effects become visible."

As they explored further, they discovered capsules and several tunnels branching off the main room. Ninaies, her senses heightened, caught a familiar scent that made her uneasy.

Niniies: "I've smelled this before."

She whispered, her nose wrinkling in distaste.

Ninaies: "It's the scent of lizard men. If these tunnels are used to refill the machines and keep them operational, we should destroy this place after we take the liquid."

Her suggestion hung in the air, heavy with implication. The thought of destroying such advanced technology was daunting, yet the danger it posed if left operational was far greater.

Rina: "I cannot enter those tunnels. Are you sure they are empty? An ambush would be horrible." Destroyer: "They are. They have a sensor in each tunnel. The last record was 1 month ago. It seems the machinery produces some lizard men each time it needs resources, but they have a limited lifespan. The machinery has no need of them since then."

Ninaies: "I can drive one of the vehicles I learned about in town,We can use them to transport the liquid."

The group moved with renewed purpose, each member lost in their thoughts. Aido felt a chill run down his spine as he considered the implications of their discovery. The facility, with its self-sustaining technologies and connections to the mysterious lizard men, was a significant threat. Yet, the opportunity to harness some of its resources for their people provided a sliver of hope in the looming darkness.

As they prepared to execute their plan, the weight of their decisions pressed down on them. The quiet hum of the machinery seemed almost like a lullaby, lulling them into a false sense of security as they worked to undermine it. Each member of the group knew that the actions they took today could change the course of their struggle for survival. With heavy hearts but a clear resolve, they set about ensuring they left the facility with what they needed and ensured it could no longer pose a threat to anyone else.

In the midst of the tension-filled atmosphere of the facility, Rina's unwavering voice sliced through the air, resolute and firm. Rina declared, "Let's seize the liquid, obliterate the nest, and make our way back home."

Leonidas, gave a nod of agreement, though worry creased his brow. "It is simple, but I think it is going to be really dangerous. It's better if we do it fast, while we can," he voiced his concerns.

Yearning for a spark of excitement amidst the somber mission, Rina turned to Ninaies, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "May I hitch a ride with you, Nina?" she asked playfully. Arching an eyebrow with a teasing twinkle in her eyes, Ninaies quipped, "Leaving dear Aido behind this time, are we? Missing your sister, perhaps?"

Amidst laughter, Rina employed her charm with doe eyes and a pout. "I adore my sister, but I yearn for her company too!" she retorted. "Very well, let's embark on this venture together, shall we?" Ninaies agreed with a smile, sensing the thrill in the air.

Meanwhile, Leonidas proposed, "I will drive one too." Aido chimed in, "The other two can ride along too. Let us bring Rudy." However, Rudy, the least experienced of the group, hesitated.

"I'm not well-versed in driving, Sir Aido," Rudy admitted.

"Do not worry, it's quite simple. I will be your guide and Rina, while the experts work on the demolition plan," Ninaies reassured.

Leonidas let out a hearty chuckle, "Hahaha, you've caught us, indeed."

As they began to strategize the destruction of the nest, Destroyer interjected with a crucial suggestion, "I can simply turn off the machines, but to ensure they can't be used again, we should destroy them completely. Leaving them intact would only invite further trouble."

Ninaies expressed her concern, "Leaving the machines here would only make it easier for them to strike again."

Destroyer proposed a daring plan, "Then let's rig the place with explosives. With the resources at hand, including rare materials like lithium, I can make enough to ensure their destruction."

Impressed, Ninaies couldn't conceal her surprise, "You can do that?"

Destroyer shrugged modestly, "It's just a matter of chemistry and engineering skills, nothing too extraordinary."

Rina, looking at Destroyer with admiration, remarked, "Our guardian in armor!"

Fondly, Leonidas joked with Aido and Destroyer, "Why didn't you join us sooner, my son-in-law?"

Aido played along, "Well, I must admit, it was all part of the plan."

Rina chimed in with a playful protest, "Hey, don't get ahead of yourself now!"

As Destroyer meticulously processed materials from the facility, he managed to craft several explosives. These devices were ingeniously programmed to detonate at a predetermined time, yet they also possessed the capability for remote activation through a signal he could emit. The task of placing them was a collaborative effort, with the girls and Leonidas lending their hands. The natural agility of the demi-humans was evident as they moved with ease, scaling the complex structures of the facility. Nina, accustomed to such physical demands, navigated with particular grace. Her attire, revealing yet functional, hinted at the adaptability required in their environment.

"Hey, hey, hey.," Destroyer called out, breaking the concentration with a teasing tone.

"Is it showing up?," Aido responded, half-distracted as he secured an explosive.

Destroyer: "Your pervy thoughts are."

Aido: "Shhhh, don't say a word. "

Aido muttered, a sheepish grin spreading across his face.

Ninaies, overhearing the exchange, turned with a playful yet challenging look.

" Are you looking at my butt, or are you thinking I have a nice ass, huh, Aido?"

Rina, not one to be left out of the banter, chimed in with feigned indignation. "Is this what a girl has to endure? No way. Are you looking at me too? Hehehe. Mine are bigger. Wink wink."


Aido, caught off guard by the sudden attention, stammered a bit before regaining his composure "Well, I admit I do love to look at women, especially those with a nice ass."

Destroyer stated, "It is the cost of being beautiful and being the partner of a man like him."

Ninaies interjected, "Please be quiet, Destroyer," with a playful glint in her eyes.

Aido added, "Don't be upset with him, he is speaking the truth, but it's not just about physical appearance. I genuinely care for you, Nina," he confessed with a soft tone, displaying genuine affection towards Ninaies.

Rina chimed in, asking, "And me?"

Aido confirmed, "Yes, of course, I see you two as a pair."

Ninaies humorously remarked, "To buy the cow, you have to buy the calf."

Rina questioned, "Am I the cow?"

Ninaies replied, "Yes."

Rina retorted, "But you are a cow too."

Ninaies explained, "Yes, that's why we are a duo."

Aido humorously commented, "You girls are quite eccentric, but I adore you."

Observing the conversation with a leader's attentive eye, Leonidas finally spoke, "As a chief, I was concerned about leaving Nina and Rina with just anyone, but I feel blessed to have Aido join us. And regarding their attire, I found it in a ruin; they seem to like it. Additionally, the Demi-human tribe members typically wear minimal clothing."

Aido chuckled, "Indeed, I can see that," as he glanced at the group.

Rudy, feeling somewhat out of place yet intrigued by the camaraderie, added his own observation. "Now I feel strange, like I don't quite belong here, but I agree with bird-like individuals like myself feeling more comfortable with fewer clothes. It's so refreshing to feel the air on your feathers."

As they worked, the atmosphere was a mix of tension and camaraderie. Each member of the group was keenly aware of the importance of their mission, but they also found moments to bond over shared jokes and playful teasing. The facility, with its cold, metallic surfaces, stood in stark contrast to the warmth of their interactions, highlighting the peculiar nature of their current situation.

Aido turned to Rudy with genuine curiosity, breaking the silence of their task. "Rudy, do you have a family?"

Rudy, a unique mix of human and bird demi-human traits, let out a soft sigh before responding. His feathers rustled gently with his movement, creating a soft sound in the quiet building. "I am a mix. If you've noticed, Rina looks somewhat like me, different from typical demi-humans. Mixed individuals like us aren't always accepted, I heard her case is more happy than most mixes." He began, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

Rudy: "My mother passed away a few years ago, and I never really felt accepted in my tribe. I fly at a lower speed, compared to them, and having arms seems to make the girls avoid me."

He looked down at his hands, slowly flexing his fingers as if pondering their significance."But I've been more fortunate since meeting members of other tribes. I just need more courage to approach the girls."

Leonidas, embodying the encouraging leader that he is, slapped Rudy on the back with a hearty laugh, his eyes twinkling with warmth and reassurance. "That's the spirit, my child. You lack nothing, just the courage, and we can assist you with that. Remember, the girls will choose their partners, and even males cannot decide alone."

Rudy nodded, grateful for the chief's words. The comfortable sensation of Leonidas' hand remained on his back, offering a strange sense of solace. Rudy: "Thank you, chief, but I prefer to take things slowly," he said, his voice soft but unwavering. Glancing around, he observed the girls confidently going about their tasks with fluid movements.

Aido, who had been listening attentively, tilted his head curiously. "A mix?"

Leonidas: "He is a hybrid offspring of a human. It's likely that his mother engaged in intimate exchanges for food with humans. Some demi-human communities ostracize individuals involved in such practices, while others see it as a way to secure sustenance. Demi-humans with avian traits are not particularly strong in battle. They excel in flight and quick theft, limiting their ability to raid heavily guarded places like storage rooms."

Rudy felt a pang of sadness at Leonidas’ words, but he knew they were true. His mother’s sacrifices had kept him alive, and he could not deny the harsh realities of their world. He clenched his fists, feeling a surge of determination.

Rudy:"I want to change that,I want to prove that even someone like me can be strong, can be accepted."

Leonidas smiled, a fatherly pride shining in his eyes. "You have already taken the initial step, Rudy. Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the determination to continue forward despite it. And you, my friend, possess that determination. Humanity has evolved; we have evolved. I previously believed that the only human capable of showing me kindness was the one recklessly handling explosives. However, time has proven me wrong."

Ninaies: "I heard that, and I am very cautious!"

Leonidas' gaze shifted, his voice a mere whisper now, as Rudy remained silent while the trio completed their departure preparations. "As I mentioned, those of mixed heritage are often cast aside, unloved by their tribes. Rina was a special case. Everyone in our tribe knew she was the daughter of her parents. She bore the red mask, a symbol of her lineage. Her mother always stood by her father, even as she entered this world. A hairless little cub she was, with fur only in her ears and tail. The tribe never treated her poorly, but when we encountered others, their stares were not kind. As she grew, she became an object of curiosity for some males, a human-like demi-human. Imagine the turmoil within her - how would she respond to intimacy? Some not only pondered this question but acted upon it. Demi-humans from different tribes even attempted to take her. Thanks to her family's swift actions, they were thwarted in time. Their justification? She was a mix, not a pure demi-human. It was the first time I had to take the life of one I considered my kin. And thus began Rina's disdain for men."

As I concluded the story of Leonidas, I couldn't help but be filled with a sense of resentment towards those individuals who attempted to forcefully take someone dear to me. Is this behavior more prevalent than I had initially believed? Is it the case that individuals only require a pretext in order to inflict harm upon others? Similarly, is the individual responsible for constructing this place driven by a desire to harm us, solely based on some form of justification?

Leonidas looked around at the group, his voice carrying a note of finality. "Yes, so, is this going to explode, and we can be safe far away?"

Aido held up a small device, "I have the button here; it is going to blow up, and the facility will collapse"

Ninaies, eager to see the end of their mission, expressed her anticipation, "I can't wait for this to be done."

Rina, her eyes sparkling with excitement, bounced on her heels, "It's like a bomb; can you teach me to make one? I am becoming a better Ninja! Nin nin nin! Please let me be the one pressing it, yes yes?" She pleaded with puppy eyes.

"Ok, ok," Destroyer relented, amused by her enthusiasm.

"Here you go, my puppy," Aido said as he handed her the detonator, patting her head affectionately.

Nina approached, making a face, and Aido found himself patting two girls, noticing that Nina was finally opening up more, perhaps previously in shock due to the attention Rina showed. It is me and Rina as over exploited her charms since I met her?

Near the tanks, there was an elevator large enough to carry all of the tanks, as big as trucks. The exit was buried underneath rubble, so after opening the door, all of us had to dig our way out. We were careful to avoid damaging the tanks.

While digging, I chatted with Nina and Rina, who seemed eager to help me in my travels. It's better to have more people with me. They are going to be my family, and more support can help, I thought.

Ninaies: "Well, we always wanted to travel a little, but we never had the opportunity."

Rina: "Yeah! You will teach us, right?"

Aido: "I will try. I will give everything to make it possible for us to do so."

"Yay!" Rina cheered, her enthusiasm infectious.

"Thank you," Ninaies added, her gratitude sincere.

We were far away from the nest when Rina pressed the button. "Boom!" she exclaimed as the explosion echoed through the air, causing small rocks to fall around us. After the smoke cleared, a massive cloud of dust was raised, blocking our view. It was hard to breathe and to see, but the sense of accomplishment was palpable among us, a new chapter waiting to unfold on the horizon.

Ninaies glanced around, her eyes searching for any remaining threats. "Are you okay?" She asked, her voice steady but tinged with concern.

Aido, still catching his breath, replied, "Wow." It was all he could muster after the intense explosition they had just felt.

Rina's triumphant cheer pierced the night. "Whooo hooo! They are gone." Her relief was palpable, her energy infectious.

Destroyer: "I hope this is enough to destroy everything."

Leonidas: "Well, I think the only way to destroy them completely is to blow the hell out of them, but even that might not be enough."His eyes narrowed, reflecting the reality of their situation.

Ninaies: "The fewer of those things there are, the less people will suffer." She looked at Aido with a mix of admiration and relief.

Aido: "You are a natural driver."

Rina shrugged, a small smile forming on his lips." We used to steal food, so we know a few things."

Leonidas sighed. "Well, it could't be helped; we had to eat, and was how we survived." His words were a stark reminder of the harsh world they lived in.

Ninaies teased, "Says the girl who learned to drive only moments ago."

Rudy, gripping the controls tightly, looked over with wide eyes. "Well, you girls are the leaders for a reason; you’re talented. I'm just a ball of nerves handling this thing."

Destroyer took charge, his voice firm. "Well, let's go. I will lead you to the camp, and there, Aido can tell you about the next step. For our luck, the path is wide enough to drive our tanks to the shelter. Now we have to guard the treasure."

The convoy moved slowly through the night, the hum of the engines the only sound breaking the silence. Despite everything we have done, it has only been a few hours. Still, it is late into the night. Back at the Santuary, people are still in shock, trying to recover. Their faces were filled with anxiety and fear, a mirror of the collective trauma they had endured. But the food would at least cheer them up a little.

Ninaies watched as the shelter came into view, her heart heavy with the weight of responsibility. She knew they had done what they could, but the battle was far from over. As they approached, the survivors gathered, their expressions shifting from fear to cautious hope. The sight of the food brought a glimmer of relief to their weary faces.

The camp was buzzing with a mix of confusion and curiosity. The large crystal-like tanks filled with liquid drew everyone’s attention, casting an otherworldly glow in the dim light. People whispered among themselves, trying to understand the significance of this strange cargo.

Aido, took a step back and observed the crowd.

Destroyer: "We did it, I was expecting the enemy to attack our convoy for the resources, even if they didn’t know what we were carrying."

Ninaies’s eyes sparkled with a mix of relief and mischief. "This is like when we used to steal from the settlements, but this time we stole from the beasts. No guilty feelings, just a good thing."

Leonidas, the chieftain of the tribe alliance watching his people and making gestures confirming everything is going to be alright. "Well, it's better for us. For a change, we are not the bad guys. This is a great achievement for us."

Rina’s laughter rang out, a rare sound of genuine joy. "Yeah, we are the good guys, hahahaha."

Aido stepped forward, his face serious and thoughtful. "We did it, but Leonidas, I have a favor to ask."

Leonidas turned to him, his curiosity piqued. "Tell me, son."

Aido took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. " I need us to make our way back to Star City. Although everything seems fine, I am still very worried. First, I will move forward to assess the situation, then you will come to support me, and the people will follow you. I will give enough time for people to recover. The first step is to analyze the liquid."

Leonidas: "Although I believe we can hold out until the army arrives in this shelter, I understand your concerns. In the event of any unforeseen circumstances, we can always fall back to this location. I will assign a team to guard the area and am in agreement with your proposed plan."

Brayan interrupted our conversation while inspecting the tanks with Chimara. "Our group successfully defended against two raids, consisting of approximately 300 orc creatures and several hundred flyers. Georgina is currently resting, exhausted from the events. Her tribe has sought refuge for the night as visibility of the enemy is obscured in the darkness. The situation has remained calm since the last raid, which has been several hours. Providing protection to our group from inside has made it easier to repel the attacks. It seems the enemy may have retreated after their unsuccessful attempts."

After hearing his story,with determination, I approached one of the tanks, now guarded by several warriors of the tribe and a few hunters. The air was thick with anticipation. As I poured some of the liquid into my hands, Destroyer leaned in to examine it closely.

Destroyer: "No doubt, it’s basically a primordial soup, or better known as the vital energy. It is a complex mixture of elements. The closest definition would be a protein shake, but it is more complex than that, even can be pour in certain wounds and would regenerate the damage, or grow something out of control. I need a laboratory to do more tests, around 10 ml would also produce several kilograms of meat, with the proper equipment but I fear we are not able to reproduce it at the moment as I lack of that knowledge. So a spoonful would be enough to keep a person from hunger for at least two weeks, as it has the effect of slow digestion and slow release."

Ninaies and Rina, unable to contain their curiosity, dipped their fingers into the liquid and tasted it.

Rina: "It doesn’t have much taste. It’s a little sandy in texture."

Ninaies nodded, her brow furrowed. "I can’t tell the difference. It’s not sweet, or sour, nor salty."

Aido watched them, his mind racing with possibilities. "Well, that is what you said before, right?"

The camp began to settle as people realized the potential of the liquid. Hope flickered in their eyes as they saw a glimmer of a future where hunger might no longer be a constant threat. The tanks of vital energy represented more than just sustenance; they were a symbol of their resilience and ingenuity.

As the night wore on, the sense of camaraderie grew stronger. They had faced unimaginable horrors, but together, they had triumphed. And now, with the promise of vital energy, they could face whatever came next with renewed strength and determination.

The night wore on as we prepared for the journey ahead. Leonidas, always practical, gathered the remaining herbs and meat, his hands moving with practiced efficiency. "Let's try to make some broth with these herbs and some of the meat we have left. It's not that our food is bad, but some broth will help cheer up the people."

Rina's enthusiasm was contagious. "Yeah!"

Aido, mindful of the needs of the group." The meat will help boost the energy of the people." That is something we can not reproduce with this magic system.

Destroyer stepped in, his voice carrying the weight of his expertise. "It's a good idea, but remember, the liquid should not be heated. Heating it could cause a reaction that might result in health problems. We also need to avoid contact with bacteria and microorganisms. We have to feed the people using pipettes."

Leonidas held up a syringe-like device, his brow furrowing in concentration. "Let's listen to the expert. We have a good bounty here. By pipettes, you mean these syringe-like things?" Being honest the first time I tasted this, I didn't even try to heat it. We took it as it was. Was that a dangerous choice?

Destroyer: "It was, unless you take it or store it in a safe way. The pipettes can extract some of the liquid and prevent air contact. Five milliliters is enough for an adult. Children can also take it; it’s not dangerous."

"How dangerous is it? Is that why their possible sterile condition?" Aido asked mentally to Destroyer. Destroyer: "That is correct. I am guessing they consume large quantities. That was the best option given their circumstances. Storing it for more than a few days could turn the soup into a poisonous mix full of bacteria, other organisms, or even parasites. Mutation is also possible. The liquid has good benefits but must be handled with care and expertise."

Leonidas: "So, it’s settled. Let those who need a good meal use the rest of our resources to make a broth with meat and herbs. If the children want it, prioritize them. We adults can manage with the liquid."

Aido: "So, it’s decided. We will go with the tanks tomorrow morning and make our way back."

The shelter buzzed with activity as people started to eat. The adults, ever selfless, decided the children should eat something more solid, while they took the vital soup liquid. Only a select few adults, including Chimara, and some of the tribe’s elders were able to have some of the broth. It was a small reward for their endurance and suffering. As the night deepened, we rested for a few hours, the exhaustion of the day finally catching up with us. When dawn broke, we began to move. Throughout the night, people had been informed of our plan to return to the city.

Worries lingered in the air, the memory of the Armadantoise attack and other beasts fresh in everyone's minds. The hunters remained as alert as possible, their eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of danger. Despite the tension, we moved faster than expected, driven by a collective determination to reach safety.

Aido stood with a heavy heart, his mind weighed down by uncertainty. "I don't know how many losses we have in the trap set in Star City," he muttered, his voice tinged with worry.

Destroyer, stoic and supportive of his master, replied, "There is no way the Retter Messiah can be hurt, nor can the general commander."

Aido said sadly, "Though I have friends who cannot say the same."

As though she could sense his soul's silent plea for solace, Nina glided towards him with a gentle smile playing on her lips. Without a single word passing between them, she planted a deep, passion-filled kiss on his unsuspecting lips. The unexpected outpouring of affection left Rina and Leonidas gaping in astonishment, while a few onlookers felt their eyes misting with unshed tears at the raw display of emotion. Brayan, a man known for his flair for the dramatic, let out a heavy, theatrical sigh. "Years of meticulous effort, all for naught," he lamented.

His young son and cubs looked up at him inquisitively, their innocent faces mirroring confusion. "What do you mean, Papa?" they asked, their curiosity piqued.

His first wife, the sharp-tongued Amelia, rolled her eyes exasperatedly. "Don't mind your father's melodramatic musings, my dear. All is well," she reassured them.

Sofia, his second wife, chimed in with a resigned sigh, "Yes, your father may lack in certain intellect, but his heart is good."

Tiffany, his third wife, laughed lightly, "Despite his occasional lapses, he's undeniably charming and endearing. His foolishness only adds to his appeal." The men in their midst exchanged amused glances, some showing sympathy for Brayan's predicament, while others questioned the wisdom of the women by his side. Chimara observed the unfolding spectacle with a wry smile, her eyes dancing with amusement.

Chimara: "It appears the truth has finally come to light. But Aido, I must say, your composure in the face of such chaos is commendable."

Rina, unable to contain her excitement, practically bounced on her toes.

Rina: "Oh my stars, girl! What was it like? Tell me everything!" Nina beamed, her eyes twinkling with joy.

Nina: "It was amazing!"

Rina's face lit up with delight. "I'm next in line, no arguments!"

Without hesitation, she planted a kiss on Aido's lips, catching him off guard and sending his mind into a whirlwind of confusion. Yet, amidst the chaos, a sense of belonging and a tinge of familiarity washed over him. Nina and Rina, in their boldness, seemed to stir up memories of someone precious, leading Aido to ponder if all the girls he fancied would possess such fearless hearts.

As Leonidas observed the unfolding spectacle with a heartwarming smile, he approached Aido, showering him with fatherly pride. "I am thrilled for you, my boy."

Ninaies, with a mischievous grin, interjected playfully, "It's Aido now, Papa."

Aido couldn't help but chuckle, basking in the warmth of acceptance and love. "Hehehe."

Meanwhile, a lizard-like demi-human shared a knowing glance with his companion, remarking, "See, it was always a duo. Where there's Nina's interest, Rina is sure to follow." The disappointed friend sighed, lamenting, "I had hoped my son would stand a chance at winning her heart."

Not far off, a group of raccoon-like demi-humans observed the scene with keen interest, revealing themselves as Rina's true family. Rina, glowing with happiness, reached out to them. "Father, Mother, this is the one. Are you pleased?" she inquired eagerly.

Her father, a sturdy presence exuding warmth, nodded approvingly. "You have our blessing, son."

Rina's mother, with a gentle smile and kind eyes, welcomed Aido into the family, saying, "You are now one of us, dear."

The sister, bubbling with excitement, couldn't contain her joy. "A new brother! How cool is that?"

Her brother grinned, offering his approval. "You've struck gold, brother."

In this moment of unity and love, Aido found himself embraced by a new family, a sense of belonging enveloping him in its comforting embrace.

I must admit, I am both honored and overwhelmed by this encounter,” I expressed as I addressed them. “It appears that you are not Leonidas’s daughter after all. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Paco, who is Rina's father, then clarified the situation, stating, “Indeed, I am her father, but she finds companionship with Nina, Chimara, and Leonidas. She seems to feel more at ease in their presence. We are grateful for your assistance to our people.”

Mina, her mother, concurred, adding, “It is a pleasure to meet you, young man. As you can observe, I have a more delicate frame. The resemblance between this girl and myself is quite puzzling.” It was evident that the raccoon woman standing before me had a slender physique and unassuming features. Despite her fur making her appear larger, she was far from possessing Rina's curvaceous figure.

Sina, Rina’s sister, chimed in, expressing, “I am her sister. Please take good care of her. Although I have my own challenges to contend with, she holds a significant place in our family.”

Raco, her brother, contributed, “Lastly, I am the brother. As our mother mentioned, we are more inclined towards nurturing rather than combat. Unlike Rina, who embodies the characteristics of a chief’s daughter, we are more involved in gathering resources and providing support to our tribe.”

The resemblance evoked a scenario where commoners had offspring with royal lineage due to a distant noble ancestor. They appeared to be genuinely kind-hearted individuals.

Destroyer, driven by scientific curiosity, expressed his desire to investigate their genetics further. He remarked, “I am intrigued to delve into the analysis of their genetic makeup at a later point. At first glance, their differences are unmistakable. Yet, they share common traits such as tails, ears, and the distinctive red mask mark.”

Ninaies stated firmly, "Now that you are a part of our group, it is imperative that you do not venture off on your own, do you understand?"

I nodded in agreement, finding her words comforting. Aido assured us, "Rest assured, I have no intention of leaving. I will scout the area for any potential threats."

Ninaies placed a reassuring hand on my arm and added, "Please be cautious and return promptly."

Rina, displaying her usual lively nature, expressed, "I would love to have something other than soup to eat." I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm.

Aido then suggested, "I will proceed to assess the safety of the surroundings and signal if all is clear. Perhaps we can try fishing for something to eat at the designated rest area, Rina."

Rina's face lit up with delight at the prospect, exclaiming, "Yay!"

As I readied myself for departure, the weight of responsibility and the embrace of newfound family ties settled upon my shoulders. The air was tinged with endless possibilities, and as I gazed ahead, I felt reassured that whatever obstacles crossed our path, we would confront them united.

Nina: "keep your voice down, we can't catch enough fish for a thousand people."

Rina:"I know, but I have an insatiable appetite. I know, but I am a glutton. The liquid does not take away the craving, only the hunger."

Aido: "Well, I must depart now. Please tread carefully and follow my lead. Nina, you must ensure the safety of the group. "

Nina nodded solemnly, her gaze unwavering. As Destroyer and I scoured the area for any traces of the beasts, the distance from our refuge stretched out before us. A sinking feeling settled in my gut – the enigmatic figure in the cloak, the intricate trap, my unexpected reunion with Nina – was it all a carefully orchestrated scheme or mere coincidence? With our small group, we pressed on along the coastline, where the only path led to the city. Though unease lingered, our numbers offered a flicker of hope as we marched forward, our destiny unfolding one step at a time.

Destroyer, with a twinkle in his eye, inquired of Aido, "Have you set your gaze on capturing her heart as your very own possession?"

Aido, with a tone of utmost respect in his voice, replied, "Indeed, she occupies a cherished corner in my soul."

Destroyer, with a knowing smile, continued, "I sense a rekindling of a love long forgotten, and it seems she has kept the flame alive for you. The murmurs of the townsfolk and the glances of the admirers hint at her possessing the qualities of Alidia, Luyira, and Mary. There is a connection with them all, a bond not just of the flesh, but of the spirit deep within. Her gaze carries the essence of them all."

Aido, intrigued, questioned, "And what common trait binds them all?"

Destroyer answered, "Loyalty, an unbreakable devotion, a love that defies all boundaries. There is a forceful energy that ties them to you, a link so strong it defies explanation. I am usually wary of love at first sight, as it often stems from mere infatuation and grows with shared moments. Yet, in your case, I witness something extraordinary. Your presence is rare, a gem to be revered. It is something coveted, something to be cherished and treasured."

Aido marveled at the breathtaking revelation before him. The concept of being regarded as special carried profound implications, stirring a deep resonance within his being. Rina appeared before him like a wistful reverie come to life, as though their fates had been intertwined since time immemorial. There was an ineffable connection that seemed to bind their souls, a sense of completion as their gazes met and locked in a silent understanding. The mention of Rina's aversion to men sparked a fierce anger within him, fueled by the unjust objectification she endured simply for possessing a beautiful physique. Yet, despite the injustice she faced, her defiance and empowerment shone through, using her allure as a tool to win favor rather than succumbing to societal norms.

Destroyer: "Do you find her physical appearance desirable? If so, it appears she exhibits similar characteristics to the others."

Aido: "What are you implying?"

Destroyer: "It is apparent to me that Luyira, Alidia, and Mary share similarities in their physical attributes. In the case of Alidia, it appears that your past life has influenced your mother to not only embody a maternal figure but also to be a potential partner for you. It seems evident that our superior has tailored her to align with your personal preferences."

Aido:" Are you suggesting that my previous life held such sway that it could create the Retter Messiah and manipulate them to be appealing and suitable partners? It appears to be an abuse of power."

Destroyer:"Are you truly dissatisfied with it, or does it bring you happiness?"

Aido: "Now that you mention it that way, I must admit that I am content. I love them for who they are, but I also appreciate their appearance, and I enjoy being intimate with them, so I can understand the reasoning. Are you suggesting that our meeting was fated? Preplanned?"

Destroyer:"Destiny remains an enigma; I cannot claim that it was planned. However, one thing is certain: the bodies of the Retter Messiah resemble mine."

I am no stranger to the envious gazes of rival suitors, but this instance stands apart from the rest. Even before our paths crossed, the unsettling knowledge that someone dared to lay a forceful hand on her ignites a fierce fury within me.

Destroyer: "Recipient of such gazes, you are not alone; many envy the attention you attract. Humans are born with inherent tendencies towards evil, yet aspire to be good. Some individuals, like Arthur and his family, genuinely believe in their intrinsic goodness. On the other hand, there are those like Sakura who have learned to confront their inner struggles. It is a common belief that not everyone you encounter will act in the expected or morally correct manner."

Aido: "Yes, I understand that. There are those who are good-natured and helpful, as well as those who are self-centered and selfish. It is difficult to judge others based solely on their actions when their intentions could be different."

Destroyer: "Let us postpone this discussion for another time; my senses are detecting peculiar noises ahead, which do not seem to be of human or demi-human origin."

Aido: "We should cautiously approach to investigate."

As we slowly advanced towards the unfamiliar sounds, a surreal scene unfolded before us: a gathering of goblins, orcs, and their evolved counterparts known as hobgoblins. These creatures, not only found in tales but also in the depths of my own dreams, are traditionally classified into factions of good, neutral, and evil. The group before us, devoid of any females and emitting a palpable aura of malevolence, seemed to have been deliberately chosen as our adversaries. If Rina's story had unnerved me, this new revelation was even more chilling.

Aido: "They seem to be embroiled in a fierce conflict, but what could they be fighting over?"

Destroyer: "It appears they are engaged in a struggle over the remains of fallen creatures. Though the scent of death hangs in the air, its source remains elusive."

Aido: "They appear formidable and well-coordinated."

Destroyer: "Although you could defeat them in combat, they pose a significant threat to those we are protecting. This is no ordinary goblin horde; there may be unseen forces at play, possibly even a way to lure us into a trap."

Aido: "You are knowledgeable about goblinkind, aren't you, Destroyer?"

Destroyer: "Indeed, my liege."

Aido: "Then you understand that I must eliminate them all immediately!"

The memories of my dreams are fleeting, showing violent acts against women. When faced with hostile males, I am resolute in my determination to rid my realm of such vile beings. I perceive their aggression as a malevolent chaos, although I recognize my own imperfections. Moving towards the heart of the group, a sense of satisfaction washes over me as I defeat them, despite their relentless attempts to harm me. It feels like a battle. While aware of their malevolence and potentially sinister motives, the scene may evoke fear in those who witness my ruthless defeat of these foes. Their cries of terror and agony resound as I emerge victorious, their futile attempts to overpower me no match for the powers bestowed upon me by Destroyer. The battle rages on as I create a barrier of scorching lava around us, leaving no chance of escape. Though they initially try to breach the barrier with weak weapons, I effortlessly dismantle them. The hobgoblins resort to casting spells, summoning elemental forces. Seeing my mastery of magic without uttering a word, they cower in fear at my overwhelming presence, knowing their end is near and struggling in vain for survival.

Destroyer: "As expected, my lord, they do not pose a threat to you, but rather to your family."

Aido: "I understand, however, I cannot allow them to live in this world."

Destroyer: "Your method of eliminating them is merciless and lacks mercy, yet I detect a hint of remorse. What is the reason for this?"

Destroyer: "Your method of eliminating them is ruthless and lacks mercy, yet I detect a hint of remorse. What is the reason for this?"

Aido: "Although they are evil, it is not as simple as it is with the mutated beast. To leave them be is the true sin against my own people. It is their way of living; wolves eat lambs. I must proceed with caution, as your warning words keep echoing within me, to avoid falling prey to negative influences."

Destroyer: "As previously mentioned, you have no cause for concern regarding succumbing to malevolence."

The final hobgoblin collapses to his knees, attempting to flee, yet the lava proves too intense. With a gesture from me, the lava dissipates. I approach the hobgoblin, who gazes at me with animosity in his eyes. I raise my leg and deliver a forceful kick, sending him flying ten meters before he comes to a stop against a stone wall I created. Despite his injuries, he remains alive.

I kneel before him and remark, "You embody evil; it is evident in your soul. You do not lament your past actions but instead resent the fact that fate has led you to me."

The hobgoblin looks at me, a solitary tear trickling down his face. In a strained voice, he utters, "Eistratke lak, Meni su tri."

Aido: "This is the language mentioned by Leonidas, one that remains incomprehensible. It is regrettable, but I can at least offer you a swift demise." The hobgoblin, seemingly understanding me, raises his left hand and gestures approval.

Destroyer: "My lord, what did he say?"

Aido: "I have no definitive understanding, but he appears content with the resolution. He was the last of their kind; let us signal the caravan."

As the remainder of the caravan finally caught up to my position, we made the unanimous decision to halt and rest for a moment. The sun was beginning its descent into the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over our weary bodies. Thirsty and fatigued, we gathered around the precious tanks of vital energy liquid, guarding them as if they were priceless treasures. In a world where even the most valuable metals and luxuries paled in comparison, these tanks held a significance beyond measure. With careful consideration, we draped them with sturdy materials scavenged from our carts, creating a shield of protection that made them appear invincible. The crystal that formed their structure gleamed with a strength that rivaled the most resilient of materials, instilling a sense of security in our hearts. It was as if the tanks themselves exuded a forcefield of safety around us. Suddenly, a shout broke through the peaceful silence of our camp.

Aido inquired, "Are they beasts or monsters?"

Destroyer, with a sense of urgency, responded, "I recognize this movement, this sound; she is approaching!"

Aido gazed out into the vast horizon, his eyes searching intently. Nearby, Destroyer studied the same horizon, analyzing every detail with sharp precision. Suddenly, a realization washed over them both as they felt the faint stirrings of vibrations and movement in the distance. Excitement laced Destroyer's voice as he turned to his leader, "My liege, she approaches. It seems she is not alone, accompanied by a host of soldiers."

Rina observed, "It's rather amusing how they both operate within the same body. Notice how the helmet appears to have two pairs of eyes, and at times the lights in the body mimic eyes."

Ninaies added, "Indeed, their interactions do seem peculiar, like a living suit of armor, don't you think? I was initially concerned when he mentioned something approaching, but it appears to be a friendly presence based on their behavior."

Leonidas commented, "Most of the tribe still views him as somewhat eccentric, hahaha. As for you, my child, what do you have there and where did you acquire it?"

Aido remarked confidently, "So, that means we are out of harm's way now, correct?"

His unwavering trust in their enigmatic visitor demonstrated the faith they had in their allies. Meanwhile, Rina, the group's skilled hunter, proudly showcased a sizable tuna she had successfully caught.

Rina: "I reeled this in with my own hands! Let's cook it up for a feast"

She suggested eagerly.

Ninaies, pragmatic and skeptical, questioned the feasibility of her claim. "How? Tuna are known to dwell in the depths of the ocean, far beyond our reach."

But Rina simply shrugged off the doubt with a confident smile. "I caught it, plain and simple. No need for elaborate stories."

As the group bantered back and forth, the impending arrival of their awaited helper drew near. "They'll be here in a few minutes."

Destroyer announced, his keen senses detecting the approaching presence. Aido breathed a sigh of relief, his worries dissipating like smoke in the wind. "Thank you, God. I was beginning to fear the unknown, but now I have hope and a multitude of questions to ask." The surreal beauty of the moment enveloped them, turning a simple rest stop into a tale of camaraderie and adventure.

The demi-humans and hunters are observing the goblin corpses, noting that they are not decomposing at the same rate as the beasts. One individual inquired, "Could this indicate a new type of adversary?" Another hunter pointed out, "It appears that one was wielding a sword, and this one seems to have been using a crossbow." While these entities may seem less threatening than mechanized beasts or rank 2 foes, the presence of an enemy exhibiting human-like behaviors is concerning.

Suddenly, a commanding yet soothing voice resonated through the environment, akin to the power of telepathy but with a palpable effect on the surrounding animals.

Luyira: "AIDO!!!!! Where are you?"

Ninaies: "Am I the only one hearing your name echo like a piercing siren, stirring even the beasts of the forest into unease?"

Destroyer:"It's Luyira"

Rina couldn't contain her excitement. "I never thought I'd encounter little green beings and now a ghost calling out to Aido!"

Meanwhile, Aido was casually cooking tuna over a campfire as Leonidas cheekily asked, "What happened to that tuna?"

The aroma of the spices and salt used to prepare the fish filled the air, reaching even the caravan members who were scavenging through the goblin corpses.

Rina, still feeling proud of her catch, replied, "I'm ensuring that it's cooked thoroughly before we share it with everyone!"

Leonidas chuckled, "That's quite a catch, young lady. It seems like you have a talent for fishing!"

Rina modestly responded, "Well, I wouldn't say that, but I do enjoy fishing."

Leonidas, feeling hungry, asked, "You guys have made everyone hungry now, mind if I have a bite?

Destroyer: "Even though Aido, Luyira may not appear as menacing as her appearance suggests, she possesses significant power and could be a formidable force in certain situations. As you have heard her, you appear to have calmed down now, preparing for her arrival. "

Destroyer's words echoed sternly in the air, scolding Aido for his behavior and urging others to grasp the gravity of the new situation unfolding. Yet, confusion lingered as the admonition was delivered by the same figure nonchalantly handling tuna, adding an air of peculiarity to the scene.

"Luyira is the second most powerful being after Aido.",Destroyer explained, his tone firm. "Approach with caution, for she may appear intimidating."

Chimara queried who was also eating part of the tuna. "Why the hesitance to greet them?"

With a deep and manly voice, Destroyer explain."She is fiercely loyal to Aido but possessiveness lingers within her. It is prudent to maintain a certain distance."

Aido nodded in agreement, a sense of foreboding creeping in as the formidable presence drew closer, reminiscent of a colossal mech or an unstoppable tank advancing with each step. In that moment, as an aura of caution enveloped them, the wisdom in their caution became undeniably clear.

Rina: "From ghost to a giant, I am even more curious now of who is coming. My heart does tum tum dum dum"

In the distance, the rustling of leaves and the swirling dust hinted at an incoming presence like a missile, causing a stir of confusion among the onlookers. As the group braced themselves, Aido boldly stepped forward while the others huddled closer to the warmth of the campfire. Anticipation hung in the air as the ground trembled with each approaching stomp.

Emerging from the shadows was a woman with fiery red hair cascading down her back, her stunning figure cloaked in a daring crimson bikini that left little to the imagination. Her slender arms and voluptuous legs moved with grace, while a rabbit-like tail swayed behind her at an incredible speed. Adorned with red bunny ears perked up as if searching for something, she possessed a mesmerizing beauty that could only be described as goddess-like. With a smile that sent shivers down one’s spine and eyes that burned like fire, she approached Aido with a voice as smooth as butter, exuding a sense of comfort and warmth.

Descending towards him like a shooting star, she enveloped him in a tight embrace, the strength of which hinted at the cracking of bones. Yet, Aido met her intensity with a playful grin, refusing to back down even as she spoke to him as if challenging his very existence. Their exchange was filled with a mix of tension and amusement, leaving all who watched wondering what their dynamic truly held.

Luyira: "Aido, my love, I miss you so much!"

Aido: "I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you."

Luyira: "Aido, Aido, Aido, you fool, you stupid."

Using her inhuman strength, she hugs Aido with such intensity that Destroyer becomes concerned for his safety. In the midst of the chaos, Destroyer's voice cuts through the tension like a blade through silk.

Destroyer: "Calm yourself, Luyira," he urged, a quiet command laced with authority. As she clings to Aido with a strength that does not allow them to move, the pressure even causes concern for Destroyer's safety.

Destroyer: "Let him know he is a fool, but deep down we understand that his intentions are pure, guided by what he believes to be right."

But Luyira, with eyes ablaze and heart set on her own world, refuses to heed his words.

Luyira: "No!" She proclaims firmly, showing unwavering determination.

Destroyer's tone turns serious, with a warning undertone, as he addresses her by name. "Luyira..."

However, before he can continue speaking, a tangible wave of bloodlust pervades the vicinity, a sensation unlike anything even Aido had experienced before, revealing a side of Luyira he had never seen before.

Even Leonidas, the steadfast leader, and the others could not escape its icy grip, their very beings trembling in its wake. Everyone around feel the preassure, humans, demi humans, childs and adults.

Luyira: "No one, not even you"

Luyira's voice rang out, a fierce determination burning in her eyes as she faced the Destroyer. "No one will tear him from my grasp".

Aido's voice, a plea filled with desperation, cut through the tense silence. "Luyira, please," He implored, his words a lifeline in the storm. "These are my people, and I am here with them."

With a sudden shift, Luyira's gaze softened, her anger subsiding as she buried her face into Aido chest, Where Destroyer expose his skin and remove the helmet so she can see his face.

Luyira said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just missed you so much."

As she looked up at him with teary eyes and pink cheeks, Aido smiled and gently stroked her hair.

Luyira then vowed, "You will not leave my side," her voice now calm, with a hint of tenderness in her eyes. Her voice trembled with emotion as she expressed her concern to Aido, pleading with him, "You must promise me, my dear, that you will not put yourself in harm's way again. I cannot bear the thought of losing you, not after all we have endured together." Puzzled by her sudden outburst, Aido searched her eyes for answers, asking, "What is troubling you? What danger have I unknowingly faced?" Luyira's gaze remained fixed on him, showing a mix of fear and unwavering determination.

Luyira implored, "Please, promise me you will return to my side swiftly," conveying the unbreakable bond they shared.

The demi-humans in Luyira's entourage arrived with weariness etched on their faces, bringing relief to the caravan and easing some tension. Leonidas and the girls remained cautious, finally understanding Destroyer's cryptic warnings about Luyira."

Michi exclaimed with fervor, her eyes ablaze with reverence, "This moment is a divine joy. My Goddess has led us to the savior and our missing people."

Daisy breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Daisy replied, "My heart was heavy with worry, but now, seeing everyone safe brings me bliss."

Nerisse, the esteemed leader of the Wall demi-humans, stepped forward and said, "I report to the savior and the chieftain of the demi-human alliance - we have arrived with the Goddess."

Aido chimed in, recognizing the changes in their dynamics. Aido said, "I see the change of behavior in you all. Once mere followers, now you serve her like she was a divine being."

Michi replied with unwavering conviction, "It is only logical." Michi's firm voice resonated with unwavering conviction as she spoke, his gestures exuding a subtle aura that made Luyira and Aido slightly uneasy, though devoid of malice. It was a display so refined and respectful, typically reserved for royalty, yet uniquely bestowed upon the Saint. "We have seen and felt the power of our Goddess firsthand," Michi continued.

Aido scratched his head in bewilderment, saying, "I must admit, this is all a tad confusing."

Observing the new dynamics unfolding among the caravan of thousands of individuals positioned just a few meters behind Leonidas and the young women, alongside the arrival of a small group of demi-humans, it is notable that the expressions on the faces of the crowd evoke more concern than fear. The evident bloodlust and pressure that I have never before experienced seem to have taken a toll on them. However, the sight of familiar faces emerging from the trees appears to have had a calming effect on the environment.

Destroyer made a suggestion, remarking, "Now would be an opportune moment to provide a detailed account of recent events."

As Luyira began recounting their recent trials, a sense of urgency filled the air.

Luyira:"Aido, someone is hunting you. The beasts, the traps - all under someone else's control. Frenia and Mother warned us of four assailants on the turtle, but I managed to save our friends from certain peril. I was like GRR!! then humm, then DIE BEASTFUCKER, and suddenly I feel like Mary and do a szszszszsz, and everyone was healed and the beasts were defeated."

Aido, bewildered by her strange outburst, queried with a raised eyebrow.

Aido: "Are you alright?"

Destroyer: "She is speaking nonsense."

Turning towards Luyira, Aido's tone softened, "It's all right, just take a deep breath."

Luyira persisted urgently, "They're formidable, Aido, unusually formidable."

Destroyer mused, "I've had this strange feeling of being watched ever since our encounter with the turtle, but I wrote it off as my imagination—my senses failed to pick up anything."

Aido considered thoughtfully, "Perhaps someone has been eagerly anticipating my awakening."

With a touch of reverence in his voice, Leonidas tentatively approached Luyira, inquiring, "May I come closer, Goddess Luyira?"

Luyira: "Please just call me Luyira. Aido and our mother handle the complex matters. I appreciate you; you are a good kitty."

Leonidas expressed his suspicions, saying, "I believe, as do my people, that someone has their own agenda. The campaign was our chance for lasting peace, but the enemy struck before we could achieve it. It's evident that there's someone pulling the strings, with more knowledge and perhaps even more advanced technology than us, given their ability to jam radios and manipulate beasts. Beasts driven by a relentless need to hunt their prey to the death."

Aido acknowledged, "Indeed, the sophistication of that trap was far from ordinary."

Rina, with a mix of curiosity and wariness, interjected, holding Ninaies's arm and acting a little timid: "Who is she, and why is she cozying up to our husband?"

Amused by the situation, Luyira questioned, "Husband?"

Aido clarified, "Oh, they are my mates. This is Rina, and this is my Ninaies, Nina to short it.Ouch,Careful, Luy."

Luyira twisted Aido's arm and persuaded Destroyer to remove the protection so she could pinch him. "Well, well, it seems you left me for a bit and returned with more lovely maidens! My womanizer, aren't you?"

The playful Destroyer simply admitted, "Guilty as charged."

Aido's voice trembled with fear as he whispered, "I told you, she is going to kill us."

But Luyira's curious eyes sparkled with mischief. "What is that? Why are you smiling? We are six now! Do you want seven, the lucky number?"

Destroyer's ominous tone cut through the tension. "It is possible. So if you are going to punish him, better do it now."

Aido's eyes widened in disbelief. "Destroyer! Are you betraying me?"

Rina's voice was light and playful. "It's okay, we can have fun with the other girls. One for all and all for one!"

Aido expressed a strong desire to have fun with everyone. "I am weak to the girls I like and love."

Luyira, with a teasing expression, remarked, "So you're admitting you want to have your way with five beauties?"

Rina interjected, "Isn't it six?"

Luyira: "I was counting him as part of the family we are forming."

Rina playfully quipped. "Then seven is the limit?"

Luyira shook her head, hoping they wouldn't reach that point. In a strange moment of connection, Luyira and Rina's eyes met, and there was an inexplicable click. Rina's words were laced with curiosity. "You are cute and beautiful. Are you demi-human?"

Luyira's laughter was musical. "Haha, thanks. I am a Retter Messiah with a special condition. I can't be with just anyone, my body requires a certain someone. Apologies for being possessive and jealous, but I mean no harm to you or our family."

Confusion filled Aido's voice, "What family?"

Destroyer's suggestion was mischievous, "Oh, it's not a bad idea. You could have a harem of goddesses."

Rina could sense the deep connection between Aido and Luyira. She couldn't help but point out the striking resemblance between herself and Luyira, who sported similar tail and ears. "Your love for Aido is palpable. Look Nina, she's like me," Rina remarked.

Ninaies, nodding in agreement, added, "Indeed, Luyira bears a striking resemblance to you. It appears she believes in finding an equal, and good things are starting to fall into place."

With newfound confidence radiating from their every step, the leaders of the group marched purposefully towards Luyira and Aido, while the rest of the caravan observed with cautious curiosity. Moments earlier, Georgina and her group had given in to the intense pressure, descending clumsily to safety in a less-than-graceful manner.

Luyira: "I think you guys are really cute. So we have a raccon girl and you found the black cat, eh, but is not black but blonded of blue eyes"

Aido: "I don't know why, but I feel a little relieved now."

The expression on Nina's face is a bit complicated; she appears happy but also concerned, as if Luy has triggered something inside her. Nevertheless, I have a feeling she will become friends with Rina soon. Nina resembles my mother in appearance, so I assume she is the older sister type.

Leonidas: "So, Retter Messiah has some demi-human characteristics. To be honest, we were so afraid of "The Warrior" that we avoided her at all costs. This is my first time meeting someone like her."

Chimara: "If only we had known earlier, it feels like a veil has been lifted from my eyes. Now I can see that we have more in common than differences."

Luyira: "Yes, I may appear as a demi-human, but I am different; I am a Retter Messiah. People often refer to me as a goddess or a demigod."

Rina: "I know, right? Aido is considered a god too, but in a different way. He does things we can only imagine."

Luyira: "That's true; he is the savior."

Aido: Actually, my power is more akin to that of a Destroyer. Although I have the potential to be as powerful as a Retter Messiah, my powers are currently dormant. It's good that everyone is here. How far are we from the city?

Luyira: "As I ran through the wilderness, chasing after the beasts, time seemed to blur into 1 or 2 days, until I heard the sounds of battle, knowing instantly that it was you."

Aido: "Your instincts are as sharp as ever. The distance must have been great. The caravan needs a break; we can resume our journey once the children have rested and the others are prepared to move."

Luyira: "Aido... is this our child?"

Aido: "What do you mean?"

I followed Luyira's gaze down to where Sisi, the little cub who had once clung to my hand, now held hers. How the cub moved so quietly and transferred its loyalty to Luyira, it seemed destined for espionage or assassination in the future.

Aido: "I believe he has taken a liking to you."

Luyira: "I believe so too. He is truly adorable."

Rina: "Oh my! Luy, you've already become a mother! We must not be left behind!"

Ninaies: "Haha, can't you see the resemblance? He is ours, a mix of his grandpa and grandma."

Brayan approached, feeling a bit flustered, concerned about the girls' reactions.

Brayan: "My apologies if I overstepped. I'm glad you all have taken a liking to the little one; I've simply adopted him. He's rather unique, forming strong attachments to those he deems worthy. Perhaps it's tied to his past memories."

Rina's eyes widened in disbelief, "No way! He looks familiar to me too!"

Luyira: "Let me guess, he is yours as well?"

Rina's expression softened as she gazed at the adorable child. "He is so cute! He looks just like a little cat!"

Luyira smiled proudly. "You're right, he is my kid."

Aido: "I suppose we can consider him our precious godson."

Brayan: "Come with me little guy, your siblings are waiting, he got attached to me when you left for the Nest, and my wives decided to take him with us, I already has 5 cubs myself, one more would not be a problem."

Rina: "No way! Brayan acting all mature and good nature, we are so proud!"

Aido: "You look like a real family man now."

Bemused, Brayan remarked, "Thank you, I am trying to be a good husband to them."

Nina said, "It seems that is what he needed, a reason to stop fooling around and stop chasing us."

Rina replied, "God save us, he would finally stop hitting on my married younger sister."

I noticed Brayan has a complex situation. It seems they have a story I would like to hear, but for now, it appears everyone has gotten along.

Leonidas observed the vast distance ahead, envisioning the long journey that lay before them. As he and Chimara watched the group's interactions, Georgina, with a look of urgency, descended from the sky and approached him. "They are approaching from behind now," Georgina informed him.

"What kind?" Leonidas inquired.

"A dozen flying lizards! They are larger," Georgina replied.

Aido, known as the Destroyer, considered the situation. "The dragons are swift and agile. Are these the same ones that vexed us before?"

"No," Destroyer replied. "Their appearance is different. They resemble animals, slower and flying at a lower altitude."

Aido observed the approaching creatures and conceded, "I see them now. They are indeed different."

Luyira calmly advanced, and suddenly metallic tubes or tentacles emerged from her back, extending over the group and vanishing into the distance. The sight left everyone, myself included, in shock. The tubes or cables extended over thousands of people in the caravan, reaching towards the horizon and the flying creatures in the distance. The cries of captured animals echoed as the creatures transformed, appearing as smaller creatures seemingly trapped. Despite their monstrous appearance, their behavior resembled that of gentle animals caught in the hold of a giant, with their immense size still clearly evident.

Destroyer: "It's Luyira's nano abilities, would be the simplest way to explain it. The dragons are smaller too, than the ones attacking us before we met the caravan."

Aido's eyes widened in disbelief as he beheld the strange sight before him. "What is that? What is happening?" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with wonder. "Small? I can ride that into combat and bring the girls in it back. Is that growing from your back?"

Luyira, a look of determination on her face, responded with confidence, "I don't know, but I feel like I can do it, and I did it. This is what you meant about dragons." She extended her tentacles, cradling a dozen dragons that seemed to weep softly, their presence leaving onlookers in shock, as if witnessing something otherworldly.

"They are bigger than the ones we fought before," Georgina observed.

Ninaies nodded, adding, "They may seem pitiful now, but the ones that attacked us previously were merciless and cruel. We suffered great losses in that battle. Let Aido decide their fate."

Turning to Luyira, Aido inquired, "Can you hold them long enough to return with them to Star City?"

"I should be able to do that," Luyira replied with quiet confidence.

Aido's admiration was evident as he praised her, "Good job. Amazing job." Yet, a sense of awe and realization dawned on him. "I feel shocked. Helping in the nests made me feel powerful and superior. But once again, Luy has revealed powers that exceed my own. I am not developing a complex, but this serves as a reminder that I have much to learn. I wonder why my abilities are sealed."

Luyira's mischievous laughter broke the moment, "Hehehhee, reward!"

Her lips met Aido's in a kiss that was not without its passionate implications. Nina and Rina exchanged bewildered glances, while Leonidas shielded Chimara's eyes from the display. The others remained stupefied, unable to find the words to express their astonishment.

Rina: "She is like, a super hero?"

Aido: "Pretty much, but she is stronger than me."

Luyira: "The goddess in red! That is my title!"

Michi: "The Crimson Goddess! The punisher of sinner and savior of just!"

Chimara: "Oh my, I need to go rest and recover."

Leonidas: "You are a strong one, and so are you Aido. My daughters are going to be safe with you."

I couldn't help but notice a subtle shift in the demeanor of the demi-humans, especially towards Luyira. It was as though she had suddenly become the center of attention, much like how the people in the capital treated Mary. Something definitely changed, and I was determined to uncover the truth. It was ironic how only sinners were usually known to interact with demi-humans, yet now there was a fervor surrounding Luyira and her powers. What could have possibly happened? Despite the uncertainty, I knew that most people were safe.

Ninaies: "Gods among us, we could use some of those."

Destroyer: "Perhaps she is unlocking new powers; that echo sounded like a sonar, reverberating your very name."

Luyira: "Tentacles, tentacles, tenta-kuns!"

Destroyer: "Tentacle-kun, the mighty and powerful!"

Aido: "That is interesting. I didn't know you could do that."

Destroyer: "Oh, it seems she can do a lot more than just that."

She has come back to her happy and relaxed behavior, but there are many things I don't know about her. I need to be more open with her, but I think it will be easier since she is always cheerful and easygoing.

Aido: Luy, I think it would be best if we keep these dragons for now and wait.

Luyira: I'm just overjoyed, I was furious not long ago, but now I'm filled with happiness once more!

Aido: My apologies for causing you trouble.

The scene was not eerie, but rather astonishing, as the appendices seemed to respond to Luyira's emotions. The dragon-like beings even attempted to move and breathe fire, though more comically than menacingly.

Luyira: "Let's have babies!"

Aido: "Sure, but not right here."

Luyira: "That is acceptable; safeguarding the interests of future generations is paramount. You can rely on my support."

Rina: "Hehehehe,come here, my dear friend."

Luyira: "Yes?"

Rina embraces Luyira warmly, while Nina approaches and takes hold of my arm, also showing affection. Rina then releases Luyira and takes the other arm, creating an intimate moment as Luyira is positioned outside this, akin to a sandwich.

Ninaies: "Remember us."

Aido: "I won't forget you two."

Rina: "Aido, keep in mind we are part of the family and want to be with you too."

Aido: "What is happening here, ladies?"

Rina: "We are looking after the savior and hero."

Luyira: "Very well! I shall take the lead!"

She playfully jumps and lands on my shoulders, her tentacles still holding onto the dozen dragons in the air. The spectacle may appear peculiar to onlookers, prompting me to occasionally ponder if I emit some sort of pheromones that elicit such unconventional behavior from the ladies.

Chimara remarked, "The dragons and other creatures hardly moved as she executed her acrobatic landing."

Leonidas responded, "It is akin to observing mechanical movements, like the nodding heads of chickens. I believe cannons and mechs operate in a similar manner."

Chimara expressed her concern, saying, "My only worry is that he seems rather popular, so I fear he may not devote enough attention to our flowers."

Leonidas reassured her, "Our children are independent enough to look after themselves, my dear."

Chimara admitted, "I know, I am just being a bit selfish. They are all so beautiful.""

Nerisse: "We are only dozen of individuals, including the goddess, but from where we came to here, only trails were found, we did not meet any beast or those things over there. Neither this Dragons things, so I believe is save to move on, the radio is not working, but we were hoping to use to find the savior."

Leonidas: "Welcome to the pack, little girl. Nerisse, the daughter of Narusse, I have bad news for you. Nerisse's face changed a little, it seemed she was ready for the situation but had her hopes crushed. They began to share information about the situation and the fate of some of the refugees."

The trip to the star city went without further mishaps; the waves of the beasts that attacked the group of Nina and Leonidas seem to have disappeared; Luy did not confront the hooded ones herself, and the truth does not seem to interest her, only that because of them we were separated for half and a day, while getting to the city at the pace of the people took us 2 days. Luy did not separate from me, neither Nina nor Rina. We were talking about what we had done since we separated, his life seems much more complicated than mine, while I had great pleasures and sustenance, Nina and Rina used to go hungry and lost a lot of people along the way. The men of the Tribe seem like they wanted to have something with them, but I don't see them very disappointed either, I can see both the females and the males having closeness with ordinary human people, and even with some hunters.

In a dining and entertainment establishment in the capital city, seven individuals are sharing their opinions on the current situation.

Lucifer: "It appears that everything is resolving well, although the Retter Messiah remains somewhat difficult to manage."

Asmodeus: "The outcome was completely unexpected; the plan was for the turtle to falter, causing the army to falter enough to make the individual waver in choosing between duty and the kittens. However, the girl changed everything. It is still notable that the individual has gleaned something from this experience."

Leviathan: "I have formed a sort of camaraderie with the person, and I feel that this rivalry has finally placed me in a favorable position. Thus, I have no complaints."

Beelzebub: "I found our assignment to be uninteresting. I am indifferent towards the countless soulless creatures; it would have been more satisfying for me to confront the Rescuer myself."

Mammon: "I share the sentiment of disinterest towards the insignificant beings, but I am pleased with the outcomes. How many parties are involved in this complex game of strategy?"

Belphegor: "It appears to me that the quantity exceeds three. Even though heaven has refrained from direct interventions, it is apparent that the girl is a primary angel inhabiting the body of an avatar. This could work to our advantage or our ruin, as the avatar can be destroyed, and the individual is emotionally invested in preserving his possession."

Satan: "You fiends, entrust me with the most tedious and solitary task. I was beginning to form a bond with the creatures you assigned me; at least they provided some entertainment during that monotonous period. They proved to be more attentive than all of you combined."

Lucifer: "Cease your childish behavior, Satan, that's precisely why people mistake us for one another. Now, let's focus on the players in this intricate game - Heaven, ourselves, a singular entity, and possibly two more. There may even be more involved. While we hold the advantage, let's maximize our potential."

Mammon: "If we're aiming to make the most of our advantage, why haven't we taken action using the demons?"

Belphegor: "You're right, there was an opportunity with the demons."

Lucifer: "Not yet. The four heavenly demons are our trump card for a later stage. Deboner, the succubus queen, is a prize for the boy - we can't reveal her just yet. He must prove himself further. And they need to realize the extent of their luck in this moment. Let them revel in their happiness."

Asmodeus: "Happiness, huh? The girl's wrath gave me a fleeting sensation of a nonexistent heart in my chest. I thought she might destroy the universe, but she controlled her power."

Beelzebub: "Remember, the girl is receiving special treatment. She is not to be treated like the others. She is acting beyond her own creation and limits, a primordial soul with only a few aeons of existence. Even we took a while before we started to have our own thoughts. She is dangerous, and what about the others?"

Lucifer: "That's precisely why we must remain in the shadows for now. When the time is right, we will reveal ourselves to them and make our presence known to the other players in this grand scheme. Retter Messiah may seem extraordinary, but ultimately they are primordial souls. Our main advantage is our wisdom, and we must exploit it. Our goal is not to confront them. By viewing them in a way that aligns with our father's actions, we can prevent a disastrous outcome."

The seven beings engage in conversation, varying in seriousness and calmness, yet all sharing the same determination towards their ultimate goal.

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