Evilness, the all-consuming power that holds sway over life and death.

*************************LORE: PILLARS******************************

The Pillars: Guardians of Existence

In the vast and ever-changing multiverse, certain individuals or entities rise above the rest, not through brute force alone, but through their impact on the continuation of life and existence. These are the Pillars, beings who act as anchors of hope and purpose, embodying the drive to preserve and protect life in all its forms. Their influence resonates throughout their worlds, bringing a warmth that inspires others, often becoming the very foundation upon which societies and civilizations are built.

The Pillars can take many forms, from mighty warriors and superheroes who possess powers beyond comprehension, to humble, selfless souls who inspire others through their actions and beliefs. The common thread that binds them is their pursuit of the greater good—the well-being of their worlds and the continuation of life itself.

The Manifestations of Pillars

Pillars exist across various dimensions and realities, often manifesting in ways that reflect their worlds’ needs. Some of them are superhumans with unimaginable power, while others wield nothing but the strength of their ideals. Here are some examples of Pillars, both extraordinary and humble, whose existence brings light to their worlds:

  • Superman, Goku, and Saitama: These figures are known for their superhuman abilities, far surpassing those of their peers. They fight to protect their worlds from overwhelming threats, using their immense power to shield life from destruction. Superman, the beacon of hope; Goku, the unstoppable force of positivity and growth; and Saitama, the unconquerable hero—they each symbolize the drive to protect and uplift their worlds.

  • Rimuru Tempest: A powerful being who, through transformation and growth, seeks to unite creatures of various origins. As a pillar of peace, Rimuru represents the desire to build and sustain civilizations where harmony between different forms of life is possible.

  • Jesus, Nelson Mandela, Lázaro Cárdenas, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln: These individuals possess little in the way of superhuman strength, but their moral conviction, leadership, and compassion for others transformed their worlds. Jesus embodied forgiveness and love; Mandela represented resilience and unity in the face of division; and Washington and Lincoln led their nations through times of crisis, preserving the foundations of their peoples’ existence. These figures, although human, brought a sense of warmth and hope to their worlds through their unwavering dedication to the greater good.

Primordial Souls and Their Connection to the Pillars

Not all Pillars possess a Primordial Soul, but every Primordial Soul born outside the barrier of creation once served as a Pillar. These beings, who were once agents of light and hope, become vessels of balance between Good and Evil. Through their actions in life, they have earned the right to transcend ordinary existence, becoming Primordial Souls capable of shaping entire realities within themselves.

One such example is Buddha, who walked the path to divinity by achieving enlightenment. His journey toward balance between suffering and peace is a prime example of how a mortal soul can ascend to the level of a Primordial Soul. However, it is important to note that forcing the creation of a Pillar—whether by external manipulation or by unnatural means—can be dangerous. This could lead to the rise of their dark counterparts, the Apocalypties.

The Apocalypties: The Counterforce to the Pillars

In contrast to the Pillars, who seek to preserve and nurture life, there are the Apocalypties—beings who seek to return existence to nothingness, driven by their desire to end suffering. The Apocalypties view life as a cycle of endless pain and conflict, a perpetual loop of despair that must be brought to a close. For them, the only salvation is the complete annihilation of all things, a return to the void where pain no longer exists.

Like the Pillars, the Apocalypties come in many forms:

  • Demons and cosmic horrors: These are entities born of darkness and chaos, feeding off destruction. They seek the end of all creation, driven by their hatred for life and their desire to see it extinguished. In their minds, life itself is suffering, and by bringing about the apocalypse, they believe they are liberating souls from an endless cycle of torment.

  • Viruses and diseases: Apocalypties can also take the form of plagues that infect both body and soul. These diseases corrupt and contaminate everything they touch, reducing worlds to ruin. Their goal is not just the death of physical forms, but the destruction of souls themselves, severing them from the cycle of rebirth and renewal that defines life’s continuation.

The Apocalypties are not mere villains—they are driven by a twisted sense of mercy, seeking to end all suffering by destroying the very fabric of existence. Where Pillars see hope and potential, Apocalypties see only agony and despair.

The Balance Between Pillars and Apocalypties

While the Pillars strive to uphold life and the Apocalypties seek to end it, both forces are crucial to the ongoing balance of the universe. The tension between creation and destruction, hope and despair, defines the cycle of existence. Without this constant push and pull, the cosmos would fall into either stagnation or oblivion.

Just as a Pillar can rise to the heights of divinity, so too can their counterpart, an Apocalypic, drag the universe back toward annihilation. The battle between these forces rages across time and space, often manifesting through heroes and villains, life-bringers and destroyers.

However, some beings—like Lucifer, fallen Celestials, and Primordial Souls—navigate the grey area between these extremes, neither fully Pillar nor fully Apocalypic. These beings seek to master both order and chaos, hoping to find the true nature of existence itself.

The Duality Within: Pillars and Apocalypties

While the Pillars strive for the continuation of existence, they must always guard against the possibility of falling into the very despair they seek to combat. A Pillar forced into existence unnaturally, or one that is overwhelmed by the suffering and chaos of the world they try to protect, could become an Apocalypic, seeking the release of destruction.

Thus, the journey of a Pillar is not just a battle against external forces but also a battle within. They must continuously balance their positive emotions with the darkness that surrounds them. If they fall into despair or lose their way, they risk becoming a force of destruction, a harbinger of the very end they once fought to prevent.

In this delicate balance lies the core of the Primordial Soul's journey—to maintain the harmony between creation and destruction, to wield both Good and Evil without being consumed by either.

Conclusion: The Eternal Struggle

The struggle between Pillars and Apocalypties is eternal, a reflection of the duality of existence itself. Where Pillars fight to preserve life, inspire hope, and create a future, Apocalypties seek to destroy it all in the belief that only through obliteration can suffering end.

And while Primordial Souls can be born from Pillars, ascending to greater heights of power and wisdom, the danger of becoming an Apocalypic always lingers. The tension between these forces defines the very fabric of existence, and it is through this struggle that life, in all its beauty and horror, continues to unfold.

The Abilities of a Pillar: Guardians of Hope and Victory

Pillars, those remarkable beings who fight for the greater good and the continuation of life, are not just defined by their ideals and convictions—they are often endowed with extraordinary abilities that allow them to defy the natural limits of existence. These abilities are manifestations of their Primordial Soul’s power or their unshakable will, granting them miraculous talents that push the boundaries of possibility. A Pillar’s abilities are as varied as the Pillars themselves, but certain powers tend to emerge in many of these beings, cementing their legendary status in their worlds.

These abilities often appear when a Pillar’s resolve is tested to its utmost limit, when they are facing insurmountable odds or when the very existence of life is at stake. Below are some of the common abilities that Pillars exhibit, though each one may wield them differently depending on their nature and journey.

1. Aura of the Phoenix: The Immortal Flame

One of the most iconic traits of a Pillar is their inability to truly die. Even if their body is completely destroyed—vaporized, shattered, or reduced to dust—a miracle will always bring them back. The circumstances of their resurrection can vary, sometimes occurring through the intervention of a higher power, through their own will, or even through the hands of allies or enemies. Regardless of how it happens, the result is the same—a Pillar will always rise again to continue their fight.

This immortality often symbolizes the unyielding spirit of the Pillar. No matter how many times they fall, they will rise, as their existence is bound to the ongoing continuation of life and hope.

  • Example: In the face of annihilation, a Pillar might be vaporized in a battle against a vastly more powerful enemy, yet moments later, they reappear, sometimes stronger than before, their will renewed. This power gives rise to legends, where the Pillar's resolve becomes the very flame that cannot be extinguished, much like a phoenix rising from its ashes.

2. Goddess of Victory: The Unconquerable Will

While the Aura of the Phoenix ensures that a Pillar cannot die, the Goddess of Victory guarantees that they will always win in the end. No matter how impossible the odds, no matter how many times they are defeated in battle, the Pillar's victory is inevitable. This ability is not always immediate; the Pillar may suffer numerous defeats, fall countless times, and appear hopelessly outmatched, but the outcome will always turn in their favor eventually.

This ability stems from their unbreakable determination—as long as the Pillar desires victory, they will find a way to achieve it, even if it takes years, decades, or longer.

  • Example: A Pillar might be outnumbered by thousands of enemies or face a godlike opponent, yet even if they lose battle after battle, their unyielding will ensures that they eventually outlast their enemy, finding the key to victory in the most unexpected way.

3. The Power of Friendship: Bonds That Transcend Battle

One of the most subtle yet profound abilities of a Pillar is their innate ability to forge deep connections with others. The Power of Friendship allows a Pillar to form alliances and friendships even with those who stand against them. Their heart and compassion are so genuine that they can often earn the respect of enemies who may not join their side but will eventually offer them aid at critical moments.

In the darkest moments, when the Pillar is on the verge of collapse, it is often these friendships—sometimes even with former enemies—that provide them with the strength to rise again. The warmth and kindness of a Pillar can turn the tide of battles, as their allies stand by them, drawn to the Pillar’s purity of spirit.

  • Example: A Pillar may be defeated and left broken on the battlefield, but a former enemy, who once despised them, comes to their aid, lifting them up in their hour of need. Though they may not fully align with the Pillar’s ideals, the respect they have earned compels them to offer help in times of crisis.

4. Aura of Hope: Light in the Darkness

The Aura of Hope manifests in the most dire moments, when the Pillar and those around them are gripped by despair and hopelessness. In these critical moments, the Pillar’s mere presence can dispel despair, inspiring hope not just in themselves but in all those who stand near them. The Aura of Hope extends like a beacon of light, lifting the spirits of even the most disheartened and reinvigorating their will to fight or endure.

This ability is not just limited to the Pillar alone. Sometimes, the Aura of Hope can empower an ally or even a bystander, allowing them to push past their limits, perform miracles, or survive situations that should have ended in their defeat.

  • Example: In the midst of a battle where all seems lost, the Pillar stands firm, and their aura radiates out, calming the fear and despair of those around them. Inspired by their resilience, allies and enemies alike find the strength to keep fighting or to achieve the impossible.

5. Miracle of Life: The Giver of Life

A rare but revered ability among Pillars is the Miracle of Life. This allows a Pillar to save lives, even when all hope seems lost. Whether through a simple phrase like "Just stay with me," or through more direct means such as channeling their Primordial Soul’s energy, the Pillar can defy the natural laws of life and death.

Some Pillars are able to transfer their own life force to save others, restoring grievous wounds, healing the mortally wounded, or even bringing back those who have crossed the threshold of death. There are even Pillars who go so far as to sacrifice their own physical body or avatar, granting their very essence to give life to an entire world or a dying universe. Such acts are seen as the ultimate act of selflessness.

However, not all view this ability positively. There are those—especially beings like Lucifer—who despise this power, seeing it as an unnatural extension of life that distorts the natural balance. They fear the Miracle of Life because it allows the Pillar to bend death in ways that even cosmic forces find difficult to control.

  • Example: A Pillar might kneel beside a fallen ally, placing their hands over them, and through sheer force of will, breathe life back into them. Or, in more extreme cases, a Pillar might sacrifice their own form entirely, giving their body to revitalize an entire planet or civilization on the brink of extinction.

The Dangers of Forcing a Pillar’s Creation

While the creation of a Pillar can be seen as a blessing for a world or universe, forcing the birth of a Pillar is a dangerous practice. When a being is unnaturally pushed into becoming a Pillar, their balance between Good and Evil is often disrupted, opening the door for their dark counterpart to emerge: the Apocalypties.

These entities, driven by pain and suffering, seek nothing but the destruction of life. They wish to return everything to nothingness, driven by the belief that life itself is an endless cycle of torment. Where a Pillar is a force for hope and preservation, an Apocalypic embodies despair and the desire to end existence entirely.

  • Apocalypties manifest as anything from demons and cosmic horrors to plagues, diseases, and even emotional viruses that contaminate the soul. Their ultimate goal is to erase all life, seeing in it only pain and suffering.

One particular figure of great importance, the being that everyone now seeks to mold, currently sleeps. Many fear the awakening of this being, whose connection to sacrificial acts of life has caused both hope and hatred. For some, this being represents a great and noble sacrifice, but for others, it symbolizes an unnatural disruption of the balance between life and death—a being whose power, once fully awakened, could determine the fate of all realities.

Conclusion: Pillars as Forces of Continuation

Pillars are not just individuals with extraordinary powers; they are living embodiments of hope, protectors of life, and guardians of existence. Their abilities reflect their role as defenders of the greater good, capable of rising from the ashes, inspiring others, and defying the very boundaries of life and death. Yet, with such power comes great danger—both for the Pillars themselves and for the worlds they protect. If they fall into despair, or if their creation is forced unnaturally, they risk becoming Apocalypties, entities driven by the need to end all things.

In the grand tapestry of existence, the Pillars are the light, always striving to continue life and ensure its survival. But they must always guard against the darkness within, for the line between creation and destruction is far more fragile than it

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